RNS Number : 7232B
Hummingbird Resources PLC
06 June 2023
Hummingbird Resources plc / Ticker: HUM / Index: AIM / Sector:
06 June 2023
Hummingbird Resources pl c
("Hummingbird" or the "Company")
2022 Sustainability Report
Hummingbird Resources plc ("Hummingbird" or the "Company") (AIM:
HUM), is pleased to announce the release of the Company's 2022
Sustainability report. The full report can be viewed on the
Company's website https://www.hummingbirdresources.co.uk/.
Key highlights:
-- Measurable and significant benefits to the host countries which Hummingbird operates in:
o $438,123 spent on community and livelihood projects in
o 0.84 LTIFR with 0 fatalities at Yanfolila, Mali
o >2.5 million lost time injury ("LTI") free hours in 2022 at
Kouroussa Gold Project in Guinea
o $15.2 million of estimated economic contribution to host
nations in taxes and duties
o 85% of process water recycled
o 90% national employment at operations
o 10,000 trees planted annually in Yanfolila through the
Hummingbird Tree Initiative
-- Responsible gold mining focus, with several key achievements:
o Successfully achieved full compliance with the World Gold
Council's Responsible Gold Mining Principles ("RGMPs"). The result
of significant work over the past three years on improving ESG
integration and monitoring, this is a significant step on the ESG
journey which the Company can take pride in.
o Improved measurement practices for GHG emissions, with
continued assessment of options for reducing the carbon intensity
across the Company's' operations. Key emissions reduction
strategies include a 7MW solar PV system and heat recovery system
to be installed at the Kouroussa site, which is expected to have a
significant impact on emissions, while also saving cost.
o Continued to support initiatives which are having a positive
impact on the ground, working in tandem with community needs.
Initiatives including water infrastructure to provide vital sources
of water, the market garden programme to provide an alternative
source of livelihood for around 900 people in local communities,
primarily women, continued sponsorship of teachers to support the
education system, the ongoing poultry farm project which provides
skills for young people, spraying programmes to prevent malaria,
and improvements to local road infrastructure. The Hummingbird Tree
Initiative now successfully plants 10,000 trees a year, creating a
source of income while providing skills in plant propagation.
o The Single Mine Origin (SMO) Gold initiative, of which
Hummingbird is a founding member, continued to be adopted by miners
and manufacturers in 2022. The SMO certification provides assurance
of our responsible operation for our whole supply chain, including
end consumers.
Dan Betts, Interim Chair and CEO of Hummingbird, commented:
"I am pleased to share with you progress we have made over the
past year and beyond on sustainability issues, demonstrating our
ongoing commitment to improving our performance as we continue to
advance towards a high level of Environmental, Social and
Governance ("ESG") disclosure. Strong ESG performance is essential
to the sustainable success of our business, as it underpins our
social licence to operate, and serves as the foundation of our
important relationships with the communities and governments of our
host nations. Our core value of responsible mining underpins our
internal practices, and our focus on providing a positive lasting
legacy in the regions where we operate."
Sustainability Report Highlights
Hummingbird's 2022 Sustainability Report has been prepared with
guidance from an external sustainability consultancy firm. A
materiality assessment process reviewed key issues for the mining
sector in order to determine their materiality to the company. The
determination of material topics and their importance in turn
inform the disclosures in the Sustainability Report ("Report"),
ensuring that the Report addresses all topics which are determined
to be most material to mining companies by recognised ESG
frameworks.. In future reports, we will consider different
frameworks to align our sustainability disclosures against in
addition to the RGMPs and intend for our 2023 sustainability report
to be our first report to address the recommendations of the Task
force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ("TCFD").
Our approach to environmental management is to avoid, reduce,
mitigate, and compensate our impacts wherever possible, with our
objective being to protect and conserve the natural environment,
and to continually improve our performance.
Greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions and energy efficiency.
Scope 1+2 emissions and contractor emissions
UK and Offshore Global Total
---------------- ----------- -----------
Scope 1 (tCO2e) - 12,447 12,446
---------------- ----------- -----------
Scope 2 (Location-based)
(tCO2e) 5 53 57
---------------- ----------- -----------
Contractor emissions
(part of Scope 3) (tCO2e) - 63,900 63,900
---------------- ----------- -----------
Energy Consumption
(kWh) 24,452 47,775,564 47,800,016
---------------- ----------- -----------
Emissions by area of operation
Location Scope 1 Scope 2 Contractor emissions Total (tCO2e)
(tCO2e) (tCO2e) (tCO2e) (part of
Scope 3)
--------- --------- --------------------- --------------
Bamako office) 11,594 40 58,998 70,632
--------- --------- --------------------- --------------
Conakry office) 852 13 4,902 5,767
--------- --------- --------------------- --------------
London - 5 - 5
--------- --------- --------------------- --------------
Total 12,446 57 63,900 76,404
--------- --------- --------------------- --------------
Emissions intensity (tCO2e / oz gold)
Scope 1 + 2 + contractor emissions
intensity 0.95
Scope 1+2 intensity 0.16
* Numbers are displayed in rounded form meaning sum totals may
differ by a value of 1
Water management.
-- Water is essential for mining activities and is used at many
different stages in our operations, including ore processing. Good
management of water and robust water efficiency measures are
critical for protecting the surrounding environment, and for
ensuring that there is enough water for other users.
Yanfolila Water Management
2020 2021 2022
Water recycled from
TSF (%) 78% 86% 85%
----- ----- -----
Fresh water efficiency
(m(3) /tonne ore) 0.42 0.26 0.20
----- ----- -----
Tailing storage facility ("TSF") management.
-- Tailings are the residual by-product of mining activities,
and are stored in Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF). Tailings
facilities need to be properly managed in order to ensure their
stability and to prevent seepage, given that tailings contain
residual hazardous chemicals from processing activities. Due to the
significant environmental impact they can have, good management of
tailings is one of our highest priorities.
-- The Yanfolila TSF is subject to monthly internal review and
monitoring, a third-party review of the dam's design, and
construction and continued operation is completed in compliance
with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM).
The TSF is independently audited quarterly by a chartered engineer,
and independently audited annually by Knight Piésold, a specialist
geotechnical consultancy, in order to ensure alignment with
established international standards and practices, and to make any
recommendations for changes in operating practices.
-- Knight Piésold designed and was the engineering company for
the TSF construction at the Kouroussa project. Once in operations,
the Kouroussa TSF will mirror the same tailings management as at
-- Our mines are located at sites with ecological and
biodiversity-related sensitivities, with the potential for our
operations to have a significant impact on local wildlife and
ecology. In accordance with our Environmental Policy, we are
committed to avoiding or mitigating our biodiversity impacts, and
we seek to rehabilitate and protect the environments where our
operations are located. We do not undertake exploration or mining
activities on UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Our management of biodiversity begins during the planning stage
of each project, with environmental procedures and protections
integrated into ongoing plans. Each site is subject to an
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) from an early
stage, followed by the development of Biodiversity Management Plans
(BMP). ESIAs help us to determine the impacts our operations may
present, which in turn informs our environmental approach for each
o At the Yanfolila site, a number of ESIA studies have been
completed over the years, including an ESIA study in 2013 followed
by an independent Rapid Wildlife Assessment in 2015, an ESIA study
in Sanioumale East in 2021 ahead of the 2022 resettlement programme
and an ESIA study in 2022 at the Komana East Underground
o An ESIA was performed at the Kouroussa site as a prerequisite
to obtaining environmental authorisation for mine development. An
updated ESIA report was the initiated in 2020, which provided the
basis for the site's Biodiversity Management Plan.
o In 2022 an ESIA was completed for the Dugbe site by Pasofino,
in accordance with the Liberian Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Procedural
Guidelines (2017). The ESIA involved primary environmental and
social data collection by a team of Liberian and international
specialists, and built on data available from the previous ESIA
study of the site completed in 2015.
Following the ESIA, an Environmental and Social Management Plan
(ESMP) has been developed that outlines the management required to
mitigate negative impacts and optimise positive impacts from the
project, which along with the ESIA has been submitted to the
Liberian EPA.
Social and country economic highlights
Local communities.
-- Education at Yanfolila, Mali
o Since 2016 we have sponsored 12 teachers at local schools to
assist in the delivery of education to some of Mali's poorest rural
communes, improving the education system in a region covering 10
villages. At the Sanioumale site, we have recently provided
salaries for three teachers, and paid for the construction of three
additional classrooms.
o We have additionally partnered with Malian NGOs to offer
vocational training programmes to youths, with topics including
both trade skills and basic business schools.
-- Market Gardens
o Since commencing operations at Yanfolila, we have supported
the development of local community market gardens servicing 16
villages. In the communities surrounding the Yanfolila mine, these
provide sustainable alternative livelihoods and agricultural skills
for over 900 people, mainly local women.
o We provide support for w ater infrastructure and the wells
required to operate the garden, building infrastructure and
maintenance and supplying tools and training in agriculture
o Planning is underway for future community livelihood
programmes at Kouroussa, with an agreement reached with the
community to develop a market garden programme with accompanying
Community Healthcare
o In partnership with Critical Care International ("CCI") we
continued to deliver our annual malaria Indoor Residual Spraying
("IRS") campaigns.
o The IRS treated five satellite villages of the mine during the
rainy season, Bougoudalé, Tiémba, Lèba, Soloba and Komana, with a
total of over 2,000 structures sprayed and 10,457 individuals
o Hummingbird also supported the construction and continues to
support the running of a community health centre in Bougoudalé,
details of which are given on page 33.
o Additionally, through CCI we run educational workshops to
inform employees and local communities on topics including
infectious disease, maternity, and sexual health.
o A summary of expenditures in 2022 at Yanfolila on both
community investments and livelihood projects is given below:
Soap project
Livelihood restoration Poultry farm project
and food security Market gardens 123,637
Borehole construction
Bougoudalé water supply
WASH programme Market garden wells 126,065
Construction of classrooms at
Sponsorship for English courses
Education / Training Nurse and teacher salaries (20) 67,092
Maternity equipment
Health Malaria sprays 9,091
Committee meetings
Stakeholder engagement Local donations 112,238
All employees and contractors are required to complete
Hummingbird's safety training modules in hazard awareness, job
safety analysis, basic fire response, and first aid and chemicals
awareness. We provide role-specific training for roles with higher
risk, including for the handling of cyanide. Site safety managers
are responsible for maintaining safety training records.
In 2022, training hours were 13,464 (2021: 6,230 hours) above
our target of 11,400 hours annually. In 2023,
we expect to continue to meet our safety training target.
Training Hours
Topic Training Hours
Safety Inductions 4,355
External Emergency Response
Training 440
Cyanide Awareness 1,340
Working at Heights 320
Workplace Inspection 384
Industrial Fire Fighting 864
First Aid Training 1,325
Defensive Driver Training 984
Security Training - VPSHR 264
Other Safety Training (including
hazard awareness and LOTO) 3,188
Total Training Hours 13,464
Local and national employment focus.
-- The involvement of local people working within our mine and
across our projects is central to our vision of sustainable and
responsible mining. We prioritise local and national recruitment at
both sites to help build talent and skills in our organisation and
to contribute to our positive impact on local, regional, and
national economies and communities.
-- At both operational sites we are committed to ongoing
nationalisation plans for all positions and national succession
plans for roles currently held by international employees.
-- At Yanfolila, 94% of all site employees, including
contractors, are Malian nationals. Out of all Malian employees, 37%
are from local communities, an improvement on 35% in 2021.
-- At Kouroussa, 83% of all site employees, including
contractors, are Guinean nationals. Out of all Guinean employees,
63% are from local communities.
Ethical business
Anti-bribery and Corruption
At Hummingbird, we have no tolerance for bribery and corruption.
Bribery is a crime which has a major negative economic, political
and environmental impact on societies, and diverts public resources
from priorities such as education, infrastructure and health.
Our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy is part of the Code of
Conduct, which is shared with and signed by all employees upon
commencement. This policy applies to all employees and provides
instruction on the principles and behaviours in relation to bribery
which must be adhered to. The policy details the whistleblowing
channels through which concerns can be raised, and includes an
option for confidential reporting of incidents.
We require all employees to complete anti-bribery training upon
commencement and sign a declaration in relation to Conflict of
Interest and the Gift & Hospitality register, and complete
updated training annually. Training courses cover our expectations
of employee behaviour, and how to effectively recognise and report
instances of potential misconduct.
We have Code of Conduct and Anti-bribery and Corruption
classroom trainings at sites, run by our HR teams, in order to
ensure that employees who do not have access to computers, who are
on rotation, or who have low literacy have access to regular
We take any misconduct in relation to our Policies seriously,
and intends to maintain a culture of openness and accountability.
Employees at all levels are encouraged to speak up in relation to
suspected wrongdoing on issues including bribery, corruption,
dangers to health and safety, or any other breach of internal
policies and procedures. Our Whistleblowing Policy recommends that
staff raise issues with their line managers, and includes a
confidential line of reporting available at all hours, with contact
options for email and phone included to report issues directly to
the Chair of the Audit Committee, the Company Secretary, and the
Modern Slavery
In compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, Hummingbird
publishes an annual Modern Slavery Statement, approved by the
Board, which describes the steps taken towards seeking to ensure
that there is no slavery or human trafficking within our business
or at any stage of the supply chain. Respect for human rights and
total compliance with laws on forced labour and trafficking are
conditions of our Supplier Code of Conduct, with due diligence
carried out on key suppliers as part of the tender process. There
were no reported cases of modern slavery during 2022 for
Qualified persons
"We're pleased to have worked closely with Hummingbird Resources
on the development of their 2022 Sustainability Report, and to have
created a report which reflects the efforts made by the company
towards having a positive lasting impact on the people and
environments of its host nations. As part of preparing the report
Sillion carried out a materiality assessment, and calculated
Hummingbird's Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions for the first
time, preparing these in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard. We're looking forward to
assisting Hummingbird further as the company continues on its
sustainability journey."
- Joe Beviss, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Sillion
Notes to Editors:
Hummingbird Resources plc (AIM: HUM) is a leading multi-asset,
multi-jurisdiction gold producing Company, member of the World Gold
Council and founding member of Single Mine Origin
(www.singlemineorigin.com). The Company currently has two core gold
projects, the operational Yanfolila Gold Mine in Mali, and the
Kouroussa Gold Mine in Guinea, which will more than double current
gold production when in production, scheduled for first gold pour
the end of Q2 2023. Further, the Company has a controlling interest
in the Dugbe Gold Project in Liberia that is being developed by
joint venture partners, Pasofino Gold Limited. The final
feasibility results on Dugbe showcase 2.76Moz in Reserves and
strong economics such as a 3.5-year capex payback period once in
production, and a 14-year life of mine at a low AISC profile. Our
vision is to continue to grow our asset base, producing profitable
ounces, while central to all we do being our Environmental, Social
& Governance ("ESG") policies and practices.
For further information, please visit hummingbirdresources.co.uk or contact:
Daniel Betts, Hummingbird Resources Tel: +44 (0) 20 7409
CEO plc 6660
Thomas Hill,
Edward Montgomery,
James Spinney Strand Hanson Limited Tel: +44 (0) 20 7409
Ritchie Balmer Nominated Adviser 3494
-------------------------- ----------------------------
James Asensio Canaccord Genuity Limited Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523
Gordon Hamilton Broker 8000
-------------------------- ----------------------------
Bobby Morse Buchanan Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466
Oonagh Reidy Financial PR/IR 5000
George Pope Email: HUM@buchanan.uk.com
-------------------------- ----------------------------
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
June 06, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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