30 April

MaxRets Ventures
("MaxRets" or the
Final Results for the year
ended 31 October 2023
MaxRets Ventures, (AQUIS:MAX), an
investing company focusing on early-stage growth or undervalued
later stage businesses with strong upside potential,
announces its final results for the year ended 31 October
Extracts of the Company's audited
report and accounts can be found below. A full copy of the final
results, which should be read in full, will shortly be available on
the Company's website www.maxrets.com
This announcement contains inside
information for the purpose of the UK Market Abuse Regulation and
the Directors of the Company are responsible for the release of
this announcement.
For further information please
MaxRets Ventures plc
Dominic White Non-Executive
c/o Walbrook PR Ltd
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP
AQSE Corporate Adviser
Jo Turner/Ed Downes
+44 20 7213 0880
Non-executive Chairman's Statement
Maxrets Ventures plc (the "Company"
or "Maxrets") is an investment company quoted on the Aquis Stock
Exchange Growth Market ("AQSE"). The Company was incorporated on 1
October 2019 and its shares were admitted to trading on 30 December
Investing Strategy
The Board is following the stated
investment strategy seeking out potential investments primarily in
four sectors that include i) Life Sciences, ii) Fintech businesses
and assets that utilise fintech technology, such as blockchain,
iii) Impact Investing (Environmental and Renewables) iv)
The Board firmly continues to
believe that, as a result of the current challenging global
economic and geopolitical landscape, opportunities now exist to
invest in or acquire distressed or out of favour assets which have
become undervalued, or, assets which may benefit from
The Company now follows a growth
incubator / pre-IPO investment philosophy, whereby it will seek out
early stage or undervalued later stage businesses with strong
upside potential, with the objective of acquiring, funding, growing
and selling-on the investments through the public markets at
enhanced valuations.
The Board will not restrict the
jurisdiction of investments since the application of technology is
not constrained by geographic borders, however, the Board would
expect that it will consider more investments in Europe than
The Company intends to invest
directly or indirectly in public or private businesses. This
investment may take the form of debt or equity and it is expected
that any such investments will ordinarily seek capital growth over
the medium term in preference to income.
Structure of Investments
The Company anticipates that
investments will be made from the Company's own balance sheet
and/or in partnership with other investing entities and will be
expected to be in the form of equity and equity-related
instruments, including convertible debt instruments, and debt. The
Company may offer its ordinary shares and debt instruments in
exchange for shares in investee businesses. The Company may invest
in quoted or listed companies, that are publicly traded, and
private companies. It may acquire investments directly or by way of
holdings in intermediate holding or subsidiary entities. The
Company may also invest in limited liability partnerships and other
forms of legal entity. The Company may invest in majority or
minority positions and will ensure that it has suitable investor
protection rights, as determined by the Board. The Company
may, where appropriate and deemed by the Directors to be in the
Company's best interests, seek a position on the boards of investee
companies to actively monitor and assist the business including
helping to scale senior management, inform and refine strategy,
drive key performance indicators and provide guidance on future
The Company intends to realise value
through exiting the investments over time and will have no fixed
investment period.
Investments in the portfolio
Maxrets has two legacy investments
in the Cannabis sector, both of which were made in
Clearly Brands Limited (formerly
Clearly Supplements Limited)
The first investment in March 2021
was a £100,000 investment in Clearly Supplements Limited
("Clearly") a UK based company offering CBD products direct to
customers. The investment was by way of a convertible loan note
("CLN") with a 5 per cent. coupon and a 12-month duration. The CLN
was expected to convert at the time of a public listing at a 30 per
cent. discount to the placing price at that time. Clearly was
planning to seek its own stock market listing and their application
was well progressed with the FCA and passed eligibility. However,
given changes in market conditions they have decided not to proceed
with a listing.
Clearly developed a range of
products under the Clearly CBD brand. It also established a number
of distribution channels which retail and direct sales. It
focused on certain key market segments such as the fitness sector
and, at the same time, had been looking to build a retail presence
and to operate online.
Following its decision to not
proceed with an IPO, it continues to seek a strategic private
equity partnership. We believe that this initiative has proved to
be difficult to achieve and all indications would suggest that the
company continues to find trading challenging. As a result, we have
now fully provided against the investment in these
Voyager Life Plc (formerly Voyager
Life Limited)
The second investment was made in
April 2021; an equity investment of £100,000 in Voyager Life
Limited ("Voyager"), a health and wellness business focused on CBD
and hemp seed oil, that has developed a range of products under the
Voyager and Voyager Life brands, including oils, gummies, bath and
skincare products.
On 30 June 2021, Voyager announced
that it had completed its own IPO and admission to trading on The
AQSE Growth Market, with the Company holding approximately 2.8% of
the enlarged issued share capital of Voyager at the time of
Whilst Voyager Life plc has grown
considerably since our initial equity investment, the company is
still loss making. Voyager reported operating losses in the year
ended 31 March 2023 of £1.1m and operating losses in the 6 months
ended 30 September 2023 of £0.5m with cash balances of £0.5m.
Voyager recently reported that it was unable to complete a recent
fundraising in connection with a potential corporate acquisition.
In the circumstances the Board believes that it is prudent to fully
write down its investment in Voyager plc.
Investments during the year and outlook
The Board considered a number of
investments in the year to 31 October 2023 two of which were progressed to the due diligence phase,
however, it has yet to find suitably attractive businesses in the
target sectors.
The pipeline of potential
opportunities that fit within the investment strategy continues to
expand and the Board remains confident that it will deliver a
transformative acquisition or business combination in the current
period. The Company is likely to raise additional capital in
due course in connection with any transaction.
The Board has a wide experience in
venture, pre-IPO and private equity investing. Between them
they have grown a number of businesses through to sale and to
listing on public markets in sectors that include technology,
retail, real estate, and life sciences. The intention is to
add an advisory board to the Company to enhance knowledge in
specific business areas based on the next investments
Dominic White
Non-executive Chairman
April 2024
Statement of Comprehensive Income
the year ended 31 October 2023
Administrative expenses
Operating loss
Interest income
Loss before tax
Loss for the financial year
Other comprehensive income for the year
Total comprehensive loss
Earnings/(loss) per share (pence) from continuing operations
attributable to owners of the Company - Basic &
The notes form part of these
financial statements
Statement of Financial Position
at 31 October 2023
Non-current assets
Financial assets
Current assets
Trade and other
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables
Total current liabilities
Capital and reserves
Share capital
Share premium
Share based payment
Retained earnings
Total equity
The financial statements were
approved by the Board of Directors on 30 April 2024 and signed on its behalf
Dominic White
Non-executive Chairman
April 2024
Company number 12237710
The notes form part of these
financial statements.
Statement of Changes in Equity
the year ended 31 October 2023
Share based payment
at 31 October 2021
Loss for the year
Total Comprehensive Expense
Share based payments
Total Transactions with Owners
at 31 October 2022
Loss for the year
Total Comprehensive Expense
Forfeiture of share
(Note 14)
Total Transactions with Owners
at 31 October 2023
The notes form part of these
financial statements.
Statement of Cash Flows
the year ended 31 October 2023
Cash from operating activities
Loss before tax
Adjustments for:
Interest income
Share based payment
Change in value of financial
(Increase)/decrease in other
Increase/(decrease) in trade and
other payables
cash used in operating activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares (net
of issue costs)
cash from financing activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investments
cash from investing activities
cash flow for the year
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year
change in cash and cash equivalents
The notes form part of these financial
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 October
1. General information
Maxrets Ventures plc (the 'Company')
is a public limited company limited by shares and was incorporated
in England on 1 October 2019 with company number 12237710. Its
registered office is 5 Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7RD.
The Company's shares are traded on
the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market under ticker MAX and ISIN
number GB00BJBYK814.
The Company's investment strategy
during the year was investing with a private equity style strategy
in technology driven businesses, as further disclosed in the
Chairman's statement.
The financial statements present the
year to 31 October 2023. During the year, the company was
registered under the name Greencare Capital plc. On 31 January
2023, the name of the company was changed to Maxrets Ventures
2. Basis of preparation
The financial statements of
Maxrets Ventures plc have
been prepared in accordance with U.K. Adopted International
Financial Reporting Standards in conformity with the Companies Act
2006 ('Adopted IFRS').
These financial statements are
prepared on a going concern basis, under the historical cost
convention, as modified by the recognition of listed investments at
fair value.
The financial statements are
presented in Pounds Sterling, which is the Company's presentation
and functional currency, and are presented and rounded in £1,000s
unless otherwise stated.
The preparation of the financial
statements requires the use of certain critical accounting
estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in
the process of applying the Company's accounting policies. The
areas involving a higher degree of judgment and complexity, or
areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the
financial statements are disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
Further information on the
accounting policies used and their application can be found in full
version of the annual report, which is available on the Company's
3. Going concern
As at 31 October 2023, the Company
held cash of £15,000. As an investment business, the company has
limited operating cash flow and is dependent upon its existing cash
balance and the performance of its existing investments for its
working capital requirements. The company has full discretion over
the deployment of capital for new investment opportunities,
provided it is in line with its stated investment policy. The
company closely manages all of the legal fees and other due
diligence costs of all potential investments.
Post period end, the directors have
put in place cost saving initiatives and now expect the annual
operating costs of the business to be circa £0.28 million,
significantly lower than prior years. As at the date of this
report, the Company has received all of the £0.13 million of VAT
recoverable from HMRC that was included in other receivables as at
31 October 2023 and has approximately £32,000 in cash. In addition,
the Company's major shareholder, E Value One Limited, has stated
its intent to support the Company, if needed, such that it can meet
its obligations as they fall due in the next 12 months, although
this is not a guarantee. As a result of the above factors, the
directors have prepared the accounts on a going concern
The described conditions indicate
the existence of material uncertainties that may cast doubt on the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern and the Company
may therefore be unable to realise their assets and discharge their
liabilities in the ordinary course of business. These financial
statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the
Company were unable to continue as a going concern.
The auditors have made reference to
going concern by way of a material uncertainty within their audit
report, an extract of which is below:
"We draw
attention to Note 2 in the financial statements, which indicates
that the company had a cash balance of £15,000 at the year end. As
stated in Note 2, these events or conditions, along with the other
matters as set forth in Note 2, indicate that a material
uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the company's
ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified
in respect of this matter.
In auditing the financial
statements, we have concluded that the directors' use of the going
concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial
statements is appropriate. Our evaluation of the directors'
assessment of the entity's ability to continue to adopt the going
concern basis of accounting included:
· Reviewing the cash flow forecasts prepared by management for
the period up to April 2025, providing challenge to key assumptions
and reviewing for reasonableness;
· A
comparison of actual results for the period to past budgets to
assess the forecasting ability/accuracy of management;
· Reviewing post-year end RNS announcements and held discussions
with management on expenditure plans; and
· Assessing the adequacy of going concern disclosures within the
financial statements.
Our responsibilities and the
responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern are
described in the relevant sections of this report."
4. Earnings per share
Loss for the period
Number of shares
Weighted average number of shares
for basic earnings per share
- Weighted average number
of outstanding warrants
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares for diluted earnings per share
Earnings per share
(Losses) per share (pence) - Basic
and diluted
5. Annual General Meeting
The Directors will inform
shareholders of the arrangements for the AGM in a separate