FORM 8.3






Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")



(a) Full name of discloser:                            Barclays PLC. 
(b) Owner or controller of interests and short 
positions disclosed,  if different from 1(a): 
The naming of nominee or vehicle 
companies is insufficient. For a 
trust, the trustee(s), settlor and 
beneficiaries must be named. 
(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose       BETFAIR GROUP PLC 
relevant securities  this form relates: 
Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree 
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected 
with an offeror/offeree, 
state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree: 
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken:             29 Jan 2016 
For an opening position disclosure, state the latest 
practicable  date prior to the disclosure 
(f) In addition to the company in                      YES PADDY POWER PLC 
1(c) above, is the discloser 
making disclosures in respect of 
any other party to the offer? 
If it is a cash offer or possible 
cash offer, state "N/A" 



If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.


(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of                    ORD 
                            Interests         Short Positions 
                            Number     (%)    Number           (%) 
(1)         Relevant 
            and/or          2,462,226  2.65%  84,646           0.09% 
(2)         Cash-settled 
                            876        0.00%  1,927,716        2.07% 
(3)         Stock-settled 
            and agreements  0          0.00%  0                0.00% 
            TOTAL:          2,463,102  2.65%  2,012,362        2.16% 

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.


Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).


(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation 
to which subscription right  exists: 
Details, including nature of the rights 
concerned and relevant  percentages: 



Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.


The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a)                 Purchases and sales 
Class of relevant   Purchase/DEALING        Number of   Price per unit 
security                                 securities 
ORD                 Purchase             14          43.3300 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             16          43.3500 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             28          43.4850 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             35          43.2600 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             35          43.5500 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             42          43.5900 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             49          43.5800 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             54          43.2850 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             59          43.5150 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             60          43.6150 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             64          43.3800 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             68          43.2700 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             71          43.3650 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             71          43.3400 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             71          43.3850 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             71          43.1900 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             71          43.3000 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             73          43.0800 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             74          43.2750 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             78          43.3710 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             80          43.3200 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             85          43.4000 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             85          43.3100 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             87          43.5650 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             89          43.6300 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             90          43.4150 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             92          43.6050 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             97          43.5200 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             117         43.4250 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             120         43.4100 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             131         43.4400 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             135         43.2900 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             138         43.4750 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             142         43.3150 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             143         43.3779 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             144         43.4200 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             144         43.5260 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             145         43.5000 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             158         43.5982 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             159         43.3250 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             197         43.5300 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             207         43.3900 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             214         43.4700 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             235         43.4350 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             242         43.4500 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             336         43.4800 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             353         43.5950 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             358         43.4300 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             682         43.4900 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             1,100       42.9300 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             1,177       43.3494 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             1,633       43.8535 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             1,916       42.9304 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             2,087       43.3441 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             2,729       43.3723 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             3,813       42.9763 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             6,110       43.1666 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             9,460       43.2220 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             12,886      43.2139 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             15,000      43.5286 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             22,389      43.4328 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             50,071      43.2950 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase             206,786     43.3370 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 14          43.3300 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 16          43.3500 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 28          43.4850 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 35          43.2600 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 35          43.5500 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 42          43.5900 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 49          43.5800 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 54          43.2850 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 59          43.5150 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 60          43.6150 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 64          43.3800 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 68          43.2700 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.1900 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.3850 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.3650 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.3400 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.3000 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 71          43.2950 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 73          43.0800 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 74          43.2750 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 80          43.3200 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 85          43.3100 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 85          43.4000 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 87          43.4201 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 87          43.5650 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 89          43.6300 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 90          43.4150 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 92          43.6050 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 109         43.5200 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 117         43.4250 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 120         43.4100 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 131         43.4400 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 135         43.2900 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 138         43.4750 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 142         43.3150 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 144         43.4200 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 144         43.5260 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 145         43.5000 GBP 

February 01, 2016 10:31 ET (15:31 GMT)

ORD                 Sale                 159         43.3250 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 197         43.5300 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 207         43.3900 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 214         43.4700 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 235         43.4350 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 242         43.4500 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 336         43.4800 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 353         43.5950 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 358         43.4300 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 429         43.1051 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 682         43.4900 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 1,242       42.6123 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 1,307       43.2369 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 1,450       43.8500 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 1,728       43.2026 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 2,156       43.4095 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 2,412       43.8412 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 2,969       43.0789 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 3,088       42.9683 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 3,260       43.1866 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 7,964       43.5648 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 8,430       43.5855 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 22,487      43.2838 GBP 
ORD                 Sale                 73,507      43.6523 GBP 
(b)        Cash-settled 
Class of   Product       Nature of dealing  Number of   Price per 
relevant   description                      reference   unit 
security                                    securities 
ORD        CFD           Long               5           43.3140 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               54          43.3048 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Long               55          43.3300 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               143         43.3248 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               2,156       43.4095 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               2,228       43.2333 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               2,412       43.8412 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Long               4,510       43.8495 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Long               6,054       43.0656 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Long               22,487      43.2838 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              61          43.3739 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              64          43.3851 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              100         42.9439 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              100         43.1726 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Short              114         43.4221 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              117         42.6637 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              158         43.5982 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Short              237         43.4224 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              1,379       43.0867 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              1,407       43.3910 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              1,633       43.8535 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Short              6,308       43.1852 GBP 
ORD        SWAP          Short              20,769      43.2218 GBP 
ORD        CFD           Short              206,786     43.3370 GBP 

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)


(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of   Product      Writing,     Number      Exercise  Type       Expiry date  Option 
relevant   description  purchasing,  of          price     e.g.                    money 
security   e.g.         selling,     securities  per unit  American,               paid/ 
           call         varying      to                    European                received 
           option       etc.         which                 etc.                    per 
                                     option                                        unit 

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant   Product      Exercising/  Number         Exercise price 
security            description  exercised    of securities  per unit 
                    e.g. call    against 

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant   Nature of dealing   Details  Price per unit (if 
security            e.g. subscription,           applicable) 



(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, 
or any agreement or  understanding, 
formal or informal, relating to relevant securities 
which may be an inducement to 
deal or refrain from dealing entered  into by 
the person making the disclosure and any 
party to the offer  or any person acting 
in concert with a party to the offer: 
Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent 
should not be  included. If there 
are no such agreements, arrangements or  understandings, state "none" 

(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or 
understanding, formal or  informal, 
between the person making the disclosure 
and any other  person relating to: 
(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option;  or 
(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any 
relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced: 
If there are no such agreements, arrangements 
or understandings,  state "none" 

(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   NO 
Date of disclosure:   1 FEB 2016 
Contact name:         Andrew Hurley 
Telephone number:     020 7773 0635 

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at monitoring@disclosure.org.uk. The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.


The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk.


View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/DEALING/en/

This information is provided by Business Wire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 01, 2016 10:31 ET (15:31 GMT)

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