The current geographical profile of Group profits before exceptional items at current local rates of tax would result in an underlying blended tax rate of just under 29%. However, there are still tax losses in the USA with a current tax value of GBP2.2 million and in the UK with a current tax value of GBP0.3 million, not yet recognised in the balance sheet. The opportunity to recognise and utilise these as profitability is sustained and improves, will suppress the actual tax rate for some time to come.

Profit for the year

Net profit for the year was down 8.5% to GBP3.7 million (2013: GBP4.1 million). However, this was after charging GBP1.9 million (2013: GBP1.3 million) in respect of exceptional items, with the current year element all relating to the investment and consequent restructuring in our manufacturing facilities in Wales and GBP0.1 million in respect of the new LTIP scheme (2013: nil).

Earnings per share and dividends

Basic earnings per share were 5.2p (2013: 6.0p). After removing the effect of exceptional items, the adjusted earnings per share increased to 8.5p (2013: 8.1p) representing an increase of 4.9%.

Employee share options of 1.8 million had vested but not yet been exercised as at 31 March 2014. As these are exercised, earnings per share will trend towards the fully diluted level and the Company targets growth in this fully diluted metric (before exceptional items) as a primary goal. In addition the Company introduced a new long term incentive plan during the year and this approach of targeting fully diluted earnings per share (before exceptional items) will accommodate that scheme as and when any of the new "performance shares" vest. Details of share plans can be found in note 25 to the financial statements. Fully diluted earnings per share (stated before exceptional items) were 8.3p, up 6.4% on the prior year (2013: 7.8p), and ahead of plan.

No dividend was paid during the year (2013: GBPnil) and the Board does not propose a final dividend for the year. The other primary focus remains the reduction of leverage from the current level of 2.4 times EBITDA (2013: 2.8 times) to below 2.0 times EBITDA. At this point, the Board will consider whether it is appropriate to resume dividends.

Balance sheet and cash flow

Net debt at 31 March 2014 was much improved at GBP36.9 million (2013: GBP42.1 million) and leverage fell accordingly to 2.4 times from 2.8 times in the prior year. Weaker exchange rates helped in this regard and net debt at like for like rates would have been GBP1.4 million higher. Nonetheless this is a very strong performance and well ahead of our plan in a year in which capital expenditure of GBP8.3 million (2013: GBP1.9 million) exceeded depreciation by GBP3.3 million. Notes 17 and 26 to the financial statements provide further information.

Year-end net debt included amounts denominated in US Dollars of $25.5 million (2013: $22.6 million) and in Euros of EUR5.8 million (2013: EUR12.4 million). The year-end exchange rates were $1.67 (2013: $1.52) and EUR1.21 (2012: EUR1.19). Allowing for this, debt stated at constant exchange rates would have been GBP1.4 million higher.

Working capital management continues to be a priority. Outstanding debtors are monitored closely, both to maximise cash but also to reduce our credit risk. Trade debtors reduced to GBP16.1 million (2013: GBP18.8 million) at the year end, more than reversing last year's increase, which related to specific customer circumstances but in the 2013/14 year also reflecting lower Q4 sales in the USA following the extraordinarily adverse weather conditions.

The charge for bad and doubtful debts in the year was GBP0.1 million or less than 0.1% of turnover.

Net stock levels after provisioning for older stock reduced by 3.3% from GBP50.1 million to GBP48.5 million. Stock levels only increased in the USA, again related to lower sales as a result of the poor weather conditions in Q4.

Older stock (measured as over 15 months since last purchase) increased slightly from GBP5.1 million to GBP5.8 million (at March 2014 exchange rates) but provisioning remains adequate and our businesses consistently achieve in excess of 100% recovery against written down values of old stock.

Group cash generated from operations was more than double that of the prior year at GBP15.2 million (2013: GBP7.5 million), reflecting full conversion of operating profits into cash flow and assisted by a small net reduction in working capital of GBP0.7 million (2013: increase of GBP5.7 million).

As noted above, investment in capital expenditure was very substantial at GBP8.3 million (2013: GBP1.9 million), well above depreciation and the prior year. This reflects the investment in two new state-of-the-art printing presses and associated facilities at our gift wrap manufacturing operation in Wales, matching the equivalent capability installed in Europe in 2012 that is now yielding such strong results. During the year we also invested in further automation at our manufacturing facilities in China and the USA, which mitigates against the twin challenges of availability and cost of labour.

The investment in Wales is consolidating our operations, and we anticipate one of our three current sites will then become available for sale later in the 2014/15 year. The net book value of this site is GBP1.25 million. In addition the Company is in the second of a five-year period by which a company has the option to purchase part of another under utilised site (net book value GBP0.8 million) for a price of GBP2.4 million. This is also generating premium income of GBP0.1 million p.a. over the option period, recognised within other operating income.

Equity attributable to shareholders has increased to GBP53.5 million from GBP51.9 million predominantly reflecting profits generated in the year.

Risks and key performance indicators

Our areas of primary focus are:

        *    improved earnings attributable to shareholders, which 
             we aim to achieve through top line growth and mix 
             management in selected markets and channels together 
             with strong cost and gross margin management; and 
              *    lower leverage measured as the ratio of net debt to 
                   pre-exceptional EBITDA, which we aim to achieve 
                   through improved profitability together with close 
                   management of our working capital. 

Operationally this means a focus on:

        *    nurturing valuable relationships: monitoring the 
             profitability, product mix and service delivered in 
             respect of our customer base; growing those 
             relationships in existing and new territories and 
             product categories; 
        *    creating a toolbox of expertise: ensuring that we 
             have market leading design and product capability in 
             our categories, sharing knowledge through common 
        *    providing best quality, value and service: monitoring 
             and benchmarking the key elements of our cost bases, 
             buying or manufacturing as efficiently and 
             effectively as possible from a total cost perspective 
             across the whole season so that we can deliver great 
             value to customers and strong returns to 
        *    balancing our business: we monitor the mix and 
             profitability in each of our businesses across season, 
             brand and product categories, seeking out those 
             opportunities that yield the best returns on our 
             scarce capital while rooting out those activities 
             that consume resources for little or no gain; and 
        *    providing differentiated product offerings: across 
             the value, mass and upscale markets. 

Foreign Exchange Impact to Profit and Earnings

Our diverse geographical revenue and profit streams continue to provide us with market resilience but naturally this carries with it the volatility of currency. As noted above in the context of net debt, foreign exchange rates impacted significantly in the year on the translation of our overseas figures relative to prior years with the US dollar rate moving 10% from 1.52 to 1.67 during the year and the Australian dollar rate moving 23% from 1.46 to 1.80. The movement in the Euro rate was more muted at 1.19 to 1.21. This change in rates placed some pressure on profit against planned outcomes although this was manageable within 2013/14. However, if we assume that the significantly weaker rates at the end of the year continue through calendar 2014, the impact will be more material in next year's results through the translation of overseas earnings.

Treasury operations

The Group operates with four supportive bankers, each addressing one of our geographic segments. The Group's principal bank has recently extended additional facilities to support the capital programme in Wales, now almost complete. Current global facilities comprise:

        *    term facilities at Group level in Sterling and USD, 
             repayable in tranches with bullets in May 2016; 
        *    leasing facilities for seven and five years 
             respectively in the UK and Netherlands for key plant 
             and machinery; 
        *    asset backed facilities secured on the stock and 
             debtors of the relevant operating businesses in each 
             segment, all of which have at least one more year to 
             run and are usually renewed for two to three years at 
             a time; and 
        *    a revolving multi-currency credit facility and 
             overdraft to manage peak working capital 
             requirements; these are renewed in May annually. 
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