Press Release 30th September 2014 
Impact Holdings (UK) plc 
                          ("Impact" or "The Group") 
            Preliminary results for the year ended 31st March 2014 
Impact Holdings (UK) plc. (AIM: IHUK), the specialist lender, 
announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31st March 2014. 
Financial Highlights 
  - Group's pre-tax profit of GBP97,088 (2013: Restated profit GBP45,340) 
  - Earnings per share 3.7p (2013: Restated 1.8p) 
  - Further reduced exposure to external debt providers 
  - Cash and cash equivalents of GBP0.7 million (2013: GBP0.7 million) 
  - Net assets of GBP5.58 million (2013: Restated GBP5.44 million) 
Commenting on the results Paul Davies, the Chief Executive, said 
"Trading results remain suppressed whilst the group's lending subsidiary 
companies continue to pursue complex litigation against errant borrowers and 
professional advisors. Following on from recent successful recoveries and 
cases concluded in our favour the directors anticipate that the litigation 
process is likely to be successfully concluded within the next two years." 
For further information: 
Impact Holdings (UK) plc. 
Paul Davies Chief Executive Officer   Tel: +44 (0)1928 793 550 
Zeus Capital 
Nick Cowles/Andrew Jones              Tel +44 (0)161 831 1512 
Notes to the Editor: 
Impact Holdings (UK) plc through its individual subsidiaries 
provides financial outsourcing and ancillary services to the legal profession. 
In addition Impact will fund other opportunities where debt 
instruments or debentures provide the primary security and there are 
opportunities for short term bespoke funding where serviceability precludes 
larger lenders from entering this area. 
Impact is regulated by the Office of Fair Trading through which it 
is licensed to lend under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 
The financial information detailed below has been extracted from the Annual 
Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014, which are available 
from Zeus Capital, 82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ and on the Company's 
website (www.impactholdings.net). 
We have previously advised that as a consequence of the ongoing credit crisis 
and new economic environment in which we operate it has been necessary to seek 
out additional revenue streams for the group. 
As previously advised the Board and management team continues to spend considerable 
effort in looking at the strategic direction the business is taking following the 
lack of liquidity in the banking market. This has culminated in the decision to 
diversify the Company's product offering and reduce the group's exposure to 
financial institutions. 
The 2013 financial statements have been restated as a consequence of a prior 
period adjustment details of which are shown in note 4 
Trading results remain suppressed whilst the group's lending 
subsidiary companies continue to pursue complex litigation against errant 
borrowers and professional advisors. Following on from recent successful 
recoveries and cases concluded in our favour the directors anticipate that the 
litigation process is likely to be successfully concluded within the next two 
On 28th March 2014 the High Court confirmed the Board's proposal 
that had previously been approved by the shareholders to implement a capital 
reduction and increase the distributable reserves of the Group in order to 
support the Group's ability to pay dividends, should it be desirable to do so 
in the future. 
The Board remains committed to adhering to strong Corporate Governance and 
operating within a framework of prudent controls which ensures the future risks 
of the business are controlled and managed. 
The development of the strategic direction of the business has continued in 
this financial year with a further reduction in our exposure to third party funders. 
This peaked at GBP10.0m in March 2010 and now stands at GBP1.5m as at 31 March 2014. 
The group remains focused on providing services to the legal and business sectors. 
The Board of Directors is committed to the future growth opportunities earmarked and 
continues to develop this strategy which will provide the foundation for controlled 
growth, increased profitability over time and enhanced shareholder value. 
The dedication and commitment of all staff to re-align the business is a credit as 
they have collectively worked with commitment and resilience to deliver this performance. 
I should like to place on record my appreciation for the efforts of 
the executive, management and staff during the year. I also appreciate the 
enthusiasm and support of my fellow directors and thank them for their 
continued encouragement and counsel. 
No dividend will be declared for the year. 
Roger Barlow 
Non-executive Chairman 
                                                                                      Year                   Year 
                                                                                     ended                  Ended 
                                                                                31/03/2014             31/03/2013 
                                                                                         GBP                      GBP 
Revenue                                                                          1,740,529              1,035,310 
Cost of Sales                                                                  (1,307,442)              (413,906) 
Gross Profit                                                                       433,087                621,404 
Exceptional operating expenses                                     (1,904,412)                 566,667 
Operating expenses                                                 (1,513,615) (3,418,027) (1,142,814)  (576,147) 
Operating (Loss)/profit                                                        (2,984,940)                 45,257 
Exceptional interest receivable and similar income                               3,082,028                     83 
Profit for the year from operations before tax                                      97,088                 45,340 
Tax (charge)                                                                             -                (1,697) 
Profit for the year attributable to the owners of the parent                        97,088                 43,643 
Earnings per share (pence) 
Basic                                                                                 3.7p                   1.8p 
Diluted                                                                               3.7p                   1.8p 
Other than as disclosed in the consolidated Income Statement and the 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity there are no further gains or 
losses. Accordingly, no separate statement of other comprehensive income has 
been presented. 
All activities are considered to be continuing. 
                                                                                              2014          2013 
                                                                                                 GBP             GBP 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                                                                   421,766       421,766 
Property, plant and equipment                                                              918,580       921,890 
Deferred taxation                                                                          170,195       170,195 
                                                                                         1,510,541     1,513,851 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables including amounts falling due after more than 
one year                                                                                 5,973,186     8,289,589 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                  692,685       690,242 
                                                                                         6,665,871     8,979,831 
Total assets                                                                             8,176,412    10,493,682 
Equity and liabilities 
Share capital                                                                            1,311,201     6,411,201 
Share premium account                                                                            -     5,125,291 
Shares held by Employee Benefit Trust                                                     (45,070)      (45,070) 
Retained earnings                                                                        4,310,645   (6,051,083) 
Issued capital and reserves attributable to parent                                       5,576,776     5,440,339 
Trade and other payables due after more than one year                                      540,335       540,261 
Trade and other payables due in less than one year                                       2,059,301     4,513,082 
Total equity and liabilities                                                             8,176,412    10,493,682 
These financial statements were approved by the board on 29 September 2014 
                                                                                              2014          2013 
                                                                                                 GBP             GBP 
Operating activities 
Cash generated/(absorbed) by operations                                                    456,145     (102,843) 
Net cash generated/(absorbed) by operating activities                                      456,145     (102,843) 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                                                               25            83 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                (34,914)      (71,248) 
Net cash (used) in investing activities                                                   (34,889)      (71,165) 
Financing activities 
Issue of equity share capital                                                                    -       320,003 
Loan incepted                                                                              500,000             - 
Loan repaid                                                                              (500,000)             - 
Net decrease in other amounts owed to lending institutions                               (418,813)     (531,932) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                                               (418,813)     (211,929) 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                         2,443     (385,937) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                                                       690,242     1,076,179 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March                                                      692,685       690,242 
                                                     Share       Share   Shares   Share  Profit and     Total 
                                                   Capital     premium  held by options loss account 
                                                         GBP           GBP        GBP       GBP           GBP         GBP 
Balance at 31 March 2012                         6,211,201   5,005,288 (45,070)       - (6,094,726) 5,076,693 
Ordinary shares issued                             200,000           -        -       -           -   200,000 
Share premium on issued shares                           -     120,003        -       -           -   120,003 
Net profit for the year                                  -           -        -       -     250,071   250,071 
Balance at 31 March 2013                         6,411,201   5,125,291 (45,070)       - (5,844,655) 5,646,767 
Prior period adjustment (note 4)                         -           -        -       -   (206,428) (206,428) 
Restated balance at 31 March 2013                6,411,201   5,125,291 (45,070)       - (6,051,083) 5,440,339 
Net profit for the year                                  -           -        -       -      97,088    97,088 
Share premium reduction                                  - (5,125,291)        -       -   5,125,291         - 
Cancellation of ordinary B shares              (5,100,000)           -        -       -   5,100,000         - 
Share options                                            -           -        -  39,349           -    39,349 
Balance at 31 March 2014                         1,311,201           - (45,070)  39,349   4,271,296 5,576,776 
1. The financial information set out in this announcement does not 
constitute the group's financial statements (as defined by s434 of the 
Companies Act 2006) for the year ended 31st March 2014. The results for the 
year ended 31st March 2014 are extracted from the Annual Report of Impact 
Holdings (UK) plc, on which the auditors have issued an unqualified report 
which includes an emphasis of matter. 
2. Pursuant to AIM Rule 20 copies of the Annual Report may be 
downloaded from the company's web site www.impactholdings.netand will be 
posted to shareholders shortly. Further copies will be available from Zeus 
Capital, 3 Ralli Courts, West Riverside, Manchester, M3 5FT. 
3. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Company's 
registered office, 7500 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4BS on 17th 
December 2014 at 8.45am. 
4. Prior period adjustment 
During preparation of this year's financial statements, the directors became 
aware of a material error in the 2013 statements. Shortly after the end of the 
previous financial period the lender of one of the group's subsidiary 
companies agreed by negotiation, subject to future performance, to grant a 
discount on the introduction of a third party lender. On advice from the 
previous auditors, which the directors accepted, this transaction was treated 
as an adjusting post balance sheet event and included in the 2013 figures 
where appropriate. As the agreement was made shortly after the end of the 2013 
financial year the transaction should have been treated as an un-adjusting 
post balance sheet event. 
A review has been undertaken by the directors following the appointment of new 
auditors of both the 2014 and 2013 financial results. The directors have re-stated 
the 2013 financial statements to remove the transaction, together with the associated 
or linked adjustments thereto from the 2013 financial statements and include them 
where appropriate in the 2014 statements. The directors have amended the financial 
statements to re-state the 2013 figures and disclose the relevant amendments in 2014 
as a prior year adjustment. 
The removal of the discount and the associated or linked adjustments have had the 
following effect on the 2013 financial statements: the removal of the discount has 
increased other operating expenses by GBP2,504,459, reduced cost of sales by GBP16,760 
and increased trade and other payables due in less than one year by GBP2,487,699; the 
removal of a provision against recoverability of trade receivables has reduced other 
operating expenses by GBP2,004,693 and increased trade and other receivables by the 
same amount; the removal of legal fees and professional fees relating to the 
transaction together with the removal of a bonus provision and other sundry costs 
has reduced other operating expenses and trade payables due in less than one year 
by GBP276,446. Bad debts recovered previously stated as revenue of GBP274,617 has been 
offset against bad debts provided in operating expenses. The balance at bank has 
been adjusted by GBP1,829 as part of these adjustments. These adjustments required 
the deferred tax charge to be adjusted by GBP1,697. The net effect of these adjustments 
is to reduce profits by GBP206,428. The above transactions were then reversed when 
re-introduced into the 2014 financial statements. Exceptional interest and similar 
income in 2014 relates to the discount. Exceptional operational expenses in 2014 
relates to provisions against recoverability of trade receivables. 
As a result, comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2013 have been adjusted as follows: 
                                                                      Previously          2013    Restated 
Profit for the year                                                       stated    Adjustment        2013 
                                                                               GBP             GBP           GBP 
Revenue                                                                1,309,927     (274,617)   1,035,310 
Cost of sales                                                          (430,666)        16,760   (413,906) 
Gross profit                                                             879,261     (257,857)     621,404 
Other operating expenses                                               (629,273)        53,126   (576,147) 
Operating profit                                                         249,988     (204,731)      45,257 
Interest received                                                           83 2                        83 
Operating profit after interest                                          250,071   - (204,731)      45,340 
Tax charge                                                                     -       (1,697)     (1,697) 
Profit for the year after tax                                            250,071     (206,428)      43,643 
Net assets 
Trade and other receivables including amounts 
falling due after more than one year                                   6,284,896     2,004,693   8,289,589 
Deferred tax                                                             171,892       (1,697)     170,195 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                688,413         1,829     690,242 
Trade and other payables due in less 
than one year                                                        (2,301,829) ( (2,211,253) (4,513,082) 
Retained earnings                                                    (5,844,655)     (206,428) (6,051,083) 

Impact Holdings (LSE:IHUK)
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Impact Holdings (LSE:IHUK)
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