RNS Number:5615E
Mondial English Holdings Limited
26 September 2007

                          MONDIAL ENGLISH HOLDINGS LTD



I report that the Group made a loss, both before and after tax, for the six
months ended 30 June 2007 of #, 51,000 (2006 restated loss #37,000) on a
turnover of #NIL (2006 restated #NIL) No dividend is proposed for the period
(2006 Nil).


The Company is a "shell" and the Board has continued to actively seek suitable
takeover targets. Negotiations for a reverse takeover are now at an advanced
stage and an announcement will be made as soon as a contract has been agreed.

John Corre
Chairman             26 September 2007

For further information please contact:

Mondial English Holdings Ltd
John Corre, Chairman
Tel: +972 5446 02253

HB Corporate
Jim McGeever, Director Corporate Finance
Tel: +44 (0)20 7510 8600

Mondial English Holdings Ltd

Summarised Consolidated Profit and Loss Accounts

                                Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited
                             6 months ended     6 months ended     Year ended
                              30 June 2007      30 June 2006    31 December 2006
                                  #'000              #'000            #'000

Turnover                           NIL                NIL              NIL
Operating Loss                    (44)               (35)             (70)
Financial expenses                 (7)                (2)              (4)
Gain from disposal of subsidiary    -                  -               37

Loss on ordinary activities       (51)               (37)             (37)
                                  -----              -----            -----

Loss per share (pence)         ( 0.0015)            (0.011)         (0.0015)


1.There are no recognised gains and losses other than the profits and losses
above and therefore no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses
has been presented.

2. The results for the 6 months to 30 June 2006 have been restated to reflect
the sale of all trading subsidiaries in September 2006.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

Mondial English Holdings Ltd

Balance Sheets

                                  Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                               6 months ended   6 months ended     Year ended
                                30 June 2007     30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                                    #'000            #'000            #'000

Non-current assets
Tangible Fixed Assets                -                49                -
Long-term trade receivables          -                 -                -    
                                     -                49                -
                                   -----             -----            ----- 

Current assets
Stock                                -                228               -
Trade receivables                    -                114               -
Other receivables                    -                 -                2
Cash and cash equivalents            -                 4                -
                                     -                346               2
                                   -----             -----            ----- 

Current liabilities

Short-term credits                   16               502              11
Short-term loan from director        89                -               33
Short-term loan from investor         -                79               -
Trade creditors                       -                71               -
Other creditors                      13               374              19
                                     118            1,026              63
                                    -----           -----             ----- 

Net current liabilities             (118)           (680)             (61)
=======================             -----           -----             -----

Non-current liabilities
Long-term bank loan,
less current maturities              25               -                31
Post-retirement benefits             -                95                -
                                     25               95               31

Net liabilities                     (143)           (726)             (92)
===============                     -----           -----             ----- 

Deficiency in shareholders' Equity

Called up share capital             4,175           3,019             4,175
Share premium                        450             518               450
Receipts on account of warrants       21              7                 21
Profit and loss account            (4,789)         (4,270)           (4,738)

Total deficiency in
Shareholders' equity funds          (143)           (726)              (92)
==========================          -----           -----             ----- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

Mondial English Holdings Ltd

Cash Flow Statements

                                  Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                               6 months ended   6 months ended    Year ended
                                30 June 2007     30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                                   #'000            #'000            #'000

Net cash inflows/outflows
from operating activities
Adjustments for:
Operating Loss                       (51)            (222)            (74)
Exchange rate adjustment              -               100               -
Depreciation of fixed assets          -                10               -
Decreasein stock                      -                24               -
Decrease (increase) in trade
and other receivables                (2)               14              (2)
Increase(Decrease) in creditors      (4)             (253)              11
Interest payable on loans             2                 -               1

Net cash(outflows) from
operating activities                 (55)            (327)            (64)
====================                 -----           -----            ----- 

Net cash inflows from discontinued
Activities                            -                -              (310)

Investing activities

Purchase of fixed assets              -               (6)               -
Net cash outflows from
investing activities                  -               (6)               -
                                                     (333)            (374)
                                                     -----            -----

Financing activities

Increase in short-term
credits, net                          5               156               1
Receipt of long term loan             56               -                42
Receipt of short term loan            -                -                33
Repayments of long-term loan          (6)             (5)               -
Repayment of short term loan          -               (40)              -
Proceeds of issuance of shares        -               300               298
Exchange rate adjustment              -               (77)              -

Net cash inflows from
financing activities                  55              334               374
====================-               ------           -----             ----- 

Increase (decrease) in cash           -                1                 -
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                   -                3                 -
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period                         -                4                 -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

Mondial English Holdings Ltd

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Report at 30 June 2007


These interim financial statements have been prepared as at 30 June 2007 and for
the six months then ended.

These statements should be reviewed together with the company's annual financial
statements as at 31 December 2006 (hereafter-"the annual statements") and for
the year then ended and the related notes. The financial information for the
full proceeding year is based on the statutory accounts for the financial year
ended 31 December 2006, upon which the auditors issued a qualified opinion,
stating that "The Company has not drawn up a consolidated statement of
operations for the period up to the realization of the investments in the
subsidiary companies in September 2006 due to lack of data as to the results of
their operations up to that date. Consolidated comparative data for prior years
have also not been included. In our opinion, the said data should be presented
in accordance with IFRS regulations".


The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended
31 December 2006. Fixed annual charges are apportioned to the interim period on
the basis of time elapsed. Other expenses are accrued in accordance with the
same principles used in the preparation of the annual accounts.


Earnings per share for the half year to 30 June 2007 have been calculated on the
net loss (2006-loss) after taxation and on 334,891,200(2006-207,949,533)
ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue
throughout the period.


A copy of the Interim Report and the Financial Statement will be posted to all
shareholders. Copies will also be available at the offices of the Company's
Nominated Advisors, HB Corporate, 40 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9TP and at the
Company's Registered Office, 8/3 Molcho Street, Jerusalem, Israel.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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