For immediate release: 
                         Power Capital Global Limited 
                      ("Power Capital" or "the Company") 
  Audited results for the year ended 31 December 2010 and Directorate Change 
Power Capital Global Limited (AIM:PCGB), the People's Republic of China-focused 
natural resources trading and logistics group, has today published its audited 
results for the year ended 31 December 2010 and announces the promotions of 
Board members Lin Kung-Min and Simon Dewhurst to non executive Chairman and 
Chief Executive Officer respectively. The retiring non executive Chairman, 
Mladen Ninkov, remains a non executive director of the Company. 
Post year end operational highlights: 
  * A steam coal export operation has been successfully established in southern 
    Kalimantan, Indonesia, to service power producers and large-scale 
    manufacturers in China and Taiwan; 
  * The company's first two steam coal shipments from Kalimantan have been 
  * A Chinese steam coal trading business is currently being established for 
    domestic CIC trading; 
  * An in principal commodity working capital debt facility has been secured. 
Highlights from within period: 
  * Graham Newell and Simon Dewhurst were appointed to the Board; 
  * The Company's name was changed from Sportswinbet Limited to Power Capital 
    Global Limited; 
  * The Company changed its status in December from an investment business into 
    a new Asia based natural resources trading and logistics group; 
  * Cash resources at the year end stood at GBP1,337,372 (2009 GBP1,612,958). 
Lin Kung-Min, Chairman of PCG, commented: 
"Having completed a repositioning of the business in 2010, the current year has 
got off to a good start. I am confident we will make solid progress during the 
remainder of this year in pursuit of our plans to build Power Capital Global 
into a highly regarded Asian commodity trading group and I look forward to 
providing further updates as the new business develops." 
A full copy of the 2010 Report and Accounts are available for download from the 
Company's web site: www.powercapitalglobal.com 
Further information 
Power Capital Global Limited 
Simon Dewhurst                Tel: Tel: +852 9181 9938 
Northland Capital Partners 
Luke Cairns, Edward Hutton    Tel: +44 (0)20 7492 4750 
GTH Communications Limited 
Toby Hall/Christian Pickel    Tel: +44 (0)20 3103 3900 
Chairman's Statement 
Power Capital Global Limited ("Power Capital Global" or "the Company") has 
today published its results for the year ended 31 December 2010. In the year 
ended 31 December 2010 the Group generated revenues of GBPnil(2009: GBPnil) and 
recorded a loss after taxation of GBP296,762 (2009 Loss: GBP273,587). At 31 
December 2010, the Group had cash resources of GBP1,337,372(2009 GBP1,612,958). 
Lin Kung-Min, Chairman, commented as follows: 
I am delighted to be making my first statement as Chairman of the Company 
with Mladen Ninkov having stepped down in his role as chairman of the board. 
The year ended 31 December 2010 has seen a number of changes at your Company. 
Mladen Ninkov has recently stepped down as chairman of the board. I would 
like to extend my sincere thanks to Mladen for his support and leadership 
during his years of service with the company and am very pleased to have him 
remain on the board in a non-executive capacity. Two new directors have been 
appointed.  Graham Newall joined the board as a non-executive director in 
July 2010 and Simon Dewhurst joined the board as an executive director in 
December 2010. Upon my appointment as chairman, Simon has recently agreed to 
take over from me as chief executive officer of the group. The Company ceased 
to be an investment company and, in December 2010 and, launched a new Asia 
based natural resources trading and logistics business. 
Development activities have started well in 2011. Our immediate focus was to 
launch a steam coal trading business servicing power producers and large-scale 
manufacturers in China and Taiwan. We plan to scale this business opportunity 
in two ways. 
First, the Company established a steam coal export operation based in southern 
Kalimantan in Indonesia. A team of personnel have been sourced with strong 
local relationships and our first two shipments, in aggregate totalling more 
than 70,000 metric tonnes of steam coal, have been executed. We are in the 
process of establishing a domestic corporate presence in Indonesia, and once 
this has been completed we plan to scale our quarterly volumes of steam coal 
exported from Indonesia substantially. 
Secondly, we are in the process of establishing the corporate infrastructure 
and license approvals necessary to trade coal domestically within China. We are 
confident that this work can be quickly completed, and we expect to report in 
the near term with our related development news. 
A strategic partner with more than thirty years coal trading expertise, an 
extensive network of buyer relationships in both China and Taiwan, and an 
immediately available team of personnel is in discussion with us at the current 
time. We will make further announcements in this regard at the appropriate 
time. The management of the Company is now based in Hong Kong. 
Our business strategy will be to focus on in-demand commodities, such as steam 
coal, supplied into and within Greater China. We intend to limit our investment 
in fixed assets to mainland China, and we plan to minimise the amount of 
invested capital in fixed assets so as to support a rapid scaling of our 
capital committed into growing trade volume. 
Finally, we have secured in principal access to a commodity working capital 
debt facility and we expect to draw against this facility during the coming 
months, in sync with the growth in demand for capital from expanding trade 
volume. We will be working over the remainder of the year to agree additional 
sources of trade financing support for the Company with the immediate aim of 
reducing the short-term cost of debt. 
In short, the year has got off to a good start with much done and much more to 
do. I am confident that we will make solid progress during the remainder of 
this year in pursuit of our plans to build Power Capital Global into a highly 
regarded Asian commodity trading business and I look forward to making 
further announcements as the business develops. 
Lin Kung-Min 
31 May 2011 
Statement of Comprehensive Income For The Year Ended 31 December 2010 
                             Notes     Group       Group     Company     Company 
                                        2010        2009        2010        2009 
                                           GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
Revenue                                    -           -           -           - 
Administrative expenses        2   (301,475)   (281,460)   (299,486)   (277,983) 
Operating loss                     (301,475)   (281,460)   (299,486)   (277,983) 
Finance income                 3       4,713       7,873       4,698       7,822 
Loss on ordinary activities        (296,762)   (273,587)   (294,788)   (270,161) 
before taxation 
Income tax expense             4           -           -           -           - 
Loss on ordinary activities        (296,762)   (273,587)   (294,788)   (270,161) 
after taxation 
Other comprehensive income                 -           -           -           - 
Total comprehensive income         (296,762)   (273,587)   (294,788)   (270,161) 
Loss per share (basic and      5    (GBP0.005)    (GBP0.005)    (GBP0.005)    (GBP0.005) 
Statement of Financial Position At 31 December 2010 
                                     Group       Group        Company     Company 
                         Notes        2010        2009           2010        2009 
                                         GBP           GBP              GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investments                6             -           -              2           2 
                                         -           -              2           2 
Current assets 
Trade and other            7         1,275       1,230        455,510     467,377 
Cash and cash                    1,333,372   1,612,958        878,996   1,148,156 
                                 1,334,647   1,614,188      1,334,506   1,615,533 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables   8      (39,271)    (22,050)       (31,871)    (18,110) 
Net current assets               1,295,376   1,592,138      1,302,635   1,597,423 
Total net assets                 1,296,376   1,592,138      1,302,637   1,597,425 
Paid-in Capital            9     2,982,826   2,982,826      2,982,826   2,982,826 
Retained earnings              (1,687,450) (1,390,688)    (1,680,189) (1,385,401) 
Total equity                     1,295,376   1,592,138      1,302,637   1,597,425 
The accounts on pages 5 to 15 were approved by the Board of Directors and 
signed on its behalf by: 
Craig Niven 
31 May 2011 
Statement of Cashflows For The Year Ended 31 December 2010 
                                        Group      Group      Company   Company 
                               Note      2010       2009         2010      2009 
                                            GBP          GBP            GBP         GBP 
Net cash flows from operating 
(Loss) before taxation              (296,762)  (273,587)    (294,788) (270,161) 
Interest received               3     (4,713)    (7,873)      (4,698)   (7,822) 
Foreign exchange differences         (15,408)     59,113            -         - 
Operating cash flows before         (316,883)  (222,347)    (299,486) (277,983) 
movements in working capital 
(Increase)/decrease in                   (45)    162,650       11,867    53,411 
receivables and prepayments 
Increase/(decrease) in                 17,221   (15,322)       13,761  (11,942) 
Adjustment to Share Capital                 -          -            -         1 
Net cash generated from             (299,707)   (75,019)    (273,858) (236,513) 
operating activities 
Interest received               3       4,713      7,873        4,698     7,822 
Net Cash generated by               (294,994)   (67,146)    (269,160) (228,691) 
investing activities 
(Decrease) in cash and cash         (294,994)   (67,146)    (269,160) (228,691) 
Cash and cash equivalents at        1,612,958  1,739,217    1,148,156 1,376,847 
beginning of the financial 
Effect of foreign exchange          15,408      (59,113)            -         - 
rate changes 
Cash and cash equivalents at        1,333,372  1,612,958      878,996 1,148,156 
end of the financial period 
Cash and cash equivalents 
consist of: 
Cash at bank and in hand            1,333,372  1,612,958      878,996 1,148,156 
Statement of Changes In Equity For The Year Ended 31 December 2010 
                    Share  Profit and     Group     Share  Profit and   Company 
                  Capital        Loss     Total     Capital      Loss     Total 
                              Account                         Account 
                        GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP         GBP 
At 31 December  2,982,826 (1,117,101) 1,865,725 2,982,826 (1,115,240) 1,867,586 
Changes in 
equity for the 
Year ended 
Loss for the            -   (273,587) (273,587)         -   (270,161) (270,161) 
Other                   -           -         -         -           -         - 
losses for the 
year                    -   (273,587) (273,587)         -   (270,161) (270,161) 
At 31 December  2,982,826 (1,390,688) 1,592,138 2,982,826 (1,385,401) 1,597,425 
Changes in 
equity for 
The year ended 
31 December, 
Loss for the 
year                    -   (296,762) (296,762)         -   (294,788) (294,788) 
Other                   -           -         -         -           -         - 
losses for the 
year                    -  (296,762)    (296,762)        -  (294,788)  (294,788) 
At 31 December  2,982,826 (1,687,450) 1,295,376  2,982,826 (1,680,189) 1,302,637 
Notes To The Accounts For The Year Ended 31 December 2010 
1. Accounting Policies 
Basis of accounting 
The consolidated accounts of Power Capital Global Limited have been prepared in 
accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting Standards, as 
adopted by the European Union. 
The significant accounting policies adopted are detailed below: 
Accounting convention 
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
Consolidation basis 
The Group accounts consolidate the accounts of the Company and all its 
subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 December 2010. 
The results of subsidiary undertakings acquired are included from the date of 
acquisition. Profits or losses on intra-group transactions are eliminated in 
full. On acquisition of a subsidiary, all of the subsidiary's assets and 
liabilities which existed at the date of acquisition are recorded at their fair 
values reflecting their condition at that date. 
Revenue recognition 
Revenue is measured based on amounts received or receivable for services 
provided by the Group provided that no revenue is recognized until it is 
capable of being measured reliably in accordance with IAS 18.20. 
Deferred taxationProvision is made for deferred taxation in respect of 
temporary differences to the extent that the liability may become payable in 
the foreseeable future. 
Foreign currencies 
Transactions and balances 
The functional currency of the group is Pounds Sterling. Transactions in 
currencies other than Pounds Sterling are recorded at the rates of exchange 
prevailing on the dates of the transactions. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, cash at bank and short-term 
deposits with banks and similar financial institutions with a maturity of three 
months or less. 
Significant judgements and estimates 
In formulating accounting policies the directors are required to apply their 
judgement, and where necessary engage professional advisors. The directors 
continually monitor the basis on which their judgements are formulated. Where 
required they will make amendments to these judgements. Where judgements and 
estimates are amended between accounting periods, full disclosure of the 
financial implications are given within the relevant notes to the Group 
Issued International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") 
No standards, amendments and interpretations became effective that were adopted 
during the year. 
The following amendments to existing standards and interpretations were 
effective for the current period, but the adoption of these amendments to 
existing standards and interpretations did not have a material impact on the 
accounts of the Group: 
  * IFRS 3 (revised), Business Combinations 
  * IAS 27 (revised), Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements 
  * IFRIC 17, Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners 
  * IAS 39 (amendment), Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement - 
    Eligible Hedged Items 
  * IFRS 2 (amendment), Share-based Payment - Group Cash-settled Share-based 
    Payment Transactions and Improvements to IFRSs (2009) 
Issued International Financial Reporting Standards, amendments and 
interpretations that are not yet effective and that have not been early adopted 
by the Group 
At the date of authorisation of these accounts, the following standards, 
amendments to existing standards and interpretations, which have not been 
applied in these consolidated accounts, were in issue but not yet effective: 
  * IFRS 9, Financial instruments, effective for annual periods beginning on or 
    after 1 January 2013, subject to EU endorsement. The standard is part of a 
    wider project to replace IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
  * IAS 32 (amendment), Classification of Rights of Issues, effective for 
    annual periods commencing on or after 1 February 2010 
  * IFRIC 14 (amendment), Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement, 
    effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011 
The Directors are currently assessing the impact of these but they are not 
expected to have a material impact on the Group's results, assets or 
liabilities. The Directors do not consider that any other standards, amendments 
or interpretations issued by the IASB, but not yet applicable, will have a 
significant impact on the financial statements. 
2. Administrative Expenses 
There were 5 directors of the group in 2010 (2009: 3), and no employees (2009: 
The following fees were receivable by the Directors holding office during the 
                          Total         Total 
                          2010          2009 
                            GBP           GBP 
Lin Kung-Min *             50,000       10,000 
Mladen Ninkov **           42,000       42,000 
Craig Lees Baxter Niven    42,000       42,000 
Simon Dewhurst             25,074       - 
Graham Newall              25,601       - 
* Long Sheng Asset Management Company, a company controlled by Lin Kung-Min and 
his immediate family, received fees under a consultancy agreement of GBP50,000 
(2009: GBP10,000), for the provision of advisory and support services to Power 
Capital Global Limited and subsidiary companies. 
** Keynes Capital, the registered business name of Keynes Investments Pty 
Limited as trustee for the Keynes Trust, received fees under a consultancy 
agreement of GBP42,000 (2009: GBP42,000), for the provision of advisory and support 
services to Power Capital Global Limited and subsidiary companies. Mladen 
Ninkov is a director and employee of Keynes Investments Pty Limited. 
*** Zetachoice Limited, a company controlled by Craig Niven and his immediate 
family, received fees under a consultancy agreement of GBP42,000 (2009: GBP42,000), 
for the provision of advisory and support services to Power Capital Global 
Limited and subsidiary companies. 
The net operating loss is stated after charging auditors remuneration of GBP9,400 
(2009: GBP9,400) of which GBP1,700relates to the company, and auditors remuneration 
in respect of non-audit services of GBPnil(2009: GBPnil). Fees paid to the auditors 
in respect of non-audit work are in respect of company secretarial and other 
services. These services are reviewed by the Directors to ensure that the 
independence of the auditors is not comprised. 
Included in the group's loss for the year is an exchange profit of GBP15,408 
(2009: loss GBP59,113) which arose on the translation of a Hong Kong Dollar 
account held within the group at the year end. 
3. Finance Income 
                                                        2010           2009 
                                                           GBP              GBP 
Bank and short term interest                           4,713          7,873 
4. Income Tax Expense 
                                                        2010           2009 
                                                           GBP              GBP 
Taxation on (loss) on ordinary activities                  -              - 
The Company is resident for corporation tax purposes in the British Virgin 
The loss per share has been calculated on the basis of the net loss after 
taxation of GBP296,762 (2009: Loss GBP273,587) and the weighted average number of 
shares in issue in the year ended 31 December 2010 of 57,056,501 (2009: 
6. Non Current Investments 
                                     Group     Group       Company   Company 
                                      2010      2009          2010      2009 
                                         GBP         GBP             GBP         GBP 
Shares in group undertakings 
At 1 January and 31 December             -         -             2         2 
Details of subsidiaries are given in note 11. 
                                    Group      Group       Company   Company 
                                     2010       2009          2010      2009 
                                        GBP          GBP             GBP         GBP 
Amounts owed by Group                   -          -       454,235   466,147 
Prepayments                         1,275   1,230            1,275     1,230 
                                    1,275      1,230       455,510   467,377 
                                   Group      Group       Company    Company 
                                    2010       2009          2010       2009 
                                       GBP          GBP             GBP          GBP 
Trade Payables                     7,500          -         6,000          - 
Accruals                          31,771     22,050        25,871     18,110 
                                  39,271     22,050        31,871     18,110 
9. Share CAPITAL 
Group and Company 
                               2010                     2009 
                               No.           GBP          No.           GBP 
Authorised share capital 
At 1 January and 31 December,  1,000,000,000 -          1,000,000,000 - 
no par value 
Paid-in Capital 
                               2010                     2009 
                               No.         GBP            No.        GBP 
At 1 January and 31 December   57,056,501  2,982,826    57,056,501 2,982,826 
10. Contingent Liabilities 
At 31 December 2010 the Group and Company had no contingent liabilities (2009: 
11. Subsidiary Companies 
At 31 December 2010, Power Capital Global had interests in the share capital of 
the following principal subsidiary companies. 
Name                     Class of  Proportion   Nature of     Country of 
                         Share     of shares    business      incorporation 
                         held      held 
Sportswinbet (C.I.)      Ordinary     100%      Marketing      Alderney 
SWB (Admin) Limited      Ordinary     100%    Administrative    England 
12. Related Party Transactions 
Fees of GBP184,675 (2009: GBP94,000) were paid in the year to the Directors, as 
detailed in note 2. No further related party transactions took place in 2010 or 
The Company is listed on the Alternative Investment Market. Mr Lin Kung-Min is 
the ultimate controlling party. 
The Company provides financial support to each of its subsidiary companies. 
During the financial period to and as at 31 December 2010, the Company had 
provided GBP4,199 (2009: GBPnil), to Sportswinbet (C.I.) Limited, prior to 
provisions against amounts recoverable. The Company has further provided 
financial support of GBPnil (2009: GBP5,000) in the financial period to 31 December 
2010 to SWB (Admin) Limited. SWB (Admin) Limited provides administrative 
support to the Group for which SWB (Admin) Limited has charged GBPnil during the 
financial period to 31 December 2010 (2009: GBPnil). 
13. Financial Instruments 
Exposure to credit and currency risks arises in the normal course of the 
Group's business. 
Credit risk 
Exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis. 
Cash investments are allowed only in liquid securities and only with major 
financial institutions that satisfy certain credit criteria. 
At the balance sheet date, there were no significant concentrations of credit 
risk. The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount 
of each financial asset. 
Foreign currency risk 
In preparing the financial statements of the individual companies, transactions 
denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate ruling at the 
settlement date. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are 
translated at the exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet 
date. Exchange differences arising in the financial statements of the 
individual undertakings have been credited to administrative expenses. 
Fair values 
There is no significant difference between the carrying amounts shown in the 
balance sheet and the fair values of the Group and Company's financial 
instruments. For current trade and other receivables/payables with a remaining 
life of less than one year, the nominal amount is deemed to reflect the fair 
Capital risk 
The capital of the Group consists of equity attributable to equity holders of 
the parent company, comprising share premium and retained earnings / losses. 
The Group manages its capital to ensure that entities within the Group will be 
able to continue as going concerns whilst maximising the return to 
shareholders. The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital 
14. Commitments Under Operating Leases 
At 31 December 2010, the Group and Company had no commitments under 
non-cancellable operating leases (2009: none). 
Since the year end the Company has established a steam coal export operation 
based in Indonesia, as referred to in the Chairman's Statement.  Two shipments 
of steam coal have been arranged and delivered to buyers in China and Taiwan. 
As part of this operation the company has developed good relationships with 
suppliers, customers and sources of finance. We expect to conclude business 
representing over 250,000 tonnes of steam coal during the course of 2011 and to 
grow volumes thereafter through 2012. 

Power Capital (LSE:PCGB)
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Power Capital (LSE:PCGB)
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