Prepayments           28,935           28,935 
                      28,935           28,935 
The Group's accounting policy on the measurement of financial assets is 
discussed in note 2(g). 
                                    31 December     31 December 
                                           2019            2018 
                                              GBP               GBP 
Residential, London                  49,522,631               - 
Hotel & Residential                  39,861,178      34,532,132 
Hospitals                            25,354,300      25,346,479 
Hotel, Scotland                      25,861,391               - 
Hotel, Oxford                        16,724,638               - 
Office, London                       12,697,122               - 
Office, Scotland                      4,470,792               - 
Mixed Use Development, South            766,877      14,927,500 
Regional Hotel Portfolio                      -      46,752,485 
Varde Partners Mixed Portfolio                -         981,502 
Hotel, Dublin                        51,576,017      54,458,838 
Mixed Use, Dublin                       592,335               - 
School, Dublin                                -      17,319,861 
Logistics, Dublin                             -      13,168,789 
Student Accommodation, Dublin                 -       9,667,282 
Residential, Dublin                           -       6,931,790 
Three Shopping Centres               31,709,624      31,527,080 
Hotel                                25,225,534      23,394,315 
Office Portfolio                     18,050,874               - 
Office and Hotel, Madrid             15,832,398      16,712,680 
Shopping Centre                      14,672,253      15,357,522 
Hotel, Barcelona                              -      41,697,630 
Office Building, Paris               13,854,691      14,653,866 
Rest of Europe 
Mixed Portfolio, Europe              43,874,861               - 
Industrial Portfolio, Europe                  -      46,014,659 
                                    390,647,516     413,444,410 
No element of loans advanced are past due or impaired. For further 
information and the associated risks see the Investment Manager's Report. 
The table below reconciles the movement of the carrying value of loans 
advanced in the year: 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Loans advanced at the start of      413,444,410      369,955,983 
the year 
Loans advanced                      189,678,726      175,161,798 
Loan repayments and               (198,311,623)    (137,158,115) 
Arrangement fees earned             (2,389,453)      (2,396,173) 
Commitment fees earned                (688,884)        (575,559) 
Exit fees earned                    (1,983,925)      (2,730,382) 
Origination fees for the year         1,684,798        1,543,468 
Effective interest income            26,890,182       30,137,174 
Interest payments received /       (25,738,458)     (26,092,214) 
Foreign exchange (losses) /        (11,938,257)        5,598,430 
Loans advanced at the end of        390,647,516      413,444,410 
the year 
Loans advanced at fair value        402,825,998      426,379,370 
(1) The decline in effective interest income earned is mainly due to overall 
decrease of average interest rate of floating interest bearing loans. 
For further information on the fair value of loans advanced, refer to note 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprise currency 
forward contracts which represent contractual obligations to purchase 
domestic currency and sell foreign currency on a future date at a specified 
price and financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or 
loss which are debt securities that are managed by the Group and their 
performance is evaluated on a fair value basis. 
The underlying instruments of currency forwards become favourable (assets) 
or unfavourable (liabilities) as a result of fluctuations of foreign 
exchange rates relative to their terms. The aggregate contractual or 
notional amount of derivative financial instruments, the extent to which 
instruments are favourable or unfavourable, and thus the aggregate fair 
values of derivative financial assets and liabilities, can fluctuate 
significantly from time to time. The foreign exchange derivatives are 
subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting agreements for each 
The fair value of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through 
profit or loss are set out below: 
                     Notional       Fair values 
31 December         amount(1)     Assets  Liabilities      Total 
                            GBP          GBP            GBP          GBP 
Investments at 
fair value 
through profit 
or loss 
Credit Linked             N/A 21,885,611            - 21,885,611 
Notes, UK Real 
Total                       - 21,885,611            - 21,885,611 
Lloyds Bank plc   231,251,616  8,819,545    (224,467)  8,595,078 
Total             231,251,616  8,819,545    (224,467)  8,595,078 
(1) Euro amounts are translated at the year end exchange rate 
                      Notional      Fair values 
31 December 2018     amount(1)     Assets Liabilities      Total 
                             GBP          GBP           GBP          GBP 
Investments at 
fair value 
through profit 
or loss 
Credit Linked              N/A 21,886,335           - 21,886,335 
Notes, UK Real 
Total                        - 21,886,335           - 21,886,335 
Foreign exchange 
Lloyds Bank plc    263,815,899     50,055 (8,803,266) (8,753,211 
Goldman Sachs          959,174          -    (28,221)   (28,221) 
Total              264,775,073     50,055 (8,831,487) (8,781,432 
(1) Euro amounts are translated at the year end exchange rate 
Under its investment policy, the Group is limited to borrowing an amount 
equivalent to a maximum of 30 per cent of its NAV at the time of drawdown, 
of which a maximum of 20 per cent can be longer term borrowings. In 
calculating the Company's borrowings for this purpose, any liabilities 
incurred under the Company's foreign exchange hedging arrangements shall be 
disregarded. The Group has two credit facilities as described in note 3(g) 
of these financial statements. 
As at 31 December 2019 an amount of GBP29,704,000 (2018: GBP68,818,554) was 
drawn and interest of GBP14,949 (2018: GBP158,660) was payable. 
The revolving credit facility capitalised costs are directly attributable 
costs incurred in relation to the establishment of the credit loan 
The changes in liabilities arising from financing activities are shown in 
the table below. 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Borrowings at the start of the       68,977,214       13,338,329 
Proceeds during the year            148,035,219      129,979,408 
Repayments during the year        (185,401,045)     (75,603,281) 
Arrangement fees payable                      -          432,738 
Arrangement fees retained                     -        (432,738) 
Interest expenses recognised          1,003,580        1,074,308 
for the year 
Interest paid during the year       (1,137,413)        (924,480) 
Foreign exchange and                (1,758,606)        1,112,930 
translation difference 
Borrowings at the end of the         29,718,949       68,977,214 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Loan amounts payable                  1,717,003          405,855 
Investment management fees              801,074          723,652 
Refinancing and restructuring           207,098          239,081 
fees payable 
Commitment fees payable                 104,055           82,900 
Audit fees payable                       86,131           95,943 
Tax provision                            76,773           64,401 
Origination fees payable                 31,572          309,375 
Administration fees payable              12,980           74,360 
Accrued expenses                              -           60,196 
Legal and professional fees                   -           12,475 
                                      3,036,686        2,068,238 
As at 31 December 2019 the Group had outstanding commitments in respect of 
loans not fully drawn of GBP77,997,899 (2018: GBP45,572,999). 
As at 31 December 2019 the Group has entered into forward contracts under 
the Hedging Master Agreement with Lloyds Bank plc to sell &euro270,913,327 
(2018: &euro292,511,253) to receive Sterling. At the end of the reporting 
period, these forward contracts have a fair value of GBP8,595,078 asset (2018: 
GBP8,753,211 liability). 
As at 31 December 2019 the Group has entered into forward contracts under 
the Professional Client Agreement with Goldman Sachs to sell &euronil (2018: 
&euro1,063,504) and receive Sterling. At the end of the reporting period, 
these forward contracts have a fair value of GBPnil liability (2018: GBP28,221 
The share capital of the Company consists of an unlimited number of 
redeemable Ordinary Shares of no par value which upon issue the Directors 
may classify into such classes as they may determine. The Ordinary Shares 
are redeemable at the discretion of the Board. 
At the year end the Company had issued and fully paid up share capital as 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                               Number of shares Number of shares 
Ordinary Shares of no par           413,219,398      375,019,398 
value Issued and fully paid 
Rights attached to shares 
The Company's share capital is denominated in Sterling. At any general 
meeting of the Company each ordinary share carries one vote. The Ordinary 
Shares also carry the right to receive all income of the Company 
attributable to the Ordinary Shares, and to participate in any distribution 
of such income made by the Company, such income shall be divided pari passu 
among the holders of Ordinary Shares in proportion to the number of Ordinary 
Shares held by them. 
Significant share movements 
1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019: 
Ordinary Shares                       Number           GBP 
Balance at the start of the year 375,019,398 379,480,650 
Shares issued in 2019             38,200,000  40,014,500 
Balance at the end of the year   413,219,398 419,495,150 
Issue costs since inception                  (8,289,989) 
Net proceeds                                 411,205,161 
1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018: 
Ordinary Shares                       Number           GBP 
Balance at the start of the year 375,019,398 379,480,650 
Shares issued in 2018                      -           - 
Balance at the end of the year   375,019,398 379,480,650 
Issue costs since inception                  (7,550,668) 
Net proceeds                                 371,929,982 
Dividends will be declared by the Directors and paid in compliance with the 
solvency test prescribed by Guernsey law. Under Guernsey law, companies can 
pay dividends in excess of accounting profit provided they satisfy the 
solvency test prescribed by the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The solvency 
test considers whether a company is able to pay its debts when they fall 
due, and whether the value of a company's assets is greater than its 
liabilities. The Group passed the solvency test for each dividend paid. 
Subject to market conditions, the financial position of the Group and the 
investment outlook, it is the Directors' intention to pay quarterly 
dividends to shareholders (for more information see Chairman's Statement). 
The Group paid the following dividends in respect of the year to 31 December 
                     Dividend rate Net dividend    Payment date 
Period to:           Share (pence)     paid (GBP) 
31 March 2019                1.625    6,094,065     24 May 2019 
30 June 2019                 1.625    6,714,815  30 August 2019 
30 September 2019            1.625    6,714,815     22 November 
After the end of the year, the Directors declared a dividend in respect of 
the financial year ended 31 December 2019 of 1.625 pence per share, 
GBP6,714,815 to be paid on 21 February 2020 to shareholders on the register as 
at 31 January 2020. 
The Group paid the following dividends in respect of the year to 31 December 
                     Dividend rate Net dividend    Payment date 
Period to:           Share (pence)     paid (GBP) 
31 March 2018                1.625    6,094,065     17 May 2018 
30 June 2018                 1.625    6,094,065  31 August 2018 
30 September 2018            1.625    6,094,065     16 November 
31 December 2018             1.625    6,094,065     22 February 
The Group through its investment in whole loans, subordinated loans, 
mezzanine loans, bridge loans, loan- on-loan financings and other debt 
instruments is exposed to a variety of financial risks, including market 
risk (including currency risk and interest rate risk), credit risk and 
liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management programme focuses on the 
unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential 
adverse effects on the Group's financial performance. 
It is the role of the Board to review and manage all risks associated with 
the Group, mitigating these either directly or through the delegation of 
certain responsibilities to the Audit Committee, Investment Manager and 
Investment Adviser. 
The Board of Directors has established procedures for monitoring and 
controlling risk. The Group has investment guidelines that set out its 
overall business strategies, its tolerance for risk and its general risk 
management philosophy. 
In addition, the Investment Manager monitors and measures the overall risk 
bearing capacity in relation to the aggregate risk exposure across all risk 
types and activities. Further details regarding these policies are set out 
a) Market risk 
Market risk includes market price risk, currency risk and interest rate 
i) Market price risk 
If a borrower defaults on a loan and the real estate market enters a 
downturn it could materially and adversely affect the value of the 
collateral over which loans are secured. However, this risk is considered by 
the Board to constitute credit risk as it relates to the borrower defaulting 
on the loan and not directly to any movements in the real estate market. The 
Group's exposure to market price risk arises from Credit Linked Notes held 
by the Group and classified as financial assets at fair value through profit 
or loss. The Investment Manager regularly monitors the fair value of Credit 
Linked Notes and no specific hedging activities are undertaken in relation 
to this investment. The Investment Manager moderates market risk through a 
careful selection of loans within specified limits. The Group's overall 
market position is monitored by the Investment Manager and is reviewed by 
the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis. 
ii) Currency risk 
The Group, via the subsidiaries, operates across Europe and invests in loans 
that are denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the 
Company. Consequently the Group is exposed to risks arising from foreign 
exchange rate fluctuations in respect of these loans and other assets and 
liabilities which relate to currency flows from revenues and expenses. 
Exposure to foreign currency risk is hedged and monitored by the Investment 
Manager on an ongoing basis and is reported to the Board accordingly. 
The Group and Lloyds Bank plc entered into an international forward exchange 
master agreement dated 5 April 2013 and on 7 February 2014 the Group entered 
into a Professional Client Agreement with Goldman Sachs, pursuant to which 
the parties can enter into foreign exchange transactions with the intention 
of hedging against fluctuations in the exchange rate between Sterling and 
other currencies. The Group does not trade in derivatives but holds them to 
hedge specific exposures and have maturities designed to match the exposures 
they are hedging. The derivatives are held at fair value which represents 
the replacement cost of the instruments at the reporting date and movements 
in the fair value are included in the Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income under net foreign exchange losses/(gains). The Group 
does not adopt hedge accounting in the financial statements. At the end of 
the reporting period the Group had 113 (2018: 165) open forward contracts. 
As at 31 December 2019 the Group had the following currency exposure: 
                  Danish Krone   Sterling       Euro      Total 
31 December 2019             GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Loans advanced               - 125,736,29 264,911,21 390,647,51 
                                        8          8          6 
Financial assets             - 30,480,689          - 30,480,689 
at fair value 
through profit or 
Other receivables            -     28,935          -     28,935 
and prepayments 
Cash and cash              671  6,566,136 30,226,867 36,793,674 
Revolving credit             -          - (29,718,94 (29,718,94 
facility                                          9)         9) 
Trade and other              -  (139,704) (2,896,982 (3,036,686 
payables                                           )          ) 
Net currency               671 162,672,35 262,522,15 425,195,17 
exposure                                4          4          9 
                       Danish     Sterling      Euro       Total 
31 December 2018            GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP 
Loans advanced              -  122,540,098 290,904,3 413,444,410 
Financial assets            -   21,886,335         -  21,886,335 
at fair value 
through profit or 
Other receivables           -       28,935         -      28,935 
and prepayments 
Cash and cash           (249)   13,953,085 14,295,67  28,248,515 
equivalents                                        9 
Financial                   -  (8,781,432)         - (8,781,432) 
liabilities at 
fair value 
through profit or 
Revolving credit            - (11,010,233) (57,966,9 (68,977,214 
facility                                         81)           ) 
Trade and other             -    (297,883) (1,770,35 (2,068,238) 
payables                                          5) 
Net currency            (249)  138,318,905 245,462,6 383,781,311 
exposure                                          55 
Currency sensitivity analysis 
Should the exchange rate of the Euro against Sterling increase or decrease 
by 10 per cent with all other variables held constant, the net assets of the 
Group at 31 December 2019 would increase or decrease by GBP26,252,215 (2018: 
GBP24,546,266). Should the exchange rate of the Danish Krone against Sterling 
increase or decrease by 10 per cent with all other variables held constant, 
the net assets of the Group at 31 December 2019 would increase or decrease 
by GBP67 (2018: GBP25). These percentages have been determined based on 
potential volatility and deemed reasonable by the Directors. This does not 
include the impact of hedges in place which would be expected to reduce the 
In accordance with the Group's policy, the Investment Manager monitors the 
Group's currency position, and the Board of Directors reviews this risk on a 
regular basis. 
iii) Interest rate risk 
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments and 
related income from loans advanced and cash and cash equivalents will 
fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. 
The majority of the Group's financial assets are loans advanced at amortised 
cost, credit linked notes, receivables and cash and cash equivalents. The 
Group's investments have some exposure to interest rate risk but this is 
limited to interest earned on cash deposits and floating interbank rate 
exposure for investments designated as loans advanced. Loans advanced have 
been structured to include a combination of fixed and floating interest and 
79.1% (2018: 80.1%) of investments designed as loans advanced at 31 December 
2019 have a floating interbank interest rate. The interest rate risk is 
mitigated by the inclusion of interbank rate floors on floating rate loans, 
preventing interest rates from falling below certain levels. 
The following table shows the portfolio profile of the financial assets at 
31 December 2019: 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Floating rate 
Loans advanced(1)                   309,007,305      327,185,839 
Cash and cash equivalents            36,793,674       28,248,515 
Financial assets at fair value       21,885,611       21,886,335 
through profit or loss 
Fixed rate 
Loans advanced                       81,640,211       86,258,571 
Total financial assets subject      449,326,801      463,579,260 
to interest rate risk 
(1) Loans advanced at floating rates include loans with interbank rate 
At 31 December 2019, if interest rates had changed by 50 basis points, with 
all other variables remaining constant, the effect on the net profit and 
equity would have been as shown in the table below: 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Floating rate 
Increase of 50 basis points           1,838,433          943,302 
(2018: 25 basis points)(1) 
Decrease of 50 basis points         (1,838,433)        (943,302) 
(2018: 25 basis points) 
(1) Loans advanced at floating rates include loans with interbank rate 
These percentages have been determined based on potential volatility and 
deemed reasonable by the Directors. 
b) Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will be unable to pay amounts in 
full when due. The Group's main credit risk exposure is in the investment 
portfolio, shown as loans advanced at amortised cost and credit linked notes 
designated at fair value through profit or loss, where the Group invests in 
whole loans and also subordinated and mezzanine debt which rank behind 
senior debt for repayment in the event that a borrower defaults. There is a 
spread concentration of risk as at 31 December 2019 due to several loans 
being advanced since inception. There is also credit risk in respect of 
other financial assets as a portion of the Group's assets are cash and cash 
equivalents or accrued interest. The banks used to hold cash and cash 
equivalents have been diversified to spread the credit risk to which the 
Group is exposed. The Group also has credit risk exposure in its derivative 
assets classified as financial assets through profit or loss which is 
diversified between hedge providers in order to spread credit risk to which 
the Group is exposed. 
With respect to the credit linked notes designated at fair value through 
profit or loss, the Group holds junior notes linked to the performance of a 
portfolio of high quality UK real estate loans owned by a major commercial 
bank. The transaction is structured as a synthetic securitisation with risk 
transfer from the bank to the Group achieved via the purchase of credit 
protection by the bank on the most junior tranches. The credit risk to the 
Group is the risk that one of the underlying borrowers defaults on their 
loan and the Group is required to make a payment under the credit protection 
agreement. Despite the different way in which the transaction has been 
structured the Group considers the risks to be fundamentally the same as any 
other junior loan in the portfolio and monitors and manages this risk in the 
same way as the other loans advanced by the Group. 
The total exposure to credit risk arises from default of the counterparty 
and the carrying amounts of financial assets best represent the maximum 
credit risk exposure at the year-end date. As at 31 December 2019, the 
maximum credit risk exposure was GBP457,921,879 (2018: GBP463,579,260). 
The Investment Manager has adopted procedures to reduce credit risk exposure 
by conducting credit analysis of the counterparties, their business and 
reputation which is monitored on an ongoing basis. After the advancing of a 
loan a dedicated debt asset manager employed by the Investment Adviser 
monitors ongoing credit risk and reports to the Investment Manager, with 
quarterly updates also provided to the Board. The debt asset manager 
routinely stresses and analyses the profile of the Group's underlying risk 
in terms of exposure to significant tenants, performance of asset management 
teams and property managers against specific milestones that are typically 
agreed at the time of the original loan underwriting, forecasting headroom 
against covenants, reviewing market data and forecast economic trends to 
benchmark borrower performance and to assist in identifying potential future 
stress points. Periodic physical inspections of assets that form part of the 
Group's security are also completed in addition to monitoring the identified 
capital expenditure requirements against actual borrower investment. 
The Group measures credit risk and expected credit losses using probability 
of default, exposure at default and loss given default. The Directors 
consider both historical analysis and forward looking information in 
determining any expected credit loss. The Directors consider the loss given 
default to be close to zero as all loans are the subject of very detailed 
underwriting, including the testing of resilience to aggressive downside 
scenarios with respect to the loan specifics, the market and general macro 
changes. As a result, no loss allowance has been recognised based on 
12-month expected credit losses as any such impairment would be wholly 
insignificant to the Group. 
The Group uses both quantitative and qualitative criteria for monitoring the 
loan portfolio as described in note 2(h). The gross carrying amount of loan 
portfolio is presented in the table below and also represents the Group's 
maximum exposure to credit risks on these assets. 
                  Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3   Total as Total as at 
                                                  at 31 December 
                                                  31        2018 
                        GBP       GBP       GBP          GBP           GBP 
Loans advanced 390,647,51       -       - 390,647,51 413,444,410 
                        6                          6 
Gross carrying 390,647,51       -       - 390,647,51 413,444,410 
amount                  6                          6 
Less ECL                -       -       -          -           - 
Carrying       390,647,51       -       - 390,647,51 413,444,410 
amount                  6                          6 
A reconciliation of changes in the ECL allowance was not presented as the 
allowance recognised at the end of the reporting period was GBPnil (2018: 
The Group maintains its cash and cash equivalents across various different 
banks to diversify credit risk which have been all rated A1 or higher by 
Moody's and this is subject to the Group's credit risk monitoring policies 
as mentioned above. 
                                    Total as at      Total as at 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Barclays Bank plc                    35,818,792       27,634,114 
Lloyds Bank plc                             818              816 
HSBC Bank plc                               331              424 
Royal Bank of Scotland                       81               88 
ING Luxembourg, SA                      973,652          613,073 
Total cash and cash                  36,793,674       28,248,515 
The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents approximates their fair 
c) Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not have sufficient resources 
available to meet its liabilities as they fall due. The Group's loans 
advanced are illiquid and may be difficult or impossible to realise for cash 
at short notice. 
The Group manages its liquidity risk through short term and long term cash 
flow forecasts to ensure it is able to meet its obligations. In addition, 
the Company is permitted to borrow up to 30 per cent of NAV and has entered 
into revolving credit facilities of total of GBP126,000,000 (2018: 
GBP114,000,000) of which GBP29,704,000 (2018: GBP68,818,554) was drawn at the end 
of the reporting period. 
The table below shows the maturity of the Group's non-derivative financial 
assets and liabilities arising from the advancement of loans by remaining 
contractual maturities at the end of the reporting date. The amounts 
disclosed under assets are contractual, undiscounted cash flows and may 
differ from the actual cash flows received in the future as a result of 
early repayments: 
                    Up to 3 Between 3 and    Over 12       Total 
                     months     12 months     months 
31 December 2019          GBP             GBP          GBP           GBP 
Loans advanced      766,877    28,526,943 361,353,69 390,647,516 
Financial assets          -             - 21,885,611  21,885,611 
at fair value 
through profit or 
Liabilities and 
Loan              (14,896,1  (31,183,758) (25,455,38 (71,535,294 
commitments(1)          52)                       4)           ) 
Credit facilities (29,718,9             -          - (29,718,949 
                        49)                                    ) 
Trade and other   (3,036,68             -          - (3,036,686) 
payables                 6) 
                  (46,884,9   (2,656,815) 357,783,92 308,242,198 
                        10)                        3 
(1) Loan commitments are estimated forecasted drawdowns at year end. 
31 December 2018    Up to 3 Between 3 and    Over 12       Total 
                     months     12 months     months           GBP 
                          GBP             GBP          GBP 
Loans advanced            -    22,840,793 390,603,61 413,444,410 
Financial assets          -             - 21,886,335  21,886,335 
at fair value 
through profit or 
Liabilities and 
Loan              (13,300,3  (14,166,013) (15,091,63 (42,557,994 
commitments(1)          50)                       1)           ) 
Credit facilities (13,663,1             - (55,314,05 (68,977,214 
                        61)                       3)           ) 
Trade and other   (2,068,23                          (2,068,238) 
payables                 8) 
                  (29,031,7     8,674,780 342,084,26 321,727,299 
                        49)                        8 
(1) Loan commitments are estimated forecasted drawdowns at year end. 
The table below analyses the Group's derivative financial instruments that 
will be settled on a gross basis into relevant maturity groupings based on 
the remaining period at the end of the reporting date. The amounts disclosed 
are the contractual undiscounted cash flows: 
31 December 2019 
                           Between 3 and        Over Total as at 
                   Up to 3     12 months   12 months 31 December 
                    months                                  2019 
Derivatives              GBP             GBP           GBP           GBP 
Lloyds Bank plc: 
Foreign exchange 
Outflow(1)        2,753,44     7,160,751 221,337,422 231,251,615 
Inflow            2,735,21     7,156,425 228,928,347 238,819,989 
31 December 2018 
                           Between 3 and        Over Total as at 
                   Up to 3     12 months   12 months 31 December 
                    months                                  2018 
Derivatives              GBP             GBP           GBP           GBP 
Goldman Sachs: 
Foreign exchange 
Outflow(1)               -             -     959,174     959,174 
Inflow                   -             -     991,632     991,632 
Lloyds Bank plc: 
Foreign exchange 
Outflow(1)        3,515,09    12,752,592 247,548,215 263,815,899 
Inflow            3,505,93    12,824,551 257,003,592 273,334,080 
(1) Euro amounts translated at year end exchange rate. 
Capital management policies and procedures 
The Group's capital management objectives are: 
· To ensure that the Group will be able to continue as a going concern; 
· To maximise the income and capital return to equity shareholders through 
an appropriate balance of equity capital and long-term debt. 
The capital of the Company is represented by the net assets attribute to the 
holders of the Company's shares. 
In accordance with the Group's investment policy, the Group's principal use 
of cash (including the proceeds of the IPO and subsequent tap issues and 
placings) has been to fund investments in the form of loans sourced by the 
Investment Adviser and the Investment Manager, as well as initial expenses 
related to the issue, ongoing operational expenses and payment of dividends 
and other distributions to shareholders in accordance with the Company's 
dividend policy. 
The Board, with the assistance of the Investment Manager, monitors and 
reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. 
The Company has no imposed capital requirements. 
The Company's capital at the end of the reporting period comprises: 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Equity share capital                411,205,161      371,929,982 
Retained earnings and                15,349,920       13,063,600 
translation reserve 
Total capital                       426,555,081      384,993,582 
IFRS 13 requires the Group to classify fair value measurements using a fair 
value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making 
the measurements. The fair value hierarchy has the following levels: 
a) Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or 
liabilities (level 1). 
b) Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are 
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as 
prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices including interest 
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment rates, credit risks and 
default rates) or other market corroborated inputs (level 2). 
c) Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable 
market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3). 
The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Group's 
financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value: 
31 December 2019 
                         Level 1   Level 2    Level 3      Total 
                               GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP 
Derivative assets              - 8,595,078          -  8,595,078 
Investments at fair            -         - 21,885,611 21,885,611 
value through profit or 
Total                          - 8,595,078 21,885,611 30,480,689 
Derivative liabilities         -         -          -          - 
Total                          -         -          -          - 
31 December 2018 
                      Level 1     Level 2    Level 3       Total 
                            GBP           GBP          GBP           GBP 
Investments at fair         -           - 21,886,335  21,886,335 
value through profit 
or loss 
Total                       -           - 21,886,335  21,886,335 
Derivative                  - (8,781,432)          - (8,781,432) 
Total                       - (8,781,432)          - (8,781,432) 
There have been no transfers between levels for the year ended 31 December 
2019 (2018: nil). 
Investments classified within Level 3 consist of Credit Linked Notes 
("CLNs"). The fair value of the CLNs is determined by the Investment Adviser 
using a discounted cash flow valuation model. The main inputs into the 
valuation model for the CLNs are discount rates, market risk factors, 
probabilities of default, expected credit loss levels and cash flow 
forecasts. The Investment Adviser also considers the original transaction 
price and recent transactions of comparable instruments (where available), 
the credit quality on the underlying reference portfolios and adjusts the 
valuation model as deemed necessary. 
The Directors are responsible for considering the methodology and 
assumptions used by the Investment Adviser and for approving the fair values 
reported at the financial period end. 
The most significant input to the valuation model is the discount rate 
applied to the cash flows. As at 31 December 2019, if the discount rate was 
to increase/decrease by 1%, the fair value of the CLNs would reduce/increase 
by GBP298,155 / GBP306,372 (2018: GBP474,000 / GBP494,000). 
The table below presents the movement in level 3 investments. 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Balance at the start of the          21,886,335       22,112,820 
Cash interest received              (2,339,946)      (2,245,256) 
Net gains recognised in profit        2,339,222        2,018,771 
or loss(1) 
Balance at the end of the year       21,885,611       21,886,335 
Changes in unrealised gains or                -                - 
losses for Level 3 assets held 
at year end and included in 
net changes in fair value of 
financial assets at fair value 
through profit or loss 
(1) The net gains comprise of GBP2,339,222 interest income recognised on CLNs 
(2018: GBP2,306,921 of interest income net of GBP288,150 origination fees). 
The following table summarises within the fair value hierarchy the Group's 
assets and liabilities (by class) not measured at fair value at 31 December 
2019 but for which fair value is disclosed: 
31 December 2019 
                                            Total fair     Total 
               Level 1    Level 2  Level 3      values    amount 
                     GBP          GBP        GBP           GBP         GBP 
Cash and cash        - 36,793,674        -  36,793,674 36,793,67 
equivalents                                                    4 
Other                -     28,935        -      28,935    28,935 
Loans advanced       -          - 402,825, 402,825,998 390,647,5 
                                       998                    16 
Total                - 36,822,609 402,825, 439,648,607 427,470,1 
                                       998                    25 
Trade and            -  3,036,686        -   3,036,686 3,036,686 
other payables 
Credit               - 29,718,949        -  29,718,949 29,718,94 
facility                                                       9 
Total                - 32,755,635        -  32,755,635 32,755,63 
The following table summarises within the fair value hierarchy the Group's 
assets and liabilities (by class) not measured at fair value at 31 December 
2018 but for which fair value is disclosed: 
31 December 2018 
                                            Total fair     Total 
               Level 1    Level 2  Level 3      values    amount 
                     GBP          GBP        GBP           GBP         GBP 
Cash and cash        - 28,248,515        -  28,248,515 28,248,51 
equivalents                                                    5 
Other                -     28,935        -      28,935    28,935 
Loans advanced       -          - 426,379, 426,379,370 413,444,4 
                                       370                    10 
Total                - 28,277,450 426,379, 454,656,820 441,721,8 
                                       370                    60 
Trade and            -  2,068,238        -   2,068,238 2,068,238 
other payables 
Credit               - 68,977,214        -  68,977,214 68,977,21 
facility                                                       4 
Total                - 71,045,452        -  71,045,452 71,045,45 
The carrying values of the assets and liabilities included in the above 
table are considered to approximate their fair values, except for loans 
advanced. The fair value of loans advanced has been determined by 
discounting the expected cash flows at a market rate of interest using the 
discounted cash flow model. For the avoidance of doubt, the Group carries 
its loans advanced at amortised cost in the consolidated financial 
statements, consistent with the requirement of IFRS 9 as the Group's 
intention and business model is to collect both interest and the capital 
repayments thereof. 
Cash and cash equivalents include cash at hand and fixed deposits held with 
banks. Other receivables and prepayments include the contractual amounts and 
obligations due to the Group and consideration for advance payments made by 
the Group. Credit facilities and trade and other payables represent the 
contractual amounts and obligations due by the Group for contractual 
In the opinion of the Directors, on the basis of the shareholdings advised 
to them, the Company has no immediate or ultimate controlling party. 
The Company is exempt from Guernsey taxation under the Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 for which it pays an annual fee of GBP1,200. 
The Luxembourg indirect subsidiaries of the Company are subject to the 
applicable tax regulations in Luxembourg. The table below analyses the tax 
charges incurred at Luxembourg level: 
                               31 December 2019 31 December 2018 
                                              GBP                GBP 
Current tax 
Tax expenses on profit of the            62,307           50,384 
reporting period 
Tax adjustments on profit of              (395)           17,684 
previous periods 
Tax refund for previous                 (1,014)                - 
Total current tax                        60,898           68,068 
The Luxco had no operating gains on ordinary activities before taxation and 
were therefore for the year ended 31 December 2019 subject to the Luxembourg 
minimum corporate income taxation at &euro4,815 (2018: &euro3,810). The 
Luxco 3 and Luxco 4 are subject to Corporate Income Tax and Municipal 
Business Tax based on a margin calculated on an arm's-length principle. The 
effective tax rate in Luxembourg during the reporting period was 24.94% 
(2018: 26.01%). 
To meet the requirements of Rule 206(4)-2 under the Investment Advisors Act 
1940 (the "Custody Rule") the consolidated financial statements of the Group 
have also been audited in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing 
Standards applicable in the United States ("US GAAS"). As such two 
independent Auditor's reports are included, one under International 
Standards on Auditing as required by the Crown Dependencies Audit Rules and 
the other under US GAAS. Compliance with the Custody Rule also requires a 
reconciliation of the operating profit and net assets under IFRS to US GAAP. 
The principal differences between IFRS and US GAAP relate to accounting for 
financial assets that are carried at amortised cost. Under US GAAP the 
calculation of the effective interest rate is based on contractual cash 
flows over the asset's contractual life. International Financial Reporting 
Standards, however, base the effective interest rate calculation on the 
estimated cash flows over the expected life of the asset. 
The Directors have assessed the operating profit and NAV of the Company and 
Group under both IFRS and US GAAP and have concluded that no material 
differences were identified and therefore no reconciliation has been 
presented in these consolidated financial statements. 
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control 
the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in 
making financial or operational decisions. Details on the Investment Manager 
and other related party transactions are included in note 3 to the 
consolidated financial statements. 
The following tables summarise the transactions occurred with related 
parties during the reporting period and outstanding at 31 December 2019 and 
31 December 2018: 
                                Outstanding at     For the year 
                                   31 December 31 December 2019 
Fees, expenses and other                     GBP                GBP 
Directors' fees and expenses 
Stephen Smith                                -           50,000 
John Whittle                                 -           45,000 
Jonathan Bridel                              -           42,500 
Expenses paid                                -            2,828 
Investment Manager 
Investment management fees             801,074        3,077,665 
Origination fees                        31,572        1,684,798 
Expenses                                     -          100,624 
                                Outstanding at     For the year 
                                   31 December 31 December 2018 
Fees, expenses and other                     GBP                GBP 
Directors' fees and expenses 
Stephen Smith                                -           50,000 
John Whittle                                 -           45,000 
Jonathan Bridel                              -           42,500 
Expenses paid                                -            4,321 
Investment Manager 
Investment management fees             723,652        2,858,556 
Origination fees                       309,375        1,543,468 
Expenses paid                                -          175,531 
The following tables summarise the dividends paid to related parties during 
the reporting period and number of Company's shares held by related parties 
at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018: 
                             Dividends paid for            As at 
                                 the year ended 
                                                31 December 2019 
                               31 December 2019 
Shareholdings and                             GBP Number of shares 
dividends paid 
Starwood Property Trust                 594,100        9,140,000 
SCG Starfin Investor LP                 148,525        2,285,000 
Stephen Smith                             5,130           78,929 
John Whittle                                771           11,866 
Jonathan Bridel and                         771           11,866 
                             Dividends paid for            As at 
                                 the year ended 
                                                31 December 2018 
                               31 December 2018 
Shareholdings and                             GBP Number of shares 
dividends paid 
Starwood Property Trust                 594,100        9,140,000 
SCG Starfin Investor LP                 148,525        2,285,000 
Stephen Smith                             5,130           78,929 
John Whittle                                771           11,866 
Jonathan Bridel and                         771           11,866 
The Group continues to participate in a number of loans in which Starwood 
Property Trust, Inc. ("STWD") acted as a co-lender. The details of these 
loans are shown in the table below. 
Loan                                 Related party co-lenders 
Hotel and Residential, UK                                STWD 
Mixed Use Development, South East UK                     STWD 
Hotel, Spain                                             STWD 
Credit Linked Notes, UK Real Estate                      STWD 
Mixed Portfolio, Europe                                  STWD 
Office Portfolio, Spain                                  STWD 
Mixed Use, Ireland                                       STWD 
The following new investments have closed since the year end, up to the date 
of publication of this report: 
                                      Local Currency 
Office, Retail & Residential, Dublin &euro35,150,000 
Hotel, North Berwick, Scotland           GBP15,000,000 
Hotel & Residential, UK                   GBP9,975,000 
The following cash amounts have been funded since the year end up to the 
date of publication of this report: 
                    Local Currency 
Hotel, Spain        &euro8,073,256 
Residential, London     GBP1,547,853 
Mixed Use, Dublin   &euro1,091,164 
Office, London            GBP174,510 
Office, Scotland           GBP77,711 
The following loan amortisation (both scheduled and unscheduled) has been 
received since the year end up to the date of publication of this report: 
                               Local Currency 
Residential, London               GBP11,534,596 
Mixed Portfolio, Europe       &euro12,096,659 
Three Shopping Centres, Spain    &euro167,344 
Office Building, Paris totaling &euro16,000,000 and Mixed Use Development, 
South East UK totaling GBP698,442 have been repaid in full since 31 December 
Following the above activity the Company has repaid part of the revolving 
credit facilities. At the date of publication of this report the amount 
drawn under each facility are: 
· Lloyds Facility: GBP24.06 million 
· Morgan Stanley Facility: &euronil 
On 23 January 2020 the Company declared a dividend of 1.625 pence per 
Ordinary Share payable to shareholders on the register on 31 January 2020. 
Management and the Board have considered the impact of COVID-19 on the 
current and future operations of the Group and its portfolio of loans 
advanced. Because of the cash and loan facilities available to the Group and 
the underlying quality of the portfolio of loans advanced, both management 
and the Board still believe the fundamentals of the portfolio remain 
optimistic and that the Group can adequately support the portfolio of loans 
advanced despite current market conditions. See further the comments in the 
Chairman's statement. 
As stated previously, the Company's share price in the early part of 2020 
has been severely impacted by the general market volatility. In common with 
the overall equity market, the Company's share price has fallen sharply and 
continues to be volatile. These moves have been driven by market conditions 
and flow rather than a change in the Company's NAV. 
Further Information 
Alternative Performance Measures 
In accordance with ESMA Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures 
("APMs") the Board has considered what APMs are included in the Annual 
Financial Report and Audited Consolidated Financial Statements which require 
further clarification. An APM is defined as a financial measure of 
historical or future financial performance, financial position, or cash 
flows, other than a financial measure defined or specified in the applicable 
financial reporting framework. APMs included in the financial statements, 
which are unaudited and outside the scope of IFRS, are deemed to be as 
The NAV per Ordinary Share represents the net assets attributable to equity 
shareholders divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue, excluding 
any shares held in treasury. The NAV per Ordinary Share is published 
monthly. This APM relates to past performance and is used as a comparison to 
the share price per Ordinary Share to assess performance. There are no 
reconciling items between this calculation and the Net Asset Value shown on 
the balance sheet (other than to calculate by Ordinary Share). 
The NAV total return measures the combined effect of any dividends paid, 
together with the rise or fall in the NAV per Ordinary Share. This APM 
relates to past performance and takes into account both capital returns and 
dividends paid to shareholders. Any dividends received by a shareholder are 
assumed to have been reinvested in the assets of the Company at its NAV per 
Ordinary Share. 
The share price total return measures the combined effects of any dividends 
paid, together with the rise or fall in the share price. This APM relates to 
past performance and assesses the impact of movements in the share price on 
total returns to investors. Any dividends received by a shareholder are 
assumed to have been reinvested in additional shares of the Company at the 
time the shares were quoted ex-dividend. 
The discount / premium is the amount by which the share price of the Company 
is lower (discount) or higher (premium) than the NAV per Ordinary Share at 
the date of reporting and relates to past performance. The discount or 
premium is normally expressed as a percentage of the NAV per Ordinary Share. 
The unlevered annualised return is a calculation at the quarterly reporting 
date of the estimated annual return on the portfolio at that point in time. 
It is calculated individually for each loan by summing the one-off fees 
earned (such as up-front arrangement or exit fees charged on repayment) and 
dividing these over the full contractual term of the loan, and adding this 
to the annual returns. Where a loan is floating rate (partially or in whole 
or with floors), the returns are based on an assumed profile for future 
interbank rates, but the actual rate received may be higher or lower. The 
return is calculated only on amounts funded at the quarterly reporting date 
and excludes committed but undrawn loans and excludes cash un-invested. The 
calculation also excludes origination fees paid to the Investment Manager, 
which are accounted for within the interest line in the financial 
An average, weighted by loan amount, is then calculated for the portfolio. 
This APM gives an indication of the future performance of the portfolio (as 
constituted at the reporting date). The calculation, if the portfolio 
remained unchanged, could be used to estimate "income from loans advanced" 
in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income if adjusted for the 
origination fee of 0.75 basis points amortised over the average life of the 
loan. As discussed earlier in this report the figure actually realised may 
be different due to the following reasons: 
· In the quoted return, we amortise all one-off fees (such as arrangement 
and exit fees) over the contractual life of the loan, which is currently 
four years for the portfolio. However, it has been our experience that 
loans tend to repay after approximately 2.5 years and as such, these fees 
are actually amortised over a shorter period. 
· Many loans benefit from prepayment provisions, which means that if they 
are repaid before the end of the protected period, additional interest or 
fees become due. As we quote the return based on the contractual life of 
the loan these returns cannot be forecast in the return. 
· The quoted return excludes the benefit of any foreign exchange gains on 
Euro loans. We do not forecast this as the loans are often repaid early 
and the gain may be lower than this once hedge positions are settled. 
Generally speaking, the actual annualised total return is likely to be 
higher than the reported return for these reasons, but this is not 
incorporated in the reported figure, as the benefit of these items cannot be 
The levered annualised total return is calculated on the same basis as the 
unlevered annual return but takes into account the amount of leverage in the 
Group and the cost of that leverage at current LIBOR/EURIBOR rates. 
Ongoing charges represents the management fee and all other operating 
expenses excluding finance costs and transactions costs, expressed as a 
percentage of the average monthly net asset values during the year and 
allows users to assess the running costs of the Group. This is calculated in 
accordance with AIC guidance and relates to past performance. The charges 
include the following lines items within the Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income: 
· Investment management fees 
· Administration fees 
· Audit and non-audit fees 
· Other expenses 
· Legal and professional fees 
· Directors' fees and expenses 
· Broker's fees and expenses 
· Agency fees 
The calculation adds back any expenses unlikely to occur absent any loan 
originations or repayments and as such, the costs associated with hedging 
Euro loans back to sterling have been added back. The calculation does not 
include origination fees paid to the Investment Manager; these are 
recognised through "Income from loans advanced". 
These are calculations made as at the quarterly reporting date of the loan 
to value ("LTV") on each loan at the lowest and highest point in the capital 
stack in which the Group participates. LTV to "Group last GBP" means the 
percentage which the total loan commitment less any amortisation received to 
date (when aggregated with any other indebtedness ranking alongside and/or 
senior to it) bears to the market value determined by the last formal lender 
valuation received by the quarterly reporting date. LTV to "first Group GBP" 
means the starting point of the loan to value range of the loan commitments 
(when aggregated with any other indebtedness ranking senior to it). For 
development projects, the calculation includes the total facility available 
and is calculated against the assumed market value on completion of the 
An average, weighted by the loan amount, is then calculated for the 
This APM provides an assessment of future credit risk within the portfolio 
and does not directly relate to any financial statement line items. 
This is a calculation made as at the quarterly reporting date, which 
calculates the value of loans, which have an element of floating rate in 
part, in whole and including loans with floors, as a percentage of the total 
value of loans. This APM provides an assessment of potential future 
volatility of the income on loans, as a large percentage of floating rate 
loans would mean that income would move up or down with changes in EURIBOR 
or LIBOR. 
The average loan term is calculated at the quarterly reporting date by 
calculating the average length of each loan from initial advance to the 
contractual termination date. An average, weighted by the loan amount, is 
then calculated for the portfolio. 
The average remaining loan term is calculated at the quarterly reporting 
date by calculating the average length of each loan from the quarterly 
reporting date to the contractual termination date. An average, weighted by 
the loan amount, is then calculated for the portfolio. 
This APM provides an assessment of the likely level of repayments occurring 
in future years (absent any early repayments) which will need to be 
reinvested. In the past, the actual term of loans has been shorter than the 
average contractual loan term due to early repayments and so the level of 
repayments is likely to be higher than this APM would suggest. However, this 
shorter actual loan term cannot be assumed as it may not occur and therefore 
it is not reported as part of this APM. 
Net cash is the result of the Group's total cash and cash equivalents minus 
total credit facility utilised as reported on its consolidated financial 
Unused liquid facilities is the result of the Group's total cash and cash 
equivalents plus the available balance to withdraw under existing credit 
facilities at the reporting date. 
The portfolio diversification statistics are calculated by allocating each 
loan to the relevant sectors and countries based on the value of the 
underlying assets. This is then summed for the entire portfolio and a 
percentage calculated for each sector / country. 
This APM provides an assessment of future risk within the portfolio due to 
exposure to specific sectors or countries and does not directly relate to 
any financial statement line items. 
Corporate Information 
Stephen Smith (Non-executive Chairman) 
Jonathan Bridel (Non-executive Director) 
John Whittle (Non-executive Director) 
(all care of the registered office) 
Investment Manager 
Starwood European Finance Partners Limited 
1 Royal Plaza 
Royal Avenue 
St Peter Port 
GY1 2HL 
Solicitors to the Company (as to English law and U.S. securities law) 
Norton Rose LLP 
3 More London Riverside 
SE1 2AQ 
United Kingdom 
Computershare Investor Services (Guernsey) Limited 
3rd Floor 
Natwest House 
Le Truchot 
St Peter Port 
GY1 1WD 
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited 
trading as Stifel 
150 Cheapside 
United Kingdom 
Administrator, Designated Manager and Company Secretary 
Apex Fund and Corporate Services 
(Guernsey) Limited 
1 Royal Plaza 
Royal Avenue 
St Peter Port 
GY1 2HL 
Registered Office 
1 Royal Plaza 
Royal Avenue 
St Peter Port 
GY1 2HL 
Investment Adviser 
Starwood Capital Europe Advisers, LLP 
2nd Floor 
One Eagle Place 
St. James's 
United Kingdom 
Advocates to the Company (as to Guernsey law) 
Carey Olsen 
PO Box 98 
Carey House, Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
GY1 4HP 
Independent Auditor 
PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP 
Royal Bank Place 
1 Glategny Esplanade 
St Peter Port 
GY1 4ND 
Principal Bankers 
Barclays Private Clients International Limited 
PO Box 41 
Le Marchant House 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3BE 
ISIN:          GG00B79WC100 
Category Code: ACS 
TIDM:          SWEF 
LEI Code:      5493004YMVUQ9Z7JGZ50 
Sequence No.:  56929 
EQS News ID:   1016949 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 07, 2020 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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