CINCINNATI, March 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Summary of Results
Financial highlights Change Half year to Half year to Reported In
January 31, January 31, constant 2007 2006 currency million pounds
million pounds % % Group revenue 7,870 6,734 +16.9 +23.7 Group
trading profit(1) 390 385 +1.3 +7.8 Group operating profit 345 371
-7.0 -1.0 Group profit before tax, before amortization of acquired
intangibles 330 360 -8.3 -3.7 Group profit before tax 285 346 -17.6
-13.4 Earnings per share, before amortization of acquired
intangibles 38.72p 43.91p -11.8 -3.4 Basic earnings per share
32.97p 41.58p -20.7 -13.0 Interim dividend per share 10.85p 9.85p
+10.2 Overview -- Market outperformance in the Group's principal
markets -- Strong revenue growth but profits held back by US
residential market, commodity price deflation and currency
translation -- One off costs of 11 million pounds Sterling in the
first half giving rise to benefits of 30 million pounds in the
second half. Further rationalization costs of 6 million pounds
expected in the UK in the second half -- First half operating cash
flow up significantly (73%) reflecting increased focus on cash flow
to finance future growth -- Trading margin target of 7% within 4
years -- Continuation of double digit growth target Operating
highlights -- North American revenues slightly up reflecting strong
growth in Ferguson, including 9% organic growth, offsetting the
tougher trading conditions for Stock caused by the slowing US
residential market. Trading profit was down 15% due to Stock's
lower profitability. -- Revenue growth of 44.5% in Europe included
26% from the acquisition of DT Group and double digit organic
growth. Trading profit was up 33%. Trading margin was lower,
reflecting lower UK margins due to ongoing investment. -- Good
progress in France with 11.1% increase in revenue and 13.1% in
trading profit. -- DT Group performing ahead of expectations and
Central and Eastern Europe achieved more than 20% increase in
revenue and around 50% increase in trading profit. -- Further
investment with DCs opened in the UK and Italy. A total of 581 new
branches added and expansion into 8 new European countries. -- Bolt
on acquisition investment of 325 million pounds for 30 acquisitions
completed in the first half, which are expected to add 566 million
pounds of revenues in a full year. A further 34 million pounds of
investment in the second half so far to bring aggregate investment
to 359 million pounds. This is in addition to the 1,339 million
pounds acquisition of DT Group completed on September 25, 2006.
Outlook -- The US housing market is expected to continue to remain
soft for the remainder of the calendar year. The repairs
maintenance and improvement ("RMI") and commercial and industrial
markets are expected to continue to hold up. Ferguson should
increase its market share and achieve good levels of organic
growth, albeit at a more modest rate than the first half. -- In
Canada, exploration related business is expected to improve but the
new residential housing market is likely to slow from recent high
levels. -- The UK business is expected to show improved profits and
underlying trading margin in the second half against the background
of a positive economy and a gradual improvement in the RMI market.
-- The recent improved performance of the French operation is
expected to continue, although growth in the French RMI market is
likely to remain modest. -- The outlook for the markets in which DT
Group operates remain positive and its second half contribution
will benefit from its seasonal bias in the second half. -- The
Central and Eastern European operations are expected to continue to
progress well. -- Increasing benefits are expected in the second
half from the recent cost reduction initiatives. These actions,
together with an increased focus on enhancing trading margins, and
working capital efficiency should position the Group well in to the
next financial year, to achieve its growth objectives. SUMMARY OF
RESULTS As at, and for the six months ended 31 January 2007 2006
Change Revenue 7,870m pounds 6,734m pounds +16.9% Operating profit
- before amortization of acquired intangibles - amortization of
acquired intangibles 390m pounds 385m pounds +1.3% (45)m pounds
(14)m pounds Operating profit 345m pounds 371m pounds -7.0% Net
finance costs (60)m pounds (25)m pounds Profit before tax - before
amortization of acquired intangibles 330m pounds 360m pounds -8.3%
- amortization of acquired intangibles (45)m pounds (14)m pounds
Profit before tax 285m pounds 346m pounds -17.6% Earnings per share
- before amortization of acquired intangibles 38.72p 43.91p -11.8%
- amortization of acquired intangibles (5.75)p (2.33)p Basic
earnings per share 32.97p 41.58p -20.7% Dividend per share 10.85p
9.85p +10.2% Net borrowings 2,917m pounds 1,671m pounds Gearing(2)
89.6% 68.1% Interest cover (times) (3) 7x 15x Operating cash flow
447m pounds 258m pounds Return on gross capital employed(4) 15.9%
18.8% Chip Hornsby, Wolseley plc Group Chief Executive said: "The
decline in US housing starts has clearly had an impact on our
results for the first half, but we have taken swift and decisive
action to reduce our cost base and to position the Group to benefit
from improving markets. Meanwhile, we are very encouraged with the
progress being made in Europe including the acquisitions which have
taken us into 8 new countries. We will continue to pursue our
double-digit growth targets through a combination of organic and
acquisitive growth with a renewed focus on margin, cash flow and
working capital improvement." (1) Trading profit, a term used
throughout this announcement, is defined as operating profit before
the amortization of acquired intangibles. Trading margin is the
ratio of trading profit to revenues expressed as a percentage.
Organic change is the total increase or decrease in the year
adjusted for the impact of exchange rates, new acquisitions in 2007
and the incremental impact of acquisitions in 2006. (2) Gearing
ratio is the ratio of net debt, excluding construction loan
borrowings, to shareholders' funds. (3) Interest cover is trading
profit divided by net finance costs, excluding net pension related
finance costs. (4) Return on gross capital employed is the ratio of
trading profit to the aggregate of average shareholders' funds,
minority interests, net debt and cumulative goodwill written off.
An interview with Chip Hornsby, Group Chief Executive and Steve
Webster, Group Finance Director, in video/audio and text will be
available from 0700 on and There will be an analyst and investor
meeting at 0930 at UBS, 4th Floor, 100 Liverpool Street, London
EC2M 2RH. A live audio cast and slide presentation of this event
will be available at 0930 on There will
also be a conference call at 1500 (UK time): UK free phone dial-in
number: 0800 0281299 US free phone dial-in number: 888 935 4577
Rest of the World dial-in number: + 44 (0)20 7806 1955 Password:
Wolseley The call will be recorded and available for playback until
April 1, 2007 on the following numbers: UK free phone number: 0800
559 3271 Passcode: 1049772# US free phone number: 1866 239 0765
Passcode: 1049772# UK/European replay dial-in number: +4420 7806
1970 Passcode: 1049772# Photographs of Chip Hornsby, Group Chief
Executive and Steve Webster, Group Finance Director are available
at: and
Announcement of Interim Results Wolseley, the world's largest
specialist trade distributor of plumbing and heating products to
professional contractors and a leading supplier of building
materials and services, today announces its interim figures. These
results reflect strong organic revenue growth, particularly in the
US plumbing and heating business (Ferguson), Wolseley UK, Central
& Eastern Europe and the additional contribution from
acquisitions. Brossette in France showed good momentum with
revenues and profits up. DT Group performed ahead of expectations.
These factors were largely offset by the performance of Stock
Building Supply ("Stock") which was adversely affected by the
significant slowdown in US new residential construction and its
exposure to commodity lumber and structural panels which declined
sharply in price. Adverse currency translation also impacted the
reported figures. The Group continues to invest in people,
facilities and technology to secure future growth. After taking
account of currency translation, Group revenue increased by 16.9%
from 6,734 million pounds to 7,870 million pounds. Trading profit
rose by 1.3% from 385 million pounds to 390 million pounds. The
Group's trading margin fell from 5.7% to 5.0% primarily due to the
lower margins in Stock and Wolseley UK, commodity price gains last
year which were not repeated and additional investments in the
business to position the Group for further growth. After deducting
amortization of acquired intangibles of 45 million pounds (2006: 14
million pounds), operating profit declined by 7.0% from 371 million
pounds to 345 million pounds. On a constant currency basis, Group
revenue increased by 23.7% and trading profit by 7.8% for the first
six months compared to the previous comparable period. Currency
translation reduced Group revenue by 370 million pounds (5.5%) and
Group trading profit by 23 million pounds (5.9%) in the six month
period. Reported profit before tax, after amortization of acquired
intangibles, declined by 17.6% from 346 million pounds to 285
million pounds. Net finance costs of 60 million pounds (2006: 25
million pounds) reflect the increase in acquisition spend and
higher interest rates, partly offset by stronger operating cash
flow. Interest cover was 7 times (2006: 15 times). The decrease in
earnings per share before amortization of acquired intangibles was
11.8%, from 43.91 pence to 38.72 pence, reflecting the lower level
of profitability and the increase in the number of shares in issue
following the placing on September 25, 2006. Basic earnings per
share were down 20.7%, from 41.58 pence to 32.97 pence. North
America Wolseley's North American division performed well ahead of
a market which was significantly impacted by a slowdown in the new
housing sector, maintaining its position as the leading distributor
of construction products to the professional contractor in North
America. Reported revenue of the division was up 1.3% from 4,309
million pounds to 4,367 million pounds, reflecting acquisitions,
partly offset by an organic revenue decline of 1.3% and the impact
of currency translation. Trading profit, in sterling, declined by
15.0% from 270 million pounds to 229 million pounds, after charging
6 million pounds of one off costs relating to headcount reductions
and branch closures and 5 million pounds (2006: 5 million pounds)
of North American head office costs. Currency translation reduced
divisional revenue by 348 million pounds (8.1%) and trading profit
by 22 million pounds (8.1%). There was a net increase of 166
branches in North America from 1,797 at July 31, 2006 to 1,963
locations at January 31, 2006. In the USA, new housing starts have
fallen more sharply than originally expected, but the repairs
maintenance and improvement ("RMI") market and the commercial and
industrial sectors continue to hold up. Aggregate local currency
revenue from the Group's US businesses was around 11% higher and US
trading profit was down by around 8%. US Plumbing and Heating
Ferguson produced another strong performance with a balance of
organic growth and acquisitions. Investment continued to strengthen
the company and to diversify its business. Commercial and
industrial activity and continued focus on the RMI sector, allowed
for further outperformance in the first half, even as the new
residential market declined. Local currency revenue in the US
plumbing and heating operations rose by 18.8% to $5,384 million
(2006: $4,530 million) with trading profit up by 13.4%. Organic
revenue growth of 9.1% was more than twice that of the market
generally. Gross margin fell slightly due to tougher business
conditions. As expected, the trading margin of 6.2% was lower in
the first half compared to the prior year's first half margin of
6.5%. This was due to the initial impact of acquisitions, the
effects of the weakening new residential markets and the absence of
one-off commodity price gains of around $8 million which benefited
the first half of 2006. In response to the slowing new housing
market in the first half, Ferguson reduced its headcount by around
1,000 from its peak in August 2006. There have been a further 150
reductions since January 31, 2007. These reductions equate to
around 5% of its total employees and should give rise to cost
savings of around $12 million in the second half. Ferguson's total
branch numbers increased by 156 during the first half to 1,393
locations (July 31, 2006: 1,237). US Building Materials The
continued slowdown in the new residential market over the past few
months has caused a reduction in volumes, increased price
competition and has also led to significantly lower lumber and
structural panel prices. This has impacted Stock's financial
performance despite an aggressive cost reduction program. Stock
continues to outperform in most of its major markets with a 10%
reduction in volumes compared to the 25% average decline in housing
starts. New housing, which accounted for 80% of the activity in
this business in the first half, has continued to be a difficult
market. Housing starts have fallen from an average annual rate of
2.1 million for the six months to January 31, 2006 to an average of
1.6 million this half, with the figure in January 2007 being even
lower, at 1.4 million. There continues to be significant regional
variations with the markets in Georgia, Utah, Idaho, Texas and the
Carolinas holding up well while the Northeast, Midwest, Las Vegas
and Florida markets have been weak. In local currency, Stock's
revenue was down 3.1% to $2,419 million (2006: $2,497 million) with
trading profit down 48.6% from $157 million to $81 million, after
charging one off costs of around $11 million relating to branch
closures and headcount reductions. Between the peak in June 2006
and the period end, there was a reduction of around 4,000 people,
representing approximately 25% of the total workforce. Since
January 31, 2007, there has been a further reduction of 500. Cost
savings as a result of all these reductions should amount to
between $40 million and $50 million in the second half of the
financial year. The decline in organic revenue in the first half
was 20.4%, reflecting the 10% fall in volume and commodity price
deflation in lumber and structural panels, which fell 23% and 34%,
respectively. The deflation in commodities, which account for
around 43% of Stock's revenue, had the effect of reducing local
currency revenue by $270 million (11%) in the first half compared
to the first half of last year. Acquisitions contributed $431
million (17.3%) to revenue growth. Stock's trading margin reduced
significantly from 6.3% to 3.3% primarily due to lower volumes and
prices and the effect of one-off costs. The gross margin was
slightly higher due to acquisitions and a more favorable sales mix
arising from increased value added products and installed services.
As part of a cost cutting program, a number of initiatives have
been undertaken including centralizing the sourcing of commodity
products and the closure of 22 branches. Stock's branch numbers
increased by 6 during the first half to 320 locations (July 31,
2006: 314) with the acquired branches more than offsetting closed
facilities. Of the previously announced 22 planned branch closures,
15 will occur in the second half. Stock currently operates in 34
states, having entered the Phoenix, Arizona market in the first
half. Wolseley Canada In Canada, although housing markets held up
reasonably well, business from the oil and gas exploration
industries in Western Canada slowed as a result of warmer weather,
lower gas prices and higher gas inventory levels. Against this
background, Wolseley Canada's local currency revenue increased by
0.6% to C$660 million (2006: C$656 million). Gross margin improved
and trading profit rose by 3.1% to C$41 million (2006: C$40
million). Trading margin was up slightly at 6.2% (2006: 6.1%).
Wolseley Canada opened a new regional distribution center and its
total branch numbers increased from 246 to 250 locations. Europe
Most of the European operations achieved good revenue and profit
improvements in markets which showed little growth in the first
half. The results in Europe also benefited from acquisitions which
expanded the geographic diversity of the Group. Reported revenue
for this division increased by 44.5% from 2,425 million pounds to
3,503 million pounds, of which 10.1% was from organic growth.
Recent acquisitions accounted for 857 million pounds (35.3%) of
revenue growth, including DT Group in the Nordic region in
September 2006. Trading profit, after the allocation of European
central costs of 5 million pounds (2006: 5 million pounds),
increased 33% from 135 million pounds to 180 million pounds. The
overall divisional trading margin, after the allocation of central
costs, declined from 5.6% to 5.1% of revenue, primarily due to the
lower trading margins in Wolseley UK and Italy and the dilutive
effect of the first half margin in DT Group which reflects the
seasonal bias towards the second half in that business. Underlying
margin improvements were achieved in France (both PBM and
Brossette) and nearly all of the Central and Eastern European
operations. In the first six months, a further net 415 branches
were added to the European network, giving a total of 3,276
locations (July 31, 2006: 2,861), including 344 added through
acquisitions. UK and Ireland Wolseley UK grew strongly in an
improving market. The fundamentals of the UK economy remained
positive, with good economic growth and relatively low
unemployment. The Irish economy continued to be positive. Against
this background, Wolseley UK, which includes Ireland, recorded a
23.1% increase in revenue to 1,554 million pounds (2006: 1,262
million pounds). Organic growth of 11.0% significantly outperformed
the market generally, which is estimated to have risen by 2%.
Wolseley UK's trading profit increased by 3.2% in the first half
compared to the equivalent period in the prior year. Price
competition in the core Plumb and Build brands continued, but the
effect was more than offset at the gross margin level by the
benefits from the other brands including the recent acquisitions.
However, the trading margin fell from 7.1% to 6.0%. This was as a
result of the continuing investment in the business to improve
supply chain in terms of DC space, the initial dilutive impact of
opening new branches, integration costs of the prior year's record
acquisitions and increasing the management resource, including a
doubling of the graduate program. Following the closure of a number
of regional offices, certain functions have been successfully
centralized into Wolseley UK's new head office in Leamington Spa,
with support services for the core brands fully integrated. One off
costs in the first half were approximately 5m pounds including
those related to the step up in the number of branch openings.
Further rationalization costs of approximately 6 million pounds are
anticipated in the second half relating to refinement of the branch
network and planned headcount reduction following the
centralization of head offices. The emphasis in the second half
will be more on margin improvement. The new national DC in
Leamington Spa began operations in autumn 2006 and the regional DC,
in the North West is now under construction. These investments and
the current initiatives to centralize control of transport and
branch inventory management, should enhance customer service and
support continued growth in the business. The central branch
replenishment program has been fully rolled out in Plumb Center and
Parts Center and has improved inventory turn and stock availability
in the branches. This will be introduced to other brands. During
the first six months, 68 net new locations were added in the UK and
Ireland taking the total number of branches for Wolseley UK to
1,926 (July 31, 2006: 1,858). More than 30 new Bathstore branches
were opened as well as additional investment in its office and
distribution space and this opening program will continue in the
second half. The electrical distribution businesses, AC Electrical
and William Wilson, were brought together as Electric Center and a
further 11 new branches were opened. The integration of Hire Center
with Brandon Hire was also completed, with a further 2 branches
added. France In France, government tax incentives continued to
underpin growth, albeit at a slowing rate, in the new residential
market. However, RMI, which represents approximately two thirds of
revenue for both Brossette and PBM, continues to show only marginal
improvement against the background of little growth in the overall
economy, weak consumer confidence and persistent high levels of
unemployment. Wolseley's French operations now operate under one
central management as three divisions, namely: Building Materials
(PBM Heavyside), Import and Wood solutions (PBM Import) and
Plumbing and Heating (Brossette Lightside). Overall, in France,
first half revenue was up 12.8% to euro 1,321 million (2006: euro
1,170 million), including organic growth of 7.1%, slightly ahead of
the market. Trading profit was up 14.9% to ?60 million (2006: ?52
million), as a result of the continuing reorganization and
rationalization of back office functions and good performances from
all three divisions. The underlying trading margin improved to 4.6%
(2006: 4.3%). PBM (Heavyside and Import and Wood Solutions)
achieved an increase in revenue of 15.9% in local currency, half of
which was organic growth. Gross margin was up slightly and PBM also
improved its trading margin, after adjusting for one-off items in
the corresponding period in the prior year. PBM's branch opening
program continued with 5 new locations added, giving 354 in total.
PBM continues to centralize its back office functions. Against the
background of ongoing restructuring, local currency revenue in
Brossette was 8.2% up on the first half last year, 6.1% of which
was organic growth. Underlying trading profit was up 12.8%, on a
comparable basis. Brossette's results reflect the benefits from its
recent reorganization including the centralization of a number of
functions including purchasing and logistics. As the majority of
regional management teams are now in place, the ongoing
restructuring that is expected to continue for the next two years,
will principally be in relation to its distribution and branch
network. Brossette's branch opening program continued with 29 new
locations added, giving 467 in total. Wolseley's French businesses
continue to seek opportunities to generate synergies by expansion
of the number of joint sites, cross selling of products and
centralization of functions such as sourcing and purchasing. Nordic
In the Nordic region, DT Group has made a good start since being
acquired by Wolseley on 25 September 2006 for 1,339 million pounds.
The response from the DT management team to the integration process
has been very positive and the integration will be completed by the
year end, ahead of schedule. The four Nordic countries in which DT
Group operates continue to show good economic growth as well as
benefiting from favorable winter weather conditions in what is
normally a quieter business period. This positive environment
helped DT Group report a good financial performance ahead of
expectations at the time of acquisition. For the four months of
Wolseley ownership to January 31, 2007, revenue was DKK6,878
million (621 million pounds) and trading profit was DKK338 million
(31 million pounds). The trading margin was 4.9%. DT Group is
expected to achieve a much higher level of profitability in the
second half, reflecting the normal seasonal bias of the business.
For the 12 months to January 31, 2007, DT Group's year end prior to
being acquired by Wolseley, management accounts show an underlying
increase in revenue over the prior year of 12.9% and in trading
profit, of 28.0%. Central and Eastern Europe The Group's other
Continental European operations enjoyed generally good results with
growth significantly ahead of generally flat markets. Revenue in
Central Europe was up by 21.2% to 439 million pounds (2006: 362
million pounds), reflecting organic growth of 13.8% and the benefit
of acquisitions. Trading profit was up 47.2% to 21 million pounds
(2006: 14 million pounds). The trading margin improved to 4.8%
(2006: 3.9%). In the Benelux countries, the business achieved
revenue growth of more than 30%, including organic growth of 18%,
with Wasco in The Netherlands and CFM in Luxembourg making
excellent progress. Trading profit rose more than 60% as
centralization of sourcing, logistics and inventory management
across Benelux is progressed. Tobler, in Switzerland, had another
strong half with double digit improvements in revenue and trading
profit, including 12.5% organic revenue growth. Trading margin also
rose. OAG, in Austria, benefited from its recent business
restructuring and management changes to report 16.8% organic
revenue growth and a significant improvement in trading margin. In
Italy, revenue in the first half increased although profits were
down, as expected, due to the initial costs of the new euro 20
million DC that commenced branch deliveries at the end of 2006. The
DC will gradually roll out deliveries to other branches over the
next 12 months, allowing a return to margin growth. In Eastern
Europe, the Woodcote acquisition in October 2006, which took
Wolseley into Croatia, Slovakia, Poland and Romania for the first
time, is performing in line with expectations and across all
markets Wolseley businesses are outperforming the local markets.
Interim Dividend The Board has decided to pay an interim dividend
of 10.85 pence per share (2006: 9.85 pence per share) to be paid on
May 31, 2007 to shareholders on the register on March 30, 2007,
which will absorb 71 million pounds of cash. This represents an
increase of 10.2% over last year's interim dividend and reflects
the Board's confidence in the future prospects of the Group and its
strong financial position. It is expected that the interim dividend
will be approximately one third of the total dividend for the year.
The dividend reinvestment plan will continue to be available to
eligible shareholders. Management and organizational changes Larry
Stoddard has been appointed to the Wolseley Executive Committee as
Chief Operations Officer. The Executive Committee provides overall
leadership to the Wolseley Group, ensuring that its strategy and
initiatives are implemented throughout the organization. Larry has
been with Ferguson Enterprises for 25 years and is now responsible
for driving overall business and margin improvement. The Executive
Committee comprises: Chip Hornsby (Chief Executive Officer), Steve
Webster (Chief Financial Officer), Rob Marchbank (Chief Executive
Officer - Europe), Frank Roach (Chief Executive Officer - North
America), Fenton Hord (President & Chief Executive Officer
Stock Building Supply), Larry Stoddard (Chief Operations Officer)
and Adrian Barden (Chief Business Development Officer). Mark White,
Group Company Secretary and Counsel, will be leaving the Group on
31 May 2007 to take up another position. Strategy The Group's
strategy continues to be to grow the business both organically and
by acquisition and pursue geographic, customer, product and
business segment diversity to help underpin the resilience in its
performance over economic cycles. The Group's scale, diversity,
operational excellence and emphasis on customer service represent a
clear competitive advantage and it will continue to invest to build
on this strength. Over the last few months the Group has placed an
increased emphasis on increased working capital efficiency and
margin enhancement, in order to support its investment program and
drive greater efficiency across the business. The initiatives in
the areas of supply chain, sourcing, business improvement, human
resource development and organic and acquisitive growth have
delivered positive results and will continue to drive future
benefits. The Group will focus aggressively on driving the full
benefit from the step-up in its investments over the last few years
in people, technology and infrastructure. There will be no change
to the Group's overall financial targets of double digit sales
growth and a higher rate of profit growth whilst maintaining an
incremental return on gross capital employed of at least 4% more
than the pre- tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital. The Group still
believes it has the potential to double its size over the next five
to seven years in the fragmented markets in which it operates,
which is equivalent to a compound annual growth rate of 10% to 14%.
The Group's business improvement initiatives and increased scale
and leverage should produce a trading margin of at least 7% within
the next four years, subject to business conditions and the mix of
businesses within the Group at that time. The Board will continue
to carefully monitor its progress against this target. Financial
Review Net finance costs of 60 million pounds (2006: 25 million
pounds) reflect a significant increase in Group debt as a result of
a higher level of acquisition spend and an increase in interest
rates, partly offset by strong operating cash flow. Net interest
receivable on construction loans amounted to 6 million pounds
(2006: 5 million pounds). Interest cover was 7 times (2006: 15
times). The effective tax rate, being tax payable on profit before
tax and amortization of acquired intangibles, decreased from 27.9%
to 25.6% due to a higher proportion of the Group's profits coming
from lower tax jurisdictions in Europe following the DT acquisition
and the impact of deferred tax on share options. The effective tax
rate for the half-year to January 31, 2007 is consistent with the
rate expected for the year to July 31, 2007. Before the
amortization of acquired intangibles, earnings per share decreased
by 11.8% from 43.91 pence to 38.72 pence, reflecting the lower
level of profitability and the placing of 59.5 million shares on
September 25, 2006. Basic earnings per share were 20.7% lower at
32.97 pence (2006: 41.58 pence). The average number of shares in
issue during the first half was 635 million (2006: 590 million).
Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 73% from 258
million pounds to 447 million pounds, due to the increased focus on
improving working capital and cash flow management throughout the
Group. Capital expenditure increased from 144 million pounds to 206
million pounds reflecting continued investment in the business,
particularly in the DCs in the UK and Italy, IT and new branch
openings. Capital expenditure in the second half is expected to be
at a similar level. The Group's branch network during the first
half has been extended through acquisitions and branch openings by
a net of 581 branches, bringing the total to 5,239 (July 31, 2006:
4,658). Net borrowings, excluding construction loan borrowings, at
January 31, 2007 amounted to 2,917 million pounds compared to 1,950
million pounds at July 31, 2006, giving gearing of 89.6% compared
to 75.2% at the previous year end and 68.1% at January 31, 2006.
The increase principally relates to acquisitions partially offset
by the share placing of 655 million pounds on September 25, 2006
and strong operating cash flow. In the USA, construction loan
receivables, financed by an equivalent amount of construction loan
borrowings, were 293 million pounds compared to 313 million pounds
at July 31, 2006. Return on gross capital employed (ROGCE) fell
from 18.8% in 2006 to 15.9% in the first half of 2007 primarily as
a result of the initial impact of the DT Group acquisition and the
lower organic growth in profit. The ROGCE remains above the Group's
weighted average cost of capital. Provisions in the balance sheet
include the estimated liability for asbestos claims on a discounted
basis. This liability has been determined as at January 31, 2007 by
independent professional actuarial advisors. The asbestos related
litigation is fully covered by insurance and accordingly an
equivalent insurance receivable has been included in receivables.
The level of insurance cover available significantly exceeds the
expected level of future claims and no profit or cash flow impact
is therefore expected to arise in the foreseeable future. There
were 246 claims outstanding at July 31, 2006 (July 31, 2005: 235).
An update on the estimated liability and number of claims
outstanding will be provided with the Group's Preliminary Results
announcement in September 2007. Acquisitions Investment in bolt on
acquisitions completed during the first half, including any
deferred consideration and net debt, amounted to 325 million pounds
(2006: 436 million pounds). These 30 acquisitions are expected to
add around 566 million pounds per annum of incremental revenues in
a full year. In addition, on September 25, 2006, the Group
completed the acquisition of DT Group for 1,339 million pounds
which brings aggregate acquisition spend for the six months to
January 31 to 1,664 million pounds. Six additional acquisitions,
for a consideration of 34 million pounds, have been completed since
January 31, 2007. This includes three further bolt on acquisitions
not previously announced which were acquired for an aggregate
consideration of 24 million pounds. In a full year, these bolt on
acquisitions are expected to add approximately 39 million pounds to
total revenue. Further details of these acquisitions follows below.
On February 26, 2007, Stock Building Supply acquired certain assets
of Oregon Pacific Building Products (New Mexico), Inc.
("Albuquerque Door") from Orepac Building Products. Albuquerque
Door is a single facility, based in Albuquerque, which assembles
pre-hung exterior and interior doors and specialty architectural
millwork items. In the year ended October 31, 2006, Albuquerque
Door had revenue of $10.9 million (5.6 million pounds) and gross
assets of $3.3 million (1.7 million pounds) at that date. On March
1, 2007, Improvement Direct, Inc. ("Improvement Direct") was
acquired from Christian B. Friedland, David T.S. Boctor, Craig S.
Stilwell, Daniel R. Davis, Brett D. Morse and Nathan J.Kanemoto.
Improvement Direct owns a network of online stores selling a wide
variety of home improvement products, including taps, plumbing
supplies, lighting fixtures, cabinet hardware, window treatments,
tools, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. In the year ended
December 31, 2006, Improvement Direct had revenue of $55.7 million
(28.7 million pounds) and gross assets of $0.3 million (0.2 million
pounds) at that date. On February 19, 2007, Wolseley UK acquired
the business of Conlon Quinn. Ltd. ("CQL") from Gay Doran, Brian
Conlon, Sean Conlon and Sean McGee. CQL is an Irish wholesaler of
electrical installation and maintenance materials with a head
office and main branch in Dundalk and further branches in Monaghan
and Navan. CQL services the electrical contracting market in
counties Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan and North Dublin. In the
year ended March 31, 2006, CQL had revenue of euro 7.3 million (5.0
million pounds) and gross assets of euro 3.4 million (2.6 million
pounds) at that date. The divisional split of the total acquisition
spend since August 1, 2006 is: Division No. of Spend Acquisitions
Million Pounds Europe 17 84 North America 19 275 TOTAL BOLT ONS 36
359 Acquisition of DT Group 1 1,339 TOTAL ACQUISITION SPEND 37
1,698 The following exchange rates have been used for the
acquisitions since January 31, 2007 included above: 1 pound =
$1.94, 1 pound = euro 1.47. Further details regarding acquisitions
are included in note 12. Outlook In the USA, the housing market is
expected to continue to remain soft for the remainder of the
calendar year, but with significant regional variations. The RMI
and commercial and industrial markets are expected to continue to
hold up. Ferguson should increase its market share and achieve good
levels of organic revenue growth, albeit at a more modest rate than
the first half. Based on expected market conditions for the second
half no further headcount reductions are planned in the USA,
however, if markets show signs of weakening further, prompt action
will be taken to reduce the cost base. In Canada, activity in the
exploration industries in Western Canada is expected to improve
although the new residential housing market is likely to continue
to slow from recent high levels. In the UK, the fundamentals of the
UK economy are expected to remain positive and the gradual
improvement in the RMI market is expected to be maintained,
although it is still too early to assess the full impact that
recent interest rate increases may have on consumer and housing
related expenditure. Against this background, the UK business is
expected to show improved profit growth and underlying trading
margin in the second half compared to the corresponding period in
the prior financial year as the business begins to obtain the
benefits from previous investment in central management systems,
acquisition integration and the branch network. Although growth in
the French RMI market is likely to remain modest, the recent
positive performance of the French operations is expected to
continue. A number of initiatives continue to be implemented to
reorganize the French businesses and the investment in Brossette
will continue as it refines its branch and logistics network. The
outlook for the markets in which DT Group operates remain generally
positive and its second half profit contribution will benefit from
its seasonal bias. The Central and Eastern European operations are
expected to continue to progress well. The Group should see
increasing benefits in the second half from the recent cost
reduction initiatives. These actions, together with an increased
focus on enhancing trading margins and working capital efficiency
should position the Group well in to the next financial year, to
achieve its growth objectives. About Wolseley plc Wolseley plc is
the world's largest specialist trade distributor of plumbing and
heating products to professional contractors and a leading supplier
of building materials in North America, the UK and Continental
Europe. Group revenue for the year ended July 31, 2006 was
approximately 14.2 billion pounds and operating profit, before
amortization of acquired intangibles, was 882 million pounds.
Wolseley has around 78,200 employees operating in 28 countries
namely: UK, USA, France, Canada, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands,
Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg,
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Slovak Republic, Poland, Romania,
Croatia, San Marino, Panama, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago,
Mexico, Barbados and Greenland. Wolseley is listed on the London
and New York Stock Exchanges (NYSE:WOS) (LSE:WOS) and is in the
FTSE 100 index of listed companies. Certain information included in
this release is forward-looking and involves risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those expressed or implied by forward looking statements.
Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, projections
relating to results of operations and financial conditions and the
Company's plans and objectives for future operations, including,
without limitation, discussions of expected future revenues,
financing plans and expected expenditures and divestments. All
forward-looking statements in this release are based upon
information known to the Company on the date of this report. The
Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise. It is not reasonably possible to
itemize all of the many factors and specific events that could
cause the Company's forward looking statements to be incorrect or
that could otherwise have a material adverse effect on the future
operations or results of an international Group such as Wolseley.
Information on some factors which could result in material
difference to the results is available in the Company's SEC
filings, including, without limitation, the Company's Report on
Form 20-F for the year ended July 31, 2006. FINANCIAL CALENDAR FOR
2007 March 28 - Shares quoted ex-dividend March 30 - Record date
for final dividend May 31 - Interim dividend payment date July 16 -
Trading update for 11 months to June 30, 2007 July 31 - Financial
year end September 24 - Announcement of Preliminary results for
year to July 31, 2007 October 3 - Shares quoted ex-dividend October
5 - Record date for final dividend November 28 - Annual General
Meeting November 30 - Final dividend payment date A copy of this
release, together with all other recent public announcements can be
found on Wolseley's web site at Copies of
the presentation given to institutional investors and analysts are
also available on this site. Condensed Group Income Statement
(unaudited) Year to Half year to Half year to July 31 January 31
January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 14,158 Revenue
7,870 6,734 (10,222) Cost of sales (5,702) (4,889) 3,936 Gross
profit 2,168 1,845 (2,413) Distribution costs (1,432) (1,167)
Administrative expenses: (48) amortization of acquired intangibles
(45) (14) (665) Administrative expenses: other (360) (298) (713)
Administrative expenses: total (405) (312) 24 Other income 14 5 834
Operating profit 345 371 49 Finance revenue (note 3) 34 20 (114)
Finance costs (note 3) (94) (45) 769 Profit before tax 285 346
(232) Tax expense (note 4) (76) (101) Profit for the period
attributable 537 to equity shareholders 209 245 Earnings per share
(note 6) 90.77p Basic earnings per share 32.97p 41.58p 90.02p
Diluted earnings per share 32.78p 41.13p Dividends (note 5) 27.45p
Dividends per share 10.85p 9.85p Non-GAAP measures of performance
(note 7) 882 Trading profit 390 385 Profit before tax and the
amortization 817 of acquired intangibles 330 360 Translation rates
1.7885 US dollars 1.9198 1.7604 1.4577 Euro 1.4850 1.4619 Condensed
Group Statement of Recognized Income and Expense (unaudited) Year
to Half year to Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31 2006
2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 537 Profit for the period 209
245 Net exchange adjustments (124) offset in reserves (110) (17)
Cash flow hedges 14 - fair value gains and losses 3 12 -
reclassified and reported in net (1) profit for the period (1) - 7
Actuarial gains/(losses) 54 (4) Change in fair value of (7)
available-for-sale investments 2 - Tax charge not recognized in
(13) the income statement (9) (11) Net losses not recognized in
(124) the income statement (61) (20) 413 Total recognized income
and expense 148 225 Condensed Group Balance Sheet (unaudited) As at
As at As at July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m
pounds m pounds ASSETS Non-current assets 1,173 Intangible assets:
goodwill 1,908 1,004 333 Intangible assets: other 804 230 1,144
Property, plant and equipment ("PPE") 1,668 990 16 Deferred tax
assets 35 35 36 Trade and other receivables 37 34 Financial assets:
21 available-for-sale investments 20 4 2,723 4,472 2,297 Current
assets 1,954 Inventories 2,086 1,887 2,650 Trade and other
receivables 2,679 2,279 1 Current tax receivable 25 33 4 Financial
assets: trading investments 6 4 10 Derivative financial assets 11
14 Financial receivables: 313 construction loans (secured) 293 294
416 Cash and cash equivalents 286 439 5,348 5,386 4,950 7 Assets
held for resale 9 6 8,078 Total assets 9,867 7,253 Liabilities
Current liabilities 2,294 Trade and other payables 2,389 1,868 91
Current tax payable 107 94 Borrowings: 313 construction loans
(unsecured) 293 294 192 Bank loans and overdrafts 261 699 18
Obligations under finance leases 16 16 29 Derivative financial
liabilities 20 13 29 Provisions 30 30 29 Retirement benefit
obligations 19 17 2,995 3,135 3,031 Non-current liabilities 25
Trade and other payables 19 18 2,084 Bank loans 2,860 1,352 57
Obligations under finance leases 63 49 88 Deferred tax liabilities
330 79 77 Provisions 81 78 160 Retirement benefit obligations 123
191 2,491 3,476 1,767 5,486 Total liabilities 6,611 4,798 2,592 Net
assets 3,256 2,455 Shareholders' equity 149 Called up share capital
165 149 288 Share premium account 930 270 (49) Foreign currency
translation reserve (159) 56 2,204 Retained earnings 2,320 1,980
2,592 Equity shareholders' funds 3,256 2,455 Condensed Group Cash
Flow Statement (unaudited) Year to Half year to Half year to July
31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds
Cash flows from operating activities 850 Cash generated from
operations 447 258 45 Interest received 25 14 (102) Interest paid
(82) (32) (206) Tax paid (104) (95) Net cash generated from
operating 587 activities 286 145 Cash flows from investing
activities Acquisition of businesses (822) (net of cash acquired)
(1,272) (420) Disposals of businesses 2 (net of cash disposed of) -
- Purchases of property, plant (326) and equipment (179) (139)
Proceeds from sale of property, 52 plant and equipment 25 11 (20)
Purchases of intangible assets (27) (5) (23) Purchases of
investments - - - Proceeds from disposal of investments - 1 (1,137)
Net cash used in investing activities (1,453) (552) Cash flows from
financing activities Proceeds from the issue of 31 shares to
shareholders 658 13 Purchases of shares by Employee (27) Benefit
Trusts (24) (11) 2,486 Proceeds from new borrowings 604 854 (1,405)
Repayments of borrowings and derivatives (66) (150) (17) Finance
lease capital payments (16) (4) (162) Dividends paid to
shareholders (128) (104) Net cash generated from 906 financing
activities 1,028 598 356 Net cash (used)/generated (139) 191 (8)
Effects of exchange rate changes (19) (17) Net (decrease)/increase
in cash, cash 348 equivalents and bank overdrafts (158) 174 Cash,
cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at the beginning of (56) the
period 292 (56) Cash, cash equivalents and bank 292 overdrafts at
the end of the period 134 118 Reconciliation of Profit to Net Cash
Flow from Operating Activities (unaudited) Year to Half year to
Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds
m pounds m pounds 537 Profit for the period 209 245 65 Net finance
costs 60 25 232 Tax expense 76 101 Depreciation of property, 134
plant and equipment 88 59 6 Amortization of non-acquired
intangibles 2 3 Profit on disposal of property, (16) plant and
equipment (11) (3) 48 Amortization of acquired intangibles 45 14
(171) Decrease/(increase) in inventories 81 (120)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and (243) other receivables 202 71
(Decrease)/increase in trade and 217 other payables (319) (170)
Increase in provisions and other 19 liabilities 4 20 Share based
payments and other non 22 cash items 10 13 850 Net cash flow from
operating activities 447 258 Notes to the condensed unaudited
financial information for the six months ended January 31, 2007 1
Basis of preparation The Group prepares its annual financial
statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the EU, and those parts of
the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under
IFRS. The condensed financial information presented in these
interim financial statements has been prepared in accordance with
the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority. The
accounting policies applied by the Group in these interim
consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied by
the Group in its audited consolidated financial statements as at
and for the year ended July 31, 2006. The results for the first
half of the financial year have not been audited and were approved
by the Board of Directors on March 19, 2007. The summary of results
for the year ended July 31, 2006 does not constitute the full
financial statements within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The full financial statements for that year,
prepared under IFRS, have been reported on by the Group's auditors
and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under sections 237(2)
or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 Segmental analysis of
results The Group has a single business segment, the distribution
and supply of construction materials and services. The Group's
geographical segments are Europe, consisting of UK and Ireland,
France, Nordic and Central & Eastern Europe, and North America.
The Group has determined that its geographical segments are its
primary segments for IFRS reporting purposes. The revenue, trading
profit and operating profit of the Group's geographical segments
are detailed in the following three tables. Revenue by geographical
segment Year to Half year to Half year to July 31 January 31
January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 2,690 UK and
Ireland 1,554 1,262 1,725 France 889 801 - Nordic 621 - 735 Central
and Eastern Europe 439 362 5,150 Europe 3,503 2,425 9,008 North
America 4,367 4,309 14,158 Total 7,870 6,734 Trading profit by
geographical segment Year to Half year to Half year to July 31
January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 201
UK and Ireland 92 90 91 France 41 36 - Nordic 31 - 31 Central and
Eastern Europe 21 14 (7) European central costs (5) (5) 316 Europe
180 135 603 North America 229 270 (37) Group central costs (19)
(20) 882 Total trading profit (note 7) 390 385 Operating profit by
geographical segment Year to Half year to Half year to July 31
January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 188
UK and Ireland 84 87 90 France 41 35 - Nordic 21 - 30 Central and
Eastern Europe 20 14 (7) European central costs (5) (5) 301 Europe
161 131 570 North America 203 260 (37) Group central costs (19)
(20) 834 Total operating profit 345 371 The Group will prepare
segmental disclosures in accordance with US GAAP and disclose them
in its Form 20-F for the full year ending July 31, 2007. The
disclosure requirements under US GAAP differ from those under IFRS,
such that revenue and operating profit for North America will be
further analyzed by operating segment in the Form 20-F. In order to
ensure consistency of information disclosed to all investors, the
following table is included in these interim financial statements.
Year to Half year to Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31
2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds Revenue 5,396 US Plumbing
and Heating 2,804 2,574 2,966 US Building Materials 1,260 1,418 646
Canada 303 317 9,008 North America 4,367 4,309 Trading profit 378
US Plumbing and Heating 173 167 192 US Building Materials 42 89 44
Canada 19 19 (11) North American central costs (5) (5) 603 North
America 229 270 Operating profit 369 US Plumbing and Heating 163
164 168 US Building Materials 26 82 44 Canada 19 19 (11) North
American central costs (5) (5) 570 North America 203 260 Analysis
of movement in revenue New Acqui- Acqui- sitions sitions Increment
2006 Exchange 2007 2006 Organic Change 2007 m m m m m % m pounds
pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds UK and Ireland 1,262 (2) 8 148
138 11.0 1,554 France 801 (13) 10 35 56 7.1 889 Nordic - - 621 - -
- 621 Central and Eastern Europe 362 (7) 16 19 49 13.8 439 Europe
2,425 (22) 655 202 243 10.1 3,503 US Plumbing and Heating 2,574
(213) 96 132 215 9.1 2,804 US Building Materials 1,418 (118) 6 219
(265) (20.4) 1,260 Canada 317 (17) 1 2 - - 303 North America 4,309
(348) 103 353 (50) (1.3) 4,367 TOTAL 6,734 (370) 758 555 193 3.0
7,870 Analysis of movement in trading profit New Acqui- Acqui-
sitions sitions Increment 2006 Exchange 2007 2006 Organic Change
2007 m m m m m % m pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds UK and
Ireland 90 - 1 10 (9) (8.8) 92 France 36 (1) - 1 5 12.5 41 Nordic -
- 31 - - - 31 Central and Eastern Europe 14 - 1 1 5 35.1 21
European central costs (5) - - - - - (5) Europe 135 (1) 33 12 1 1.0
180 US Plumbing and Heating 167 (14) 6 8 6 3.9 173 US Building
Materials 89 (7) - 13 (53) (64.3) 42 Canada 19 (1) - 1 - 1.4 19
North American central costs (5) - - - - (5) North America 270 (22)
6 22 (47) (18.7) 229 Group central costs (20) - - - 1 (19) TOTAL
385 (23) 39 34 (45) (12.2) 390 3 Net finance costs Year to Half
year to Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m
pounds m pounds m pounds 49 Interest receivable 34 19 - Net pension
finance income - 1 49 Finance revenue 34 20 Interest payable (110)
- Bank loans and overdrafts (93) (43) (3) - Finance lease charges
(1) (1) (1) Net pension finance cost (1) - Valuation gains/(losses)
on financial instruments - Derivatives held at fair value (27)
through profit and loss 5 (2) - Loans in a fair value hedging 26
relationship (5) 1 1 - Recycled from equity 1 - (114) Finance costs
(94) (45) (65) Net finance costs (60) (25) 4 Taxation The tax
charge on ordinary activities for the half year has been calculated
at the rate which it is expected will apply for the year ending
July 31, 2007 and comprises the following elements: Year to Half
year to Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m
pounds m pounds m pounds Tax on profit for the period 18 - UK 17 11
205 - Overseas 50 68 223 67 79 9 Deferred tax 9 22 232 76 101 5
Dividends Year to Half year to Half year to July 31 January 31
January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 58 Interim
paid - - 104 Final paid 128 104 162 128 104 The proposed interim
dividend of 71 million pounds (10.85 pence per share assuming 653
million shares in issue) is not included as a liability in these
financial statements. 6 Earnings per share Basic earnings per share
of 32.97 pence (January 31, 2006: 41.58 pence) is calculated on the
profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders of 209
million pounds (January 31, 2006: 245 million pounds) on a weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 635
million (January 31, 2006: 590 million). As detailed in note 7
below, the Group believes that profit measures before the
amortization of acquired intangibles provide valuable additional
information for users of the financial statements. Basic earnings
per share, before the amortization of acquired intangibles, has,
therefore, been presented in the following table. Year to Half year
to Half year to July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 Pence
Pence Pence per Per Per share Share Share Before amortization of
acquired 98.90p intangibles 38.72p 43.91p (8.13)p Amortization of
acquired intangibles (5.75)p (2.33)p 90.77p Basic earnings per
share 32.97p 41.58p The impact of all potentially dilutive share
options on earnings per share would be to increase the weighted
average number of shares in issue to 639 million (January 31, 2006:
597 million) and to reduce basic earnings per share to 32.78 pence
(January 31, 2006: 41.13 pence). Diluted earnings per share before
amortization of acquired intangibles is 38.49 pence (January 31,
2006: 43.44 pence). 7 Non-GAAP measures of performance Trading
profit is defined as operating profit before the amortization of
acquired intangibles and is a non-GAAP measure. The current
businesses within the Group have arisen through internal organic
growth and through acquisition. Operating profit includes only the
amortization of acquired intangibles arising on those businesses
that have been acquired subsequent to July 31, 2004 and as such
does not reflect equally the performance of businesses acquired
prior to July 31, 2004 (where no amortization of acquired
intangibles was recognized), businesses that have developed
organically (where no intangibles are attributed) and those
businesses more recently acquired (where amortization of acquired
intangibles is charged). The Group believes that trading profit
provides valuable additional information for users of the financial
statements in assessing the Group's performance since it provides
information on the performance of the business that local managers
are more directly able to influence and on a basis consistent
across businesses. Year to Half year to Half year to July 31
January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m pounds 834
Operating profit 345 371 Add back: amortization of 48 acquired
intangibles 45 14 882 Trading profit 390 385 769 Profit before tax
285 346 Add back: amortization of 48 acquired intangibles 45 14
Profit before tax and the amortization 817 of acquired intangibles
330 360 8 Capital expenditure Property, Tangible plant and
Intangible and intangible assets equipment assets m pounds m pounds
m pounds Net book value at August 1, 2006 1,506 1,144 2,650
Acquisitions 1,289 481 1,770 Additions 27 187 214 Disposals - (16)
(16) Depreciation and amortization (47) (88) (135) Exchange rate
adjustment (63) (40) (103) Net book value at January 31, 2007 2,712
1,668 4,380 9 Provisions Environmental Wolseley Other and legal
Insurance provisions Total m pounds m pounds m pounds m pounds At
August 1, 2006 39 47 20 106 Utilized in the period (5) (11) (2)
(18) Charge for the period 1 20 5 26 New businesses - - 1 1
Exchange difference (2) (2) - (4) 33 54 24 111 10 Reconciliation of
movements in capital and reserves Year to Half year to Half year to
July 31 January 31 January 31 2006 2007 2006 m pounds m pounds m
pounds Profit for the period attributable 537 to equity
shareholders 209 245 Exchange loss on translation of (182) overseas
operations (215) (24) Exchange gain on translation of borrowings
designated as hedges of 58 overseas operations 104 7 Valuation gain
on interest rate swaps (less amounts reclassified and reported 8 in
net income) 2 6 5 Valuation gain on currency swaps 1 6 Actuarial
gain/(loss) on 7 retirement benefits 54 (4) Change in fair value of
(7) available-for-sale investments 2 - Tax charge not recognized
(13) in the income statement (9) (11) 413 Total recognized income
and expense 148 225 31 New share capital subscribed 658 13 Purchase
of own shares by Employee (27) Benefit Trust (24) (11) Credit to
equity for share based 36 payments 10 31 (162) Dividends paid (128)
(104) Net addition to/(reduction in) 291 shareholders' funds 664
154 2,301 Opening shareholders' funds 2,592 2,301 2,592 Closing
shareholders' funds 3,256 2,455 11 Analysis of change in net debt
Fair value adjustments and At New other Exchange January July 31,
Cash- Acqui- finance move- move- 31, 2006 flow sitions leases ments
ment 2007 m m m m m m m pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds
pounds Cash and cash equivalents 416 (102) - - - (28) 286 Bank
overdrafts (124) (37) - - - 9 (152) 292 (139) - - - (19) 134
Financial assets: trading investments 4 - - - 2 - 6 Derivative
financial instruments (19) - - - 9 1 (9) Bank loans (2,152) (538)
(362) - (6) 89 (2,969) Obligations under finance leases (75) 16 (4)
(19) - 3 (79) Total net debt (1,950) (661) (366) (19) 5 74 (2,917)
12 Acquisitions In all acquisitions during the half year to January
31, 2007, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital, and
has accounted for the transaction by the purchase method of
accounting. Fair Provisional Book values value fair values acquired
alignments acquired All acquisitions m pounds m pounds m pounds
Intangible fixed assets - Customer relationships - 266 266 - Trade
names and brands - 236 236 - Other - 6 6 Property, plant and
equipment 254 227 481 Inventories 306 (24) 282 Receivables 327 (1)
326 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 11 - 11 Borrowings
(366) - (366) Payables and provisions (487) (1) (488) Deferred tax
(39) (172) (211) Retirement benefit obligations (15) - (15) Total
(9) 537 528 Goodwill arising 781 Consideration 1,309 Satisfied by:
Cash 1,260 Deferred and contingent consideration 43 Directly
attributable costs 6 Total consideration 1,309 The fair value
adjustments shown above are provisional figures, being the best
estimates currently available. Further adjustments to goodwill and
other intangible fixed assets may be necessary when additional
information becomes available. A list of businesses acquired during
the period, and the month of acquisition, is as follows: Water
Works Suppliers Inc. August 2006 Palermo Supply Co., Inc. et al
August 2006 Lunts Heath Limited August 2006 Sigmatec SAS August
2006 United Automatic Heating Supply Ltd September 2006 Morris
Insulation Limited, et al September 2006 DT Group A/S September
2006 Atout K-RO September 2006 Castle Group October 2006 Northern
Water Works Supply, Inc October 2006 Murdock EDC Limited &
Murdock Haworth Limited October 2006 Helatukku Finland Oy October
2006 Gulf Refrigeration Supply Inc. October 2006 Kandall
Fabricating & Supply Corporation KF Industries LLC October 2006
Lee Window & Door Company October 2006 Perfection Truss
Company, Inc. October 2006 Woodcote stavebni materialy, a.s.
October 2006 Adelgaard Byggeforum October 2006 Hjalmars Tra AB
November 2006 Ditac SAS November 2006 Kempsville Building
Materials, Inc. November 2006 Hudson Plumbing Supplies Limited
November 2006 Etablissements Pochon Felix December 2006 Onda-Lay
Pipe & Rental, Inc. December 2006 T'N'T Sales , Inc. trading as
Page's Appliances December 2006 Tonto Verde Construction, Inc. and
Precision Forest Products, LLC December 2006 Guntersville
Fabrication and Sprinkler Co, Inc. and Guntersville Pipe and Supply
December 2006 R J Hosking Building Supplies Limited December 2006
Kopex Groothandel in Sanitaire Installatie Artikelen BV et al
December 2006 Cal-Steam Supply, Inc December 2006 Superbygg
Kalaallit Nunaat A/S January 2007 All these businesses are engaged
in the distribution and supply of construction materials and
services. The acquisitions contributed 758 million pounds to
revenue, 39 million pounds to trading profit and 28 million pounds
to the Group's operating profit for the period between the date of
acquisition and the balance sheet date. If each acquisition had
been completed on the first day of the financial year, Group
revenue would have been 8,328 million pounds and Group trading
profit would have been 435 million pounds. 13 Exchange rates The
results of overseas subsidiaries have been translated into sterling
using average rates of exchange. The period end rates of exchange
have been used to convert balance sheet amounts. The average profit
and loss account translation rate for the first six months was
$1.9198 to the 1 pound compared to $1.7604 for the comparable
period last year, a decrease of 8.3%, and euro 1.4850 to the 1
pound compared to euro 1.4619 a decrease of 1.6%. Should the
exchange rates between the US$ and pound, and the euro and the
pound, remain at the January 31, 2007 spot rates ($1.9637 and euro
1.5065) then the averages for the year as a whole would be $1.9401
and euro 1.4949 and this would have the effect of decreasing
revenue and trading profit for the first half by 50 million pounds
and 3 million pounds, respectively. Independent review report to
Wolseley plc Introduction We have been instructed by the company to
review the financial information for the six months ended January
31, 2007 which comprises the consolidated interim balance sheet as
at January 31, 2007 and the related consolidated interim statements
of income, cash flows statement, statement of recognized income and
expense for the six months then ended and related notes. We have
read the other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors'
responsibilities The interim report, including the financial
information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has
been approved by the directors. The Listing Rules of the Financial
Services Authority require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts
except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.
This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the basis
set out in Note 1. Review work performed We conducted our review in
accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the
Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review
consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and
underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the
disclosed accounting policies have been applied. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in
scope than an audit and therefore provides a lower level of
assurance. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the
financial information. This report, including the conclusion, has
been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of the
Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and for no other
purpose. We do not, in producing this report, accept or assume
responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom
this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where
expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the financial information as
presented for the six months ended January 31, 2007.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants London March 19,
2007 Notes: (a) The maintenance and integrity of the Wolseley plc
web site is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried
out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters
and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any
changes that may have occurred to the interim report since it was
initially presented on the web site. (b) Legislation in the United
Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial
information may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
DATASOURCE: Wolseley plc CONTACT: Guy Stainer, Head of Investor
Relations, 0118 929 8744, 07739 778187, or John English, Vice
President, Investor Relations, North America, +1-513-771-9000,
+1-513-328-4900, both of Wolseley plc; or Andrew Fenwick or Nina
Coad of Brunswick, 020 7404 5959, for Wolseley plc Web site:
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