Tawsho Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TAW) (the "Company" or "Tawsho") announced today
the results of the trenching campaign conducted at Whisker Valley, Baie Verte,
Newfoundland. Channel samples of 1m width spaced 1to 1.5m along the vein
returned a weighted average grade of 8.68 g/tonne over 12m exposed length;
7.26g/tonne over 10m length at the Road Showing; 3.88 g/tonne over 10m length at
the New Discovery showings adjacent holes WK11-07 and grab samples with values
ranging from 0 to 46.0 g/tonne in grab samples at the Kruger showing. 

"We are highly encouraged by the results we have obtained from the trenching
program. We now have a better understanding of fractures and veins associated
with gold mineralization and their spatial orientations. The range of assay
values obtained for the channel samples and grab samples collected in these
trenches confirms our thinking for the region and supports our commitment to
continue exploring for gold in this region" commented Gary Perkins, President
and CEO of the Company. 

Trenching has verified that numerous Au bearing veins are present in the region
being explored and that these veins generally trend in an east-west direction
with steep dips to the north on the south side of the valley. A second set of
veins have ESE trends and dip at shallower angels to the S. The veins generally
tend to be thin, less than 0.5 m thick, but they are not solitary, they appear
to occur as widely spaced parallel veins as is evidence in drill holes WK11-07
and WK11-08 (see previous news releases). 

Mineralization is associated with the presence of pyrite, galena, and to a
lesser extent chalcopyrite. Hematite, chlorite and epidote appear as smears and
filling in numerous fractures and locally as alteration phases in the host rock
spatially associated with the Au bearing quartz veins that contain finely
disseminated or stringer pyrite and galena. Quartz bearing fracture stockwork
have only locally been observed to be present within more highly altered zones
bearing chlorite, amorphous silica and greenish clay minerals. Overall however,
in the areas studied, alteration associated with presence of gold bearing veins
is not well developed but locally in small zones where pervasive hydrothermal
alteration has been observed, the grab samples taken from these spots generally
contain the highest gold values obtained in the region.

The individual quartz veins that have been channel sampled across a 1 meter
width display a persistent distribution of gold values along their exposed
lengths. The weighted average assay values range from 4 to 9 g/tonne. Within
these intervals assay values greater than 10g/tonne are always present and
channel samples across a 1 m interval have assays as high as 27g/tonne. Selected
grab samples in the exposed veins often contain values greater than 15 g/tonne
and as high as 55g.tonne. These results indicate that significant gold values
are present in the hydrothermal fluids associated with the development of the
quartz veins. 

Four sites were identified during the spring 2011 drilling campaign that
contained interesting gold bearing vein intersections near the surface. The gold
bearing veins tended to be narrow (20 cm to 0.5m), widely spaced (greater than 
2m) and weakly mineralized (less than 10 g/tonne) occasional veins returned
assay grades as high as 54 g/tonne. Outcrop exposure in the vicinity of these
sites however, is scarce. A trenching program was therefore undertaken to expose
the mineralized rock at these sites. The objective of the program was to glean
better geometric and structural understanding of these veins. These data will
guide the location of holes in the next drilling campaign. 

A total of nine trenches were excavated, seven of these successfully exposed
bedrock and the veins, two of these, however were flooded before bedrock could
be exposed and had to be abandoned. During preliminary examination and cleaning
of rock exposure in the trenches, mineralized grab samples of different types
were collected from a single locality, briefly described and bagged for assay
analysis. Where well defined veins could be seen, the rock surface was cleaned
and the vein was "channel" sampled. Chip samples were continuously collected
along a channel 5 to 10 cm wide along a 1m distance across the vein in the
center of this interval and equal portions of wall-rock on both sides of the
vein. Along the length of the vein, channels were located at an equal distance
from each other usually 1m apart in normal veins and 3 m apart in veins that
were poorly exposed or lacked evidence of sulfide mineralization. The total
collection of "chipped" rock fragments along each channel was bagged and
submitted as a single sample for gold assaying. All grab and channel samples
collected were submitted for fire assay with AA finish. The crushed rejects for
those samples assaying over 1 g/tonne were resubmitted for assaying using sieve
fire assay using larger pulp samples (see QA/QC discussion below). The assay
results for all samples are reported in Table 1 below.

The Road Pit Au-Showing: The gold bearing quartz veins exposed in the Road Pit
is now known to have an approximate east-west trend (260 degrees - 270 degrees
Az) and steep northward dips (70 -88 degrees).. The veins locally are highly
fractured, breccia like and often develop a shear fracture cleavage sub-parallel
to the vein strike but having much shallower dips. A greenish chlorite and red
hematite veneer often coat these shear planes. At some localities in the pit,
the quartz veins trends in more southeastward orientations (250 degrees - 230
degrees Az) with shallower northward dips (as low as 62 degrees north). Shallow
dipping shear fractures have been observed to locally rotate the vein
orientation but only slightly. Folding has been suggested but is not supported
by present observations. It is possible that conjugate vein-sets may are

The main vein in the pit varies from 10 to 30 cm in width and contains sulfide
mineralization occurring as fine disseminations or as hairline stringers within
the quartz and sub-parallel to adjacent contacts where they locally develop
massive concentrations up to 5 cm across. The sulfide minerals consist of
variable portions of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite galena, traces of weakly
magnetic pyrrhotite and include specular hematite and locally traces of
magnetite. Highly mineralized grab samples containing galena and pyrite were
found to contain Au values assaying as high as 45 g/tonne. The highly
mineralized samples occur as pockets within the sheared brecciated portions of
the quartz vein. 

An attempt was made to extend the Road Pit vein in an eastward direction. A N-S
trending trench located approximately 30m east of the pit, however deep, did not
did not reach bed rock at a reasonable depth and the trench was therefore
abandoned and filled. 

During the 2010 drill campaign, drill hole WK-0004 located approximately 40m NW
of the road pit and drilled at an inclination of 45 degrees in the direction 030
degrees Az, intersected a mineralized zone at the core interval between 10m and
11m. The first trench for the present campaign was therefore, located near this
drill hole. The trenching exposed a vein 5 to 20 cm wide that is highly
fractures contains disseminated and stringer sulfides and in appearance is
almost identical to that seen in the Road pit. The vein occurs along the contact
between fracture partially altered purplish rhyolite and a highly altered
granodiorite. The numerous hairline fractures are filled with hematite, chlorite
and epidote. The hydrothermal alteration in the vicinity of the vein develops a
grayish green clay, chlorite and epidote the latter occurring as local
concentrated masses both within the altered wall rock and the vein. The vein is
more or less continuously exposed over a 25m length. The main vein trends at 245
degrees to 250 degrees Az and dips northward at 80 degrees to 88 degrees. At its
eastern end of pit GPt1, the vein becomes less mineralized and splits in two
directions, one vein trending in a more southward direction (approx. 225 degrees
Az) and the other at a more westward direction ( 270 degrees Az). Both veins
appear to pinch out at their eastern margins. The main vein is mineralized with
disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, minor bornite, weakly magnetic
pyrrhotite and malachite. The rock surface at the westward extends of Trench
GPt1 become deeper and deeper from surface and eventually the western extent of
the trench was abandoned due to flooding by ground water.

Trench GPt2 located 26 m west of the west margin of Trench GP1 again exposed the
WK-0004 Au bearing vein where it continued along strike for another 11m before
the trench again had to be abandoned due to water flooding. This vein trends at
260 degrees Az (compass reading of 270 degrees Az appears affected by presence
of magnetite or pyrrhotite) and dips 75 degrees N. In this trench a second less
mineralized and thinner quartz vein trending in a slightly southward direction
occurs less than  1m from the main vein. The geological setting and alteration
remains the same as seen in trench GPt1. Mineralization is also similar, but
galena is now more prevalent as the dominant sulfide and pyrite, chalcopyrite
the less dominant sulfide compared to that in pit GPt1. 

The New Discovery Showing: The New Discovery showing was first identified during
2011 drill campaign. Drill hole WK11-07 intersected five Au bearing veins, 0.2 m
to 0.5 m thick within a 10 m interval occurring between 62 m - 72m. Individual
veins assayed between 2 g/tonne and 14 g/tonne Au. Drill hole WK11-08 also
intersected five Au bearing veins 0.1 m to 0.25 m thick within a 10 m interval
occurring between 32 m - 42m. These veins assayed between 2 g/tonne and 41
g/tonnes. The first trench targeted to expose these veins was located approx.30
m N of hole WK11-07 based on the assumption that the new discovery veins dipped
steeply north or were vertical. This trench was abandoned early because the
ground proved unsuitable for trenching. 

Trench GPt3 was located on higher ground 200 m NW from drill hole WK11-07 where
it exposed granodiorite bedrock. The granodiorite was highly fractured and
slightly chloritized. Although the fractures commonly contained epidote and red
hematite, only three narrow (less than 5 cm) barren quartz veins were noted.
These veins trend WNW and dip shallowly (less than 60 degrees) to the south.
Each of the veins was, however, sampled. 

Trench GPt4 was located 115m west of trench GPt3 a short distance from outcrop
of granodiorite containing several thin quartz veins that were said to have
contained gold mineralization. The trench exposed two quartz veins, 7 and 20 cm
thick within a highly chloritized zone 1 to 2 m thick. The veins and the host
rock contain numerous hematite and epidote filled fractures. Numerous
chloritized lenses within the quartz veins and silicified margins to the veins
contain concentrations of pyrite both as finely disseminated masses and coarse
cubic crystals. Minor chalcopyrite was also noted in these sulfide rich
stringers. Two vein sets were observed one trending 058 degrees Az and dipping
58 degrees to the south, the other 075 degrees Az dipping 78 degrees south.

The Kruger Showing: Mineralization at the Kruger showing is exposed on the south
faces of a rounded granodiorite outcrop, and consist of disseminated
chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite that occupy fractures that develop epidote
and red hematite rich alteration margins. A trench at the base of the outcrop
also exposed strongly fractured, altered and mineralized granodiorite containing
massive to disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, galena and less
commonly, in patches, finely disseminated granular magnetite. Mineralization is
fracture controlled. The trench was extended in a southerly direction. A few
metres from the outcrop, several quartz veins 10 to 20 cm thick were noted
within pervasively chloritized granodiorite within which alteration is seen to
spread away from the fractures and veins into the wall rock. Numerous hematite
and/or epidote filled fractures develop fine quartz stockwork and contain
lenticular clumps and disseminated masses of coarse grained pyrite, that locally
develop coarse pyrite cubes up to 2 cm in size. The thicker quartz veins at the
Kruger generally strike at 080 degrees Az and dip of 75 degrees to the south.

The Nest Showing: The Nest showing is situated approximately 900 m N50E from the
Kruger showing. Trench GPt6 excavated at the edge of a rounder granite outcrop
exposed a stockwork of numerous small quartz veins that contain irregular
concentrations of galena as larger cubic crystals, minor disseminated pyrite and
chalcopyrite and irregular patches containing finely granular magnetite. The
vein stockwork structure resemble those seen at the Kruger Showing, the
mineralize portions contain, with the exception of molybdenite, the same
minerals as those observed at Kruger. Locally, in small patches almost massive
concentrations of sulfide were observed to form irregular lenticular lenses.
Persistent vein structures are rarely observed at the Nest showing and those
that have been observed are thin (less than  2 cm) short (few metres) and
generally trend 075 to 080 degrees Az with shallow southward dips.

To view Table 1: Fire Assay Values From Samples Collected in Trenches Exposing
Mineralized, please see the following link:

Quality Assurance/Quality Control:

Tawsho Mining Inc. is implementing the standard QA/QC protocol for its
exploration and diamond drilling of its Whisker Valley Project by the drilling
contractor Baker's Construction Ltd of Baie Verte NL. NQ core size has been used
to provide adequate sample size for each sample being submitted for analysis and
if necessary to enable the possibility for undertaking additional petrographic
and step-down sampling if required. In the field, core was picked up by one of
Tawsho's designated personnel or the driller and transported to a secure Core
Shack. During logging, in addition to noting core recovery parameters, geologic
attributes including lithology, alteration, quartz veining, presence and
identification of sulfide and oxide mineralization along with other geologic
parameters normally associated with mineralization were noted and recorded. Core
intervals are marked on basis of selected geological parameters, and those
intervals showing veining or mineralogical characteristics that may be
indicative of mineralization are selected for splitting and assaying. Prior to
splitting, all core was photographed and individual sample intervals submitted
for analysis were photographed in more detail. Core splitting is done with a
diamond core saw and 1/2 of the drill core is submitted to Eastern Analytical
Laboratory in Springfield, NL. The remainder of the core is stored on the
grounds of Barker's Construction Ltd. adjacent to the Core Shack. 

Conventional fire assay sample preparation consists of crushing the selected
core sample such that 75% crushed material passes -10 mesh (2 mm) screen and
which is split to a 300 gram sample that is pulverized so that plus 90% of the
sample (pulp) passes 200 mesh (.075mm). From this pulverized sample a 30 gram
sample is taken for standard fire assay for gold with AA finish. Samples
returning gold values over 1 ppm are resubmitted for fire assay with gravimetric
finish. Following completion of fire assaying, 30 g of the pulp samples are
geochemically analyzed for multi-elements using 4-acid digestion followed by ICP
analysis with OES finish (Inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectroscopy). Tawsho also inserts gold standard samples, blank samples and
duplicate samples into the sample stream at a rate approximating 10% of total
original samples. Samples are normally transported by a Tawsho employee by truck
from the Property to the analytical laboratory. Chain of custody protocols
require signatures and the maintenance of logs and receipts each time the
samples are picked up from or delivered to a new location. When utilizing
commercial transportation, all shipping sacks are sealed with a numbered tag,
the removal of which is recorded upon receipt by Eastern Analytical Laboratory
Inc. Check analyses are conducted on a regular basis by resubmitting the crushed
reject as a separate duplicate sample to Eastern Laboratory.

All sample intervals where free gold is visually observed are automatically
submitted for fire assay analysis using the metallic screen finish. The screen
+150 mesh screen oversize portion is assayed in total and the screen undersize
is fire assayed in duplicate using a gravimetric finish. All other samples are
analyzed by conventional fire assay using a 30 gram sample with ICP-AES finish.

This press release was prepared by Edward Procyshyn P. Geo., who is the
qualified person as defined by NI 43-10, and reviewed by Gary Perkins.


Tawsho is a mining exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration
and development of gold resources and advanced stage gold exploration projects.
The Corporation is presently developing its Chevrier project ( comprised of 557
claims, covering an area of 9542 hectares, or 95.4 sq. km) in the Chibougamau
region of Quebec and its Whisker Valley project (comprised of 870 claims,
covering an area of 21,875 hectares, or 218.8 sq. km) in Baie Verte,
Newfoundland. Tawsho currently has approximately 22 Million shares outstanding.

Forward-looking statements provide an opinion as to the effect of certain events
and trends on the business. Certain statements contained in this news release
constitute forward looking statements. The use of any words such as
"anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project",
"should", "believe" and similar expressions are intended to identify
forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on
current expectations and various estimates, factors and assumptions and involve
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Forward-looking
information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the
development potential of the Corporation's properties; the estimation of mineral
reserves and mineral resources; conclusions of economic evaluation; the
realization of mineral reserve estimates; success of exploration activities;
mining or processing issues; government regulation of mining operations; and
environmental risks. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and
estimates of management as of the date such statements are made. Readers are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements as the Corporation's
actual results, performance, or achievements may differ materially from any
future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements if known or unknown risks, uncertainties or other
factors affect the Corporation's business, or if the Corporation's estimates or
assumptions prove inaccurate. Therefore, the Corporation cannot provide any
assurance that forward-looking statements will materialize. The Corporation
assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements,
whether as a result of new information, future events or any other reason except
as required by applicable securities laws.

Tawsho Mining Inc. (TSXV:TAW)
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Tawsho Mining Inc. (TSXV:TAW)
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De Juil 2023 à Juil 2024 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse Tawsho Mining Inc.