Eurotin Inc. ("Eurotin" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:TIN), is pleased to
provide the following update for its Oropesa tin project located in southern
Spain, which includes an important new geological interpretation of its
mineralized zones. The new interpretation was developed subsequent to the
Company's first mineral resource estimate (prepared in accordance with National
Instrument 43-101) discussed below.

The 2011/2012 Oropesa Drill Program 

By the end of 2012, the Company had completed Phase 1 of its drill program of
211 core holes at Oropesa, totalling 45,466 metres. A summary of the drill
results is shown below: 

Phase 1: Averages of All Drill Intercepts - See Appendix for Full Details(i)

                       No. of               Av.          Total      Av. Tin
Cutoff Grade       Intercepts     Thickness (m)     Length (m)    Grade (%)
0.20% Sn                  229              11.2        2,553.4         0.59%
0.35% Sn                  191               5.9        1,016.3         0.97%
0.50% Sn                  192               4.5          866.0         1.17%
(i) The above results exclude 5 holes which were drilled NNE 'down          
structure', including ORPC 2, which reported an intercept of 106.1m @ 1.73% 

Approximately 95% of the above intercepts occurred at vertical depths of less
than 180 metres and represent tin mineralization that can potentially be mined
through the use of low cost, open pit methods. 

The Company reported its first resource on October 9, 2012 (the "2012 Resource
Estimate"), as shown below:

                     Indicated                         Inferred             
Cutoff                  Av Grade    Tonnes                Av Grade    Tonnes
(Sn%)          Tonnes      (Sn%)        Sn       Tonnes      (Sn%)        Sn
0.00        9,618,659       0.30    28,856    9,404,765       0.25    23,512
0.10        8,988,898       0.32    28,764    8,796,510       0.26    22,871
0.20        6,391,691       0.38    24,288    5,348,616       0.34    18,185
0.30        3,246,953       0.51    16,559    2,539,685       0.43    10,921
0.40        1,837,934       0.64    11,763    1,134,454       0.54     6,126
0.50        1,199,010       0.75     8,993      524,825       0.65     3,411
0.60          757,148       0.86     6,511      303,845       0.72     2,188
0.70          510,289       0.97     4,950      126,388       0.82     1,036
0.80          339,296       1.08     3,664       62,736       0.90       565
0.90          229,159       1.19     2,727       17,521       1.05       184
1.00          153,141       1.31     2,006        8,449       1.18       100
(i) The Mineral Resource excludes all drill results obtained by IGME        
(Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana) during its Oropesa exploration     
program undertaken in the mid-1980s.                                        
(i) The Mineral Resource was prepared under the direction of Howard Baker   
BSc, MSc, MAusIMM(CP) of SRK Exploration Services Ltd. ("SRK"), Cardiff, UK 
and is compliant with the regulatory requirements of Canada's NI 43-101.    

The highest tin grades are found in five distinct mineralised zones along a
1,500 metre long, continually mineralized structure. A further three new
mineralized zones were found subsequent to the 2012 Resource Estimate; evidence
for these three new zones is provided by the discovery drill intercepts shown

                              From      To   Width    Est. True         Tin 
Hole No.     Dip & Azimuth     (m)     (m)     (m)    Width (m)   Grade (%) 
             60 degrees @                                                   
ORPDM 4       200 degrees    120.2   142.2    22.0         19.3        1.07%
                             146.3   156.3    10.0          9.0        0.80%
             60 degrees @                                                   
ORPD 159      282 degrees    178.0   209.2    31.2         18.0        0.99%
             80 degrees @                                                   
ORPD 167(i)   200 degrees    173.6   182.6     9.0          7.0        0.70%
                             193.6   209.7    16.1         13.7        0.60%
             60 degrees @                                                   
ORC 7         205 degrees    147.5   159.2    11.7         10.5        1.74%
(i) Denotes previously unannounced drill intercepts.                        

Oropesa's Tin Deposits 

In its October 9, 2012 press release, the Company revealed that it had not been
possible to demonstrate continuity of mineralization between many of the high
grade intercepts at Oropesa and therefore they had to be treated as isolated
intercepts, which made a negligible contribution to both the tonnage and the tin
content in the 2012 Resource Estimate. 

A re-assessment of the geology at Oropesa was undertaken during the final
quarter of 2012, which resulted in the following conclusions: 

1.  Oropesa's style of tin mineralization is probably unique. 
2.  The tin mineralization at Oropesa is typically found in recumbent folds
    - see Schematic 1. 

To view Schematic 1 - Oropesa: Line 3 Cross Section, please visit the following

3.  The best tin mineralization at Oropesa is usually found as large,
    crescent shaped structures at the closed end of the recumbent folds -
    See Schematic 2. 

To view Schematic 2 - Oropesa: Cross Section Through a Typical Mineralized
Structure, please visit the following link:

4.  The tin mineralization so far found is almost exclusively hosted in the
    transition zone between coarse, feldspar rich, quartzites and pebble
5.  Tin mineralization is sometimes found in multiple, cross cutting
    (anastomosing) structures. 
6.  The 1,500 metre long, WNW/ESE trending, zone of mineralization is cut by
    modest N/S faults, approximately once every 150-200 metres. 

Tin mineralization, other than in metallurgically complex skarns, is typically
found following a fault, or fracture system, down to its original granite tin
source. As the schematics demonstrate, Oropesa's unusual mineralization zones
are found in large, intensely folded, structures. These zones may represent part
of a stacked sequence of structures continuing down to a hidden granite located
at depth. 

Not surprisingly, problems were often encountered in demonstrating continuity of
high grade mineralization in the wireframe model used for the 2012 Resource
Estimate. This was mainly due to: i) relatively wide drill spacings, ii) the
irregular crescent shape of the mineralization, and iii) difficulties in
interpreting the continuation of the tin bearing structures across oblique N/S

Demonstrating continuity of mineralization is an essential pre-requisite for an
accurate resource calculation. Based on the new interpretation, a new wireframe
model is now close to completion, which demonstrates better continuity of the
high grade drill intercepts, and has formed the basis for a proposed 30 hole
infill drilling program.

2013's Exploration Targets 

In addition to the comprehensive infill drilling program designed for 2013, the
Company is also planning the following:

1.  A modest drill program to test for the eastern and western extensions of
    the known tin deposits at Oropesa. 
2.  An as yet undetermined number of drill holes to test the tin anomalies
    encountered in the recently completed 6.75km2 (542 samples) soil
    sampling program. 
3.  Three deep (+300 metres) holes to test for the presence of stacked
    deposits of 'Oropesa-style' tin mineralization at depth. 
4.  Anomalous tin values have been located in stream sediment sampling over
    an area exceeding 25km2around Oropesa. The Company intends follow up
    soil sampling programs in areas of potential tin promise. 


Peter Miller, Eurotin's President & CEO comments: "The results of the successful
2011/12 drill program are shown below and clearly demonstrate the Oropesa
district hosts a major tin mineralization event. Now that we understand its
geology, a major and significant milestone has been achieved in our plans to
develop a major, open pit, mining operation by mid-2016. The next step, planned
for third quarter 2013, will be to prepare a new resource estimate, which should
more accurately reflect Oropesa's unusual geological structures."

Appendix: Phase 1 Oropesa's Drill Results

              Cutoff Grade: 0.50% Sn            Cutoff Grade: 0.35% Sn      
Hole #     Intercepts  Total (m)  Sn (%)     Intercepts  Total (m)  Sn (%)  
ORPC A              2       18.1    1.12%             2       18.1    1.12% 
ORPC B              5       21.4    0.88%             4       25.4    0.73% 
ORPC 1A             5       16.8    1.36%             3       26.8    0.97% 
ORPC 2B             7       39.3    1.34%             8       51.9    1.12% 
ORP 3               1        3.1    1.14%             1        3.1    1.14% 
ORP 4               1       13.4    0.92%             1       22.5    0.79% 
ORPDM 4             2       30.0    1.21%             2       30.0    1.21% 
ORC 5               2        5.1    0.95%             2        9.1    0.71% 
ORC 6               1        3.0    1.36%             2        8.1    0.78% 
ORC 7               3       10.3    2.08%             3       13.9    1.67% 
ORC 9                                                 1        6.0    0.48% 
ORPD 1              3        7.0    1.04%             2       17.6    0.62% 
ORPD 2              3        7.8    1.24%             2       10.0    1.01% 
ORPD 5              1        1.4    3.82%             1        4.2    1.46% 
ORPD 11             3       10.8    1.90%             3       12.7    1.66% 
ORPD 12             1        3.5    1.15%             1        3.5    1.15% 
ORPD 14                                               1        2.0    0.51% 
ORPD 15             1        5.3    1.61%             1        9.4    1.18% 
ORPD 21             1        2.0    0.63%             1        2.0    0.63% 
ORPD 25             1        3.4    0.96%             1        3.4    0.96% 
ORPD 27             1        1.9    2.02%             1        1.9    2.02% 
ORPD 28             3       18.5    0.97%             3       20.5    0.92% 
ORPD 32                                                                     
ORPD 33             3        3.1    0.62%             3        3.1    0.62% 
ORPD 34             1        3.0    0.69%             1        7.0    0.51% 
ORPD 36                                                                     
ORPD 37             1        2.0    0.89%             1        2.0    0.89% 
ORPD 38             1        1.0    1.09%             1        1.0    1.09% 
ORPD 45             1        4.8    2.03%             1        4.8    2.03% 
ORPD 47                                                                     
ORPD 48             6       22.1    1.07%             4       34.3    0.81% 
ORPD 49             3        6.6    0.83%             2       10.6    0.59% 
ORPD 50             1        3.4    0.54%             1        6.4    0.49% 
ORPD 51             1       10.2    2.36%             1       10.2    2.36% 
ORPD 54             5       17.3    1.93%             5       20.6    1.68% 
ORPD 55             3        6.5    0.89%             3       12.4    0.66% 
ORPD 56             2        2.2    0.82%             2        2.2    0.82% 
ORPD 57             7       21.5    0.98%             7       26.1    0.86% 
ORPD 59             4        9.7    0.82%             3       25.6    0.53% 
ORPD 60             3       16.2    1.74%             3       16.2    1.74% 
ORPD 61             6       25.7    1.28%             6       28.7    1.18% 
ORPD 63             5       13.5    0.88%             5       15.5    0.83% 
ORPD 65             3        4.0    1.12%             3        5.6    0.93% 
ORPD 66             1        5.2    0.91%             1        5.2    0.91% 
ORPD 68             3       20.2    1.14%             3       22.1    1.08% 
ORPD 71             2        6.0    1.06%             1       13.7    0.62% 
ORPD 73             3        9.0    0.74%             3        9.0    0.74% 
ORPD 74             3       12.4    1.01%             2       19.9    0.94% 
ORPD 75             2        4.3    2.11%             2        6.3    1.54% 
ORPD 76             1       20.3    1.48%             1       20.3    1.48% 
ORPD 78             4       14.3    0.93%             4       14.3    0.93% 
ORPD 79             4       24.5    1.13%             6       30.6    0.98% 
ORPD 80             1        1.6    2.35%             2       11.9    0.71% 
ORPD 81             1       18.1    1.85%             1       18.1    1.85% 
ORPD 82             2        9.3    1.00%             2       14.4    0.80% 
ORPD 84             1        2.1    0.90%             1        2.1    0.90% 
ORPD 85                                                                     
ORPD 86             3       13.0    0.97%             3       15.0    0.90% 
ORPD 87             3        8.0    1.03%             2       12.6    0.69% 
ORPD 88                                                                     
ORPD 89                                                                     
ORPD 90             2        3.8    0.79%             2        9.5    0.53% 
ORPD 92             2        7.0    0.73%             2        7.0    0.73% 
ORPD 94             1        1.1    1.15%             2        3.1    0.73% 
ORPD 95             2        3.0    1.71%             2        3.0    1.71% 
ORPD 97             1        1.5    0.77%             1        1.5    0.77% 
ORPD 98                                                                     
ORPD 99             1        1.9    1.35%             1        1.9    1.35% 
ORPD 100            3        4.0    1.01%             4       13.4    0.57% 
ORPD 101            1        1.0    2.06%             1        4.0    0.72% 
ORPD 102            2        5.7    0.78%             2        5.7    0.78% 
ORPD 103            2        4.5    0.91%             2        4.5    0.91% 
ORPD 104                                                                    
ORPD 105            2       11.2    1.85%             2       12.1    1.74% 
ORPD 106            2        5.9    0.71%             2        5.9    0.71% 
ORPD 107            2        8.1    1.17%             2       10.0    0.89% 
ORPD 108            2       10.5    0.76%             2       10.5    0.76% 
ORPD 109            2        5.9    0.93%             2        5.9    0.93% 
ORPD 110            2        6.2    1.51%             2       10.5    1.08% 
ORPD 111            3        7.3    0.83%             3        7.3    0.83% 
ORPD 113            1        1.4    0.62%             1        1.4    0.62% 
ORPD 115            2        7.4    0.97%             2       10.4    0.84% 
ORPD 117            2        8.0    1.03%             2        8.0    1.03% 
ORPD 118            2        4.0    0.73%             2       13.7    0.50% 
ORPD 119            2        5.2    1.01%             2        7.2    0.84% 
ORPD 120            2        8.1    0.65%             2       13.9    0.56% 
ORPD 121            2       10.9    1.62%             2       18.2    1.08% 
ORPD 122                                              1        4.0    0.51% 
ORPD 123            3        7.1    1.10%             1        9.1    0.95% 
ORPD 124                                                                    
ORPD 125            2        7.4    0.65%             2        7.4    0.65% 
ORPD 126            1        3.0    0.70%             1        3.0    0.70% 
ORPD 128            2       11.9    1.50%             2       18.5    1.13% 
ORPD 129            3        9.4    0.85%             3       10.4    0.80% 
ORPD 130            2        5.3    0.72%             3        7.2    0.67% 
ORPD 131            1        3.0    0.77%             1        3.0    0.77% 
ORPD 132            2        4.3    0.91%             2        4.3    0.91% 
ORPD 133            1        2.0    0.64%             2        4.0    0.59% 
ORPD 136            2        7.9    1.05%             2        7.9    1.05% 
ORPD 142            3       27.5    1.18%             3       27.5    1.18% 
ORPD 144            2        5.1    0.93%             2        8.1    0.72% 
ORPD 146            1        4.0    1.70%             1        4.0    1.70% 
ORPD 147            5       18.0    1.00%             5       29.0    0.77% 
ORPD 149            1        3.0    0.86%             1        3.0    0.86% 
ORPD 150                                                                    
ORPD 152            1        2.9    0.91%             1        6.4    0.66% 
ORPD 153            1        1.0    1.01%             1        6.0    0.58% 
ORPD 154            3       11.8    1.01%             3       13.6    0.75% 
ORPD 158            3       27.0    1.10%             3       29.1    1.04% 
ORPD 167            3       11.0    1.02%             3       12.0    0.96% 
Weighted   Intercepts  Av. Width  Sn (%)     Intercepts  Av. Width  Sn (%)  
Averages          192       4.5m    1.17%           191       5.9m    0.97% 
Hole #     Intercepts  Total (m)  Sn (%)     Intercepts  Total (m)  Sn (%)  
ORPC 2              5       88.6    2.15%             5       88.6    2.15% 
ORPC 4                                                                      
ORPC 5              2       12.1    1.57%             3       32.9    0.84% 
ORP 1                                                                       
ORP 2               1       10.0     0.7%             2       21.0    1.01% 

                 Cutoff Grade: 0.20% Sn                                     
Hole #       Intercepts    Total (m)    Sn (%)                 Dip & Azimuth
ORPC A                1         28.8      0.77%     60 degrees @ 213 degrees
ORPC B                4         38.2      0.61%     60 degrees @ 220 degrees
ORPC 1A               3         49.0      0.66%     60 degrees @ 215 degrees
ORPC 2B               6         84.3      0.80%                     Vertical
ORP 3                 1          4.1      0.93%     50 degrees @ 190 degrees
ORP 4                 1         22.5      0.79%     50 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPDM 4               2         30.0      1.21%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORC 5                 2         16.0      0.55%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORC 6                 3         13.1      0.58%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORC 7                 2         18.8      1.26%     60 degrees @ 205 degrees
ORC 9                 2         10.0      0.44%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 1                4         33.3      0.45%     60 degrees @ 222 degrees
ORPD 2                3         21.3      0.62%     50 degrees @ 216 degrees
ORPD 5                1          4.2      1.46%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 11               3         27.3      0.95%     60 degrees @ 232 degrees
ORPD 12               1          7.6      0.69%     65 degrees @ 190 degrees
ORPD 14               1          6.2      0.28%     70 degrees @ 230 degrees
ORPD 15               1         18.6      0.72%     65 degrees @ 201 degrees
ORPD 21               1          8.8      0.33%     60 degrees @ 187 degrees
ORPD 25               1          7.0      0.64%     60 degrees @ 201 degrees
ORPD 27               1          9.9      0.60%     65 degrees @ 192 degrees
ORPD 28               2         33.6      0.62%     45 degrees @ 218 degrees
ORPD 32               1          5.9      0.38%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 33               1         23.8      0.35%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 34               2         19.8      0.34%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 36               1         20.0      0.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 37               1          3.1      0.70%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 38               1         92.6      0.29%     65 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 45               1         10.4      1.06%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 47               1          4.0      0.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 48               4         46.1      0.64%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 49               3         13.9      0.58%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 50               1         20.5      0.33%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 51               1         10.2      2.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 54               5         35.4      1.12%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 55               4         54.5      0.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 56               2          7.1      0.48%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 57               6         35.0      0.74%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 59               3         30.7      0.48%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 60               3         49.3      0.76%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 61               6         50.9      0.81%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 63               2         35.4      0.45%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 65               2         14.0      0.62%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 66               2         14.4      0.48%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 68               3         22.1      1.08%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 71               1         13.7      0.62%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 73               6         50.9      0.34%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 74               2         19.9      0.94%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 75               2         11.5      0.94%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 76               1         20.3      1.48%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 78               4         19.5      0.76%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 79               6         47.9      0.74%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 80               3         13.3      0.66%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 81               1         23.4      1.50%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 82               2         17.2      0.71%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 84               1          3.1      0.69%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 85               1         12.1      0.23%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 86               5         35.1      0.54%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 87               2         23.0      0.48%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 88               1          4.4      0.44%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 89                         10.7      0.27%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 90               3         48.6      0.33%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 92               2         57.6      0.31%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 94               2         14.9      0.38%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 95               2         15.9      0.54%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 97               1          6.4      0.41%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 98               1          4.0      0.39%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 99               1          3.9      0.81%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 100              4         37.5      0.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 101              1          4.0      0.72%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 102              3         11.8      0.54%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 103              3         24.7      0.42%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 104              1         11.4      0.25%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 105              2         12.9      1.66%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 106              5         85.4      0.25%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 107              2         13.2      0.81%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 108              2         23.0      0.49%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 109              2         18.9      0.49%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 110              2         12.3      0.96%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 111              4         35.9      0.37%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 113              2          9.0      0.29%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 115              2         17.4      0.60%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 117              1         14.7      0.69%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 118              3         24.7      0.42%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 119              2         12.1      0.59%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 120              3         35.0      0.39%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 121              4         92.3      0.44%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 122              1          9.1      0.36%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 123              2         21.6      0.57%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 124              2         17.2      0.29%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 125              6         47.5      0.32%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 126              2         13.0      0.41%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 128              2         34.6      0.74%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 129              5         23.5      0.55%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 130              3          9.2      0.57%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 131              2          8.7      0.45%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 132              2         21.3      0.32%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 133              2         19.0      0.32%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 136              2         10.9      0.82%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 142              2         34.1      1.00%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 144              2         26.2      0.44%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 146              1          4.0      1.70%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 147              4         48.6      0.56%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 149              1          7.3      0.54%     60 degrees @ 155 degrees
ORPD 150              1          7.6      0.38%     60 degrees @ 200 degrees
ORPD 152              1          6.4      0.66%     47 degrees @ 110 degrees
ORPD 153              2         14.3      0.45%     50 degrees @ 110 degrees
ORPD 154              2         19.6      0.58%     50 degrees @ 110 degrees
ORPD 158              1         37.2      0.89%     60 degrees @ 254 degrees
ORPD 167              2         25.1      0.60%     80 degrees @ 200 degrees
Weighted     Intercepts    Av. Width    Sn (%)                              
Averages            229        11.2m      0.59%                             
Hole #        Intercept    Total (m)    Sn (%)                 Dip & Azimuth
ORPC 2                1        106.1      1.73%     60 degrees @ 005 degrees
ORPC 4                2         27.6      0.26%     80 degrees @ 020 degrees
ORPC 5                1         55.4      0.59%     60 degrees @ 020 degrees
ORP 1                 2         42.3      0.31%     60 degrees @ 015 degrees
ORP 2                 2         39.0      0.46%     60 degrees @ 015 degrees

Assay and QA/QC Methodology for Oropesa Drill Core 

All core produced is taken daily from each drill site to the Company's secure
facility in Fuente Obejuna, where it is logged by the Company's geologists. This
process takes place under the supervision of Qualified Person Victor Guerrero
Merino, Euro.Geol. 

The core, usually of around one metre length, which is chosen by the Company's
geologists for assaying, is then cut in half either at the Company's own
facilities at Fuente Obejuna or at ALS Chemex's sample preparation facility in
Seville in southern Spain. 

At the ALS Chemex facility, the cut core is logged into the in house LIMS
tracking system, after which each sample is prepared using procedure code 'Prep
31'. This procedure involves the drying, weighing and fine crushing to 70%
passing -2mm. A 250g split of the crushed material is then pulverised to greater
than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples are then shipped by bonded courier to
Vancouver for analysis. 

In Vancouver, ALS Chemex procedure ME-XRF10 is used for tin analysis and
ME-ICP61 for multi-element (33) analysis. The ME-XRF10 procedure uses 0.9g of
calcined sample pulp, which is mixed with 4.5g of lithium tetraborate and 4.5g
of lithium metaborate. This mixture is then fused at 1,100 degrees C to produce
a flat molten disc, which is subsequently analysed by XRF spectrometry. ALS
Chemex analyses its own standard samples and blanks, plus duplicates, within
each set of samples provided by the Company. The Company has recently introduced
its own blanks and standards as a further means of checking the accuracy of the
assay results. One in every 15 samples analysed by ALS Chemex is then sent to
SGS's laboratories in Cornwall, UK, for check assaying for tin. The Company
keeps all its sample pulps and rejects in locked steel containers at its secure
storage facility in Fuente Obejuna. 

The Company recently completed a new check assay program using five certified
laboratories. The pulp sample composites used had varying tin grades; the
accuracy of the results obtained was within acceptable parameters.  

Mr. Victor Guerrero Merino, an independent geological consultant and a Qualified
Person pursuant to NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical
information in this news release on behalf of the Company.

Forward-Looking Statements 

Results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature. Historical
data, if mentioned, should not be relied upon, as they are not admissible under
NI 43-101 rules and the Company has not conducted sufficient testing to verify
this type of information. In addition, this press release includes certain
forward-looking statements within the meaning of Canadian securities laws that
are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this
press release. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove
accurate, and actual results and developments are likely to differ, in some case
materially, from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements
contained in this press release. Readers of this press release are cautioned not
to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. 

Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on a number
of assumptions that may prove to be incorrect, including, but not limited to:
timely implementation of anticipated drilling and exploration programs; the
successful completion of new development projects, planned expansions or other
projects within the timelines anticipated and at anticipated production levels;
the accuracy of reserve and resource estimates, grades, mine life and cash cost
estimates; whether mineral resources can be developed; title to mineral
properties; financing requirements, general market conditions, and the
uncertainty of access to additional capital; changes in the world-wide price of
mineral commodities; general economic conditions; and changes in laws, rules and
regulations applicable to the Company. In addition to being subject to a number
of assumptions, forward-looking statements in this press release involve known
and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results
and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by
such forward-looking statements. The Company has no intention or obligation to
update the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

Eurotin Inc.
David Danziger
(416) 641-4940

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