ISS cancels its secondary listing on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admission to trading on the London Stock
26 Juin 2003 - 10:24AM
UK Regulatory
Stock Exchange Release
Stock Exchange Release No.
15/03 26 June 2003
ISS cancels its secondary listing on the Official List of the UK
Listing Authority and admission to trading on the London Stock
The ISS shares have been listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange
since 1977 and in 1989, the company obtained a secondary listing of
its shares on the London Stock Exchange plc.
In order to consolidate trading volume on one stock exchange, ISS A/S
has today given notice to the UK Listing Authority to cancel the
listing of the ISS shares on the Official List of the UK Listing
Authority and simultaneously notified the London Stock Exchange plc
to cancel the admission of the ISS shares to trading on the market
for listed securities.
The company has taken this step as it wishes to capitalise on the
benefits of consolidating its listing on the Copenhagen Stock
Exchange in terms of trading volume and liquidity and with a view to
reducing the costs associated with a secondary listing in the UK.
The de-listing from the Official List and the cancellation of the
admission to trading will take effect from 15 August 2003.
ISS A/S will maintain its primary listing on the Copenhagen Stock
Exchange and all ISS' shareholders will continue to be able to trade
in the company's shares on that market under the ISIN code
Further information:
Eric S. Rylberg
Chief Executive Officer, ISS A/S
Karsten Poulsen
Chief Financial Officer, ISS A/S
Tel.: + 45 38 17 00 00
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