RNS Number : 8526U
Europa Metals Ltd
31 March 2023
31 March 2023
Europa Metals Ltd
("Europa Metals", the "Company" or the "Group") (AIM, AltX:
Results for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2022
Europa Metals, the European focused lead, zinc and silver
developer, is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the
half-year ended 31 December 2022 (the "Half-Year Financial
Please see below extracts from the Half-Year Financial Report,
being the:
- Chairman and Interim-CEO's Statement
- Directors' Report
- Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
A copy of the full Half-Year Financial Report is available on
the Company's website at www.europametals.com .
For further information on the Company, please visit
www.europametals.com or contact:
Europa Metals Ltd
Dan Smith, Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary
T: +61 417 978 955
Myles Campion, Executive Chairman and acting CEO (UK)
T: +44 (0)20 3289 9923
Linkedin: Europa Metals ltd
Twitter: @ltdeuropa
Vox: Europametals
Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Rory Murphy/Matthew Chandler/Abigail Wennington
T: +44 (0)20 7409 3494
WH Ireland Limited (Broker)
Harry Ansell/Dan Bristowe/Katy Mitchell/Sarah Mather
T: +44 (0)20 7220 1666
Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited (JSE Sponsor)
Sharon Owens
T (direct): +27 (11) 011 9212
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by
the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under
the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of
United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended, by virtue of the Market Abuse
(Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.
Key Extracts from the Company's unaudited Half-Year Financial
Report are set out below :
Chairman and Interim-CEO's Statement
During the reporting period and subsequently, we have continued
with our exploration and development activities to advance our
understanding of the Company's wholly-owned Toral lead, zinc and
silver project in the Castilla y Léon region, Spain ("Toral" or the
"Toral Project") as a potential future low capex, high margin, base
metals mine within the EU benefitting from the ongoing support of
regional governments and local communities.
The Company's latest metallurgical testwork programme,
undertaken by Wardell Armstrong Ltd ("WAI"), achieved excellent
results released in August 2022 on material from both the upper
siliceous zone and the lower carbonate zone. Both lead and zinc
recoveries to respective concentrates were very positive. The
grades achieved for both zinc and lead were better than previous
results with the siliceous showing that the upper levels can also
produce a high-grade concentrate.
In November 2022, we announced assay results from our targeted
2022 diamond drill resource expansion campaign conducted by
"Sondeos y Perforaciones Industriales del Bierzo SA" at Toral. Hole
TOD-042 intersected the highest grade mineralisation to be reported
by Europa Metals to date for Toral and over a significant width.
Both holes TOD-041 and TOD-042, taken in conjunction with nearby
previous drilling, provided additional support and confidence for
our current resource model and continuity of the high grade nature
of the deposit at depth.
On the back of the latest drill campaign results, the Company
commissioned an updated independent mineral resource estimate in
accordance with JORC (2012) from Addison Mining Services Limited,
which yielded a 19% increase in the Indicated mineral resource and
a 14% increase in grade. This positive result will enable our
project team to utilise a substantial tonnage of independently
reported Indicated resources in the mine plan for the forthcoming
mining licence application ("MLA") scheduled to be submitted by 31
July 2023 to the Junta of Castilla y Léon.
In late November 2022, we were also delighted to announce the
signing of a definitive option agreement with Denarius Metals Corp.
(TSXV: DSLV, OTCQB: DNRSF) ("Denarius"). Pursuant to such
agreement, which was approved by the Company's shareholders at a
general meeting held on 30 December 2022, Denarius has the right to
acquire up to 80 per cent. ownership in the Company's wholly owned
Spanish subsidiary, Europa Metals Iberia S.L. ("EMI"), which holds
the Toral Project, in return for funding and certain expenditure on
the project and certain consideration of up to, in aggregate,
US$6,000,000 over a four year period.
Most recently, on 22 March 2023, the Company announced that an
initial budget for planned expenditure on Toral of approximately
US$1.8m had been agreed with Denarius for a 12 month period and
confirmed that, in aggregate, an initial sum of US$650k had been
received from Denarius to facilitate our planned MLA and enable
timely completion of the planned initial work programme.
As well as progressing our flagship project, our team has
continued to actively identify, evaluate and engage with third
parties with respect to our search for suitable additional assets
and new project opportunities with the potential to deliver value
for all of our stakeholders.
Myles Campion
Executive Chairman and Interim-CEO
31 March 2023
Directors' Report
Review and results of operations
Europa Metals is a European focused lead, zinc and silver
Operating Results
For the half-year from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022, the
Group recorded a net loss after tax of A$1,220,449 (1 July 2021 to
31 December 2021: net loss of A$1,357,379).
Toral Lead-Zinc-Silver Project, Spain ( "Toral" or the "Toral
The Toral Project is situated in northwest Spain in a world
class mining jurisdiction which provides the opportunity to create
new mines within well established environmental and mining
frameworks and with access to first class power and transport
infrastructure. Toral represents a limestone hosted, structurally
controlled deposit with the Pb, Zn, Ag mineralisation situated
within the limestone close to the boundary between footwall slates
and hanging wall limestones and dolomites. The mineralisation
occurs as semi-massive vein, breccia and carbonate replacement
styles of mineralisation.
Currently, the Company is progressing Toral towards potential
mine development with a mining licence application due for
submission by 31 July 2023.
The Toral deposit currently has a JORC (2012) compliant
indicated mineral resource estimate of approximately 7Mt @ 8.1% Zn
Equivalent (including Pb credits), 5% Zn, 3.7% Pb and 29g/t Ag,
containing approximately 349,000 tonnes of zinc, 260,000 tonnes of
lead and 6.6 million ounces of silver. This is contained within a
total mineral resource of 20Mt @ 6.8% Zn Equivalent (including Pb
credits), 4.4% Zn, 2.8% Pb and 23 g/t Ag.
During the reporting period, Europa Metals was pleased to
announce the signing of a definitive option agreement with Canadian
explorer and mine developer Denarius Metals Corp (TSXV:DSLV; OTCQB:
DNSRF) ("Denarius") whereby Denarius will spend US$4m to earn a 51%
stake in Europa Metals Iberia S.L. ("EMI"), Europa Metals'
wholly-owned Spanish subsidiary and owner of the Toral Project.
During the reporting period, Europa Metals' team has completed
several important work programmes to enhance our understanding of
Toral, namely:
-- completion of metallurgical testwork in conjunction with the
completed ore-sorting programme;
-- a targeted resource drilling campaign with the highest grade drill results to date; and
-- publication of an independent updated JORC (2012) mineral resource estimate.
Updated Mineral Resource E stimate
On 30 November 2022, the Company announced an updated
independent mineral resource estimate ("MRE"), for Toral. The
updated MRE showed a 19% increase in the Indicated Mineral resource
tonnes and a 14% increase in grade. In summary, the updated MRE
represented an approximate:
-- 19% increase in Indicated Mineral Resource tonnes;
-- 39% increase in Indicated contained tonnes of zinc to approximately 349,000 tonnes;
-- 33% increase in Indicated contained tonnes of lead to approximately 260,000 tonnes; and
-- 27% increase in Indicated contained ounces of silver to approximately 6.6 million ounces.
Image 1: 3-D Block Model looking North
Metallurgical work programme
On 4 August 2022, the Company announced further highly
encouraging results from its comprehensive metallurgical testwork
programme, summarised as follows:
-- Metallurgical testwork results received from Wardell
Armstrong International Ltd ("WAI") in respect of locked cycle
flotation tests ("LCT") on products from an ore sorted bulk
siliceous sample:
o Concentrate Grades 56.6% Zinc 69.6% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 78.6% Zinc 80.7% Lead
-- Metallurgical results received for LCT from WAI on a further two carbonate samples from:
Hole TOD-025D:
o Concentrate Grades 57.4% Zinc 75.2% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 81.4% Zinc 94.4% Lead
Hole TOD-028:
o Concentrate Grades 60.3% Zinc 64.1% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 84.0% Zinc 87.3% Lead
Ore sorting process
Samples from Ore Sorting undertaken by Tomra GmbH, were
submitted to WAI earlier in 2022. The samples tested were a bulk
sample of siliceous style mineralisation and two borehole
composites of carbonate style mineralisation. The siliceous sample
was a composite of intersections from boreholes TOD-029, TOD-029D,
TOD-029D2, TOD-029D3, TOD-034 and TOD-034D (a total of 701.09 kg).
The carbonate samples were taken from boreholes TOD-025D and
TOD-028 (96.36 kg and 50.7 kg respectively).
The ore sorting results announced previously by the Company in
March 2022 were as follows:
Siliceous bulk sample
-- Recovery of 95.7% Pb and 94.3% Zn metal
-- 43.7% mass rejection of waste
Carbonate composite from hole TOD-025D
-- Recovery of 98.9% Pb and 94.7% Zn metal
-- 46.8% mass rejection of waste
Carbonate composite from hole TOD-028
-- Recovery of 96.6% Pb and 96.1% Zn metal
-- 47.7% mass rejection of waste
The sorter products were the subject of a recently completed
campaign of locked cycle flotation with the metallurgical results
received from WAI comprising:
-- Siliceous bulk sample
o Flotation Recoveries 83.4% Zinc 84.3% Lead
o Flotation Concentrate Grades 56.6% Zinc 69.6% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 78.6% Zinc 80.7% Lead
-- Carbonate sample from hole TOD-025D
o Flotation Recovery 85.9% Zinc 95.4% Lead
o Flotation Concentrate Grades 57.4% Zinc 75.2% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 81.4% Zinc 94.4% Lead
-- Carbonate sample from hole TOD-028
o Flotation Recovery 87.4% Zinc 90.3% Lead
o Flotation Concentrate Grades 60.3% Zinc 64.1% Lead
o Overall recovery (Sort & Float) 84.0% Zinc 87.3% Lead
Comparison with the 2019 locked cycle flotation tests on
carbonate drill core
Locked cycle flotation tests simulate a full-scale plant
flowsheet. Each test at WAI's facilities was conducted in a series
of six cycles using the flowsheet shown in Figure 1 below. For the
second and subsequent cycles, lead and zinc cleaner tailings
products were combined with the feed to the previous stage of
flotation. For example, lead second cleaner tails were returned to
first cleaner feed. The final concentrates, zinc scavenger tailings
and zinc rougher tailings from the final two cycles, were weighed
and sent for independent analysis. The results were then used to
calculate recovery and concentrate grades.
Figure 1 : Locked Cycle Test Flowsheet
Results of the 2019 and 2022 testwork programmes are summarised
in Table 1 below. These results indicate that Toral could clearly
achieve excellent concentrate grades.
Table 1: Summarised Results of the 2019 and 2022 Testwork
(Note: recovery and concentration data are from the original
Test Lead Concentrate Zinc Concentrate
Lead Recovery CR Conc Zinc Recovery CR Conc
(%) (% Pb) (%) (% Zn)
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
2019 Carbonate
LCT1 Float 84.3 39.4 57.5 70.7 29.8 55.8
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
2019 Carbonate
LCT2 Float 83.7 34.9 60.0 77.0 24.9 59.1
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
Sort + Float 94.4 18.8 75.2 81.4 42.3 57.4
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
Sort + Float 87.3 51.4 64.1 84.0 24.0 60.3
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
2022 Silicate
Sort + Float 80.7 59.7 69.6 78.6 52.9 56.6
-------------- ----- -------- -------------- ----- --------
Ore sorting and froth flotation are processes that concentrate
and recover metal values. The concentration ratio ("CR") is defined
as the weight of feed divided by the weight of concentrate.
Performance of an individual test can be judged in terms of
recovery and CR. For an operating plant, daily results for recovery
and CR continually vary. However, the results generally form a
trend when plotted on axes of recovery versus CR. The same type of
plot can be useful in comparing locked cycle test results.
Figure 2 : Zinc Recovery vs Concentration Ratio Plot of LCT
Overall results for zinc recovery (for 2022, sort & float
and for 2019, just float) are shown in Figure 2. At any given CR,
higher recovery indicates improved performance, and figure 2
illustrates that the combined sort plus float procedure has given
better performance than flotation alone for the zinc
In respect of the 2022 results, the best estimate of zinc
recovery is the trendline shown in Figure 2, which is "a least
squares fit" for the three different testwork data points. This
line intersects the recovery axis at 89.7%.
This intercept incorporates for zinc metal losses during the
sorting process of 3.9% and also a recovery loss during the
flotation process of a further 6.4% of zinc to lead
The equation of the trend line is as follows:
Recovery % = 89.7 - (0.21 * CR)
In practice, when a full-scale plant and concentrator are in
operation the aim is to produce a saleable zinc concentrate grade
of approximately 55% to 60% Zn. To achieve this target concentrate
grade, the required concentration ratio (and achievable recovery)
depends mainly on the headgrade from the deposit.
At Toral, the average resource grade (October 2021 Resource
Estimate, @ 4% Zn equivalent cut off) is 3.9% zinc, such that a
future potential processing plant could operate at a CR of 17 to
zinc concentrate, which would achieve a zinc recovery of 86.1% and
a concentrate grade of 57.1% zinc.
An approximate estimate of the zinc recovery improvement
resulting from sorting can be made from Figure 2 . Projecting the
two points from the 2019 testwork back to a CR of 17 and then
comparing with the best estimate of recovery trendline indicates a
recovery improvement of approximately 4 percentage points.
Figure 3: Lead Recovery vs Concentration Ratio Plot of LCT
Overall results for lead recovery (for 2022, sort & float
and for 2019, just float) are shown in Figure 3, with the combined
sort plus float procedure again giving better performance than
flotation alone.
In respect of the 2022 results, the best estimate of lead
recovery is the trendline shown in Figure 3, which is "a least
squares fit" for the three testwork data points, intersecting the
recovery axis at 97.4%. This intercept allows for the average loss
of lead during sorting of 2.6% and the equation of the trend line
is as follows:
Recovery % = 97.4 - (0.24 * CR)
In practice, a concentrator would seek to produce a saleable
lead concentrate grade of approximately 70% lead. The average
resource grade at Toral (October 2021 Resource Estimate) is 2.7%
lead, such that a CR of 29 to lead concentrate would be required to
achieve a lead recovery of 90.4% and a concentrate grade of 70.8%
An approximate estimate of the lead recovery improvement
resulting from sorting can be made from Figure 2 . Projecting the
two points from the 2019 testwork back to a CR of 29 and then
comparing with the best estimate of recovery trendline indicates a
recovery improvement of approximately 3 percentage points.
In summary, the Europa Metals' team believes that ore sorting
followed by flotation has significant cost, performance and
operational advantages compared with flotation alone.
The Company will now consider how best to utilise ore sorter
rejects and flotation tailings. These waste products will be
valuable as potential cemented aggregate backfill and paste fill
for underground mining operations. Some tailings products could
also be used as landfill for reclamation of an existing quarry.
Analysis of Final Concentrates Produced in the 2022 Locked Cycle
Final zinc and lead concentrates from the 2022 testwork were
sent for detailed chemical analyses. The analyses for commonly
applied penalty elements are shown in Table 2 below. The
concentrates were generally below penalty levels except for
mercury. High mercury levels are common for Spanish zinc
concentrates and local smelters are able to manage such feeds. As
an alternative, a future plant at Toral could incorporate a
concentrate treatment process in order to reduce the mercury to
below penalty levels.
Table 2: Penalty Element Analyses of Concentrates Produced in
the 2022 testwork
Concentrate As (ppm) Bi (ppm) Cd (ppm) Fe Mg Mn Hg (ppm) F (ppm)
From Testwork (%) (%) (ppm)
Lead Conc 513 2.6 87 4.32 0.08 80 234 120
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
Zinc Conc 104 0.2 1,325 2.72 0.06 120 2,970 40
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
025D Lead
Conc 80 2.6 60.8 1.04 0.29 60 96 <20
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
025D Zinc
Conc 33 0.1 1,445 1.83 0.28 70 1,745 30
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
028 Lead
Conc 212 7.9 177.5 5.6 0.17 60 197 30
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
028 Zinc
Conc 16 0.1 1,635 1.75 0.08 50 1,085 20
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
Level for
Zinc Conc 2,000 200 2,500 8% 0.18% 5,000 50 200
--------- --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- --------- --------
Drilling Results
In November 2022, the Company announced the completion of its
latest diamond drilling programme. The drilling campaign aimed to
expand on the pre-existing indicated resource envelope of 5.9Mt @
7.1% ZnEq (including Pb credits) and 27 g/t Ag at depth. Hole
TOD-042 intersected the highest grade mineralisation to be reported
by Europa Metals to date at Toral and over a significant width. The
two holes (TOD-041 and TOD-042) taken in conjunction with nearby
previous drilling provided both support and confidence to our
current resource model and the continuity of the high grade nature
of the deposit at depth.
The drilling parameters for the assay results reported for hole
TOD-042 are presented in the table below:
TOD-042 681864 4710064 601.473 876.5 ETRS89utm29
-------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------
Hole TOD-042 was drilled with a PQ-HQ-NQ diameter, with half of
the core being sent for independent analysis at ALS Laboratories.
The assay results received are set out in the table below:
Hole_ID From To Interval Zn_% Pb_% Ag_ppm Cu_% ZnEq(PbAg)%*
TOD-042 866.35 871.6 5.25 17.87 4.46 55.69 0.03 23.24
------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ------- ----- -------------
(included) 868.7 871.2 2.50 36.82 5.77 101.01 0.05 44.55
------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ------- ----- -------------
* - ZnEq (PbAg)% is the calculated Zn equivalent incorporating
lead and silver credits; (ZnEq (PbAg)% = Zn + Pb*0.926 + Ag*0.019).
Zn equivalent calculations were based on 3-year trailing average
price statistics obtained from the London Metal Exchange and London
Bullion Market Association giving an average Zn price of
US$2,680/t, Pb price of US$2,100/t and Ag price of US$16.2/oz.
Significant Zn Eq intercepts were generated using a 1% Zn Eq
trigger value, minimum width of 1m, maximum consecutive waste
interval of 1m and minimum average Zn Eq grade >2%.
The cross section image above illustrates the positioning of
hole TOD-042. The high grade nature of the intersection is
consistent with our current resource model and provides further
support for extending the known estimated indicated resource at
that depth.
CDTI Loan Funding
On 19 October 2020, the Company announced that following an
extensive submission process, an interest -free loan by way of a
grant of EUR466,801.50 (the "Grant") had been awarded to the
Company by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology
("CDTI") for use towards research and development ("R&D") at
The CDTI is a public business entity in Spain, under the
auspices of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, which fosters
the technological development and innovation of Spanish companies.
The Grant is categorised as a partly refundable loan (with a nil
per cent. interest rate) with the funds received to be allocated
towards the development of R&D technologies relating to the
recording and correction of drillhole deviation at the Toral
Project. Application for the Grant was made by Europa Metals and
the AIR Institute, linked to the Salamanca University,
inconjunction with drilling contractors Sondeos y Perforaciones
Industriales de Bierzo SA ("SPI").
The Grant monies are drawable in up to three tranches, with the
prior agreement of the CDTI, with the initial tranche, comprising
an amount of EUR163,380 (A$261,872), received by the Company
towards the end of 2020. The second tranche of EUR158,629
(A$241,554) was received during the previous reporting period. The
Company has submitted a request to drawdown the remaining third
tranche, and awaits approval. The core objectives of the Innovation
Programme were to retrieve and process data from Toral's drilling
campaigns in order to develop algorithmic software for use in
exploration campaigns to correct drilling deviation. Biannual
repayments of EUR21,822 (A$33,230) begin in 2024, running for 7
years until 2031, with a fixed interest rate of nil per cent.
Accordingly, on 8 November 2021, the Company announced that the
CDTI had approved the requisite work documentation submitted in
relation to the Stage 1 milestone and that the Company had
therefore drawn down and received the second tranche of the Grant
being EUR158,629 (A$241,554).
Stage 2 involved Toral continuing to be used as a live testing
environment by the partnership as the University of Salamanca
continued its analysis and any future commercial benefit from an
eventual product will be shared by the partners. The Stage 2 work
was completed post the reporting period end such that the third,
and final, tranche of EUR144,792 (A$220,483) should be made
available for draw down following a review by the CDTI and its
confirmation that the requisite criteria of the innovation
programme have been met.
Once the funds advanced have demonstrably been spent on
appropriate R&D exploration activity at the Toral Project by
the Company, 70 per cent. of the total Grant will be repayable with
the balancing 30 per cent. then not required to be repaid.
Definitive Agreement with Denarius Metals Corp. ( " Denarius "
On 23 November 2022, the Company announced that, further to its
announcement of 5 October 2022, it had entered into a de nitive
option agreement (the "Option Agreement") with Denarius.
Pursuant to the Option Agreement, conditional on, inter alia,
the approval of Europa Metals' shareholders (which was obtained at
a general meeting held on 30 December 2022), Denarius has the right
to acquire in two stages up to an 80 per cent. ownership interest
in the Company's wholly owned Spanish subsidiary, EMI, which holds
the Toral Project.
Key Terms of the Definitive Agreement
The agreement involved the formation of a joint venture via EMI
between Denarius and Europa Metals for the development of Toral,
which covers both the project's existing and any expanded
investigation permit area and potentially the adjacent historic
Antonina Mine area, the former licence for which is currently
terminated by the Junta de Castilla y León (the "Junta"). In return
for funding certain expenditure on the project and consideration of
up to, in aggregate, US$6,000,000, Denarius will be a orded the
exclusive right to acquire up to an 80 per cent. interest in the
Toral Project by way of a two-stage option arrangement.
Subsequent to Europa Metals' shareholders approving the
transaction an initial US$100,000 payment became due to the Company
which is included in receivables as at 31 December 2022. This
payment was subsequently received in January 2023.
Capital Raising
On 8 August 2022, the Company issued 906,265 shares at a blended
issue price of approximately 3.64 pence per share to settle
deferred/accrued remuneration for certain of the Company's
directors totalling A$58,420.
On 23 November 2022, the Company announced that it had
conditionally raised, in aggregate, gross proceeds of GBP0.58
million (A$1.03 million) through the subscription of 12,888,888 new
ordinary shares by certain institutional and other investors at a
price of 4.5 pence per share (the "Subscription"). The Subscription
price represented a 60.7 per cent premium to the then last traded
price of the Company's shares on AIM.
Shareholder Meetings
On 30 November 2022, the Company held its Annual General Meeting
whereby all resolutions were duly approved by shareholders by way
of a poll.
On 30 December 2022, the Company held a General Meeting whereby
a resolution in respect of the grant of a two stage option for the
disposal of a majority interest in the Toral Project to Denarius
was duly approved by shareholders by way of a poll.
Events subsequent to the reporting date
On 24 January 2023, the Company announced, further to its
announcement of 26 January 2022, the conversion by certain of its
directors of an aggregate amount of GBP42,880 (A$62,702) of
deferred/accrued remuneration for the six month period ended 31
December 2022 into new ordinary shares of no par value in the
capital of the Company (the "Fee Conversions"). Pursuant to the Fee
Conversions, the Company issued, in aggregate, 1,245,988 new
ordinary shares at a blended issue price of approximately 3.44
pence per share.
On 24 January 2023, the Company also announced that it had
issued, in aggregate, 2,000,000 options exercisable in three
tranches to two of the Company's Directors, Daniel Smith and Myles
Campion (or their nominees). In addition, a total of 3,500,000
performance rights ("Performance Rights") were issued to Myles
Campion and Daniel Smith. The Performance Rights are exercisable
for nil consideration and are subject to various performance
milestone conditions and expiry dates relating to specific
share-price hurdles and the continued development of Toral.
On 22 March 2023, the Company announced that an initial budget
for planned expenditure on the Toral Project of approximately
US$1.8m for a 12 month period had recently been agreed between the
Company and its joint venture ("JV") partner, Denarius. The budget
will principally be applied to a combination of confirmatory and
infill drilling utilising up to two rigs. In addition, further to
the receipt of shareholder approval in respect of the definitive
option agreement in relation to the JV at a general meeting of the
Company held on 30 December 2022, a sum of US$100,000 had been paid
to EMI, which had facilitated the advancement of the planned mining
licence application. Following a successful capital raising by
Denarius earlier in March 2023, a further US$550,000 had recently
been advanced to EMI by Denarius to enable timely completion of the
planned initial work programme in accordance with the timeframe set
out under the definitive agreement.
No other matters or circumstances have arisen since the
reporting date that may significantly affect the operations of the
Company, the results of those operations, or the Company's state of
affairs in future financial years.
Daniel Smith
31 March 2023
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
for the half-year ended 31 December 2022
6 months 6 months
to to
31 December 31 December
2022 2021
Note $ $
--------------------------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Revenue from continuing operations
Other Income 2 177,279 -
177,279 -
Exploration expenditure (853,355) (711,643)
Foreign exchange (loss)/gain (7,553) 22,477
Other expenses 2 (536,820) (668,213)
Loss before income tax (1,220,449) (1,357,379)
Income tax (expense)/benefit - -
------------- -------------
Net loss after income tax (1,220,449) (1,357,379)
------------- -------------
Other comprehensive income
Items that may be reclassified subsequently
to profit or loss:
Net exchange (loss)/gain on translation of
foreign operation 34,859 8,844
Other comprehensive (loss)/profit
for the period, net of tax 34,859 8,844
Total comprehensive loss for the
period (1,185,590) (1,348,535)
------------- -------------
Net (loss) for the period attributable
to shareholders of the Company: (1,220,449) (1,357,379)
------------- -------------
(1,220,449) (1,357,379)
------------- -------------
Total comprehensive (loss) for the
period attributable to shareholders
of the Company: (1,185,590) (1,348,535)
------------- -------------
(1,185,590) (1,348,535)
------------- -------------
(Loss) per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of
the Company
Cents per Cents per
Loss per share share share
- basic (loss) per share (1.48) (2.31)
- diluted (loss) per share (1.48) (2.31)
The above Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other
Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the
accompanying notes in the full Half-Year Financial Report.
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December
31 December 30 June
2022 2022
Note $ $
------------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Current Assets
Cash and short-term deposits 1,451,312 1,650,056
Trade and other receivables 3 418,356 85,420
Total Current Assets 1,869,668 1,735,476
------------- -------------
Non-current Assets
Plant and equipment 37,270 46,877
Other receivables - 63,018
Right of use assets 42,292 42,292
Capitalised exploration 4 1,268,953 1,229,196
Total Non-current Assets 1,348,515 1,381,383
------------- -------------
Total Assets 3,218,183 3,116,859
------------- -------------
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 348,581 139,119
Lease liabilities 22,796 22,796
Unearned income - 20,937
Total Current Liabilities 371,377 182,852
------------- -------------
Non-current Liabilities
Lease liability 1,462 12,507
Borrowings 5 205,216 186,925
Total Non-current Liabilities 206,678 199,432
------------- -------------
Total Liabilities 578,055 382,284
------------- -------------
NET ASSETS 2,640,128 2,734,575
------------- -------------
Contributed equity 6 49,316,155 48,227,649
Accumulated losses (50,064,122) (48,843,673)
Reserves 3,388,095 3,350,599
TOTAL EQUITY 2,640,128 2,734,575
------------- -------------
The above Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be
read in conjunction with the accompanying notes in the full
Half-Year Financial Report.
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the half-year
ended 31 December 2022
Share Foreign
Issued Accumulated Incentive Option Exchange Total
Capital Losses Reserve Reserve Reserve Equity
$ $ $ $ $ $
---------------------------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------
At 1 July 2021 45,695,303 (46,380,604) 491,577 2,520,528 102,048 2,428,852
----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------
(Loss) for the period - (1,357,379) - - - (1,357,379)
Other comprehensive income (net
of tax) - - - - 8,844 8,844
Total comprehensive loss (net
of tax) - (1,357,379) - - 8,844 (1,348,535)
Transaction with owners in their
capacity as owners
Shares issued net of transaction
costs 2,532,346 - - - - 2,532,346
Options issued to directors and
management - - - 28,848 - 28,848
Options issued to brokers and
corporate advisers - - - 154,314 - 154,314
At 31 December 2021 48,227,649 (47,737,983) 491,577 2,703,690 110,892 3,795,825
At 1 July 2022 48,227,649 (48,843,673) 567,997 2,720,044 62,558 2,734,575
----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------
(Loss) for the period - (1,220,449) - - - (1,220,449)
Other comprehensive income (net
of tax) - - - - 34,859 34,859
Total comprehensive loss (net
of tax) - (1,220,449) - - 34,859 (1,185,590)
Transaction with owners in their
capacity as owners
Shares issued net of transaction
costs 1,033,155 - - - - 1,033,155
Shares issued to management 55,351 - (76,420) - - (21,069)
Shares to be issued - - 62,702 - - 62,702
Options issued to directors and
management - - - 16,355 - 16,355
----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------
At 31 December 2022 49,316,155 (50,064,122) 554,279 2,736,399 97,417 2,640,128
=========== ============= =========== ========== ========== ============
The above Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity should be
read in conjunction with the accompanying notes in the full
Half-Year Financial Report.
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the half-year ended 31
December 2022
6 months to 6 months
31 December to 31 December
2022 2021
$ $
------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Payments to suppliers and employees (399,487) (567,590)
Payment for exploration and evaluation
costs (822,588) (890,067)
Net cash flows used in operating
activities (1,222,075) (1,457,657)
------------- ----------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for plant and equipment - (616)
Net cash flows used in investing
activities - (616)
------------- ----------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Lease principal repayments (16,601) (12,853)
Proceeds from issue of shares 1,033,155 2,760,272
Costs of capital raising - (138,369)
Proceeds from borrowings - 251,705
Net cash flows from financing activities 1,016,554 2,860,755
------------- ----------------
Net increase / (decrease) in cash
and cash equivalents (205,521) 1,402,482
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
of period 1,650,056 1,180,768
Effect of foreign exchange on cash
and cash equivalents 6,777 (58,220)
------------- ----------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of the period 1,451,312 2,525,030
============= ================
The above Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in
conjunction with the accompanying notes in the full Half-Year
Financial Report.
- ENDS -
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
March 31, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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