RNS Number : 1279V
  ABSA Bank Limited
  22 May 2008

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1986/004794/06)
ISIN: ZAE000079810
JSE share code: ABSP
(Absa Bank)
                                                            Year ended        
                                                           31 December        
                                                       2007      2006*  Change
                                                  (Audited)  (Audited)       %
 Income statement (Rm)                                                        
  Headline earnings**                                 7 476      5 861    27,6
  Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders      7 620      6 051    25,9
 of the Bank
 Balance sheet (Rm)                                                           
  Total assets                                      587 059    453 726    29,4
  Loans and advances to customers                   443 120    367 199    20,7
  Deposits due to customers                         304 877    275 407    10,7
 Financial performance (%)                                                    
  Return on average equity                             26,4       25,1        
  Return on average assets                             1,48       1,42        
 Operating performance (%)                                                    
  Net interest margin on average assets                3,54       3,42        
  Net interest margin on average                       3,82       3,71        
 interest-bearing assets
  Impairment losses on loans and advances as %         0,54       0,44        
 of average loans and advances to customers
  Non-interest income as % of total operating          41,5       44,3        
  Cost-to-income ratio                                 54,2       57,2        
  Effective tax rate, excluding  indirect              29,2       28,4        
 Share statistics (million)                                                   
 (including *A* ordinary shares)                                              
  Number of shares in issue                           337,3      337,3        
  Weighted average number of shares                   337,3      336,3        
  Weighted average diluted number of shares           337,3      336,3        
 Share statistics (cents)                                                     
  Earnings per share                                2 259,4    1 799,0    25,6
  Diluted earnings per share                        2 259,4    1 799,0    25,6
  Headline earnings per share                       2 216,4    1 742,5    27,2
  Diluted headline earnings per share               2 216,4    1 742,5    27,2
  Dividends per ordinary share relating to            789,8      591,9    33,4
 income for the year
  Dividend cover (times)                                2,8        2,9        
  Net asset value per share                           9 149      7 630    19,9
  Tangible net asset value per share                  9 081      7 586    19,7
 Capital adequacy (%)                                                         
  Absa Bank                                            12,5       12,3        
*   The comparatives for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been reclassified throughout the document. See section on *Reclassifications*
** After allowing for R313 million (December 2006: R73 million) profit attributable to preference equity holders of the Bank.
                                                          Year ended          
                                                         31 December          
                                                     2007       2006          
                                                (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                                       Rm         Rm         %
 Net interest income                               17 915     14 174      26,4
  Interest and similar income                      52 213     36 518      43,0
  Interest expense and similar charges           (34 298)   (22 344)    (53,5)
 Impairment losses on loans and advances          (2 207)    (1 515)    (45,7)
 Net interest income after impairment losses       15 708     12 659      24,1
 on loans and advances
 Net fee and commission income                     10 046      8 973      12,0
  Fee and commission income    1.1                 10 620      9 486      12,0
  Fee and commission expense                        (574)      (513)    (11,9)
 Gains and losses from banking and trading          1 536      1 234      24,5
 activities            1.2
 Gains and losses from investment activities          108        169    (36,1)
 Other operating income                             1 006        879      14,4
 Operating income before operating expenses        28 404     23 914      18,8
 Operating expenditure                           (17 286)   (15 414)    (12,1)
  Operating expenses           2.1               (16 584)   (14 547)    (14,0)
  Non-credit related impairments2.2                  (58)       (71)      18,3
  Indirect taxation                                 (644)      (796)      19,1
 Share of retained earnings from associated            85         48      77,1
 undertakings and joint ventures
 Operating profit before income tax                11 203      8 548      31,1
 Taxation expense                                 (3 267)    (2 424)    (34,8)
 Profit for the year                                7 936      6 124      29,6
 Attributable to:                                                             
 Ordinary equity holders of the Bank                7 620      6 051      25,9
 Preference equity holders of the Bank                313         73  >(100,0)
 Minority interest                                      3          -   (100,0)
                                                    7 936      6 124      29,6
 Headline earnings                3                 7 476      5 861      27,6
                                                          Year ended          
                                                         31 December          
                                                     2007       2006          
                                                (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                                       Rm         Rm         %
 1.1 Fee and commission income                                                
 Credit-related fees and commission                 9 765      8 706      12,2
  Credit cards                                      1 543      1 383      11,6
  Cheque accounts                                   2 536      2 384       6,4
  Electronic banking                                2 657      2 248      18,2
  Other                                             3 029      2 691      12,6
 Corporate finance fees                               289        136    >100,0
 External administration fees                         192        157      22,3
 Insurance commission received                        346        453    (23,6)
 Portfolio and other management fees                   16         16         -
 Unit/property trust income                            12         18    (33,3)
                                                   10 620      9 468      12,0
 1.2 Gains and losses from banking and trading                                
 Designated fair value                                948      (105)    >100,0
 Debt securities in issue                           (112)          -   (100,0)
 Loans and advances and deposits                      261      (380)  >(100.0)
 Investments                                          853        430    >100,0
    Debt instruments                                    2          -     100,0
    Equity instruments                                851        430      97,9
 Statutory liquid asset portfolio                    (54)      (155)      65,2
 Associated undertakings and joint ventures                                   
 Dividends from associated banking entities             8          -     100,0
 (Loss)/profit realised on disposal                   (6)        167  >(100,0)
 Held for trading                                     507      1 173    (56,8)
 Ineffective hedges                                    79        (1)    >100,0
 Cash flow hedges                                    (60)        (5)  >(100,0)
 Fair value hedges                                    139          4    >100,0
                                                    1 536      1 234      24,5
 1.3 Gains and losses from investment                                         
 Associated undertakings and joint ventures                                   
    Dividends received                                  3          -     100,0
 Designated fair value                                                        
    Equity instruments                                 69        119    (42,0)
    Profit realised on disposal                        36         50    (28,0)
                                                      108        169    (36,1)
                                                          Year ended          
                                                         31 December          
                                                     2007       2006          
                                                (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                                       Rm         Rm         %
 2.1 Operating expenses                                                       
 Amortisation on intangible assets                     63         18  >(100,0)
 Audit fees                                            53         52     (1,9)
 Audit fees current year                               49         43    (14,0)
 Other fees                                             4          9      55,6
 Cash transportation                                  268        227    (18,1)
 Depreciation                                         743        706     (5,2)
  Computer equipment                                  461        377    (22,3)
  Freehold property                                    30         30         -
  Furniture and other equipment                       226        272      16,9
  Leasehold property                                   26         26         -
  Motor vehicles                                        -          1     100,0
 Equipment rental and maintenance                     258        221    (16,7)
 Information technology                             1 079      1 064     (1,4)
 Lease rentals on operating leases                    762        699     (9,0)
 Marketing costs                                      889        728    (22,1)
 Other operating costs                              1 278      1 117    (14,4)
 Other professional fees                            1 207      1 097    (10,0)
 Printing and stationery                              276        232    (19,0)
 Staff costs                                        9 096      7 850    (15,9)
 Telephone and postage                                612        536    (14,2)
                                                   16 584     14 547    (14,0)
 2.2 Non-credit related impairments                                           
 Financial instruments                                                        
  Available for sale investments                        -        (5)   (100,0)
 Other                                                 58         76      23,7
 Computer software development costs                   21         66      68,2
 Investment in associated undertakings and              -         10     100,0
 joint ventures
 Repossessed Properties                                37          -   (100,0)
                                                       58         71      18,3
                                                         Year ended           
                                                        31 December           
                                                    2007       2006           
                                               (Audited)  (Audited)     Change
                                                      Rm         Rm          %
 Headline earnings is determined as follows:                                  
 Profit attributable to ordinary equity            7 620      6 051       25,9
 holders of the Bank
 Adjustments for:                                                             
  IAS 16 net profit on disposal of property         (57)        (8)   >(100,0)
 and equipment
  IAS 21 recycle foreign currency translation       (38)          -    (100,0)
 reserve, disposal of investment in foreign
  IAS 27 net profit on disposal of                  (26)       (36)       27,8
  IAS 28 & 31 net loss/(profit) on disposal            6      (113)     >100,0
 of associated undertakings and joint
  IAS 28 impairment of associated                      -          7    (100,0)
 undertakings and joint ventures
  IAS 28 underlying associated undertakings         (45)       (54)       16,7
 and joint ventures earnings
  IAS 38 net profit on disposal and                 (43)         47   >(100,0)
 impairment of intangible assets
  IAS 39 release of available-for sale                59       (29)     >100,0
  IAS 39 impairment of available-for sale              -        (4)      100,0
 assets and strategic investments
 Headline earnings                                 7 476      5 861       27,6
* After tax and minorities.

                                                          31 December         
                                                      2007       2006         
                                                 (Audited)  (Audited)   Change
                                                        Rm         Rm        %
 Cash, cash balances and balanceswith               15 069     12 022     25,3
 central banks
 Statutory liquid asset portfolio                   22 957     20 829     10,2
 Loans and advances to banks                        52 691     20 833   >100,0
 Trading assets                                     25 876     17 742     45,8
 Hedging assets                                        725        641     13,1
 Other assets                                        5 002      3 151     58,7
 Current tax assets                                    168          -    100,0
 Loans and advances to customers                   443 120    367 199     20,7
 Loans to Absa Group companies                       8 308      1 728   >100,0
 Loans to holding company                            1 130      1 301   (13,1)
 Deferred tax assets                                    48         63   (23,8)
 Investments                                         6 109      3 960     54,3
 Investments in associated undertakings and          1 370        601   >100,0
 joint ventures
 Intangible assets                                     228        147     55,1
 Property and equipment                              4 258      3 509     21,3
 Total assets                                      587 059    453 726     29,4
  Deposits from banks                               65 167     28 897   >100,0
  Trading liabilities                               22 947     16 140     42,2
  Hedging liabilities                                2 226      1 257     77,1
  Other liabilities and sundry provisions           10 113      8 015     26,2
  Current tax liabilities                               56        941   (94,0)
  Deposits due to customers                        304 877    275 407     10,7
  Debt securities in issue                    134 023          83 866     59,8
  Deferred tax liabilities                           2 259      2 133      5,9
  Policyholder liabilities under insurance              67         76   (11,8)
  Borrowed funds                      1              9 796      8 268     18,5
  Total liabilities                                551 531    425 000     29,8
 Capital and reserves                                                         
 Attributable to equity holders of the Bank:                                  
  Share capital                                        303        303        -
  Share premium                                      5 415      5 415        -
  Preference share capital                               1          1        -
  Preference share premium                           4 643      2 991     55,2
  Other reserves                                     1 605      1 682    (4,6)
  Retained earnings                                 23 535     18 334     28,4
                                                    35 502     28 726     23,6
 Minority interest                                      26          0   >100,0
 Total equity                                       35 528     28 726     23,7
 Total equity and liabilities                      587 059    453 726     29,4
 Contingent liabilities * banking related           53 734     49 706      8,1
                                         Year ended          
                                        31 December          
                                    2007       2006          
                               (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                      Rm         Rm         %
 Subordinated callable notes                                 
 14,25% (AB02)                     3 100      3 100         -
 10,75% (AB03)                     1 100      1 100         -
 3-month JIBAR + 0,75% (AB04)        400        400         -
 8,75% (AB05)                      1 500      1 500         -
 8,10%(AB06)                       2 000      2 000         -
 8,80% (AB07)                      1 725          -     100,0
 Accrued interest                    297        253      17,4
 Fair value adjustment*            (326)       (85)  >(100,0)
                                   9 796      8 268      18,5
* The fair value adjustment relates to subordinated callable notes designated as hedged item in a hedge relationship.
                                                        31 December           
                                                    2007       2006           
                                               (Audited)  (Audited)     Change
                                                      Rm         Rm          %
 Share capital                                       303        303          -
  Opening balance                                    303        303          -
  Shares issued                                        -          0    (100,0)
 Share premium                                     5 415      5 415          -
  Opening balance                                  5 415      4 665       16,1
  Shares issued                                        -        750    (100,0)
 Preference share capital                              1          1          -
 Opening balance                                       1          -      100,0
 Shares issued                                         0          1   >(100,0)
 Preference share premium                          4 643      2 991       55,2
 Opening balance                                   2 991          -      100,0
 Shares issued                                     1 658      2 999     (44,7)
 Costs incurred                                      (6)        (8)       25,0
 Other reserves                                    1 605      1 682      (4,6)
  Opening balance                                  1 682      1 817      (7,4)
 Movement in foreign currency translation           (53)        178   >(100,0)
 Movement in regulatory general credit risk          381         50     >100,0
 Movement in available-for-sale reserve               61         67      (9,0)
  Movement in cash flow hedges reserve             (540)      (485)     (11,3)
  Movement in associated undertakings and             85         48       77,1
 joint ventures* retained earnings reserve
  Disposal of associated undertakings and              -       (48)      100,0
 joint ventures * release of reserves
  Share-based payments for the year                   75         78      (3,8)
  Transfer from share-based payment reserve         (86)       (23)   >(100,0)
 Retained earnings                                23 535     18 334       28,4
  Opening balance                                 18 334     14 224       28,9
  Transfer to regulatory general credit risk       (381)       (50)   >(100,0)
  Transfer to associated undertakings and           (85)       (48)     (77,1)
 joint ventures* retained earnings reserve
  Disposal of associated undertakings and              -         48    (100,0)
 joint ventures * release of reserves
  Transfer from share-based payment reserve           86         23     >100,0
 Profit attributable to ordinary equity            7 620      6 051       25,9
  Profit attributable to preference equity           313         73     >100,0
  Dividends paid during the year                 (2 352)    (1 987)     (18,4)
                                                  35 502     28 726       23,6
 Minority interest                                    26          0     >100,0
 Opening balance                                       0         40   >(100,0)
 Acquisitions/(disposals)                             25       (40)     >100,0
 Other reserve movements                             (2)        (0)   >(100,0)
 Minority share of profit                              3          -      100,0
 Total equity                                     35 528     28 726       23,7

                                                                Year ended      
                                                               31 December      
                                                       2007       2006          
                                                  (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                                         Rm         Rm         %
 Net cash generated/(utilised) from operating         4 735    (6 054)    >100,0
 Net cash utilised from investing activities        (4 237)    (1 660)  >(100.0)
 Net cash generated from financing activities         1 025      3 755    (72,7)
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash             1 523    (3 959)    >100,0
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of        3 498      7 462    (53.1)
 the year          1
 Effect of exchange rate movements on cash on             2        (5)    >100,0
 cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the          5 023      3 498      43,6
 year                2
 NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                               
 1 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of                                
 the year
 Cash, cash balances and balanceswith central         3 619      3 210      12,7
 Loans and advances to banks                          (121)      4 252  >(100,0)
                                                      3 498      7 462    (53,1)
 2 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the                                  
 Cash, cash balances and balanceswith central         4 673      3 619      29,1
 Loans and advances to banks                            350      (121)    >100,0
                                                      5 023      3 498      43,6
                                                         Year ended           
                                                        31 December           
                                                    2007      2006*           
                                               (Audited)  (Audited)     Change
                                                      Rm         Rm          %
 Banking operations                                                           
 Retail banking                                    4 989      4 095       21,8
  Absa Private Bank                                  237        178       33,1
  Personal Bank                   1                2 144      1 400       53,1
  Absa Home Loans and Repossessed Properties       1 279      1 086       17,8
  Absa Card                                          706        700        0,9
  Absa Vehicle and Asset Finance                     623        731     (14,8)
 Absa Corporate and Business Bank                  1 922      1 384       38,9
 Absa Capital                                      1 533        929       65,0
 African operations                                 (31)       (44)       29,5
 Corporate centre                 2                 (95)         83   >(100,0)
 Capital and funding centre                           94        131     (28,2)
 Total earnings from business areas                8 412      6 578       27,9
 Synergy costs (after tax)        3                (479)      (454)      (5,5)
 Profit attributable to preference equity          (313)       (73)   >(100,0)
 Profit attributable to ordinary equity            7 620      6 051       25,9
 Headline earnings adjustments                     (144)      (190)       24,2
 Total headline earnings                           7 476      5 861       27,6
                                                        Year ended          
                                                       31 December          
                                                   2007      2006*          
                                              (Audited)  (Audited)    Change
                                                     Rm         Rm         %
 Banking operations                                                         
 Retail banking                                  21 259     17 799      19,4
  Absa Private Bank                               1 403      1 208      16,1
  Personal Bank                    1             10 647      8 582      24,1
  Absa Home Loans and Repossessed Properties      3 880      3 170      22,4
  Absa Card                                       2 466      2 134      15,6
  Absa Vehicle and Asset Finance                  2 863      2 705       5,8
 Absa Corporate and Business Bank                 6 152      5 168      19,0
 Absa Capital                                     3 595      2 318      55,1
 African operations                                 (5)        (3)    (66,7)
 Corporate centre                 2               (493)       (37)  >(100,0)
 Capital and funding centre                         103        184    (44,0)
 Total revenue                                   30 611     25 429      20,4
1.            Personal Bank includes the results of Digital Banking, Micro Lending, Personal Bank Ventures
and Alliances, Small Business, Telephone Banking and Entry Level Banking.
2.            In the prior year the Corporate centre included the gains on disposal of Bankhaus
Wern and AST.
3.            Synergies relate to the integration of Absa and Barclays following the acquisition
by Barclays of a majority share in Absa. Synergy costs are one-off costs incurred in
achieving synergy benefits.
*    The comparative period has been restated for:
- Migration of clients from Private Bank to Personal Bank in the current year.
- Absa Development Company Holdings (Proprietary) Limited was moved from Corporate
     centre to Absa Corporate and Business Bank during the year under review.
Reclassification of certain assets and liabilities
                                                31 December              31 December
                                                       2006                     2006
                                                ((Audited))              ((Audited))
                                             (As previously   Reclassi-             
 Rm                              Commentary       reported)   fications   (Restated)
 Cash, cash balances and                             12 022                   12 022
 balanceswith central banks
 Statutory liquid asset                              20 829           -       20 829
 Loans and advances to banks                         20 833           -       20 833
 Trading assets                           1          17 711          31       17 742
 Hedging assets                           1             672        (31)          641
 Other assets                                         3 151           -        3 151
 Loans and advances to                    2         368 320     (1 121)      367 199
 Loans to Absa Group companies                        1 728           -        1 728
 Loan to holding company                              1 301           -        1 301
 Deferred tax assets                                     63           -           63
 Investments                              2           2 839       1 121        3 960
 Investments in                                         601           -          601
 associatedundertakings and
 joint ventures
 Intangible assets                                      147           -          147
 Property and equipment                               3 509           -        3 509
 Total assets                                       453 726           -      453 726
  Deposits from banks                     3          39 236    (10,339)       28 897
  Trading liabilities                                15 499         641       16 140
  Hedging liabilities                                 1 898       (641)        1 257
  Other liabilities and sundry                        8 015           -        8 015
  Current tax liabilities                               941           -          941
  Deposits due to customers               3         348 934    (73 527)      275 407
  Debt securities in issue                3               -      83 866       83 866
  Deferred tax liabilities                            2 133           -        2 133
  Policyholder liabilities                               76           -           76
 under insurance contracts
  Borrowed funds                                      8 268           -        8 268
  Total liabilities                                 425 000           -      425 000
 Capital and reserves                                                               
 Attributable to equity holders                                                     
 of the Bank:
  Share capital                                         303           -          303
  Share premium                                       5 415           -        5 415
  Preference share capital                                1           -            1
  Preference share premium                            2 991           -        2 991
  Other reserves                                      1 682           -        1 682
  Retained earnings                                  18 334           -       18 334
                                                     28 726           -       28 726
 Minority interest                                        0           -            0
 Total equity                                        28 726           -       28 726
 Total equity and liabilities                       453 726           -      453 726
IFRS 7 and other reclassifications
                                                 Year ended                Year ended
                                               31 December               31 December 
                                                       2006                      2006
                                                  (Audited)                 (Audited)
                                             (As previously   Reclassi-              
 Rm                              Commentary       reported)   fications    (Restated)
 Net interest income                      4          14 184        (10)        14 174
  Interest and similar income                        36 551        (33)        36 518
  Interest expense and similar                     (22 367)          23      (22 344)
 Impairment losses on loans and                     (1 515)           -       (1 515)
 Net interest income after                           12 669        (10)        12 659
 impairment losses on loans and
 Net fee and commission income                        9 434       (461)         8 973
 Fee and commission income            5 & 6           9 468          18         9 486
 Fee and commission expense               6            (34)       (479)         (513)
 Gains and losses from banking            6           1 274        (40)         1 234
 and trading activities
 Gains and losses from                    6             169           -           169
 investment activities
 Other operating income                   5             897        (18)           879
 Operating income before                             24 443       (529)        23 914
 operating expenses
 Operating expenditure                             (15 943)         529      (15 414)
  Operating expenses                      6        (15 070)         523      (14 547)
  Non-credit related                                   (71)           -          (71)
  Indirect taxation                                   (802)           6         (796)
 Share of retained earnings of                           48           -            48
 associated undertakings and
 joint ventures
 Operating profit before income                       8 548           -         8 548
 Taxation expense                                   (2 424)           -       (2 424)
 Profit for the year                                  6 124           -         6 124
 Attributable to:                                                                    
  Ordinary equity holders of                          6 051           -         6 051
 the Bank
  Preference equity holders of                           73           -            73
 the bank
  Minority Interest                                       -                         -
                                                      6 124           -         6 124
 Headline earnings                                    5 861           -         5 861
1. Trading and hedging assets and liabilities
Certain trading assets and liabilities previously aggregated with hedging assets and liabilities have been separated.
2. Equity and shareholder loans
Shareholder loans granted to Private Equity, Commercial Property Finance and Incubator Fund clients have been reclassified as part of the
net investment in that entity. Previously these were shown as "Loans and advances to customers".
3. Debt securities in issue
Negotiable certificates of deposits and other funding paper issued were previously reported as a sub-category of *Deposits due to customers*
and "Deposits from banks". This is disclosed on a separate line on the face of the balance sheet, called *Debt securities in issue*.
4. Reclassification of interest
Hedging income and expenses have been reclassified to better eliminate mismatches.
5. Fees from trust and other fiduciary activities
Unit/property trust income has been reclassified from *Other operating income* to *Fee and commission income*.
6. Fee expenses and similar
While implementing IFRS 7, the Group adopted a policy where all fees paid relating to either a financial instrument or fee income, should be
classified as a fee expense. Similarly any fees related to trading should be moved to "Gains and losses from banking and trading
Absa Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Absa Group Limited (Absa Group or the Group), which is listed on the JSE Limited (the JSE).
Absa Bank and its subsidiaries* financial results for the year ended 31 December 2007 and its preference dividend declaration for the period
1 September 2007 to 28 February 2008 are contained in this announcement.
Commentary pertaining to the operating environment and the results of Absa Bank*s core subsidiaries are set out in the Absa Group*s annual
financial results announcement. The Absa Group announcement was released on the JSE Securities Exchange News Services (Sens) and Absa
Group*s website (www.absa.co.za) on 19 February 2008, and published in the press on 20 February 2008.
Basis of presentation and changes in accounting policies
Absa Bank*s annual results have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The Bank adopted IFRS 7 * Financial Instruments: Disclosures and IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements: Capital Disclosures (amendment)
during the year ended 31 December 2007. The adoption of IFRS 7 and the amendment to IAS 1 impacted disclosures made in the financial
statements. The Bank also made some reclassifications in the income statement as a result of the implementation of IFRS 7. The adoption of
the standard had no impact on the reported profits or financial position of the Bank.
The Bank*s results for the year ended 31 December 2007 have been audited by the Group*s auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and Ernst &
Young Inc. Their audit report is available for inspection at the Bank*s registered address, 3rd floor, Absa Towers East, 170 Main Street,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Declaration of preference dividend number 4: Absa Bank non-cumulative, non-redeemable preference shares (Absa Bank preference shares)
Notice is hereby given that preference dividend number 4 of 4 436 cents per share has been declared for the period from 1 September 2007 to
28 February 2008.
The Absa Bank preference shares have an effective coupon rate of 63% of the prime overdraft lending rate. The dividend is payable on Monday,
17 March 2008, to shareholders of Absa Bank preference shares recorded in the books of the company at the close of business on Friday, 14
March 2008.
In compliance with the requirements of Strate, the electronic settlement and custody system used by the JSE, the relevant dates for the
payment of the preference dividend are as follows:
Last day to trade cum dividend                        Friday,  7 March 2008
Shares commence trading ex dividend                   Monday, 10 March 2008
Record date                                           Friday, 14 March 2008
Payment date                                          Monday, 17 March 2008

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday, 
10 March 2008, and Friday, 14 March 2008, both dates inclusive.


On Monday, 17 March 2008, the dividend will be electronically transferred to the 
bank accounts of certificated shareholders who use this facility. In respect of 
those who do not, cheques dated 17 March 2008 will be posted on or about that 
date. The accounts of those shareholders that have dematerialised their shares 
(which are held at their central securities depository participant or broker) 
will be credited on Monday, 17 March 2008.

On behalf of the board
S Martin
Group secretary
19 February 2008
Please note that the preference dividend calculation dates are 28 (29) February and 31 August of each year and that the payment date may not
be later than 45 days after the preference dividend calculation date.
Jacques Schindeh
Group executive director
Absa Group Limited
5th floor, Absa Towers East, 170 Main Street, Johannesburg
Tel: (+2711) 350-4850 Fax: (+2711) 350-8433
E-mail: jacquessc@absa.co.za
Eric Wasserman
Group executive: Group Finance
Absa Group Limited
4th floor, Absa Towers East, 170 Main Street, Johannesburg
Tel: (+2711) 350-5887 Fax: (+2711) 350-6487
E-mail: ericwas@absa.co.za
    Merrill Lynch South Africa (Proprietary) Limited

 Shareholder report for the year ended 31 December 2007:
    Annual Report
    for the twelve months ended 31 December 2006

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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