RNS No 4226a
20th April 1998


                              CEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                        Consolidated Figures
                    (Convenience translation in thousands of dollars) (*)

                              January   March     %      Quarters       %
FINANCIAL INDICATORS          1998      1997     Var.  I 1998  I 1997   Var.

Operating Margin              27.1%     23.0%          27.1%    23.0%
Operating Cash Flow Margin    35.1%     32.1%          35.1%    32.1%
Interest Coverage (Op. Cash
  Flow / Int. Exp.) (1)        2.62      1.73           2.84     2.02
Interest + Cash Tax 
  Coverage (1)                 2.41      1.65           2.46     1.93
Net Debt/Operating Cash
  Flow (1)                     3.55      4.55           
Debt/Total Capitalization
  (Covenant)                  49.4%     51.9%
Return on Equity (1)(3)       15.9%     10.4%
Return on Operating Assets
  (1)(4)                      14.6%     12.7%
Cash Flow per Share (2)        0.29      0.20     41%   0.29    0.20    41%
Cash Earnings per Share (2)    0.19      0.11     76%   0.19    0.11    76%
Earnings per Share (2)         0.15      0.14     10%   0.15    0.14    10%

                              January - March     %         Quarters      %
VOLUMES Volume in thousands     1998   1997       Var. I 1998  I 1997    Var.
Total Cement (Met. Tons)      9,328.0   8,271.6   13%  9,328.0  8,271.6  13%
Total Ready-mix (m3)          3,329.9   2,582.5   30%  3,329.9  2,562.5  30%

                              January - March     Quarters      Quarters
VOLUMES Variation in volume     1998 - 1997    I 1998 - I 1997  I 1998 - IV 1997
MEXICO                               8%               8%              (7%)
Domestic (Met. Tons. Gray 
   Cement)                          20%              20%              (2%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                (41%)            (41%)            (37%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      45%              45%              (4%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                13%              13%              (6%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      14%              14%              (5%)
Aggregates (Met. Tons)               7%               7%              (3%)

SPAIN                               19%              19%               2%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                29%              29%               5%
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (9%)             (9%)              2%
Ready-mix (m3)                      21%              21%               9%

VENEZUELA                           13%              13%               0%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                37%              37%               8%
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (7%)             (7%)             (8%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      58%              58%               0%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                N/A              N/A             (11%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      N/A              N/A             (10%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                 3%               3%              (4%)
Ready-mix                           27%              27%               5%

*  Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998
   exchange rate of 8.55.  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by 
   dividing by the weighted average inflation factor of 10.96% (1.1096) and then
   dividing by the March 1997 exchange rate of 7.92.

(1) Trailing twelve months.

(2) Considering 1,217,638 thousand average shares for I 1998, 1,245,677 thousand
    average shares for I 1997), 1,217,638 thousand average shares for 1998
    accumulated and 1,245,677 thousand average shares for 1997 accumulated

(3) (Cash earnings - Cash taxes - Other non-operating cash expenses) / Average
    consolidated shareholders equity

(4) Operating cash flow / (Average consolidated shareholders equity + Average
    net debt)

                              CEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                        Consolidated Figures
                                 Financial and Operating Indicators
                    (Thousands of Pesos in Real Terms as of Mar. 1998) (*)

                              January   March     %      Quarters       %
FINANCIAL INDICATORS          1998      1997     Var.  I 1998  I 1997   Var.

Operating Margin              27.1%     23.0%           27.1%    23.0%
Operating Cash Flow Margin    35.1%     32.1%           35.1%    32.1%
Operating Coverage (Op. 
  Cash Flow/Int. Exp.) (1)     2.62      1.73            2.84     2.02       
Interest + Cash Tax 
  Coverage (1)                 2.41      1.65            2.46     1.93
Net Debt/Operating Cash
  Flow (1)                     3.55      4.55           
Debt/Total Capitalization
  (Covenant)                  49.4%     51.9%
Return on Equity (1)(3)       15.9%     10.4%
Return on Operating Assets
  (1)(4)                      14.6%     12.7%
Cash Flow per Share (2)        2.45      1.79     37%    2.45    1.79    37%
Cash Earnings per Share (2)    1.65      0.96     71%    1.65    0.96    71%
Earnings per Share (2)         1.28      1.19      7%    1.28    1.19     7%

                              January - March     %         Quarters      %
VOLUMES Volume in thousands     1998   1997       Var. I 1998  I 1997    Var.
Total Cement (Met. Tons)      9,328.0   8,271.6   13%  9,328.0  8,271.6  13%
Total Ready-mix (m3)          3,329.9   2,562.5   30%  3,329.9  2,562.5  30%

                              January - March     Quarters      Quarters

VOLUMES Variation in volume     1998 - 1997    I 1998 - I 1997  I 1998 - IV 1997
MEXICO                               8%               8%              (7%)
Domestic (Met. Tons. Gray 
   Cement)                          20%              20%              (2%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                (41%)            (41%)            (37%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      45%              45%              (4%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                13%              13%              (6%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      14%              14%              (5%)
Aggregates (Met. Tons)               7%               7%              (3%)

SPAIN                               19%              19%               2%
Domestic (met. Tons)                29%              29%               5%
Exports (Met. Tons)                  9%               9%               2%
Ready-mix (m3)                      21%              21%               9%

VENEZUELA                           13%              13%               0%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                37%              37%               8%
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (7%)             (7%)             (8%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      58%              58%               0%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                N/A              N/A             (11%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      N/A              N/A             (10%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                 3%               3%              (4%)
Ready-mix                           27%              27%               5%

(*) Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998
    exchange rate of 8.55.  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by 
    dividing by the weighted average inflation factor of 10.96% (1.1096) and
    then dividing by the March 1997 exchange rate of 7.92.

(1) Trailing twelve months.

(2) Considering 1,217,638 thousand average shares for I 1998, 1,245,677 thousand
    average shares for I 1997), 1,217,638 thousand average shares for 1998
    accumulated and 1,245,677 thousand average shares for 1997 accumulated

(3) (Cash earning - Cash taxes - Other non-operating cash expenses) / Average
    consolidated shareholders equity

(4) Operating cash flow / (Average consolidated shareholders equity + Average
    net debt)

                    CEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                           Consolidated Figures
            (Convenience translation in thousands of dollars) (*)

                      January - March    %           Quarters          %
INCOME STATEMENT    1998      1997      Var.      I 1998    I 1997    Var.

Net Sales           992,884   789,011   26%       992,884   789,011   26%

Cost of Sales      (575,571) (486,173)  18%      (575,571) (486,173)  18%

Gross Profit        417,313   302,838   38%       417,313   302,838   38%

Selling, General
and Administrative
Expenses           (148,269) (121,586)  22%      (148,269) (121,586)  22%

Operating Income    269,044   181,252   48%       269,044   181,252   48%

Financial Expenses (122,943) (125,614)  (2%)     (122,943) (125,614)  (2%)

Financial Income      8,451     8,396    1%         8,451     8,396    1%

Exchange Gain
(Loss), Net         (59,577)   (2,750)  N/A       (59,577)   (2,750)  N/A

Monetary Position
Gain (Loss)         165,022   179,274   (8%)      165,022   179,274   (8%)

Total Comprehensive
Financing (Cost) 
Income               (9,048)   59,306 (115%)       (9,048)   59,306 (115%)  

Gain or (Loss) on 
Securities           (5,792)    8,669 (167%)       (5,792)    8,669 (167%)

Other Expenses, Net (24,266)  (35,483) (32%)      (24,266)  (35,463) (32%)      

Other Income 
(Expenses)          (30,058)  (26,794)  12%       (30,058)  (26,794) (12%) 

Net Income Before
Income Taxes        229,938   213,764    8%       229,938   213,764    8%

Income Tax          (14,527)  (19,280) (25%)      (14,527)  (19,280) (25%)

Statutory Profit
Sharing              (4,547)   (2,211) 106%        (4,547)   (2,211) 106% 

Total Income Tax
& Profit Sharing    (19,074)  (21,491) (11%)      (19,074)  (21,491) (11%)

Net Income Before
Participation of
Uncons. Subs. and
Ext. Items          210,864   192,274   10%       210,864   192,274   10%

Participation of 
Subsidiaries           396      4,064  (90%)          396     4,064  (90%) 

Consolidated Net
Income              211,260   196,337    8%       211,260   196,337    8%

Net Income
Attributable to
Min. Intest          29,644    26,975   10%        29,644    26,975   10%

Net income after
minority intest     181,616   169,362    7%       181,616   169,362    7%

Operating Cash Flow
(Operating Income
+ Depreciation
+ Leases + Cost 
Restatements)       349,065   253,510   38%       349,065   253,510   38%

                     January - March      %
BALANCE SHEET       1998       1997      Var.

Total Assets     10,188,794   9,997,459    2%  

Cash and 
Investments         422,421    330,905   28%

Trade Accounts
Receivables         491,710    440,087    12%

Other Receivables   158,214    185,621  (15%)

Inventories         464,794    442,093    5%

Other Current
Assets               52,782     57,207   (8%)

Current Assets    1,589,921  1,455,912    9%

Fixed Assets      5,914,602  5,933,670   (0%)

Other Assets      2,684,272  2,607,876    3%

Liabilities       5,494,866  5,523,212   (1%)

Liabilities       1,176,777  1,228,985   (4%)

Liabilities       4,157,189  4,155,004    0%

Liabilities         160,900    139,223    16%

Equity            4,693,928   4,476,307    5%

Attributable to 
Interest          1,151,588   1,082,021    6%

Attributable to
Interest          3,542,360   3,394,286    4%
                    Consolidated Figures)

          (Thousands of Pesos in Real Terms as of Mar. 1998)
                            January - March     %            Quarters        %
INCOME STATEMENT          1998          1997    Var.       1998    1997     Var.

Net Sales             8,489,159    6,933,956     22%  8,489,159  6,933,856 22%
Cost of Sales        (4,921,132)  (4,272,502)    15% (4,921,132)(4,272,502)15%

Gross Profit          3,568,027    2,661,354     34%  3,568,027  2,661,354 34%
Selling, General and
Expenses             (1,267,702)  (1,068,504)    19% (1,267,702)(1,068,504)19%

Operating Income      2,300,324    1,592,850     44%  2,300,324  1,592,850 44%
Financial Expenses   (1,051,164)  (1,103,896)    (5%)(1,051,164)(1,103,896)(5%)
Financial Income         72,252       73,782     (2%)    72,252     73,782 (2%)
Exchange Gain (Loss)
Net                    (509,382)     (24,170)    N/A   (509,382)   (24,170) N/A
Monetary Position 
Gain (Loss)           1,410,936    1,575,468    (10%) 1,410,936  1,575,488 (10%)
Total Comprehensive
Financing (Cost)
Income                  (77,357)     521,183   (115%)  (77,357)    521,183(115%)

Gain or (Loss) on
Marketable Securities   (49,520)      76,180   (165%)  (49,520)     76,180(165%)
Other Expenses, Net    (207,478)    (311,647)  (33%)  (207,478)   (311,647)(33%)
Other Income (Expense) (256,998)    (235,467)   (9%)  (256,998)   (235,467) (9%)

Net Income Before 
Income Taxes          1,965,969    1,878,567     5%  1,965,969   1,878,567   5%
Income Tax             (124,209)    (169,434)  (27%)  (124,209)   (169,434)(27%)
Employees' Statutory
Profit Sharing          (38,873)     (19,427)  100%    (38,873)    (19,427)100%
Total Income Tax &
Profit Sharing         (163,082)    (188,860)  (14%)  (163,082)  (188,860) (14%)

Net Income Before
Participation of 
Uncons.Subs. and 
Ext.Items             1,802,887    1,689,706     7%  1,802,887  1,689,706   7%
Participation in
Subsidiaries              3,385       35,713   (91%)     3,385     35,713  (91%)
Consolidated Net
Income                1,806,272    1,725,418     5%  1,806,272  1,725,419    5%
Net Income Attributable
to Min. Interest        253,453      237,059     7%    253,453    237,059    7%

MINORITY INTEREST     1,552,819    1,488,360     4%  1,552,819  1,488,360    4%

Operating Cash Flow
(Operating Income +
Depreciation + Leases
+ Cost Restatements)  2,984,506    2,227,853    34%  2,984,506  2,227,853   34%

                           January-March         %
BALANCE SHEET            1998         1997       Var

Total Assets         87,114,191   87,857,990    (1%)
Cash and Temporary
Investments           3,611,702   2,908,003     24%
Trade Accounts 
Receivables           4,204,120   3,867,497      9%
Other Receivables     1,352,728   1,631,240    (17%)
Inventories           3,973,991   3,885,124      2%
Other Current Assets    451,282     502,739    (10%)
Current Assets       13,593,821  12,794,603      6%
Fixed Assets         50,569,845  52,145,285     (3%)
Other Assets         22,950,525  22,918,102      0%

Total Liabilities    46,981,105  48,538,160     (3%)
Current Liabilities  10,061,446  10,800,358     (7%)
Liabilities          35,543,965  36,514,306     (3%)
Other Liabilities     1,375,694   1,223,495     12%
Consolidated Stock-
holders' Equity      40,133,085  39,337,928      2%
Stockholders' Equity
Attributable to 
Minority Interest     9,845,905   9,508,834      4%
Stockholders' Equity
Attributable to 
Majority Interest    30,287,181  29,829,094      2%

             (Thousands of Constant Pesos as of Mar. 1998)(1)

                              January - March   %                         %
INCOME STATEMENT        1998         1997      VAR.  I 1998      I 1997   VAR.

Net Sales             3,937,279    3,092,649   27%  3,937,279   3,092,649   27%
Cost of Sales        (1,981,321)  (1,953,702)   1% (1,981,321) (1,953,702)   1%
Gross Profit          1,955,958    1,138,947   72%  1,955,958   1,138,947   72%
Selling, General 
and Administrative
Expenses               (457,019)    (403,444)  13%   (457,019)   (403,444)  13%

Operating Income     1,498,938       735,503  104%  1,498,938     735,503  104%

Operating Cash Flow
 (Operating Income +
  Depreciation + 
  Leases + Cost
  Actualization)     1,749,123     1,048,922  67%   1,749,123   1,048,922  67%

Operating Margin          38.0%         23.8%           38.0%       23.8%
Operating Cash Flow
  Margin                  44.4%         33.9%           44.4%       33.9%

                              (Thousands of Pesetas) (2)

                        January - March       %                          %
INCOME STATEMENT      1998      1997         VAR.    I 1998    I 1997   Var.

Net Sales           29,502,209   24,104,974  22%  29,502,209   24,104,974  22%
Cost of Sales      (19,044,435) (16,409,371) 16% (19,044,435) (16,409,371) 16%

Gross Profit        10,457,774    7,695,603  36%  10,457,774    7,695,603  36%
Selling, General
and Administrative
Expenses            (3,244,721)  (3,149,630)  3%  (3,244,721)  (3,149,630)  3%

Operating income     7,213,053    4,545,973  59%   7,213,053    4,545,973  59%

Operating Cash Flow
 (Operating Income
  + Depreciation)   10,057,448    7,507,783  34%  10,057,448    7,507,783  34%

Operating Margin         24.4%        18.9%           24.4%         18.9%
Operating Cash Flow
 Margin                  34.1%        31.1%           34.1%         31.1%

                 (Thousands of Constant Bolivares as of Mar. 1998)(3)

                              January - March   %                         %
INCOME STATEMENT        1998         1997      VAR.  I 1998      I 1997   VAR.

Net Sales            63,951,036   54,310,274  18%  63,951,036   54,310,274   18%
Cost of Sales       (36,975,086) (32,456,024) 14% (36,975,086) (32,456,024)  14%
Gross Profit         26,975,950   21,854,249  23%  26,975,950   21,854,249   23%
Selling, General 
and Administrative
 Expenses            (5,458,854)  (4,741,057) 15%  (5,458,854)  (4,741,057)  15%

Operating Income     21,517,095   17,113,192  26%  21,517,095   17,113,192   26%

Operating Cash Flow
 (Operating Income +
  Depreciation + 
  Leases + Cost
  Actualization)     28,210,031   25,003,588  13%  26,210,031  25,003,588   13%

Operating Margin          33.7%         31.6%           33.7%       31.6%
Operating Cash Flow
  Margin                  44.1%         46.1 %          44.1%       46.1%

(1) Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998
    exchange rate of 8.55.  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by 
    dividing by the Mexican inflation rate of 15.30% (1.153) and then dividing
    by March 1997 exchange rate of 7.92.

(2) Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998 
    exchange rate of 156.84  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by
    dividing by the March 1997 exchange rate of 141.82.

(3) Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998
    exchange rate of 525.25.  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by
    dividing by the Venezuelan inflation rate of 38.25% (1.3825) and then
    dividing by the March 1997 exchange rate of 478.25


                              The United States
                              (Thousands of Dollars)

                        January - March         %                          %
INCOME STATEMENT         1998       1997       VAR.    I 1998    I 1997    Var.

Net Sales              107,744       94,383    14%   107,744      94,383    14%
Cost of Sales          (92,765)     (84,145)   10%   (92,765)     (84,145)  10%

Gross Profit            14,979       10,238    46%    14,979       10,238   46%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses               (7,856)      (7,559)    4%    (7,856)      (7,559)   4%

Operating income         7,124        2,679   166%     7,124        2,679  166%

Operating Cash Flow
 (Operating Income
  + Depreciation
  + Leases)             14,252        9,429     51%   14,252        9,429   51%

Operating Margin          6.6%         2.8%            6.6%          2.8%
Operating Cash Flow
 Margin                  13.2%        10.0%           13.2%         10.0%

                    (Thousands of Colombian Pesos as of Mar. 1998) (4)

                       January - March        %                          % 

INCOME STATEMENT      1998      1997         VAR.    I 1998    I 1997   Var.

Net Sales        127,723,461  114,682,554   11%  127,723,461  114,682,554  11%
Cost of Sales    (79,729,306) (67,599,523)  18%  (79,729,306) (67,599,523) 18%

Gross Profit      47,994,155   47,083,031    2%   47,994,155   47,083,031   2%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses       (20,055,559)  (19,847,508)   1%  (20,055,559) (19,847,508)  1%

Operating income 27,938,596    27,235,524    3%   27,938,596   27,235,524   3%

Operating Cash 
Flow (Operating 
Income + 
+ Leases)        47,328,815    44,980,393    5%   47,328,815   44,980,939   5%

Operating Margin         21.9%        23.7%           21.9%         23.7%
Operating Cash Flow
 Margin                  37.1%        39.2%           37.1%         39.2%

                                        Caribbean / Central America
                                           (Thousands of Dollars)

                          January - March       %                          %
INCOME STATEMENT        1998      1997         VAR.    I 1998    I 1997   Var.

Net Sales               54,909      43,176   27%      54,909    43,176    27%
Cost of Sales           37,223      28,334   31%      37,223    28,334    31%

Gross Profit            17,686      14,842   19%      17,686    14,842    19%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses                4,405       3,558   24%       4,405     3,558    24%

Operating income        13,281      11,284   18%      13,281    11,284    18%

Operating Cash Flow
 (Operating Income
  + Depreciation)       17,515      15,691   12%      17,515    15,691    12%

Operating Margin         24.2%        26.1%           24.2%      26.1%
Operating Cash Flow
 Margin                  31.9%        36.3%           31.9%      36.3%

(4) Results for 1998 can be converted to dollars by dividing by the March 1998
    exchange rate of 1,358.03.  Results for 1997 can be converted to dollars by
    dividing by the Colombian inflation rate of 17.66% (1.1766) and then
    dividing by the March 1997 exchange rate of 1,059.88




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