Essentially Group Limited, the  leading sports marketing and  athlete 
management Group, today  announces its  interim results  for the  six 
months ended 30 June 2009. 
Financial Highlights 
  * Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation up 
    15% to GBP1,184,000 (GBP1,030,000 in the period to 30 June 2008) 
  * Profit before tax* up 19% to GBP888,000 (GBP749,000 in the period to 
    30 June 2008) 
  * Profit after tax* up 61% to GBP653,000 (GBP406,000 in the period to 
    30 June 2008) 
  * Earnings per share* up 10% to 0.33 pence (0.30 pence in the 
    period to 30 June 2008) 
  * Cash on the balance sheet GBP4.3m and a debt position of GBP7.4m, 
    with a net debt position of GBP4.0m after taking account of funds 
    collected on behalf of clients 
*excluding amortisation, loss  on disposal and  notional interest  on 
deferred consideration 
Operational Highlights 
  * The collapse of all of our earn outs at an agreed level, 
    resulting in reduced disclosed liabilities 
  * Disposal of the Accelerate South African office to management 
  * Successful Ashes series for the Group within the sports 
    marketing, hospitality, and media sales businesses 
  * Successful tour by British & Irish Lions to South Africa 
  * Extension of key contracts across media sales and sponsorship 
Review of Operations 
The first half of 2009 has seen an increase in confidence within  the 
sports sector following the financial turmoil of 2008. While a number 
of financial institutions have reduced their commitment to the sports 
sector there has  been an  increase in  the number  of core  consumer 
brands who are recognising  the power of  sport to communicate  their 
messages to a targeted audience. 
The media coverage of both the  Ashes series and the British &  Irish 
Lions tour  has provided  strong media  exposure for  the  respective 
sponsorship partners and  reinforced the  strength of  both of  these 
sports to a global audience. 
Cricket continues to grow as  Twenty 20 becomes increasingly part  of 
the sport's commercial activity. The speed with which the  relocation 
of the India Premier League to  South Africa was achieved is a  clear 
indicator of  the status  this tournament  has now  achieved.  Within 
rugby there are  strong positive  drivers for  us, including  England 
hosting the 2015 World Cup and  the likely inclusion of Rugby 7's  as 
part of the 2016 Olympics. 
Key Highlights 
Our team have delivered a number of projects including the following: 
  * A successful tour by the British & Irish Lions to South Africa 
  * Key commercial partners to the ECB test match grounds for the 
    Ashes and West Indies tours 
  * Investec as TriNations series sponsor in New Zealand 
  * Arrangement of Springboks to play Leicester Tigers on the opening 
    of their new stand in November 
  * Pilsner Urquell as official beer of the Open Championship at 
  * Appointment as exclusive commercial agents to the European Rugby 
  * Appointment as exclusive commercial agents for the New Zealand 
    Rugby Union 
  * Renewal of Magners' sponsorship of the Celtic League 
  * Extension to our commercial agreement with Millennium Stadium 
  * Commercial agency for the IRB World Rugby Sevens Dubai 
Many of these projects will flow through into the second half of this 
year and into 2010. 
Overall results 
Our results for the six months ended 30 June 2009 are summarised 
                             Unaudited       Unaudited      Audited 
                              6 months        6 months    12 months 
                             June 2009       June 2008     Dec 2008 
                                GBP000's          GBP000's       GBP000's 
Revenues                        10,044           5,901       16,245 
Contribution before 
central costs                    1,483           1,312        3,304 
Central costs                    (384)           (351)        (661) 
Earnings before 
interest, tax and 
amortisation of 
intangibles                      1,099             961        2,643 
Interest                         (211)           (212)        (488) 
Profit before tax 
and amortisation of 
intangibles                        888             749        2,155 
Tax                              (235)           (343)        (705) 
Profit after tax and 
before amortisation 
notional interest, 
exceptional items 
and loss on 
disposal of 
operations                         653             406        1,450 
Exceptional Items                    -               -        (157) 
Loss on disposal of 
operation                        (507)               -            - 
Amortisation of 
intangible assets                (823)           (611)      (1,536) 
Notional interest 
for deferred 
consideration under 
IFRS                             (295)           (261)        (697) 
Fair value of 
instrument, net of 
tax impact                        (23)               -        (150) 
Deferred tax on 
amortisation of 
intangible assets                  231             183          466 
(Loss) after tax                 (764)           (283)        (624) 
Underlying earnings 
per share *                       0.33            0.30         0.87 
Basic EPS                       (0.39)          (0.21)       (0.37) 
Weighted average 
number of shares           197,092,201     135,212,306  166,074,158 
* Before amortisation of intangible assets and associated taxation, 
loss on discontinued operations and notional interest on deferred 
The  financial   information   is  presented   in   accordance   with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
Sports Marketing 
                 6m to     6m to   12m to 
             June 2009 June 2008 Dec 2008 
                 GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Contribution       693       398    1,480 
The sports marketing business has  benefited from the inclusion of  a 
full six months of  Sportseen Limited (included from  1 May in  2008) 
however it remains weighted towards the second half of the year.  Key 
activity in the first half of the year included the first half of the 
test match ground  season, RBS  6 Nations  at Twickenham,  Millennium 
Stadium and Murrayfield,  England football world  cup qualifiers  and 
the British & Irish Lions. In  addition we ran successful events  for 
Amlin, Visit Britain, Pilsner Urquell, and the Lions. 
Athlete Management     6m to     6m to   12m to 
                   June 2009 June 2008 Dec 2008 
                       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Contribution             682       847    1,746 
The last six months have seen  us expanding our presence in both  the 
Northern and  Southern hemispheres  to supplement  the investment  we 
made in Essentially  South Africa  and these are  all anticipated  to 
contribute profits in the second half of the year. We remain cautious 
in respect of the Japanese market for international players  although 
the financial issues at the end  of 2008 have not had as  significant 
an impact on the Japanese market as we expected. Our office there  is 
now well positioned  to service both  the international and  domestic 
marketplace in Japan.  Within cricket  Twenty 20  continues to  drive 
values and  is providing  additional commercial  revenues to  the  UK 
domestic cricket market. 
Professional Services     6m to     6m to   12m to 
                      June 2009 June 2008 Dec 2008 
                          GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Contribution                108        67       78 
The professional services business continues to build its client base 
as well  as providing  an important  support service  to our  players 
under management - well over  half of whom use  us for their tax  and 
accounting administration. 
As reported earlier today Chime Communications PLC ("Chime") has made 
an announcement that  they wish to  acquire the whole  of the  issued 
share capital of the  Company. The Board, having  been so advised  by 
Cenkos, consider the terms of the offer to be fair and reasonable and 
the terms to  be in the  best interests of  shareholders as a  whole. 
Accordingly,  the  Board  intends   to  unanimously  recommend   that 
shareholders accept the Offer. 
The Board  has declared  an interim  dividend of  0.36p per  ordinary 
share, payable  in the  event that  the Offer  by Chime  is  declared 
unconditional and subject to passing of a special resolution for  its 
The interim dividend payment date will be announced in due course and 
will be payable to  shareholders on the register  at 2 October  2009. 
The ex-dividend date is 30 September 2009. 
The Group operates  in a  competitive marketplace and  the events  of 
late 2008 illustrated some of  the uncertainties within the market  - 
both in terms  of available  sponsorship budgets and  the timing  and 
appetite to commit to significant marketing expenditure. In  addition 
the Group  continues  to  expand  its  overseas  presence  which  can 
increase its exposure to variations  in exchange rates. Although  the 
acquisition of Sportseen has reduced the impact, the Group's  results 
remain weighted towards the second half of the year. 
The Board remain positive as to Essentially's outlook. For our senior 
management team  the  opportunity to  combine  with Fast  Track,  the 
sports marketing division of Chime, represents a significant step  in 
the creation  of a  major presence  within the  sports marketing  and 
management  business.  We  are  continuing  to  see  sponsorship  and 
marketing revenues  flowing into  the sports  of rugby  and  cricket, 
although there has  been a  significant shift  in the  nature of  the 
companies now partnering. The wider economic outlook will continue to 
require a note of  caution, however the longer  term calendar in  our 
key sports, coupled with our locations to service our clients, allows 
us to remain positive as to the Company's prospects: 2011 - India  to 
England, Rugby World Cup in New Zealand, 2012 Olympics, 2013 Ashes in 
the UK, 2015 Rugby World Cup in England. 
The Board would  like to extend  its thanks to  all of our  employees 
around the  world for  all of  their efforts  to date  and for  their 
continuing loyalty to the Group. 
Consolidated Interim Income Statement 
                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                               6 months       6 months        Year to 
                             to 30 June     to 30 June    31 December 
                                   2009           2008           2008 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Revenue             3            10,044          5,901         16,245 
Cost of sales                   (4,629)        (1,993)        (6,821) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Gross profit                      5,415          3,908          9,424 
Operating costs                 (4,231)        (2,878)        (6,626) 
Depreciation                       (85)           (69)          (155) 
Earnings from 
operations before 
interest, tax,                    1,099            961          2,643 
amortisation and 
loss on disposal of 
Exceptional Items                     -              -          (157) 
Loss on disposal of 
subsidiary                        (507)              -              - 
Amortisation of                   (823)          (611)        (1,536) 
Intangible assets 
Administrative                  (5,646)        (3,558)        (8,474) 
Operating (loss)                  (231)            350            950 
Interest charged                  (541)          (537)        (1,523) 
Interest Received                     4             64            129 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Loss before tax                   (768)          (123)          (444) 
Income tax expense                    4          (160)          (180) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Loss for the period               (764)          (283)          (624) 
                             ==========     ==========     ========== 
Earnings / (Loss) 
per share : 
Basic and fully 
diluted earnings                 (0.39)         (0.21)         (0.37) 
per share           4 
                             ==========     ==========     ========== 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                               6 months       6 months        Year to 
                             to 30 June     to 30 June    31 December 
                                   2009           2008           2008 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Loss for the period               (764)          (283)          (624) 
Exchange differences 
arising on translating             (29)          (287)            174 
foreign operations 
Exchange differences 
reflected in loss on                  9              -              - 
disposal of subsidiary 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Loss for the period               (784)          (580)          (450) 
                             ==========     ==========     ========== 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                30 June        30 June    31 December 
                                   2009           2008           2008 
                    Note          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and                                459            463 
equipment                           521 
Goodwill               6         22,690         25,908         23,644 
Other intangible                                 7,169          6,497 
assets                            5,588 
Investments                         117              -            117 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
                                 28,916         33,536         30,721 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                          98            120            114 
Trade and other                                  7,992          8,523 
receivables                       8,609 
Cash and cash                                    7,919          3,564 
equivalents                       4,294 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
                                 13,001         16,031         12,201 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Total assets                     41,917         49,567         42,922 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other                                  8,945          5,827 
payables                          7,638 
Short-term                                         977          1,417 
borrowings                        1,417 
Current portion of                               3,960          2,147 
long-term earn out 
creditor               8          4,853 
Current tax payable               1,368          1,303          1,577 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
                                 15,276         15,185         10,968 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Long-term earn out                               4,487          3,462 
creditor               8              - 
Long term                                        7,880          6,732 
borrowings                        6,023 
Deferred tax                                     2,176          1,718 
liabilities                       1,454 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Total non-current                               14,543         11,912 
liabilities                       7,477 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Total liabilities                22,753         29,728         22,880 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net assets                       19,164         19,839         20,042 
                              =========      =========      ========= 
Equity attributable 
to equity holders 
of the parent 
Share capital          5            197            196            197 
Share premium                                   17,300         17,318 
account                          17,318 
Merger reserve                    3,294          3,230          3,294 
Own shares held                   (527)          (433)          (433) 
Foreign exchange                                    68            529 
reserve                             509 
Profit and loss                                  (522)          (863) 
account                         (1,627) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Total equity                     19,164         19,839         20,042 
                              =========      =========      ========= 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                               6 months       6 months        Year to 
                             to 30 June     to 30 June    31 December 
                                   2009           2008           2008 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Cash flows from 
operating activities 
Loss after taxation               (764)          (283)          (624) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation                         85             69            155 
Amortisation of 
intangibles                         823            611          1,536 
Loss on disposal of 
subsidiary company                  507              -              - 
Foreign exchange gain 
(loss)                                5           (33)             59 
Investment income                   (4)           (64)          (129) 
Interest expense                    509            537          1,314 
Fair value loss on 
derivative financial 
instrument                           32              -            209 
Taxation (credit) 
expense recognised in 
profit and loss                     (4)            160            180 
Decrease (Increase) in 
inventories                          16             17             23 
Increase in trade and 
other receivables                 (770)          (902)        (1,172) 
Increase (Decrease) in 
trade payables                    1,991          3,863          (189) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Cash generated from 
operations                        2,426          3,975          1,376 
Interest paid                     (214)          (242)          (617) 
Income taxes paid                 (370)          (500)          (322) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net cash generated from 
operating activities              1,842          3,233            437 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Cash flows from 
investing activities 
Acquisition of 
subsidiaries net of cash 
acquired                              -        (3,158)        (3,441) 
Transaction costs in 
relation to acquisition 
of subsidiaries                    (52)          (384)          (827) 
Payment of long term 
earn-out creditor                  (62)        (2,086)        (2,087) 
Net (Purchase) / sale of 
equipment                         (146)           (64)          (155) 
Interest received                     4             64            129 
Cashflows in respect of 
disposal of subsidiaries          (147)              -              - 
Purchase of investments               -              -          (117) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net cash generated by 
investing activities              (403)        (5,628)        (6,498) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Cash flows from 
financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of 
share capital                         -          5,656          5,677 
Proceeds from long-term 
borrowings                            -          3,084          3,000 
Repayment of long-term 
borrowings                        (709)          (428)        (1,054) 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net cash generated by 
financing activities              (709)          8,312          7,623 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net increase in cash and 
cash equivalents                    730          5,917          1,562 
Cash and cash 
equivalents at beginning 
of period                         3,564          2,002          2,002 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Cash and cash 
equivalents at end of 
period                            4,294          7,919          3,564 
                         -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                              Share                          Foreign Profit and 
                   Share    premium     Merger     Shares   exchange       loss      Total 
                 capital    account    reserve       Held    reserve    account     Equity 
                   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Balance at 1         120     10,612      1,743      (433)        355      (239)     12,158 
January 2008 
Issue of              77      6,706      1,551          -          -          -      8,334 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Total                 77      6,706      1,551          -          -          -      8,334 
with owners 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
(Loss) for             -          -          -          -          -      (624)      (624) 
difference on 
operation              -          -          -          -        174          -        174 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
income for 
period                 -          -          -          -        174      (624)      (450) 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Balance at 31        197     17,318      3,294      (433)        529      (863)     20,042 
Purchase of            -          -          -       (94)          -          -       (94) 
shares held 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Total                  -          -          -       (94)          -          -       (94) 
with owners 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
(Loss) for             -          -          -          -          -      (764)      (764) 
difference on 
operation              -          -          -          -       (20)          -       (20) 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
income for 
period                 -          -          -          -       (20)      (764)      (784) 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Balance at 30        197     17,318      3,294      (527)        509    (1,627)     19,164 
June 2009 
                 =======    =======    =======    =======    =======    =======    ======= 
Balance at 1         120     10,612      1,743      (433)        355      (239)     12,158 
January 2008 
Issue of              76      6,688      1,487          -          -          -      8,251 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Total                 76      6,688      1,487          -          -          -      8,251 
with owners 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
(Loss) for             -          -          -          -          -      (283)      (283) 
difference on 
operation              -          -          -          -      (287)          -      (287) 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
income for 
period                 -          -          -          -      (287)      (283)      (570) 
              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Balance at 30        196     17,300      3,230      (433)         68      (522)     19,839 
June 2008 
                 =======    =======    =======    =======    =======    =======    ======= 
Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 
1 Nature of operations and general information 
Essentially Group Limited is the Group's ultimate parent company.  It 
is incorporated and domiciled in Jersey.  Essentially Group Limited's 
shares are listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London 
Stock Exchange. 
Essentially Group's consolidated financial statements are presented 
in Pounds Sterling (GBP), which is also the functional currency of the 
parent company. 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been 
prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 
34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. 
There are no related party transactions that require to be reported. 
2 Summary of significant accounting policies 
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the 
interim financial statements) have been prepared in accordance with 
the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial 
statements for the year to 31 December 2008 except for the adoption 
of IAS1 Presentation of Financial Statements (revised 2007), and IFRS 
8 Operating Segments. 
The adoption of IAS 1 (revised 2007) does not affect the financial 
position or profits of the Group, but gives rise to additional 
disclosures. The measurement and recognition of the Group's assets, 
liabilities, income and expenses is unchanged, however some items 
that were recognised directly into equity are now recognised in other 
comprehensive income, for example foreign exchange movements on 
overseas subsidiaries. IAS 1 (revised 2007) affects the presentation 
of owner changes in equity and introduces a "Consolidated Statement 
of Comprehensive Income". In accordance with the new standard the 
interim financial statements also include a revised "Consolidated 
Statement of Changes in Equity". 
Under IFRS8 the accounting policy for identifying segments is now 
based on the internal management reporting information that is 
regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker. There has 
been no impact of this on the segments disclosed as the Group has 
always reported both its management information and its segmental 
analysis in its financial statements by reference to the dominant 
source and nature of the Group's risks and returns (i.e. on a 
divisional basis). 
3 Segment analysis 
The Group operates through a number of different trading companies 
and operating segments. Essentially Group evaluates the performance 
of each business segment and allocates the necessary resources to 
them based on operational requirements, including cash flow and 
related resource requirements. Segmental earnings correspond to 
Earnings before interest, tax and amortisation. Amortisation and 
interest charged and received have not been allocated to any 
individual business segments. 
Group costs relate to the costs of Essentially Group Limited after 
deducting any costs that have been allocated to an individual 
business segment. 
Primary segmental reporting 
                     30 June 2009                  30 June 2008                   31 Dec 2008 
                   Revenues   Contribution       Revenues   Contribution       Revenues   Contribution 
                      GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Sports                6,462            693          3,004            398          9,895          1,480 
Athlete               2,972            682          2,490            847          5,329          1,746 
Professional            610            108            407             67          1,021             78 
             -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 
                     10,044          1,483          5,901          1,312         16,245          3,304 
Group costs                          (384)                         (351)                         (661) 
                            --------------                --------------                -------------- 
                                     1,099                           961                         2,643 
Net interest                         (537)                         (473)                       (1,394) 
Amortisation                         (823)                         (611)                       (1,536) 
Exceptional                              -                             -                         (157) 
Loss on 
disposal of                          (507)                             -                             - 
                            --------------                --------------                -------------- 
Loss before                          (768)                         (123)                         (444) 
                                 =========                     =========                    ========== 
There are no material intersegment revenues included in the above 
Total Assets 
The following analyses the total assets of the Group by operating 
                        30 June 2009   30 June 2008    31 Dec 2008 
                               GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Sports Marketing              27,217         34,424         27,489 
Athlete Management            12,713         10,348         12,787 
Professional Services          1,565          1,811          1,791 
Group                            422          2,984            855 
                      -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Total Assets                  41,917         49,567         42,922 
                           =========      =========      ========= 
Total assets above is calculated excluding intercompany balances and 
includes goodwill and customer contracts. 
4 Earnings per share 
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the 
earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the 
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. 
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic 
earnings per share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the 
post tax effect of dividends and/or interest, on the assumed 
conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential 
ordinary shares. 
Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares 
used in the calculations are set out below 
                                     6 months    6 months     Year to 
                                   to 30 June  to 30 June 31 December 
                                         2009        2008        2008 
                                        GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Earnings before interest, tax, 
amortisation, fair value of 
derivative, and loss on disposal        1,099         961       2,643 
Interest                                (211)       (212)       (488) 
Profit before Tax, amortisation, 
notional interest, fair value of 
derivative, and loss on disposal          888         749       2,155 
Tax                                     (235)       (343)       (705) 
Profit After Tax and before 
amortisation, notional interest, 
fair value of derivative, and 
loss on disposal                          653         406       1,450 
Deferred Tax on intangible 
amortisation                              231         183         466 
Notional interest for deferred 
consideration under IFRS                (295)       (261)       (697) 
Fair value of derivative 
instrument, net of tax impact            (23)           -       (150) 
Amortisation of Intangibles             (823)       (611)     (1,536) 
Loss after Tax on Continuing 
operations before exceptional 
items / loss on disposal of 
subsidiary                              (257)       (283)       (467) 
Loss on disposal of subsidiary / 
exceptional items                       (507)           -       (157) 
(Loss)/ Profit After Tax on 
Continuing Operations                   (764)       (283)       (624) 
Weighted Average no shares        197,092,201 135,212,306 166,074,158 
Earnings per share on continuing 
operations before amortisation of 
Intangibles, notional interest,          0.33        0.30        0.87 
fair value of derivatives and 
loss on disposal (pence) 
Earnings per share on continuing 
operations before exceptional 
items / disposal of subsidiary 
(pence)                                (0.13)      (0.21)      (0.28) 
Basic and  fully diluted earning 
per share (pence)                      (0.39)      (0.21)      (0.37) 
Share options currently in issue are anti-dilutive and therefore do 
not impact EPS. 
5 Share issue 
Six months to 30 June 2009 
                                           Number               GBP'000 
At 1 January 2009 and 30 
June 2009                             197,092,201                 197 
                                 ================       ============= 
Six months to 30 June 
                                           Number               GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008                     119,827,289                 120 
Issue of shares                        76,563,650                  76 
                         ------------------------ ------------------- 
At 30 June 2008                       196,390,939                 196 
                                 ================       ============= 
Year to 31 December 2008 
                                           Number               GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008                     119,827,289                 120 
Issue of shares                        77,264,912                  77 
                         ------------------------ ------------------- 
At 31 December 2008                   197,092,201                 197 
                                 ================       ============= 
6 Goodwill 
                 30 June 2009        30 June 2008           31 December 2008 
                 GBP'000               GBP'000                             GBP'000 
Marketing                     14,475              19,081              15,154 
Management                     7,571               6,029               7,860 
Services                         644                 798                 630 
                 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- 
                              22,690              25,908              23,644 
                       =============       =============       ============= 
Goodwill in each of these business units comprises: 
The Sports Marketing division, which principally comprises Accelerate 
Sport and Music Limited (acquired in 2006), Frontiers Group UK 
Limited (acquired in 2007) and Sportseen Limited (acquired April 
2008) have a long established reputation for the provision of value 
added services to brands seeking to enhance their profile in both a 
sporting and non-sporting context. In addition it has established a 
number of key relationships with governing bodies, professional 
associations, and influencers in the sporting and non-sporting arena. 
It is not possible to attribute value directly to each of these 
relationships or the reputation, as it is, in the Directors' opinion, 
these factors acting in concert that contribute to the overall value 
of the Accelerate and Frontiers businesses. The goodwill attributable 
to this division has been reduced following the disposal of the 
Accelerate South Africa and the changes to the earn out consideration 
set out in Note 8, as well as other factors including the 
amortisation of interest on earn out consideration and changes in 
exchange rates. 
The Athletes Management division, which principally comprises Global 
Sports Management Limited (acquired in 2005) and Athletes 1 Sports 
Limited (acquired in 2007) has a long standing reputation with the 
clubs, playing staff, players and professional bodies within cricket 
and rugby. Each of these relationships provide new opportunities for 
revenue generation, however it is not possible to identify separately 
which of these relationships contributes to the each piece of new 
business and, in the Directors' opinion, it is not any one factor 
that drives the growth of the business unit. The increase in goodwill 
from June 2008 to June 2009 is attributable to Essentially South 
Africa and Arundel Promotions, both coming into the Group in the 
second half of 2008. The other variations arise out of changes in the 
earn out consideration set out in Note 8, together with other factors 
including the amortisation of interest on earn out consideration and 
changes in exchange rates. 
The Professional Services division, which principally comprises 
Essentially Professional Services Limited (acquired in 2006), has an 
established network of referrers of revenue generating opportunities 
which includes professional advisers, bankers, entrepreneurs, and 
existing clients. It is not possible to separately identify the value 
of each of these sources to the business. The changes in goodwill 
arise from the changes in the earn out consideration as outlined in 
Note 8, together with the amortisation of interest on earn out 
consideration and changes in exchange rates. 
In each of these divisions (including companies acquired in the 
current year) the Directors believe that Goodwill represents a value 
to the Group over and above the separately identifiable customer 
The Directors review the goodwill allocated to each business unit on 
a regular basis, taking into account a number of factors including: 
  * Current trading 
  * Financial forecasts 
  * Cash generation 
  * Market conditions that may impact directly or indirectly on a 
    business unit's activity 
  * Staff and customer retention 
  * Organic growth during the period under review 
  * New business development 
On the basis of this review the Directors believe that no impairment 
has been made in respect of goodwill in any of the business units. 
7 Dividends 
No dividends were paid during this or any other periods shown. 
8 Earn out consideration 
As described in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 
December 2008 the company successfully concluded agreements for the 
settlement of all earn out liabilities in connection with businesses 
acquired by the company. The settlement of earn outs was agreed at 
GBP4.8 million, of which GBP3.1 million is in cash, of which 
approximately 50% was paid in July 2009. The balance of cash 
consideration is due for payment in March 2010. The balance of 
consideration was satisfied by way of the issue of 28,583,334 
ordinary shares of 0.1p each in July 2009. The earn out consideration 
is contingent on certain conditions being satisfied. 
9 Post Balance Sheet Events 
On 22 September 2009 Chime Communications PLC announced that it had 
made an offer to acquire the whole of the issued share capital of 
Essentially Group Limited. Further details of this Offer are 
contained in the announcement made on 22 September 2009, available 
from the website of Essentially Group Limited 
www.essentiallygroup.com and in the Offer document being sent out to 
all shareholders. 
10 Interim statement 
Copies of the interim statement will be available from the company's 
registered office at PO Box 369, Sir Walter Raleigh House, The 
Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 4HH and is available to download at 
This statement does not constitute full statutory financial 
statements within the meaning of Company Legislation. 
Responsibility Statement 
We confirm to the best of our knowledge: 
  * The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been 
    prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting"; 
  * The interim management report includes a fair review of the 
    information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important 
    events during the first six months and description of principal 
    risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
    year); and 
  * The interim management report includes a fair review of the 
    information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party 
    transactions and changes therein). 
By order of the Board 
Tim Berg 
Chief Financial Officer 
22 September 2009. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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