Starwood European Real Estate Finance Ltd (SWEF) 
SWEF: March 2020 Factsheet 
24-Apr-2020 / 07:00 GMT/BST 
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information 
according to REGULATION (EU) No 596/2014 (MAR), transmitted by EQS Group. 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
24 April 2020 
Starwood European Real Estate Finance Limited: Quarterly Factsheet 
Starwood European Real Estate Finance Limited (the "Company") announces that 
       the factsheet for the quarter ended on 31 March 2020 is available at: 
           Extracted text of the commentary is set out below: 
           Investment Portfolio at 31 March 2020 
 As at 31 March 2020, the Group had 18 investments and commitments of GBP517.6 
           million as follows: 
                        Sterling equivalent Sterling equivalent 
                                balance (1) unfunded commitment 
          Hospitals, UK              GBP25.0m                   - 
Credit Linked Notes, UK              GBP21.8m                   - 
            real estate 
Hotel & Residential, UK              GBP49.9m                   - 
       Office, Scotland               GBP4.5m               GBP0.5m 
         Office, London              GBP12.8m               GBP7.8m 
    Residential, London              GBP39.0m               GBP4.2m 
          Hotel, Oxford              GBP16.7m               GBP6.3m 
        Hotel, Scotland              GBP25.9m              GBP15.5m 
         Hotel, Berwick              GBP10.5m               GBP4.5m 
   Total Sterling Loans             GBP206.1m              GBP38.8m 
Three Shopping Centres,              GBP33.2m               GBP5.7m 
 Shopping Centre, Spain              GBP15.1m                   - 
 Hotel, Dublin, Ireland              GBP53.3m                   - 
           Hotel, Spain              GBP34.1m              GBP14.1m 
 Office & Hotel, Madrid              GBP16.4m               GBP0.9m 
Mixed Portfolio, Europe              GBP34.2m                   - 
      Mixed Use, Dublin               GBP1.7m              GBP11.4m 
Office Portfolio, Spain              GBP18.9m               GBP2.4m 
      Office Portfolio,              GBP31.3m 
       Total Euro Loans             GBP238.2m              GBP34.5m 
        Total Portfolio             GBP444.3m              GBP73.3m 
1) Euro balances translated to sterling at period end exchange rates. 
           First Quarter Portfolio Activity 
     The following portfolio activity occurred in the first quarter of 2020: 
 New Loan, Office Portfolio, Ireland: on 2 January 2020, the Group committed 
to an investment in a c. 6 year floating rate loan secured by a portfolio of 
    assets in Ireland, together with Starwood Property Trust, Inc (through a 
 wholly owned subsidiary) participating in 50 per cent of the mezzanine loan 
amount, providing the Group with a net commitment of &euro35.15 million. The 
 portfolio consists of 12 properties in Central Dublin with primarily office 
       and some small amounts of retail and residential space totalling over 
  600,000 sqf in total. The portfolio currently has 98.8 per cent occupancy. 
  New Loan: Hotel, North Berwick, Scotland: On 12th February 2020, the Group 
   committed to fund a hotel acquisition financing for a total commitment of 
          GBP15.0 million. The sponsor is a repeat borrower for the Group. The 
     financing, which has been provided in the form of a significant initial 
       advance to finance an asset acquisition together with a smaller capex 
facility, will support the sponsor's capital expenditure for improvement and 
 rebranding of the hotel. The day one advance amount is GBP10.5 million whilst 
   the total commitment is GBP15.0 million. The loan is for a term of 5 years. 
  Loan Upsize: Hotel & Residential, UK: On 27th February 2020 the Group also 
committed to fund a GBP20.0 million upsize to an existing fixed rate mezzanine 
   loan to support the development of a mixed-use scheme in London. Starwood 
 Property Trust, Inc (through a wholly owned subsidiary) is participating in 
50 per cent of the loan amount, providing the Group with a net commitment of 
GBP10.0 million. The remaining loan term is 1.75 years with a 1 year extension 
  Loan Repayments & Amortisation: the following loan repayments and material 
           amortisation were received during the first quarter:- 
· a full and final repayment of the &euro16 million loan on an office in 
· &euro11.9 million of unscheduled amortisation on the loan on the mixed 
portfolio in Europe, following a portfolio of asset sales which was in 
line with the borrower's business plan; and 
· Full and final repayment of the mixed use development, South East UK 
loan as the borrower completed their business plan. 
The Group is very modestly levered with net debt of just GBP18.8 million at 31 
March (equal to 4.4 per cent of NAV), has no repo facilities outstanding and 
       significant available but undrawn revolving credit facilities of GBP102 
million to fund existing commitments of GBP74.8 million and carefully selected 
           new opportunities. 
 The way in which the Group's borrowing facilities are structured means that 
  it does not need to fund spread mark margin calls. The Group does have the 
   obligation to post cash collateral under its hedging facilities. However, 
cash would not need to be posted until the hedges were more than GBP20 million 
out of the money. The mark to market of the hedges at 31 March 2020 was just 
       GBP1.3 million (out of the money) and with the robust hedging structure 
   employed by the Group, post cash collateral has never been required since 
           Portfolio Overview in Light of COVID-19 
  The Investment Adviser is in regular dialogue with all of the borrowers in 
        the Group's portfolio and is working alongside them to navigate this 
currently disrupted market. In the current market, the Group is particularly 
     focussed on its exposure to hospitality, retail and on construction and 
        renovation projects. Outside of these areas, whilst there is clearly 
  disruption in all markets and we monitor all loans closely, borrowers have 
either collected the majority of rent, are expected to, and/or have adequate 
  interest reserves available for the short to medium term and therefore are 
           not discussed in further detail. 
 Hospitality was 34.1 per cent of invested assets as at 31 March 2020. Given 
  local requirements to close hotels in many jurisdictions and the temporary 
     cessation of almost all leisure and business travel, we expect to see a 
 significant negative impact in operational performance generally across the 
           hospitality sector for 2020 as a whole. 
Whilst this negative impact is expected across the hospitality sector in the 
  near term, the Group's Investment Adviser is confident in the fundamentals 
  of the markets in which the assets are located and the borrower's business 
  plans for the assets over the medium to long term. The Group's hospitality 
       exposure has been structured defensively by the Investment Adviser by 
         conducting thorough due diligence, working with strong sponsors and 
           implementing robust loan structures combined with significant 
       diversification by jurisdiction and asset type. Each investment has a 
 significant cushion to real estate collateral value protecting the lender's 
The Group's hospitality exposure at 31 March 2020 can be further categorised 
           as follows: 
                   Percentage of invested    Percentage of total 
                    assets in hospitality        invested assets 
   Three UK hotels                  35.0%                  11.8% 
  currently closed 
 but with interest 
 reserves in place 
 Irish asset under                  28.1%                   9.6% 
 contract to Irish 
       Hotel under                  22.4%                   7.7% 
 construction with 
capitalised during 
      Hotels under                   7.5%                   2.6% 
  construction but 
     interest paid 
Other hotels (part                   6.9%                   2.4% 
          of mixed 
          The largest single hotel exposure is the hotel in Dublin, Ireland, 
       representing 28.1% of hospitality exposure at 31 March. As previously 
         announced, the borrower has granted a licence to the Health Service 
   Executive ("HSE"), Ireland's public healthcare provider, which allows the 
        HSE to use the Hotel and Convention Centre for accommodation and the 
   provision of healthcare and other important services to the Irish public. 
     This licence will assist the HSE with delivering significant additional 
  accommodation capacity and in its efforts to manage the expected increased 
  demand for accommodation related to the coronavirus outbreak. The contract 
         was effective from 26 March 2020. The Group considers that this has 
           significantly de-risked its hospitality exposure. 
   The table above also shows that 29.9 per cent of the hospitality exposure 
  relates to hotels which are currently under construction and therefore not 
    expected to be income generating during this period. The interest on the 
largest loan, representing 22.4 per cent of hospitality exposure, was always 
expected to capitalise during this period and has therefore had no impact on 
the operating cash flows of the Group. The interest on the other hotel under 
    construction, representing 7.5 per cent of hospitality exposure, is paid 
        current and was received in full and on time at the end of March. An 
  interest reserve is also in place for this loan. There may of course be an 
 impact on the completion and opening dates of these assets in due course as 
        a result of the disruption to construction during this period and we 
           continue to monitor this closely. 
        The final material category relates to the three UK hotels which are 
 currently required to be closed by the government and represent 35 per cent 
  of the Group's hospitality exposure. We have been working closely with the 
    borrowers during this period with regards to asset safeguarding and cost 
   management. All loans have lender controlled cash reserves in place which 
           will enable interest to remain current in the near term. 
           Construction and renovation projects 
The final major area of focus has been construction and renovation projects. 
           This can be further categorised as follows: 
                             Percentage of   Percentage of total 
                        invested assets in       invested assets 
                            construction / 
        UK Hotel and                 50.7%                 11.2% 
   Residential under 
 construction - paid 
         Hotel under                 34.6%                  7.7% 
      construction - 
interest capitalised 
     Non-hotel under                 13.0%                  2.9% 
        renovation - 
interest capitalised 
     Non-hotel under                  1.7%                  0.4% 
      construction - 
interest capitalised 
    The hotel under construction is discussed above. Interest on the largest 
        construction project, representing 50.7 per cent of construction and 
  renovation assets, is paid current and was paid in full and on time at the 
  end of March. An interest reserve is also in place for this loan. Interest 
   on the other projects is capitalised and therefore group cash flow is not 
           impacted by the current disruption. 
       Some sites have been required by local laws to close, others have had 
 progress disrupted due to social distancing measures. Whilst this will lead 
to some opening delays, our underwriting on these types of loans tends to be 
 conservative such that we do not anticipate any material adverse impacts in 
           the medium term against our underwriting. 
           Expected Credit Losses (Impairment) 
         With the exception of the credit linked notes, all loans within the 
    portfolio are classified and measured at amortised cost as they meet the 
           following criteria: 
· They are held within a business model whose objective is to hold the 
asset in order to collect contractual cash flows; and 
· The contractual terms give rise to cash flows that are solely payment of 
principal and interest on principal on a specified date. 
The adoption of IFRS 9 in 2018 changed the basis of impairment from an 
incurred loss to an expected credit loss basis and established a three stage 
approach for recognition of impairment, based on whether there has been a 
significant deterioration in the credit risk of a financial asset since 
initial recognition. These three stages then determine the amount of 
impairment provision recognised. 
At Initial Recognition Recognise a loss allowance equal to 12 
                       months expected credit losses resulting 
                       from default events that are possible 
                       within 12 months. 
After initial recognition: 
Stage 1                Credit risk has not increased 
                       significantly since initial recognition. 
                       Recognise 12 months expected credit 
Stage 2                Credit risk has increased significantly 
                       since initial recognition. 
                       Recognise lifetime expected losses . 
                       Interest revenue recognised on a gross 
Stage 3                Credit impaired financial asset. 
                       Recognise lifetime expected losses. 
                       Interest revenue recognised on a net 
                       basis (i.e. losses are "above the line" 
                       and impact P&L and NAV). 
  The Group has not recognised expected credit losses at initial recognition 
           on any of its loans. 
         For the purposes of classifying between stages 1 to 3 after initial 
         recognition, the Group considers a change in credit risk based on a 
           combination of the following factors: 
· Underlying income performance is at a greater than 10 per cent variance 
to the underwritten loan metrics; 
· Loan to Value is greater than 75-80 per cent; 
· Loan to Value or income covenant test results are at a variance of 
greater than 5-10 per cent of loan default covenant level; 
· Late payments have occurred and not been cured; 
· Loan maturity date is within six months and the borrower has not 
presented an achievable refinance or repayment plan; 
· Covenant and performance milestones criteria under the loan have 
required more than two waivers; 
· Increased credit risk has been identified on tenants representing 
greater than 25 per cent of underlying asset income; 
· Income rollover / tenant break options exist such that a lease up of 
more than 30 per cent of underlying property will be required within 12 
months in order to meet loan covenants and interest payments; and 
· Borrower management team quality has adversely changed. 
At the end of 2019 it was considered that all loans were Stage 1. It is 
likely in the current circumstances that many loans will move to stage 2 
based on the criteria above. However, it is important to note that this will 
not automatically mean that an expected credit loss will be recognised. This 
is because the formula for calculating the expected credit loss is: 
"Present Value of loan" x "probability of default" x "value of expected 
The Group considers it very likely that the third part of the formula "value 
of expected loss" is likely to remain as nil for most if not all loans, even 
   if they move from Stage 1 to Stage 2, due to the significant headroom the 
      Group has with an average loan to value (based on the last third party 
           valuations) of 62.1 per cent. 
 On 23 April 2020, the Directors declared a dividend in respect of the first 
 quarter of 1.625 pence per Ordinary Share. This was covered 0.89x excluding 
        unrealised FX gains and 0.99x covered including unrealised FX gains. 
  The Board and Investment Adviser recognise the importance of dividends for 
    our shareholders. We hold a dividend reserve built up over several years 
    which we currently expect will enable us to maintain the dividend at 6.5 
        pence per annum in the short to medium term, even if the dividend is 
uncovered by earnings in any quarter. As a result, dividends would therefore 
     not be paid out of capital reserves. The Company will keep the level of 
   dividend under review as the situation evolves and update shareholders as 
           Share Price Performance 
 At the end of the quarter, the share price traded at a significant discount 
   to NAV of (26.4) per cent, having started the quarter at a premium of 1.2 
    per cent. The discount manifested itself as a direct consequence of weak 
market sentiment following the COVID-19 crisis as equity markets experienced 
substantial declines. The Company's NAV has however not moved in tandem with 
  the share price and remained stable during the quarter, having started the 
 quarter at 103.24 pence and moving only marginally to 103.22 pence as at 31 
March 2020. The Company has over the last financial year typically traded at 
  around a 2 per cent premium to NAV, and post-period has rebounded somewhat 
  to trade at a 9.7 per cent discount to NAV as at close of business on 23rd 
           April 2020. 
           Market Commentary and Outlook 
       Global markets have seen unprecedented disruption since the spread of 
   COVID-19 to Europe and the U.S. from early March onwards. Real estate has 
     been no exception with the iShares UK Real Estate ETF trading as low as 
414.15 pence per share on 19 March, a decrease of 38 per cent from the start 
   of the year, and has subsequently recovered to 517.7 pence per share on 9 
     April. Due to isolation measures in place around the world, real estate 
  transactional and occupancy markets have both been highly impacted. On the 
    private transaction side, a very small number of transactions which were 
already far along the closing process continue to be completed but otherwise 
  new transactional and financing activity has slowed to practically zero in 
   Europe. In addition to the issues of market uncertainties, executing real 
 estate transactions with a lockdown in place provides a number of practical 
      challenges. Considerations include the ability to visit and access the 
physical real estate for inspections, surveys and appraisals, the challenges 
  of coordinating teams of lawyers, diligence providers, buyers, sellers and 
   financing parties all working remotely and in some jurisdictions the need 
 for physical closing meetings. For transactions that are closing, valuation 
        reports are currently being issued with material uncertainty caveats 
           reflecting the market environment. 
     Disruption to real estate cashflows have come through quickly. This has 
appeared most immediately on the hospitality side where the income is mainly 
 driven by daily operational cashflows rather than longer term rents seen in 
    office, logistics and retail. Large parts of the world's hotel stock has 
   been forced to close for practical or legal reasons, although we do still 
 see some continuing operations, for example for healthcare related uses and 
 key worker isolation housing. Retail and student accommodation will also be 
  hit swiftly on the cashflow disruption side. Non-essential retail has been 
 shut down and some tenants will not be able to pay rent on time. In student 
accommodation, the bulk of the major operators have provided flexibility for 
        the final term for students who are not in occupation as a result of 
 COVID-19. The disruption will not be fully contained to these asset classes 
     as there will also be office and industrial tenants that have issues in 
income generation during the shutdown. The UK REITs provide some interesting 
  data as to levels of collection across the asset classes at the March rent 
        date with Intu reporting 29 per cent of rent collected on its retail 
  portfolio for the March rent date versus 77 per cent at the same time last 
 year; Land Securities reporting 86 per cent of rent collected on its office 
  portfolio for the March rent date versus 98 per cent at the same time last 
         year; and Segro reporting 71 per cent of rent collected on its shed 
  portfolio for the March rent date versus 96 per cent at the same time last 
       On the other hand, government action to support affected industry has 
     equally been very rapid with over $7 trillion of fiscal policy stimulus 
  announced globally. Responses have varied country to country but with some 
   common themes around enhanced access to liquidity for banks, loan support 
   programs for disrupted business, business rates relief and income support 
     for furloughed employees. Government fiscal policies, combined with the 
       success and method of easing isolation measures, balanced against how 
    extensive the period of income disruption will be, are all factors which 
    will drive the final outcomes for businesses and industries. Governments 
    have shown they will do whatever it takes it is still too early to fully 
     predict the outcomes across the real estate or any other industry as to 
           exactly how effective this balance will be. 
           From a financing perspective specifically, dealing with immediate 
     consequences of the income disruption is taking up the vast majority of 
lenders' time. The level of simultaneous income disruption is unprecedented, 
thus the volume of loan actions is also on a scale beyond normal capacities. 
    With such a high volume of borrower requests, many origination teams are 
   assisting portfolio management colleagues in analysing and processing the 
   required amendments and waivers to allow operating assets to close and to 
   deal with income based and other covenant issues which have arisen due to 
   the effects of the lockdown. Capital markets have been disrupted with the 
 usually deep and liquid US CMBS market effectively closed for new issuance. 
There has been a limited amount of new issuance in the real estate corporate 
 bond market with both Vonovia and Grand City Properties succeeding with new 
           issuance in early April. 
         Looking forwards, there are a number of uncertainties as to how the 
    financing market will look as and when the market reopens. On the credit 
      side, many lenders will look to the transaction market to provide some 
   stability over a number of transactions and a period of time before their 
        terms will be extended back to the full levels allowable under their 
 mandates. As such, the initial loans made by banks will likely have five to 
ten per cent lower LTVs than the previous maximums they were offering. There 
is uncertainty on the pricing side with CMBS new issuance markets closed and 
   banks still not clear as to how their term financing costs will stabilise 
   over the coming months. We anticipate that lenders will also experience a 
 lower number of repayments due to less property sales and refinancings over 
    the coming months which will reduce the natural churn of assets on their 
       books and the need to replace repaying loans with new originations to 
maintain portfolio size. In addition typically after a crisis there is often 
     a pullback of less experienced real estate lenders who have come to the 
           market late. 
While there is a lot of uncertainty and short term disruption, real estate 
provides a long-term, robust income stream from a tangible asset with 
significant capital cost to replace. The fundamental long term ability of 
real estate assets to generate cashflows will remain post the disrupted 
period, supporting the fundamental value of the real estate asset. The Group 
has entered into the COVID-19 disrupted phase with strong credit metrics and 
as such the portfolio is expected to be resilient to significant stresses. 
The outlook for new investment opportunities for lenders with a flexible 
mandate should be strong, however the Group will be patient in evaluating 
and making new investments. 
Share Price / NAV at 31 March 2020 
Share price (p) 76.0 
NAV (p)         103.22 
Discount        26.4% 
Dividend yield  8.6% 
Market cap      GBP314 m 
Key Portfolio Statistics at 31 March 2020 
Number of investments                                         18 
Percentage of currently invested portfolio in floating     79.1% 
rate loans 
Invested Loan Portfolio unlevered annualised total          7.0% 
return (1) 
Portfolio levered annualised total return (2)               7.3% 
Weighted average portfolio LTV - to Group first GBP (3)      20.8% 
Weighted average portfolio LTV - to Group last GBP (3)       62.1% 
Average loan term (stated maturity at inception)       4.3 years 
Average remaining loan term                            2.9 years 
Net Asset Value                                          GBP426.5m 
Amount drawn under Revolving Credit Facilities          (GBP24.1m) 
(excluding accrued interest) 
Loans advanced                                           GBP424.7m 
Financial assets held at fair value (including accrued    GBP21.9m 
Cash                                                       GBP5.3m 
Other net assets/ (liabilities) (including hedges)       (GBP1.3m) 
Origination Fees - current quarter                         GBP0.4m 
Origination Fees - last 12 months                          GBP2.1m 
Management Fees - current quarter                          GBP0.8m 
Management Fees - last 12 months                           GBP3.2m 
          (1) The unlevered annualised total return is calculated on amounts 
       outstanding at the reporting date, excluding undrawn commitments, and 
  assuming all drawn loans are outstanding for the full contractual term. 13 
 of the loans are floating rate (partially or in whole and some with floors) 
  and returns are based on an assumed profile for future interbank rates but 
 the actual rate received may be higher or lower. Calculated only on amounts 
 funded at the reporting date and excluding committed amounts (but including 
       commitment fees) and excluding cash un-invested. The calculation also 
           excludes the origination fee payable to the Investment Manager. 
   (2)The levered annualised total return is calculated as per the unlevered 
   return but takes into account the amount of net leverage in the Group and 
           the cost of that leverage at current LIBOR/EURIBOR. 
(3) LTV to Group last GBP means the percentage which the total loan drawn less 
           any amortisation received to date (when aggregated with any other 
     indebtedness ranking alongside and/or senior to it) bears to the market 
        value determined by the last formal lender valuation received by the 
reporting date. LTV to first Group GBP means the starting point of the loan to 
 value range of the loans drawn (when aggregated with any other indebtedness 
ranking senior to it). For development projects the calculation includes the 
 total facility available and is calculated against the assumed market value 
           on completion of the relevant project. 
      Remaining years to     Value of loans       % of invested 
   contractual maturity*               (GBPm)           portfolio 
            0 to 1 years               15.1                3.4% 
            1 to 2 years              146.7               33.0% 
            2 to 3 years              137.8               31.0% 
            3 to 5 years               88.4               19.9% 
           5 to 10 years               56.3               12.7% 
  *excludes any permitted extensions. Note that borrowers may elect to repay 
           loans before contractual maturity. 
              Country % of invested assets 
                Spain                26.5% 
  UK - Central London                26.0% 
  Republic of Ireland                19.4% 
UK - Regional England                13.5% 
        UK - Scotland                 6.9% 
          Netherlands                 4.2% 
              Germany                 2.4% 
              Finland                 1.1% 
              Sector % of invested assets 
         Hospitality                34.1% 
              Office                23.1% 
Residential for sale                18.9% 
              Retail                13.3% 
          Healthcare                 5.6% 
    Light Industrial                 1.9% 
               Other                 1.5% 
           Logistics                 1.0% 
Residential for rent                 0.6% 
             Loan type % of invested assets 
           Whole loans                55.8% 
             Mezzanine                39.3% 
Other debt instruments                 4.9% 
Currency % of invested assets* 
Sterling                 46.4% 
    Euro                 53.6% 
*the currency split refers to the underlying loan currency, however the 
capital on all non-sterling exposure is hedged back to sterling. 
For further information, please contact: 
Apex Fund and Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited as Company Secretary - 
01481 735878 
           Vania Santos 
           Starwood Capital - 020 7016 3655 
           Duncan MacPherson 
           Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited - 020 7710 7600 
           Mark Bloomfield 
           Mark Young 
           Nick Donovan 
Maarten Freeriks 
      Starwood European Real Estate Finance Limited is an investment company 
        listed on the premium segment of the main market of the London Stock 
  Exchange with an investment objective to provide Shareholders with regular 
      dividends and an attractive total return while limiting downside risk, 
          through the origination, execution, acquisition and servicing of a 
     diversified portfolio of real estate debt investments in the UK and the 
wider European Union's internal market. [1]. 
  The Company is the largest London-listed vehicle to provide investors with 
           pure play exposure to real estate lending. 
The Group's assets are managed by Starwood European Finance Partners 
Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Starwood Capital Group. 
ISIN:          GG00B79WC100 
Category Code: MSCM 
TIDM:          SWEF 
LEI Code:      5493004YMVUQ9Z7JGZ50 
Sequence No.:  60148 
EQS News ID:   1028811 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 24, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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