KLA designs and manufactures yield-management and process-monitoring diagnostic and control systems for the semiconductor industry. The systems are used to analyze the manufacturing process at various steps in a semiconductor's development. The firm's laser-scanning products are used for wafer quali... KLA designs and manufactures yield-management and process-monitoring diagnostic and control systems for the semiconductor industry. The systems are used to analyze the manufacturing process at various steps in a semiconductor's development. The firm's laser-scanning products are used for wafer qualification, process monitoring, and equipment monitoring. KLA also provides inspection tools and systems for optical metrology and e-beam metrology. Show more
Période | Variation | Variation % | Ouver. | Haut | Bas | Moyenne Vol. Quot. | VWAP | |
1 | 19.845 | 3.20233014095 | 619.705 | 640.03 | 609.4 | 1359250 | 619.9114069 | CS |
4 | -30.12 | -4.4977376917 | 669.67 | 700.4 | 609.4 | 1271011 | 657.71212036 | CS |
12 | -174.01 | -21.3887113427 | 813.56 | 832.9987 | 609.4 | 1076979 | 705.04880628 | CS |
26 | -130.83 | -16.982528103 | 770.38 | 894.77 | 609.4 | 981235 | 747.24493612 | CS |
52 | 84.05 | 15.1305130513 | 555.5 | 894.77 | 527.11 | 949661 | 696.38372966 | CS |
156 | 214.43 | 50.4398757998 | 425.12 | 894.77 | 250.2 | 1189038 | 466.73958233 | CS |
260 | 479.08 | 298.548015205 | 160.47 | 894.77 | 110.19 | 1213041 | 372.45916161 | CS |
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