By Felicia Schwartz 

WASHINGTON--The proliferation of social media has brought extremist ideologues world-wide into closer and more personal contact with potential recruits than antiterror officials ever dreamed possible, but it also has handed Western investigators powerful new tools for tracking potential threats.

The relationships forged over electronic networks are coming under scrutiny as larger numbers of young, radicalized men gravitate from the West toward Syria, drawn by an effective social-media drive by the group calling itself the Islamic State.

"You can have a sense of actually knowing someone, a sense of intimacy with someone you've never met," said J.M. Berger, a counterterrorism analyst who monitors the Islamic State's online presence.

Unlike the message boards of old, militants on Twitter and Facebook often use their real names, or close versions of them. Western-focused recruitment efforts tend to be led by foreign fighters, who use social media to post propaganda and engage with their targets in a more personal way than experts and former counterterrorism officials had seen in the past with al Qaeda and other extremist groups.

While they communicate intimately with would-be recruits, however, they also broadcast public, open-source information that can allow intelligence officials to track their location and activities. Social-media activities make it easier for officials to glean when foreign fighters have arrived in Syria or elsewhere to join the Islamic State.

The ability of a California man, Douglas McCain, to use a U.S. passport to travel abroad and join up with Islamic State illustrates the dilemma. As he migrated into global Islamic extremism, U.S. officials said they monitored many of his actions.

Mr. McCain was reported killed last week while fighting on the side of the Islamic State against other Syrian rebels.

The State Department said that U.S. officials are investigating reports that a second American may have been killed in Syria fighting with militants.

U.S. officials believe only a dozen or so Americans have taken up with Islamic State militants. The National Counterterrorism Center estimates that more than 100 U.S. citizens have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria to engage in the continuing conflict, but it hasn't yet identified an organized recruitment effort aimed at U.S. citizens.

U.K. officials now believe about 500 Brits have gone to Syria to fight alongside terrorist groups and that about half have come back, a British security official said. They also believe that about 25 to 30 have died in Syria.

According to recent estimates by the State Department, the Islamic State had 10,000 fighters overall, with approximately 3,000 in Iraq and about 7,000 in Syria. The estimates are considered fluid.

The Islamic State's social-media outreach is extremely sophisticated, and generally appeals to "young, lost kids who are very angry at the world," said Mubin Shaikh, a Canada-based counterterrorism expert.

"It's a volatile interaction between extremist ideology, religious ideology and contentious foreign policy," he said, adding that festering global conflicts throughout the world feed ire and draw combatants.

For potential American recruits, religion is important--but usually not enough on its own to encourage someone to join extremists, Mr. Berger said. Personal trauma, violent tendencies and political grievances, among other things, usually factor in.

Government officials have characterized these recruits as "lone wolves," or self-radicalized people who don't attend terrorist training camps but are sympathetic to jihadist ideology. In February, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said such fighters are the terrorist threat he is most worried about.

A typical interaction between a "lone wolf" and a recruiter might go as follows: A young man sees professional-looking propaganda videos produced by the Islamic State. He watches a few of the videos and feels that he has something in common with the men in the video. He then might reach out to the person who posted the video, either on Twitter or Facebook, and engage with him. Eventually, a series of conversations online might encourage the "lone wolf" to travel to Europe, with instructions to find a particular person who might help him make his way into Syria.

While some people are directly encouraged to come to Syria via social-media conversations, Mr. Berger has monitored other exchanges in which a person has tweeted that he has arrived in Turkey, a signal that he needs an extremist to assist him with travel over the border.

The Islamic State produces high-resolution videos and hashtag campaigns. It even has an app that can automatically tweet the organization's content on users' accounts.

"They have a very good Twitter army; they have social-media savvy," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

The group's battlefield success makes Islamic State content all the more appealing, finding would-be recruits where they spend most of their time, on the Internet.

"It's like attracting the moth to the light," Mr. Shaikh said.

The U.S. conducts its own counterpropaganda campaign on social media through the State Department's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, although it is unclear how persuasive the campaign is.

The targets are "fence-sitters," mostly disaffected teens and people in their 20s and 30s. "Those people don't tend to listen to the U.S. government," said Aki Peritz, a former CIA counterterrorism analyst.

Most online recruits have had some contact with radicalized people in their off-screen lives, Mr. Berger said. Mr. McCain, a likely example of this phenomenon, knew Troy Kastigar, a Minneapolis man who died in 2009 in Somalia after joining an Islamic extremist group. Both attended Robbinsdale Cooper High in the late 1990s and the two were in a rap group together, according to Mr. McCain's Facebook page.

In December 2012, Mr. McCain changed his profile image to honor Mr. Kastigar.

Experts and former officials said the U.S. intelligence community is better at tracking U.S. citizens once they have entered Syria and begun fighting than in identifying them beforehand and preventing them from going.

The U.S. can place those it has identified as fighting in Syria on no-fly lists and can make it challenging for them to return to the U.S.

Mr. McCain was on a travel watch list, a U.S. official said, and the U.S. was aware that he was in Syria.

The U.S. can also indict citizens it finds have terrorist ties, as it did in March. It arrested Nicholas Teausant, a 20-year-old American citizen, in a sting operation near the U.S.-Canada border in Washington state. The Justice Department said Mr. Teausant planned to cross into Canada and travel to Syria to join a rebel group.

Lisa Schwartz, Natalie Andrews and Siobhan Gorman contributed to this article.

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