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Watkin Jones (WJG)

Watkin Jones Plc
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12/02/202515h11RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Notification of Major HoldingsLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
07/02/202508h50RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Annual Report and Notice of AGMLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
05/02/202508h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
31/01/202513h03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Watkin Jones signs deal to deliver 260-unit AparthotelLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
31/01/202510h53RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Development Partnership for 260-unit AparthotelLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
27/01/202517h59RNS Non-RegulatoryWatkin Jones plc Presentation via Investor Meet CompanyLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/01/202513h00Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS AND TRADING: Watkin Jones loss narrows; Luceco profit upLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/01/202508h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Full Year Results 2024LSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
17/01/202508h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Notice of ResultsLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
02/12/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Development Partnership for 295 homes in St HelensLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
22/08/202414h09RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Director ShareholdingLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
21/08/202410h28Alliance NewsAlliance NewsShares in Watkin Jones plunge as cuts guidance amid slow summer tradeLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
21/08/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc FY24 Trading UpdateLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
29/07/202415h14Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWatkin Jones posts forward sale of student accommodation developmentLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
29/07/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Major PBSA development funded with HGPLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
02/07/202411h23RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Issue of Sharesave options and PDMR shareholdingLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
21/05/202415h29Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWatkin Jones swings to six-month profit with revenue boostLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
21/05/202409h05RNS Non-RegulatoryWatkin Jones plc Progressive publishes new researchLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
21/05/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Half Year ResultsLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/04/202413h25Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWatkin Jones appoints new CFO as Sarah Sergeant to step down in MayLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/04/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Appointment of CFOLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/04/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc HY24 Trading UpdateLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
07/03/202417h48Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWatkin Jones announces forward sale of development for GBP11 millionLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
07/03/202417h05RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Forward Sale of PBSA Development in BristolLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
29/02/202418h17RNS Regulatory NewsWatkin Jones plc Result of AGMLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/01/202414h21Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWatkin Jones swings to GBP43 million loss amid uncertain backdropLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
23/01/202408h00UK RegulatoryWatkin Jones plc Full Year Results 2023LSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
10/01/202408h00UK RegulatoryWatkin Jones plc Notice of Final ResultsLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
14/12/202308h00UK RegulatoryWatkin Jones plc Change of Registered OfficeLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
15/11/202312h57Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Watkin Jones promotes long-time executive Alex Pease to CEOLSE:WJGWatkin Jones Plc
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:LSE:WJG