Nexity 2024 Half-Year results
Business activity in the first half of
Retail sales stable by volume
(2,823 units) in a market that remains sharply lower (down
Ramp-up in urban regeneration:
Strong growth of the Nexity Héritage brand: number
of sales agreements tripled in H1 (>1,000 units)
Carrefour partnership progressing according to
schedule (10 building permit applications expected from Q3)
Continued strong momentum in managed real estate:
Revenue up 4%
Backlog: €4.9bn, equating to ~2 years’ revenue for
Residential Real Estate
Implementation of the roadmap:
Transformation plan well underway
Refocusing: activating deleveraging levers
(debt down €264m in H1)
Sale of PMI2 finalised: sale proceeds of €400m, capital
gain of €183m
Entered into exclusive negotiations3 with a view to
selling Nexity Property Management
Resizing: execution of the plan to reduce
operating expenses, including implementation of the redundancy
plan; total cost savings expected by 2026: €95m,
16% of the cost base
Recalibrating: plan to adapt supply for
sale to new market conditions
First half of the year with adjustments to existing supply, in line
with our forecasts, reflected in decreased supply for sale (down
16% vs Dec. 2023) and virtually no completed homes in inventory
(~100 units)
Ongoing highly selective approach and production of supply
recalibrated to fit new market conditions
Reconfiguring: business model shifting
towards that of a regional, multi-product urban operator, leader in
urban regeneration, fully operational by the end of the
Over 130 Commitment Committee projects reviewed in H1 2024,
covering ~9,300 units, 33% of which relating to urban regeneration,
with no impact on the balance sheet thanks to our operational
partners (Carrefour, Mirabaud, etc.)
Reminder: Partner banks and
bondholders4 backing the Group’s
transformation, in particular by waiving
obligations5 with regard to financial ratios
Financial results in line with our
expectations, solid liquidity
Revenue: €1.7bn (down 14% on a like-for-like
basis), reflecting the slowdown in business activity from projects
Positive operating profit: €55m
Net debt down to €579m; down
€264m (31%) from €843m6, (€1.0bn at end
June 2023) including:
Proceeds from sale of PMI (€400m)
Good control over WCR, despite unfavourable seasonal effect of WCR
in H1 vs H2 and receipt of €85m delayed to H2 for the LGC
Solid liquidity: €1.0bn, including a €750m undrawn
credit facility
2024 and 2025 guidance
unchanged barring any deterioration in the macroeconomic
“Business activity in the first half of the year
continued to follow the same trend as seen in the first quarter,
with retail sales accounting for over 2,800 units, remaining stable
even as the market continued to decline steeply.
As announced, 2024 is a year of in-depth transformation for Nexity.
We are implementing our proactive roadmap: refocusing our business,
making every possible effort to deleverage, rescaling by reducing
the cost base, and lastly, adjusting existing supply and
recalibrating new supply to fit market conditions. The plan to
transform the Group by embracing an agile urban operator model,
which will be fully operational by the end of the year, is
thoroughly preparing Nexity to meet the latest challenges in the
marketplace head-on. Our guidance for the current financial year
remains unchanged. I am fully confident in Nexity’s ability to
bounce back from 2025 onwards based on our transformation, our very
solid fundamentals, our leading position for the 5th year in a row,
and the daily commitment of our teams on the ground.”
Business activity – France |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
Change: H1 2024 vs H1 2023 |
Reservations: Residential Real Estate
Volume |
6,085 units |
5,060 units |
-17% |
Value |
€1,260m |
€1,060m |
-16% |
31 Dec. 2023 |
30 June 2024 |
Change vs Dec. 2023 |
Development backlog |
€5,367m |
€4,907m |
-9% |
Financial results (in €m) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
Change vs H1 2023 |
Revenue |
2,043 |
1,683 |
-14% on a like-for-like basis
Operating profit |
82 |
55 |
-33% |
Operating margin (as % of
revenue) |
4.0% |
3.3% |
Group share of net profit |
9 |
45 |
31 Dec. 2023 |
30 June 2024 |
Change vs Dec. 2023 |
Net debt1 |
843 |
579 |
-€264m |
1 Net debt before
lease liabilities and before the adjustment relating to IFRS 5
at end-December 2023
Following the sale of
the Property Management for Individuals business, finalised on
2 April 2024, revenue and operating profit for this business
are presented separately in the following tables within a separate
“Discontinued operations” line item for 2023 and 2024. For 2023,
this line item also includes indicators relating to the activities
in Poland and Portugal, which were disposed of in 2023.
I – 2024: A YEAR OF
The sector is evolving in a market that is still
down, with retail sales down by an estimated 30%8 over
the first 5 months of the year, and Nexity continues to beat
the market (retail sales stable in the half-year period). Some
initial encouraging indicators were observed in the first half of
the year, which remain to be confirmed following the political
developments that took place in France in June:
Decrease in average mortgage rates of 54 bps since the
beginning of the year, equating to an estimated 5% increase in
purchasing power.
Initial drop in key ECB interest rates: 0.25% in June.
New zoning revision in early July, reclassifying close to 700
municipalities as supply-constrained areas, expanding eligibility
for PTZ interest-free loans and favouring intermediate rental
After beginning to refocus its business in 2023
(discontinuation of business outside France, pivoting more quickly
towards urban regeneration and first strategic and financial
partnership for the PMI business), Nexity is rolling out
its transformational roadmap in 2024 and is forging ahead with the
implementation of its proactive decisions relating to:
Deleveraging as part of the Group’s refocusing.
Reducing operating expenses to resize its cost base.
Adjusting supply to fit new market conditions.
Refocusing: Making
every possible effort to deleverage
- Disposal of
PMI: On 2 April 2024, Nexity finalised the sale of 100% of
its Real Estate Services to Individuals activities to Bridgepoint,
a European leader in alternative asset management (enterprise
value: €440 million; sale proceeds: €400 million; capital
gain: €183 million.) It should be noted that the transaction
includes a strategic partnership for a period of 6 years (which may
be renewed for a further 4 years), aimed at boosting existing
synergies with Nexity’s development businesses and securing their
long-term future.
Disposal of NPM: Nexity has announced today that
it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Crédit Agricole
Immobilier with a view to selling Nexity Property Management (see
specific press release published today).
- Dividend
suspended: The Board proposal to suspend the dividend in
respect of financial year 2023 was approved at the Shareholders’
Meeting on 23 May 2024.
Resizing: Execution of the plan to
reduce operating expenses to support the Group’s
As part of the Group’s reorganisation, and in
line with announcements made on 28 February, the process of
informing and consulting with employee representatives for the
redundancy plan (PSE in French) began on 30 April.
- The plan will affect 502 jobs,
leading to 320 involuntary departures based on current estimates,
after a round of internal transfers to new positions and voluntary
- The costs relating to the Group’s
reorganisation set aside for the first half of the year totalled
€41 million.
- Savings on the cost base are
expected from 2025 onwards and will represent total full-year
savings of €45 million.
The overall reduction in the cost base
on a full-year basis is expected to amount to
€95 million, equating to a 16% reduction, 75%
of which is expected to be achieved from 2025.
Recalibrating: Plan to
adapt supply for sale
The Group is stepping up the pace of its plan to adjust supply for
sale to fit new market conditions.
- For supply under construction and
supply designed in the previous real estate cycle, the measures
mainly involve realigning selling prices with the purchasing power
of our clients, which is affected by the current interest rate
environment, and construction costs, which have been particularly
affected by business insolvencies.
- For supply in the planning stage,
the Group has abandoned unprofitable programmes.
All of these measures are yielding results,
reflected in decreased supply for sale (down 16% vs December 2023)
and virtually no unsold completed homes at end-June (~100 units,
i.e. less than 2%).
Costs of adjustments to supply amounted to
€(87) million in the first half of the year:
€(57)m recognised in Current operating profit/(loss),
mainly arising from the price effect (reduction of prices on
certain programmes and changes in the client mix) and cost price
€(30)m recognised in Non-recurring items, arising from
programme abandonment costs and impairment of land not attributable
to a specific programme.
We are continuing these ongoing actions in the
second half of the year, taking into consideration sales of
inventory and in line with our target of clearing out all unsold
completed homes by the end of the year.
Reconfiguring: Stepping
up the transformation of the Group’s business model towards that of
a regional, multi-product urban operator and a leader in urban
With regard to new supply, the Group continued
its increasingly selective approach and during the half-year period
launched production of supply recalibrated to fit new market
conditions, fully aligned with our plan to transform our business
model towards that of an urban operator and a leader in urban
Over 130 Commitment Committee projects were
reviewed in H1 2024, covering nearly 9,300 units, 33% of which
relating to urban regeneration. Our partnerships, including those
with Carrefour and Mirabaud, will enable us to scale up our urban
regeneration efforts without affecting the Group’s balance sheet
during the land banking phase.
It should be noted that the regional,
multi-product business model the Group is aiming to implement will
be fully operational by the end of the year.
Waivers obtained
As a reminder, all the Group’s Euro PP
bondholders and partner banks agreed in Q1 2024 to waive its
obligations with regard to financial ratios until the end of
financial year 2024. This waiver is part of the implementation of
the Group’s far-reaching transformation and reflects the support
Nexity has from its partner banks and Euro PP bondholders. The
cost of the waivers is offset by investment income generated during
the period.
Business activity
In a housing market in which reservations are
still significantly down, with a 15% overall decrease at the end of
Q1, and with retail sales down 21% over the first 6 months of the
year9, Nexity booked a total of 5,060 reservations over
the period, down 17% (down 16% by value).
- Retail reservations stable at
2,823 units, supporting, at this time, our assumption that
retail sales reached a low point in 2023.
- Bulk sales accounted for 2,237
reservations in the half-year period (vs 3,243 in
H1 2023).
Bulk sales are not linear over the year and
depend on the timing of deals signed with social housing operators
over the course of the financial year. We expect the annual volume
to be equivalent to last year’s level. It should be noted that an
agreement was sealed in late June under which CDC Habitat acquired
1,042 units, close to 50% of them intermediate housing, which will
support bulk sales in the second half.
Supply for sale at end-June
came to 6,558 units, down 16% relative to year-end 2023, with
take-up periods slightly up at 7.8 months (vs 6.6 months at
year-end 2023; down 1.5 months since H1 2023).
These trends reflect the following:
- The ongoing highly selective
approach to launching programmes (with an average rate of
pre-selling of 82%10 on programmes launched over the
half-year period).
- The Group’s ability to sell its new
supply for sale, notably thanks to pricing that has been adjusted
and is in line with the purchasing power of our customers and the
current interest rate environment.
- The relevance of tailored financial
support measures, programme by programme, put in place in the
half-year period, facilitating the sale of developments under
The stability seen in retail reservations in H1
2024 along with the 35% decrease in supply for sale between
year-end 2022 and H1 2024 perfectly illustrate this capacity to
successfully sell existing units as well as those currently under
Developments under construction accounted for
47% of the total supply for sale (up 1 pt vs year-end 2023 and
vs 60% for the market as a whole at year-end 2023) and the
stock of unsold completed units remained marginal, at around one
hundred (less than 2% of the total supply for sale).
Developments under construction and scheduled for delivery in 2024
represent under 8% of the total supply under construction.
Lastly, Nexity’s supply for sale located in
supply-constrained areas, and thus eligible for the “Pinel”,
intermediate rental housing (LLI in French) and 2024 PTZ
interest-free loan schemes, accounted for 87%11 of its
total supply for sale at end-June.
The momentum in zoning revisions was again supported by a
government order in July 2024 reclassifying 688 municipalities
as supply-constrained areas, creating potential eligibility for PTZ
interest-free loans for new homes or the possibility of producing
intermediate housing units. This undertaking followed on the heels
of a zoning revision in October 2023, which led to the
reclassification of 200 municipalities as supply-constrained
The backlog at end-June was
€4.7 billion, equating to nearly 2 years’
This volume does not yet include the initial
contributions of the Carrefour partnership to the backlog, which
are expected in the second half of the year with the filing of
around ten building permits starting in September.
For reference: The Carrefour partnership announced in 2023, which
is fully aligned with the Group’s increased emphasis on urban
regeneration, covers the upgrade of 7412 Carrefour sites
across France through urban mixed-use projects, including 12,000
homes, and will generate revenue at termination of more than
€2 billion over approximately the next ten years.
Financial performance in the first half
of the year
(in millions of euros) |
H1 2023(1) |
H1 2024 |
Change 2024/2023 |
Revenue |
1,355 |
1,216 |
-10% |
Operating profit/(loss) |
46 |
(66) |
N/A |
Margin (as % of revenue) |
3.4% |
N/A |
N/A |
(1) 2023 figures restated for
International activities (Poland and Portugal), reclassified under
a “Discontinued operations” line item
- Revenue declined
by 10% to €1,216 million, primarily reflecting the decline in
business activity from projects underway.
- Operating
profit/(loss) (€(66) million) included
€(87) million in costs related to the transformation plan:
- Costs of adjustments to supply:
€(57)m impact on Current operating profit.
- Programme abandonment costs: €(30)m
recognised in Non-recurring items.
Operating profit/(loss) does not yet
include the positive effects of rescaling the cost base.
Business activity
With the market at a cyclical low, still marked
by higher interest rates and changes in usage for commercial real
estate (investment in France was down 39%13 year-on-year
in H1 2024, a slight improvement from -55% at the end of Q1),
Nexity recorded a volume of new orders in the first half of the
year of €46 million, higher than the annual level in 2023 (€39
million) but still 15% lower than the level before the crisis
(>€420 million in 2021).
2 VEFA off-plan agreements were signed in June
covering nearly 10,000 sq.m, including one VEFA for the Lyon
Confluence large-scale urban project, with a North American
investment fund, for nearly 8,000 sq.m of education facilities
leased to a top-tier operator. This signature illustrates Nexity’s
expertise and the continuing diversity in the Group’s new
In the half-year period, the Group delivered 5
projects, including the following iconic developments:
- Reiwa, Nexity’s future head office,
a development totalling 25,000 sq.m, in Saint-Ouen
- Puteaux Guillaumet14
(Hauts-de-Seine), a development totalling nearly 21,000 sq.m
of coliving space
- In the beginning of the year, Paris
2024 was given access to Sector E, “Les
Belvédères”15, of the Olympic and Paralympic Athletes’
Village in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), a large-scale,
60,000-sq.m project that includes 15,000 sq.m of commercial
property assets, sold in its entirety to Groupama Immobilier.
Financial performance in the first half
of the year
(in millions of euros) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
Change 2024/2023 |
Revenue |
265 |
182 |
-31% |
Operating profit |
23 |
9 |
-62% |
Margin (as % of revenue) |
8.7% |
4.9% |
-3.8 pts |
At end-June 2024, revenue totalled €182 million
and operating profit was €9 million, driven, as in 2023, by the
contribution of the green business park in La Garenne-Colombes,
which was 85% completed at end-June.
14 developments were in
progress at end-June, totalling more than 145,000
sq.m and representing a backlog of
€208 million, including the following:
- The green business park in
La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine). This large-scale,
95,000-sq.m project, scheduled for delivery in Q3 and Q4 2024,
will contribute approximately €157 million to secure H2
revenue (total revenue recognised in 2024: €261 million)
- Confluence campus
(Lyon): ~8,000 sq.m of education buildings
- Carré Invalides
(Paris): Renovation of the 15,400-sq.m former headquarters of the
Greater Paris regional council (delivery in Q3 2024)
Revenue from Services, excluding
discontinued operations (PMI), amounted to €213 million at
end-June 2024, down 17%, still buoyed by Serviced Properties but
affected by the slowdown in Distribution.
Revenue from PMI for the first half of the year
(reflecting activity up to the date of disposal on 2 April)
totalled €72 million.
Financial performance in the first half
of the year
(in millions of euros, excluding discontinued operations) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
Change 2024/2023 |
Revenue |
258 |
213 |
-17% |
o/w: Property Management |
37 |
35 |
-4% |
o/w: Serviced Properties |
129 |
134 |
+4% |
o/w: Distribution |
92 |
44 |
-52% |
Operating profit/(loss) |
12 |
(1) |
N/A |
Margin (as % of revenue) |
4.7% |
N/A |
N/A |
- Revenue from
Property Management (primarily Property Management
for Companies) remained virtually stable at €35 million,
confirming the resilience of this business. It should be noted that
on 10 July, an exclusive agreement was entered into with Crédit
Agricole Immobilier to sell this business in its entirety.
- The
Serviced Properties business (serviced residences
for students, coworking spaces) posted €134 million in revenue
(up 4%), driven in particular by the strong growth momentum in the
portfolio of coworking businesses (11 new sites for a total of
150,000 sq.m under management16), as well as occupancy
rates, which remained high at end-June for both coworking spaces
(90%17) and student residences (97%).
- Lastly, as
expected, revenue from Distribution activities
(down 52%) reflected the downturn in the new home market and the
withdrawal of individual investors. However, momentum was strong in
off-plan sales (up 60% vs H1 2023) and volumes returned to
their normative levels, notably thanks to efforts to make the
Group’s range more attractive.
Operating profit/(loss) for the
Services business, excluding discontinued
operations, came to €(1.4) million at end-June 2024 (vs
€12 million at end-June 2023), with this decrease mainly due
to lower profitability in the Distribution business, reflecting the
downturns in the new home and brokerage markets. Excluding
Distribution, the margin was well above 5%, reflecting the
recurring nature of the business.
Due to the process underway for the sale of
Property Management for Companies activities, which is expected to
be finalised in the second half of the year, the Group is applying
IFRS 5 (on assets held for sale), which requires the assets and
liabilities of these activities to be presented separately from
other continuing operations in the balance sheet. The income
statement has not been restated.
(in millions of euros) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
Change 2024/2023 |
revenue |
2,043 |
1,683 |
-18% |
Operating profit |
82 |
55 |
-33% |
% of
revenue |
4.0% |
3.3% |
Net financial
income/(expense) |
(44) |
(54) |
22% |
Income tax |
(12) |
43 |
Share of
profit/(loss) from equity-accounted investments |
(7) |
(2) |
profit |
18 |
42 |
2.3x |
interests |
(10) |
3 |
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent
company |
9 |
45 |
5.3x |
(in millions of euros) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
2024/2023 |
Development |
1,620 |
1,398 |
-14% |
Residential Real
Estate Development |
1,355 |
1,216 |
-10% |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
265 |
182 |
-31% |
Services |
258 |
213 |
-17% |
Management |
37 |
35 |
-4% |
Properties |
129 |
134 |
+4% |
Distribution |
92 |
44 |
-52% |
Activities |
0 |
0 |
NS |
Revenue excluding discontinued operations |
1,878 |
1,611 |
-14% |
Revenue from discontinued
operations(1) |
165 |
72 |
N/A |
Revenue |
2,043 |
1,683 |
-18% |
(1) This line includes revenue from the PMI business
sold in 2024, and revenue from the international activities sold in
Revenue in the first half of
2024 totalled €1,683 million, down 18% relative to the first half
of 2023 and down 14% on a like-for-like basis18.
Revenue from Development fell by 14%, mainly as a
result of the slowdown in the residential and commercial businesses
in a deteriorated environment, and the reduced recognition of
revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis for major commercial
property projects.
Revenue from Services, excluding discontinued
operations, was down 17%, with the strong performance by the
Serviced Properties business (up 4%) not enough to offset the
decline in revenue from Distribution, which was affected by the
downturn in the new home market.
In IFRS terms, revenue in the
first half of 2024 totalled €1,581 million, down 16% relative to
the first half of 2023. This figure excludes revenue from joint
ventures, in accordance with IFRS 11, which requires these ventures
– proportionately consolidated in the Group’s operational reporting
– to be accounted for using the equity method.
It should be noted that revenue generated by the
development businesses from VEFA off-plan sales and CPI development
contracts is recognised using the percentage-of-completion method,
i.e. on the basis of notarised sales and pro-rated to reflect the
progress of all inventoriable costs.
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
(in millions of euros) |
Operating profit/(loss) |
Operating profit/(loss) |
Development |
69.0 |
4.3% |
(57.1) |
-4.1% |
Real Estate Development |
46.0 |
3.4% |
(65.9) |
-5.4% |
Real Estate development |
23.0 |
8.7% |
8.8 |
4.8% |
Services |
12.0 |
4.7% |
(1.4) |
-0.6% |
Management |
1.0 |
2.7% |
1.0 |
2.7% |
Properties |
9.8 |
7.6% |
7.4 |
5.5% |
Distribution |
1.2 |
1.3% |
(9.7) |
-21.9% |
Activities |
(10.9) |
NS |
(5.2) |
NS |
Current operating profit/(loss) – New scope |
70.1 |
3.7% |
(63.7) |
-4.0% |
operations(1) |
12.2 |
7.4% |
5.8 |
8.0% |
Current operating profit/(loss) |
82.3 |
4.0% |
(58.0) |
-3.4% |
Non-current operating profit |
- |
NS |
112.9 |
NS |
Operating profit |
82.3 |
4.0% |
54.9 |
3.3% |
This line includes current operating profit from the PMI business
sold in 2024, and revenue from the international activities sold in
2023 |
(2) Capital gain
on disposal of PMI in 2024 |
Operating profit for the first half was affected by adjustments to
supply and the transformation plan, amounting to €(128) million,
which breaks down as follows:
Costs of adjustments to supply: €(87)m, including €(57)m recognised
in Current operating profit/(loss) and €(30)m in
abandonment costs recognised in Non-recurring items.
Restructuring costs: €(41)m (recognised in Non-recurring
Operating profit also included the €183m capital gain on the sale
of the PMI business (recognised in Non-recurring
2024 is a year of transition, with indicators
heavily affected by the plan to transform and adapt our supply,
which is necessary to ensure that we are in a position to
capitalise on the resurgence from 2025 onwards.
Once this extensive transformation is complete,
the Group will offer a recalibrated, repositioned
supply reflecting the new market environment, backed by a
refocused, resized organisation.
- The net
financial expense totalled €(54) million vs
€(44) million at end-June 2023. It notably reflected good
control over the cost of debt in the half-year period, including
the cost of waivers, which was fully offset by optimised cash
management and investment income generated over the period. The
average cost of borrowing stood at 3.1% at end-June, compared with
3.9% in 2023.
Tax income at 30 June 2024 came to
€45 million (versus a €(46) million tax expense at
30 June 2023), arising from the tax receivable recognised
in respect of the first-half loss. The current effective tax rate
(excluding the CVAE) was 23% vs 35% at year-end 2022.
- The
Group share of net profit came to €45 million at
30 June 2024 vs €9 million at 30 June 2023.
The Group’s net debt before
lease liabilities was €579 million at end-June, a
significant decrease of
€(264) million (down 31%) from its
year-end 2023 level of €843 million before
IFRS net debt was €448 million at end-June,
compared with €725 million at end-December before
IFRS 5, down €277 million (38%).
This change included the following:
€400 million in proceeds from the sale of PMI in early
Good control over WCR (see the separate section below), despite the
unfavourable seasonal effect of WCR in H1 vs H2 and the receipt of
€85 million delayed to the second half of the year for the LGC
(in millions of euros) |
Dec. 2023 |
H1 2024 |
2024/2023 |
Bond issues and
other |
821 |
815 |
(6) |
Bank borrowings
and commercial paper |
837 |
496 |
(341) |
Net cash and
cash equivalents |
(882) |
(732) |
149 |
Net financial debt before lease liabilities |
776 |
579 |
(198) |
Reclassification under IFRS 5 * |
(67) |
2 |
Net financial debt before IFRS 5 |
843 |
577 |
(266) |
* Reclassification under IFRS 5: 31 December 2023:
PMI debt of €67 million; 30 June 2024: NPM’s
€1.4 million in net cash
Overall, 60% of the Group’s gross debt is
fixed-rate debt, limiting its exposure to rising interest rates
(the portion of gross debt at a fixed rate or hedged amounts to
The average cost of borrowing stood at 3.1% at
30 June 2024 (vs 3.9% in 2023).
The Group’s liquidity was solid at
end-June, totalling €1.0bn, including €750 million in
confirmed undrawn credit facilities (total amount of credit
facility: €800 million, with repayment due in 2028 and without
limitations of use).
Lastly, all the Group’s Euro PP bondholders
and partner banks agreed in April to waive its obligations with
regard to financial ratios until the end of financial year 2024.
This waiver is part of the implementation of the Group’s
transformation and reflects the support Nexity receives from its
partner banks and Euro PP bondholders.
The cost of waivers is offset by investment income generated over
the period.
(in millions of euros) |
31 Dec. 2023 |
30 June 2024 |
Change 2024/2023 |
Development |
1,316 |
1,257 |
(59) |
Real Estate Development (1) |
1,240 |
1,138 |
(102) |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
76 |
120 |
+43 |
Services |
62 |
78 |
+16 |
Activities |
(39) |
(19) |
+20 |
WCR excluding tax |
1,340 |
1,316 |
(23) |
income tax |
7 |
10 |
+3 |
Working capital requirement (WCR) |
1,346 |
1,326 |
(21) |
The WCR stood at €1,326 million, down by
€21 million. This change reflects a €(102) million
decline in residential development as a result of:
- Increased selectivity: land
purchases down €60 million vs H1 2023.
- Optimised timing of land
acquisition and the first calls for funds (simultaneous purchase of
land, signing of deeds and calls for funds).
- Accelerated payment collection, due
in particular to the centralised payment collection unit in place
since 1 January 2024.
- Favourable accounting effect on WCR
arising from abandonment costs.
It should be noted that the Group maintained
good control over WCR in the first half of the year, despite the
unfavourable seasonal effect of WCR in H1 vs H2 and the receipt of
€85 million delayed to H2 for the LGC
In the first half of 2024, Nexity continued to
roll out its ambitious strategy in support of resilient
low-carbon cities.
The Group’s low-carbon ambition is to achieve a
42% reduction in its carbon impact per square metre delivered
between 2019 and 2030, 10% above the level required by France’s
RE2020 environmental regulations21. On average in the
first half of 2024, the Group’s developments at building permit
stage outperformed RE2020 requirements by
30% (after outperforming the requirements by 25%
in 2023 and by 10% in 2022), thanks to the ongoing rollout of heat
pumps and low-carbon construction methods as well as strong growth
in renovation in our output.
A plan to enable ecological consultants to be
deployed on a more systematic basis at our operations has been
shared with our teams, and training to conduct systematic
resilience assessments has been finalised.
The first Climate and Biodiversity Report,
presenting the Group’s strategic vision with regard to climate,
biodiversity and resource issues, as well as the commitments and
actions undertaken, was prepared in addition to the Integrated
Annual Report and provided to shareholders for the Shareholders’
Meeting in May 2024 (link).
Lastly, the Sustainable Framework published on
11 October 2023 has been updated to reflect changes in the scope of
consolidation during the period. This framework includes an
asset-based component as well as a sustainability-linked financing
component. This framework was reviewed by ISS-ESG, which issued a
Second-Party Opinion (SPO) that described Nexity’s aims as being
robust and in line with market best practice. These documents are
available in the Green Finance section of the Group’s website.
All resolutions put to the vote at the
Shareholders’ Meeting on 23 May were duly adopted, including:
- The ratification of the co-optation
of Florence Verzelen as a Director, replacing Myriam El
- The appointment of Enrique Martinez
as a Director, replacing Luce Gendry.
The Board of Directors, which met after the
Shareholders’ Meeting, also:
- Appointed Charles-Henri Filippi as
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the
Remuneration and Appointments Committee
- Appointed Agnès Nahum as Senior
Independent Director and Chairwoman of the Audit and Accounts
- Updated the membership and
chairmanship of the Board’s specialised committees, as detailed in
the annex.
The Board of Directors now consists of 10
directors2, including 6 independent directors and 5
women, in line with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF code.
Thanks to the effective implementation of its
roadmap, especially the sales of the PMI and Property Management
for Companies businesses and the measures taken to adjust and
transform its organisation, barring any deterioration in the
macroeconomic environment, the Group’s 2024 guidance remains
Operating profit to remain positive while reaching a low
point, taking into account gains on disposals, the costs
of adjusting supply to new market conditions and costs relating to
the Group’s reorganisation, paving the way for a rebound in
Net financial debt considerably lower than at the end of
In addition, backed by these transformation
initiatives, Nexity is targeting improved profitability starting in
2025, and is consequently aiming to bring its net debt to a maximum
of €500 million at year-end 2025.
- Q3 2024 revenue and business
activity Thursday,
24 October 2024 (after market close)
- 2024 full-year
results Thursday,
27 February 2025 (after market
A conference call will be held
today in French, with simultaneous translation into English, at
6:30 p.m. (Paris time), which can be joined
via the “Finance” section of our website,, or by calling one of the following
+33 (0) 1 70 37 71 66 |
- Calling from elsewhere in
+44 (0) 33 0551 0200 |
- Calling from the United States
+1 786 697 3501 |
Code: Nexity FR / Nexity EN
Webcast link:
The presentation accompanying this conference
will be available on the Group’s website from 6:30 p.m. (Paris
time) and may be viewed at the following address:
The conference call will be available on replay at from the following day.
The condensed consolidated interim financial
statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 25 July
2024. They were subject to a limited review by the Statutory
The information, assumptions and estimates that
the Company could reasonably use to determine its targets are
subject to change or modification, notably due to economic,
financial and competitive uncertainties. Furthermore, it is
possible that some of the risks described in Chapter 2 of the
Universal Registration Document filed with the AMF under number
D.23-0251 on 6 April 2023 could have an impact on the Group’s
operations and the Company’s ability to achieve its targets.
Accordingly, the Company cannot give any assurance as to whether it
will achieve its stated targets, and makes no commitment or
undertaking to update or otherwise revise this information.
Anne-Sophie Lanaute – Head of Investor Relations and Financial
+33 (0)6 58 17 24 22 /
Residential Real Estate Development – Quarterly
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Number of units |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
New homes
(France) |
3,490 |
4,149 |
3,807 |
6,569 |
2,811 |
3,274 |
3,128 |
5,389 |
2,005 |
3,055 |
Reservations made directly with Ægide |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total new homes (France) |
3,490 |
4,149 |
3,807 |
6,569 |
2,811 |
3,274 |
3,128 |
5,389 |
2,005 |
3,055 |
Subdivisions |
337 |
423 |
219 |
558 |
288 |
359 |
186 |
217 |
221 |
218 |
Total number of reservations (France) |
3,827 |
4,572 |
4,026 |
7,127 |
3,099 |
3,633 |
3,314 |
5,606 |
2,226 |
3,273 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Value (€m incl. VAT) |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
New homes
(France) |
764 |
992 |
805 |
1,363 |
575 |
685 |
605 |
1,099 |
446 |
614 |
Reservations made directly with Ægide |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total new homes (France) |
764 |
992 |
805 |
1,363 |
575 |
685 |
605 |
1,099 |
446 |
614 |
Subdivisions |
27 |
37 |
18 |
53 |
28 |
28 |
25 |
20 |
18 |
17 |
Total amount of reservations (France) |
790 |
1,029 |
824 |
1,416 |
604 |
713 |
630 |
1,119 |
464 |
631 |
Residential Real Estate Development – Cumulative
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Number of units |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
New homes
(France) |
3,490 |
7,639 |
11,446 |
18,015 |
2,811 |
6,085 |
9,213 |
14,602 |
2,005 |
5,060 |
Reservations made directly with Ægide |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total new homes (France) |
3,490 |
7,639 |
11,446 |
18,015 |
2,811 |
6,085 |
9,213 |
14,602 |
2,005 |
5,060 |
Subdivisions |
337 |
760 |
979 |
1,537 |
288 |
647 |
833 |
1,050 |
221 |
439 |
Total number of reservations (France) |
3,827 |
8,399 |
12,425 |
19,552 |
3,099 |
6,732 |
10,046 |
15,652 |
2,226 |
5,499 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Value (€m incl. VAT) |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
New homes
(France) |
764 |
1,756 |
2,561 |
3,924 |
575 |
1,260 |
1,865 |
2,964 |
446 |
1,060 |
Reservations made directly with Ægide |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total new homes (France) |
764 |
1,756 |
2,561 |
3,924 |
575 |
1,260 |
1,865 |
2,964 |
446 |
1,060 |
Subdivisions |
27 |
64 |
82 |
135 |
28 |
56 |
81 |
101 |
18 |
35 |
Total amount of reservations (France) |
790 |
1,819 |
2,643 |
4,059 |
604 |
1,316 |
1,946 |
3,065 |
464 |
1,095 |
Breakdown of new home reservations (France) by
(number of units) |
H1 2023 |
H1 2024 |
H1 2024 / H1 2023 |
Homebuyers |
1,075 |
18% |
1,114 |
22% |
4% |
o/w: - First-time buyers |
890 |
15% |
947 |
19% |
6% |
- Other homebuyers |
185 |
3% |
167 |
3% |
-10% |
Individual investors |
1,767 |
29% |
1,709 |
34% |
-3% |
Professional landlords |
3,243 |
53% |
2,237 |
44% |
-31% |
o/w: - Institutional investors |
693 |
11% |
718 |
14% |
4% |
- Social housing operators |
2,550 |
42% |
1,519 |
30% |
-40% |
Total |
6,085 |
100% |
5,060 |
100% |
-17% |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
(in millions of euros, excluding VAT) |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
9M |
12M |
Q1 |
H1 |
Residential Real
Estate Development (France) |
5,230 |
5,219 |
5,158 |
5,321 |
5,225 |
5,168 |
5,041 |
5,019 |
4,845 |
4,699 |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
935 |
906 |
827 |
779 |
659 |
536 |
445 |
349 |
248 |
208 |
Total |
6,165 |
6,125 |
5,995 |
6,100 |
5,883 |
5,704 |
5,485 |
5,367 |
5,093 |
4,907 |
December 2023 |
June 2024 |
Change |
Property Management (1) |
Commercial Real Estate |
- Assets under
management (in millions of sq.m) |
20 |
12 |
-39% |
Serviced Properties |
Student residences |
- Number of
residences in operation |
133 |
133 |
0 |
- Rolling
12-month occupancy rate |
97% |
97% |
+0.1 pts |
Shared office space |
- Floor space
under management (in sq.m) |
133,040 |
150,821 |
+17,781 |
- Rolling
12-month occupancy rate |
83% |
84% |
+0.3 pts |
Distribution |
June 2023 |
June 2024 |
Change |
- Total
reservations |
1,707 |
1,353 |
-21% |
- o/w: Reservations on behalf of third parties |
1,116 |
756 |
-32% |
(1) The table excludes data relating to
Property Management for Individuals activities, following the
finalisation of the sale of 100% of its Real Estate Services to
Individuals activities on 2 April 2024.
Revenue – Quarterly figures
2022(1) |
2023(1) |
2024 |
(in millions of euros) |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Development |
675 |
842 |
774 |
1,356 |
700 |
921 |
695 |
1,067 |
593 |
805 |
Residential Real
Estate Development |
603 |
754 |
686 |
1,225 |
575 |
780 |
599 |
970 |
489 |
727 |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
72 |
89 |
89 |
131 |
125 |
140 |
97 |
97 |
103 |
78 |
Services |
120 |
148 |
135 |
225 |
120 |
138 |
136 |
172 |
106 |
108 |
Management |
17 |
18 |
18 |
19 |
18 |
18 |
20 |
21 |
17 |
18 |
Properties |
49 |
53 |
53 |
62 |
61 |
68 |
70 |
72 |
66 |
68 |
Distribution |
54 |
77 |
64 |
144 |
40 |
52 |
46 |
79 |
22 |
22 |
Activities |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Revenue excluding discontinued operations |
796 |
991 |
910 |
1,581 |
819 |
1,059 |
831 |
1,239 |
698 |
913 |
Revenue from
discontinued operations(1) |
99 |
78 |
81 |
169 |
76 |
89 |
84 |
77 |
71 |
- |
Revenue |
895 |
1,069 |
991 |
1,750 |
895 |
1,148 |
915 |
1,315 |
770 |
914 |
o/w: External growth in Residential Real Estate
(Angelotti) |
- |
- |
- |
45 |
35 |
39 |
25 |
48 |
21 |
29 |
o/w: NPM |
12 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
14 |
12 |
12 |
o/w: PMI |
75 |
78 |
80 |
76 |
74 |
76 |
80 |
77 |
71 |
0 |
o/w: International (excluding Poland and Portugal) |
1 |
1 |
35 |
35 |
3 |
30 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
3 |
(1) Operations disposed of in July 2023
(Poland), September 2023 (Portugal), and April 2024 (PMI)
Revenue – Half-year figures
2022(1) |
2023(1) |
2024 |
(in millions of euros) |
H1 |
H2 |
12M |
H1 |
H2 |
12M |
H1 |
Development |
1,518 |
2,130 |
3,647 |
1,620 |
1,763 |
3,383 |
1,398 |
Residential Real
Estate Development |
1,357 |
1,910 |
3,267 |
1,355 |
1,569 |
2,924 |
1,216 |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
161 |
220 |
380 |
265 |
194 |
459 |
182 |
Services |
269 |
361 |
629 |
258 |
307 |
565 |
213 |
Management |
35 |
38 |
73 |
37 |
41 |
78 |
35 |
Properties |
102 |
115 |
217 |
129 |
141 |
270 |
134 |
Distribution |
132 |
208 |
340 |
92 |
125 |
217 |
44 |
Activities |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Revenue excluding discontinued operations |
1,786 |
2,490 |
4,277 |
1,878 |
2,070 |
3,948 |
1,611 |
Revenue from
discontinued operations(1) |
177 |
250 |
427 |
165 |
160 |
325 |
72 |
Revenue |
1,964 |
2,740 |
4,704 |
2,043 |
2,231 |
4,273 |
1,683 |
o/w: External growth in Residential Real Estate Development
(Angelotti) |
- |
45 |
45 |
74 |
73 |
147 |
50 |
o/w: NPM |
24 |
26 |
50 |
25 |
28 |
53 |
24 |
o/w: PMI |
153 |
156 |
309 |
150 |
157 |
307 |
72 |
o/w: International (excluding Poland and Portugal) |
2 |
70 |
71 |
32 |
2 |
34 |
3 |
(1) Operations disposed of in July 2023
(Poland), September 2023 (Portugal), and April 2024 (PMI)
Operating profit – Half-year figures
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
(in millions of euros) |
H1 |
H2 |
12M |
H1 |
H2 |
12M |
H1 |
Development |
83 |
240 |
322 |
69 |
112 |
181 |
-57 |
Residential Real
Estate Development |
62 |
215 |
277 |
46 |
94 |
140 |
-66 |
Commercial Real
Estate development |
21 |
24 |
45 |
23 |
18 |
41 |
9 |
Services |
23 |
42 |
65 |
12 |
34 |
46 |
-1 |
Management |
-1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
Properties |
11 |
8 |
19 |
10 |
12 |
22 |
7 |
Distribution |
13 |
31 |
43 |
1 |
19 |
20 |
-10 |
Activities |
(12) |
(39) |
(51) |
(11) |
(12) |
(23) |
-5 |
Current operating profit – New scope |
94 |
243 |
336 |
70 |
133 |
204 |
-64 |
operations(1) |
16 |
14 |
30 |
12 |
15 |
27 |
6 |
Current operating profit/(loss) |
110 |
256 |
367 |
82 |
149 |
230 |
-58 |
operating profit |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
113 |
Operating profit |
110 |
256 |
367 |
82 |
149 |
230 |
55 |
o/w: External
growth in Residential Real Estate Development (Angelotti) |
0 |
9 |
9 |
8 |
10 |
18 |
-4 |
-1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
13 |
14 |
27 |
12 |
15 |
27 |
6 |
o/w: International (Germany, Belgium & Italy) |
2 |
6 |
8 |
-1 |
-2 |
-3 |
-16 |
(1) Operations disposed of in July 2023
(Poland), September 2023 (Portugal), and April 2024 (PMI)
Consolidated income statement – 30 June
(in millions of euros) |
Operational reporting |
joint ventures |
Operational reporting |
Revenue |
2,042.8 |
1,581.0 |
102.2 |
1,683.2 |
expenses |
(1,863.0) |
(1,545.3) |
(95.7) |
(1,641.0) |
received from equity-accounted investments |
4.2 |
(4.2) |
- |
179.8 |
39.8 |
2.4 |
42.2 |
payments |
(69.3) |
(83.1) |
(0.0) |
(83.1) |
EBITDA after lease payments |
110.5 |
(43.2) |
2.4 |
(40.8) |
Restatement of
lease payments |
69.3 |
83.1 |
0.0 |
83.1 |
of right-of-use assets |
(74.9) |
(80.7) |
(0.0) |
(80.7) |
amortisation and impairment of non-current assets |
(20.6) |
(20.2) |
0.0 |
(20.2) |
Net change in
provisions |
2.6 |
1.3 |
(0.5) |
0.7 |
payments |
(4.8) |
- |
- |
received from equity-accounted investments |
(4.2) |
4.2 |
Current operating profit |
82.3 |
(64.0) |
6.0 |
(58.0) |
operating profit |
- |
116.8 |
(3.8) |
112.9 |
Operating profit |
82.3 |
52.8 |
2.2 |
54.9 |
Share of net
profit from equity-accounted investments |
- |
(0.4) |
0.4 |
Operating profit after share of net profit from equity-accounted
investments |
82.3 |
52.4 |
2.6 |
54.9 |
Cost of net
financial debt |
(26.2) |
(29.0) |
(2.7) |
(31.8) |
financial income/(expenses) |
(5.7) |
(7.2) |
0.8 |
(6.4) |
expense on lease liabilities |
(12.4) |
(15.8) |
- |
(15.8) |
Net financial income/(expense) |
(44.4) |
(52.0) |
(2.0) |
(54.0) |
Pre-tax recurring profit |
37.9 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
1.0 |
tax |
(12.4) |
43.8 |
(0.6) |
43.2 |
Share of
profit/(loss) from other equity-accounted investments |
(7.5) |
(1.7) |
- |
(1.7) |
Consolidated net profit |
18.1 |
42.4 |
(0.0) |
42.4 |
o/w: Attributable to non-controlling interests |
9.5 |
(2.6) |
- |
(2.6) |
o/w: Attributable to equity holders of the parent
company |
8.6 |
45.1 |
(0.0) |
45.1 |
euros) |
Net earnings per share |
0.15 |
0.81 |
0.81 |
Simplified consolidated statement of financial position
– 30 June 2024
(in millions of euros) |
Operational reporting |
joint ventures |
Operational reporting |
Goodwill |
1,171.9 |
1,151.7 |
- |
1,151.7 |
non-current assets |
987.0 |
1,018.5 |
0.3 |
1,018.7 |
Equity-accounted investments |
53.6 |
124.3 |
(69.4) |
54.9 |
Net deferred tax |
- |
- |
- |
Total non-current assets |
2,212.5 |
2,294.4 |
(69.1) |
2,225.3 |
Net WCR |
1,346.4 |
1,121.3 |
204.5 |
1,325.8 |
Net assets
held for sale |
145.7 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
Total assets |
3,704.6 |
3,438.9 |
135.4 |
3,574.3 |
(in millions of euros) |
Operational reporting |
joint ventures |
Operational reporting |
Share capital and reserves |
1,858.3 |
1,879.5 |
- |
1,879.5 |
Net profit for the period |
19.2 |
45.1 |
- |
45.1 |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company |
1,877.5 |
1,924.6 |
(0.0) |
1,924.6 |
Non-controlling interests |
63.4 |
62.0 |
- |
62.0 |
Total equity |
1,940.8 |
1,986.6 |
(0.0) |
1,986.6 |
Net debt before lease liabilities |
776.2 |
448.3 |
130.4 |
578.6 |
liabilities |
848.5 |
892.8 |
892.8 |
Provisions |
81.4 |
104.6 |
2.2 |
106.8 |
Net deferred tax |
57.6 |
6.7 |
2.8 |
9.5 |
Total liabilities and equity |
3,704.6 |
3,438.9 |
135.4 |
3,574.3 |
Net debt – 30 June 2024
(in millions of euros) |
reporting |
joint ventures |
reporting |
Bond issues
(incl. accrued interest and arrangement fees) |
786.2 |
794.7 |
- |
794.7 |
Put options
granted to minority interests |
31.5 |
19.3 |
- |
19.3 |
Loans and
borrowings |
841.3 |
451.1 |
46.3 |
497.4 |
Loans and borrowings |
1,659.0 |
1,265.2 |
46.3 |
1,311.5 |
Other financial receivables and payables |
92.6 |
(185.7) |
156.9 |
(28.8) |
Cash and cash
equivalents |
(876.4) |
(673.0) |
(122.3) |
(795.3) |
Bank overdraft facilities |
86.3 |
41.9 |
49.4 |
91.4 |
Net cash and cash equivalents |
(790.1) |
(631.1) |
(72.9) |
(704.0) |
Total net financial debt before lease
liabilities |
776.2 |
448.3 |
130.4 |
578.6 |
Reversal of reclassification under IFRS 5 |
28.4 |
(1.4) |
(1.4) |
Total net financial debt before lease liabilities and IFRS
5 |
843.6 |
446.9 |
130.4 |
577.2 |
Lease liabilities |
848.5 |
892.8 |
- |
892.8 |
Reversal of reclassification under IFRS 5 |
46.8 |
13.0 |
13.0 |
Total lease liabilities before IFRS 5 |
895.3 |
905.9 |
- |
905.9 |
Total net debt |
1,624.7 |
1,341.1 |
130.4 |
1,471.5 |
Total net debt before IFRS 5 |
1,738.9 |
1,352.8 |
130.4 |
1,483.1 |
Simplified statement of cash flows – 30 June
(in millions of euros) |
reporting |
(6-month period) |
joint ventures |
reporting |
Consolidated net profit |
18.1 |
42.4 |
(0.0) |
42.4 |
Elimination of
non-cash income and expenses |
99.7 |
(65.5) |
0.1 |
(65.4) |
Cash flow from operating activities after interest and tax
expenses |
117.8 |
(23.1) |
0.1 |
(22.9) |
Elimination of
net interest expense/(income) |
38.7 |
44.8 |
2.7 |
47.5 |
Elimination of
tax expense, including deferred tax |
12.3 |
(44.2) |
0.6 |
(43.6) |
Cash flow from operating activities before interest and tax
expenses |
168.8 |
(22.5) |
3.4 |
(19.1) |
Repayment of
lease liabilities |
(69.3) |
(83.1) |
- |
(83.1) |
Cash flow from operating activities after lease payments but before
interest and tax expenses |
99.5 |
(105.6) |
3.4 |
(102.2) |
Change in
operating working capital requirement |
(50.6) |
65.1 |
2.2 |
67.3 |
received from equity-accounted investments |
- |
4.2 |
(4.2) |
- |
paid |
(19.9) |
(24.4) |
(2.8) |
(27.2) |
Tax paid |
(54.4) |
(3.4) |
(4.5) |
(8.0) |
Net cash from/(used in) operating activities |
(25.5) |
(64.2) |
(5.8) |
(70.0) |
Net cash
from/(used in) net operating investments |
(27.9) |
(23.0) |
- |
(23.0) |
Free cash flow |
(53.3) |
(87.2) |
(5.8) |
(93.0) |
(Acquisitions)/Disposals of subsidiaries and other changes in
scope |
(0.9) |
325.1 |
(0.6) |
324.5 |
Reclassification in accordance with IFRS 5 |
5.0 |
0.2 |
- |
0.2 |
Other net
financial investments |
2.5 |
(9.0) |
0.0 |
(8.9) |
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities |
6.5 |
316.3 |
(0.5) |
315.8 |
Dividends paid
to equity holders of the parent company |
(137.8) |
0.0 |
(0.0) |
0.0 |
Other payments
(to)/from minority shareholders |
(1.2) |
(12.1) |
- |
(12.1) |
disposal/(acquisition) of treasury shares |
1.2 |
0.7 |
0.7 |
Change in
financial receivables and payables (net) |
30.5 |
(237.0) |
(60.4) |
(297.4) |
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities |
(107.3) |
(248.4) |
(60.4) |
(308.8) |
Impact of
changes in foreign currency exchange rates |
(0.1) |
(0.1) |
- |
(0.1) |
Change in cash and cash equivalents |
(154.3) |
(19.4) |
(66.8) |
(86.1) |
Capital employed
(in millions of euros) |
H1 2024 |
(excl. right-of-use assets) |
(incl. right-of-use assets) |
Non-current assets |
Right-of-use assets |
Goodwill |
Development |
1,249 |
1,295 |
64 |
46 |
1,185 |
Services |
166 |
835 |
89 |
669 |
78 |
Activities and not attributable |
1,344 |
1,411 |
129 |
67 |
63 |
1,152 |
Group capital employed |
2,759 |
3,542 |
282 |
783 |
1,326 |
1,152 |
(in millions of euros) |
2023 |
(excl. right-of-use assets) |
(incl. right-of-use assets) |
Non-current assets |
Right-of-use assets |
Goodwill |
Development |
1,371 |
1 421 |
69 |
49 |
1,302 |
Services |
150 |
825 |
88 |
675 |
62 |
Activities and not attributable |
1,227 |
1,251 |
72 |
24 |
-18 |
1,172 |
Group capital employed |
2,748 |
3,497 |
230 |
748 |
1,346 |
1,172 |
Consolidated income statement – 30 June
(in millions of euros) |
Revenue |
1,891.6 |
1,581.0 |
expenses |
(1724.4) |
(1,545.3) |
received from equity-accounted investments |
5.2 |
4.2 |
172.4 |
39.8 |
payments |
(69.3) |
(83.1) |
EBITDA after lease payments |
103.1 |
(43.2) |
Restatement of
lease payments* |
69.3 |
83.1 |
of right-of-use assets |
(74.9) |
(80.7) |
amortisation and impairment of non-current assets |
(20.6) |
(20.2) |
Net change in
provisions |
2.4 |
1.3 |
payments |
(4.8) |
- |
costs directly attributable to property developments, transferred
from inventory |
- |
- |
received from equity-accounted investments |
(5.2) |
(4.2) |
Current operating profit |
69.4 |
(64.0) |
Capital gains
on disposals |
- |
116.8 |
Operating profit |
69.4 |
52.8 |
Share of net
profit from equity-accounted investments |
7.3 |
(0.4) |
Operating profit after share of net profit from equity-accounted
investments |
76.6 |
52.4 |
Cost of net
financial debt |
(23.1) |
(29.0) |
financial income/(expenses) |
(5.6) |
(7.2) |
expense on lease liabilities |
(12.4) |
(15.8) |
Net financial income/(expense) |
(41.1) |
(52.0) |
Pre-tax recurring profit |
35.6 |
0.4 |
tax |
(10.0) |
43.8 |
Share of
profit/(loss) from other equity-accounted investments |
(7.5) |
(1.7) |
Consolidated net profit |
18.1 |
42.4 |
o/w: Attributable to non-controlling interests |
9.5 |
(2.6) |
o/w: Attributable to equity holders of the parent
company |
8.6 |
45.1 |
euros) |
Net earnings per share |
0.15 |
0.81 |
Simplified consolidated statement of
financial position – 30 June 2024
(in millions of euros) |
Goodwill |
1,171.9 |
1,151.7 |
Other non-current
assets |
986.7 |
1,018.5 |
investments |
132.8 |
124.3 |
Net deferred tax |
- |
- |
Total non-current assets |
2,291.4 |
2,294.4 |
Net WCR |
1,143.9 |
1,121.3 |
Net assets held
for sale |
145.7 |
23.2 |
Total assets |
3,581.0 |
3,438.9 |
(in millions of euros) |
Share capital and reserves |
1,858.3 |
1,879.5 |
Net profit for the period |
19.2 |
45.1 |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company |
1,877.5 |
1,924.6 |
Non-controlling interests |
63.4 |
62.0 |
Total equity |
1,940.8 |
1,986.6 |
Net debt before lease liabilities |
657.2 |
448.3 |
liabilities |
848.5 |
892.8 |
Provisions |
79.7 |
104.6 |
Net deferred tax |
54.8 |
6.7 |
Total liabilities and equity |
3,581.0 |
3,438.9 |
Consolidated net debt – 30 June
(in millions of euros) |
Bond issues
(incl. accrued interest and arrangement fees) |
786.2 |
794.7 |
Put options
granted to minority interests |
31.5 |
19.3 |
Loans and
borrowings |
743.9 |
451.1 |
Loans and borrowings |
1,561.6 |
1,265.2 |
Other financial receivables and payables |
(253.9) |
(185.7) |
Cash and cash
equivalents |
(715.9) |
(673.0) |
Bank overdraft facilities |
65.4 |
41.9 |
Net cash and cash equivalents |
(650.5) |
(631.1) |
Total net financial debt before lease
liabilities |
657.2 |
448.3 |
Reversal of reclassification under IFRS 5 |
67.4 |
(1.4) |
Total net financial debt before lease liabilities and IFRS
5 |
724.6 |
446.9 |
Lease liabilities |
848.5 |
892.8 |
Reversal of reclassification under IFRS 5 |
46.8 |
13.0 |
Total lease liabilities before IFRS 5 |
895.3 |
905.9 |
Total net debt |
1,505.7 |
1,341.1 |
Total net debt before IFRS 5 |
1,620.0 |
1,352.8 |
Simplified statement of cash flows – 30
June 2024
(in millions of euros) |
Consolidated net profit |
18.1 |
42.4 |
Elimination of
non-cash income and expenses |
92.7 |
(65.5) |
Cash flow from operating activities after interest and tax
expenses |
110.8 |
(23.1) |
Elimination of
net interest expense/(income) |
35.5 |
44.8 |
Elimination of
tax expense, including deferred tax |
10.0 |
(44.2) |
Cash flow from operating activities before interest and tax
expenses |
156.3 |
(22.5) |
Repayment of
lease liabilities |
(69.3) |
(83.1) |
Cash flow from operating activities after lease payments but before
interest and tax expenses |
87.0 |
(105.6) |
Change in
operating working capital requirement |
(89.9) |
65.1 |
received from equity-accounted investments |
5.2 |
4.2 |
paid |
17.1 |
(24.4) |
Tax paid |
(53.8) |
(3.4) |
Net cash from/(used in) operating activities |
68.5 |
(64.2) |
Net cash
from/(used in) net operating investments |
(27.9) |
(23.0) |
Free cash flow |
96.5 |
(87.2) |
of subsidiaries and other changes in scope |
(0.9) |
325.1 |
Reclassification in accordance with IFRS 5 |
5.0 |
0.2 |
Other net
financial investments |
2.4 |
(9.0) |
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities |
6.5 |
316.3 |
Dividends paid
to equity holders of the parent company |
(137.8) |
0.0 |
Other payments
(to)/from minority shareholders |
(1.2) |
(12.1) |
disposal/(acquisition) of treasury shares |
1.2 |
0.7 |
Change in
financial receivables and payables (net) |
54.7 |
(237.0) |
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities |
83.2 |
(248.4) |
Impact of
changes in foreign currency exchange rates |
(0.1) |
(0.1) |
Change in cash and cash equivalents |
(173.1) |
(19.4) |
Absorption rate: Available
market supply compared to reservations for the last 12 months,
expressed in months, for the new homes business in France.
Business potential: The total
volume of potential business at any given moment, expressed as a
number of units and/or revenue excluding VAT, within future
projects in Residential Real Estate Development (new homes,
subdivisions and international) as well as Commercial Real Estate
Development, validated by the Group’s Committee, in all structuring
phases, including the programmes of the Group’s urban regeneration
business (Villes & Projets); this business potential includes
the Group’s current supply for sale, its future supply (project
phases not yet marketed on purchased land, and projects not yet
launched associated with land secured through options).
Current operating profit:
Includes all operating profit items with the exception of items
resulting from unusual, abnormal and infrequently occurring
transactions. In particular, impairment of goodwill is not included
in current operating profit.
Development backlog (or order
book): The Group’s already secured future revenue,
expressed in euros, for its real estate development businesses
(Residential Real Estate Development and Commercial Real Estate
Development). The backlog includes reservations for which notarial
deeds of sale have not yet been signed and the portion of revenue
remaining to be generated on units for which notarial deeds of sale
have already been signed (portion remaining to be built).
EBITDA: Defined by Nexity as
equal to current operating profit before depreciation, amortisation
and impairment of non-current assets, net changes in provisions,
share-based payment expenses and the transfer from inventory of
borrowing costs directly attributable to property developments,
plus dividends received from equity-accounted investees whose
operations are an extension of the Group’s business. Depreciation
and amortisation includes right-of-use assets calculated in
accordance with IFRS 16, together with the impact of neutralising
internal margins on disposal of an asset by development companies,
followed by take-up of a lease by a Group company
EBITDA after lease payments:
EBITDA net of expenses recorded for lease payments that are
restated to reflect the application of IFRS 16 Leases.
Free cash flow: Cash generated
by operating activities after taking into account tax paid,
financial expenses, repayment of lease liabilities, changes in WCR,
dividends received from companies accounted for under the equity
method and net investments in operating assets.
Joint ventures: Entities over
whose activities the Group has joint control, established by
contractual agreement. Most joint ventures are property
developments (Residential Real Estate Development and Commercial
Real Estate Development) undertaken with another developer
Land bank: The amount
corresponding to acquired land development rights for projects in
France carried out before obtaining a building permit or, in some
cases, planning permissions.
Market share for new homes in
France: Number of reservations made by Nexity (retail and
bulk sales) divided by the number of reservations (retail and bulk
sales) reported by the French Federation of Real Estate Developers
Net profit before non-recurring
items: Group share of net profit restated for
non-recurring items such as change in fair value adjustments in
respect of the ORNANE bond issue and items included in non-current
operating profit (disposal of significant operations, any goodwill
impairment losses, remeasurement of equity-accounted investments
following the assumption of control).
Operational reporting:
According to IFRS but with joint ventures proportionately
consolidated. This presentation is used by management as it better
reflects the economic reality of the Group’s business
Order intake – Commercial Real Estate
Development: The total of selling prices excluding VAT as
stated in definitive agreements for Commercial Real Estate
Development projects, expressed in euros for a given period
(notarial deeds of sale or development contracts).
Pipeline: Sum of backlog and
business potential; may be expressed in months or years of revenue
(as for backlog and business potential) based on revenue for the
previous 12-month period.
Property Management: Management
of residential properties (rentals, brokerage), common areas of
apartment buildings (as managing agent on behalf of condominium
owners), commercial properties, and services provided to users.
Reservations by value (or expected
revenue from reservations) – Residential Real Estate: The
net total of selling prices including VAT as stated in reservation
agreements for development programmes, expressed in euros for a
given period, after deducting all reservations cancelled during the
Revenue: Revenue generated by
the development businesses from VEFA off-plan sales and CPI
development contracts is recognised using the
percentage-of-completion method, i.e. on the basis of notarised
sales and pro-rated to reflect the progress of all inventoriable
Serviced Properties: Operation
of student residences and flexible workspaces.
1 Market data for retail sales: down 27% according to the
FPI at the end of Q1 2024 – down 21% according to Adéquation for
the first 6 months of 2024
2 PMI: Property Management for Individuals
3 With Crédit Agricole Immobilier; see specific press release
published on 25 July 2024
4 Euro PP
5 Until the end of financial year 2024
6 Debt at year-end 2023 before IFRS 5
7 La Garenne-Colombes project
8 Market data for retail sales: down 21% according to
Adéquation for the first 6 months of 2024
9 Source: Adéquation
10 Including sales to individuals and institutional
11 Including the effects of the October 2023 and July 2024 zoning
12 The number of sites fell from 76 to 74 after local
authorities exercised their right of first refusal on 2 sites
13 Source: Immostat Q2 2024
14 Joint development with Nexity Residential
15 Project led by a consortium combining Nexity, Eiffage, CDC
Habitat, EDF and Groupama.
16 Total floor area net of additions/disposals
17 Method used to calculate occupancy rate updated at 1 January
2024 to take into account the inflationary environment and the
impact of rent indexation; rolling 12-month basis – occupancy rate
at mature sites (open for more than 12 months)
18 Excluding PMI activities disposed of on 2 April 2024,
and excluding activities in Poland and Portugal, disposed of in Q3
19 La Garenne-Colombes project
20 La Garenne-Colombes project
21 Regulations setting out demanding thresholds every 3 years
for reducing carbon emissions across the life cycle of a real
estate development (materials and energy).
- PR - Nexity 2024 Half-Year results
Nexity (EU:NXI)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Fév 2025 à Mar 2025
Nexity (EU:NXI)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Mar 2024 à Mar 2025