RNS Number : 1345V

London & Quadrant Housing Trust

05 August 2020

London & Quadrant Housing Trust Trading Update for the period ending 30 June 2020

London & Quadrant Housing Trust ('L&Q') is today issuing its consolidated trading update for the three months ended 30 June 2020 ('2020 Q1').

All statement of comprehensive income comparatives are to L&Q's consolidated unaudited prior year equivalent period being the three months ended 30 June 2019 ('2019 Q1') that do not include the trading activities of Trafford Housing Trust ('THT') which was acquired by L&Q on 1 October 2019.


   --    There are 113,580 units in management (as at 31 March 2020: 113,525) 
   --    L&Q has completed 150 residential units (2019 Q1: 691) 
   --    Turnover was GBP209m (2019 Q1: GBP178m) 
   --    EBITDA(1) was GBP96m (2019 Q1: GBP55m) 
   --    EBITDA margin(2) was 44% (2019 Q1: 31%) 
   --    EBITDA margin (excluding sales)(3) was 57% (2019 Q1: 35%) 
   --    Gross sales margin(4) was 20% (2019 Q1: 10%) 
   --    Net sales margin(5) was 8% (2019 Q1: 4%) 
   --    EBITDA / interest cover(6) was 260% (2019 Q1: 144%) 
   --    EBITDA social housing lettings interest cover(7) was 213% (2019 Q1: 118%) 
   --    Operating surplus was GBP84m (2019 Q1: GBP58m) 
   --    Debt to assets(8) was 42% (2019 Q1: 42%) 
   --    Sales as a % of turnover(10) was 25% (2019: 46%) 

Commenting on the results Waqar Ahmed, Group Director, Finance said:

"As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant amount of disruption to our business, particular on construction sites which has led, and will continue to lead to handover delays of new residential units. However, through the decisive actions taken as announced in our last trading statement released on 15 May 2020, we have demonstrated resilience and flexibility in order to conserve cash flows whilst fulfilling our commitments to our customers. Our Q1 results further reflect that our reactive repairs service has only undertaken emergency work and those works that are deemed to be critical to families' wellbeing while remaining safe in their homes.

We acted quickly at the outset of the pandemic and, in line with our commitment to health and wellbeing of our employees and subcontractors, took the decision to temporarily close all of our construction sites and offices. During Q1 we have, in accordance with Government guidelines, implemented core service recovery plans to address the gradual and careful reopening of constructions sites and sales and marketing suites, the management of backlog reactive maintenance repairs, the restarting of planned maintenance works and customer support inclusive of income recovery. As at the date of this trading statement release, all construction sites are open and operational.

Our Q1 trading results demonstrate the strength of our core operations and improving activity in the sales market that gives us the confidence to release forward guidance. Whilst economic uncertainty still exists, we remain confident that L&Q retains the financial flexibility to adapt supported by our strong balance sheet and liquidity position"

COVID-19 Update

On 24 March 2020, L&Q issued a RNS outlining its response to COVID-19 inclusive of actions taken to date and headline mitigating actions as updated in the last trading statement released on 15 May 2020. L&Q's Pandemic Crisis Response Team continue to monitor service delivery and key trends across all business activities daily with notable trends from the period 31 March 2020 to 31 July 2020 outlined below:

-- Rolling 4 week arrears have increased from 5.04% to 6.05% (6.64% for social tenures and 4.11% for non-social tenures); and

-- 42% of projected residential sales have completed achieving 46% of projected profits. This in line with our expectations.

Forward Guidance to the year ending 31 March 2021

The following is subject to uncertainty on future business disruption caused by Covid-19. Included within these projections are the assumption that rent arrears double from pre Covid-19 levels and the assumptions that L&Q will achieve c50% of its pre Covid-19 anticipated sales activity for the year ending 31 March 2021.

We project EBITDA to be in the range of GBP300m to GBP325m, net debt to be in the range of GBP5.9bn to GBP6.0bn and capital expenditure(11) to be in the range of GBP575m to GBP625m. Included within our EBITDA projections are GBP15m of costs assigned to conduct fire remedial and safety works. Our projections for surplus after tax are expected to be in the range of GBP200m to GBP215m.

 Financial Metrics                                   Forward Guidance to 31 March 2021 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 EBITDA margin(2)                                                                  27% 
 EBITDA margin (excluding sales)(3)                                                42% 
 Net sales margin(5)                                                                8% 
 EBITDA interest cover(6)                                                         209% 
 Social housing lettings EBITDA interest Cover(7)                                 160% 
 Debt to assets(8)                                                                 42% 
 Gross debt to EBITDA (9)                                                        18.3x 
 Sales as a % of turnover(10)                                                      44% 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 

Housing Completions

L&Q, including joint ventures, has completed 150 (2019 Q1: 691) residential units in the financial year. This comprises of 91 (2019 Q1: 345) completions for social housing tenures and 59 (2019 Q1: 346) completions for market tenures. During that same time, 760 new build residential units commenced on site (2019 Q1: 1,409). The year on year fall in completions and starts on site reflect the business disruption caused by Covid-19.

Development Pipeline

L&Q, including joint ventures, is operating from 158 (2019 Q1: 173) active sites. L&Q has approved an additional 141 residential units during the financial year bringing total units in the approved development pipeline to 28,403 (2019 Q1: 30,202). During Q1, L&Q has reclassified 3 sites from the development pipeline to strategic land plots meaning that L&Q holds a further potential 72,042 (2019 Q1: 68,266) strategic land plots.

Of the units approved in the development pipeline 64% are for social housing tenures and 36% are for market tenures. Some 66% of the approved pipeline (18,819 units) is on site (2019 Q1: 63%).

The future projected cost of the entire development pipeline (including work in progress and developments not yet committed or on site) that extends until the financial year ending 31 March 2040 is estimated at GBP5.3bn (2019 Q1: GBP7.0bn) of which GBP4.3bn (81%) is currently committed (2019 Q1: GBP4.9bn).

Unaudited Financials

The unaudited financials exclude further adjustments that are subject to audit review:

 Statement of Comprehensive Income                       2020 Q1    2019 Q1   Change 
                                                          (GBPm)     (GBPm) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
    Non-sales                                                169        151 
    Sales                                                     40         27 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
                                                             209        178      17% 
 Operating costs and cost of sales 
    Non-sales                                               (98)      (107) 
    Sales                                                   (38)       (27) 
                                                           (136)      (134)       1% 
 Surplus on disposal of fixed assets and investments           9          9 
 Share of profits from joint ventures                          2          5 
 Change in value of investment property                        -          - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
 Operating surplus                                            84         58      45% 
 Net interest charge                                        (26)       (29) 
 Other finance income/ (costs)                               (1)          2 
 Taxation                                                      -          - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
 Surplus for the period after tax                             57         31       26 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
 Capitalised Interest    (12)   (9) 
                        -----  ---- 
 Statement of Financial Position               2020 Q1   31 March 2020   Change (GBPm) 
                                                (GBPm)          (GBPm) 
--------------------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 
 Housing properties                             10,539          10,334             205 
 Other fixed assets                                 79              81             (2) 
 Investments                                     1,614           1,590              24 
 Net current assets                              1,027             974              53 
--------------------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total assets less current liabilities          13,259          12,979             280 
--------------------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 
 Loans due > one year                            5,588           5,528              60 
 Unamortised grant liabilities                   2,112           2,120             (8) 
 Other long term liabilities                       524             353             171 
 Capital and reserves                            5,035           4,978              57 
--------------------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities and reserves     13,259          12,979             280 
--------------------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 

Non-Sales Activities

 Activity                               2020 Q1 (GBPm)   2019 Q1 (GBPm)   Change (GBPm) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net rents receivable                              157              140              17 
 Charges for support services                        2                2               - 
 Amortised government grants                         6                6               - 
 Other income                                        4                3               1 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Turnover                                          169              151              18 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Management costs                                 (13)             (12)             (1) 
 Service costs                                    (22)             (18)             (4) 
 Maintenance costs                                (28)             (41)              13 
 Support costs                                     (3)              (2)             (1) 
 Depreciation & impairment                        (23)             (19)             (4) 
 Other costs                                       (9)             (15)               6 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Operating costs                                  (98)            (107)               9 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Surplus on disposal of fixed assets                 9                9               - 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Operating surplus                                  80               53              27 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Capitalised Major Repairs    (5)   (16)   11 
---------------------------  ----  -----  --- 

Sales Activities

The cost of sales is inclusive of capitalised interest and overhead costs:

 Activity                                2020 Q1 (GBPm)   2019 Q1(GBPm)   Change (GBPm) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Property sales income                               18              25             (7) 
 Land sales income                                   22               2              20 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Turnover from sales (excluding JV's)                40              27              13 
 Cost of property sales                            (17)            (20)               3 
 Cost of land sales                                (14)             (1)            (13) 
 Operating costs                                    (7)             (6)             (1) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total costs (excluding JV's)                      (38)            (27)            (11) 
 Operating Surplus (excluding JV's)                   2               -               2 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Joint venture turnover                              16              87            (71) 
 Joint venture cost of sales                       (14)            (82)              68 
 Joint venture operating costs                        -               -               - 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Share of profits from joint ventures                 2               5             (3) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------- 

Average Selling Price

The average selling price, including JV's, for outright market sales during the financial year to date was GBP468k (2019 Q1: GBP494k) of which 75% were conducted under Help to Buy (2019 Q1: 95%). The average selling price of first tranche shared ownership sales during the financial year to date was GBP431k (2019 Q1: GBP440k) with an average first tranche sale of 35% (2019 Q1: 38%).

Sales Margins

The cost of sales is inclusive of capitalised interest and overhead costs:

 Activity            Shared Owner-ship     Outright Sales   Land Sales     Outright Sales   2020 Q1   2019 Q1   Change 
                                (GBPm)    (Non-JV) (GBPm)                   (JV's) (GBPm) 
                                                                                             (GBPm)    (GBPm) 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Turnover                            6                 12           22                 16        56       114     (58) 
 Cost of sales                     (5)               (12)         (14)               (14)      (45)     (103)       58 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Gross profit                        1                  -            8                  2        11        11        - 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Gross sales 
  margin                           16%                  -          36%                12%       20%       10%      10% 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Operating costs                   (1)                (2)          (4)                  -       (7)       (6)      (1) 
 Operating surplus                   -                (2)            4                  2         4         5      (1) 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Net sales margin                    -                  -          18%                12%        8%        4%       4% 
------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------------  --------  --------  ------- 

Unsold Stock

As at 30 June 2020, L&Q, including joint ventures, held 463 completed units as unsold stock with a projected revenue of GBP138m. Projected revenue for shared ownership assumes a first tranche sale of 25%. Of the total unsold stock, 11% has been held as stock for less than one month.

L&Q's forward order book excluding joint ventures consists of 53 exchanged units with projected revenue of GBP10m and 120 reservations with projected revenue of GBP35m. On 24 July 2020 L&Q completed a bulk sale for 70 units generating GBP26m of revenue. These units are included within the unsold units held for more than 12 months.

 Tenure               Projected Revenue   No. of Units   <1 Month   1-3 Months   3-6 Months   6-12 Months   >12 Months 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Shared Ownership                    12            109          3            6           21            70            9 
 Outright Sale 
  (non-JV's)                         98            230          1           20            4           121           84 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total excluding 
  Joint Ventures                    110            339          4           26           25           191           93 
 Outright Sale 
  (JV's)                             28            124         46           38           14            10           16 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total Joint 
  Ventures                           28            124         46           38           14            10           16 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total Unsold Stock                 138            463         50           64           39           201          109 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 

Net Debt and Liquidity

As at 30 June 2020, net debt (excluding derivative financial liabilities) was GBP5,537m (as at 31 March 2020: GBP5,430m) and available liquidity within the group in the form of committed un-drawn revolving credit facilities and non-restricted cash was at GBP788m (as at 31 March 2020: GBP595m). Approximately 52% of L&Q's loan facilities and 59% of drawn loan facilities are at a fixed cost.

Unencumbered Assets

                                                                                 2020 Q1    31 March 2020 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------------- 
 No. of units under management                                                   113,580          113,525 
 No. of social housing units provided as collateral against debt facilities    (54,516 )         (55,013) 
 No. of private rented units provided as collateral against debt facilities     (1,107 )          (1,107) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Total no. of unencumbered units under management                                 57,917           57,405 
 % of units under management held as collateral against debt facilities              49%              49% 
 Unencumbered asset ratio(11)                                                        42%              41% 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------------- 

L&Q Credit Ratings - as at date of trading statement release

 Rating Agency                    S&P     Moody's         Fitch 
-------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Long-term credit ratings   A-/Stable   A3/Stable   A+/Negative 
-------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 


(1) Operating surplus + depreciation and impairment - amortised government grant - capitalised major repairs +/- actuarial losses/gains in pension schemes

(2) EBITDA / (turnover + turnover from joint ventures - amortised government grant)

(3) EBITDA from non-sales activities / turnover from non-sales activities

(4) Gross profit from sales / turnover from sales including joint ventures

(5) Operating surplus from sales / turnover from sales including joint ventures

(6) EBITDA / net cash interest paid

(7) EBITDA from social housing lettings / net cash interest paid

(8) Net debt (excluding derivative financial liabilities) / total assets less current liabilities

(9) Gross debt / EBITDA

(10) Sales turnover (including joint ventures) / (turnover plus turnover from joint ventures)

(11) Capitalised development expenditure + acquisition of investment property + purchase of other fixed assets

(12) 100% less (loans due after more than 1 year + derivative liabilities + unamortised grant liability) / total assets less current liabilities

This trading update contains certain forward looking statements about the future outlook for L&Q. Although the Directors believe that these statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, any such statements should be treated with caution as future outlook may be influenced by factors that could cause actual outcomes and results to be materially different.

For further information, please contact:

 James Howell, Head of External Affairs    0300 456 9998 
 Cathryn Rowley, Assistant Director, 
  Communications                           0300 456 9998 



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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 05, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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