RNS Number : 1308R

London & Quadrant Housing Trust

03 November 2021

London & Quadrant Housing Trust Trading Update for the period ending 30 September 2021

London & Quadrant Housing Trust ('L&Q') is today issuing its consolidated unaudited trading update for the six months ending 30 September 2021 ('2021 Q2'). All statement of comprehensive income comparatives are to L&Q's consolidated unaudited prior year equivalent period being the six months ending 30 September 2020 ('2020 Q2').


   --    There are 119,760 units in management (as at 31 March 2021: 117,788) 
   --    L&Q has completed 1,997 new residential homes (2020 Q2: 700) 
   --    Turnover was GBP535m (2020 Q2: GBP450m) 
   --    EBITDA(1)  was GBP205m (2020 Q2: GBP201m) 
   --    EBITDA   margin(2)  was 32% (2020 Q2: 40%) 
   --    EBITDA margin (excluding sales)(3)  was 51% (2020 Q2: 57%) 
   --    Gross sales margin(4)  was 17% (2020 Q2: 16%) 
   --    Net sales margin(5)  was 11% (2020 Q2: 7%) 
   --    EBITDA / interest cover(6)  was 276% (2020 Q2: 271%) 
   --    EBITDA social housing lettings interest cover(7)  was 173% (2020 Q2: 216%) 
   --    Operating surplus was GBP193m (2020 Q2: GBP177m) 
   --    Debt to assets(8)  was 41% (2020 Q2: 41%) 
   --    Sales as a % of turnover(10)  was 48% (2020 Q2: 33%) 

Commenting on the results Waqar Ahmed, Group Director, Finance said:

"L&Q's unaudited Q2 trading results are in line with expectations. We have revised our projections on EBITDA for the financial year ending 31(st) March 2022 to be in the range of GBP330m to GBP350m (previous guidance GBP340m to GBP360m). This reflects our decision to accelerate a greater level of expenditure towards our residents' homes as we commit to prioritising investment in safety and the quality of existing homes and services.

L&Q's focus on investment in residents' homes and services has not diminished L&Q's commitment to tackling the UK housing crisis through investment in new homes. In the six months to 30 September 2021, L&Q has completed 1,997 new residential homes of which 61% are for social tenure. Completions exceed pre-Covid levels, and the tenure mix continues to demonstrate our commitment to our social purpose and lowering our risk profile.

During the quarter, L&Q outlined our commitment to sustainability and the wider ESG agenda through the publication of our Sustainability Finance Framework and our first Diversity Report. Our Sustainability Finance Framework sets out how L&Q will work to the spirit of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals and includes four long-term targets; to be a net zero carbon busines by 2050, to enable sustainable economic and housing growth, to safeguard the environment and to collaborate with others to achieve significant improvement in social impact and social value. The publication of our first Diversity Report documents the progress made in diversity and inclusion, as well as future initiatives planned to continue improving colleague representation"

Each of these documents can be accessed on our website https://www.lqgroup.org.uk/media-centre/news


The following assumes that current market conditions continue and are materially unchanged from the guidance issued in our last trading statement.

We project EBITDA to be in the range of GBP330m to GBP350m and gross capital expenditure(11) to be in the range of GBP900m to GBP1bn. Included within our EBITDA projections are c.GBP30m of costs assigned to conduct fire remedial and safety works. Our projections for surplus after tax are expected to be in the range of GBP220m to GBP240m. Net debt is expected to be in the range of GBP5.6bn to GBP5.7bn.

 Financial Metrics                                   Forward Guidance to 31 March 2022 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 EBITDA margin(2)                                                            23% - 25% 
 EBITDA margin (excluding sales)(3)                                          38% - 40% 
 Net sales margin(5)                                                          9% - 11% 
 EBITDA interest cover(6)                                                  210% - 225% 
 Social housing lettings EBITDA interest Cover(7)                          120% - 135% 
 Debt to assets(8)                                                                 43% 
 Gross debt to EBITDA(9)                                                     16x - 17x 
 Sales as a % of turnover(10)                                                    c.50% 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 


L&Q, including joint ventures, has completed 1,997 (2020 Q2: 700) residential units in the financial year. This comprises of 1,227 (2020 Q2: 456) completions for social housing tenures and 770 (2020 Q2: 244) completions for market tenures. During that same time 1,190 new build residential units commenced on site (2020 Q2: 1,598).


L&Q, including joint ventures, is operating from 199 (2020 Q2: 158) active sites. L&Q has approved an additional 257 (2020 Q2: 358) residential units during the financial year bringing total units in the approved development pipeline to 31,739 (2020 Q2: 30,472), of which 69% are currently on site, representing a significant investment in new supply and affordable output. Of the units approved in the development pipeline 60% are for social housing tenures and 40% are for market tenures. L&Q holds a further potential 81,102 (2020 Q2: 72,799) strategic land plots.

The future projected cost of the entire development pipeline (including work in progress and developments not yet committed or on site) that extends until the financial year ending 31 March 2040 is estimated at GBP4.9bn (2020 Q2: GBP5.1bn) of which GBP4.1bn (84%) is currently committed (2020 Q2: GBP4.1bn).


The unaudited financials exclude further adjustments that are subject to audit review:

Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                        2021 Q2 (GBPm)   2020 Q2 (GBPm)   Change 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Non-sales                                                         347              344 
 Sales                                                             188              106 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
                                                                   535              450      19% 
 Operating costs and cost of sales 
 Non-sales                                                       (224)            (201) 
 Sales                                                           (173)            (103) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
                                                                 (397)            (304)    (31%) 
 Surplus on disposal of fixed assets and investments                36               22 
 Share of profits from joint ventures                               19                9 
 Change in value of investment property                              -                - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Operating surplus                                                 193              177       9% 
 Net interest charge                                              (51)             (50) 
 Other finance income/ (costs)                                     (1)              (1) 
 Taxation                                                            -                - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Surplus for the period after tax                                  141              126      12% 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------- 

EBITDA and Net Cash Interest Paid

                                           2021 Q2 (GBPm)   2020 Q2   Change 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Operating surplus                                    193       177 
 Change in value of investment property                 -         - 
 Amortised government grant                          (13)      (12) 
 Depreciation                                          46        46 
 Impairment                                             -         - 
 Capitalised major repairs                           (21)      (10) 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 EBITDA                                               205       201       2% 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Net interest charge                                 (51)      (50) 
 Capitalised interest                                (23)      (24) 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Net cash interest paid                              (74)      (74)        - 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 

Statement of Financial Position

                                               2021 Q2 (GBPm)   31 March 2021 (GBPm)   Change (GBPm) 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -------------- 
 Housing properties                                    11,043                 10,906             137 
 Other fixed assets                                        81                     78               3 
 Investments                                            1,656                  1,592              64 
 Net current assets                                       587                    484             103 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -------------- 
 Total assets less current liabilities                 13,367                 13,060             307 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -------------- 
   Loans due > one year                                 5,324                  5,152             172 
 Unamortised grant liabilities                          2,121                  2,123             (2) 
 Other long-term liabilities                              368                    372             (4) 
 Capital and reserves                                   5,554                  5,413             141 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities and reserves            13,367                 13,060             307 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -------------- 

Non-Sales Activities

                                         2021 Q2   2020 Q2   Change (GBPm) 
                                          (GBPm)    (GBPm) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Net rents receivable                        321       318               3 
 Charges for support services                  6         5               1 
 Amortised government grants                  13        12               1 
 Other income                                  7         9             (2) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Turnover                                    347       344               3 
                                       ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Management costs                           (30)      (28)             (2) 
 Service costs                              (45)      (44)             (1) 
 Maintenance costs                          (84)      (62)            (22) 
 Support costs                               (7)       (6)             (1) 
 Depreciation & impairment                  (46)      (46)               - 
 Other costs                                (12)      (15)               3 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Operating costs                           (224)     (201)            (23) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Surplus on disposal of fixed assets          36        22              14 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------------- 
 Operating surplus                           159       165             (6) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------------- 

Sales Activities

The cost of sales is inclusive of impairment, capitalised interest and overhead costs:

                                         2021 Q2 (GBPm)   2020 Q2 (GBPm)   Change (GBPm) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Property sales income                              155               76              79 
 Land sales income                                   33               30               3 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Turnover from sales (excluding JV's)               188              106              82 
 Cost of property sales                           (138)             (68)            (70) 
 Cost of land sales                                (21)             (21)               - 
 Operating costs                                   (14)             (14)               - 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Total costs (excluding JV's)                     (173)            (103)            (70) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Operating Surplus (excluding JV's)                  15                3              12 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Joint venture turnover                             116               66              50 
 Joint venture cost of sales                       (94)             (55)            (39) 
 Joint venture operating costs                      (3)              (2)             (1) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Share of profits from joint ventures                19                9              10 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 


The average selling price, including JV's, for outright market sales during the financial year to date was GBP504k (2020 Q2: GBP458k) of which 83% were conducted under Help to Buy (2020 Q1: 40%). The average selling price of first tranche shared ownership sales during the financial year to date was GBP407k (2020 Q2: GBP382k) with an average first tranche sale of 33% (2020 Q2: 35%).


The cost of sales is inclusive of impairment, capitalised interest and overhead costs:

                       Shared          Outright   Land Sales   Outright Sales (JV's)   Q2 2021    Q2 2020   Change 
                       Owner-    Sales (Non-JV) 
                       (GBPm)            (GBPm)       (GBPm)                  (GBPm)    (GBPm)     (GBPm) 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Turnover                  59                96           33                     116       304        172      132 
 Cost of sales           (48)              (90)         (21)                    (94)     (253)      (144)    (109) 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Gross profit              11                 6           12                      22        51         28       23 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Gross margin             19%                6%          36%                     19%       17%        16%       1% 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Operating costs          (3)               (5)          (6)                     (3)      (17)       (16)      (1) 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Operating surplus          8                 1            6                      19        34         12       22 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Net margin               14%                1%          18%                     16%       11%         7%       4% 
-------------------  --------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 


As at 30 September 2021, L&Q, including joint ventures, held 740 completed homes as unsold stock with a projected revenue of GBP143m. Projected revenue for shared ownership assumes a first tranche sale of 25%. Of the total unsold stock 36% has been held as stock for less than one month.

L&Q's forward order book excluding joint ventures consists of 25 exchanged homes with projected revenue of GBP4m and 248 reservations with projected revenue of GBP41m.

 Tenure               Projected Revenue   No. of Homes   <1 Month   1-3 Months   3-6 Months   6-12 Months   >12 Months 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Shared Ownership                    60            506        146           36          207            74           43 
 Outright Sale 
  (non-JV's)                         49            115         51            4           10            12           38 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total excluding 
  JV's                              109            621        197           40          217            86           81 
 Outright Sale 
  (JCA's)                             0              1          0            0            1             0            0 
 Outright Sale 
  (JCE's)                            34            118         72            8            2            18           18 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total Joint 
  Ventures                           34            119         72            8            3            18           18 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total Unsold Stock                 143            740        269           48          220           104           99 
-------------------  ------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 


As at 30 September 2021, net debt (excluding derivative financial liabilities) was GBP5,471m (as at 31 March 2021: GBP5,385m) and available liquidity within the group in the form of committed un-drawn revolving credit facilities and non-restricted cash was at GBP1,065m (as at 31 March 2021: GBP1,159m). Approximately 54% of L&Q's loan facilities and 63% of drawn loan facilities are at a fixed cost.


                                                                                Q2 2021   31 March 2021 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 No. of units under management                                                  119,760         117,788 
 No. of social housing homes provided as collateral against debt facilities    (56,521)        (60,085) 
 No. of private rented homes provided as collateral against debt facilities     (1,107)         (1,107) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 Total no. of unencumbered units under management                                62,132          56,596 
 % of units under management held as collateral against debt facilities             48%             52% 
 Unencumbered asset ratio(12)                                                       44%             44% 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 


As at date of trading statement release:

 Rating Agency                    S&P     Moody's       Fitch 
-------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Long-term credit ratings   A-/Stable   A3/Stable   A+/Stable 
-------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 


(1) Operating surplus - change in value of investment properties - amortised government grant + depreciation + impairment - capitalised major repairs +/- actuarial losses/gains in pension schemes

(2) EBITDA / (turnover + turnover from joint ventures - amortised government grant)

(3) EBITDA from non-sales activities / turnover from non-sales activities

(4) Gross profit from sales / turnover from sales including joint ventures

(5) Operating surplus from sales / turnover from sales including joint ventures

(6) EBITDA / net cash interest paid

(7) EBITDA from social housing lettings / net cash interest paid

(8) Net debt (excluding derivative financial liabilities) / total assets less current liabilities

(9) Gross debt / EBITDA

(10) Sales turnover (including joint ventures) / (turnover plus turnover from joint ventures)

(11) Capitalised development expenditure + acquisition of investment property + purchase of other fixed assets

(12) 100% less (loans due after more than 1 year + derivative liabilities + unamortised grant liability) / total assets less current liabilities

This trading update contains certain forward-looking statements about the future outlook for L&Q. Although the Directors believe that these statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, any such statements should be treated with caution as the future outlook may be influenced by factors that could cause actual outcomes and results to be materially different.

For further information, please contact:


   James Howell, Head of External Affairs                    020 8189 1596 



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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 03, 2021 04:59 ET (08:59 GMT)

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