RNS Number : 0259K

Absolute Return Trust Limited

15 August 2012



(an authorised closed-ended investment company, incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 42733)

Recommended proposals for a managed wind-down of the Company, amendment to the Company's investment policy and objective and amendment to the Company's articles of incorporation

15 August 2012

PUBLICATION OF CIRCULAR, NOTICE OF Extraordinary General Meeting and Notice of class meetings

The Company has today published and posted a Circular to its Shareholders detailing its recommended proposals for a managed wind-down of the Company. The Circular contains Notices of an Extraordinary General Meeting and Class Meetings of the Company, during which the Company will seek shareholder approval for the amendments to the Company's investment policy and objective and the amendments to the Company's articles of incorporation necessary to effect a managed wind-down. Terms used and not defined in this announcement bear the meaning given to them in the Circular.

   1.      Introduction and Background 

The circular (the "Circular") follows the Company's announcement on 25 June 2012 that the Board has resolved not to seek continuation of the Company. Notwithstanding an annualised compound increase in the NAV per Sterling Share of some 4 per cent. since inception, the discount to NAV at which the Company's Shares trade has steadily widened over recent years. As at the last practicable date, the Company's Sterling Class and Euro Class share prices traded at respective discounts of 8.36 per cent. and 9.91 per cent. to Net Asset Value. Over the last twelve months the average discounts to NAV at which the Sterling and Euro Classes have traded has been 15.87 per cent. and 12.38 per cent. respectively. This discount widening has occurred despite persistent share buybacks and capital returns at NAV via the operation of the redemption facility. In discussions with Shareholders the persistence of the discount was identified as a key investor concern. The Board has explored a variety of ways to address the discount for the benefit of all Shareholders and has concluded that in current market conditions there is insufficient demand for a closed-ended company that invests in a multi-manager portfolio of hedge funds to warrant continuation.

The Circular contains Proposals for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down (the "Managed Wind-down"). The Proposals constitute a material change to the Company's investment policy and will require Shareholder approval before they can be implemented.

The Circular sets out details of, and seeks Shareholder approval for, the Proposals and explains why the Board is recommending that Shareholders vote in favour of the Special Resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 7 September 2012 and each of the Class Meetings to be held immediately following the Extraordinary General Meeting. Notices of the Extraordinary General Meeting and each of the Class Meetings are set out at the end of the Circular.

Estimated current liquidity profile

An estimate of the current liquidity profile of the Portfolio is set out below.

The estimated Portfolio liquidity profile is indicative only and should not under any circumstances be considered a prediction, forecast or guarantee of the Company's actual Portfolio liquidity profile or an indication as to the timing of distributions to Shareholders pursuant to the proposed Managed Wind-down of the Portfolio for which the Company is seeking Shareholder approval. In addition, there is no guarantee that the Company's underlying investments will be realised at their net asset value, and it is possible that the Company may not be able to realise some of its underlying investments at any value.

The table below sets forth the Company's current estimate of the earliest possible dates at which investments in the Portfolio could be redeemed without the Company incurring a penalty. The liquidity analysis: (1) assumes that where redemption notices are currently placed, redemption proceeds will be received in the normal course following the applicable redemption date; (2) assumes that for Portfolio holdings for which redemption is possible, and taking into consideration lock-ups, investor-level gates and fund-level gates that are currently implemented, as applicable, redemption notices will be placed at the next available dealing date following the Extraordinary General Meeting and that the proceeds will be received in the normal course following the applicable redemption date.

As previously reported in the annual report and financial statements, in order to facilitate the return of cash to shareholders in a timely fashion, in the event that the Proposals are approved in the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Manager, with the Board's approval, served redemption notices at the end of June 2012 on those funds in the Company's Portfolio which have notice periods of 90 days or more. The process of serving redemption notices has subsequently been extended as at the end of July 2012 to include those funds in the Company's Portfolio which have notice periods of 60 days or more.

The liquidity schedule below is based on Portfolio investments and related net asset values as of 30(th) June 2012(1) . As at that date 4.18% of the Portfolio was invested in assets held either in fund side-pockets or in funds which have otherwise restricted redemption mechanisms, where there is currently no firm indication from the underlying hedge fund manager on the expected timing of the receipt of redemption proceeds. These assets have been excluded from the liquidity schedule and the schedule below therefore reflects the anticipated liquidity schedule for the remaining 95.82% of the Portfolio

30(th) September 2012   54.04%  12.81% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
 31(st) December 2012   77.88%  68.60% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
  31(st) March 2013     83.46%  76.22% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
   30(th) June 2013     89.98%  84.03% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
30(th) September 2013   92.66%  89.74% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
 31(st) December 2013   94.65%  92.39% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
   30(th) June 2014     95.69%  95.22% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
 31(st) December 2014   95.82%  95.73% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 
   30(th) June 2015     95.82%  95.82% 
----------------------  ------  ------ 


(1) The liquidity schedule does not take into account the potential impact of the Company's currency hedging policy. Currency fluctuations may impact materially the actual redemption proceeds available for distribution to Shareholders.

(2) Actual proceeds are expected to be received following the relevant redemption date in accordance with the underlying fund's stated terms, generally within 60 days (with the exception of proceeds held back until the completion of the applicable annual audit), although where liquidity is constrained, receipt might be further delayed. Other factors may affect the Company's ability to redeem its holdings in accordance with the estimated timeframes set out above.

(3) Shareholders should note that receipt of redemption proceeds by the Company will not necessarily result in an immediate return of such proceeds to Shareholders. The Board will determine when redemption proceeds are returned to Shareholders at its sole discretion.

   2.         The Proposals 

In order to implement the Proposals, the Company must take certain steps which require Shareholder approval.

The Proposals comprise:

-- amending the Company's Investment Objective and Policy to commence the Managed Wind-down process; and

-- amending the Articles (i) to permit the compulsory redemption of Shares at the discretion of the Board until the Company's voluntary liquidation; (ii) to permit the Board to suspend conversions between Share classes at its sole discretion at any time during the course of the Managed Wind-down process; and (iii) to permit the Board at its sole discretion to compulsorily convert one class of Shares into the other.

The Proposals set out in the Circular are subject to the approval of Shareholders, and the Circular contains Notices of the Extraordinary General Meeting and each of the Class Meetings at which the Special Resolutions to approve the Proposals will be considered. The Proposals, if approved, will result in Shareholders realising their investment in the Company in an orderly manner via compulsory redemptions of their Shares on a pro rata basis in accordance with the New Articles.

In the event that any of the Special Resolutions proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting and each of the Class Meetings relating to the Proposals is not passed, the Company will continue with its current Investment Policy and Objective and Articles and the Board will give consideration to putting forward alternative proposals for consideration at the annual general meeting of the Company later this year.

   3.      Investment Objective and Policy 

In order for the Company to follow the Managed Wind-down process set out in the Circular, it is necessary to amend the Company's Investment Objective and Policy. If the Proposals are approved the Company's revised Investment Objective and Policy will be as set out below.

"The Company will be managed with the intention of realising all remaining assets in the Portfolio with a view to returning invested capital to the Shareholders in an orderly manner.

Any cash received by the Company as part of the realisation process, but prior to its distribution to Shareholders, will be held by the Company as cash on deposit and/or as cash equivalents.

The Company will not undertake new borrowing."

Shareholders should expect that, under the terms of the Managed Wind-down, the Board and the Manager will be committed to distributing as much of the available cash as soon as reasonably practicable having regard to cost efficiency and working capital requirements. Accordingly, in order to minimise the administrative burden, Shareholders should expect that redemptions will be made regularly but not necessarily as soon as cash becomes available.

   4.      Costs of the Managed Wind-down and Liquidation 

It is anticipated that the costs of the Managed Wind-down will be approximately (GBP)200,000 and the costs of the subsequent voluntary liquidation of the Company are not expected to exceed (GBP)50,000.

   5.      Currency Hedging and Conversion between Share Classes 

Currency hedging

If the Managed Wind-down is approved by Shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Class Meetings, the Board currently expects (subject to suitable hedging contracts, such as currency swap agreements, futures contracts, options and forward currency exchange and other derivative contracts, being available in a timely manner and on acceptable terms) to continue generally to seek to hedge currency exposure against the US Dollar for both Sterling and Euro Classes until approximately 84 per cent. of redemption proceeds have been distributed to Shareholders, at which point the Company's currency hedging programme will be terminated.

Upon termination of the Company's currency hedging programme, holders of Shares will be exposed to exchange rate fluctuations between the US Dollar and the Euro and/or Sterling. When the Board resolves to terminate the Company's currency hedging programme, such decision will be announced by RIS.

Conversion between Share classes

In order to carry out the Managed Wind-down as efficiently as possible, as part of the proposed amendments to the Articles, the Board is seeking approval from Shareholders to permit the suspension of conversions between Share classes. The Board will monitor on an ongoing basis during the course of the Managed Wind-down whether or not it may be appropriate to suspend conversions between Share classes.

Furthermore, as compulsory redemptions of Shares are made, the number of Shares outstanding in respect of each Share class will reduce. This will result in the time and cost incurred to maintain the two Share classes becoming proportionately more expensive. It is therefore proposed to amend the Articles to allow the Directors to compulsorily convert one class of Share into another class of Share, without requiring separate Shareholder approval.

   6.      Compulsory Redemption Mechanism 

Pursuant to the Proposals, subject to the passing of the Special Resolutions, the Company will make compulsory redemptions of Shares of each class in volumes and on dates to be determined at the Directors' sole discretion. Shares of each class will be redeemed from all Shareholders of that class pro rata to their existing holdings of Shares of the relevant class on the relevant record date for any given Redemption Date. The Directors will be authorised to make such redemptions under the New Articles.

Under current UK taxation law and practice, redemptions of Shares will constitute a disposal for the purposes of UK capital gains tax.

When the Directors exercise their discretion to redeem compulsorily a given percentage of the Shares of each class in issue, the Company will make a Redemption Announcement in advance of the relevant Redemption Date. The Redemption Announcement will include the following details:

   --     the aggregate amount to be distributed to Shareholders; 

-- the Relevant Percentage of each class of Shares to be redeemed (pro rata as between the holders of Shares of the relevant class as at the Redemption Record Date);

-- a timetable for the redemption and distribution of redemption proceeds, including the Redemption Date and the Redemption Record Date;

   --     the Redemption Price per Share in respect of each class of Shares; 

-- a new ISIN in respect of each class of Shares which will continue to be listed following the relevant Redemption Date; and

   --     any additional information that the Board deems necessary in connection with the redemption. 

Redemptions of Shares will become effective on each Redemption Date, being a date chosen at the Directors' absolute discretion, as determined by the Directors to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. In determining the timing of any Redemption Date, the Directors will take into account the amount of cash available for payment of redemption proceeds and the costs associated with such redemption. The Shares redeemed will be the Relevant Percentage of the Shares of each class registered in the names of Shareholders on the Redemption Record Date. Shareholders will receive the Redemption Price per Share of the relevant class in respect of each of their Shares redeemed compulsorily.

The Company intends to pay distributions to Shareholders until the NAV of the Company decreases to an amount such that the Directors consider it appropriate to put the Company into voluntary liquidation. The Board will then consider, in the light of the then prevailing market conditions and of Shareholders' views, proposing a resolution for the immediate voluntary liquidation of the Company at that time.


In the case of Shares held in uncertificated form (that is, in CREST), redemptions will take effect automatically on each Redemption Date and redeemed Shares will be cancelled. All Shares of each class in issue will be disabled in CREST on the Redemption Date and the existing ISINs applicable to such classes of Shares (the "Old ISINs") (which, for the first redemption, in respect of the Sterling Shares and Euro Shares are GB00B05PYY10 and GG00B29YCR78 respectively) will expire. A new ISIN (the "New ISINs") in respect of the remaining Shares of each class in issue and which have not been redeemed will be enabled and available for transactions from and including the first Business Day following the relevant Redemption Date (or such other date notified to Shareholders). New ISINs will be notified to Shareholders in the Redemption Announcement. Up to and including the Redemption Date, Shares will be traded under the Old ISINs and, as such, a purchaser of such Shares would have a market claim for a proportion of the redemption proceeds. CREST will automatically transform any open transactions as at the Redemption Date (which is the record date for the purposes of the redemption) into the New ISINs.

In the case of Shares held in certificated form (that is, not in CREST), redemptions will take effect automatically on each Redemption Date. As the Shares will be compulsorily redeemed, certificated Shareholders do not need to return their Share certificates to the Company in order to claim their redemption monies. Shareholders' existing Share certificates will be cancelled and new Share certificates will be issued to each such Shareholder for the balance of their shareholding after each Redemption Date. Cheques will automatically be issued to certificated Shareholders upon the cancellation of any of their Shares. All Shares that are redeemed will be cancelled with effect from the relevant Redemption Date. Accordingly, once redeemed, Shares will be incapable of transfer.

Payments of redemption monies are expected to be effected either through CREST (in the case of Shares held in uncertificated form) or by cheque (in the case of Shares held in certificated form) within 14 Business Days of the relevant Redemption Date, or as soon as practicable thereafter. Shareholders will be paid their redemption proceeds in the currency in which their Shares are denominated or as determined by the Directors.

   7.      New Articles 

It is proposed that the existing Articles be substituted with the New Articles. The adoption of the New Articles will enable the Company to effect the Proposals. The substantive changes contained in the New Articles (i) permit the Directors, at their sole discretion, to compulsorily redeem Shares on an ongoing basis in order to return capital to Shareholders; (ii) permit the Board to suspend the right of conversion between Share classes at its sole discretion at any time during the Managed Wind-down process; and (iii) to permit the Board at its sole discretion to compulsorily convert one class of Share into the other.

A copy of the existing Articles and the New Articles will be available for inspection at the offices of Herbert Smith LLP, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2HS and at the registered office of the Company during normal business hours on any Business Day (Saturdays and public holidays excepted) from the date of the Circular until the conclusion of the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Class Meetings and at the place of the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Class Meetings for at least 15 minutes prior to, and during, the relevant meeting.

   8.      Listing 

The Board intends to maintain the Company's listing for as long as the Directors believe it to be practicable during the Managed Wind-down period, subject to the ability of the Company to continue to comply with its obligations under the Listing Rules (including the obligation to ensure that a sufficient number of its Shares are in public hands).

The Board believes that maintaining the Company's listing is in the best interests of Shareholders for the following reasons:

   --     the listing should allow the Shares to remain eligible for ISAs and SIPPs; 

-- the listing will allow for the maintenance of a daily market price in the Shares, as required by certain Shareholders;

-- maintaining the listing prevents certain Shareholders from breaching their own investment restrictions, for example where they are required to hold listed securities or instruments with daily liquidity; and

-- maintaining the listing allows continued trading, which allows opportunities for secondary market sales prior to the conclusion of the Managed Wind-down.

The cost efficiency of retaining the Company's listing will continue to be monitored and reviewed by the Board on an ongoing basis. The Board may propose a cancellation of the Company's listing before it ceases to comply with the Listing Rules, although any such proposal will be subject to the approval of Shareholders.

The Directors shall immediately notify the FSA and seek suspension of the listing of the Shares pursuant to Listing Rule 5 if the Company can no longer satisfy the continuing obligations for listing set out in the Listing Rules (including if the percentage of Shares of a class held in public hands (as such phrase is used in current Listing Rule 6.1.19(4)R) falls below 25 per cent. of the total number of issued Shares of that class).

   9.      Management and Performance Fees 

Management Fee

The Manager is entitled to a Management Fee of 1 per cent. per annum calculated monthly on the gross assets of the Company. As the investments in the Portfolio are redeemed and cash is returned to Shareholders, the gross assets of the Company will diminish and the amount paid to the Manager will decline proportionately.

Performance Fee

The Manager has agreed that if the Proposals are approved, there will be no accrual of Performance Fees after the NAV date immediately following the Extraordinary General Meeting.

   10.    Termination of Existing Service Contracts 

The Company has agreed with the Manager that notice to terminate the Management Agreement will be deemed to have been given with effect from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting (subject to the passing of the Special Resolutions).

A termination fee with respect to the Management Agreement will only be payable in the event the Management Agreement terminates within twelve months (the stated notice period) following the Extraordinary General Meeting. This fee will be calculated on the same basis as the Management Fee by reference to the NAV of the Company at the date of termination of the Management Agreement, and is therefore likely to be immaterial for the reason stated in Section 9 above.

It is the Company's intention to agree termination of existing contracts with the Company's other service providers without incurring any termination fees.

   11.    NAV Reporting 

During the Managed Wind-down period, the Company intends to continue to publish the NAV per Share of each class on at least a monthly basis in accordance with the provisions of the Prospectus. In addition, the Company expects to continue to publish the estimated weekly NAV per Share of each class.

   12.    Liquidation 

At an appropriate point in the future, subject to the implementation of the Proposals, the Board will propose the appointment of a liquidator which will require a further extraordinary general meeting. The Board's assessment of the correct juncture to propose liquidation will be driven, inter alia, by an assessment of the viability of both Classes of Shares following the principal Managed Wind-down redemption distributions. Following the required extraordinary general meeting at a point in the future to implement a liquidation process, the remaining assets of the Company will be liquidated and returned to Shareholders net of costs.

   13.    Risks Associated with the Proposals 

In considering their decision in relation to the Proposals, Shareholders are referred to the risks set out below.

Shareholders should read the Circular carefully and in its entirety and, if Shareholders are in any doubt about the contents of the Circular or the action Shareholders should take, Shareholders are recommended to seek immediately their own personal financial advice from their stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent financial adviser authorised under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Only those risks which are material and currently known to the Company have been disclosed. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to the Company, or that the Company currently deems to be immaterial, may also have an adverse effect on the Company.

-- The value of the Portfolio may fluctuate and the value of Shareholders' investments in the Company could decline substantially.

-- The Company's assets may not be realised at their reported net asset values, and it is possible that the Company may not be able to realise some of its underlying investments at any value.

-- In a Managed Wind-down, the value of the Portfolio will be reduced and concentrated in fewer holdings. In addition, as the Portfolio is concentrated in fewer holdings, the number of underlying managers in respect of Portfolio assets may be reduced and the Company's exposure to varying management strategies may be limited.

-- Where the Board determines that the Portfolio no longer retains sufficient liquidity for the Manager to be able to maintain a full currency hedging programme, the Board will terminate the Company's current currency hedging arrangements. When this occurs, Shareholders will be exposed to subsequent fluctuations in US Dollar/Sterling/Euro exchange rates.

-- The liquidity profile of the Portfolio is such that Shareholders may have to wait a considerable period of time before receiving all their distributions pursuant to the Managed Wind-down. During that time the Portfolio may not be managed in a balanced manner which may adversely affect its performance.

-- The details of the Company's anticipated liquidity profile during the Managed Wind-down as set out in the Circular are indicative only and should not under any circumstances be considered a prediction, forecast or guarantee of the Company's actual Portfolio liquidity profile or an indication as to the timing of distributions to Shareholders pursuant to the proposed Managed Wind-down of the Portfolio.

-- It should also be noted that there may be other matters or factors which affect the availability, amount or timing of receipt of the proceeds of realisation of some or all of the Company's investments. In particular, ongoing redemptions will decrease the size of the Company's assets, thereby increasing the impact of fixed costs incurred by the Company on the remaining assets. In determining the size of any distributions, the Directors will take into account the Company's ongoing running costs. However, should these costs be greater than expected or should cash receipts for the realisations of investments be less than expected, this will reduce the amount available for Shareholders in future distributions.

-- The maintenance of the Company as an ongoing listed vehicle will entail administrative, legal and listing costs, which will decrease the amount ultimately distributed to Shareholders. The listing of the Shares may at some stage during the Managed Wind-down be suspended and subsequently cancelled, at which point such Shares will no longer be capable of being traded on the London Stock Exchange.

-- Redemptions of Shares will be made at the Directors' sole discretion, as and when they deem that the Company has sufficient assets available to make a redemption. Shareholders will therefore have little certainty as to when their Shares will be redeemed.

   14.       Extraordinary General Meeting and Class Meetings 

The Proposals are subject to Shareholder approval. Notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held at 10.30 a.m. on 7 September 2012 at the offices of Absolute Return Trust Limited at Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QL,is set out at the end of the Circular, together with the Notices of Class Meetings. The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Notices of Class Meetings include the full text of the Special Resolutions.

The Special Resolutions will, if passed, amend the Investment Objective and Policy of the Company in the manner described above and adopt the New Articles.

Pursuant to the Articles, the Proposals are deemed to have the effect of modifying the specific rights attached to the Euro Shares and Sterling Shares. Accordingly, it is necessary to convene further, separate Class Meetings with respect to holders of Euro Shares and Sterling Shares to approve the proposed changes to the Investment Objective and Policy and the proposed amendments to the Articles. The Class Meetings in respect of the Euro Shares and Sterling Shares will be held at the offices of Absolute Return Trust Limited on 7 September 2012 at 10.40 a.m. and 10.50 a.m. respectively (or as soon thereafter as the Extraordinary General Meeting or previous Class Meeting, as applicable, shall have concluded or been adjourned) and the notice convening each of the Class Meetings is set out at the end of the Circular. At the Class Meetings, Special Resolutions will be proposed to approve the changes to the Investment Objective and Policy and to adopt the New Articles. The Special Resolutions will each require the approval of a majority of not less than three quarters of the total voting rights held by the holders of Euro Shares and Sterling Shares (as appropriate) cast at each respective Class Meeting, whether voted by the holders thereof in person or by proxy.

In order to become effective, the Special Resolutions must be approved by the requisite majority of Shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting and holders of the Euro Shares and Sterling Shares at the Class Meetings.

The quorum for the Extraordinary General Meeting will be two persons entitled to vote, each being a Shareholder or proxy for a Shareholder or duly authorised representative of a body corporate. If within half an hour after the time appointed for the Extraordinary General Meeting, a quorum is not present, the Extraordinary General Meeting shall stand adjourned to 10.30 a.m. on 21 September 2012.

The quorum for each of the Class Meetings will be two or more persons holding, or representing by proxy, at least one-third of the voting rights of the issued Shares of the relevant Class, each being a Shareholder or proxy for a Shareholder or duly authorised representative of a body corporate. If within half an hour after the time appointed for the relevant Class Meeting, a quorum is not present, the relevant Class Meeting shall stand adjourned to 10.40 a.m. on 21 September 2012 in the case of the Class Meeting of Euro Shareholders and 10.50 a.m. on 21 September 2012 in the case of the Class Meetings of Sterling Shareholders. At the adjourned Class Meeting, if a quorum of two or more members holding, or representing by proxy, at least one-third of the voting rights of the issued Shares of the relevant Class is not present then one person present holding shares of the relevant Class shall constitute a quorum.


Forms of Proxy

Shareholder will find enclosed with the Circular the Forms of Proxy for use at the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Class Meetings.

Whether or not Shareholders intend to be present at the Extraordinary General Meeting and Class Meetings, Shareholders are asked to complete the Forms of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and to return the Forms of Proxy to Computershare Investor Services (Guernsey) Limited, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol, BS99 6ZY to arrive by the time and date specified on the Forms of Proxy.

The completion and return of the Forms of Proxy will not preclude Shareholders from attending either the Extraordinary General Meeting or the Class Meetings and voting in person if Shareholders wish to do so.

   15.       Recommendation 

The Board considers that the Proposals (comprising changes to the Company's Investment Policy and Objective and the adoption of the New Articles) are in the best interests of the Company and of Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board unanimously recommends Shareholders to vote in favour of the Special Resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting and each of the Class Meetings, as the Directors intend to do in respect of their entire beneficial shareholdings of 612,940 Shares, representing 0.38 per cent. of the total number of issued Shares in the Company.

Expected Timetable

 Latest time and date for receipt           by 10.30 a.m. on 5 September 
  of Forms of Proxy for the Extraordinary                           2012 
  General Meeting* 
 Extraordinary General Meeting                 10.30 a.m. on 7 September 
 Latest time and date for receipt           by 10.40 a.m. on 5 September 
  of Forms of Proxy for the Class                                   2012 
  Meeting of holders of Euro Shares* 
  Class Meeting of holders of Euro             10.40 a.m. on 7 September 
  Shares                                                            2012 
 Latest time and date for receipt           by 10.50 a.m. on 5 September 
  of Forms of Proxy for the Class                                   2012 
  Meeting of holders of Sterling 
  Shares*                                      10.50 a.m. on 7 September 
  Class Meeting of holders of Sterling                              2012 
 Announcement of the result of the                      7 September 2012 
  Extraordinary General Meeting and 
  Class Meetings 

Each of the times and dates in the above expected timetable may be extended or brought forward without further notice. If any of the above times and/or dates change, the revised time(s) and/or date(s) will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a RIS. All references are to London time unless otherwise stated.

* Please note that the latest time for receipt of the Forms of Proxy in respect of the Extraordinary General Meeting and each of the Class Meetings is forty-eight hours prior to the time allotted for the relevant meeting or adjourned meeting.

A copy of the Circular has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. The Circular will also be available on the Company's website.


Peter Vincent 020 7009 9100

Fauchier Partners

Andrew Maiden 01481 74 5638

Northern Trust International Fund

Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited

William Simmonds 020 7134 7361

J.P. Morgan Cazenove

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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