RNS Number : 6293X

Trafford Centre Finance Ld

30 April 2019

LEI: 213800J9WWQVUK5FE223


Regulated Information Classification: Annual Financial and audit reports


In compliance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, The Trafford Centre Finance Limited (the "Company") announces the publication of its Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2018. A copy of this document has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

The Annual Report will also shortly be available for download at intugroup.co.uk

In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the following information is extracted from the Company's Annual Report and in unedited full text.

The directors present their report and the audited financial statements 
 of the company for the year ended 31 December 2018. 
 The company is incorporated and registered in the Cayman Islands 
 (company number 91678). The company's registered office is 190 Elgin 
 Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands KY1-9005. 
The principal activity of the company is the provision of financing 
 to The Trafford Centre Limited, which owns intu Trafford Centre. 
 This is funded by the issue of loan notes. 
The company's results and financial position for the year ended 
 31 December 2018 are set out in full in the income statement, the 
 balance sheet, the statement of changes in equity, the statement 
 of cash flows and the notes to the financial statements. 
 The company receives interest on the provision of financing to The 
 Trafford Centre Limited at rates equal to those paid on its external 
 debt plus additional interest of 0.01% per annum on the average 
 principal loan amount outstanding. Any financing related fees incurred 
 by the company are also charged on to The Trafford Centre Limited. 
The company's financial risk management objectives and policies 
 are set out in note 10 as is the company's exposure to price and 
 liquidity risk. 
The company recorded a profit before taxation of GBP12,000 compared 
 with a profit of GBP50,000 for the previous year. Net assets at 
 31 December 2018 were GBP1,030,000, an increase of GBP12,000 from 
 the 31 December 2017 figure of GBP1,018,000. 
Given the straightforward nature of the business, the company's 
 directors are of the opinion that analysis using KPIs is not necessary 
 for an understanding of the development, performance or position 
 of the business. The directors expect that the present level of 
 activity will continue for the foreseeable future. 
The directors consider the capital of the company to be the ordinary 
 share capital of GBP2 (2017 GBP2). Management of this capital is 
 performed at a group level. 
The directors have assessed the risk that the company is not a going 
 concern and concluded that the going concern assumption is appropriate 
 and prepared the annual report and financial statements on that 
 basis. Further information regarding the adoption of the going concern 
 can be found in note 1 to the financial statements. 
The directors who held office during the year and until the date 
 of this report are given below: 
Raulin Amy 
David Fischel 
Matthew Roberts 
As the company's principal activity is to provide financing to The 
 Trafford Centre Limited, the company's key risks and uncertainties 
 are those faced by The Trafford Centre Limited to the extent that 
 they impact The Trafford Centre Limited's ability to meet its obligations 
 to the company including those related to the terms of the company's 
 borrowings which are secured on the assets of The Trafford Centre 
 Limited. The key risks and uncertainties facing The Trafford Centre 
 Limited and the company are set out below: 
Risk & Impact   Mitigation                                                         Change  2018 commentary 
Macro-economic                                                                       +     Likelihood and impact of 
Weakness in             *    Prime asset                                                    macroeconomic weakness continues 
the                                                                                         to be a risk with continued 
macro-economic                                                                              political uncertainty in 
environment             *    Covenant headroom monitored and stress-tested                  the UK and Brexit arrangements 
could undermine                                                                             not yet detailed, which has 
rental income                                                                               increased investor caution 
levels and              *    Make representation on key policies, for example               resulting in a reduction 
property                     business rates                                                 in property values and lower 
values, reducing                                                                            transaction volumes in the 
return on                                                                                   year 
investment              *    Marketing events to attract footfall 
and covenant                                                                                 *    Valuation continues to support LTV headroom 
                        *    Use our respected brand to attract and retain 
                             aspirational retailers                                          *    Tenant administrations at relatively low levels 
                        *    Review and update of Brexit risk review 
                  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
Retail                                                                               +           Due to continued macroeconomic 
environment         *    Active management of tenant mix                                         uncertainty, the likelihood 
Failure to react                                                                                 and impact of changes to 
to changes in                                                                                    the retail environment resulting 
the retail          *    Regular monitoring of tenant strength and diversity                     in potential tenant failures 
environment                                                                                      continues to increase. intu 
could undermine                                                                                  monitored this closely in 
intu Trafford       *    'Tell intu' customer feedback programme helps                           2018 with intu's strategy 
Centre's ability         identify changes in customer preferences                                continuing to deliver solid 
to attract                                                                                       footfall numbers and occupancy 
and tenants         *    Work closely with retailers                                              *    Increased level of administrations and retailer CVAs 
                    *    Digital strategy that embraces technology and digital                    *    Continuing digital investment to improve relevance as 
                         customer engagement. This enables intu to engage in                           shopping habits change 
                         and support multichannel retailing, and to take the 
                         opportunities offered by ecommerce 
                                                                                                  *    Occupancy remains strong at 98 per cent 
                    *    Contingency plans for potential future vacant units 
                                                                                                  *    Footfall growth continues to beat the benchmark 
                  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk & Impact   Mitigation                                                           Change  2018 commentary 
Health and                                                                             =          Likelihood of potential impact 
safety                   *    Strong business process and procedures, including                   has not changed significantly 
Accidents or                  compliance with OHSAS 18001, supported by regular                   during 2018 
system failure                training and exercises                                               *    Retained OHSAS 18001, demonstrating consistent health 
leading to                                                                                              and safety management process and procedures 
and/or                   *    Annual audits of operational standards carried out 
reputational                  internally and by external consultants                               *    Gold award from RoSPA 
                         *    Crisis management and business continuity plans in                   *    Full review undertaken of each centre's fire strategy 
                              place and tested                                                          and building specifications post-Grenfell and 
                                                                                                        Liverpool Echo Arena has provided appropriate 
                         *    Culture of visitor, staff and contractor safety 
                         *    Retailer liaison and briefings 
                         *    Appropriate levels of insurance 
                         *    Staff succession-planning and development in place to 
                              ensure continued delivery of world class service 
                         *    Health and safety managers or coordinators in centre 
                         *    Implementation of new risk mitigators such as acid 
                              attack response kits in centre 
                  -----------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
Cyber-security                                                                         =     Likelihood continues to rely 
Loss of data        *    Data and cyber security strategies                                   on operational and third 
and information                                                                               party systems and data. Severity 
or failure of                                                                                 of potential impact managed 
key systems         *    Regular testing programme and cyber scenario exercise                through continued development 
resulting in             and benchmarking                                                     of tools and controls. Hacking 
financial and/or                                                                              attempts have not resulted 
reputational                                                                                  in data loss or major operational 
loss                *    Appropriate levels of insurance                                      impacts 
                                                                                               *    Ongoing intu-wide cyber security project with 
                    *    Crisis management and business continuity plans in                         investment in tools, consultancy and staff to 
                         place and tested                                                           mitigate impact of threats from evolving 
                                                                                                    cybersecurity andscape 
                    *    Data committee and data protection officer in place 
                                                                                               *    Implemented updated GDPR policies and procedures 
                    *    Internal and external assessment of GDPR compliance 
                    *    Monitoring of regulatory environment and best 
                    *    Cybersecurity assessment performed by external 
                         consultancy and full action plan in place 
                    *    Managing of supply chain and service providers who 
                         hold intu data 
                  -----------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk &      Mitigation                                                        Change  2018 commentary 
Terrorism                                                                       =           Overall likelihood and severity 
Terrorist        *    Strong business processes and procedures, supported                   of potential impact unchanged. 
incident              by regular training and exercises, designed to adapt                  The NaCTSO and the intelligence 
at intu               and respond to changes in risk levels                                 community continue to be as 
Trafford                                                                                    busy as ever in protecting 
Centre or                                                                                   the UK from terror attacks 
another          *    Trained security staff who are alert and vigilant                     and 2018 has seen a continuation 
major                                                                                       of terror attacks in mainland 
shopping                                                                                    Europe. The intu Group Head 
centre           *    Extraordinary pre-planned operational responses to                    of Security is a member of 
resulting             changes in national threat level                                      the Crowded Places Information 
in loss of                                                                                  Exchange. This group meets 
consumer                                                                                    quarterly and ensures that 
confidence       *    Annual audits of operational standards carried out                    intu is abreast of all the 
with                  internally and by external agencies                                   current threats and work undertaken 
consequent                                                                                  by the Counter Terrorism Policing 
impact                                                                                      teams in the UK 
on               *    Culture of visitor and staff safety 
lettings                                                                                     *    National threat level remains at Severe 
and rental 
growth           *    Crisis management and business continuity plans in 
                      place and tested with involvement of multiple                          *    Major scenario exercise held at intu Trafford Centre 
                      external agencies                                                           with involvement of multiple external agencies 
                 *    Retailer liaison and briefings                                         *    Operating procedures in place for the introduction of 
                                                                                                  further security measures if required 
                 *    Appropriate levels of insurance 
                 *    Strong relationships and frequent liaison with police, 
                      NaCTSO, CPNI and other agencies 
                 *    NaCTSO approved to train staff in counter-terrorism 
                      awareness programme 
            ----------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
            Change in level of 
             + increased 
             = remained the same 
      The directors are responsible for preparing the company financial 
       statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
       Standards ("IFRSs") as adopted by the European Union for to assist 
       the directors to discharge their obligations under section 4 of 
       the Disclosure and Transparency rules (the 'DTR') issued by the 
       United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority and to enable the company 
       to comply with its obligations under various agreements known as 
       'The Trafford Centre Securitisation Agreements'. 
       The directors must not approve the financial statements unless they 
       are satisfied that the financial statements give a true and fair 
       view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or 
       loss of the company for that period. In preparing the financial 
       statements, the directors are responsible for: 
        *    selecting suitable accounting policies and then 
             applying them consistently; 
        *    stating whether applicable IFRSs as adopted by the 
             European Union have been followed, subject to any 
             material departures disclosed and explained in the 
             financial statements; 
        *    making judgements and accounting estimates that are 
             reasonable and prudent; and 
        *    preparing the financial statements on the going 
             concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume 
             that the company will continue in business. 
       The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
       that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions 
       and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial 
       position of the company. 
       The directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of 
       the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention 
       and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
So far as each person who was a director at the date of approving 
 this report is aware, there is no relevant audit information of 
 which the company's auditor is unaware. Additionally, the directors 
 individually have taken all the necessary steps that they ought 
 to have taken as directors in order to make themselves aware of 
 all relevant audit information and to establish that the company's 
 auditor is aware of that information. 
As previously announced by intu properties plc group, it is proposed 
 that Deloitte LLP will succeed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the 
 auditor of the group including subsidiaries for the financial year 
 commencing 1 January 2019. 
On behalf of the Board 
David Fischel 
24 April 2019 
      In our opinion, The Trafford Centre Finance Limited's financial statements: 
        *    give a true and fair view of the state of the 
             company's affairs as at 31 December 2018 and of its 
             profit and cash flows for the year then ended; and 
        *    have been properly prepared in accordance with 
             International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) 
             as adopted by the European Union. 
       We have audited the financial statements, included within the Report 
       and Financial Statements (the "Annual Report"), which comprise: the 
       balance sheet as at 31 December 2018; the income statement and statement 
       of comprehensive income, the statement of cash flows and the statement 
       of changes in equity for the year then ended; and the notes to the 
       financial statements, which include a description of the significant 
       accounting policies. 
Basis for opinion 
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards 
 on Auditing (UK) ("ISAs (UK)") and applicable law. Our responsibilities 
 under ISAs (UK) are further described in the Auditors' responsibilities 
 for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. 
 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient 
 and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. 
 We remained independent of the company in accordance with the ethical 
 requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements 
 in the UK, which includes the FRC's Ethical Standard, as applicable 
 to listed public interest entities, and we have fulfilled our other 
 ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. 
Our audit approach 
The scope of our audit 
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed 
 the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements. In 
 particular, we looked at where the directors made subjective judgements, 
 for example in respect of significant accounting estimates that involved 
 making assumptions and considering future events that are inherently 
 uncertain. As in all our audits we also addressed the risk of management 
 override of controls, including evaluating whether there was evidence 
 of bias by the directors that represented a risk of material misstatement 
 due to fraud. 
 We gained an understanding of the legal and regulatory framework 
 applicable to the company and the industry in which it operates, 
 and considered the risk of acts by the company which were contrary 
 to applicable laws and regulations, including fraud. We designed 
 audit procedures to respond to the risk, recognising that the risk 
 of not detecting a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than 
 the risk of not detecting one resulting from error, as fraud may 
 involve deliberate concealment by, for example, forgery or intentional 
 misrepresentations, or through collusion. We focused on laws and 
 regulations that could give rise to a material misstatement in the 
 company's financial statements, including, but not limited to, the 
 Disclosure and Transparency rules. Our tests included, but were not 
 limited to, review of financial statement disclosures to underlying 
 supporting documentation and enquires of management. There are inherent 
 limitations in the audit procedures described above and the further 
 removed non-compliance with laws and regulations is from the events 
 and transactions reflected in the financial statements, the less 
 likely we would become aware of it. 
 We did not identify any key audit matters relating to irregularities, 
 including fraud. As in all of our audits we also addressed the risk 
 of management override of internal controls, including testing journals 
 and evaluating whether there was evidence of bias by the directors 
 that represented a risk of material misstatement due to fraud. 
Key audit matters 
Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditors' professional 
 judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial 
 statements of the current period and include the most significant 
 assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) 
 identified by the auditors, including those which had the greatest 
 effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources 
 in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team. These 
 matters, and any comments we make on the results of our procedures 
 thereon, were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial 
 statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we 
 do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. This is not a 
 complete list of all risks identified by our audit. 
Key audit matter                             How our audit addressed the key audit 
 Recoverability of amounts owed by The        We have considered the key risks and 
 Trafford Centre Limited                      uncertainties faced by The Trafford Centre 
 The principal activity of the company is     Limited. We 
 the provision of financing to The Trafford   have performed audit procedures over the 
 Centre                                       financial statements of The Trafford Centre 
 Limited. Its borrowings are secured on the   Limited 
 assets of The Trafford Centre (being intu    and concluded that these give a true and 
 Trafford                                     fair view of the company's affairs in our 
 Centre shopping centre). Amounts owed by     audit opinion 
 The Trafford Centre Limited represent back   dated 25 April 2019. As part of our audit 
 to back                                      procedures, we have considered whether the 
 arrangements between the companies, with     going 
 the same terms as The Trafford Centre        concern assumption and the company's net 
 Limited's external                           assets are supportable. 
 debt. The Trafford Centre Finance Limited 
 is therefore wholly reliant on The Trafford 
 Limited's ability to meet its obligations 
 to it, in order to be able to meet the 
 terms of 
 its own borrowing arrangements. The 
 recoverability of amounts owed by The 
 Trafford Centre 
 Limited is therefore a key audit matter. 
How we tailored the audit scope 
We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed enough 
 work to be able to give an opinion on the financial statements as 
 a whole, taking into account the structure of the company, the accounting 
 processes and controls, and the industry in which it operates. 
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. 
 We set certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together 
 with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope 
 of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures 
 on the individual financial statement line items and disclosures 
 and in evaluating the effect of misstatements, both individually 
 and in aggregate on the financial statements as a whole. 
 Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for 
 the financial statements as a whole as follows: 
Overall materiality               8,385,790 (2017: 8,719,172). 
 How we determined it              1% of total assets. 
 Rationale for benchmark applied   The principal activity of the company is the provision 
                                   of financing to The Trafford Centre 
                                   Limited. External debt and the company's ability to 
                                   meet it's obligations relating to this 
                                   financing are therefore the primary focus for users of 
                                   the financial statements. The company 
                                   has entered into back to back financing arrangements 
                                   with The Trafford Centre Limited, which 
                                   owns intu Trafford Centre (the asset on which The 
                                   Trafford Centre Finance Limited's debt is 
                                   secured). As such total assets approximate to total 
                                   liabilities and are considered to be an 
                                   appropriate benchmark on which to calculate 
We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report to them misstatements 
 identified during our audit above 838,579 (2017: 871,917) as well 
 as misstatements below that amount that, in our view, warranted reporting 
 for qualitative reasons. 
Conclusions relating to going concern 
      ISAs (UK) require us to report to you when: 
        *    the directors' use of the going concern basis of 
             accounting in the preparation of the financial 
             statements is not appropriate; or 
        *    the directors have not disclosed in the financial 
             statements any identified material uncertainties that 
             may cast significant doubt about the company's 
             ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis 
             of accounting for a period of at least twelve months 
             from the date when the financial statements are 
             authorised for issue. 
       We have nothing to report in respect of the above matters. 
       However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted, 
       this statement is not a guarantee as to the company's ability to continue 
       as a going concern. For example, the terms on which the United Kingdom 
       may withdraw from the European Union are not clear, and it is difficult 
       to evaluate all of the potential implications on the company's trade, 
       customers, suppliers and the wider economy. 
Reporting on other information 
The other information comprises all of the information in the Annual 
 Report other than the financial statements and our auditors' report 
 thereon. The directors are responsible for the other information. 
 Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information 
 and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or any form of 
 assurance thereon. 
 In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility 
 is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether 
 the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial 
 statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears 
 to be materially misstated. If we identify an apparent material inconsistency 
 or material misstatement, we are required to perform procedures to 
 conclude whether there is a material misstatement of the financial 
 statements or a material misstatement of the other information. If, 
 based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material 
 misstatement of this other information, we are required to report 
 that fact. We have nothing to report based on these responsibilities. 
Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit 
Responsibilities of the directors for the financial statements 
As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
 set out on page 4, the directors are responsible for the preparation 
 of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable framework 
 and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. The 
 directors are also responsible for such internal control as they 
 determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements 
 that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or 
 In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible 
 for assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern, 
 disclosing as applicable, matters related to going concern and using 
 the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either 
 intend to liquidate the company or to cease operations, or have no 
 realistic alternative but to do so. 
Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements 
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the 
 financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, 
 whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors' report that 
 includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, 
 but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with 
 ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. 
 Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material 
 if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected 
 to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of 
 these financial statements. 
 A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the 
 financial statements is located on the FRC's website at: www.frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities. 
 This description forms part of our auditors' report. 
Use of this report 
This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for and only 
 for the company's directors as a body for to assist the directors 
 to discharge their obligations under section 4 of the Disclosure 
 and Transparency rules (the 'DTR') issued by the United Kingdom's 
 Financial Conduct Authority and to enable the company to comply with 
 its obligations under various agreements known as 'The Trafford Centre 
 Securitisation Agreements' in accordance with our engagement letter 
 dated 8 April 2019 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving 
 this opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose 
 or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose 
 hands it may come, including without limitation under any contractual 
 obligations of the company, save where expressly agreed by our prior 
 consent in writing. 
 Partner responsible for the audit 
The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent 
 auditors' report is Mark Pugh. 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
Chartered Accountants 
25 April 2019 
                                                         2018                  2017 
                                     Notes             GBP000                GBP000 
Administrative expenses                                  (33)                    (31) 
Operating loss                         3                 (33)                    (31) 
Finance costs                          4             (46,001)                (48,559) 
Finance income                                         46,046                48,640 
Change in fair value of derivative 
 financial instruments                 4                    -                     - 
Profit before taxation                                     12                    50 
Taxation                               5                    -                     - 
Profit for the year                                        12                    50 
Other than the items in the income statement above, there are no 
 other items of comprehensive income and accordingly, a separate 
 statement of comprehensive income has not been prepared. 
                                                           2018                   2017 
                                   Notes                 GBP000                 GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Derivative financial instruments     6                   94,412                103,256 
Trade and other receivables          7                  688,012                733,551 
                                                        782,424                836,807 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables          7                   54,129                 33,032 
Derivative financial instruments     6                    1,481                  1,611 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   545                    467 
                                                         56,155                 35,110 
Total assets                                            838,579                871,917 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables             8                  (7,992)                 (10,238) 
Borrowings                           9                 (45,652)                 (22,243) 
Derivative financial instruments     6                  (1,481)                  (1,611) 
                                                       (55,125)                 (34,092) 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                           9                (688,012)                (733,551) 
Derivative financial instruments     6                 (94,412)                (103,256) 
                                                      (782,424)                (836,807) 
Total liabilities                                     (837,549)                (870,899) 
Net assets                                                1,030                  1,018 
Share capital                       11                        -                      - 
Other reserves                                              113                    113 
Retained earnings                                           917                    905 
Total equity                                              1,030                  1,018 
The notes on pages 14 to 26 form part of these financial statements 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of directors 
 and authorised for issue on 24 April 2019 and were signed on its 
 behalf by: 
David Fischel 
Matthew Roberts 
                                           Share capital    Other reserves     Retained    Total equity 
                                 Notes            GBP000            GBP000       GBP000          GBP000 
Balance at 1 January 2017                              -                 -          855             855 
Profit for the year                                    -                 -           50              50 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the year                                              -                 -           50              50 
Capital injection from parent                          -               113            -             113 
Balance at 31 December 2017                            -               113          905           1,018 
Balance at 1 January 2018                              -               113          905           1,018 
Profit for the year                                    -                 -           12              12 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the year                                              -                 -           12              12 
Balance at 31 December 2018                            -               113          917           1,030 
                                                           2018                  2017 
                                    Notes                GBP000                GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash generated from/(used 
 in) operations                      12                       8                 (1,715) 
Interest paid                                          (45,361)                (47,731) 
Interest received                                        45,431                49,414 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
 from operating activities                                   78                    (32) 
Investing activities 
Amounts owed by group undertaking 
 received                                                23,179                15,069 
Net cash generated from 
 investing activities                                    23,179                15,069 
Financing activities 
Borrowings repaid                                      (23,179)                (15,069) 
Capital injection from parent                                 -                   113 
Net cash used in financing 
 activities                                            (23,179)                (14,956) 
Net increase in cash and 
 cash equivalents                                            78                    81 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at beginning of year                                       467                   386 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at end of year                                             545                   467 
1  Principal accounting policies 
   Purpose of financial statements 
   The financial statements have been prepared to assist the directors 
    to discharge their obligations under section 4 of the Disclosure 
    and Transparency rules (the 'DTR') issued by the United Kingdom's 
    Financial Conduct Authority and to enable to company to comply 
    with its obligations under various agreements relating to the 
    issue, management, and amortisation of bond issues of various 
    notes issued in February 2000, June 2005, January 2006 and March 
    2014 where collectively such agreements are known as "The Trafford 
    Centre Securitisation Agreements". They have not been prepared 
    for the purpose of compliance with the requirements of the Companies 
    Act 2006 and are therefore not statutory financial statements. 
   Basis of preparation 
   The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
    International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted 
    for use in the European Union and interpretations issued by the 
    International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee. 
   The financial statements have been prepared under the historical 
    cost convention as modified by the revaluation of certain financial 
    assets and liabilities. A summary of the accounting policies is 
    set out below. 
   In assessing whether the going concern basis of preparation is 
    appropriate to adopt, the directors considered a number of factors 
    including financial projections of the company and the level of 
    financial support that may be made available to the company by 
    its ultimate parent, intu properties plc. In addition investment 
    property held by The Trafford Centre Limited, a fellow subsidiary 
    of intu properties plc, acts as security for the financial instruments 
    held in The Trafford Centre Finance Limited. The ability of the 
    company to meet its obligations of these financial instruments 
    is dependent upon the performance of The Trafford Centre Limited 
    and its ability to meet its obligations to the company. In concluding 
    that the going concern basis is appropriate the directors have 
    considered the net rental income forecasts of The Trafford Centre 
    Limited. Based on this review the directors have concluded that 
    there is a reasonable expectation that the company will have sufficient 
    resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
    future and therefore the prepare the financial statements on a 
    going concern basis. 
   This is the company's first set of annual financial statements 
    where IFRS 9 Financial Instruments has been applied. This standard 
    applies to classification and measurement of financial assets 
    and financial liabilities, impairment provisioning and hedge accounting. 
    The adoption of this standard has not had a material impact on 
    the financial statements. 
  Estimates and assumptions 
  The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally 
   accepted accounting principles requires management to make judgements 
   and use estimates that affect the reported amounts of assets and 
   liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported 
   amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Although 
   these judgements and estimates are based on management's best 
   knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately 
   may differ from those estimates. 
  Interest income and expense 
  Interest income and expense is accrued on a time basis, by reference 
   to the principal outstanding and the effective interest rate. 
  Borrowings are recognised initially at their net proceeds on issue 
   and subsequently carried at amortised cost. Any transaction costs 
   and premiums or discounts are recognised over the contractual 
   life using the effective interest rate method. 
   In the event of early repayment, all unamortised transaction costs 
   are recognised immediately in the income statement. 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
  Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, deposits with 
   banks, whether restricted or unrestricted and other short-term 
   liquid investments with original maturities of three months or 
  Trade receivables 
  Trade receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently 
   measured at amortised cost. 
   When applying a loss allowance, the Directors exercise judgement 
   as to the collectibility of trade receivables and determine if 
   it is appropriate to impair these assets. Factors such as days 
   past due, credit status of the counterparty and historical evidence 
   of collection are considered. 
   As trade receivables are financial assets within the scope of 
   IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, the company applies the expected 
   credit loss model. 
  Trade payables 
  Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently 
   measured at amortised cost. 
  The company uses derivative financial instruments to manage exposure 
   to interest rate risk. They are initially recognised on the trade 
   date at fair value and subsequently re-measured at fair value. 
   In assessing fair value the company uses its judgement to select 
   suitable valuation techniques and make assumptions which are mainly 
   based on market conditions existing at the balance sheet date. 
   The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated by discounting 
   estimated future cash flows based on the terms and maturity of 
   each contract and using market interest rates for similar instruments 
   at the measurement date. These values are tested for reasonableness 
   based upon broker or counterparty quotes. 
   Amounts paid under derivative financial instruments (currently 
   for the company this relates to interest rate swaps), both on 
   obligations as they fall due and on early settlement are recognised 
   in the income statement as finance costs. Fair value movements 
   on revaluation of derivative financial instruments are shown in 
   the income statement through changes in fair value of financial 
   The company does not currently apply hedge accounting to its interest 
   rate swaps. 
   Current tax is the amount payable on the taxable income for the 
    year and any adjustment in respect of prior years. It is calculated 
    using rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by 
    the balance sheet date. 
   Deferred tax 
   Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method 
    in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts 
    of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet and their tax bases. 
    Temporary differences are not provided on the initial recognition 
    of assets or liabilities that affect neither accounting nor taxable 
    profit, and differences relating to investments in subsidiaries 
    to the extent that they will not reverse in the foreseeable future. 
    Deferred tax is determined using tax rates that have been enacted 
    or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected 
    to apply when the related deferred tax asset is realised or the 
    deferred tax liability is settled. 
    Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that management 
    believe it is probable that future taxable profit will be available 
    against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred 
    tax assets and liabilities are offset only when they relate to 
    taxes levied by the same authority and the group intends to settle 
    them on a net basis. 
   Tax is included in the income statement except when it related 
    to items recognised directly in other comprehensive income or 
    equity, in which case the related tax is also recognised directly 
    in other comprehensive income or equity. 
   Current/non-current classification 
   Current assets include assets held primarily for trading purposes, 
    cash and cash equivalents, and assets expected to be realised 
    in, or intended for sale or consumption in, the course of the 
    company's operating cycle. All other assets are classified as 
    non-current assets. 
    Current liabilities include liabilities held primarily for trading 
    purposes, liabilities expected to be settled in the course of 
    the company's operating cycle and those liabilities due within 
    one year from the reporting date. All other liabilities are classified 
    as non-current liabilities. 
   Share capital 
   Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly 
    attributable to the issue of new ordinary shares are shown in 
    equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. 
2  Operating segments 
   Management have not identified separate operating segments and 
    rely on information presented in the primary statements for decision 
    making purposes. 
3    Operating loss 
     The operating loss for the year ended 31 December 2018 of GBP33,000 
      (2017 operating loss of GBP31,000) includes fees in respect of 
      auditors' remuneration of GBP5,163 (2017 GBP4,917) in respect 
      of the audit of the financial statements. Non-audit services of 
      GBP4,634 for a half year review were provided during the year 
      (2017 GBP4,456). 
      The directors did not receive or waive any emoluments (2017 GBPnil) 
      in respect of their services to the company. 
     There were no employees during the year (2017 none). 
4    Net finance income 
                                                                       2018        2017 
                                                                     GBP000      GBP000 
     Finance income 
 On amounts due from group undertaking                               46,046      48,640 
     Finance costs 
 On borrowings                                                     (45,986)      (48,557) 
 Other interest                                                        (15)           (2) 
                                                                   (46,001)      (48,559) 
     Change in fair value of financial instruments 
 On external derivative financial instruments                         8,844       (5,139) 
 On derivative financial instruments with The 
  Trafford Centre Limited                                           (8,844)       5,139 
                                                                          -           - 
5    Taxation 
     The company is subject to UK corporation tax on its profits. 
      The tax expense for the year is lower than (2017 lower than) 
      the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK. The differences 
      are explained below: 
                                                                       2018        2017 
                                                                     GBP000      GBP000 
 Profit before tax                                                       12          50 
 Profit before tax multiplied by the standard 
  rate of tax in the UK of 19% (2017 19.25%)                              2          10 
 Utilisation of tax losses not previously recognised                    (1)           - 
 Group relief (without payment)                                         (1)          (10) 
 Tax expense                                                              -           - 
     The company has tax losses arising in the UK of GBP2,557,000 
      (2017 GBP2,583,000) that are available for offset against future 
      taxable profits. No deferred tax asset is recognised in respect 
      of these losses due to uncertainty over the level of taxable 
      profits against which these losses can be used in future periods. 
6    Derivative financial instruments 
     All derivative financial instrument liabilities relate to interest 
      rate swaps with an external counterparty which are classified 
      as held for trading. All derivative financial instrument assets 
      relate to interest rate swap arrangements with The Trafford Centre 
      Limited under the same terms as the interest rate swaps with the 
7    Trade and other receivables 
                                                       Current                 Non-current 
                                                      2018        2017       2018          2017 
                                                    GBP000      GBP000     GBP000        GBP000 
 Amounts owed by group undertaking                  46,525      23,179    697,838       744,363 
 Less: finance costs                                 (873)       (936)    (9,826)      (10,812) 
 Net loan amount                                    45,652      22,243    688,012       733,551 
 Accrued income and other amounts 
  due from group undertaking                         8,094      10,402          -             - 
 Prepayments                                           373         387          -             - 
 VAT recoverable                                        10           -          -             - 
                                                    54,129      33,032    688,012       733,551 
 The amounts owed by group undertaking relate to an intercompany 
  loan with The Trafford Centre Limited where the company's borrowings 
  with external parties are passed to The Trafford Centre Limited. 
  The amounts owed are unsecured and the repayment profile matches 
  the maturity profile of the company's borrowings as The Trafford 
  Centre Limited is required to provide funds to the company in order 
  for it to meet its external funds obligations. The recoverability 
  of these balances has been reviewed and as a result no allowance 
  for doubtful debts is considered to be required. There have been 
  no impairments on receivables or amounts written off in the year. 
  Interest is due on the intercompany loans at rates equal to those 
  paid on the external debt plus additional interest of 0.01% per 
  annum on the average principal loan amount outstanding. Interest 
  is also due to cover any fees and costs incurred by the company. 
8    Trade and other payables 
                                                             2018         2017 
                                                           GBP000       GBP000 
 Amounts owed to group undertakings                             6        1,690 
 Accruals                                                   7,986        8,403 
 Other payables                                                 -          145 
                                                            7,992       10,238 
 Amounts owed to group undertakings are unsecured and repayable 
  on demand. No interest is charged on these amounts. 
9    Borrowings 
                       Interest     Final    Carrying       Fair    Carrying         Fair 
                           rate  maturity       value      value       value        value 
                                                 2018       2018        2017         2017 
                                               GBP000     GBP000      GBP000       GBP000 
     Current secured notes 
 A2                       6.50%      2023      12,376     15,232      11,619       14,667 
 A4                       2.88%      2019      20,000     20,075           -            - 
 B                        7.03%      2029       4,764      5,435       4,450        5,213 
 D2                       8.28%      2022       9,385     10,440       7,110        8,174 
 Debt falling due within one 
  year                                         46,525     51,182      23,179       28,054 
 Less: finance costs                            (873)          -       (936)            - 
 Net loan amount                               45,652     51,182      22,243       28,054 
     Non-current secured notes 
 A2                       6.50%      2033     274,163    364,669     286,538      393,114 
 A3                    Floating      2035     188,500    163,695     188,500      172,809 
 A4                       2.88%      2019           -          -      20,000       20,404 
 B                        7.03%      2029      62,617     77,015      67,381       85,892 
 B2                    Floating      2035      20,000     17,475      20,000       18,250 
 B3                       4.25%      2024      20,000     21,343      20,000       21,698 
 D1(N)                 Floating      2035      29,054     20,690      29,054       21,075 
 D2                       8.28%      2022      33,504     37,190      42,890       49,480 
 D3                       4.75%      2024      70,000     75,523      70,000       76,910 
 Debt falling due after one 
  year                                        697,838    777,600     744,363      859,632 
 Less: finance costs                          (9,826)          -    (10,812)            - 
 Net loan amount                              688,012    777,600     733,551      859,632 
 Total borrowings                             733,664    828,782     755,794      887,686 
                                                                        2018         2017 
                                                                      GBP000       GBP000 
 Repayable within one year                                            46,525       23,179 
 Repayable in more than one year but not more 
  than two years                                                      28,693       46,525 
 Repayable in more than two years but not more 
  than five years                                                     87,163       92,061 
 Repayable in more than five years                                   581,982      605,077 
                                                                     744,363      766,842 
    The secured notes have the benefit of a floating charge over 
     all of the assets and undertakings of the company and in addition 
     are secured against The Trafford Centre Securitisation Agreements 
     together with the benefit of a fixed legal charge over the land 
     and buildings comprising The Trafford Centre granted by The Trafford 
     Centre Limited, a fellow subsidiary undertaking of Intu Trafford 
     Centre Group (UK) Limited and owner of intu Trafford Centre. 
     Interest on the Class A3, Class B2 and Class D1(N) secured notes 
     whose rates are based on LIBOR plus an applicable margin has 
     been hedged under interest rate swap contracts totalling GBP237,554,000 
     (2017 GBP237,554,000) with rates of 4.20%, 4.34% and 4.66%. The 
     fair value of these interest rate swaps at 2018 was a liability 
     of GBP95,893,000 (2017 GBP104,867,000). 
10  Financial risk management 
    The company is exposed to a variety of risks arising from the 
     company's operations being principally market risk (including 
     interest rate risk and market price risk) and liquidity risk. 
     The majority of the company's financial risk management is carried 
     out by intu properties plc's treasury department and the group's 
     policies for managing each of these risks as they apply to the 
     company and the principal effects of these policies on the results 
     for the year are summarised below. Further details of intu properties 
     plc's financial risk management are disclosed in the group's publicly 
     available financial statements. 
    Market risk 
    Interest rate risk 
    Interest rate risk comprises of both cash flow and fair value 
     risks. Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that the future 
     cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes 
     in market interest rates. Fair value interest rate risk is the 
     risk that the fair value of financial instruments will fluctuate 
     as a result of changes in market interest rates. 
    The company's interest rate risk arises from borrowings issued 
     at variable rates that expose the company to cash flow interest 
     rate risk, whereas borrowings issued at fixed interest rates expose 
     the company to fair value interest rate risk. 
     Bank debt is typically issued at floating rates linked to LIBOR. 
     Bond debt and other capital market debt are generally issued at 
     fixed rates. 
    It is the intu properties plc group's policy, and often a requirement 
     of the group's lenders, to eliminate substantially all short and 
     medium-term exposure to interest rate fluctuations in order to 
     establish certainty over medium-term cash flows by using floating 
     to fixed interest rate swaps. Such swaps have the economic effect 
     of converting borrowings from floating to fixed rates. As a consequence, 
     the company is exposed to market price risk in respect of the 
     fair value of its fixed rate interest rate swaps. 
    The table below shows the effect of interest rate swaps on the 
     borrowings profile of the company: 
                                                Fixed       Floating          Fixed     Floating 
                                                 2018           2018           2017         2017 
                                               GBP000         GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
 Borrowings                                   506,809        237,554        529,987      237,555 
 Interest rate swap impact                    237,554      (237,554)        237,555       (237,555) 
 Net borrowings profile                       744,363              -        767,542            - 
 Interest rate protection on floating 
  debt                                                          100%                        100% 
     The weighted average rate of interest rates contracted through 
      interest rate swaps is 4.4 per cent (2017 4.4 per cent). 
      The approximate impact of a 50 basis point increase in the level 
      of interest rates would be to reduce the liability by GBP20,882,000 
      (2017 GBP22,628,000) in the fair value of derivatives. The approximate 
      impact of a 50 basis point decrease in the level of interest rates 
      would be to increase the liability by GBP20,882,000 (2017 GBP22,628,000) 
      in the fair value of derivatives. In practice, a parallel shift 
      in the yield curve is highly unlikely. However, the above sensitivity 
      analysis is a reasonable illustration of the possible effect from 
      the changes in slope and shifts in the yield curve hat may occur. 
      Due to offsetting loans and derivative contracts with The Trafford 
      Centre Limited the impact of interest rate movements on the company 
      is minimal as the cash flows from the assets and liabilities will 
      be symmetrical. 
     Liquidity risk 
     Liquidity risk is managed to ensure that the company is able to 
      meet future payment obligations when financial liabilities fall 
      due. Liquidity analysis is conducted to ensure that sufficient 
      headroom is available to meet the operational requirements and 
      committed investments. The group treasury policy aims to meet 
      this objective through maintaining adequate cash, marketable securities 
      and committed facilities to meet these requirements. The group's 
      policy is to seek to optimise its exposure to liquidity risk by 
      balancing its exposure to interest rate risk and to refinancing 
      risk. In effect the group seeks to borrow for as long as possible 
      at the lowest acceptable cost. 
     The tables below set out the maturity analysis of the company's 
      financial liabilities based on the undiscounted contractual obligations 
      to make payments of interest and to repay principal. Where interest 
      payment obligations are based on a floating rate the rates used 
      are those implied by the par yield curve. 
                           Within 1     1-2 years      3-5 years   Over 5 years            Total 
                            year or 
                          on demand 
                             GBP000        GBP000         GBP000         GBP000           GBP000 
     At 31 December 2018 
 Borrowings (including 
  interest)                (81,534)      (61,859)      (175,134)      (728,692)         (1,047,219) 
 Amounts owed to group 
  undertakings                  (6)             -              -              -                 (6) 
 Derivative payments       (10,486)      (10,515)       (31,575)      (113,633)           (166,209) 
 Derivative receipts          2,231         2,645          9,439         39,661           53,976 
                           (89,795)      (69,729)      (197,270)      (802,664)         (1,159,458) 
     At 31 December 
 Borrowings (including 
  interest)                (59,359)        (81,191)       (185,089)    (780,054)       (1,105,693) 
 Amounts owed to group 
  undertakings              (1,690)               -               -            -           (1,690) 
 Derivative payments       (10,486)        (10,486)        (31,544)    (124,178)         (176,694) 
 Derivative receipts          1,319           1,888           8,048       43,156         54,411 
 Other financial 
  liabilities                 (145)               -               -            -             (145) 
                           (70,361)        (89,789)       (208,585)    (861,076)       (1,229,811) 
     Classification of financial assets and liabilities 
     The tables below set out the company's accounting classification 
      of each class of financial assets and liabilities, and their fair 
      values at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017. 
      The fair values of quoted borrowings are based on the asking price. 
      The fair values of derivative financial instruments are determined 
      from observable market prices or estimated using appropriate yield 
      curves at 31 December each year by discounting the future contractual 
      cash flows to the net present values. 
                                               Carrying                   Gain/(loss) to income 
                                                  value       Fair value              statement 
     2018                                        GBP000           GBP000                 GBP000 
 Derivative financial instrument 
  assets                                         95,893           95,893                   (8,844) 
 Total held for trading assets                   95,893           95,893                   (8,844) 
 Trade and other receivables                    741,758          836,876                      - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          545              545                      - 
 Total cash and receivables                     742,303          837,421                      - 
 Derivative financial instrument 
  liabilities                                  (95,893)         (95,893)                  8,844 
 Total held for trading liabilities            (95,893)         (95,893)                  8,844 
 Trade and other payables                           (6)              (6)                      - 
 Borrowings                                   (733,664)        (828,782)                      - 
 Total loans and payables                     (733,670)        (828,788)                      - 
                                                       Carrying                      Gain/(loss) to income 
                                                          value    Fair value                    statement 
     2017                                                GBP000        GBP000                       GBP000 
 Derivative financial instrument 
  assets                                                104,867       104,867                        5,139 
 Total held for trading assets                          104,867       104,867                        5,139 
 Trade and other receivables                            766,196       898,088                            - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  467           467                            - 
 Total cash and receivables                             766,663       898,555                            - 
 Derivative financial instrument 
  liabilities                                         (104,867)     (104,867)                         (5,139) 
 Total held for trading liabilities                   (104,867)     (104,867)                         (5,139) 
 Trade and other payables                               (1,835)       (1,835)                            - 
 Borrowings                                           (755,794)     (887,686)                            - 
 Total loans and payables                             (757,629)     (889,521)                            - 
           The only financial assets and liabilities of the company recognised 
            at fair value are derivative financial instruments. These are 
            all held at fair value through profit or loss and are categorised 
            as level 2 in the fair value hierarchy as explained below. 
            Fair value hierarchy 
             *    valuation based on quoted market prices traded in 
                  active markets. 
             *    valuation techniques are used, maximising the use of 
                  observable market data, either directly from market 
                  prices or derived from market prices. 
             *    where one or more inputs to valuation are not based 
                  on observable market data. Valuations at this level 
                  are more subjective and therefore more closely 
                  managed, including sensitivity analysis of inputs to 
                  valuation models. Such testing has not indicated that 
                  any material difference would arise due to a change 
                  in input variables. 
            Transfers into and out of the fair value hierarchy levels are 
            recognised on the date of the event or change in circumstance 
            that caused the transfer. There were no transfers in or out for 
            the above financial assets and liabilities during the year. 
            Valuation techniques for level 2 hierarchy financial assets and 
            liabilities are presented in the accounting policies. 
            There were no gains or losses arising on financial assets or liabilities 
            recognised direct to equity (2017 GBPnil). 
11   Share capital                                                                     2018           2017 
                                                                                        GBP            GBP 
     Issued, called up and fully paid 
 2 (2017 2) Ordinary shares of GBP1 each                                                  2              2 
12    Cash generated from/(used in) operations 
                                                                           2018        2017 
                                                                         GBP000      GBP000 
      Profit before tax                                                      12          50 
      Adjustments for: 
      Finance costs                                                      46,001      48,559 
      Finance income                                                   (46,046)      (48,640) 
      Movements in working capital: 
      Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                  1,877       (2,656) 
      (Decrease)/increase in trade and other 
       payables                                                         (1,836)         972 
      Cash generated from/(used in) operations                                8       (1,715) 
13   Related party transactions 
     During the year the company entered into the following transactions 
      with other group companies: 
                                                                          2018         2017 
                                          Nature of transaction         GBP000       GBP000 
 The Trafford Centre Limited*         Interest receivable               46,046       48,640 
 The Trafford Centre Holdings 
  Limited*                            Capital injection                      -          113 
     Significant balances outstanding between the company and other 
      group companies are shown below: 
                                                                           Amounts owed by 
                                                                          2018         2017 
                                                                        GBP000       GBP000 
 The Trafford Centre Limited                                           739,524      766,196 
                                                                           Amounts owed to 
                                                                          2018         2017 
                                                                        GBP000       GBP000 
 Liberty International Group Treasury Limited*                               -        1,690 
 Intu Trafford Centre Group (UK) Limited*                                    6            - 
 *The company's registered office is 40 Broadway, London, SW1H 
14  Ultimate parent company 
    The ultimate parent company is intu properties plc, a company 
     incorporated and registered in England and Wales, copies of whose 
     financial statements may be obtained from the Company Secretary, 
     40 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BT. The immediate parent company is 
     The Trafford Centre Holdings Limited, a company incorporated and 
     registered in England and Wales, copies of whose financial statements 
     may be obtained as above. The registered office of The Trafford 
     Centre Holdings Limited is 40 Broadway, London, England and Wales, 
     United Kingdom, SW1H 0BT. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 30, 2019 11:38 ET (15:38 GMT)

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