RNS Number : 6235E
  IMS Maxims PLC
  30 September 2008

    IMS Maxims ("the Company" or "IMS")
    Final Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2008

    Chairman's Statement

    We have continued to invest in the expansion of our applications portfolio and in the enhancement of our underlying architecture and
technology. IMS MAXIMS can now offer an immediate means of delivering to UK National Health Service ("NHS") Trusts the key, priority
applications described in the recent NHS Informatics Review as "The Clinical 5". As we pointed out last year, the situation in our major
market of the NHS has continued to evolve. The Connecting for Health ("CfH") programme is now openly experiencing difficulty in meeting its
timetable for rolling out solutions to these needs. The NHS is demanding more flexibility in the delivery of the services to Trusts. This is
evidenced by the recent cancellation of a contract for the South Region held by Fujitsu, the Local Service Provider ("LSP"). Despite the
fact that IMS applications can meet the needs of Trusts now, the complex contractual arrangements between CfH and its LSPs make it extremely
difficult for us to make progress in this area.

    CfH have now put in place supplier framework agreements - known as the Additional Supply Capability and Capacity ("ASCC") - offering a
wide range of IT goods and services, including clinical applications, at national, regional and local levels. We are listed as a
sub-supplier to 6 named suppliers. Furthermore, our wholly owned subsidiary, 3C Healthcare Partnership Limited ("3C"), has been appointed as
a supplier in its own right. This latter appointment not only creates a further channel for us to offer our own products to the NHS, but
also allows us the possibility to work with proven partner companies in the NHS in offering a broader range of non-competitive products.
However, it is not clear just how much business will be done through the ASCC agreements, and we are disappointed that there has not yet
been any meaningful level of enquiry via this channel from potential purchasers. The Irish Health Services Executive is under intense public
and political scrutiny and a major restructuring of the organisation is in progress. In these circumstances we do not anticipate that there will be any serious level of new business from this sector in
the near future. In view of the above, we have turned our focus towards the private healthcare provider sector. Early signs are very
encouraging and we have signed framework contracts with GHG, the biggest private supplier to the UK healthcare sector, and with Care (UK)
Limited, the fourth largest. Discussions with remaining private suppliers are proceeding positively. We see this as an important shift in
direction for IMS, from which we expect to generate further revenue in 2009. 
    In other noteworthy events, we successfully completed delivery of our contracted requirements via British Telecom to Barking, Havering
and Redbridge NHS Trust during the year, which has had a positive effect on the second half of the year. Also, in March we announced the
acquisition of Preview Health Limited, a small provider of specialist information systems. This transaction has been structured to allow IMS
to earn a future royalty stream - with no risk - and we will pursue other opportunities to replicate this model if they arise.

    D.W. MacDonald            30 September 2008

    Operating and Financial review

    Turnover for the year of �4,734,000 (2007: �5,033,000) produced an operating profit of �735,000 (2007: �1,343,000). The group profit for
the year after interest and taxation was �10,000 (2007: �498,000). 

    There was a tax credit earned in respect of research and development of �265,000 recorded for the year (2007: �nil) and tax losses
available to offset future profits are estimated at �8,688,000 (2007: �5,800,000).

    The basic earnings per share for the year was 0.00p (2007: 0.20p).

    Total liabilities of the group of �12,570,000 (2007: �12,047,000) include current liabilities of �5,994,000 (2007: �5,564,000). During
the year average headcount increased by 4% reflecting increased sales activity and a low staff turnover. 

    The statement of cash flows illustrates that there was an decrease in cash for the year of �519,000 (2007: increase of �694,000). This
is stated after the inflow of cash from operating activities of �291,000 (2007: inflow of �472,000) and the outflow of cash for interest
payments of �1,120,000 (2007: �958,000).  

    On behalf of the board

    Stephen Casey
    Financial Director
30 September 2008

    Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 will be posted to shareholders on 30 September 2008 and copies
will also be available from the Company's registered office.

    Press Contact 

 Stephen Casey      David Newton
 IMS Maxims plc     Dowgate Capital
 Sandymount         Advisers Limited
 Station Road       46 Worship Street
 Woburn Sands       London EC2A 2EA
 MK17 8RR

 Tel: 01908 588800  Tel: 020 7492 4777
 Fax: 01908 588819  Fax: 020 7492 4774

    IMS Maxims plc


                                                                 2008     2007
                                                        Note    �'000    �'000

 Sales revenue                                             2    4,734    5,033
 Cost of sales                                                  (700)    (120)
 Gross profit                                                   4,034    4,913

 Administrative expenses                                      (3,299)  (3,570)
 Operating profit                                          2      735    1,343
 Finance costs                                             3  (1,120)    (979)
 Finance income                                                   130      133
 Pre-tax result for the year                                    (255)      497
 Tax credit                                                4      265        -
 Net result for the year                                           10      497

 Attributable to:
 Minority interests - equity                                        -      (1)
 Equity holders of the group                                       10      498

 Profit per share for profit attributable to the
 equity holders of the group during the year 
 - basic                                                        0.00p    0.20p
 - diluted                                                           
                                                                0.00p    0.20p

    IMS Maxims plc


    AS AT 31 MARCH 2008

                                                                2008      2007
                                                      Note     �'000     �'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                    33        31
 Intangible assets                                             3,616     2,814
 Trade and other receivables                                   1,018     1,169
                                                               4,667     4,014

 Current assets
 Contract costs recoverable                                        -     1,524
 Trade and other receivables                                   3,738     1,778
 Cash and cash equivalents                                       297       816
                                                               4,035     4,118
 Total assets                                                  8,702     8,132

 Capital and reserves attributable to the group's
 equity holders
 Share capital                                                 2,535     2,535
 Share premium account                                         7,600     7,600
 Merger reserve                                                3,600     3,600
 Equity reserve                                                   18        11
 Cumulative translation reserve                                 (60)      (90)
 Retained earnings                                          (17,604)  (17,614)
                                                         7   (3,911)   (3,958)
 Minority interest in equity                                      43        43
 Total equity                                                (3,868)   (3,915)

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                                    6,528     6,483

 Deferred tax liability                                           48         -

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                                      2,789     3,355
 Borrowings                                                    3,205     2,209
 Total liabilities                                            12,570    12,047
 Total equity and liabilities                                  8,702     8,132

 IMS Maxims plc


 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008                                2008     2007

                                                                �'000    �'000

 Operating activities 
 Result for the year before tax                                 (255)      497
 Depreciation                                                      19       26
 Share based payment expense                                        7        8
 Foreign exchange movements                                        65     (89)
 Change in contract costs recoverable                           1,524  (1,524)
 Change in trade and other receivables                        (1,373)      583
 Change in trade and other payables                             (686)      125
 Interest paid                                                  1,120      979
 Interest received                                              (130)    (133)

                                                                  291      472

 Investing activities
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                      (25)     (18)
 Additions to intangible fixed assets                           (612)        -
 Acquisition of Preview Health Limited net of cash
 acquired                                                          26        -
 Interest received                                                130      133

                                                                (481)      115

 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from bank loans                                       2,286    2,000
 Repayment of bank loans                                      (1,495)    (963)
 Discharge of finance lease liability                               -      (6)
 Proceeds from share issue                                          -       34
 Interest paid                                                (1,120)    (958)

                                                                (329)      107

 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                     816      122

 Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents

                                                                (519)      694

 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                           297      816

    1    Basis of information in the preliminary announcement

    The financial information in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the periods ended 31
March 2008 or 31 March 2007 but is derived from those accounts.

    Statutory Accounts for 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2008 will be delivered following the
Company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a
reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a
statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted under International Financial
Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for the first time with a transition date of 1 April 2006. The disclosures required by IFRS 1 "First-time
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards" concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS can be found in the Interim
Announcement for the period ended 30 September 2007.

    2    Segmental information

    The business is organised and managed according to geographical segment. Each segment represents a strategic business unit that operates
in a different location. 

    Transfer prices between business segments are set on an arm's length basis in a manner similar to transactions with third parties. The
group's geographical segments are determined by the location of the group's assets and operations. Turnover is analysed by origination not
destination. The location of clients materially matches the origination of revenue.

 Geographical Segments      United Kingdom  Europe  Total
                                     �'000   �'000
 31 March 2008

 from external customers: 
 from segments                       3,688   1,046  4,734

 Group operating profit                236     499    735
 Finance costs                       (990)       -  (990)
 Taxation credit                       265       -    265
 Net (loss) / profit                 (489)     499     10

 Geographical Segments      United Kingdom  Europe  Total
                                     �'000   �'000
 31 March 2007

 from external customers: 
 from segments                       4,144     889  5,033

 Group operating profit              1,032     311  1,343
 Finance costs                       (846)       -  (846)
 Taxation expense                        -       -      -
 Net profit                            186     311    497

    As a secondary method organising the business, three segments have been selected as these are separately identifiable businesses with
different models. 

    The Business Segments are made up from the following departments:

    Clinical      - Sales, Operations and Product Development
    PAS          - Customer Support
    Royalty      - being the Preview Heath Limited business acquired in this financial year 

 Business Segments  PAS    Clinicals�'000  Royalty  Total �'000
                    �'000                  �'000
 31 March 2008

 Revenue            2,566           2,168        -        4,734

 Business Segments  PAS    Clinicals�'000  Royalty  Total �'000
                    �'000                  �'000
 31 March 2007

 Revenue            2,486           2,547        -        5,033

    3    Interest expense

                      2008  2007
                     �'000    �'
 Interest expense:
 - bank borrowings     999   930
 - other borrowings    121    49
                     1,120   979

    4    Income tax expense

    The tax on the group's profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average tax rate
applicable to profits of the Group as follows:

                                                                   2008   2007
                                                                  �'000  �'000

 (Loss) / profit before tax                                       (255)    497

 Tax calculated at domestic tax rates applicable to profits        (77)     65

 in the respective countries

 Adjustments for non-deductible expenses:
 - Relating to goodwill impairment / amortisation                           84
 - Tax credits for research activities                                -      -
 - Utilisation of losses                                           (68)      -
 - Other non deductible expenses                                     49     36
 -(Profits)/losses arising in the year not taxed due to tax              (150)
 losses                                                               -
 - Temporary differences                                              -    167
 - Current year losses not utilised                                 182      -
 - Overseas tax difference                                         (86)  (202)
 Actual tax (credit) / expense                                    (265)      -

                                                       2008  2007
                                                      �'000    �'


 Current tax (credit) / expense                        (77)    65
 Deferred tax income, resulting from:                 (188)  (65)
 - origination and reversal of temporary differences

    The weighted average applicable tax rate was 2% (2007: 2%).

    5    Earnings per share

    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the group by the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

                                                             2008         2007
                                                                �            �

 Profit attributable to equity holders of the group        10,000      498,000

 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue
 Basic                                                253,450,826  248,333,764
 Dilutive effect of outstanding options                         -            -
 Diluted                                              253,450,826  248,333,764

 Profit per share:
 Basic and diluted                                          0.00p        0.20p

    The exercise price of the options is in excess of the share price as at the year end 31 March 2007 and year end 31 March 2008, therefore
these options are anti-dilutive and as such have been excluded from the diluted EPS calculation.  

    6    Aim Compliance Committee

    In accordance with AIM Rule 31 the Company is required to have in place sufficient procedures, resources and controls to enable its
compliance with the AIM Rules; seek advice from its nominated adviser ("Nomad") regarding its compliance with the AIM Rules whenever
appropriate and take that advice into account; provide the Company's Nomad with any information it requests in order for the Nomad to carry
out is responsibilities under the AIM Rules for Companies and the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers; ensure that each of the Company's
directors accepts full responsibility, collectively and individually, for compliance with the AIM Rules; and ensure that each director
discloses without delay all information which the Company needs in order to comply with AIM Rule 17 (Disclosure of Miscellaneous
Information) insofar as that information is known to the director or could with reasonable diligence be ascertained by the director.

    In order to ensure that these obligations are being discharged, the Board has established a committee of the Board (the "AIM
Committee"), chaired by David MacDonald, a non executive director of the Company. Having reviewed relevant Board papers, and met with the
Company's Executive Board to ensure that such is the case, the AIM Committee is satisfied that the Company's obligations under AIM Rule 31
have been satisfied during the period under review.

    7    Statement of changes in equity

                                 Share     Share   Merger   Equity   Cumulative   Retained    Total   Minority    Total
                                 Share     Share   Merger   Equity   Cumulative   Retained    Total   Minority    Total
                                 capital  premium  reserve  reserve  translation  earnings            Interest   equity
                                   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000        �'000      �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000

 As at 1 April 2006                2,341    6,490    3,600      140            -   (18,112)  (5,541)         44  (5,497)
 Profit for the year                   -        -      -        -              -        498      498        (1)      497
 Exchange differences on             -        -        -        -           (90)        -       (90)        -       (90)
 retranslation of subsidiaries
 Total recognised income and         -        -        -        -           (90)        498      408        (1)      407
 Issue of equity                     194    1,110        -        -            -          -    1,304          -    1,304
 Conversion of CCRP shares           -                        (136)            -          -    (136)          -    (136)
 Share based payment expense         -                            7                                7                   7
 As at 31 March 2007               2,535    7,600    3,600       11         (90)   (17,614)  (3,958)         43  (3,915)
 Profit for the year                                                                     10       10        -         10
 Exchange differences on                                                      30                  30
 retranslation of subsidiaries
 Total recognised income and                                                  30         10       40          -       40
 Share based payment expense                                      7                                7                 7  
 As at 31 March 2008               2,535    7,600    3,600       18         (60)   (17,604)  (3,911)         43  (3,868)


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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