Phoenix VCT plc 
Final Results 
5 February 2009 
Phoenix VCT plc (the "Company"), managed by Octopus Investments 
Limited, today announces the final results for the year ended 31 
October 2008. 
These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 5 February 
You may view the Annual Report in full at www.octopusinvestments.com 
and navigating to the VCT Annual and Interim Reports under the 'Learn 
More' section. 
About Phoenix VCT plc 
Phoenix VCT plc ("Phoenix", "Company" or "Fund") is a venture capital 
trust ("VCT")  which aims  to  provide shareholders  with  attractive 
tax-free dividends and  long-term capital growth,  by investing in  a 
diverse portfolio of AIM-quoted companies. 
The Investment Manager is  Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus"  or 
"Manager").  The Company  was launched  in November  2002 and  raised 
over GBP11.3 million (GBP10.8 million  net of expenses) through an  offer 
for subscription. 
Phoenix raised more funds in  2005 in the form  of a 'C' Share  issue 
(i.e. the issue for subscription of a new class of share referred  to 
as 'C' shares). In total,  Phoenix raised GBP5.1 million (GBP5.0  million 
net of expenses) by the closing date of the offer on 30 June 2005. 
Financial Highlights 
                                Year to 31 October Year to 31 October 
Ordinary shares                               2008               2007 
Net assets (GBP'000s)                          4,824             11,945 
Net (loss) /  profit after  tax 
(GBP'000s)                                   (5,763)              1,202 
Net asset value per share                    43.4p             106.0p 
Dividend per share - in respect 
of the year                                  10.0p              12.0p 
Cumulative   dividends    since 
launch - paid and proposed                   33.0p              23.0p 
                                Year to 31 October Year to 31 October 
'C' shares                                    2008               2007 
Net assets (GBP'000s)                          3,141              6,183 
Net (loss) /  profit after  tax 
(GBP'000s)                                   (2,622)                489 
Net asset value per share                    58.6p             110.8p 
Dividend per share - in respect 
of the year in year                           5.0p               6.0p 
Cumulative   dividends    since 
launch - paid and proposed                   12.0p               7.0p 
Chairman's Statement 
At the time of writing there is universal gloom, which is reflected 
in the share prices of the Fund's underlying investments.  As 2009 
progresses, we can expect much of the uncertainty that persists to 
begin to lift, and the stock market will attribute more measured 
valuations to small growing companies. 
In the year to 31 October 2008, the total return (being the change in 
NAV added to dividends paid out to shareholders) per Ordinary share 
was -42.0%, falling from 123.0p to 71.4p, and for 'C' shares was 
-40.6%, falling from 114.8p to 68.2p. In comparison, the FTSE 
All-Share index fell 36.1% and the FTSE AIM All-Share index fell 
61.3%; very disappointing for everyone. As the portfolios are 
invested in the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"), the return is 
a reflection of the falls across equity markets.  However, the Board 
believes that the overall investment portfolios are well placed to 
benefit from the recovery in the financial markets once investor 
appetite for risk returns. 
Despite the volatility, the investment manager was successful in 
crystallising a profit of GBP348,000 for the Ordinary share portfolio 
from the disposal of a number of holdings.  A small profit of GBP33,000 
was also crystallised for the 'C' share portfolio.  The Ordinary 
share portfolio made new investments totalling GBP364,000 into Myhome 
International plc (subsequently placed in administration) and Maxima 
plc, with a follow-on investment into Clarity Commerce plc. 
Meanwhile, the 'C' shares completed an investment into Vitesse Media 
plc.  Further details of these realisations and new investments can 
be found in the Investment Manager's Review on pages 7 to 15. 
The Board's strategy is to maintain an appropriate level of liquidity 
in the balance sheet to achieve four aims: 
  * to take advantage of new investment opportunities as they arise; 
  * to support further investment in existing portfolio companies if 
  * to assist liquidity in the shares through the buy back facility; 
  * to support a consistent dividend flow. 
Given a realised capital reserve remains, and it is the Board's 
intention to continue to pay a consistent dividend stream, the Board 
has proposed a dividend of 5.0p per Ordinary share and a dividend of 
3.0p per 'C' share to be paid on 3 April 2009 to shareholders on the 
register on 13 February 2009.  This is in addition to the 5.0p 
Ordinary share interim dividend and the 2.0p 'C' share interim 
dividend paid earlier in the year and will take total dividends paid 
and proposed for the year ended 31 October 2008 to 10.0p per Ordinary 
share and 5.0p per 'C' share.  Cumulative dividends will total 33.0p 
per Ordinary share since the Fund's launch and 12.0p per 'C' share 
since the launch of the 'C' share class. 
The table below shows the movement in NAV of the Ordinary shares and 
lists the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the 
                       Dividend paid 
Period Ended       NAV     in period NAV + cumulative dividends 
31 October 2003 100.7p             -                     100.7p 
30 April 2004   111.7p         0.15p                     111.9p 
31 October 2004 110.9p             -                     111.1p 
30 April 2005   118.2p         2.50p                     120.9p 
31 October 2005  97.9p         4.00p                     104.6p 
30 April 2006   104.6p             -                     111.3p 
31 October 2006 103.8p         1.00p                     111.5p 
30 April 2007   122.4p         3.35p                     133.4p 
31 October 2007 106.0p         6.00p                     123.0p 
30 April 2008    75.9p         6.00p                      98.9p 
31 October 2008  43.4p         5.00p                      71.4p 
The table below shows the movement in NAV of the 'C' shares and lists 
the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the Company: 
                       Dividend paid 
Period Ended       NAV     in period NAV + cumulative dividends 
30 April 2005    94.9p             -                      94.9p 
31 October 2005  94.2p             -                      94.2p 
30 April 2006   100.1p             -                     100.1p 
31 October 2006 105.1p             -                     105.1p 
30 April 2007   122.6p          1.0p                     123.6p 
31 October 2007 110.8p          3.0p                     114.8p 
30 April 2008    89.0p          3.0p                      96.0p 
31 October 2008  58.6p          2.0p                      67.6p 
Change of Name 
With a wide range of Octopus funds now under management, it is 
considered appropriate that the name of the Company should reflect 
the name of Octopus so as to avoid confusion in the marketplace. 
Therefore it is proposed that the name of the Company be changed to 
Octopus Phoenix VCT plc.  This will be a Special Resolution to be 
presented at the Company's Annual General Meeting. 
It should be made clear to shareholders, however, that current 
directors will remain in office and their independence from Octopus 
is in no way affected. 
VAT on Management Fees 
The Government has announced that VCTs will be exempt from paying VAT 
on investment management fees with effect from 1 October 2008.  This 
follows a European Court of Justice Judgement against the Government 
in a case relating to VAT payable by investment trusts.  It is now 
almost certain that a VAT repayment will be obtained for VAT paid on 
management fees for the last three years.  However, the extent and 
timing of repayments is not yet known. We will follow developments 
with the help of our advisers.  For the purposes of these accounts, 
and with guidance from our advisers, we have accrued income of 
GBP106,000 for the Ordinary shares and GBP36,000 for the 'C' shares, 
being approximately 90% of the anticipated VAT rebate. 
The VAT saving on management fees for the 2008/2009 year ahead on 
Ordinary shares is GBP14,000 and GBP9,000 for 'C' shares. 
Share Buy-backs 
The Company's mid-market share price at the date of this report 
stands at 45p for Ordinary shares and 51p for the 'C' shares.  In 
order to improve the liquidity of the shares of Phoenix, Octopus is 
developing strategies that it will use to increase the awareness of 
the attractions of buying shares in VCTs in the secondary market with 
the aim of creating a market for those Shareholders who want to 
dispose of their holdings.  However, in order to underpin the ability 
of shareholders to dispose of their holdings, it is intended that 
Phoenix will operate a buy-back policy where (subject to having the 
requisite authorisations in place and having distributable reserves 
and sufficient financial resources) it is envisaged that purchases of 
shares would happen at no more than a 10% discount to the prevailing 
NAV per share. 
Shareholders should note that if they sell their shares within the 
minimum holding period of the original investment they forfeit any 
income tax relief obtained. 
'C' Shares conversion into New Ordinary Shares 
As you may recall from the 'C' share prospectus, the 'C' shares are 
to be converted into New Ordinary Shares based on the audited net 
asset values as at 31 October 2008.  Further details of this 
conversion will be mailed out to shareholders by Octopus in the near 
VCT Qualifying Status 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and investment manager 
with advice concerning ongoing compliance with HM Revenue & Customs 
rules ("HMRC") and regulations concerning VCTs.  The Board has been 
advised that Phoenix VCT plc is in compliance with the conditions 
laid down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT.  This is 
discussed further in Shareholder Information on page 16. 
A key requirement is for 70% of the entire portfolio to be invested 
in qualifying investments by the end of the third accounting period 
following that in which new share capital was subscribed.  As at 31 
October 2008, over 92% of the Ordinary share investment portfolio was 
invested in VCT qualifying investments, and over 81% of the 'C' share 
investment portfolio.  The Board does not anticipate any issues in 
maintaining the required investment level. 
In what has been a particularly grim twelve months for stock markets 
generally and smaller companies in particular, your Board continues 
to seek a balanced portfolio of investments in smaller, developing 
companies.  The economic outlook for 2009 remains uncertain and 
equity markets are still reeling from the impact of the banking 
crisis and recent economic scandals.  As a result, very little value 
is being attributed to small growing companies at this point in time. 
However the Manager remains confident that the portfolio will provide 
attractive returns to investors with a medium to long-term horizon. 
The investment strategy for Phoenix remains focused on the delivery 
of absolute returns and a regular tax-free dividend stream for 
investors.  Whilst the portfolios will not be immune to the wider 
impact of the credit crunch, the Board does consider that the 
portfolio as a whole is well positioned to benefit from any 
improvement in the overall financial outlook. 
Stephen Hazell-Smith 
5 February 2009 
Investment Manager's Review 
Personal Service 
At Octopus, we have a dual focus on managing your investments and 
keeping you informed throughout the investment process.  We are 
committed to providing our investors with regular and open 
communication. Our updates are designed to keep you involved with the 
progress of your investment. 
During this time of economic upheaval, we consider it particularly 
important to be in contact with our investors. We are working hard to 
manage your money in the current climate. We share your goal to make 
money from your investment, as our money is invested alongside yours. 
If you have any questions about this review, or if it would help to 
speak to one of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to contact 
us on 0800 316 2347. 
The AIM Market 
Over the last twelve months, the well publicised banking crisis and 
the ensuing deteriorating economic outlook has had a severe impact on 
AIM.  As is usual during periods of uncertainty, investors shun small 
companies in favour of larger and more liquid investments.  However, 
as you will be aware, these have fared little better as the banking 
crisis has unfolded. 
It is extremely disappointing to be reporting a significant decline 
in NAV for the year ending October 2008.  However, the valuations 
below simply represent the current value attributed by the stock 
market to your investee companies. Their individual share prices 
reflect disinterest by investors and the absence of buyers. While 
stock markets are frequently accused of over hyping small growing 
companies during the good times, they are equally guilty of 
attributing miserly valuations to small companies during periods of 
Within the portfolios, over 95% of the value of the investments held 
by the Ordinary share and 'C' share portfolios are into profitable 
companies.  Balance sheet strength will also be important to the 
success of the portfolios' holdings during 2009 as traditional 
lenders to small businesses continue to face balance sheet pressure 
themselves.  We continue to work closely with the management of the 
companies in which we invest to ensure there is headroom to cope with 
all eventualities over the next twelve months. 
Investment Portfolio 
                                 Cost of 
                              investment as 
                              at 31 October    Valuation as at 
                                  2008         31 October 2008 
                                                                            held by 
                                                                        %     funds 
AIM-listed                       Ord     'C'       Ord      'C'    equity   managed 
Qualifying                    shares  Shares    shares   Shares   held by        by 
Investments    Sector        (GBP'000) (GBP'000)   (GBP'000) (GBP'000)    Phoenix   Octopus 
               Speciality & 
CBG Group plc  Other Finance     381     216       356      202       2.7      12.7 
               Media & 
Hasgrove plc   Entertainment     400     200       333      167       2.2       7.3 
Technologies   Engineering & 
plc            Machinery         165     105       264      168       1.6      11.0 
Brooks         Speciality & 
Macdonald plc  Other Finance     156       -       251        -       1.1       4.4 
Cello Group    Media & 
plc            Entertainment     500       -       200        -       1.1      10.5 
Augean plc     Services          500       -       196        -       0.4       5.3 
Melorio plc    Services            -     275         -      157       0.7       5.8 
               Aerospace and 
Cohort plc     Defence           135     340       176      382       0.9       2.4 
Recruitment    Support 
Group plc      Services          300       -       150        -       1.8      13.7 
Zetar plc      Producers         158       -       136        -       0.7       4.2 
Brulines       Support 
(Holdings) plc Services          123     111       130      117       0.8       5.5 
Hexagon Human  Support 
Capital plc    Services          315     157       128       64       1.5      15.7 
Vertu Motors   General 
plc            Retailers         400     200       127       63       1.1       7.7 
Northern Bear  & Building 
plc            Materials         299     149       112       56       1.7       7.6 
               Software & 
Clarity        Computer 
Commerce plc   Services          407     203        94       47       3.4       5.0 
Concateno plc  Services            -      85         -       90       0.1       0.9 
Vitesse Media  Media & 
plc            Entertainment       -     100         -       72       1.6       3.6 
Access         Software 
Intelligence   Communication 
plc            Devices           500     150        88       44       4.7       8.4 
Inditherm plc  Chemicals         400     100        84       35       6.7       6.7 
Interquest plc Services            -      75         -       53       0.5       5.9 
               Software & 
Strategic      Computer 
Thought plc    Services          194      68        78       27       0.8       4.0 
Fountains plc  Services          240       -        77        -       1.3      10.6 
Bond           Software & 
International  Computer 
Software plc   Services           60       -        75        -       0.5       4.0 
Relax Group    Speciality & 
plc            Other Finance     400     200        69       34       1.9       2.1 
               Speciality & 
Jelf Group plc Other Finance      77      51        65       43       0.2       1.5 
AutoClenz plc  Services          425     169        37       15       4.6      12.7 
Tanfield Group Engineering & 
plc            Machinery          53      77        29       23       0.3       3.0 
               Software & 
Invu plc       Services          100     100        27       27       0.6       2.1 
               Software & 
Cantono plc    Services          420     220        20       11       0.2       1.0 
               Speciality & 
Invocas plc    Other Finance      80      50        18       11       0.4       1.3 
Synabor Group  Support 
plc            Services          500       -        16        -       0.8       0.8 
               Media & 
Optimisa plc   Entertainment     143     247        13       23       2.0      14.1 
               Speciality & 
Baydonhill plc Other Finance     200       -        10        -       1.4       1.4 
Real Good Food Food 
Company plc    Producers         500       -         7        -       0.6       0.6 
Vision Media   Media & 
Group plc      Entertainment     419     125         6        5       0.7       0.7 
Top Ten 
Holdings plc   Leisure           200       -         5        -       0.8       0.8 
Bright Futures General 
plc            Retailers         125       -         -        -       0.9       0.9 
International  Support 
plc            Services          385     285         -        -         -         - 
investments                    9,660   4,058     3,377    1,936 
investments                       43      35        34       27 
investments                    9,703   4,093     3,411    1,962 
Money Market 
Funds                                            1,280      971 
Net current 
assets                                             133      208 
Total net 
assets                                           4,824    3,141 
  * Screen FX plc changed its name to Vision Media Group plc on  31st 
January 2008 
Review of Ordinary Share Portfolio 
At 31 October 2008, the Ordinary portfolio comprised investments in 
34 AIM-quoted companies.  During the year, five investments were 
disposed of in their entirety.  BBI Holdings plc and Tissue Science 
Laboratories plc both received cash bids from US companies during the 
period.  Profits were taken in AssetCo plc. We disposed of the 
holdings in Media Square plc and SectorGuard plc at a loss because we 
felt the companies were not making the progress anticipated.  The 
major disappointment over the period was MyHome International plc. 
The company was placed into administration by its bank during August 
2008, after breaking its covenants. 
A summary of the realisations is shown below: 
                                      Cost of 
                      Initial      investment Proceeds of       Total 
                   investment        realised  investment gain/(loss) 
Realisations             date         (GBP'000)     (GBP'000)     (GBP'000) 
BBI Holdings 
plc                March 2004             191         749         558 
AssetCo plc     December 2003              95         188          93 
Tissue Science 
plc                March 2005             161          97        (64) 
SectorGuard plc   August 2005             200         121        (79) 
Media Square 
plc                April 2004             254          94       (160) 
Total                                     901       1,249         348 
Ten Largest Ordinary Share Portfolio Holdings 
Listed below are the ten largest qualifying investments by value as 
at 31 October 2008: 
CBG Group plc 
Based in Manchester, CBG Group plc is a corporate insurance, risk 
management and financial services intermediary.  The company offers a 
range of services principally in the area of commercial insurance, 
business risk management, healthcare and employee benefits.  We 
expect the company to continue to acquire further businesses in the 
North-West of England. 
Initial investment date:          June 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP380,700 
Valuation:                                GBP356,400 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.8% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP1.6 million 
Net assets:                              GBP9.5 million 
Hasgrove plc 
Hasgrove plc is a pan European marketing and communications  services 
group. The group  offers its clients  consultancy and  implementation 
solutions across  a  range  of disciplines  including  brand  design, 
creative advertising, public relations and public affairs. 
Initial investment date:          November 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP400,000 
Valuation:                                GBP333,333 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.5% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP2.4 million 
Net assets:                              GBP18.4 million 
Pressure Technologies plc 
Pressure Technologies plc is the holding company of Chesterfield 
Special Cylinders ("CSC").  CSC designs, manufactures and offers 
testing and refurbishment services for a range of speciality high 
pressure, seamless steel gas cylinders for global energy and defence 
Initial investment date:          June 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP165,000 
Valuation:                                GBP264,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.0% 
Last audited accounts:         September 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP5.0 million 
Net assets:                              GBP11.2 million 
Brooks Macdonald plc 
Brooks Macdonald plc  is an integrated  wealth management group  with 
two operating  companies:  Brooks  Macdonald Asset  Management  is  a 
specialist private client fund manager and Brooks Macdonald Financial 
Consulting provides  bespoke financial  planning. The  Group now  has 
over GBP1 billion funds under management. 
Initial investment date:          March 2005 
Cost:                                        GBP156,300 
Valuation:                                GBP251,200 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.1% 
Last audited accounts:         June 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP2.0 million 
Net assets:                              GBP5.8 million 
Cello Group plc 
Cello Group plc is a specialist marketing solutions business that has 
completed a  number of  acquisitions since  its flotation  on AIM  in 
November 2004.    Cello,  which  has  specific  expertise  in  market 
research, operates  under  a number  of  brands, each  with  specific 
expertise across a  number of markets  including the  pharmaceutical, 
public and not-for-profit sectors. 
Initial investment date:          November 2004 
Cost:                                        GBP500,000 
Valuation:                                GBP200,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.1% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP4.6 million 
Net assets:                              GBP48.5 million 
Augean plc 
Augean is a UK based  specialist waste and resource management  group 
delivering a  range  of  services  to  the  hazardous  waste  sector, 
including waste treatment, transfer and recycling, landfill disposal, 
laboratory testing and contaminated land treatment and recycling. 
Initial investment date:          September 
Cost:                                        GBP500,000 
Valuation:                                GBP196,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.4% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP3.7 million 
Net assets:                              GBP83.4 million 
Cohort plc 
Cohort plc is a provider  of independent defence technical  services. 
The company is focused on command, control, computing, communications 
and intelligence  systems and  more recently  has moved  into  crisis 
management for non-military customers. 
Initial investment date:          February 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP135,300 
Valuation:                                GBP176,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.3% 
Last audited accounts:         April 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP5.6 million 
Net assets:                              GBP40.8 million 
Staffline Recruitment Group plc 
Staffline Recruitment Group plc is a leading provider of  recruitment 
and outsourced human resource services to industry. It specialises in 
supplying temporary and permanent blue-collar industrial workers both 
via its high street network  branches and through on-site  operations 
located at the customers' premises. 
Initial investment date:          December 2004 
Cost:                                        GBP300,000 
Valuation:                                GBP150,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.8% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP4.4 million 
Net assets:                              GBP22.3 million 
Zetar plc 
Zetar plc diversified into two divisions; confectionery and natural & 
premium snacks. The company has been highly acquisitive and now holds 
Kinnerton, Readifoods and Humdinger under its umbrella. Kinnerton 
manufactures niche and novelty chocolate and both Readifoods and 
Humdinger manufacture organic dried fruit products.  The company has 
more recently acquired Lir Chocolates, an Irish based 
Initial investment date:          April 2005 
Cost:                                        GBP158,090 
Valuation:                                GBP135,900 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.7% 
Last audited accounts:         April 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP4.8 million 
Net assets:                              GBP40.3 million 
Brulines (Holdings) plc 
Brulines designs  and  sells fluid  monitoring  systems to  pubs  and 
bars.  The company  is the  market leader  in its  field and  manages 
information from over  22,000 licences  premises, over  one in  three 
pubs in the  UK.  The  system allows  the landlord  to reconcile  the 
amount of beer being dispensed against what is being delivered. 
Initial investment date:         October 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP123,000 
Valuation:                                GBP130,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.4% 
Last audited accounts:         March 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP4.2 million 
Net assets:                              GBP13.3 million 
Review of 'C' Share Portfolio 
At 31 October 2008, the 'C' portfolio comprised of investments in 26 
AIM-quoted companies.  During the year, three investments were 
disposed of in their entirety, including BBI Holdings plc, which 
received a successful cash bid from a US company.  We sold both Media 
Square plc and SectorGuard plc as we felt the companies were not 
making the progress anticipated. The major disappointment over the 
period was Myhome International plc. The company was placed into 
administration by its bank during August 2008, after breaking its 
A summary of these realisations is shown below: 
                 Initial                      Proceeds of       Total 
              investment   Cost of investment  investment gain/(loss) 
Realisations        date     realised (GBP'000)     (GBP'000)     (GBP'000) 
BBI Holdings 
plc           March 2004                  115         240         125 
plc            June 2007                  125          72        (53) 
plc          August 2005                  100          61        (39) 
Total                                     340         373          33 
Ten Largest 'C' Share Portfolio Holdings 
Listed below are the ten largest qualifying investments by value as 
at 31 October 2008: 
Cohort plc 
Cohort plc is a provider  of independent defence technical  services. 
The company is focused on command, control, computing, communications 
and intelligence  systems and  more recently  has moved  into  crisis 
management for non-military customers. 
Initial investment date:          February 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP339,502 
Valuation:                                GBP382,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.6% 
Last audited accounts:         April 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP5.6 million 
Net assets:                              GBP40.8 million 
CBG Group plc 
Based in Manchester, CBG Group plc is a corporate general insurance, 
risk management and financial services intermediary.  The company 
offers a range of services principally in the area of commercial 
insurance, business risk management, healthcare and employee 
benefits.  We expect the company to continue to acquire further 
businesses in the North-West of England. 
Initial investment date:          June 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP215,500 
Valuation:                                GBP202,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.0% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP1.6 million 
Net assets:                              GBP9.5 million 
Pressure Technologies plc 
Pressure Technologies plc is the holding company of Chesterfield 
Special Cylinders ("CSC").  CSC designs, manufactures and offers 
testing and refurbishment services for a range of speciality high 
pressure, seamless steel gas cylinders for global energy and defence 
Initial investment date:          June 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP105,000 
Valuation:                                GBP168,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.6% 
Last audited accounts:         September 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP5.0 million 
Net assets:                              GBP11.2 million 
Hasgrove plc 
Hasgrove plc is a pan European marketing and communications  services 
group. The Group  offers its clients  consultancy and  implementation 
solutions across  a  range  of disciplines  including  brand  design, 
creative advertising, public relations and public affairs. 
Initial investment date:          November 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP200,000 
Valuation:                                GBP167,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.7% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP2.4 million 
Net assets:                              GBP18.4 million 
Melorio plc 
Melorio plc was formed to consolidate the UK vocational training 
market. In September 2007 it acquired CLW, the UK's largest provider 
of on site construction assessment and training. As well as the 
construction industry, Melorio will focus on acquisitions within the 
utility, logistics and care sectors. 
Initial investment date:          October 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP275,000 
Valuation:                                GBP156,750 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.7% 
Last audited accounts:         March 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP1.7 million 
Net assets:                              GBP30.6 million 
Brulines (Holdings) plc 
Brulines designs  and  sells fluid  monitoring  systems to  pubs  and 
bars.  The company  is the  market leader  in its  field and  manages 
information from over  22,000 licences  premises, over  one in  three 
pubs in the  UK.  The  system allows  the landlord  to reconcile  the 
amount of beer being dispensed against what is being delivered. 
Initial investment date:         October 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP110,700 
Valuation:                                GBP117,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.4% 
Last audited accounts:       March 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP4.2 million 
Net assets:                              GBP13.3 million 
Concateno plc 
Concateno is Europe's leading drug and alcohol testing company.   The 
company undertakes over 8 million drug  tests per annum on behalf  of 
over 8,000  customers worldwide  via  a network  of over  500  sample 
collectors.  The  company's products  include leading  edge point  of 
care technology  and laboratory  testing  via three  UKAS  accredited 
sites in the UK. 
Initial investment date:         October 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP85,000 
Valuation:                                GBP90,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.1% 
Last audited accounts:         December 2007 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP0.3 million 
Net assets:                              GBP103.2 million 
Vitesse Media plc 
Vittesse Media is a B2B publisher and events company to the  business 
and  investment  community.   The  company's  titles  include  Growth 
Company Investor, Information Age, What Investment and M&A Magazine. 
Initial investment date:         November 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP100,000 
Valuation:                                GBP72,000 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             1.6% 
Last audited accounts:         January 2008 
Loss before interest & tax:   GBP0.1 million 
Net assets:                              GBP4.2 million 
Hexagon Human Capital 
Hexagon Human Capital is the UK's leading provider of senior interim 
management to industry.  The company has also built a leading 
executive search business operating across a variety of sectors. 
Initial investment date:         February 2007 
Cost:                                        GBP157,000 
Valuation:                                GBP63,900 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                            1.5% 
Last audited accounts:       March 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                GBP4.1 million 
Net assets:                              GBP16.9 million 
Vertu Motors plc 
Vertu Motors plc was formed in 2006 to acquire and consolidate the UK 
motor retail sector. The management team has experience in the sector 
having previously held senior  positions at Reg  Vardy plc.  To  date 
the company has acquired Bristol Street Group Limited, Blake Holdings 
Limited, Grantham  Motors  Company  Limited and  the  Jennings  Group 
Initial investment date:          December 2006 
Cost:                                        GBP200,000 
Valuation:                                GBP63,333 
Valuation basis:                     Bid price 
Equity held:                             0.4% 
Last audited accounts:         February 2008 
Profit before interest & tax:                  GBP0.1 million 
Net assets:                              GBP60.2 million 
New Investments 
During the year, the Ordinary share portfolio made two new 
investments and the 'C' share portfolio made three new investments. 
Firstly, both the Ordinary share portfolio and 'C' share portfolio 
made an investment into Myhome International plc, a franchise 
cleaning business.  In November 2007, Myhome raised GBP5 million of new 
VCT qualifying funds in order to complete the acquisition of Chips 
Away, an established franchise auto repair business.  Despite Myhome 
being profitable, its bank called in the company's loan during the 
summer of 2008 following a breach of a banking covenant.  The 
business was subsequently purchased out of administration for an 
undisclosed sum and the bank loan was repaid.  This was extremely 
frustrating for shareholders and served as a stark warning of the 
pressure that certain lenders were under during the second half of 
Both portfolios also completed a follow on investment into Clarity 
Commerce Solutions plc, a provider of software to the retail, 
ticketing and leisure sectors, during February 2008.  We first 
invested into Clarity Commerce Solutions in April 2006. However, 
results had been disappointing, prompting shareholders to call for a 
management change and fund raising.  I am delighted to report that 
the trading results have improved significantly following a number of 
new contract wins.  The company is now on course to deliver a profit 
of GBP1.0 million on turnover GBP16.2 million for the year ending March 
The 'C' share portfolio completed an investment into Vitesse Media 
plc, a publishing and events company focused on the business and 
investment community.  The company raised further funds during 
November 2007 in order to complete the acquisition of Infoconomy 
Limited, the publisher of Information Age, a B2B publication for the 
IT sector.  In a recent trading update, the company confirmed that 
revenues continue to make progress despite the recent decline in 
advertising revenues. 
If you have any  questions on any aspect  of your investment,  please 
call one of the team on 0800 316 2347. 
Simon Rogerson 
Chief Executive 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the 
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements 
for each financial year.  Under that law the Directors have elected 
to prepare financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting 
The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair 
view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss 
of the Company for that period.  In preparing these financial 
statements, the Directors are required to: 
*                     select suitable accounting policies and then 
  apply them consistently; 
*                     make judgements and estimates that are 
  reasonable and prudent; 
*                     state whether applicable UK accounting 
  standards have been followed, subject to any material 
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and 
*                     prepare financial statements on the going 
  concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the 
  Company will continue in business. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge the 
financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2008 comply with 
the requirements set out above and that suitable accounting policies, 
consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent 
judgement, have been used in their preparation.  They also confirm 
that the annual report includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business together with a description of the 
principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records 
that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial 
position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the financial 
statements comply with the Companies Act 1985.  They are also 
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for 
taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and 
other irregularities. 
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are responsible 
for preparing a Directors' Report (including Business Review), 
Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement 
which comply with that law and those regulations. 
In so far as the Directors are aware: 
*                     there is no relevant audit information of which 
  the Company's auditor is unaware; and 
*                     the Directors have taken all steps that they 
  ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit 
  information and to establish that the auditor is aware of that 
The Company's financial statements are published on the Octopus 
Investments website.  The investment manager is responsible for the 
maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information 
set out on their website, and this is not the responsibility of the 
Company.  The work carried out by Grant Thornton UK LLP as 
independent auditor of the Company does not involve consideration of 
the maintenance and integrity of the website and accordingly they 
accept no responsibility for any changes that have occurred to the 
financial statements since they were initially presented on the 
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of the financial statements may differ from legislation 
in other jurisdictions. 
To the best of my knowledge: 
  * the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the 
    applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view 
    of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss 
    of the Company; and 
  * the management report includes a fair review of the development 
    and performance of the business and the position of the Company, 
    together with a description of the principal risks and 
    uncertainties that it faces. 
On Behalf of the Board 
Stephen Hazell-Smith 
5 February 2009 
|Profit and Loss Account                                                                                        | 
|                                 |     |                        Year to 31 October 2008                        | 
|                                 |     |    Ordinary Shares    |      'C' shares       |         Total         | 
|                                 |     |Revenue|Capital|  Total|Revenue|Capital|  Total|Revenue|Capital|  Total| 
|                                 |Notes|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000| 
|Gain on disposal of fixed asset  |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|investments                      |   10|      -|     82|     82|      -|     65|     65|      -|    147|    147| 
|Gain on disposal of current asset|     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|investments                      |   11|      -|      1|      1|      -|      -|      -|      -|      1|      1| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Loss on valuation of fixed asset |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|investments                      |   10|      -|(5,680)|(5,680)|      -|(2,578)|(2,578)|      -|(8,258)|(8,258)| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Other Income                     |    2|    174|      -|    174|    101|      -|    101|    275|      -|    275| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Investment management fees       |    3|   (69)|  (206)|  (275)|   (36)|  (108)|  (144)|  (105)|  (314)|  (419)| 
|VAT Management Fee Rebate        |     |     27|     79|    106|      9|     27|     36|     36|    106|    142| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Other expenses                   |    4|  (171)|      -|  (171)|  (102)|      -|  (102)|  (273)|      -|  (273)| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Loss on ordinary activities      |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|before tax                       |     |   (39)|(5,724)|(5,763)|   (28)|(2,594)|(2,622)|   (67)|(8,318)|(8,385)| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Taxation on loss on ordinary     |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|activities                       |    6|      -|      -|      -|      -|      -|      -|      -|      -|      -| 
|                                 |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Loss on ordinary activities after|     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|tax                              |     |   (39)|(5,724)|(5,763)|   (28)|(2,594)|(2,622)|   (67)|(8,318)|(8,385)| 
|Loss per share - basic and       |     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       | 
|diluted                          |    8| (0.4)p|(51.3)p|(51.7)p| (0.5)p|(46.8)p|(47.3)p|       |       |       | 
  * the 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss 
    account of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and 
    capital return columns have been prepared under guidance 
    published by the Association of Investment Companies. 
  * all revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
    continuing operations 
  * the accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial 
  * the Company has only one class of business and derives its income 
    from investments made in shares and securities and from bank and 
    money market funds 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results 
for the year as set out above. 
|Profit and Loss Account                                                                                      | 
|                                     |     |                     Year to 31 October 2007                     | 
|                                     |     |   Ordinary Shares   |     'C' shares      |        Total        | 
|                                     |     |Revenue|Capital|Total|Revenue|Capital|Total|Revenue|Capital|Total| 
|                                     |Notes|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|GBP'000|  GBP'000|  GBP'000|GBP'000| 
|Gain on disposal of fixed asset      |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|investments                          |     |      -|  1,459|1,459|      -|    409|  409|      -|  1,868|1,868| 
|Loss on disposal of current asset    |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|investments                          |     |      -|    (2)|  (2)|      -|   (21)| (21)|      -|   (23)| (23)| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|Gain on valuation of fixed asset     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|investments                          |     |      -|     48|   48|      -|    179|  179|      -|    227|  227| 
|Gain/(loss) on valuation of current  |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|asset investments                    |     |      -|      6|    6|      -|   (18)| (18)|      -|   (12)| (12)| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|Other Income                         |    2|    165|      -|  165|    182|      -|  182|    347|      -|  347| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|Investment management fees           |    3|   (66)|  (200)|(266)|   (33)|   (98)|(131)|   (99)|  (298)|(397)| 
|Other expenses                       |    4|  (208)|      -|(208)|  (111)|      -|(111)|  (319)|      -|(319)| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|before tax                           |     |  (109)|  1,311|1,202|     38|    451|  489|   (71)|  1,762|1,691| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|Taxation on (loss)/profit on ordinary|     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|activities                           |    6|      -|      -|    -|      -|      -|    -|      -|      -|    -| 
|                                     |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities |     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|after tax                            |     |  (109)|  1,311|1,202|     38|    451|  489|   (71)|  1,762|1,691| 
|(Loss)/earnings per share - basic and|     |       |       |     |       |       |     |       |       |     | 
|diluted                              |    8| (1.0)p|  12.1p|11.1p|   0.7p|  8.5 p| 9.2p|       |       |     | 
  * the 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss 
    account of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and 
    capital return columns have been prepared under guidance 
    published by the Association of Investment Companies 
  * all revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
    continuing operations 
  * the accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial 
  * the Company has only one class of business and derives its income 
    from investments made in shares and securities and from bank and 
    money market funds 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results 
for the year as set out above. 
Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses 
                                        Year to 31 October 2008 
                                   Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Loss on ordinary activities before 
taxation                                   (5,763)    (2,622) (8,385) 
Loss on valuation of investments             5,680      2,578   8,258 
Realisation of prior years' net 
unrealised gain/(loss) on 
investments                                    269       (81)     188 
Historical cost profit/(loss) on 
ordinary activities before 
taxation                                       186      (125)      61 
Historical cost profit/(loss) on 
ordinary activities after taxation             186      (125)      61 
                                         Year to 31 October 2007 
                                     Ordinary shares 'C' shares Total 
                                               GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary activities before 
taxation                                       1,202        489 1,691 
Gain on valuation of investment                 (54)      (161) (215) 
Realisation of prior years' net 
unrealised gain on investments                   674        314   988 
Historical cost profit on ordinary 
activities before taxation                     1,822        642 2,464 
Historical cost profit on ordinary 
activities after taxation                      1,822        642 2,464 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                                        Year to 31 October 2008 
                                   Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at 1 November 
2007                                        11,945      6,183  18,128 
Loss on ordinary activities after 
tax                                        (5,763)    (2,622) (8,385) 
Net proceeds of share issue                     20          -      20 
Cancellation of own shares                   (146)      (141)   (287) 
Dividends paid                             (1,232)      (279) (1,511) 
Shareholders' funds at 31 October 
2008                                       4,824        3,141   7,965 
                                        Year to 31 October 2007 
                                   Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at 1 November 
2006                                        11,211      5,495  16,706 
Profit on ordinary activities 
after tax                                    1,202        489   1,691 
Net proceeds of share issue                    891        412   1,303 
Cancellation of own shares                   (335)          -   (335) 
Dividends paid                             (1,024)      (213) (1,237) 
Shareholders' funds at 31 October 
2007                                        11,945      6,183  18,128 
Balance Sheet 
                                     As at 31 October 2008 
                    Notes Ordinary Shares  'C' shares       Total 
                             GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Fixed asset 
investments          10             3,411         1,962         5,373 
Current assets: 
Money market 
securities           11      1,280            971         2,251 
Debtors              12        138             42           180 
Cash at bank                    36            207           243 
                             1,454          1,220         2,674 
Creditors: amounts 
falling due within 
one year             13       (41)           (41)          (82) 
Net current assets                  1,413         1,179         2,592 
Net assets                          4,824         3,141         7,965 
Called up equity 
share capital         14     1,111            536         1,647 
Share premium 
account               15        18              -            18 
reserve              15      9,500          4,672        14,172 
Capital redemption 
reserve              15        127             34           161 
Capital reserve - 
realised             15        710            124           834 
Capital reserve - 
unrealised           15    (6,292)        (2,134)       (8,426) 
Revenue reserve      15      (350)           (91)         (441) 
Total equity 
shareholders' funds                 4,824         3,141         7,965 
Net asset value per 
share                 9      43.4p          58.6p 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
The financial statements were approved by the directors and 
authorised for issue on 5 February 2009 and are signed on their 
behalf by: 
Stephen Hazell-Smith 
Balance Sheet 
                                    As at 31 October 2007 
                     Notes Ordinary Shares  'C' shares      Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed asset 
investments           10             9,891        4,499        14,390 
Current assets: 
Money market 
securities            11     1,596          1,083        2,679 
Debtors               12        65             91          156 
Cash at bank                   482            533        1,015 
                             2,143          1,707        3,850 
Creditors: amounts 
falling due within 
one year              13      (89)           (23)        (112) 
Net current assets                   2,054        1,684         3,738 
Net assets                          11,945        6,183        18,128 
Called up equity 
share capital          14    1,128            558        1,685 
Share premium 
account                15        -              -            - 
reserve               15     9,646          4,813       14,459 
Capital redemption 
reserve               15       108             12          120 
Capital reserve - 
realised              15     1,717            496        2,210 
Capital reserve - 
unrealised            15     (343)            367           24 
Revenue reserve       15     (311)           (63)        (370) 
Total equity 
shareholders' funds                 11,945        6,183        18,128 
Net asset value per 
share                  9    106.0p         110.8p 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                         As at 31 October 2008 
                                   Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                             Notes           GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities                         (290)       (42)   (332) 
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment : 
Purchase of investments       10             (364)      (343)   (707) 
Sale of investments           10             1,246        367   1,613 
Dividends paid                             (1,232)      (279) (1,511) 
Management of liquid 
resources : 
Purchase of cash equivalent 
investments                   11           (2,774)    (1,780) (4,554) 
Sale of cash equivalent 
investments                   11             3,091      1,892   4,983 
Financing : 
Issue of equity (net of 
expenses)                                       23          -      23 
Repurchase of own shares                     (146)      (141)   (287) 
Decrease in cash resources                   (446)   (326)      (772) 
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Cash Resources 
                                   Year to 31 October 2008 
                               Ordinary Shares 'C' shares Total 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000 
Decrease in cash resources               (446)      (326) (772) 
Movement in liquid resources             (316)      (113) (429) 
Opening net cash resources               2,078      1,616 3,694 
Net cash at 31 October 2008              1,316      1,177 2,493 
Liquid resources at 31 October comprised: 
                            Ordinary shares 'C' shares Total 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000 
Cash at Bank                             36        207   243 
Money Market Funds                    1,280        970 2,250 
Net cash at 31 October 2008           1,316      1,177 2,493 
Reconciliation of (Loss) / Profit before Taxation to Cash Flow from 
Operating Activities 
                                         Year ended 31 October 2008 
                                          shares  'C' shares    Total 
                                           GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
Loss on ordinary activities before 
tax                                      (5,763)     (2,622)  (8,385) 
Gain on disposal of fixed asset 
investments                                 (82)        (65)    (147) 
Gain on disposal of current asset 
investments                                  (1)           -      (1) 
Loss on valuation fixed asset 
investments                                5,680       2,578    8,258 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors              (51)          68       17 
Decrease in creditors                       (73)         (1)     (74) 
Outflow from operating activities          (290)        (42)    (332) 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                         As at 31 October 2007 
                                   Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                             Notes           GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities                         (145)       (74)   (219) 
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment : 
Purchase of investments       10           (3,395)    (2,717) (6,112) 
Sale of investments           10             4,367      1,472   5,839 
Dividends paid                 7           (1,024)      (213) (1,237) 
Management of liquid 
resources : 
Purchase of cash equivalent 
investments                                (5,028)    (3,479) (8,507) 
Sale of cash equivalent 
investments                                  3,853      4,546   8,399 
Financing : 
Issue of own shares (net of 
expenses)                                      890        412   1,302 
Repurchase of own shares      14             (335)          -   (335) 
Decrease in cash resources                   (817)       (53)   (870) 
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Cash Resources 
                                   Year to 31 October 2007 
                               Ordinary Shares 'C' shares Total 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000 
Decrease in cash resources               (817)       (53) (870) 
Movement in liquid resources             1,179    (1,106)    73 
Opening net cash resources               1,716      2,775 4,491 
Net cash at 31 October 2007              2,078      1,616 3,694 
Liquid resources at 31 October comprised: 
                              Ordinary shares 'C' shares Total 
                                        GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000 
Cash at Bank                              482        533 1,015 
Bonds                                     404        739 1,143 
Money Market Funds                      1,192        344 1,536 
  Net cash at 31 October 2007           2,078      1,616 3,694 
Reconciliation of Profit before Taxation to Cash Flow from Operating 
For the  year ended  31  October 
2007                               Ordinary shares 'C' shares   Total 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary activities 
before tax                                   1,202        489   1,691 
Gain on valuation of fixed asset 
investments                                   (48)      (179)   (227) 
(Gain)/loss on valuation of 
current asset investments                      (6)         18      12 
Gain on disposal of fixed asset 
investments                                (1,458)      (409) (1,867) 
Loss on disposal current asset 
investments                                      2         21      23 
Decrease in debtors                             90         68     158 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                73       (82)     (9) 
Outflow from operating 
activities                                   (145)       (74)   (219) 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1.         Principal Accounting Policies 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention,  except  for   the  revaluation   of  certain   financial 
instruments, and in accordance with UK Generally Accepted  Accounting 
Practice (UK GAAP).   Where presentational  guidance set  out in  the 
Statement of  Recommended Practice  (SORP) "Financial  Statements  of 
Investment Trust  Companies", revised  December 2005,  is  consistent 
with the  requirements  of UK  GAAP,  the directors  have  sought  to 
prepare the financial statements on a consistent basis compliant with 
the recommendations of the SORP. 
The principal accounting policies have remained unchanged from those 
set out in the Company's 2007 annual report and financial 
statements.  A summary of the principal accounting policies is set 
out below. 
The accounts have been drawn up to include a statutory profit and 
loss account and a note of historical cost profits and losses in 
accordance with Schedule 4 of the Companies Act 1985 and Financial 
Reporting Standard 3 (Reporting Financial Performance).  Investment 
company status was revoked on 23 March 2007. 
Purchases and sales of investments are recognised in the financial 
statements at the date of the transaction (trade date). 
These investments will be managed and their performance evaluated on 
a fair value basis in accordance with a documented investment 
strategy and information about them has to be provided internally on 
that basis to the Board.  Accordingly as permitted by FRS 26, the 
investments will be designated as fair value through profit and loss 
("FVTPL") on the basis that they qualify as a group of assets 
managed, and whose performance is evaluated, on a fair value basis in 
accordance with a documented investment strategy.  The Company's 
investments are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair 
Investments in AIM-quoted companies will be stated at bid price at 
the balance sheet date. 
In the case of investments quoted on a recognised stock exchange, 
fair value is established by reference to the closing bid price on 
the relevant date or the last traded price, depending upon convention 
of the exchange on which the investment is quoted.  For the avoidance 
of doubt, Phoenix VCT plc does not hold any unquoted investments. 
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of investments 
are recognised as part of the capital return within the profit and 
loss account and allocated to the capital reserve - realised. 
In preparation of the valuations of assets the directors are required 
to make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent. 
Current asset investments 
Current asset investments comprise money market funds and are 
designated as FVTPL.  Gains and losses arising from changes in fair 
value of investments are recognised as part of the capital return 
within the profit and loss account and allocated to the revaluation 
reserve as appropriate. 
The current asset investments are all invested with the Company's 
cash manager and are readily convertible into cash at the choice of 
the Company.  The current asset investments are held for trading, are 
actively managed and the performance is evaluated on a fair value 
basis in accordance with a documented investment strategy. 
Information about them has to be provided internally on that basis to 
the Board. 
Investment income includes interest earned on bank balances and 
income from money market securities. Dividend income is shown net of 
any related tax credit. 
Dividends receivable are brought into account when the Company's 
right to receive payment is established and there is no reasonable 
doubt that payment will be received.  Fixed returns on debt and money 
market securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as 
to reflect the effective yield, provided there is no reasonable doubt 
that payment will be received in due course. 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.  Expenses are 
charged wholly to revenue with the exception of the investment 
management fee, which has been charged 25% to the revenue account and 
75% to the realised capital reserve to reflect, in the Directors' 
opinion, the expected long term split of returns in the form of 
income and capital gains respectively from the investment portfolio. 
Revenue and capital 
The revenue column of the profit and loss account includes all income 
and revenue expenses of the Company.  The capital column includes 
realised and unrealised gains and losses on investments.  Gains and 
losses arising from changes in fair value are considered to be 
realised only to the extent that they are readily convertible to cash 
in full at the balance sheet date. 
Corporation tax payable is applied to profits chargeable to 
corporation tax, if any, at the current rate. The tax effect of 
different items of income/gain and expenditure/loss is allocated 
between capital and revenue return on the "marginal" basis as 
recommended in the SORP. 
Deferred tax is recognised on an undiscounted basis in respect of all 
timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the 
balance sheet date where transactions or events have occurred at that 
date that will result in an obligation to pay more, or a right to pay 
less tax, with the exception that deferred tax assets are recognised 
only to the extent that the directors consider that it is more likely 
than not that there will be suitable taxable profits from which the 
future reversal of the underlying timing difference can be deducted. 
Cash and liquid resources 
Cash, for the purposes of the cash flow statement, comprises cash in 
hand and deposits repayable on demand, less overdrafts payable on 
demand.  Liquid resources are current asset investments which are 
disposable without curtailing or disrupting the business and are 
either readily convertible into known amounts of cash at or close to 
their carrying values or traded in an active market.  Liquid 
resources comprise term deposits of less than one year (other than 
cash), government securities, investment grade bonds and investments 
in money market managed funds. 
Loans and receivables 
The Company's loans and receivables are initially recognised at cost 
and subsequently measured at fair value. 
Financial instruments 
The Company's principal financial assets are its investments and the 
policies in relation to those assets are set out above.  Financial 
liabilities and equity instruments are classified according to the 
substance of the contractual arrangements entered into. An equity 
instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the 
assets of the entity after deducting all of its financial 
liabilities. Where the contractual terms of share capital do not have 
any terms meeting the definition of a financial liability then this 
is classed as an equity instrument. Dividends and distributions 
relating to equity instruments are debited direct to equity. 
Dividends payable are recognised as distributions in the financial 
statements when the Company's liability to make payment has been 
established.  This liability is established when the dividends 
proposed by the Board are approved by the shareholders. 
2.         Income 
                                Ordinary shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                31 October 2008       2008       2008 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Interest  receivable  on  money 
market  securities   and   bank 
balances                                      9         28         37 
Dividends received                          165         73        238 
                                            174        101        275 
                                Ordinary shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                31 October 2007       2007       2007 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Interest  receivable  on  money 
market  securities   and   bank 
balances                                     50        131        181 
Dividends received                          115         51        166 
                                            165        182        347 
3.         Management fees 
                                        Ordinary Shares 
                             31 October 2008       31 October 2007 
                          Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Investment management fee      59     175   234      56     170   226 
Irrecoverable VAT thereon      10      31    41      10      30    40 
                               69     206   275      66     200   266 
                                          'C' shares 
                             31 October 2008       31 October 2007 
                          Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Investment management fee      31      92   123      28      84   112 
Irrecoverable VAT thereon       5      16    21       5      14    19 
                               36     108   144      33      98   131 
For the purposes of the revenue and capital columns in the income 
statement, the management fee (including VAT) has been allocated 25 
per cent to revenue and 75 per cent to capital, in line with the 
Board's expected long term return in the form of income and capital 
gains respectively from the Company's investment portfolio. 
Octopus provides investment management, accounting, administration 
and secretarial services to the Company under a management agreement 
which runs for a period of five years with effect from 24 March 2005 
and may be terminated at any time thereafter by not less than twelve 
months' notice given by either party.  No compensation is payable in 
the event of terminating the agreement by either party, if the 
required notice period is given.  The fee payable, should 
insufficient notice be given, will be equal to the fee that would 
have been paid should continuous service be provided, or the required 
notice period was given.  The basis upon which the management fee is 
calculated is disclosed within note 19 to the financial statements. 
The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in his budget statement on 
12 March 2008 that the Finance Act 2008 would contain draft 
legislation exempting VCTs from VAT on management fees with effect 
from 1 October 2008. 
4.                   Other expenses 
                                         shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                     31 October 31 October 31 October 
                                           2008       2008       2008 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Accounting and administration 
services                                     34         32         66 
Directors' remuneration                      33         17         50 
Fees payable to the Company's 
auditor for the audit of the 
financial statements                         10          6         16 
Fees  payable   to   the   Company's 
auditor for  other  services  -  tax 
compliance                                    2          1          3 
Other expenses                               92         46        138 
                                            171        102        273 
                                         shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                     31 October 31 October 31 October 
                                           2007       2007       2007 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Accounting and administration 
services                                     33         32         65 
Directors' remuneration                      31         16         47 
Fees payable to the Company's 
auditor for the audit of the 
financial statements                          9          5         14 
Fees  payable   to   the   Company's 
auditor for  other  services  -  tax 
compliance                                    2          1          3 
Other expenses                              133         57        190 
                                            208        111        319 
Total annual running costs are capped at 3.5% of net assets.  For the 
year to 31 October 2008 the running costs were 2.8% of net assets for 
the Ordinary shares and 3.4% for the 'C' shares. 
5.         Directors' remuneration 
                        Ordinary shares     'C' shares          Total 
                                            31 October     31 October 
                        31 October 2008           2008           2008 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Directors' emoluments 
Mr    S    Hazell-Smith 
(Chairman)                           13              7             20 
Mr M Cooper                          10              5             15 
Mr T Morgan                          10              5             15 
                                     33             17             50 
                        Ordinary shares     'C' shares          Total 
                                            31 October     31 October 
                        31 October 2007           2007           2007 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Directors' emoluments 
Mr    S    Hazell-Smith 
(Chairman)                           13              6             19 
Mr M Cooper                           9              5             14 
Mr T Morgan                           9              5             14 
                                     31             16             47 
None of the Directors received any other remuneration or benefit from 
the Company during the year.  The Company has no employees other than 
non-executive Directors.  The average number of non-executive 
Directors in the year was three (2007: three). 
6.         Tax on ordinary activities 
The corporation tax charge for the year was GBPnil (2007: GBPnil). 
Factors affecting the tax charge for the current year: 
The current tax charge for the year differs from the standard rate of 
corporation tax in the UK of 29% (2007: 19%).  The differences are 
explained below. 
                                         shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                     31 October 31 October 31 October 
                                           2008       2008       2008 
Current tax reconciliation:               GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Loss on  ordinary activities  before 
tax                                     (5,763)    (2,622)    (8,385) 
Current tax at 29%                      (1,671)      (760)    (2,431) 
Expenses  not  deductible  for   tax 
purposes                                  1,595        726      2,321 
Unrelieved tax losses                        76         34        110 
Total current tax charge                      -          -          - 
                                         shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                     31 October 31 October 31 October 
                                           2007       2007       2007 
Current tax reconciliation:               GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary activities before 
tax                                       1,202        489      1,691 
Current tax at 19%                          229         93        322 
Income not liable to tax                  (300)      (107)      (407) 
Excess management charges                    71         14         85 
Total current tax charge                      -          -          - 
Excess management charges of GBP1,675,000 (2007: GBP1,298,000) have been 
carried forward at 31 October 2008 and are available for offset 
against future taxable income subject to agreement with HMRC. 
Approved venture capital trusts are exempt from tax on capital gains 
within the Company.  Since the directors intend that the Company will 
continue to conduct its affairs so as to maintain its approval as a 
venture capital trust, no current deferred tax has been provided in 
respect of any capital gains or losses arising on the revaluation or 
disposal of investments. 
7.         Dividends 
                                Ordinary shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                31 October 2008       2008       2008 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Interim dividend per share -                556        112        668 
(Ord share: 5.0p, 'C' share: 
Final proposed dividend - (Ord              556        161        717 
share: 5.0p, 'C' share: 3.0p) 
                                Ordinary shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                31 October 2007       2007       2007 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Interim dividend per share - 
(Ord share: 6.0p, 'C' share: 
3.0p)                                       663        160        823 
Final proposed dividend - (Ord 
share: 6.0p, 'C' share: 3.0p)               676        167        843 
The final dividends for the year ended 31 October 2008, subject to 
shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting, will be paid on 3 
April 2009 to those shareholders on the register on 13 February 2009. 
8.         (Loss)/earnings per share 
Ordinary Shares 
The (loss)/earnings per share is based on loss after tax of 
GBP(5,763,000) (2007: GBP1,202,000) and on 11,151,594 (2007: 10,806,191) 
shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during 
the year. 
'C' shares 
The  (loss)/earnings  per  share  is  based  on  loss  after  tax  of 
GBP(2,622,000) (2007:  GBP489,000)  and on  5,547,722  (2007:  5,322,479) 
shares, being the weighted average  number of shares in issue  during 
the year. 
There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, 
therefore, no diluted returns per share figures are relevant. The 
basic and diluted earnings per share are therefore identical. 
9.        Net asset value per share 
Ordinary shares 
The calculation of net asset value per share as at 31 October 2008 is 
based on net assets of GBP4,824,000 (2007: GBP11,945,000) divided by  the 
11,111,439 (2007: 11,266,960) ordinary shares in issue at that date. 
'C' shares 
The calculation of net asset value per share as at 31 October 2008 is 
based on net assets of  GBP3,141,000 (2007: GBP6,183,000) divided by  the 
5,356,248 (2007: 5,579,429) ordinary shares in issue at that date. 
10.        Fixed asset investments 
                                Ordinary shares 'C' shares      Total 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                31 October 2008       2008       2008 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Valuation and net book amount: 
Book cost as at 1 November 2007          10,240      4,089     14,329 
Revaluation as  at  1  November 
2007                                      (349)        410         61 
Valuation at 1 November 2007              9,891      4,499     14,390 
Movement in the year: 
Purchases at cost                           364        343        707 
Disposal proceeds                       (1,246)      (367)    (1,613) 
Profit on realisation of 
investments - current year                   82         65        147 
Loss on valuation in year               (5,680)    (2,578)    (8,258) 
Valuation at 31 October 2008              3,411      1,962      5,373 
Book cost at 31 October 2008              9,703      4,092     13,795 
Revaluation to 31 October 2008          (6,292)    (2,130)    (8,422) 
Valuation at 31 October 2008              3,411      1,962      5,373 
Further details of the fixed asset investments held by the Company 
are shown within the Investment Manager's Review on pages 7 to 15. 
All investments are designated as fair value through profit or loss 
at the time of acquisition, and all capital gains or losses on 
investments so designated.  Given the nature of the Company's venture 
capital investments, the changes in fair value of such investments 
recognised in these financial statements are not considered to be 
readily convertible to cash in full at the balance sheet date and 
accordingly these gains are treated as unrealised. 
At 31 October 2008 and 31 October 2007 there were no commitments in 
respect of investments approved by the Manager but not yet completed. 
11.        Current asset investments 
Current asset investments at 31 October 2008 money market funds and 
at 31 October 2007 comprised bonds and money market funds. 
                                             Ordinary     'C' 
                                               shares  shares   Total 
                                                           31      31 
                                           31 October October October 
                                                 2008    2008    2008 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Money market securities at cost at 1 
November 2007: 
Bonds                                             402     782   1,184 
Money Market Funds                              1,188     344   1,532 
Revaluation as at 1 November 2007: 
Bonds                                               2    (43)    (41) 
Money Market Funds                                  4       -       4 
Valuation as at 1 November 2008                 1,596   1,083   2,679 
Movement in the year: 
Purchases at Cost: 
                                 Money                  1,780   4,554 
Market Funds                                    2,774 
Disposal proceeds: 
                                 Bonds          (405)   (739) (1,144) 
                                 Money                (1,153) (3,839) 
Market Funds                                  (2,686) 
Gain in year on realisation of 
                                 Bonds              1       -       1 
Valuation as at 31 October 2008                 1,280     971   2,251 
Cost at 31 October 2008: 
                                   Money                  971   2,251 
Market Funds                                    1,280 
Revaluation to 31 October 2008: 
                                   Money                    -       - 
Market Funds                                        - 
Valuation as at 31 October 2008                 1,280     971   2,251 
12.        Debtors 
               Ordinary shares      'C' shares           Total 
               31 October 2008 31 October 2008 31 October 2008 
                         GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Prepayments                  6               4              10 
Accrued income             113              38             151 
Other debtors               19               -              19 
                           138              42             180 
               Ordinary shares      'C' shares           Total 
               31 October 2007 31 October 2007 31 October 2007 
                         GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Prepayments                  6               3               9 
Accrued income              59              49             108 
Other debtors                -              39              39 
                            65              91             156 
13.        Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
                Ordinary shares      'C' shares           Total 
                31 October 2008 31 October 2008 31 October 2008 
                          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Accruals                     41              22              63 
Other creditors               -              19              19 
                             41              41              82 
                Ordinary shares      'C' shares           Total 
                31 October 2007 31 October 2007 31 October 2007 
                          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Accruals                     52              23              75 
Other creditors              37               -              37 
                             89              23             112 
14.        Share capital 
                                      31 October 2008 31 October 2007 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
Equity -  30,000,000 Ordinary  shares           3,000           3,000 
of 10p 
Equity - 10,000,000 'C' shares of 10p           1,000           1,000 
                                                4,000           4,000 
Allotted and fully paid up: 
Equity    -     11,111,439     (2007:           1,111           1,128 
11,266,960) Ordinary shares of 10p 
Equity - 5,356,248 (2007:  5,579,429)             536             558 
'C' shares of 10p 
                                                1,647           1,686 
The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its 
investment policy with a view to the achievement of its investment 
objective as set on page 20.  The Company is not subject to any 
externally imposed capital requirements. 
During the year, the Company repurchased the following Ordinary 
shares for cancellation: 
  * 22 February 2008: 127,050 Ordinary shares at a price of 79.0p per 
  * 10 April 2008: 30,522 Ordinary Shares at a price of 69.0p per 
  * 30 April 2008: 28,965 Ordinary Shares at a price of 69.0p per 
  * 19 September 2008: 9,620 Ordinary Shares at a price of 50.0p per 
The total nominal value of the Ordinary shares repurchased was 
GBP19,616 representing 1.8% of the issued share capital. 
During the year the Company allotted the following Ordinary shares 
  * 10 December 2007: 2,442 Ordinary shares at a price of 102.4p per 
  * 7 September 2008: 38,194 Ordinary shares at a price of 53.0p per 
During the year, the Company repurchased the following 'C' shares for 
  * 21 February 2008: 5,828 'C' shares at a price of 85.0p per share 
  * 10 April 2008: 9,765 'C' shares at a price of 78.0p per share 
  * 18 July 2008: 40,000 'C' shares at a price of 73.4p per share 
  * 18 September 2008: 10,000 'C' shares at a price of 65.0p per 
  * 19 September 2008: 53,338 'C' shares at a price of 65.0p per 
  * 17 October 2008: 104,250 'C' shares at a price of 56.5p per share 
The total nominal value of the shares repurchased was GBP22,318 
representing 4.2% of the issued share capital. 
The Company did not issue any 'C' shares during the year. 
15.        Reserves 
                             Special    Capital  reserve    Capital 
Ordinary         Share distributable redemption        -  reserve - Revenue 
shares         premium       reserve    reserve realised unrealised reserve 
                 GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
As at 31 
October 2007         -         9,646        108    1,717      (343)   (311) 
of own shares        -         (146)         19        -          -       - 
Issue of 
shares (net of 
costs)              18             -          -        -          -       - 
Loss on 
after tax            -             -          -        -          - (5,763) 
of management 
fees                                               (127)          -     127 
Prior period 
on disposal          -             -          -      269      (269)       - 
Current period 
on disposal          -             -          -       83          -    (83) 
on revaluation       -             -          -        -    (5,680)   5,680 
Dividends paid       -             -          -  (1,232)          -       - 
Balance at 31 
October 2008        18         9,500        127      710    (6,292)   (350) 
                             Special    Capital  reserve    Capital 
                 Share distributable redemption        -  reserve - Revenue 
'C' shares     premium       reserve    reserve realised unrealised reserve 
                 GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
As at 31 
October 2007         -         4,813         12      496        367    (63) 
of own shares        -         (141)         22        -          -       - 
Issue of 
shares (net of 
costs)               -             -          -        -          -       - 
Loss on 
after tax            -             -          -        -          - (2,622) 
of management 
fees                 -             -          -     (81)          -      81 
Prior period 
on disposal          -             -          -     (77)         77       - 
Current period 
on disposal          -             -          -       65          -    (65) 
on revaluation       -             -          -        -    (2,578)   2,578 
Dividends paid       -             -          -    (279)          -       - 
Balance at 31 
October 2008         -         4,672         34      124    (2,134)    (91) 
When the Company revalues its investments during the period, any 
gains or losses arising are credited/charged to the profit and loss 
account.  Unrealised gains/losses are then transferred to the capital 
reserve - unrealised.  When an investment is sold any balance held on 
the revaluation reserve is transferred to the capital reserve - 
realised as a movement in reserves.  The purpose of the special 
distributable reserve was to create a reserve which will be capable 
of being used by the Company to pay dividends and for the purpose of 
making repurchases of its own shares in the market with a view to 
narrowing the discount at which the Company's shares trade to net 
asset value. 
16.        Financial instruments and risk management 
The Company's financial instruments comprise equity, cash balances 
and liquid resources including debtors and creditors. The Company 
holds financial assets in accordance with its investment policy of 
investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT qualifying unquoted and 
AIM-quoted securities whilst holding a proportion of its assets in 
cash or near-cash investments in order to provide a reserve of 
Fixed asset investments (see note 10) are valued at fair value. For 
quoted investments this is either bid price or the latest traded 
price, depending on the convention of the exchange on which the 
investment is quoted.. The fair value of all other financial assets 
and liabilities is represented by their carrying value in the balance 
sheet.  The Directors believe that the fair value of the assets are 
held at the year end is equal to their book value. 
In carrying on its investment activities, the Company is exposed to 
various types of risk associated with the financial instruments and 
markets in which it invests. The most significant types of financial 
risk facing the Company are price risk, interest rate risk, credit 
risk and liquidity risk. The Company's approach to managing these 
risks is set out below together with a description of the nature and 
amount of the financial instruments held at the balance sheet date. 
Market risk 
The Company's strategy for managing investment risk is determined 
with regard to the Company's investment objective, as outlined on 
page 20. The management of market risk is part of the investment 
management process and is a central feature of venture capital 
investment. The Company's portfolio is managed in accordance with the 
policies and procedures described in the Corporate Governance 
statement on pages 29 to 31, having regard to the possible effects of 
adverse price movements, with the objective of maximising overall 
returns to shareholders. Investments in unquoted companies, by their 
nature, usually involve a higher degree of risk than investments in 
companies quoted on a recognised stock exchange, though the risk can 
be mitigated to a certain extent by diversifying the portfolio across 
business sectors and asset classes. The overall disposition of the 
Company's assets is regularly monitored by the Board. 
Details of the Company's investment portfolio at the balance sheet 
date are set out on page 10 to 15.  An analysis of investments 
between debt and equity instruments is given in note 10. 
71% of Ordinary Shares (31 October 2007: 83%) by value of the 
Company's net assets comprises equity securities quoted on AIM. A 5% 
increase in the bid price of these securities as at 31 October 2008 
would have increased net assets and the total return for the year by 
GBP171,000 (31 October 2007: GBP495,000); a corresponding fall would have 
reduced net assets and the total return for the year by the same 
63% of 'C' Shares (31 October 2007: 73%) by value of the Company's 
net assets comprises equity securities quoted on AIM. A 5% increase 
in the bid price of these securities as at 31 October 2008 would have 
increased net assets and the total return for the year by GBP100,000 
(31 October 2007: GBP225,000); a corresponding fall would have reduced 
net assets and the total return for the year by the same amount. 
Interest rate risk 
Some of the Company's financial assets are interest-bearing.  As a 
result, the Company is exposed to fair value interest rate risk due 
to fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates. 
Fixed rate 
The table below summarises weighted average effective interest rates 
for the fixed interest-bearing financial instruments: 
Shares            As at 31 October 2008       As at 31 October 2007 
                   Total          Weighted     Total          Weighted 
                   fixed           average     fixed           average 
                    rate          time for      rate          time for 
               portfolio Weighted    which portfolio Weighted    which 
                      by  average  rate is        by  average  rate is 
                   value interest fixed in     value interest fixed in 
                   GBP'000   rate %    years     GBP'000   rate %    years 
investments            -        -        -       422      5.2     0.17 
                       -                         422 
'C' Shares        As at 31 October 2008       As at 31 October 2007 
                   Total          Weighted     Total          Weighted 
                   fixed           average     fixed           average 
                    rate          time for      rate          time for 
               portfolio Weighted    which portfolio Weighted    which 
                      by  average  rate is        by  average  rate is 
                   value interest fixed in     value interest fixed in 
                   GBP'000   rate %    years     GBP'000   rate %    years 
investments            -        -        -       573      7.8     0.92 
                       -        -        -       573 
Due to the relatively short period to maturity of the fixed rate 
investments held within the portfolio, it is considered than an 
increase or decrease of 1% in interest rates as at the reporting date 
would not have had a significant effect on the Company's net assets 
or total return for the year. 
Floating rate 
The Company's floating rate investments comprise cash held on 
interest-bearing deposit accounts and, where appropriate, within 
interest bearing money market securities.  The benchmark rate which 
determines the rate of interest receivable on such investments is the 
bank base rate, which was 4.5% at 31 October 2008 (31 October 2007: 
5.75%).  The amounts held in floating rate investments at the balance 
sheet date were as follows: 
                                     31 October 2008 31 October 2007 
Ordinary Shares                                 GBP000            GBP000 
Cash on deposit & money market funds           1,316           1,674 
                                               1,316           1,674 
                                     31 October 2008 31 October 2007 
'C' shares                                      GBP000            GBP000 
Floating rate notes                                -             190 
Cash on deposit & money market funds           1,178             877 
                                               1,178           1,067 
A 1% increase in the base rate would increase income receivable on 
Ordinary Shares from these investments and the total return for the 
year by GBP13,000 (31 October 2007: GBP17,000) 
A 1% increase in the base rate would increase income receivable on 
'C' Shares from these investments and the total return for the year 
by GBP12,000 (31 October 2007: GBP11,000) 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has 
entered into with the Company. The investment manager and the Board 
carry out a regular review of counterparty risk. The carrying values 
of financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure at the 
balance sheet date. 
At 31 October 2008 the Company's financial assets exposed to credit 
risk comprised the following: 
                                      31 October 2008 31 October 2007 
Ordinary Shares                                  GBP000            GBP000 
Investments in fixed interest 
instruments                                         -             422 
Cash on deposit & money market funds            1,316           1,674 
Accrued dividends and interest 
receivable                                          -              59 
                                                1,316           2,155 
                                      31 October 2008 31 October 2007 
'C' Shares                                       GBP000            GBP000 
Investments in fixed interest 
instruments                                         -             573 
Investments in floating rate 
instruments                                         -             190 
Cash on deposit & money market funds            1,178           1,067 
Accrued dividends and interest 
receivable                                          -              49 
                                                1,178           1,879 
Credit risk relating to listed money market securities is mitigated 
by investing in a portfolio of investment instruments of high credit 
quality, comprising securities issued by the UK Government and major 
UK companies and institutions.. 
Those assets of the Company which are traded on recognised stock 
exchanges are held on the Company's behalf by third party custodians 
(Goldman Sachs International in the case of listed money market 
securities and Charles Stanley Limited in the case of AIM quoted 
equity securities).  Bankruptcy or insolvency of a custodian could 
cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held by the 
custodian to be delayed or limited. 
Credit risk arising on the sale of investments is considered to be 
small due to the short settlement and the contracted agreements in 
place with the settlement lawyers. 
The Company's interest-bearing deposit and current accounts are 
maintained with Goldman Sachs International and HSBC PLC. 
Other than cash or liquid money market funds, there were no 
significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 
October 2008 or 31 October 2007. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's financial assets include investments in AIM-quoted 
companies, which by their nature; involve a higher degree of risk 
than investments on the main market.  As a result, the Company may 
not be able to realise some of its investments in these instruments 
quickly at an amount close to their fair value in order to meet its 
liquidity requirements, or to respond to specific events such as 
deterioration in the creditworthiness of any particular issuer. 
The Company's listed money market securities are considered to be 
readily realisable as they are of high credit quality as outlined 
The Company's liquidity risk is managed on a continuing basis by the 
Investment Manager in accordance with policies and procedures laid 
down by the Board. The Company's overall liquidity risks are 
monitored on a quarterly basis by the Board. 
The funds raised since incorporation are currently used to fund the 
Company's primary objective of investing in venture capital 
opportunities which accord with its investment strategy.  As at 31 
October 2008, some 92% (2006: 93.5%) of the Ordinary Share funds 
raised and 81% (2006: 80.4%) of the 'C' Share funds raised have been 
utilised in this investment process.  The remaining funds were 
primarily represented by cash, money market securities and bonds 
shown as current asset investments in the balance sheet. 
The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily 
realisable securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses. 
At 31 October 2008 these investments were valued at GBP1,316,000 for 
ordinary shares (31 October 2007: 2,517) and GBP1,177,000 for 'C' 
Shares. (31 October 2007: GBP1,867). 
17.        Post balance sheet events 
There are no post balance sheet events to report 
18.        Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
As mentioned in the Chairman's Statement on pages 4 to 6, there may 
be an opportunity to obtain a repayment of VAT paid on management 
fees to Octopus.  It is not yet clear to what degree this may be 
possible. For the purposes of these accounts, and with guidance from 
our advisers, we have accrued income of GBP106,000 for the Ordinary 
shares and GBP36,000 for the 'C' shares, being approximately 90% of the 
anticipated VAT rebate. 
There were no further contingencies, guarantees or financial 
commitments as at 31 October 2008 (2007: GBPnil). 
19.        Related party transactions 
Matt Cooper, a non-executive Director of Phoenix VCT plc, is a 
Director of Octopus.  Phoenix VCT plc has employed Octopus throughout 
the year as investment manager.  Phoenix VCT plc has paid Octopus 
GBP275,000 (2007: GBP226,000) (including irrecoverable VAT at the 
applicable rate) in the year as a management fee and there is GBPnil 
outstanding at the balance sheet date.  The management fee is payable 
quarterly in advance and is based on 2.0% of the net asset value 
calculated at annual intervals as at 31 October.  Octopus also 
provides accounting, administrative and secretarial services to the 
Company, payable quarterly in advance for a fee of GBP25,000 for the 
Ordinary Share portfolio and GBP25,000 for the 'C' Share portfolio per 
annum, which increases annually in line with the movement in RPI. 
There was GBPnil outstanding at the balance sheet date for the 
accounting and administrative services. 
In addition, Octopus is entitled to an annual performance related 
incentive fee which is equal to 20%. of the amount by which the 
increase in the net asset value attributable of the Fund in any 
accounting period and all prior accounting periods, after adding back 
distributions made by the Fund, exceeds an amount equal to simple 
interest on the gross proceeds raised by the Fund at a rate of HSBC 
base rate plus 3%, less the amount of any performance fee paid in 
respect of prior accounting periods.  No performance fee was payable 
as at 31 October 2008 since the performance criteria has not been 
met. Furthermore, the directors do not consider it likely that the 
criteria will be met in the short to medium term and therefore no 
accrual has been made in respect of these performance fees. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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