Half-yearly report 
   For the six months ended 31 July 2015 
   Financial Summary 
Ordinary Shares                    31 July 2015  31 July 2014  31 January 2015 
Net asset value per share ("NAV")         73.2p         76.6p            76.6p 
Dividends paid since launch               27.0p         18.0p            24.0p 
Total return (NAV plus dividends         100.2p         94.6p           100.6p 
paid since launch) 
Mid market share price                    73.5p         75.5p            69.5p 
 'A' Shares                      31 July 2015   31 July 2014   31 January 2015 
Net asset value per share                0.1p           0.1p              0.1p 
Dividends paid since launch                 -              -                 - 
Total return (NAV plus                   0.1p           0.1p              0.1p 
dividends paid since launch) 
Mid market share price                   0.1p           0.1p              0.1p 
   Dividend history for Ordinary Shares (since launch) 
Ordinary Share dividends paid since inception              Pence per share 
For the period ended 31 January 2012                                   6.0 
For the year ended 31 January 2013                                     6.0 
For the year ended 31 January 2014                                     6.0 
For the year ended 31 January 2015                                     9.0 
Cumulative dividends paid to date                                     27.0 
For the year ending 31 January 2016 
   Declared interim dividend payable on 23 October 2015               30.0 
   Chairman's Statement 
   I have pleasure in presenting the half year report for ProVen Planned 
Exit VCT plc (the "Company") for the six months ended 31 July 2015. 
   Portfolio activity and valuation 
   At 31 July 2015, your Company's venture capital investment portfolio 
comprised four venture capital investments at a cost of GBP1.7 million 
and a valuation of GBP1.8 million. In addition, the Company had net 
current assets of GBP1.7 million, predominantly in cash. 
   The six month period was notable for three realisations, two of which, 
Eagle-i Music and SPC International, returned the original investment 
cost and interest income during the holding period and the third, Long 
Eaton Healthcare, which in addition to interest income, also delivered 
an attractive capital gain. These realisations reflect the effort made 
by your Investment Manager in realising the investments in line with the 
Company's stated intention of being a limited life VCT with an intended 
life of between five and six years. 
   The investment portfolio continues to be valued in line with 31 January 
2015 valuations with the exception of Cross Solar PV Limited, which has 
been reduced slightly. The decline was partially offset by a further 
dividend received by the Company. 
   Further detail on the portfolio activity is provided in the Investment 
Manager's Review. 
   The loss on activities after taxation for the six month period to 31 
July 2015 was GBP15,000, comprising a revenue profit of GBP77,000 and a 
capital loss of GBP92,000. The net asset value total return, comprising 
net asset value and dividends paid since launch, was 100.2p per Ordinary 
Share and 0.1p per 'A' Share. The Ordinary Share return represents a 
slight decrease of 0.5% on the opening net asset value at the beginning 
of the year, after adjusting for dividends paid during the period. 
   The Company paid a final dividend of 3.0p per Ordinary Share for the 
year ended 31 January 2015 on 26 June 2015, which took the total 
dividends paid to Ordinary Shareholders to 27.0p. 
   Following the successful realisations during the period, I am pleased to 
announce the payment of an enhanced interim dividend of 30.0p per 
Ordinary Share to be paid on 23 October 2015 to Shareholders on the 
register as at 9 October 2015. No dividend will be payable on the 'A' 
Shares. This takes the overall Ordinary Share dividends paid to 57.0p, 
or over 80% of a Shareholder's investment cost (net of 30% initial 
income tax relief). The enhanced dividend, which is consistent with the 
limited life of the Company, would not be possible without the 
Investment Manager's judgement and efforts in investment selection, 
monitoring and achieving realisations in a timely manner. 
   Share buybacks 
   The Directors intend that, in the five years following the first 
allotment of shares, the Company will operate a policy of buying back 
its own shares for cancellation at a zero discount to net asset value. 
It should be noted, however, that a disposal of Venture Capital Trust 
("VCT") shares within five years from allotment may result in the loss 
of the initial income tax relief. Given the intended life of the Company, 
it is not intended that any shares will be bought back after the fifth 
anniversary of the first allotment of shares. 
   No shares were purchased by the Company during the period. Shareholders 
who are considering selling their shareholding may wish to contact the 
Company's brokers, Panmure Gordon, prior to any sale. 
   VCT legislation 
   The Finance Bill published on 15 July 2015, following the second 2015 UK 
Budget, includes a number of proposed changes to the VCT rules. These 
are mainly designed to bring the legislation in line with the EU State 
Aid Risk Finance Guidelines which were revised last year and are 
expected to come into effect from Royal Assent of the Finance Bill which 
is anticipated to be later this year. 
   The changes predominately focus around the type of investments VCTs will 
be permitted to make going forward and as the Company is no longer 
pursuing investment opportunities, your Board believes that these 
changes will not have an adverse impact on the Company. 
   The Company has made good progress in the six months to 31 July 2015, 
realising three out of the Company's seven investments at cost or above. 
This has allowed the enhanced interim dividend of 30.0p to be declared, 
which, as previously mentioned, will take the total dividends paid to 
over 80% of a Shareholder's initial net investment. The Investment 
Manager is focussed on achieving realisations for the remaining 
investments so that the Company can proceed to an orderly wind up and 
liquidation. The timing of these realisations is uncertain, given that 
the investments are unquoted, but your Board is optimistic that they 
will be achieved within the five to six year timeframe set out in the 
original prospectus. 
   Peter L R Hewitt 
   28 September 2015 
   Investment Manager's Review 
   We have pleasure in presenting our half year review for ProVen Planned 
Exit VCT plc (the "Company") for the six month period to 31 July 2015. 
   Beringea LLP is a specialist venture capital management company which 
traces its origins back 30 years. It currently manages over GBP140 
million of VCT funds through three VCTs and has managed VCTs since their 
inception in 1996. 
   Investment activity and portfolio valuation 
   As at 31 July 2015, the Company's venture capital investment portfolio 
comprised four VCT qualifying investments at a cost of GBP1.7 million 
and valuation of GBP1.8 million. In addition, the Company had cash of 
GBP1.7 million. 
   We are currently working towards realising the Company's venture capital 
investment portfolio in line with the Company's stated objective of 
being a limited life VCT. We were therefore pleased to realise three 
investments, all of which delivered a positive return for the Company's 
shareholders. There were no new investments. 
   In May 2015, Long Eaton Healthcare Limited was sold to a third party, 
realising a GBP150,000 gain on cost and delivering an overall return of 
18.7% per annum. In the same month, Eagle-i Music Limited was realised 
at its carrying value at 31 January 2015, as part of the sale process 
involving its parent company Eagle Rock Entertainment Group Limited. In 
June 2015, SPC International Limited repaid the Company's loan and 
equity investments at cost. 
   The remaining investments continue to be valued in line with their 31 
January 2015 valuations, with the exception of Cross Solar PV Limited. 
While the latest valuation represents a reduction from 31 January 2015, 
the investment is still valued above cost. Additionally the Company has 
received both interest and dividend income in the six months to 31 July 
   The realisations we have achieved in the six months to 31 July 2015 will 
benefit Ordinary Shareholders as a result of the enhanced interim 
dividend that has been declared by your Board. We are working towards 
realisations for the remaining investments in the portfolio and remain 
optimistic that these will be achieved in line with the targeted life of 
the Company. 
   Beringea LLP 
   28 September 2015 
   Summary of Investment Portfolio 
   as at 31 July 2015 
   The following investments were held at 31 July 2015: 
                                         movement in     % of portfolio 
                   Cost    Valuation          period           by value 
                  GBP'000   GBP'000          GBP'000 
Venture capital 
Cross Solar PV 
 Limited              600        764            (69)            21.6% 
 Group Limited        550        550               -            15.5% 
Cogora Group 
 Limited              500        500               -            14.1% 
Blis Media 
 Limited               28         33               -             0.9% 
                    1,678      1,847            (69)            52.1% 
Cash at bank and 
 in hand                       1,693                            47.9% 
 investments                   3,540                           100.0% 
   All venture capital investments are unquoted and are also held by ProVen 

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VCT plc and ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc, both of which are also 
managed by Beringea LLP. 
   The relationship between the VCTs managed by Beringea is covered by a 
co-investment agreement. 
   All venture capital investments held at the period end are registered in 
England and Wales. 
   Unaudited Condensed Income Statement 
   for the six months ended 31 July 2015 
                                                    (unaudited)                (unaudited) 
                                                  Six months ended           Six months ended               (audited) 
                                                    31 July 2015               31 July 2014         Year ended 31 January 2015 
                                             Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total              Total 
                                             GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000            GBP'000 
Income                                           121     (75)       46      137       50      187                          545 
Investment management fee                        (6)     (17)     (23)      (6)     (17)     (23)                         (49) 
Other expenses                                  (38)        -     (38)     (46)        -     (46)                         (92) 
Return / (loss) on ordinary activities 
 before taxation                                  77     (92)     (15)       85       33      118                          404 
Tax on ordinary activities                         -        -        -        -        -        -                            - 
Return / (loss) attributable to equity 
 shareholders                                     77     (92)     (15)       85       33      118                          404 
Basic and diluted return/ (loss) per share 
 Ordinary Share                                 1.6p   (1.9p)   (0.3p)     1.8p     0.7p     2.5p                         8.4p 
'A' Share                                          -        -        -        -        -        -                            - 
   All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. The total column within this statement represents 
the Unaudited Condensed Income Statement of the Company. 
   The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the six month period as set out above. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this announcement. 
   Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position 
   as at 31 July 2015 
                                                (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                  31 July      31 July     31 January 
                                                    2015         2014         2015 
                                                  GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                           1,847        3,183        3,202 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                  23           68           53 
Cash at bank and in hand                              1,693          496          487 
                                                      1,716          564          540 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year         (36)         (49)         (56) 
Net current assets                                    1,680          515          484 
Net assets                                            3,527        3,698        3,686 
Capital and reserves 
Called up Ordinary Share capital                          5            5            5 
Called up 'A' Share capital                               7            7            7 
Special distributable reserve                         3,235        3,822        3,379 
Capital reserve - realised                             (30)        (144)        (164) 
Capital reserve - unrealised                            168          127          394 
Revenue reserve                                         142        (119)           65 
Total equity shareholders' funds                      3,527        3,698        3,686 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
 Ordinary Share                                       73.2p        76.6p        76.6p 
'A' Share                                              0.1p         0.1p         0.1p 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this announcement. 
   Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
For the six       up     Called 
months ended   Ordinary  up 'A'      Special 
31 July 2015    Share     Share   distributable        Capital               Capital         Revenue 
(unaudited)    Capital   capital     reserve      reserve - realised   reserve - unrealised  reserve   Total 
               GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000               GBP'000         GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 February 
 2015                 5        7          3,379                (164)                    394       65    3,686 
Return / 
 to equity 
 shareholders         -        -              -                  134                  (226)       77     (15) 
 paid in the 
 period               -        -          (144)                    -                      -        -    (144) 
At 31 July 
 2015                 5        7          3,235                 (30)                    168      142    3,527 
For the six       up     Called 
months ended   Ordinary  up 'A'      Special 
31 July 2014    Share     Share   distributable        Capital               Capital         Revenue 
(unaudited)    Capital   capital     reserve      reserve - realised   reserve - unrealised  reserve   Total 
               GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000               GBP'000         GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 February 
 2014                 5        7          3,822                (127)                     77     (59)    3,725 
Return / 
 to equity 
 shareholders         -        -              -                 (17)                     50       85      118 
 paid in the 
 period               -        -              -                    -                      -    (145)    (145) 
At 31 July 
 2014                 5        7          3,822                (144)                    127    (119)    3,698 
   The special reserve, capital reserve - realised and revenue reserve are 
distributable reserves. Reserves available for distribution therefore 
amount to GBP3,347,000 (2014: GBP3,559,000). 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this announcement. 
   Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows 
   for the six months ended 31 July 2015 
                                     (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                      Six months   Six months         Year 
                                        ended        ended           ended 
                                       31 July      31 July     31 January 
                                         2015         2014            2015 
                             Note      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net cash generated from 
 operating activities          A              70           19           60 
Cash flows from investing 
Disposal of investments                    1,280            -          248 
Net cash from investing activities         1,280            -          248 
Cash flows from financing 
Purchase of own shares                         -            -          (9) 
Equity dividends paid                      (144)        (145)        (434) 
Net cash from financing activities         (144)        (145)        (443) 
Increase/ (decrease) in 
 cash and cash equivalents     B           1,206        (126)        (135) 
Notes to the cash flow 
A Net cash generated from 
operating activities 
(Loss)/ return on ordinary 
 activities before taxation                 (15)          118          404 
Loss/ (gain) on investments                   75         (50)        (317) 
Decrease/ (increase) in debtors               30         (41)         (26) 
Decrease in creditors                       (20)          (8)          (1) 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                  70           19           60 
B Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period /year                    487          622          622 
Net cash inflows/ (outflows)               1,206        (126)        (135) 
End of period / year                       1,693          496          487 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this announcement. 
   Notes to the half-yearly report 
   1. Accounting policies 
   Basis of preparation 
   The Company has prepared its financial statements under Financial 
Reporting Standard 102 ("FRS102") and in accordance with the Statement 
of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' (the "SORP"), which was revised in 
November 2014. 
   This is the first period in which the financial statements have been 
prepared under FRS102, however, it has not been necessary to restate 
comparatives as the treatment previously applied aligns with the 
requirements of FRS102. As a result, there are no reconciling 
differences between the previous financial reporting framework and the 
current financial reporting framework and the comparative figures 
represent the position under both current and previous financial 
reporting frameworks. 
   The following accounting policies have been applied consistently 
throughout the period. Further details of principal accounting policies 
will be disclosed in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 
31 January 2016. 
   a)         Presentation of Income Statement 
   In accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which analyses 

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the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has 
been presented alongside the Income Statement. The revenue return 
attributable to equity shareholders is the measure the Directors believe 
appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with certain 
requirements set out in S274 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
   b)         Investments 
   Investments, including equity and loan stock, are designated as "fair 
value through profit or loss" assets due to investments being managed 
and performance evaluated on a fair value basis.   A financial asset is 
designated within this category if it is both acquired and managed, with 
a view to selling after a period of time, in accordance with the 
Company's documented investment policy.  The fair value of an investment 
upon acquisition is deemed to be cost.  Thereafter investments are 
measured at fair value in accordance with International Private Equity 
and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines ("IPEVCVG") issued in December 
2012 together with FRS102. 
   The valuation methodologies used by the Directors for assessing the fair 
value of unquoted investments are as follows: 
   -- investments are usually retained at cost for twelve months following 
      investment, except where a company's performance against plan is 
      significantly below the expectations on which the investment was made in 
      which case a provision against cost is made as appropriate; 
   -- where a company is in the early stage of development it will normally 
      continue to be held at cost as the best estimate of fair value, reviewed 
      for impairment on the basis described above; 
   -- where a company is well established after an appropriate period, the 
      investment may be valued by applying a suitable earnings or revenue 
      multiple to that company's maintainable earnings or revenue.  The 
      multiple used is based on comparable listed companies or a sector but 
      discounted to reflect factors such as the different sizes of the 
      comparable businesses, different growth rates and the lack of 
      marketability of unquoted shares; 
   -- where a value is indicated by a material arms-length transaction by a 
      third party in the shares of the company, the valuation will normally be 
      based on this, reviewed for impairment as appropriate; 
   -- where alternative methods of valuation, such as net assets of the 
      business or the discounted cash flows arising from the business are more 
      appropriate, then such methods may be used; and 
   -- where repayment of the equity is not probable, redemption premiums will 
      be recognised. 
   The methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and 
circumstances of the individual investment and uses reasonable data, 
market inputs, assumptions and estimates in order to ascertain fair 
value.  Methodologies are applied consistently from year to year except 
where a change results in a better estimate of fair value. 
   Where an investee company has gone into receivership or liquidation, or 
the loss in value below cost is considered to be permanent, or there is 
little likelihood of a recovery from a company in administration, the 
loss on the investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated 
as being realised. 
   Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are included in the 
Unaudited Condensed Income Statement for the period as a capital item. 
   2. All revenue and capital items in the Unaudited Condensed Income 
Statement derive from continuing operations. 
   3. There are no other items of comprehensive income other than those 
disclosed in the Unaudited Condensed Income Statement. 
   4. The Company has only one operating segment as reported to the Board 
of Directors in their capacity as chief operating decision makers and 
derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank 
   5. The comparative figures are in respect of the year ended 31 January 
2015 and the six month period ended 31 July 2014. 
   6. Basic and diluted return per Ordinary Share for the period has been 
calculated on 4,804,658 shares, being the weighted average number of 
shares in issue during the period. 
   7. Basic and diluted NAV per share for the period has been calculated on 
4,804,658 Ordinary Shares and 7,227,352 'A' Shares, being the number of 
shares in issue at the period end. 
   8. Dividends 
                                   Pence     31 July  31 July 
                                  per share    2015     2014   31 January 2015 
                                             GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000 
Paid in the period / year: 
2015 final dividend paid on 26 
 June 2015                              3.0      144        -                - 
2015 interim dividend paid on 
 19 November 2014                       6.0        -        -              289 
2014 final dividend paid on 18 
 June 2014                              3.0        -      145              145 
                                                 144      145              434 
Dividend declared: 
2016 interim dividend payable 
 on 23 October 2015                    30.0    1,441        -                - 
   9. Contingent liabilities, guarantees and financial commitments 
   The Company has no contingent liabilities, guarantees or financial 
commitments at 31 July 2015. 
   10. Called up share capital 
   During the six months to 31 July 2015, the Company did not issue or 
repurchase any Ordinary Shares or 'A' Shares. 
   11.   Financial instruments 
   Investments are valued at fair value as determined using the measurement 
policies described in note 1. 
   The Company has categorised its financial instruments that are measured 
subsequent to initial recognition at fair value, using the fair value 
hierarchy as follows: 
   Level a      Reflects financial instruments quoted in an active market. 
   Level b      Reflects financial instruments that have been valued based 
on prices of recent transactions for identical instruments. 
   Level c (i)  Reflects financial instruments that have been valued using 
valuation techniques with observable inputs. 
   Level c (ii)  Reflects financial instruments that have been valued using 
valuation techniques with unobservable inputs. 
                         31 July 2015               31 January 2015 
                   Level a   Level b  Level c  Level a  Level b  Level c 
                   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Loan notes               -         -    1,155        -        -    1,867 
Unquoted equity          -         -      692        -        -    1,335 
Total                    -         -    1,847        -        -    3,202 
   All financial instruments included within the Level c column have been 
categorised as Level c (ii) financial instruments and have been valuing 
using valuation techniques with unobservable inputs. 
   12. Controlling part and related party transactions 
   In the opinion of the Directors, there is no immediate or ultimate 
controlling party. 
   Malcolm Moss, a Director of the Company, is also a Partner of Beringea 
LLP. Beringea LLP was the Company's investment manager during the 
period. During the six months ended 31 July 2015, GBP23,000 was payable 
to Beringea LLP in respect of these services. At the period end the 
Company owed Beringea LLP GBP13,000. 
   During the six months to 31 July 2015, an amount of GBP11,250 was 
payable to the Directors of the Company. No amount was outstanding at 
the period end. 
   13.    The unaudited financial statements set out herein have not been 
subject to review by the auditor and do not constitute statutory 
accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
There have therefore not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The figures for the year ended 31 January 2015 have been extracted from 
the financial statements for that period, which have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies; the Auditor's report on those financial 
statements was unmodified. 
   14.    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the 
half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
Financial Reporting Standard 104 ("FRS104") issued by the Financial 
Reporting Council and the half-yearly financial report includes a fair 
review of the information required by: 
   a.      DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an 
indication of important events that have occurred during the first six 
months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of 
financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
   b.      DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being 
related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months 
of the current financial year and that have materially affected the 
financial position or performance of the entity during that period, and 
any changes in the related party transactions described in the last 
annual report that could do so. 
   15.    Risk and uncertainties 
   Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive the Board is required, 
in the Company's half-yearly results, to report on the principal risks 
and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of the financial 
   The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the 
remainder of the financial year are as follows: 
   (i)      investment risk associated with investing in small and immature 
   (ii)     investment risk arising from volatile stock market conditions 
and their potential effect on the value of the Company's venture capital 
investments and the exit opportunity for those investments; and 
   (iii)    breach of VCT regulations. 
   In respect of (i) and (ii), the Board is satisfied with the Company's 

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