At least annually, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee evaluates the independence of each director on a case-by-case basis by considering any matters that could affect his or her ability to exercise independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director. Any such matters are evaluated from the standpoint of the director and the persons or organizations with which the director has an affiliation. Each director abstains from participating in the determination of his or her independence.
Based on its most recent review, the Board has affirmatively determined that, based on the standards set forth in the NYSE rules and our corporate governance documents, each of the director nominees qualifies as “independent” under the NYSE listing standards (except for Jackson Hsieh due to his employment as our Chief Executive Officer and President.)
Board Engagement and Attendance
In effectuating the Board’s guidance and oversight role, our Board held a total of seven meetings during 2022. Evidencing a strong commitment to the Company, the majority of directors attended 100% of the Board meetings held in 2022 that occurred while they were serving as a Director, with each Director attending at least 91% of the total meetings of the Board and all committees on which she or he served during the time of service.
Our independent directors regularly meet in executive sessions, outside the presence of management – generally, at each regularly scheduled quarterly Board and Committee meeting and at other times as necessary or desirable. The Lead Independent Director chairs all regularly scheduled executive sessions of the Board and all other meetings of the independent directors.
We strongly encourage, but do not require, Directors to attend our annual meetings of shareholders. We had full attendance by our Board members at the 2022 annual meeting. We have scheduled the Annual Meeting at a time and date to permit attendance by Directors and intend to make every effort to do so for future annual meetings of the shareholders, taking into account the directors’ schedules and the timing requirements of applicable law.
Annual Board Assessment Process
The Board recognizes that a comprehensive and constructive evaluation process is critical to our Board’s ongoing effectiveness and a key component of good corporate governance. In 2022, we performed assessments using a thorough evaluation process that has been developed over the years. Our robust annual review involves assessing our full Board and our committees, with a focus on numerous areas – composition, structure, competencies, processes and policies, and behaviors. The evaluation process is also used to consider Board succession planning and refreshment.
Board Composition and Refreshment
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee performs an annual assessment of the skills and experience needed to properly oversee the interests of the Company and recommends to the Board for nomination such candidates that meet these qualifications.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee also considers diversity as an important factor in determining composition of the Board. Over the past few years our active refreshment process has led to the appointment of Diana Laing, Elizabeth Frank, Michelle Frymire, Kristian Gathright and Thomas Sullivan, each of whom offer differentiated perspectives and diversity to the Board. Currently, 44% of our Board is female. Furthermore, there is significant diversity in the length of service amongst our Board members, with tenures ranging from fourteen years to two years. Such diversity illustrates that Spirit values both new perspectives and the deep institutional knowledge of longer-tenured directors.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee also oversees our comprehensive onboarding program for new directors which includes a combination of written materials, oral presentations and meetings in which the new members receive detailed information about Spirit’s history, culture, risk framework, ethics, investment strategy and other policies that are applicable to directors, as well as Spirit’s approach to human capital management, diversity and inclusion, environmental concerns and other social issues.
Director Stock Ownership Guidelines
The purpose of the stock ownership guidelines is to align the interests and actions of non-employee directors with the long-term interests of shareholders, and further promote our commitment to sound corporate governance. The guidelines require each non-employee director to hold shares equal in value to five times the annual Board retainer paid to such non-employee director (excluding any additional retainers paid for service on or chairing a committee or as chairperson of the Board). Directors who were appointed within the preceding three years of the date of the new stock ownership guidelines, or appointed thereafter, have a five-year grace period to meet the requirements.
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Spirit Realty Capital | 2023 Proxy Statement |