Apple's "spring forward" announcement is on. The gathering in San Francisco is aimed at shedding more light on the Apple Watch, including details about pricing for the higher-end versions. There could be other announcements, too, with some expectations swirling around a new MacBook Air.

The Journal's Geoffrey Fowler, Joanna Stern and Wilson Rothman are live blogging the event with news, photos and analysis.Apple is streaming videoof the presentation,too.

2:34 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is summing things up: Apple Watch is now part of Apple's lineup-no calling this one just a "hobby" if it doesn't succeed. He's staking his leadership on it.

2:32 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

This window gives Apple more than a month more to build the buzz. I can't remember an Apple launch with so much build-up.

2:31 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

Preorders for Apple Watch begin on April 10. That's when you can go into stores and take a look, too. They'll be available two weeks later, April 24.

2:30 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook says the solid gold Watch Edition will start at $10,000 and will be available in select stores only.

2:29 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Price for Apple Watch steel edition: $600 for the larger edition. Up to $1,100 for fancier band.

2:27 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

The larger model of the Sport, just to recap, will be $50 more.

2:27 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Back to a Jony Ive video talking about the stainless steel version - this is the middle tier. The price point on this will be key.

2:26 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

There was a quick mention that there are controls to decide what you want to see on the watch. But I want some intelligence in Apple's software to choose that for me. Now talking price: $399 for the larger "Sport" model. Notably, no talk about onboard storage so far. I guess no options there.

2:25 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

As a potential buyer, I just feel whiplashed by all the talk about battery life. The narrative in my ear: A day, then not a day, then heavy usage of two or so hours, no five hours, and now 18 hours in a "normal day."

2:24 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

I bet that 18 hours really varies by how much you use the thing. Are the many examples Apple showed off today a "typical day"? You can bet we'll be testing that in reviews.

2:22 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

You'll need iOS 8.2 to do this, which is available for download today. Here comes the battery discussion: "all-day battery across a range of activities" says Cook. On a typical day you can expect 18 hours.

2:22 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Interesting that we didn't see much about news apps in the demo. And also no developers on stage so far.

2:21 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

Apple just said the Watch is about saving you time. So it thinks it made its case.

2:21 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Right, Joanna. The question is: How much of this will save us time?

2:20 pm by Joanna Stern

Like, why wouldn't I pull out my phone to get music lyrics?

2:20 pm by Joanna Stern

I've been sitting back for the last few minutes thinking about the idea that this watch might do too much. Maybe some won't agree with me, but it seems like many of these apps are trying to just replicate the job of many phone apps. Maybe Apple thinks that what people want, but I just want it to make some things easier for me.

2:19 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

Stop singing into your wrist.

2:19 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Lyrics mode on the Apple Watch looks handy for karaoke.

2:17 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Apple is running through lots of things you can do on the Watch. Here's the takeaway: Lots of things you could do on a phone you can now do on a watch.

But is any of that easier?

2:16 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

I can't imagine what kind of dystopian scenario will unfold if people on the New Jersey Transit "quiet car" start taking calls on their wrists.

2:14 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Yes, you can take a call right on the Apple Watch, Dick Tracy style. But don't we have phones for that?

2:14 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

To use Apple Pay with the watch, you don't have to get that close to the terminal - it will jiggle and make a sound when it is ready to pay.

2:13 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

I can't tell yet whether some of these reminders, like the one that tells you you've been sitting too long, will be helpful or feel more like a pushy nanny.

2:13 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Good point, Fitzy. Most people's days don't start at work. What can the Apple Watch do to wake us up in the morning or get our days going?

2:12 pm by Joanna Stern

I am actually surprised about all the things you can do on the watch. Still, can't get over that you can make a phone call through the watch's speaker and mic.

2:11 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

You start Siri by pressing the round crown on the side, like to ask "What's the weather in New York?" Seems like Siri answers with text on the screen, not a voice.

2:10 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

Huh. My day definitely doesn't start at work.

2:10 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

We're going through a day in the life of Apple watch. First up at work, glances let you see stocks, news, tweets.

2:09 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

We're going to go through a parade of developers who have made Apple Watch apps.

2:08 pm by Joanna Stern

I am starting to worry about the notification controls for the Apple Watch. We keep hearing about everything we CAN get on our watch, but I don't want everything on my wrist.

2:08 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook says you can receive any notification from your phone on an Apple Watch. Ok, but I want fewer notifications!

2:07 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Turlington just left the stage, but I'm still not sure how the Apple Watch actually helped her train for running. She said she used it a lot. But for what? To check her heart rate?

2:04 pm by Joanna Stern

Also interesting, no note about the heart-rate monitor in the discussion of the health and fitness features. It was talked about before as a sharing / emotional way to send your heart rate to friends and family. Not as an indicator of health or agility.

2:03 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

On stage now to talk about life using Apple Watch: Christy Turlington Burns.

2:02 pm by Joanna Stern

I'm not so impressed by these fitness and health features. How is this any different than the Fitbits that many people have gotten sick of because they just tell you you haven't walked around today?

2:01 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

New workout app lets you choose what kind of workout you're doing, and get live feedback.

2:00 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is talking about the Watch's use as a fitness device: track your activity, and even alert you if you sit too long. It sends you a weekly report, and suggest a new move target for the week ahead. "It's like having a coach on your wrist," says Cook.

2:00 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

While we heard about this in September, these "digital touches" are still interesting new ways to communicate with friends: draw, tap or share your heartbeat.

1:58 pm by Joanna Stern

I asked a few months ago what the future of the laptop looks like and this seems to be Apple's answer. The big thing that sticks out to me is that the interaction is still very much around a trackpad and a keyboard. While those seem to be very much improved, there is still no touchscreen.

1:58 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is rehearsing what you can do: take calls, respond to texts and read emails - but no mention of replying to emails, the real bane of my digital life.

1:57 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is describing "glances" - a quick way to see time, as well as your calendar or a quick look at your heart rate.

1:55 pm by Joanna SternAdd a Comment

Let me recap some of the MacBook stuff here. The new MacBook, which starts at $1,300, sits between the MacBook Air, which starts at $899 and the Retina MacBooks.

1:54 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

He's laying out three benefits: A new way to tell time, a new way to connect, and a new way to measure fitness and health.

1:54 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook back on stage for the main event: Apple Watch. The sales pitch: This is truly personal tech.

1:53 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

Good call, Joanna. This sits right in the middle. So, this means no Retina display for the Air. No new trackpad for the Air either. Just a new chip for the Air.

1:51 pm by Brian Fitzgerald

We're nearly an hour into this gathering, and nothing yet on the Watch. A reminder that this is supposed to be a Watch event.

1:51 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

I'm really curious about what this USB-C is like to use in person. Does it mean I have to carry around a lot more adapters and dongles?

1:50 pmby Joanna Stern

This would be an addition to the MacBook family. You have Airs on the lower end, the Retina MacBooks on the higher. And then this somewhere in the middle.

1:49 pm by Joanna Stern

We should be learning more soon on the pricing, but my guess is that this new "MacBook" does not replace the lower-end Airs.

1:48 pm by Wilson Rothman

Quick thought: While this USB-C thing is interesting, lower battery life and a single port for monitors AND power troubles me. How do I work?

1:48 pm by Joanna Stern

We will have to really test the battery life to see the comparisons.

1:46 pm by Joanna Stern

But remember this doesn't replace the Air. This is the new MacBook. We will hear the pricing soon, but yes, you will likely pay more for less battery life and performance than the Air.

1:43 pm by Geoffrey Fowler

Now talking about battery life: "All day battery life" says Schiller. 9 hours wireless Web - but that's actually less than the old MacBook Air in my tests.

1:42 by Geoffrey Fowler

Nerdery ahead:

The new MacBook has an Intel Core M chip inside. That is more energy efficient, but less powerful than other 5th Gen Intel chips.

1:40 pm | by Joanna Stern

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"Force Touch" and "Force Click" sound... odd.

1:40 pm

New MacBook's trackpad has a "Taptic" feedback, like on the Apple Watch, plus pressure sensitivity for "force clicks"

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:39 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

The trackpad on this laptop has something called "force click," which is a new kind of gesture. Great to give us more control, but we'll have to see in person whether this is helpful or confusing.

1:39 pm

Is it me or are they not calling this a Macbook Air? Seems like they are going out of their way not to say Air.

--- Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) March 9, 2015

1:38 pm | by Joanna Stern

No official word on the ports yet, but no full size USBs to be seen, looks like two Type C USB ports.

1:37 pm

Boom. 12-inch Retina display, with edge to edge cover class.

--- Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) March 9, 2015

1:36 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

12-inch Retina display on the new MacBook. This is what MacBook Air owners have been waiting for.

1:36 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

There is weeds and there is weeds. Schiller talking about the "butterfly" mechanism for the keyboard for accuracy.

1:35 pm

Apple's new MacBook: - weighs 2 lbs - 13.1 mm thin - comes in gold and silver


--- Elana Zak (@elanazak) March 9, 2015

1:35 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Honestly, I'd rather have a bigger battery.

1:34 pm

Phil Schiller with new MacBook -- see that USB C port? 2 pounds in weight, 13.1mm thin at the thickest point.

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:34 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

It weighs 2 pounds -- and is 13.1 mm thick -- 24% thinner than before. But wait: Why do I need an even-thinner laptop?

1:33 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Phil Schiller is on stage to go through the details. "It's the most extreme and efficient notebook we have ever created," he says.

1:33 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

It floats!

1:32 pm

Meet Apple's new MacBook

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

1:32 pm

Oh my gosh. A bubble.

--- Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) March 9, 2015

1:32 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook says Apple has reinvented the notebook. And it looks like ... a bubble. (So far.)

1:31 pm | by Joanna Stern

"We decided to do something incredibly ambitious and bold," Cook says. "We challenged ourselves to reinvent the notebook."

1:31 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

"The definition of portability has changed" says Cook.

1:30 pm | by Joanna Stern

I am very excited for this portion. VERY excited.

1:30 pm

Cook back on stage talking about Macs... Live blog:

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:30 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is back on stage talking about the Mac.

1:29 pm

--- Johana Bhuiyan (@JMBooyah) March 9, 2015

1:29 pm | by Joanna Stern

Huge applause. "Open source" is not a term you hear often (or ever) at an Apple event.

1:29 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Biggest applause of the morning so far goes to ResearchKit, which Apple is making open source.

1:28 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

A phone can be a pretty incredible research tool: You can survey patients, and have them complete mini tests, like how fast they can tap.

1:27 pm | by Joanna Stern

Have to expect that the Apple Watch will play a huge role in Research Kit, with sensors that record heart rate, steps, temperature, etc. Still, the video playing right now only shows the iPhone.

1:24 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

That's very smart of Apple to say that up front. It's great to see tech companies competing on privacy.

1:23 pm | by Joanna Stern

Of course, there is a ton of privacy concerns with this. "Apple will not see your data."

1:23 pm

The ability to use iPhone as a diagnostic tool for medical research will be huge for researchers expand data sets. Research Kit.

--- Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) March 9, 2015

1:22 pm

Use case for doing research on Parkinson's: The phone can measure hand shake and activity.

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

1:21 pm | by Joanna Stern

This could be amazingly powerful. It turns the iPhone into a diagnostic tool. It can help with measuring balance, tremors, etc.

1:20 pm

This is interesting: Apple developed Research Kit help researchers gather and organize data via iPhones.

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

1:20 pm | by Joanna Stern

Basically this is a piece of software for medical researchers. It taps into Health Kit to help provide data.

1:19 pm | by Joanna Stern

Another Kit! Research Kit."A software framework made for medical research," says Apple.

1:18 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald


1:18 pm | by Joanna Stern

Time will tell, Geoff. Time will tell.

1:18 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

I'll be WATCHing out for it, Joanna!

1:18 pm | by Joanna Stern

The missing link with the Health app has obviously been the Watch. Assume we will hear much more later in the morning about that.

1:17 pm

It's had an impact on medical research, he says.

1:17 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is now talking up that Health app that most iPhone users opened once and never have again.

1:16 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

"Homekit is changing the way we control our devices at home," says Cook.

Really? All I've seen it do so far is change how smarthome gadget makers market themselves. Still waiting for it show up in practice.

1:16 pm | by Joanna Stern

CarPlay coming to tons of cars before the end of the year.

Big question: How many will have Android Auto built into the same system.

1:16 pm

Apple Car news -- (every automaker has committed to Car Play) What did you expect?

--- Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) March 9, 2015

1:15 pm

Apple Pay coming to many Coke machines, says Cook. Crinkly dollar bills be gone!

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

1:15 pm | by Joanna Stern

Cook is talking about how Apple Pay is popular at vending machines. It is true, I buy cookies and Diet Coke using Apple Pay at the office at least once a week!

1:14 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Cook is talking about Apple Pay. Says there are now 700,000 locations that take it in the U.S.

1:14 pm

Big number tweet...

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:14 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

Moving on to iPhone ...

1:13 pm | by Joanna Stern

Yeah, great point Geoff. Also no way to really organize the apps. You can move them around but my home screen is cluttered with tons of services I don't watch.

1:13 pm

Apple TV now $69, down from $99.

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:12 pm | by Joanna Stern

And Cook is now moving on from the Apple TV. No hardware or interface update. Just the price drop, which is big news in the space.

1:12 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

For example, no search function or app store on Apple TV.

1:12 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

What I'm really waiting for is a refresh of the Apple TV. Its capabilities are starting to lag behind when compared with Roku and others.

1:11 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Some 25 million Apple TVs have sold so far, Cook says. Apple is lowering the price to $69.

1:11 pm | by Joanna Stern

Very exciting news for HBO lovers and Apple TV owners. Have to wonder when Apple is going to update the Apple TV hardware and software. Maybe that is coming next...

1:10 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

(All tweeting and live blogging halts for a Game of Thrones trailer.)

1:09 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Apple will be cable-free HBO Now's exclusive partner at launch. Coming in April for $15 a month. That's pricier than Netflix, but still cheap enough to drive interest.

1:08 pm

Cook + Khaleesi

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:07 pm | by Joanna Stern

The CEO of HBO, Richard Plepler, is out on stage."HBO Now" is HBO's standalone streaming service. Apple is the exclusive partner.

1:06 pm

Tim Cook talking about adding HBO to Apple TV...

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:06 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

This is the news cable cutters have been waiting for.

1:06 pm | by Joanna Stern

Cook seems very relaxed up there, especially in his new sweater look. "We love HBO," Cook says as he moves to talking about the momentum of the Apple TV.

1:05 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Apple has 453 stores now, he says -- and saw 120 million customers. Not too shabby.

1:04 pm | by Joanna Stern

The video is about the iPhone going on sale in China. A very interesting way to open the event. There are the usual shots: Apple store interior shots, footage of people cheering about the iPhone going on sale.

1:04 pm

Tim Cook takes the stage after an opening video about how busy Apple's latest store in China is doing.

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

1:03 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Apple CEO Tim Cook is on stage. First up, he's talking up Apple's latest retail location in China.

1:03 pm

Apple better have a solution for ad viewabilty on this watch thing or it's a total non starter

--- Mike Shields (@digitalshields) March 9, 2015

1:02 pm

If I am being honest, I really want to see an Apple TV that has CEC tech so my TV changes to that source when I turn it on.

--- Brian Fitzgerald (@BryFitz) March 9, 2015

1:02 pm | by Joanna Stern

And the lights are down! Apple marketing video is already rolling.

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1:00 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

If I am going to be sold on a Watch, I need to see how favorite apps will work. I need a real product demonstration. Show me how I will tweet differently.

12:58 pm | by Joanna Stern

I've seen two people taking photos with iPads. What we don't expect to hear today: How the watch will replace your camera!

12:58 pm | by Joanna Stern

As usual, Apple is playing some Top 40 hits (right now Sam Smith). Lots of excitement in the room and lots of people from the Apple exec team settling down and taking their front row seats.

12:56 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

The Apple live stream camera is rolling over the audience, catching poor unsuspecting people in its lens. Don't scratch your nose. If you are planning to watch at, you can hit play now.

12:53 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

Not U2. This puts a wedge between us.

Getting psyched backstage listening to I Lived by @OneRepublic.

--- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) March 9, 2015

12:48 pm

And we're inside. With @algore!

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

12:46 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Going into the event, here's the question I want answered:

Will the Apple Watch help me get time back? Will it reduce the gadget distractions in my life? If it does, I'm sold.

12:42 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

The real prize for journalists at one of these Apple events is a seat with a power strip.

12:41 pm | by Joanna Stern

You don't want to trip me. I have a selfie stick.

12:41 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

Stay safe out there.

12:41 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

The running of the journalists is about to begin.

12:41 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

Good point, Geoff. Kill the battery, and kill my interest. I'd hate to turn off all notifications. Wonder if we'll see a special "smartwatch only" class of notifications. But that puts the ball in the court of the developers.

12:39 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

I'm very interested in seeing how Apple reins in some of these services like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat that have thrived on the iPhone by getting us addicted to alerts. Too many alerts could kill a smartwatch.

12:37 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

A big part of answering the "why" question is going to be apps. I expect to see a parade of Apple Watch app developers on stage today. News! Games! Payments!

12:34 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

All of this attention on the watch. But I'd bet a week's salary there are as many people waiting for news of a redesigned MacBook. Yes, it's the geekier underbelly of the Apple fan community, but it's core.

12:28 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

The toughest part for Apple is trying to fulfill so many expectations of what functionality people want from a device attached to their wrists. Is it a phone? A fitness device? A messenger? A ... watch? No surprisingly, the first two comments from readers take aim at battery life and the ability of the watch to act as a standalone phone.

12:24 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

Notably, Apple didn't have the need for a second event to explain the iPad. But the September event left so many unanswered questions about the Apple Watch.

12:22 pm | What to Watch | by Geoffrey Fowler

So what's today about?

It's about answering this question: Why would you need an Apple Watch?

12:22 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald

No, no attention at all on this product announcement.

The new Apple Watch allows wearers to start and stop the flow of time

--- The Onion (@TheOnion) March 9, 2015

12:16 pm | by Brian Fitzgerald


Got some extra rest for today's event. Slept in 'til 4:30.

--- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) March 9, 2015

12:14 pm

Watch-ready hoodie spotted on @JohnPaczkowski -- good thinkin'!

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

12:11 pm

My nose is running and I can't see my favs on my iPhone. GBP reasonsweneedanapplewatch

--- Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) March 9, 2015

12:02 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler

I remember there were also people pitching apps at the iPad launch. The early bird gets the worm!

12:01 pm | There Are Products for the Products | by Joanna Stern

This company is standing outside the event promoting its Apple Watch charging station. Aggressive!

11:57 am | by Brian Fitzgerald

Apple Watch gets a lot of attention, but it is hardly entering an empty field. Here are the contenders side-by-side.

--- Brian Fitzgerald (@BryFitz) March 9, 2015

11:46 am | by Joanna Stern

We are standing in line! Lots of excitement about the event and getting pricing details about the watch. Personally, I am most excited to hear about a new MacBook Air today. It could be the first time in many years we see a completely redesigned MacBook.

11:32 am | You Can Watch Too | by Brian Fitzgerald

Depending on your PC setup, you can watch the on-stage event too at It's always easier if you are swimming in the Apple ecosystem. A live stream requires some recent versions of Safari browser on OSX, mobile devices running at least iOS 6, or some later version of Apple TV. (The disclaimers are all on the site.) Yes, there are workarounds for Android and Windows if you are desperate enough.

11:28 am

Apple Watch event happening soon. Here's what's going on now...

--- Wilson Rothman (@wjrothman) March 9, 2015

11:25 am | Follow us | by Brian Fitzgerald

Our crack team will keep this live blog full of exclusive thoughts today. But we're sharing plenty on Twitter, too. So follow along:







11:20 am

The new MacBook Air is a footnote at the bottom of most Apple event preview articles. I expect it to be much more than that!

--- Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) March 8, 2015

11:17 am

Interesting GBP AppleWatch stat: @forrester found 40% of folks are tired of pulling phones from pockets; 50% of mobile interactions glanceable

--- Geoffrey Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) March 9, 2015

10:54 am | Tech or Fashion? | by Brian Fitzgerald

The smartwatch is theculmination of Apple's move into high-end luxury fashion. The watch isthe first device from Appledesigned explicitly to be displayedrather than tucked away in a pocket, the Journal'sDaisuke Wakabayashiwrote in today's Journal. Give it a read ahead of today's announcement.

10:49 am | Thanks for stopping by! | by Brian Fitzgerald

Welcome from New York. Our news and personal technology teams are headed to Apple's announcement today to see what is in store for the Apple Watch. The event starts around 1 p.m. ET, but we will get going in the hour beforehand.

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