Anglesey Mining plc                                   LSE:AYM 
Final results 2009 
A UK mining company listed on the London Stock Exchange with - 
A 50% ownership in Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited, a TSX quoted Canadian 
company developing the Labrador Iron Ore properties which are scheduled for 
commercial production in 2010. A historic resource of 90 million tons of 
partially developed iron ore in Western Labrador. Development activities 
fully funded - GBP19.8 million cash equivalent available at 31 March 2009 
Parys Mountain - An important copper-lead-zinc deposit in North Wales, UK with a 
total historical resource of 7.76 million tonnes at 9.3% combined copper, lead 
and zinc, currently held awaiting development 
Chairman's Statement 
Along with the majority of companies in the resources sector, indeed in almost 
all business sectors, Anglesey Mining has felt the effects of the global 
economic and financial crisis that struck the world in the second half of 2008. 
The low point occurred towards the end of 2008 with some improvement having been 
seen since. 
With the global economic downturn, the price of Anglesey shares has fallen 
dramatically during the last year. This reflected a similar fall in the share 
price of our 50% owned Canadian associate Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited 
LIM ended its financial year at 31 March 2009 with cash and current assets of 
Canadian $35.7 million (GBP19.8 million) and is in a healthy financial and 
operational condition to carry out its planned programmes to move its direct 
shipping iron ore project in Western Labrador into production. 
Anglesey shares are currently trading at less than half of the implied value of 
its shareholding in LIM. We believe that the commencement of iron ore shipments 
in 2010 will encourage the market to reflect the real value of this project in 
the share prices of both LIM and Anglesey Mining. 
Labrador Iron Project 
During 2008 major exploration drilling and bulk mining programmes were completed 
accompanied by a programme of detailed testwork. This work is continuing and 
will lead to the final design and ordering of the infrastructure, mining and 
beneficiation plant and contracts required for the planned commencement of 
commercial production during the second quarter of 2010. 
The highlight of the metallurgical testwork was the demonstration that high 
grade products of both lump ore and sinter fines can be produced. In addition to 
the high grades the testwork demonstrated a low level of impurity in all the 
critical elements and compounds. Based on these results marketing discussions 
were initiated with European steel mills and, despite the generally negative 
sentiment prevailing as a result of significant downturns in orders for semi- 
finished steel products in Europe, the level of interest being shown for LIM's 
expected product is very encouraging. 
The negotiation of benchmark iron ore prices for 2009 between the major iron 
producers and the large steel mills is still ongoing though some settlements 
have occurred. These settlements whilst lower than the high levels achieved in 
2008 are still the second highest level ever achieved. 
We remain very pleased with the way that Labrador Iron Mines has progressed. 
Current activities are accelerating to prepare for commercial production in 2010 
and we look forward to this investment in our associate company becoming an even 
more valuable asset for the group in the future. 
Parys Mountain Mine 
As we reported previously, negotiations with Western Metals Limited in Perth, 
Australia for the potential sale of the Parys Mountain mine were terminated in 
October 2008. The termination was a result of failure to agree terms and 
conditions during the rapidly declining financial and commodity price 
environment that was developing at that time. We have received a considerable 
quantity of data and analysis generated by Western Metals and its consultants 
during its due diligence process which is now being reviewed. 
Following termination of these discussions, and with metal prices at low levels, 
the Parys Mountain surface facilities were put into care and maintenance with 
expenditures being kept to a minimum. A previously commissioned geological 
report was delivered in January 2009. This reviews much prior geological 
exploration and analysis and makes some recommendations for future exploration. 
These recommendations will be closely considered when the exploration programme 
Since the end of the year base metal prices have seen some healthy recovery and 
copper in particular, which is the major source of revenue under the Parys 
financial model, now appears to be showing strength. The forecasts of that 
financial model are encouraging and we will continue to review the development 
options for Parys Mountain. 
Financial Results 
The result for the year was a loss of GBP129,014 compared to a profit last year of 
GBP10.2 million. The profit in 2008 resulted largely from the flotation of the 
Labrador Iron project in Canada. 
At 31 March 2009 the group balance sheet showed total assets of GBP27.9 million, 
with total liabilities of only GBP2.4 million. With this strong balance sheet and 
the support of our major shareholder we believe we can handle our current 
working capital requirements without difficulty. 
We go forward as a group in the fortunate position of being well-funded and 
close to production. China remains the most important factor in the future 
outlook for all metal prices. There are encouraging signs of build up in the 
Chinese economy which seems to be partly driven by government internal stimulus 
packages that are now beginning to take effect. This build up will of course 
result in increased demand for metals and higher metal prices. 
Despite the difficulties of this past year, Anglesey is well positioned with its 
50% shareholding in Labrador Iron Mines and can look forward to recognition of 
that value as Labrador Iron moves into production in 2010. We believe Anglesey 
is well placed to weather the economic storms and to take advantage of the 
anticipated upturn. 
John F. Kearney 
20 July 2009 
     Consolidated income statement 
                                                   Notes    Year ended    Year ended 31 
                                                              31 March       March 2008 
                                                                  2009      represented 
All operations are continuing                                        GBP                GBP 
     Revenue                                                         -                - 
     Administration expenses                                 (224,737)        (399,331) 
     Equity-settled employee benefits                        (271,112)        (142,723) 
     Share of (loss)/profit in associate                     (254,069)           10,449 
     Investment income                                           7,118           21,970 
     Finance costs                                            (84,535)         (67,326) 
     Profit on deemed disposal                                       -       11,427,730 
     Parys properties fair value adjustments                   698,321        (698,321) 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                           3        (129,014)       10,152,448 
     Tax                                                             -                - 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                                  (129,014)       10,152,448 
     Earnings per share 
     Basic - pence per share                        4            (0.1)              6.8 
     Diluted - pence per share                      4            (0.1)              6.7 
     Consolidated balance sheet 
                                                              31 March    31 March 2008 
                                                   Notes             GBP                GBP 
     Non-current assets 
     Mineral property development                   5       13,616,749                - 
     Property, plant and equipment                  6          204,687                - 
     Interest in associate                          7       13,821,013       12,068,276 
     Deposit                                                   119,549                - 
                                                            27,761,998       12,068,276 
     Current assets 
     Other receivables                                           2,915            4,519 
     Cash and cash equivalents                                 150,431          217,968 
                                                               153,346          222,487 
     Assets classified as held for sale                              -       13,069,019 
Total assets                                                27,915,344       25,359,782 
     Current liabilities 
     Trade and other payables                                (608,682)         (63,819) 
                                                             (608,682)         (63,819) 
     Net current (liabilities)/assets                        (455,336)          158,668 
     Non-current liabilities 
     Loan                                                  (1,760,529)      (1,475,993) 
     Long term provision                                      (42,000)                - 
                                                           (1,802,529)      (1,475,993) 
     Liabilities directly associated with                            -        (464,741) 
           assets classified as held for sale 
Total liabilities                                          (2,411,211)      (2,004,553) 
Net assets                                                  25,504,133       23,355,229 
     Share capital                                  8        7,036,414        7,036,414 
     Share premium                                           8,092,423        8,092,423 
     Currency translation reserve                            1,832,844          (2,718) 
     Retained profits                                        8,542,452        8,229,110 
Total shareholders' equity                                  25,504,133       23,355,229 
     The financial statements were approved by the board of directors and 
     authorised for issue on 20 July 2009 and were signed on its behalf by: 
     John F. Kearney,     Chairman 
     Ian Cuthbertson,     Finance Director 
     Statements of changes in equity 
 Group                             Share      Share     Currency    Retained        Total 
                                 capital    premium    translation   profits 
                                         GBP          GBP           GBP            GBP              GBP 
 At 1 April 2007                 6,898,914  7,189,359    (48,179)  (2,066,061)     11,974,033 
 Equity-settled benefits                 -          -           -      142,723        142,723 
 Shares issued for cash            137,500    962,500           -            -      1,100,000 
 Share issue expenses                    -   (59,436)           -            -       (59,436) 
 Exchange differences on                 -          -      45,461            -         45,461 
    translation of foreign 
 Profit for the year                     -          -           -   10,152,448     10,152,448 
 At 31 March 2008                7,036,414  8,092,423     (2,718)    8,229,110     23,355,229 
  Equity-settled benefits: 
     - associate                         -          -           -      171,244        171,244 
     - company                           -          -           -      271,112        271,112 
  Exchange differences on                 -          -   1,835,562            -      1,835,562 
    translation of foreign 
 Loss for the year                       -          -           -     (129,014)      (129,014) 
 At 31 March 2009                7,036,414  8,092,423   1,832,844     8,542,452     25,504,133 
     Consolidated cash flow statement 
                                                          Year ended   Year ended 31 
                                                            31 March      March 2008 
                                                                   GBP               GBP 
Operating activities 
     (Loss)/profit for the year                            (129,014)      10,152,448 
     Investment revenue recognised                           (7,118)        (18,959) 
                   in profit or loss 
     Investment revenue recognised                                 -         (3,011) 
                   in discontinued operations 
     Finance costs recognised in profit or loss               84,535          67,326 
     Equity-settled benefits                                 271,112         142,723 
     Share of (loss)/profit in associate                     254,069        (10,449) 
     Profit on deemed disposal                                     -    (11,427,730) 
     Parys properties fair value adjustments               (698,321)         698,321 
                                                           (224,737)       (399,331) 
    Movements in working capital 
     Decrease/(increase) in receivables                       22,775        (12,168) 
     Increase/(decrease) in payables                         122,122           (203) 
    Cash utilised by operations                             (79,840)       (411,702) 
     Interest paid                                                 -               - 
Net cash used in operating activities                       (79,840)       (411,702) 
Investing activities 
     Interest received                                         4,492          19,121 
     Mineral property development                          (192,189)       (445,763) 
     Payments for land and buildings                               -        (19,585) 
Net cash used in investing activities                      (187,697)       (446,227) 
Financing activities 
     Proceeds from issue of shares                                 -       1,040,564 
     Loans                                                   200,000               - 
Net cash generated from financing activities                 200,000       1,040,564 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents        (67,537)         182,635 
 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year                  217,968          34,003 
 Exchange rate changes on foreign cash and cash equivalents        -           1,330 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                    150,431         217,968 
Notes to the accounts 
1    General information 
Anglesey Mining plc is incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies 
Act 1985. The nature of the group's operations and its principal activities are 
set out in note 3 and in the business review section of the directors' report. 
These financial statements are presented in pounds sterling because that is the 
currency of the primary economic environment in which the group has been 
operating. Foreign operations are included in accordance with the policies set 
out in note 2. 
The financial information set out in the results announcement does not 
constitute the group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009, 
but is derived from those financial statements. 
The auditors have reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 
March 2009, their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 but included the following 
emphasis of matter: 
"In forming our opinion, which is not qualified, we have considered the adequacy 
of the disclosures in the financial statements concerning the basis of 
preparation, the valuation of intangible assets of 
GBP13,616,749 in the Group financial statements and the valuation of investment 
in subsidiary undertakings of GBP14,081,396 in the Company financial 
statements.  The financial statements and related notes have been prepared based 
on the validity of the following: 
·    The successful development of Parys Mountain mineral property; 
·    The raising of new finance to exploit mineral reserves; and 
·    The ability of the company to trade profitably in the future. 
No adjustments have been made to the balance sheet and related notes to reflect 
changes to these assets' carrying values that might be necessary should the 
above conditions not be met." 
The auditors have reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 
March 2008; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for 
the year ended 31 March 2008 is derived from the financial statements for that 
The directors do not propose a dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 
2009 (2008: GBPnil). 
The directors approved the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 
on 20 July 2009. 
2    Significant accounting policies 
Basis of Accounting 
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and 
therefore the group financial statements comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS 
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis. The 
principal accounting policies adopted are set out below. 
Going concern 
The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis. The validity of 
the going concern concept is dependent on finance being available for the 
continuing working capital requirements of the group and finance for the 
development of the group's projects becoming available. Based on the assumption 
that such finance will become available, the directors believe that the going 
concern basis is appropriate for these accounts. Should the going concern basis 
not be appropriate, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the value of the 
group's assets, in particular the intangible fixed assets - mineral property 
development, to their realisable values. 
Basis of consolidation 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of 
the company and entities controlled by the company (its subsidiaries) made up to 
31 March each year. Control is achieved where the company has the power to 
govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to 
obtain benefits from its activities. 
On acquisition, the assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of a 
subsidiary are measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition. Any 
excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net 
assets acquired is recognised as goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of 
acquisition below the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired (i.e. 
discount on acquisition) is credited to profit and loss in the period of 
acquisition. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year 
are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of 
acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. 
Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of 
subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by 
the group. 
All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on 
Segmental analysis 
The group's primary format for segmental reporting is geographical segments 
which also correspond with the nature of the different projects being 
undertaken. The group has two segments: (i) the United Kingdom, which comprises 
the Parys Mountain base metal project and the much smaller Dolaucothi gold 
project and (ii) the Labrador Iron project in Canada, which from 3 December 2007 
ceased to be carried in a subsidiary of the company and is not included in the 
segmental analysis from that date. 
Property, plant and equipment 
The group's freehold land is stated in the balance sheet at cost. The directors 
consider that the estimated residual value of buildings, based on prices 
prevailing at the date of acquisition, is such that any depreciation would not 
be material. The carrying value is reviewed annually and any impairment in value 
would be charged immediately to the income statement. 
Plant, equipment, fixtures and motor vehicles are stated in the balance sheet at 
cost, less depreciation. Depreciation is charged on a straight line basis at the 
following annual rates: plant and equipment 25%, fixtures and fittings 20% and 
motor vehicles 25%. 
Intangible assets - mineral property development costs 
Intangible assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost, less amounts written 
off and provisions for impairment. 
Costs incurred prior to obtaining the legal rights to explore a mineral property 
are expensed immediately to the income statement. Mineral property development 
costs are capitalised until the results of the projects, which are usually based 
on geographical areas, are known. Mineral property development costs include an 
allocation of administrative and management costs as determined appropriate to 
the project by management. 
Where a project is successful, the related exploration costs are written off 
over the life of the estimated mineral reserve on a unit of production basis. 
Where a project is terminated, the related exploration costs are written off 
immediately. Where no internally-generated intangible asset can be recognised, 
development expenditure is recognised as an expense in the period in which it is 
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets 
Mineral properties are written down when any impairment in their value has 
occurred and are written off when abandoned. Where a provision is made or 
reversed it is dealt with in the income statement in the period in which it 
Investment in associates 
An associate is an entity over which the group exercises, or is in a position to 
exercise, significant influence, but not control or joint control, through 
participation in the financial or operating policy of the investee. In 
considering the degree of control, any options or warrants over ordinary shares 
which are capable of being exercised at the period end are taken into 
Where material, the results and assets and liabilities of associates are 
incorporated in the financial statements using the equity method of accounting, 
except when these associates are classified as held for sale. Investments in 
associates are carried in the balance sheet at cost adjusted by any material 
post-acquisition changes in the net assets of the associates, less any 
impairment of value in the individual investments. 
New accounting standards 
The group and company have not applied the following IFRSs and IFRICs that have 
been issued and are applicable but are not yet effective: IAS1 Presentation of 
Financial Statements - Revised (effective 1 January 2009); IAS 27, Consolidated 
and Separate Financial Statements, revised 2008 (effective 1 July 2009); IAS 32, 
Financial Instruments: Presentation, revised 2008 (effective 1 January 2009); 
IFRS2 Share-based Payments - Vesting Conditions and Cancellations (effective 1 
January 2009) and IFRS 8, Operating Segments (effective 1 January 2009). The 
group is evaluating the impact that these standards will have on the group's 
financial statements, if any. 
Judgements made in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation 
The following critical judgements have been made in the process of applying the 
group's accounting policies: 
(a) The directors' believe, after careful consideration, that the group does 
not, as a matter of fact, control the activities and operations of Labrador Iron 
Mines Holdings Limited (LIM), and that the correct accounting treatment of this 
interest is to account for it on an equity basis as an associate company. In any 
event, although the group currently has a 50.1% ownership share in LIM, there 
are outstanding exercisable warrants and options which if exercised would reduce 
the group's voting control to approximately 40% and under these circumstances 
the directors believe that the use of equity accounting is appropriate. 
(b) In determining the treatment of exploration, evaluation and development 
expenditures the directors are required to make estimates and assumptions as to 
future events and circumstances. There are uncertainties inherent in making such 
assumptions, especially with regard to: ore resources and the life of a mine; 
recovery rates; production costs; commodity prices and exchange rates. 
Assumptions that are valid at the time of estimation may change significantly as 
new information becomes available and changes in these assumptions may alter the 
economic status of a mining unit and result in resources or reserves being 
restated. Operation of a mine and the receipt of cashflows from it are dependent 
on finance being available to fund the development of the property. 
(c) In connection with possible impairment of assets the directors assesses each 
potentially cash generating unit annually to determine whether any indication of 
impairment exists. The judgements made when doing so are similar to those set 
out above and are subject to the same uncertainties. 
(d) Significant assumptions are made in determining the amount of any 
restoration provision, including judgements concerning uncertainties such as 
changes to the legal and regulatory framework, magnitude of possible 
contamination and the timing, extent and costs of required restoration and 
rehabilitation activity. 
3    Business and geographical segments 
All activities relate to the group's principal activity which is the exploration 
and development of mining properties. The geographical and operational segments 
in which these activities are carried out coincide and are shown below. The 
direct property expenses in the UK are in respect of the Parys Mountain base 
metal project and in Canada they are in respect of the Labrador Iron project 
prior to its flotation in Toronto on 3 December 2007, after which it became an 
associated company investment. 
Direct property expenses capitalised 
                               Parys      Labrador       Total       Parys    Labrador       Total 
                            Mountain    Iron Mines                Mountain  Iron Mines 
                                2009          2009        2009        2008        2008        2008 
                                   GBP            GBP 
                                                        GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
Site labour and support       39,005             -      39,005      72,778           -      72,778 
Geology & drilling            14,123             -      14,123     106,006      58,471     164,477 
Feasibility reports            9,018             -       9,018      55,650      75,004     130,654 
Property rentals and         130,043             -     130,043      78,183           -      78,183 
Travel                             -             -           -           -      24,366      24,366 
Currency translation               -             -           -           -      59,054      59,054 
Total capitalised            192,189             -     192,189     312,617     216,895     529,512 
Income statement analysis 
                              United        Canada       Total      United      Canada       Total 
                             Kingdom                               Kingdom 
Investment income            (2,718)             -     (2,718)     (3,011)           -     (3,011) 
Rentals                      (8,839)             -     (8,839)    (10,457)           -    (10,457) 
Corporate salaries           107,626             -     107,626     185,994           -     185,994 
Audit fee                     55,580                    55,580      20,439           -      20,439 
Other corporate costs         70,370             -      70,370     179,774      23,581     203,355 
                             222,019             -     222,019     372,739      23,581     396,320 
Unallocated items: 
Equity-settled employee                                271,112                             142,723 
Share of loss/(profit) in associate                    254,069                            (10,449) 
Investment income                                      (4,400)                            (18,959) 
Finance costs                                           84,535                              67,326 
Profit on deemed                                             - 
disposal                                                                              (11,427,730) 
Parys properties fair value                          (698,321)                             698,321 
Loss/(profit) for the year                            129,014                          (10,152,448) 
Assets and liabilities 
Assets                    14,094,331    13,821,013  27,915,344  13,291,506  12,068,276  25,359,782 
Liabilities               (2,411,211)          -    (2,411,211) (2,004,553)       -     (2,004,553) 
Net assets                11,683,120    13,821,013  25,504,133  11,286,953  12,068,276  23,355,229 
     The group does not have any revenues. A proportion of the salary and 
     corporate costs in the UK are in respect of investigating other mineral 
     development opportunities. 
     In accordance with the group's accounting policy, mineral property 
     development expenses are capitalised. All other expenses are expensed in 
     the income statement. 
4    Earnings per ordinary share 
                                          2009            2008 
                                             GBP               GBP 
Loss/profit for the year             (129,014)      10,152,448 
Number of shares                   152,558,051     148,387,969 
Weighted   average   number   of 
ordinary    shares    for    the 
purposes  of basic earnings  per 
Shares  deemed to be issued  for             -       2,529,054 
no  consideration in respect  of 
employee options 
Weighted   average   number   of   152,558,051     150,917,023 
ordinary    shares    for    the 
purposes   of  diluted  earnings 
per share 
Basic earnings per share                (0.1)p            6.8p 
Diluted earnings per share              (0.1)p            6.7p 
     As the group has a loss for the year ended 31 March 2009 and the effect 
     of the outstanding options is anti-dilutive, diluted earnings per share 
     are the same as basic earnings per share. 
     5    Intangible assets - group 
Mineral property development costs 
                                        Parys Mountain   Labrador   Dolaucothi          Total 
Cost                                                 GBP          GBP            GBP              GBP 
At 1 April 2007                             13,111,943    543,757      194,065     13,849,765 
Additions - own expenditure                    312,617    275,949            -        588,566 
Transfer to associate company                        -  (760,652)            -      (760,652) 
Reclassification as assets held           (13,424,560)          -            -   (13,424,560) 
for sale 
Currency translation difference                      -   (59,054)            -       (59,054) 
At 31 March 2008                                     -          -      194,065        194,065 
Additions - own expenditure                    192,189          -            -        192,189 
Reverse reclassification as                 13,424,560          -            -     13,424,560 
           assets held for sale 
At 31 March 2009                            13,616,749          -      194,065     13,810,814 
Impairment provision 
At 1 April 2007                                      -          -    (194,065)      (194,065) 
At 31 March 2008                                     -          -    (194,065)      (194,065) 
At 31 March 2009                                     -          -    (194,065)      (194,065) 
Carrying amount 
Net book value 2009                         13,616,749          -            -     13,616,749 
Net book value 2008                                  -          -            -              - 
     The Labrador assets were reclassified to associate company status 
     following the flotation of Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited on the 
     Toronto stock exchange on 3 December 2007. 
Potential impairment of mineral properties 
     Accumulated development expenditure in respect of each project is 
     carried in the financial statements at cost, less an impairment 
     provision where there are grounds to believe that the discounted present 
     value of the future cash flows from the project is less than the 
     carrying value or there are other reasons to indicate that the carrying 
     value is unsuitable. Each project or cash generating unit is reviewed 
     separately in order to make a determination of whether any impairment of 
     its value has occurred. 
Parys Mountain 
     At Parys Mountain, impairment provisions were made over the financial 
     years 2001 to 2003 in recognition of the decline in prices of the metals 
     to be produced from the mine. However in 2007 these provisions were 
     reversed since the result of re-estimating the discounted cash flows of 
     the Parys Mountain project was a value significantly higher than the 
     carrying value. The basis for these calculations was the directors' 
     estimates of future metal prices (in practice current spot prices were 
     used) and capital and operating costs, and a discount rate of 10% (which 
     had also been used in the previous calculations which gave rise to the 
     This year the directors carried out an impairment review with an 
     effective date of 13 March 2009. As in previous years, this review was 
     based on an estimate of discounted future cash flows from the 
     development and operation of the Parys Mountain project. The directors 
     have used past experience and an assessment of future conditions, 
     together with external sources of information, to determine the 
     assumptions which were adopted in the preparation of a financial model 
     used to estimate the cashflows. 
     The key assumptions utilised were: 
     The mine will be developed largely as envisaged in the Kilborn 
     Feasibility Study prepared in 1991, except where management has 
     determined otherwise. 
     All the resources, both historical (including inferred resources) and 
     those more recently estimated under JORC codes, will be developed and 
     produced except that the tonnage of those classified as inferred in the 
     1991 Feasibility Study will be reduced by 20%. 
     Capital costs will be estimated at current costs when the expenditure is 
     planned to be incurred; neither revenues nor operating costs will take 
     into account any inflation. 
     The net present value is at 31 March 2009 and based on the assumption 
     that mine development commences three years after that date. 
     Base metal prices are based on the forward rates quoted on the London 
     Metal Exchange at 13 March 2009; the exchange rates used are those of 
     the same day; gold and silver prices are spot rates on 13 March 2009; 
     these rates and prices are tabulated below. 
     The following principal smelter terms have been estimated by the 
     directors: zinc $185 pt treatment with a basis price of $1190 pt and a 
     +10% / -7% variance; copper $45 pt treatment, $0.45 pt produced refining 
     charge, lead $120 pt. 
     The discount rate of 10% applied to future cashflows is one which 
     reflects the directors' current market assessment of the time value of 
     money and any risk factors which have not been adjusted already in the 
     preparation of the forecast. 
Table of assumptions significantly affecting the discounted 
net present value of Parys cashflows: 
Parameter    Value  Unit               Sensitivity 
Zinc price   $1353  $/tonne 27 months  -47% 
Copper       $3843  $/tonne 27 months  -37% 
price               forward 
Lead price   $1320  $/tonne 27 months  - 
Silver       $13.11 Spot               - 
Gold price   $928   Spot               - 
Exchange     1.3973 LME rate 13 Mar 09 +23% 
rate GBP/$ 
Capital                                +94% 
Operating                              +40% 
Discount     10%                       +58% 
     All $ figures are in US dollars. 
     * The sensitivity factor is the percentage change in each specific 
     assumption which would, on its own, result in a net present value equal 
     to the carrying value of the intangible asset in the accounts. 
Parys summary 
     The estimated net present value of the Parys Mountain project calculated 
     by the directors and based on their estimates of all the required 
     parameters, the principal of which are set out above, is US$49 million, 
     equivalent to GBP35 million. The carrying value of the Parys Mountain 
     project is GBP13.5 million. 
     Estimates of the net present value of any project, and particularly one 
     like Parys Mountain, are always subject to many factors and wide margins 
     of error. The directors believe that the estimates and calculations 
     supporting their conclusions have been carefully considered and are a 
     fair representation of the projected financial performance of the 
     The calculations above have been repeated using the spot metal prices 
     and exchange rates of 5 June 2009 (major factors: exchange rate 1.60, 
     zinc price $1555 and copper price $5555) and the net present value at 
     10% on this basis was $76 million, equivalent to GBP48 million. 
     Based on the review set out above the directors have determined that no 
     impairment provision is required in the financial statements at 31 March 
     2009 in respect of the carrying value of the Parys property. Operation 
     of the mine and the receipt of cashflows from it are dependent on 
     finance being available to fund the development of the property. 
     A Parys properties fair value adjustment of GBP698,321 made in relation to 
     the potential sale, which did not proceed, of the Parys Mountain project 
     in the balance sheet and income statement for the year ended 31 March 
     2008 is no longer required or appropriate and has been reversed in the 
     year to 31 March 2009. 
Dolaucothi impairment 
     The group has no active plans to develop the Dolaucothi project in the 
     near future and made a full impairment provision against the carrying 
     value of the Dolaucothi expenditure in 2006. 
     6    Property, plant and equipment 
Group                        Freehold land and      Plant &      Office        Total 
                                      property    equipment   equipment 
Cost                                         GBP            GBP           GBP            GBP 
At 1 April 2007                        185,102       17,434       5,487      208,023 
Additions                               19,585            -           -       19,585 
Reclassified  as  held   for         (204,687)     (17,434)     (5,487)    (227,608) 
At 31 March 2008                             -            -           -            - 
Reverse reclassification  as           204,687       17,434       5,487      227,608 
held for sale 
At 31 March 2009                       204,687       17,434       5,487      227,608 
At 1 April 2007                              -       17,434       5,487       22,921 
Reclassified  as  held   for                 -      (17,434)     (5,487)     (22,921) 
At 31 March 2008                             -            -           -            - 
Reverse reclassification  as                 -       17,434       5,487       22,921 
held for sale 
At 31 March 2009                             -       17,434       5,487       22,921 
Carrying amount 
At 31 March 2009                       204,687            -           -      204,687 
At 31 March 2008                             -            -           -            - 
7    Investment in associate 
     Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (LIM), a company registered in 
     Ontario, Canada, is the holder of the group's interests in the Labrador 
     properties, formerly held by the 100% owned subsidiary Labrador Iron 
     Mines Limited. 
     At 31 March 2009 the group had a 50.1% ownership interest in LIM, 
     however since there are warrants and options outstanding and exercisable 
     at that date, the group's diluted interest is less than 50% and 
     consequently LIM is treated as an associate for the purposes of these 
     group financial statements. 
                                                                     31 March 2009     31 March 2008 
                                                                                 GBP                 GBP 
Values in group financial statements: 
    Value brought forward from previous year                            12,068,276                 - 
    Historic cost of interest at disposal date                            -                  630,097 
    Profit on deemed disposal                                             -               11,427,730 
    Group's share of (losses)/profits, adjusted to eliminate any         (254,069)            10,449 
    fair value uplift and related taxation in associate's accounts 
    Group's share of equity-settled benefits transferred to                171,244                 - 
    Exchange rate adjustments                                            1,835,562                 - 
    Amount carried in the group accounts - being the value of           13,821,013        12,068,276 
    group's share of net assets of the associate without any fair 
    value adjustment in respect of mineral properties 
Fair value of group's interest based on market price of                 10,996,622        43,344,944 
associate's quoted shares at the year end 
Fair value of group's interest based on market price of                 12,861,702 
associate's quoted shares at 20 June 2009 
     The group's interest in LIM is held in these financial statements at 
     original cost to the group, adjusted by any material post-acquisition 
     changes in the net assets of the associate, less any impairment of value 
     in the individual investments. It is adjusted to reflect the exchange 
     rate current at the balance sheet date. 
     The published fair value of the group's investment in LIM of GBP11.0 
     million (2008 - GBP43.3 million) is derived by valuing the group's 
     shareholding in LIM at the LIM share price quoted in Toronto on 31 March 
     2009 of Canadian $1.05 (2008 - $4.75) per common share. At 8 July 2009 
     the published fair value of the group's investment in LIM was GBP12.9 
     million based on a share price of Canadian $1.30 per common share at 
     that date. These values have fallen significantly since last year in 
     line with similar large falls in the quoted market values of many other 
     mineral companies. 
     The directors have considered whether there has been any impairment to 
     the carrying value of the group's investment in LIM; although the 
     group's carrying value is more than the year end market value of the 
     shares owned in LIM, the directors believe that this is a temporary 
     situation. Furthermore the directors' believe that the value in use will 
     significantly exceed the carrying value. 
Values as shown in the published accounts of the associate (100%)                 GBP                  GBP 
including a fair value uplift in respect of mineral properties, 
after conversion into sterling: 
  Total assets                                                          100,048,329         86,210,124 
  Total liabilities                                                     (20,699,563)       (17,787,265) 
  Total net assets                                                       79,348,766         68,422,859 
                                                                               2009               2008 
  Revenues                                                                        -                  - 
  (Loss)/profit for the year                                               (184,163)            977,758 
Reconciliation of values shown in the associate's published 
accounts with the group accounts 
   Shareholders' equity in associate                                   $140,923,409      $139,466,310 
   Less: fair value uplift net of tax - see note below                 $(91,899,196)     $(89,946,158) 
                                                                        $49,024,213       $49,520,152 
   Group share - 50.069%  (2008 - 50.008%)                              $24,546,121       $24,764,103 
   Group carrying value after conversion to sterling                    GBP13,821,013       GBP12,068,276 
In the financial statements of LIM for the period to 31 March 2009, the Labrador 
mineral  properties  are  recognised at fair value as  indicated  by  the  value 
ascribed to the Labrador companies in the December 2007 Canadian flotation after 
subsequent  adjustments.  If  the group were to use  a  similar  basis  for  its 
accounts,  its  share  of  this  fair  value  uplift,  net  of  tax,  would  add 
approximately GBP26 million (2008 - GBP22 million) to the group net assets. 
The associated undertakings of the company at 31 March 2009 were as follows: 
     Name of company                  Country of  Percentage  Principal activity 
                                     incorporation    owned 
     Labrador  Iron  Mines  Holdings    Canada      50.1%    Holding  company   for 
     Limited  (LIM),  an  associated                         Labrador  Iron   Mines 
     company from 3 December 2007                            Limited (100%) 
     Labrador Iron Mines Limited, an    Canada      50.1%    Development         of 
     associated  company,   a   100%                         Labrador          Iron 
     owned subsidiary of LIM                                 property 
     LabRail   Inc,  a  100%   owned    Canada      50.1%    Transport operations 
     subsidiary of LIM 
     7056605  Canada  Inc,  a   100%    Canada      50.1%    Property holding 
     owned subsidiary of LIM 
The group holds its interest in these associated companies through Labrador Iron 
plc,  a 100% owned subsidiary. The fully diluted interest of the group in  these 
companies  at  31 March 2009 was 38.8%; on 3 June 2009 following the  expiry  of 
certain LIM warrants the group's fully diluted interest rose to 39.5%. 
8    Share capital 
                                           Ordinary shares of          Deferred shares      Total 
                                                           1p                    of 4p 
                                        Nominal        Number    Nominal        Number    Nominal 
                                        value GBP                  value GBP                  value GBP 
      Authorised share capital 
      At 1 April 2007                 1,840,000   184,000,000  7,320,000   183,000,000  9,160,000 
      Created 30 November 2007          400,000    40,000,000          -             -    400,000 
      At 31 March 2008 & 31 March     2,240,000   224,000,000  7,320,000   183,000,000  9,560,000 
      Issued and fully paid 
      At 1 April 2007                 1,388,081   138,808,051  5,510,833   137,770,835  6,898,914 
      Issued 20 July 2007               137,500    13,750,000          -             -    137,500 
      At  31 March 2008 & 31 March    1,525,581   152,558,051  5,510,833   137,770,835  7,036,414 
The deferred shares are non-voting, have no entitlement to dividends and have 
negligible rights to return of capital on a winding up. Following a share issue 
in respect of an option exercise on 23 April 2009 the number of ordinary shares 
in issue increased to 152,858,051. 
9    Related party transactions 
Juno Limited 
Juno Limited ("Juno") which is registered in Bermuda holds 37.9% of the 
company's issued ordinary share capital. The group has the following agreements 
with Juno: (a) a controlling shareholder agreement dated September 1996 and (b) 
a consolidated working capital agreement of 12 June 2002. There were no 
transactions between the group and Juno or its group during the year other than 
a loan of GBP200,000 from Juno to the group and the accrual of interest due to 
Juno. Danesh Varma is a director and, through his family interests, a 
significant shareholder of Juno. 
Labrador Iron 
John Kearney is chairman of Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (LIM), Bill 
Hooley is a director and chief operations officer and Danesh Varma is chief 
financial officer. All three are shareholders of LIM, are entitled to 
remuneration from LIM and have been granted options over the shares of LIM. 
During the year the parent company charged LIM with GBP122,889 (2008 - nil) in 
respect of remuneration and associated social security costs. There are no other 
transactions between LIM and the group which are required to be disclosed. 
There are no other contracts of significance in which any director has or had 
during the year a material interest. 
10   Post balance sheet events 
There are no post balance sheet events to be disclosed. 
Contact addresses 
Parys Mountain 
Amlwch, Anglesey, LL68 9RE 
Phone 01248 361333 
Fax 01248 361419 
London office 
Painter's Hall Chambers 
8 Little Trinity Lane, 
London, EC4V 2AN 
Labrador Iron - Toronto 
220 Bay Street, Suite 700 
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2W4, Canada 
Phone +1 647 728 4107 
Registrars     Capita Registrars 
Northern House, Woodsome Park 
Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield, HD8 0LA 
Phone 0871 664 0300 
Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras 
From overseas +44 208 639 3399 
Fax 01484 600911 
Registered office 
Tower Bridge House, 
St. Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1DD 
Web site  www.angleseymining.co.uk 
Company registered number     1849957 
Shares listed  The London Stock Exchange - LSE:AYM 
For further information: 
Bill Hooley, Chief Executive            +(44) 1492 541981 
Ian Cuthbertson, Finance Director       +(44) 1248 361333 

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