Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc / Index: AIM / Epic: EOG / Sector: Oil & Gas 
12 April 2019 
          Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc ("Europa" or "the Company") 
                                Interim Results 
Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc, the AIM traded Ireland and UK focused oil and 
gas exploration, development and production company, announces its interim 
results for the six month period ended 31 January 2019. 
Operational highlights 
  * Ongoing negotiations regarding farm-in agreements to three Irish licences 
    (LO 16/20, FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13) with a major international oil company: 
      + expect Europa to be fully carried on a well on each licence 
      + expect Europa to retain a material interest in each licence 
      + the Board is confident of concluding the farm-ins in the coming months 
        however, there can be no guarantee that the current negotiations will 
        lead to completed agreements 
      + final investment decision awaited from the major's head office 
  * Site surveys for wells at Inishkea, Kiely East and Edgeworth - targeting 
    summer 2019, are under application subject to regulatory approval 
  * Successfully executing strategy to manage the decline in production at 
    onshore UK fields 
      + workover of the WF6 well at West Firsby utilising a drain hole jetting 
        technique - WF6 is currently producing 6 boepd net to Europa having 
        previously produced zero oil 
      + 90 boepd produced in H1 2019 (H1 2018 97 boepd) 
  * Final phase of discussions with the National Office of Hydrocarbons and 
    Mines ("ONHYM"), in respect of securing a petroleum agreement in Morocco 
Financial performance 
  * Revenue GBP0.9 million (H1 2018: GBP0.8 million) 
  * Pre-tax loss of GBP0.4 million, (H1 2018: pre-tax tax loss of GBP0.5 million) 
  * Net cash used in operating activities GBP0.3 million (H1 2018: cash from 
    operating activities GBP16k) 
  * Cash balance at 31 January 2019: GBP4.4 million (31 July 2018: GBP1.8 million) 
  * Successfully raised GBP4.3 million (before expenses) from existing and new 
    shareholders including BGF Investment Management Limited, a wholly owned 
    subsidiary of the Business Growth Fund ("BGF") 
      + approximately 33% of the shares in the Company now owned by 
      + a further 9.5% are held by the Board 
Post reporting period events 
  * Wressle planning appeal submitted to Planning Inspectorate on 5 February 
    2019 and draft bespoke programme issued by the Inspectorate on 13 February 
  * Gross un-risked prospective resources at the Inishkea gas prospect in LO 16 
    /20 confirmed as 1.5 tcf with one in three chance of success (RNS 26 
    February 2019) 
  * Transferred operatorship of PEDL143 to UK Oil & Gas PLC as announced on 14 
    March 2019 
Europa's CEO, Hugh Mackay, said: "The last six months have been a highly active 
period for Europa, not just in terms of the progress we are making to advance 
our industry-leading licence position offshore Ireland, which to date has 
estimated gross prospective resources of 6.4 billion barrels of oil and 1.5 tcf 
of gas and where negotiations are ongoing for a farm-in for three licences with 
a major international oil and gas company. In addition, we completed a GBP4.3 
million fund raising, which increased the institutional representation on our 
shareholder register to over one third. We also restored production at the WF6 
well at West Firsby and moved closer towards landing a high impact new venture 
in Morocco. 
"The momentum behind the Company has continued post period end with the 
completion of a major piece of exploration work at our flagship Inishkea gas 
project. I look forward to providing further updates on our progress during the 
second half, a period which will see the resumption of drilling activity in the 
South Porcupine Basin at CNOOC International's Iolar prospect.  Success here 
would be a value trigger event for Europa, as it would significantly de-risk 
our drill-ready prospects in the basin, specifically, the 280mmboe Kiely East 
and 225mmboe Edgeworth targets." 
For further information please visit www.europaoil.com or contact: 
Hugh Mackay / Phil Greenhalgh Europa                   +44 (0) 20 7224 3770 
Matt Goode                    finnCap Ltd              +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 
Simon Hicks                   finnCap Ltd              +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 
Camille Gochez                finnCap Ltd              +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 
Frank Buhagiar / Susie        St Brides Partners Ltd   +44 (0) 20 7236 1177 
The information communicated in this announcement contains inside information 
for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014. 
Chairman's Statement 
Our objective is to create a significant liquidity event for our shareholders 
through successful drilling of our high impact exploration portfolio in 
Atlantic Ireland.  I am pleased to report that the six months under review has 
seen us take significant steps towards presenting our shareholders with a 
series of potential liquidity events.  On 20 November 2018, we announced that 
we were negotiating farm-in agreements with a major international oil and gas 
company in respect of Licensing Option ('LO') 16/20 in the Slyne Basin and 
Frontier Exploration Licences ('FEL') 1/17 and 3/13 in the South Porcupine 
Basin.   We continue to have positive engagement with the potential farminee 
and remain confident of the completion of these agreements or similar ones with 
other potential farminees who are active in our virtual and physical data 
rooms. We believe that the political environment in Ireland, in particular the 
Climate Emergency Measures Bill, may be causing potential investors, including 
farminees, to slow down their investment decisions. 
The Climate Emergency Measures Bill (the "Bill") is a proposal to limit future 
oil and gas exploration in Ireland which is progressing through the Irish 
legislature. If put into law this Bill would stop the issuance of any new 
licences for the exploration of fossil fuels. The Bill is opposed by the Irish 
Government. We do not know if it will pass into law and should it do so when 
that might be, and in what form. The impact on existing exploration licences is 
also not clear. 
Europa has honoured its work commitments and obligations to the Irish 
Government and naturally we hope that our investment will be recognised and 
honoured.  Europa is an active member of the Irish Offshore Operators' 
Association ("IOOA" www.iooa.ie). IOOA believes that in order to shape a 
coherent, realistic, fully-costed and structured national policy and plan to 
transition to a low carbon future, that a new and informed energy conversation 
needs to begin. IOOA is actively engaged in this matter and further information 
can be found at https://www.iooa.ie/ 
Offshore Ireland 
Our industry-leading licence position offshore Ireland is comprised of six 
licences covering an area of 4,985 km2 and encompassing all the play types and 
basins being targeted by the major operators who have already entered the 
region, such as Exxon, CNOOC International, Equinor, TOTAL, Woodside and Cairn 
Energy.  To date, we have identified over 30 prospects across our licences 
which, potentially hold combined Gross Mean Un-risked Prospective Resources 
("GMUPR") of over 6.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent and 1.5 tcf of gas. 
Following completion of technical work programmes, we are now focused on 
securing partners with whom we can drill wells to prove up this 
'company-making' prospectivity. 
The volumetrics involved and the quality of the work we have undertaken have 
generated considerable interest among the blue-chip operators as evidenced by 
their activity in our data rooms.  As mentioned earlier, we are currently 
negotiating farm-in agreements with a major international oil and gas company 
in respect of LO 16/20, FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13.  A final investment decision is 
awaited from the major's head office. Meanwhile, we continue to run data rooms 
and market the opportunities to others. We have submitted applications to the 
relevant authorities for three site surveys in Atlantic Ireland for our 
flagship Inishkea prospect, Kiely East and Edgeworth.  Our aim is to be in a 
position to drill all three prospects from 2020 onwards, subject to funding and 
the regulatory approval process. 
Post period end on 26 February 2019, we announced a new prospect inventory for 
LO 16/20 including gross mean un-risked prospective dry gas resources of 1.5 
tcf and a 1 in 3 chance of success for the Inishkea prospect.  Together with a 
location in a play that has been proven by the nearby Corrib gas field, 
proximity to existing gas infrastructure, comparatively shallow water and lying 
in a country that needs more gas, the volumetrics are the final piece in the 
jigsaw which confirms Inishkea's status as Europa's flagship project. 
Onshore UK 
Our UK production assets in the East Midlands continue to generate a valuable 
revenue stream for the Company.  First half production averaged 90 boepd 
generating revenue of GBP0.9 million, 12% higher than H1 2018's GBP0.8 million 
thanks to higher oil prices and initiatives we undertook to manage the decline 
at the West Firsby oil field.  These included the successful workover of the 
WF6 well where we, in conjunction with a third party, pioneered the use of a 
drain hole jetting technique onshore UK. WF6 is currently producing 6 bopd net 
to Europa having previously produced zero oil.  Based on the technical success 
of the workover we intend to evaluate additional suitable opportunities to use 
this technology in other wells leading to higher oil rates than would otherwise 
have been possible. 
We are keen to grow our production incrementally - via workovers such as WF6, 
and by bringing new discoveries on line. Wressle in North Lincolnshire, with an 
initial targeted gross rate of 500 bopd, would more than double Europa's 
existing net production to over 200 bopd.  The planning appeal process formally 
commenced post period end on 13 February 2019 and a planning inquiry date will 
be announced in due course when a Planning Inspector will consider the 
partners' new proposals for the development. Other proposals have previously 
been recommended for approval by the Council's Planning Officer and supported 
by expert third party review undertaken on behalf of the Council. 
New Ventures 
A Strategic Review was completed during the review period. This identified 
areas and basins   where the expertise of our technical team could be applied 
to replicate the excellent work carried out in our offshore Ireland licences. 
In line with this, over the course of the half year under review we have been 
in discussions with the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM) to 
secure a petroleum agreement in Morocco.  These discussions are nearing 
completion and we are confident we will soon be in a position to provide 
further details on what we believe is an exciting opportunity to acquire 
acreage which, in terms of 'company-making' potential, is similar in scale to 
our offshore Ireland portfolio. We have also established a new Board Strategy 
Committee, to review and approve value-accretive new venture opportunities 
within our areas of interest. 
During the period, we successfully raised GBP4.3million from existing and new 
shareholders.  Following the fundraise, BGF are the largest shareholder in 
Europa, with an equity share close to 15%.  One third of the Company's shares 
are now held by institutions and the Board holds a further 9.5%.  This is a 
significant increase in institutional representation in Europa's shareholder 
register and we view this as an endorsement of our asset base, strategy to 
monetise our assets, and finally the efforts of our excellent team. 
As at 31 January 2019, Europa's cash balances stood at GBP4.4 million (31 July 
2018: GBP1.8 million). Our UK production, which averaged 90 boepd over the course 
of the half year period, generated GBP0.9 million in revenues. In Ireland, we 
have mapped combined gross mean un-risked prospective resources of 6.4 billion 
barrels oil equivalent and 1.5 tcf gas across our six licences.  We estimate 
our Inishkea prospect, which lies close to the producing Corrib gas field, has 
a 1 in 3 chance of success. 
Compare all the above with our current market capitalisation and the value case 
for Europa, in our view, speaks for itself.  Our job is to realise the huge 
potential of our asset base, while at all times managing risk.  Drilling 
offshore Ireland alongside heavyweight partners is how we intend to achieve 
this.  With favourable terms under negotiation with a major operator that could 
lead to the funding of up to three high impact wells, we are confident we are 
on course to offer our shareholders the series of potential liquidity events. 
Simon Oddie 
11 April 2019 
Operational review 
Offshore Ireland: Exploration 
Europa holds six licences in Atlantic Ireland which, in aggregate, cover an 
area of over 4,985 km2, include six play types in three basins and contain over 
30 prospects and leads that potentially hold gross mean un-risked prospective 
resources of 6.4 billion barrels oil equivalent and 1.5 tcf gas. 
To date six prospects have been de-risked to drill-ready status including the 
Inishkea gas project in LO 16/20 in the Slyne Basin; Kiely East in FEL 2/13 and 
Edgeworth in FEL 1/17 in the South Porcupine Basin.  Inishkea is regarded by 
Europa as its flagship project due to its location in a play that has been 
proven by the Corrib gas field, its potential to be larger than Corrib, its 
proximity to existing processing facilities, and Ireland's need for more gas 
Activity during the half year period has been centred on securing farm-out 
partners to fund drilling activity. As announced in November 2018, Europa is 
currently negotiating farm-in agreements with a major international oil and gas 
company in respect of LO 16/20, FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13.  A final investment 
decision from the major's head office is awaited.  Subject to a positive 
outcome, the terms agreed would see Europa hold material interests in up to 
three wells.  To ensure wells can be drilled at the earliest opportunity, 
Europa has submitted applications for three site surveys in summer 2019 for the 
Inishkea, Kiely East and Edgeworth prospects. Subject to successful conclusion 
of this work and finalisation of funding, all three prospects could be drilled 
from 2020 onwards. 
Drilling activity in the region is due to recommence in summer 2019 with a well 
targeting the Iolar prospect in FEL 3/18 in the Porcupine basin operated by 
CNOOC International, together with its partner ExxonMobil.  Exploration success 
at Iolar potentially de-risks 1 billion boe in five prospects in Europa's 
Porcupine portfolio including Kiely East (280 mmboe) and Edgeworth (225 mmboe). 
Slyne Basin: LO 16/20 
LO 16/20 is located next to the producing Corrib gas field in the Slyne Basin 
and contains the Corrib North gas discovery. LO 16/20 represents low risk 
exploration in a proven gas play. 
During the half year, technical work was undertaken to further de-risk Inishkea 
and calculate prospective resources for Inishkea.  This work included Pre-Stack 
Depth Migration ("PSDM") reprocessing of 770 km2 of 3D seismic data over 
Inishkea and the Corrib gas field. The geophysical interpretation arising from 
the PSDM data has been benchmarked and calibrated against newly released Ocean 
Bottom Cable 3D seismic data over the Corrib gas field.  Post period end in 
February 2019, the Company announced prospective resources for Inishkea, the 
details of which are provided in the table below: 
Licence     Prospect       Play            Gross Un-risked Prospective Resources 
                                           (billion cubic feet) 
                                           Low        Best      High      Mean 
LO 16/20    Inishkea       Triassic gas    244        968       3,606     1,528 
Inishkea is a large fault bounded Triassic structure that lies 11km to the 
northwest of the Corrib gas field. The reservoir is Triassic age sandstone 
sourced from the underlying Carboniferous. The trap is provided by a 
combination of Triassic Uilleann Halite top seal and fault seal. Engineering 
studies demonstrate strong positive economics for a range of porosity outcomes, 
including outcomes significantly poorer than Corrib. Europa's view of porosity 
at Inishkea is supported by velocity data from new PSDM data. Given the 
Company's confidence in trap and reservoir quality and the nearby producing 
Corrib gas field, the Company has assigned a one in three chance of success to 
Inishkea based on in-house technical work. 
A drilling location for a first exploration well on Inishkea (18/20-H) has been 
identified. There is a robust, low risk tie on seismic data for the Corrib 
Sandstone reservoir back to the Corrib gas field.  Europa intends to acquire a 
site survey in summer 2019 (subject to regulatory consent), which would enable 
a well to be drilled at this location in 2020 (subject to funding and 
regulatory consents). Operations planning for both the site survey and 
engineering design of the exploration is in progress. 
The Corrib North structure containing the 18/20-7 gas discovery well drilled by 
Shell in 2010 may be upgraded to contingent resources pending further 
engineering evaluation. Based on the interpretation of historic 3D and 2D 
seismic, discovered Gas Initially In Place ("GIIP") is provided in the table 
Licence     Prospect       Play               Gross discovered GIIP 
                                              (billion cubic feet) 
                                              Low       Best      High 
LO 16/20    Corrib North   Triassic gas       5         41        208 
South Porcupine Basin: FELs 1/17, 2/13 and 3/13 
Europa operates three licences in the South Porcupine Basin, FELs 1/17, 2/13 
and 3/13.  An aggregate of 4.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of gross 
mean un-risked prospective resources have been estimated across nine priority 
prospects on these three licences based on the results of reprocessed PSDM 3D 
seismic data originally acquired in 2013. These include firm drilling targets 
Edgeworth in FEL 1/17, Wilde in 3/13 and Kiely East in 2/13.  The table below 
summarises the Gross Un-risked Prospective Resources ("GMUPR") across selected 
prospects in FELs 1/17, 2/13 and 3/13 in the South Porcupine Basin: 
Licence    Prospect    Play                 Gross Un-risked Prospective Resources 
                                            Low     Best     High      Mean 
FEL 1/17   Ervine      Pre-rift             63      159      363       192 
FEL 1/17   Edgeworth   Pre-rift             49      156      476       225 
FEL 1/17   Egerton     Syn-rift             59      148      301       167 
FEL 3/13   Beckett     mid-Cretaceous Fan   111     758      4229      1719 
FEL 3/13   Shaw+       mid-Cretaceous Fan   20      196      1726      747 
FEL 3/13   Wilde       Early Cretaceous Fan 45      241      1082      462 
FEL 2/13   Kiely East  Pre-rift             52      187      612       280 
FEL 2/13   Kiely West  Pre-rift             23      123      534       225 
FEL 2/13   Kilroy+     Cret. Slope Apron    37      177      734       312 
Total                                                                  4,329 
*million barrels of oil equivalent. The hydrocarbon system is considered an oil 
play and mmboe is used to take account of associated gas.  However, due to the 
significant uncertainties in the available geological information, there is a 
possibility of gas charge. 
+ on block 
Following the completion of the PSDM programme and release of the new prospect 
inventory, Europa opened a virtual data room for prospective farminees for its 
three operated South Porcupine licences in July 2018. As mentioned previously, 
Europa is negotiating with a major international oil and gas company in respect 
of FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13. 
The 2019 CNOOC International well in FEL 3/18 will drill the Iolar prospect, 
which the Company understands is a pre-rift play. Europa has five pre-rift 
prospects in FEL 2/13 and FEL 1/17 with combined GMUPR of just over 1 billion 
boe. If Iolar is successful there may be positive technical and commercial read 
across resulting in a de-risking of Europa's prospects. 
South Porcupine Basin: LO 16/19 
LO 16/19 is located on the west side of the South Porcupine basin.  A farm-out 
agreement for LO 16/19 was secured with Cairn Energy in April 2017, as a result 
of which Cairn was assigned operatorship of and acquired a 70% interest in the 
licence in exchange for funding a work programme worth up to US$6 million. 
This included the acquisition of 3D seismic in 2017.  The final processed 
dataset was delivered in Q4 2018 and a prospect inventory based on this is 
expected to be published in 2019. 
Padraig Basin: LO 16/22 
LO16/22 is located in the Padraig Basin on the eastern margin of the Rockall 
Trough. Padraig is a remnant Jurassic basin. Based on Europa's restoration of 
the conjugate margin prior to the spreading of the Atlantic seafloor, the most 
relevant analogue is the conjugate margin play offshore Newfoundland in the 
Flemish Pass basin and which hosts the 300 million barrel Bay du Nord oil 
Structures of significant size have been mapped on 2D seismic acquired in 1998, 
along with multiple leads in Triassic gas, pre-rift and syn-rift hydrocarbon 
plays. Gross mean un-risked indicative resources are estimated to be 
approximately 500 million boe for the syn-rift oil play and potentially 5tcf of 
GIIP in the Triassic gas play. Work is underway to mature the leads, which lie 
in water depths ranging from 800m to 2,000m, to prospect status. 
UK - Onshore Production 
East Midlands: West Firsby; Crosby Warren; Whisby-4 
Europa produces from three oilfields in the East Midlands: West Firsby (100% 
working interest); Crosby Warren (100%); and the Whisby-4 well (65%).  During 
the six months to 31 January 2019, an aggregate 90 boepd were recovered from 
the three fields (H1 2018: 97 boepd) with all the oil transported by road to 
the Immingham refinery. 
During the period, initiatives were undertaken to manage the decline at the 
West Firsby oil field including a workover of the WF6 well utilising a drain 
hole jetting technique for the first-time onshore UK.  The workover involved 
jetting sixteen 90m length drain holes. Having previously produced zero oil, 
WF6 is currently producing 6 bopd net to Europa. 
UK - Development 
East Midlands: PEDL180 (Wressle); PEDL182 (Broughton North) 
The Wressle conventional oil field on PEDL180 was discovered by the Wressle-1 
well in 2014.  During production testing in 2015, Wressle-1 flowed oil and gas 
at a combined flowrate of 710 boepd from three separate reservoirs: the Ashover 
Grit, the Wingfield Flags and the Penistone Flags.  In September 2016, a 
Competent Person's Report provided independent estimates of Reserves and 
Contingent and Prospective oil and gas resources for the Wressle discovery of 
2.15 million stock tank barrels classified as discovered (2P+2C). Reservoir 
engineering analyses indicate an initial production flow rate of 500 bopd gross 
from the Ashover Grit interval at Wressle. At this rate, Europa's existing 
production would be over 200 bopd and would generate significant cash flows for 
the Company. 
Following the Planning Inspectorate's decision to reject an appeal by the 
partnership against North Lincolnshire Council Planning Committee's decision to 
refuse planning permission for the Wressle oil development in January 2018, the 
operator Egdon Resources submitted a new planning application for the 
development of Wressle in July 2018. Despite being recommended for approval by 
North Lincolnshire Council's planning officers, the application was rejected by 
the Council's Planning Committee in November 2018. 
In January 2019, an application to extend the existing planning consent for the 
Wressle site by a year, was approved by the Planning Inspector on appeal after 
the original application for an extension was refused by North Lincolnshire 
Council's Planning Committee in August 2018.  This was despite having been 
recommended for approval by the Council's Planning Officer.  The extension to 
the existing planning consent to 24 January 2020 is expected to allow 
sufficient time for the Planning Inspector to determine an appeal against the 
Council's rejection of the Wressle development application.  Following this, 
post period end, the operator submitted the relevant appeal documentation.  A 
draft bespoke timetable for the appeal process, which will involve a planning 
inquiry, was issued on 13 February by the Planning Inspectorate. 
Europa has a 30% working interest in licence PEDL180 in the East Midlands which 
holds the Wressle oil discovery, alongside Egdon (operator, 30%), Union Jack 
Oil (27.5%), and Humber Oil & Gas Limited (12.5%). 
The Broughton North exploration prospect on PEDL182 lies adjacent and north of 
PEDL180.  In 1984, a well drilled by BP discovered oil at Broughton.  In the 
CPR, Broughton North was assigned gross mean un-risked prospective resources of 
0.6 million boe and a geological chance of success of 50%. 
UK - Exploration 
Weald Basin: PEDL143 (Holmwood) 
In September 2018, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural 
Affairs, refused an application to extend the site lease. Acting on behalf of 
the partnership, Europa withdrew its application to extend planning permission 
to drill the Holmwood exploration well from the Bury Hill Wood site, which has 
since been re-instated.  The remaining prospectivity of PEDL143 is now being 
evaluated which, in addition to the established Portland sandstone reservoirs, 
includes the Kimmeridge Limestone, an emerging play in the Weald Basin.  On 14 
March Europa announced that it was in the process of transferring operatorship 
to UK Oil & Gas PLC. Regulatory consent has been obtained. 
East Midlands: PEDL299 (Hardstoft) 
PEDL299 contains the Hardstoft oil field which was discovered in 1919 by the 
UK's first ever exploration well.  Hardstoft produced 26,000 barrels of oil 
from Carboniferous limestone reservoirs in the 1920s. Gross 2C contingent 
resources of 3.1 million boe and gross 3C contingent resources of 18.5 million 
boe in the Hardstoft structure were identified in a CPR issued by joint venture 
partner Upland Resources.  The application of modern production testing and 
drilling methodologies could lead to commercial oil flowrates being achieved. 
Europa's interest in PEDL299, which is restricted to the conventional 
prospectivity including Hardstoft, is 25%, alongside Upland 25% and INEOS, the 
operator, 50%. 
Cleveland Basin: PEDL343 (Cloughton) 
PEDL343 contains the Cloughton gas discovery, which was successfully drilled by 
Bow Valley in 1986 and flowed a small amount of gas to surface on production 
test from conventional Carboniferous sandstone reservoirs. Europa regards 
Cloughton as a gas appraisal opportunity with the critical challenge being to 
obtain commercial flowrates from future production testing operations.  Europa 
holds a 35% interest in PEDL343 alongside Arenite 15%, Third Energy 20% 
(operator), Egdon Resources 17.5% and Petrichor Energy 12.5%. 
East Midlands: PEDL181 
PEDL181 is exposed to the hydrocarbon potential of the Humber basin. The 
licence has technical synergy with the adjacent PEDL334 which was awarded to an 
Egdon Resources-led group in the 14th Round for the purpose of conventional and 
unconventional exploration. 
New Ventures 
As announced in January 2019, Europa is in the final phase of discussions with 
The National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines ('ONHYM') regarding securing a 
petroleum agreement in Morocco. The Company continues to evaluate new ventures 
within its established areas of interest which include greenfield exploration 
and brownfield re-development projects in North Africa, Western Europe, and 
Central Europe. 
Average daily H1 2019 production was 90 boepd compared to 97 boepd in H1 2018 
  * Natural decline at three production sites 
  * Incremental production added from the West Firsby 6 workover starting in 
    January 2019 which is currently producing 6 bopd net to Europa 
There was a 14% increase in average realised oil price to US$67.7 per barrel 
(H1 2018: US$59.2). Foreign exchange movements positively impacted revenues by 
5% as US Dollar sales converted to Sterling at US$1.29 (H1 2018: US$1.35) 
Conclusion and Outlook 
Our objective is to drill-up our portfolio of high impact prospects in Atlantic 
Ireland at the earliest opportunity.  Several workstreams are being advanced 
concurrently to ensure we are in a position to achieve this, including securing 
partners for our South Porcupine and Slyne Basin licences, and undertaking site 
surveys in summer 2019 for our drill-ready prospects Inishkea in the Slyne 
Basin, and Kiely East and Edgeworth in the South Porcupine Basin.  Much 
progress has been made.  Notably with an offer received from the NW European 
division of a major international oil and gas company to farm-in to three 
licences.  Subject to final negotiation and an investment decision awaited from 
the major's head office, Europa will be funded for up to three high impact 
wells including one targeting 1.5 tcf of gas at Inishkea next to the Corrib 
field.  Furthermore, this is not all high-risk wildcat exploration.  We rank 
Inishkea as having a one in three chance of success. We also note that other 
companies are active in the South Porcupine: CNOOC International intend to 
drill the Iolar prospect in summer 2019 and ENI have applied for consent to 
acquire a site survey on Dunquin South in summer 2019. These are exciting times 
for Atlantic Ireland. 
Outside Ireland, we will continue to support the operator's efforts to gain 
approval to develop the Wressle oil field.  If successful, Wressle will more 
than double our existing production to over 200 bopd which, at current oil 
prices, would generate a valuable revenue stream for the Company.  Elsewhere we 
are close to finalising a petroleum agreement in Morocco in line with our 
strategy to diversify our portfolio, and where we can deploy the same technical 
skillset and expertise.. 
Hugh Mackay 
11 April 2019 
Qualified Person Review 
This release has been reviewed by Hugh Mackay, Chief Executive of Europa, who 
is a petroleum geologist with over 30 years' experience in petroleum 
exploration and a member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, 
American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Fellow of the Geological 
Society. Mr Mackay has consented to the inclusion of the technical information 
in this release in the form and context in which it appears. 
Licence Interests Table 
Country   Area    Licence       Field/         Operator   Equity Status 
  UK      East    DL003         West Firsby    Europa      100%  Production 
                  DL001         Crosby Warren  Europa      100%  Production 
                  PL199/215     Whisby-4       BPEL        65%   Production 
                  PEDL180       Wressle        Egdon       30%   Development 
                  PEDL181                      Europa      50%   Exploration 
                  PEDL182       North          Egdon       30%   Exploration 
                  PEDL299       Hardstoft      INEOS       25%   Exploration 
                  PEDL343       Cloughton      Third       35%   Exploration 
          Weald   PEDL143       Holmwood       UKOG        20%   Exploration 
                  FEL 2/13      Doyle: Aw/Ac/  Europa      100%  Exploration 
          South                 Ae/B/C, 
        Porcupine               Kilroy, Keane, 
                                Kiely East, 
Ireland                         Kiely West , 
                                Lead F 
                  FEL 3/13      Beckett, Wilde Europa      100%  Exploration 
                  FEL 1/17      Ervine,        Europa      100%  Exploration 
                  LO 16/19      2 leads        Cairn       30%   Exploration 
          Slyne   LO 16/20      Corrib North   Europa      100%  Exploration 
         Padraig  LO 16/22      6 leads        Europa      100%  Exploration 
Unaudited consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                              6 months to  6 months to        Year to 
                                               31 January   31 January   31 July 2018 
                                                     2019         2018      (audited) 
                                                     GBP000         GBP000           GBP000 
Revenue                                               859          778          1,634 
Cost of sales                                       (855)        (670)        (1,365) 
Impairment of producing fields                          -            -          (142) 
Exploration write-off                                   -         (46)        (1,289) 
                                                   ------       ------         ------ 
Gross profit                                            4           62        (1,162) 
Administrative expenses                             (375)        (429)          (967) 
Finance income                                         27            6             10 
Finance expense                                      (93)        (136)          (171) 
                                                   ------       ------         ------ 
Loss before taxation                                (437)        (497)        (2,290) 
Taxation credit/(charge)                                -          168          (341) 
                                                   ------       ------         ------ 
Total comprehensive loss for the period             (437) 
attributed to the equity shareholders of                         (329)        (2,631) 
the parent 
                                                   ======       ======         ====== 
                                                Pence per    Pence per      Pence per 
                                                    share        share          share 
Earnings per share (EPS) attributable 
to the equity shareholders of the parent 
Attributable to the equity shareholders of 
Basic and diluted EPS (note 4)                    (0.13)p      (0.11)p        (0.87)p 
Unaudited consolidated statement of financial position 
                                               31 January    31 January      31 July 
                                                     2019          2018         2018 
                                                     GBP000          GBP000         GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                   6,759         6,534        5,959 
Property, plant and equipment                         621           813          668 
Deferred tax asset                                      -           508            - 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total non-current assets                            7,380         7,855        6,627 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Current assets 
Inventories                                            26            19           20 
Trade and other receivables                           300           512          471 
Cash and cash equivalents                           4,435         2,306        1,771 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
                                                    4,761         2,837        2,262 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total assets                                       12,141        10,692        8,889 
                                                   ======        ======       ====== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                            (918)         (883)      (1,299) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total current liabilities                           (918)         (883)      (1,299) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Non-current liabilities 
Long-term provisions                              (2,826)       (2,652)      (2,735) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total non-current liabilities                     (2,826)       (2,652)      (2,735) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total liabilities                                 (3,744)       (3,535)      (4,034) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Net assets                                          8,397         7,157        4,855 
                                                   ======        ======       ====== 
Capital and reserves attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Share capital (note 3)                              4,447         3,014        3,014 
Share premium                                      21,009        18,481       18,481 
Merger reserve                                      2,868         2,868        2,868 
Retained deficit                                 (19,927)      (17,206)     (19,508) 
                                                   ------        ------       ------ 
Total equity                                        8,397         7,157        4,855 
                                                   ======        ======       ====== 
Unaudited consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                               Share      Share     Merger    Retained      Total 
                             capital    premium    reserve     deficit     equity 
                                GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
Balance at 1 August 2017       3,014     18,481      2,868    (16,888)      7,475 
Total comprehensive loss           -          -          -       (329)      (329) 
for the period 
Share based payments               -          -          -          11         11 
                              ------     ------     ------      ------     ------ 
Balance at 31 January          3,014     18,481      2,868    (17,206)      7,157 
                              ======     ======     ======      ======     ====== 
Balance at 1 August 2017       3,014     18,481      2,868    (16,888)      7,475 
Loss for the year                  -          -          -     (2,631)    (2,631) 
attributable to the 
equity shareholders of 
the parent 
Share based payments               -          -          -          11         11 
                                         ------     ------      ------     ------ 
Balance at 31 July 2018        3,014     18,481      2,868    (19,508)      4,855 
                              ======     ======     ======      ======     ====== 
Balance at 1 August 2018       3,014     18,481      2,868    (19,508)      4,855 
Total comprehensive loss           -          -          -       (437)      (437) 
for the period 
Issue of share capital         1,433      2,546          -           -      3,979 
Issue of share options             -       (18)          -          18          - 
Share based payments               -          -          -           -          - 
                              ------     ------     ------      ------     ------ 
Balance at 31 January          4,447     21,009      2,868    (19,927)      8,397 
                              ======     ======     ======      ======     ====== 
Unaudited consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                                6 months to 6 months to      Year to 
                                                 31 January  31 January 31 July 2018 
                                                       2019        2018    (audited) 
                                                       GBP000        GBP000         GBP000 
Cash flows (used in)/from operating activities 
Loss after taxation                                   (437)       (329)      (2,631) 
Adjustments for: 
Share based payments                                      -          11           11 
Depreciation                                             47          69           72 
Impairment of producing field                             -           -          142 
Exploration write-off                                     -          46        1,289 
Finance income                                         (27)         (6)         (10) 
Finance expense                                          93         136          171 
Taxation charge/(credit)                                  -       (168)          341 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                  22         101           69 
Increase in inventories                                 (6)         (5)          (6) 
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other                 (35)         161           73 
                                                     ------      ------       ------ 
Net cash (used in)/from operating activities          (343)          16        (479) 
                                                     ======      ======       ====== 
Cash flows used in investing activities 
Purchase of intangibles                             (1,002)     (1,081)      (1,336) 
Buy back of part interest in licence                      -       (160)            - 
Interest received                                         5           6           10 
                                                     ------      ------       ------ 
Net cash used in investing activities                 (997)     (1,235)      (1,326) 
                                                     ======      ======       ====== 
Cash flows from/(used in) financing activities 
Proceeds from the issue of share capital              3,961           -            - 
Increase/(decrease) in payables relating to              14        (16)         (16) 
share capital issue costs 
Option based equity movement on share issue              18           -            - 
Finance costs                                           (2)         (2)          (3) 
                                                     ------      ------       ------ 
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities          3,991        (18)         (19) 
                                                     ======      ======       ====== 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash              2,651     (1,237)      (1,824) 
Exchange gain/ (loss) on cash and cash                   13        (48)            4 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of             1,771       3,591        3,591 
                                                     ------      ------       ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period            4,435       2,306        1,771 
                                                     ======      ======       ====== 
Notes to the consolidated interim statement 
1          Nature of operations and general information 
Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc ("Europa Oil & Gas") and subsidiaries' ("the 
Group") principal activities consist of investment in oil and gas exploration, 
development and production. 
Europa Oil & Gas is the Group's ultimate parent Company. It is incorporated and 
domiciled in England and Wales. The address of Europa Oil & Gas's registered 
office head office is 6 Porter Street, London W1U 6DD. Europa Oil & Gas's 
shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market. 
The Group's consolidated interim financial information is presented in Pounds 
Sterling (GBP), which is also the functional currency of the parent Company. 
The consolidated interim financial information has been approved for issue by 
the Board of Directors on 11 April 2019. 
The consolidated interim financial information for the period 1 August 2018 to 
31 January 2019 is unaudited. In the opinion of the Directors the condensed 
interim financial information for the period presents fairly the financial 
position, and results from operations and cash flows for the period in 
conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles consistently 
applied. The condensed interim financial information incorporates unaudited 
comparative figures for the interim period 1 August 2017 to 31 January 2018 and 
the audited financial year to 31 July 2018. 
The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined by section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
report should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements 
of the Group for the year ended 31 July 2018. 
The comparatives for the full year ended 31 July 2018 are not the Company's 
full statutory accounts for that year. A copy of the statutory accounts for 
that year has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' 
report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
section 498 (2) - (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
Given the current cash balance and cash inflow from the Group's producing 
assets, the Directors have concluded, at the time of approving the consolidated 
interim financial information, that there is a reasonable expectation, based on 
the Group's cash flow forecasts, that the Group can continue in operational 
existence for the foreseeable future, which is deemed to be at least 12 months 
from the date of signing the consolidated financial information. Accordingly, 
they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated 
interim financial information. 
2          Summary of significant accounting policies 
The condensed interim financial information has been prepared using policies 
based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS and IFRIC 
interpretations) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board 
("IASB") as adopted for use in the EU. The condensed interim financial 
information has been prepared using the accounting policies which will be 
applied in the Group's statutory financial information for the year ended 31 
July 2019. 
This results in the adoption of various standards and interpretations, none of 
which have had a material impact on the interim report or are expected to have 
a material impact on the financial statements for the full year. 
3          Share capital 
                                              6 months to 31    6 months to        Year to 
                                                January 2019     31 January   31 July 2018 
                                                                       2018      (audited) 
Allotted, called up and fully paid ordinary           Shares         Shares         Shares 
shares of 1p 
Start of period                                  301,388,379    301,388,379    301,388,379 
Issued in the period                             143,303,220              -              - 
                                            ---------------- -------------- -------------- 
End of period                                    444,691,599    301,388,379    301,388,379 
                                                  ==========      =========      ========= 
                                                        GBP000           GBP000           GBP000 
Start of period                                        3,014          3,014          3,014 
Issued in the period                                   1,433              -              - 
                                                      ------         ------         ------ 
End of period                                          4,447          3,014          3,014 
                                                      ======         ======        ======= 
Ordinary shares issued                                               Raised  Nominal value 
On 10 December 2018 at 6p issue price                 Number   net of costs           GBP000 
                                                   of shares           GBP000 
Placing                                          133,333,338          3,684          1,333 
Open offer                                         9,969,882            277            100 
                                                      ------         ------         ------ 
                                                 143,303,220          3,961          1,433 
                                                      ======         ======         ====== 
4          Earnings per share (EPS) 
Basic EPS has been calculated on the loss after taxation divided by the 
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. Diluted EPS uses 
an average number of shares adjusted to allow for the issue of shares, on the 
assumed conversion of all in-the-money options. 
The Company's average share price for the period was 3.51p which was below the 
exercise price of all 25,637,898 outstanding share options (H1 2018: 5.74p 
which was below the exercise price of all 25,164,440 outstanding share 
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the 
                                              6 months to   6 months to        Year to 
                                               31 January    31 January   31 July 2018 
                                                     2019          2018      (audited) 
                                                     GBP000          GBP000           GBP000 
Loss for the period attributable to the             (437)         (329)        (2,631) 
equity shareholders of the parent 
                                                   ======        ======         ====== 
Number of shares 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares    342,665,937   301,388,379    301,388,379 
for the purposes of basic and diluted EPS 
                                                   ======        ======         ====== 
5          Taxation 
Consistent with the year-end treatment, current and deferred tax assets and 
liabilities have been calculated at tax rates which were expected to apply to 
their respective period of realisation at the period end. 
6          Post reporting date 
  * Wressle planning appeal submitted to Planning Inspectorate on 5 February 
    2019 and draft bespoke programme issued by the Inspectorate on 13 February 
  * Gross un-risked prospective resources at the Inishkea gas prospect in LO 16 
    /20 confirmed as 1.5 tcf with one in three chance of success (RNS 26 
    February 2019) 
  * Transferred operatorship of PEDL143 to UK Oil & Gas PLC as announced on14 
    March 2019 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 12, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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