THE LONGMEAD GROUP plc ("Longmead" or "the Company")

Interim Results for the 26 weeks to 29 April 2006

          Trading Results
          During  the  six  months under review, the Company achieved 96% of its budgeted turnover  at  �1.173
          million (2005: �1.270 million).  The shortfall against budget was almost entirely due to lower sales
          to  our  major DIY accounts, where all the major DIY groups have reported a fall in sales  turnover.
          More encouragingly our General Trade sales have continued to grow as we reach a much wider range  of
          customers  and where our products are gaining increased acceptance.  We are budgeting for a  further
          increase in General Trade sales during the second half.
          The  shortfall  in  sales turnover has resulted in a slightly larger loss than budgeted  at  �54,000
          (2005:  �6,000).  However, margins have remained steady in spite of a continuing pressure on  costs.
          We have experienced significant increases in metal costs but have been able to compensate by greater
          efficiency  elsewhere.  Our overheads are being kept under strict control, and, in  spite  of  large
          rises in distribution costs we have been able to reduce our total overhead spend by 3%.
          Product Development
          The  new products which we showed at the KBB Exhibition in January have now started to arrive in the
          UK.   An  important part of our product portfolio is bathroom furniture and these products  are  now
          available for distribution to customers.  Bathroom furniture has a much higher unit sales value  and
          we  are therefore expecting to see the average value of orders increasing.  Other new products  will
          be arriving in the UK during the next few weeks, which will give an added boost to turnover.
          Our  Marketing Department is currently working on further product development projects to enable the
          Company to widen, even further, its product offering.
          Balance Sheet
          Our  Balance  Sheet at the end of the period is very much in line with budget.  Capital  Expenditure
          has  been  severely restricted and we have no plans for any expenditure in the second half.   Stocks
          are  almost  exactly  to  budget and show a reduction compared with the level  at  the  end  of  the
          financial year.  Debtors have risen somewhat as a result in the make-up of our customers.
          The Medium Term Loan is being repaid according to programme and at the period end stood at �708,000,
          while  our current cash situation is better than budget and an improvement on the situation  at  the
          end of the last financial year.
          Future Prospects
          The  results for the last six months have been affected by the shortfall in sales to our  major  DIY
          customers.   These represent a very important part of our sales and it is difficult to  predict  how
          they  will perform during the rest of our financial year.  However, we are confident that our  level
          of business to other outlets will continue to grow particularly with the arrival of new products and
          more aggressive marketing.
          We  continue to keep costs strictly under control in spite of unavoidable cost increases in  certain
          In  our  last  statement, your Board felt the Company had turned the corner and we believe  this  is
          still  the  case.   The  next  few months will be difficult in the light  of  the  present  economic
          situation  but  we  are  still  of  the opinion that the current  year  should  show  a  significant
          improvement over the previous year.
          REW Newman
          [10] July 2005


                                                                Unaudited           Unaudited            Audited
                                                              26 weeks to         26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                                                            29 April 2006       30 April 2005        29 Oct 2005
                                                                    �'000               �'000              �'000
TURNOVER                                                            1,173               1,270              2,263
Cost of sales                                                       (731)               (779)            (1,449)
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
Gross profit                                                          442                 491                814
Operating costs                                                     (471)               (473)              (972)
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT                                              (29)                  18              (158)
Interest receivable                                                     -                   -                  -
Interest payable                                                     (25)                (24)               (49)
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
(LOSS)/ ON ORDINARY                                                                                             
ACTIVITIES BEFORE                                                                                               
TAXATION                                                             (54)                 (6)              (207)
Tax on profit on ordinary                                                                                       
activities                                                              -                   -                  -
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                              
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                                                                       
                                                                     (54)                 (6)              (207)
Dividends                                                               -                   -                  -
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
RETAINED (LOSS)                                                                                                 
FOR THE PERIOD                                                       (54)                 (6)              (207)
                                                                    _____               _____              _____
(LOSS)/ PER ORDINARY SHARE                                                                                      
(PENCE)                                                           (0.97)p             (0.11)p            (3.69)p

AT 29 APRIL 2006

                                                 Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited
                                                     as at              as at           as at
                                             29 April 2006      30 April 2005     29 Oct 2005
                                                     �'000              �'000           �'000
FIXED ASSETS                                                                                 
Intangible Assets                                       17                 19              20
Tangible Assets                                      1,355              1,449           1,398
                                                     _____              _____           _____
                                                     1,372              1,469           1,417
                                                     _____              _____           _____
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                               
Stocks                                               1,267              1,281           1,305
Debtors                                                563                539             421
Cash at bank and in hand                                 3                  4               2
                                                     _____              _____           _____
                                                     1,833              1,728           1,824
CREDITORS: amounts                                                                           
falling due within one year                          (897)              (909)           (742)
                                                     _____              _____           _____
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                     936                915             986
                                                     _____              _____           _____
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                                            
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                  2,308              2,384           2,403
CREDITORS: amounts                                                                           
falling due after one year                           (738)              (559)           (779)
PROVISIONS FOR                                                                               
LIABILITIES & CHARGES                                    -                 -               -
                                                     _____              _____          _____
                                                     1,570              1,825          1,624
                                                     _____              _____          _____
Called up share capital                                558                558            558
Share premium account                                1,398              1,398          1,398
Capital redemption  reserve                             19                 19             19
Revaluation reserve                                    258                263            260
Profit and loss account                              (663)              (413)           (611)
                                                     _____              _____           _____
TOTAL EQUITY                                                                                 
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                  1,570              1,825           1,624
                                                     _____              _____           _____


                                                         Unaudited           Unaudited           Audited
                                                       26 weeks to         26 weeks to       52 weeks to
                                                     29 April 2006       30 April 2005       29 Oct 2005
                                                             �'000               �'000              �'000
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                                                                
ACTIVITIES (Note 1)                                             17               (107)              (138)
Returns on investment and                                                                               
servicing of finance                                          (30)                (25)              (50)
Taxation                                                         -                   -                 -
Capital expenditure and                                                                                 
financial investment                                           (3)                (10)               (9)
                                                             _____               _____             _____
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)                                                                                      
BEFORE FINANCING                                              (16)               (142)             (197)
Financing - (Decrease)/increase in debt                       (43)                (65)               66
                                                             _____               _____             _____
(DECREASE) IN CASH                                            (59)               (207)             (131)
                                                             _____               _____             ______

Note 1: Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                                           Unaudited             Unaudited            Audited
                                                         26 weeks to           26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                                                       29 April 2006         30 April 2005        29 Oct 2005
                                                               �'000                 �'000              �'000
 Operating (loss)/profit                                        (29)                    18              (158)
 Depreciation                                                     50                    53               104
 (Profit) on sale of fixed assets                                (1)                   (1)                (1)
 Decrease/(increase) in stock                                     37                     1               (23)
 (Increase) in debtors                                         (143)                 (153)               (35)
 Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                103                  (25)               (25)
                                                               _____                 _____              _____
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                                                     
 operating activities                                             17                 (107)               (138)
                                                               _____                 _____                _____
Note 2: Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                             Unaudited             Unaudited            Audited
                                                           26 weeks to           26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                                                         29 April 2006         30 April 2005        29 Oct 2005
                                                                 �'000                 �'000              �'000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                         (59)                 (207)              (131)
Cash inflow from decrease in                                                                                   
debt and lease and hire purchase financing                          43                    65               (66)
                                                                 _____                 _____              _____
                                                                  (16)                 (142)              (197)
New finance lease and hire                                                                                     
purchase obligations                                                 -                  (28)               (28)
                                                                 _____                 _____              _____
Movement in net debt in period                                    (16)                 (170)              (225)
Net debt at beginning of period                                (1,191)                 (966)              (966)
                                                                 _____                 _____              _____
Net debt at end of period                                      (1,207)               (1,136)            (1,191)
                                                                 _____                 _____              _____

                                                                  At        Cash flow          Other                 At
                                                         30 Oct 2005                  non-cash changes         29 April 2006
                                                               �'000            �'000          �'000              �'000
Cash                                                               2                -              3                  1
Overdraft                                                      (417)                -           (477)               (60)
                                                               _____            _____          _____              _____
                                                               (415)             (59)           (474)                 -
Debt due within one year                                        (54)              32             (36)               (58)
Debt due after one year                                        (687)               -              36               (651)
Finance leases                                                  (35)              11               -                (24)
                                                               _____           _____           _____              _____
TOTAL                                                        (1,191)             (16)              -             (1,207)
                                                               _____            _____          _____              _____
Note 3: Earnings per share
The loss per ordinary share is calculated on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation and on a weighted
average of ordinary shares in issue of 5,584,391 in the period (26 weeks to 30 April 2005: 5,584,391  and
52 weeks to 29 October 2005: 5,584,391).

Note 4: Preparation of interim financial statements

These unaudited financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
Group's 2005 statutory financial statements.

Note 5: Copies of the Accounts

Copies  of the interim accounts will be sent to shareholders.  Further copies will be available from  the
Company's  head office at The Longmead Group plc, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon,  EX13  5HU
and  from  the Company's nominated adviser, Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, at 25 Moorgate,
London EC2 6AY for at least one month from the date of this announcement.

The Longmead Group PLC


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