RNS Number : 6464K
  Loanmakers (Holdings) PLC
  23 December 2008
    ("the Company")

    Interim results for The Six Months Ended 30th September 2008


    *     Significant downturn in trading performance in first half as a result of credit crunch

    *     Largest provider of secured loans, First Plus, exited the market in August 2008 reducing lending options

    *     Other lenders have tightened lending criteria

    *     Falling house prices have reduced equity

    *     Demand for loans increasing although completions declining due to difficulties in finding suitable lending products

    Clearly the results for the first half of the year are disappointing, but these have been caused in large part by worsening economic
conditions and the effects of the credit crunch.  Our largest provider of secured loans, First Plus, exited the market in August 2008
reducing lending options and other lenders have tightened lending criteria.  Over the period the Company has reduced headcount significantly
in line with much lower levels of activity.  

    The Board has attempted to retain the Company's infrastructure, although this has been increasingly difficult as numbers have reduced. 
Relations with both lenders and introducers remain positive but given the current economic outlook it is unlikely that trading performance
will improve in the second half of the year.  

    The Board is extremely disappointed that the recently proposed underwritten open offer was rejected by shareholders, as this represented
an opportunity to inject capital into the business. Given this disappointing outcome the Board continues to review its options for the

    Ges Ratcliffe, Chief Executive

    23 December 2008


                              CEO, Loanmakers (Holdings  plc   
 Ges Ratcliffe                                                01204 678200
 Rick Thompson / Carl Holmes  Charles Stanley Securities      020 7149 6000
                              Nominated Adviser

      Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Consolidated Income Statement

                                                   Unaudited            Unaudited    Year ended 
                                           6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30     31 March
                                              September 2008        September 2007     2008

                                                           �                     �                   �

 REVENUE                             2             4,072,073            14,306,874          23,552,144

 Cost of sales                                   (2,702,253)           (9,112,965)        (16,452,143)

 Gross Profit                                      1,369,820             5,193,909           7,100,001

 Administrative expenses                         (2,777,694)           (4,423,720)         (9,228,756)

 EBITDA                                          (1,407,874)               770,189         (2,128,755)

 Loss on sale of business                                  -                     -         (4,250,864)
 Amortisation and depreciation                      (77,106)             (115,609)           (295,384)
 Goodwill impairment                                       -                     -         (1,159,875)
 Non trading items                                         -                     -             (3,923)

 (LOSS)/ PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                  (1,484,980)               654,580         (7,838,801)

 Finance costs                                     (118,421)             (308,535)           (597,332)

 (LOSS)/ PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                  (1,603,401)               346,045         (8,436,133)

 Taxation                            3                     -             (103,814)           1,624,076

 (LOSS)/ PROFIT AFTER TAXATION                   (1,603,401)               242,231         (6,812,057)

 Earnings per share
 Basic - pence                       4               (5.62)p                 0.93p            (23.86)p
 Diluted - pence                     4               (5.39)p                 0.88p            (23.86)p

      Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                               Unaudited          Unaudited 
                                        30 September 2008  30 September 2007
                                                                              31 March 2008

                                                        �                  �              �

 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                             11,151,408         13,449,490     11,178,435
 Property, plant and equipment                    136,649            399,825        185,344
 Deferred tax assets                               50,357             90,510         50,357
                                               11,338,414         13,939,825     11,414,136
 Current assets
 Work in progress                                 354,358            737,508        354,358
 Trade and other receivables                    1,250,840         13,800,165      1,953,008
 Cash and cash equivalents                      (285,887)            712,104        110,828
                                                1,319,311         15,249,777      2,418,194

 Total assets                                  12,657,725         29,189,602     13,832,330

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                         840,455          2,281,643        751,187
 Financial liabilities                          3,848,662          1,266,270      3,509,136
 Current tax liabilities                        1,114,670          3,086,499      1,114,670
                                                5,803,787          6,634,412      5,374,993
 Non-current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                               -            552,728              -
 Financial liabilities                                  -          5,912,500              -

 Total liabilities                              5,803,787         13,099,640      5,374,993

 Share capital                       5          3,107,150          3,107,150      3,107,150
 Contingent share consideration                         -            368,486              -
 Share premium account                          6,959,904          6,959,904      6,959,904
 Merger reserve                                         -        (1,999,996)              -
 Share based compensation                         205,393            415,244        205,393
 Retained earnings                            (3,418,509)          7,239,174    (1,815,110)

 Total equity                                   6,853,938         16,089,962      8,457,337

 Total liabilities and equity                  12,657,725         29,189,602    13,832,330

      Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Statement of changes in equity
                                              Share          Share Premium     Merger                  Share Based           Retained       
                                             Capital               account     Reserve        Compensation Reserve              Earnings    
                                                  �                     �                 �                     �                     �     

 Equity as at 1 April 2007                 7,123,765            1,956,614       (1,999,996)               338,518             6,996,943     
 Shares issued under contingent
 equity consideration                        382,839             2,427,203                 -                     -                     -    
 Adjustment to contingent
 equity consideration                    (4,293,740)                     -                 -                     -                     -    
 Shares issued on AIM placing                262,772             2,706,552                 -                     -                     -    
 Share issue costs                                 -             (130,465)                 -                     -                     -    
 Share based payments                             -                     -                 -                76,726                     -     
 Profit for the period                            -                     -                 -                     -               242,231     
                                 -------------------    ------------------  ----------------  --------------------    ------------------ 
 Equity as at 30 September 2007            3,475,636            6,959,904       (1,999,996)               415,244             7,239,174     
                                 -------------------    ------------------  ----------------  --------------------    ------------------ 

                                              Share          Share Premium     Merger                Share Based     Retained            
                                             Capital               account    Reserve       Compensation Reserve     Earnings

                                                  �                     �               �                     �                    �        

 Equity as at 1 April 2008                 3,107,150            6,959,906               -                205,393         (1,815,110)        
 Share based payments                             -                     -               -                     -                    -        
 Loss for the period                              -                     -               -                     -          (1,603,401)        
                                 -------------------   -------------------  --------------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Equity as at 30 September 2008           3,107,150             6,959,906               -               205,393          (3,418,511)        
                                 -------------------   -------------------  --------------  --------------------  ------------------- 

      Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                           Unaudited             Unaudited 
                                    6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30
                                      September 2008         September 2007
                                                                          �  Year ended 31 March 2008

 Cash flows from continuing
 operating activities  

 (Loss)/ Profit from operations    (1,484,980)  654,580  (276,891) 

 Share based compensation  -  76,726   (133,125) 

 Depreciation    47,987    70,417   100,919 

 Amortisation of IPS licences  27,025  45,192   51,270 

 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets    -   -      3,923 
 Impairment of goodwill                        -   -    984,900
 Profit on sale of business                    -   -  (165,266)
 Finance costs                                 -   -    262,448

 Decrease / (Increase) in work in progress    -  104,558   (4,878) 

 Decrease / (Increase) in trade and other          702,174  346,034   (421,433) 

 (Decrease) / Increase in trade and other payables  89,266  (938,064)   422,589 

 Cash generated from continuing operations    (618,528)  359,443   824,456

 Interest paid  (118,421)  (308,535)  (262,448)

 Income taxes paid  -  (425,191)   (1,377,994)

 Cash used in continuing operating activities  (736,949)  (374,283)   (815,986)

 Cash used in discontinued operating                   -          -  (2,271,676)
 Total cash used in operating activities       (736,949)  (374,283)  (3,087,662)

 Cash flows from continuing investing activities        

 Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment    -   (72,290)   (128,627)

 Payments to acquire intangible assets  -  (66,968)   (40,977)

 Receipts from sale of property, plant and equipment    708   -   562 

 Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking    -   -   (1,014,395) 

 Net cash disposed with disposal of business    -   -   (126,628) 
 Receipts from disposal of business              -   -   6,200,000

 Cash generated /(used in) from continuing         708  (139,258)   4,889,935 
 investing activities  

 Cash generated from discontinued investing            -          -    752,544
 Total cash (used in)/ generated from investing      708  (139,258)  5,642,479

 Cash flows from  continuing financing activities  
 Proceeds on issue of ordinary shares                -  2,969,324  2,969,324

 Share issue costs  -  (130,465)  (130,465)

 Repayment of borrowings    -  -  (7,787,500)

 Net movement in long term borrowings    -  (625,000)   -

 Capital element of finance lease agreements    -  (14,770)   - 

 Cash generated from continuing financing          -  2,199,089   (4,948,641) 

  Cash used in discontinued financing activities   -           -     (31,040) 
 Total cash generated /(used in ) financing       -   2,199.089   (4,979,681) 

 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash  (736,241)  1,685,548   (2,424,864) 

 Cash & cash equivalents at the beginning  (3,398,308)  (973,444)   (973,444) 
 of the financial period

 Cash & cash equivalents at the end of     (4,134,549)  712,104   (3,398,308) 
 the financial period

      Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

    1.  Basis of preparation

    These financial statements are the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for the six month period ended 30 September 2008.
They have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2008.

    The Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the Consolidated Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 March 2008.

    2.  Revenue

    Revenue in the Consolidated Income Statement represents amounts billed or to be billed in respect of services performed on behalf of
clients. The amounts taken to turnover are calculated as follows:

    Loan commissions: on approval of loan applications.

    3.  Taxation

    Taxation is provided for at an estimated effective rate of 30%.

    4.  Earnings per share

    Earnings and the number of shares used in the calculations of earnings per share are set out below:

                                     Unaudited 6 months    Unaudited 6 months
                                     ended 30 September    ended 30 September           Year ended 
                                                   2008                  2007             31 March 
                                                      �                     �                     �
 (Loss)/ Profit for the period              (1,603,401)               242,231           (6,812,057)
 Weighted average number of                         No.                   No.                   No.
 shares in issue:                
 For basic earnings per share                28,554,090            26,015,157            28,554,090
 Executive share options                      1,216,802             1,295,764             1,216,802
 Contingent share consideration                       -               231,752    -
                                     ------------------     -----------------  --------------------
 For diluted earnings per share              29,770,892            27,542,673            29,770,892
                                     ------------------     -----------------  --------------------
 Earnings per share:             
 Basic                                          (5.62)p                 0.93p              (23.86)p
 Diluted                                        (5.39)p                 0.88p              (23.86)p

    Loanmakers (Holdings) plc
    Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Notes to the Interim Financial Statements continued*

    5. Called up share capital

                                     No.          �

 Ordinary shares of 10p each  35,200,000  3,520,000

                                              Unaudited             Unaudited 
                                       30 September 2008     30 September 2007
                                                                                    31 March 2008
                                                     No.                   No.                No.
 Allotted and called up:         
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                  31,071,499            24,615,385         24,615,385
 Contingent share consideration                        -             3,828,394          3,828,394
 Ordinary shares issued                                -             2,627,720          2,627,720
                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
                                              31,071,499            31,071,499         31,071,499
                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
                                                       �                     �                  �
 Allotted and called up:         
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                   3,107,150             2,461,539          2,461,539
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                           -               262,772            262,772
                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
                                               3,107,150             2,724,311          2,724,311
 Contingent share consideration                        -               382,839            382,839
                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
                                               3,107,150             3,107,150          3,107,150
                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------

           Ordinary Shares

    On 19th September 2007, 3,828,394 ordinary shares of 10p each were issued at �0.73 per ordinary share as a part of the contingent
consideration in respect of the acquisition of Loanmakers Limited in June 2006. On 13th July 2007, 2,627,720 ordinary shares of 10p each
were issued at a price of �1.13 per ordinary share.

    Interim Report 

    The interim report will be posted to all shareholders. Copies can be obtained from the Company's head office: Sefton House, Northgate
Close, Horwich, Lancashire, BL6 6PQ and are available to download from the Company's website www.loanmakers.co.uk. 

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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