Form 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]
18 Juin 2024 - 11:23PM
Edgar (US Regulatory)
Washington, D.C.
Report of Foreign Private
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange
Act of 1934
For the month of
June, 2024
Commission File Number
(Exact name of registrant
as specified in its charter)
Brazilian Petroleum
Corporation – PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's
name into English)
Avenida Henrique Valadares, 28 – 19th floor
20241-030 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal
executive office)
Indicate by check mark
whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F ___X___ Form
40-F _______
Indicate by check mark
whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission
pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes _______ No___X____

Petrobras signs Protocol of Intentions with the Government
of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, June 18, 2024 - Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.-
Petrobras informs that on Tuesday (18/6) it signed a Protocol of Intentions with the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro to State
of Rio de Janeiro to carry out joint studies to feasibility of implementing an offshore wind energy pilot project. project. The agreement
provides for the establishment of cooperation mechanisms, with the alignment of the project with state programs and policies and the promotion
of actions to improve the the region where the pilot will be implemented.
The construction of a pilot wind generation project offshore Rio
de Janeiro will make it possible to test and qualify new technologies. This will help to define elements for increasing competitiveness
and the main challenges to be overcome for the development of future projects on a commercial scale.
Various aspects of offshore wind generation will be assessed in order to identify its bottlenecks and technical challenges, taking into
account the particularities of one of the regions in the country with the greatest potential for offshore generation, which also has the
potential to be integrated with the decarbonization of Petrobras' E&P activities. Since
2020, the company has already been carrying out a campaign to measure wind potential using Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) technology
on the Autonomous Drilling Platform (PRA-1) in the Campos Basin.
The cooperation with the state of Rio de Janeiro protocol of intent
published on December 3, 2023, for the joint evaluation of the pilot implementation of a CO2 capture and storage hub (CCUS) regarding
the development of a project in the north of Rio de Janeiro with the capacity to store 100,000 tons of CO2 per year.
Material facts will be discloses to the market on a timely basis.
For more information:
| Investors Relations
Av. Henrique Valladares, 28 – 9th floor –
20031-030 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510/9947 | 0800-282-1540
This document may contain forecasts
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Trading
Act of 1934, as amended (Trading Act) that reflect the expectations of the Company's officers. The terms: "anticipates", "believes",
"expects", "predicts", "intends", "plans", "projects", "aims", "should,"
and similar terms, aim to identify such forecasts, which evidently involve risks or uncertainties, predicted or not by the Company. Therefore,
future results of the Company's operations may differ from current expectations, and the reader should not rely solely on the information
included herein.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: June 18, 2024
By: /s/ Carlos Alberto Rechelo Neto
Carlos Alberto Rechelo Neto
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations
Petroleo Brasileiro ADR (NYSE:PBR)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Fév 2025 à Mar 2025
Petroleo Brasileiro ADR (NYSE:PBR)
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De Mar 2024 à Mar 2025