didymium – a mixture of the elements Pr and Nd. Didymium Is used as a raw material for the manufacture of high-intensity permanent magnets. It is used in safety glasses for glassblowing and blacksmithing, especially when a gas (propane) powered forge is used, where it provides a filter which selectively blocks the yellowish light at 589 nm emitted by the hot sodium in the glass, without having a detrimental effect on general vision, unlike dark welder’s glasses.
Dy - dysprosium (a soft metallic element of the lanthanide series, mainly used in high-performance, permanent magnets). Dy has a high melting point and absorbs neutrons well. It is therefore also used in nuclear control rods to help control nuclear reactions. Dy is also used in laser generating materials.
Eu – europium (a very rare metallic element that is the softest member of the lanthanide series). It is used in making color television tubes and lasers and as a neutron absorber in nuclear research. It is desirable due to its photon emission. Excitation of the Eu atom, by absorption of electrons or by UV radiation, results in changes in energy levels that create a visible emission. Almost all practical uses of Eu utilize this luminescent behavior.
fault – a surface or zone of rock fracture along which there has been displacement.
Feasibility Study (“FS”) – a comprehensive study of a mineral deposit in which all geological, engineering, legal, operating, economic, social, environmental and other relevant factors are considered in sufficient detail that it could reasonably serve as the basis for a final decision to develop the deposit for mineral production.
FMR – mineralization that includes iron oxide, manganese oxide and REE.
Gd - gadolinium (a malleable, ductile metallic element of the lanthanide series that has seven natural isotopes and 11 artificial isotopes). Two of the natural isotopes, Gd 155 and Gd 157, are the best-known neutron absorbers. Gd is used to improve the heat and corrosion resistance of iron, chromium, and various alloys in medicine as a contrast medium for magnetic resonance imaging and as a radioisotope in bone mineral analysis.
geochemical – related to the distribution and amounts of the chemical elements in minerals, ores, rocks, solids, water and the atmosphere.
geophysical – related to the mechanical, electrical, gravitational and magnetic properties of the earth’s crust.
GHG – greenhouse gases
grade – quantity of metal per unit weight of host material.
HREEs – heavy rare earth elements – defined as the elements Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y.
La - lanthanum (the first metallic element of the lanthanide series). La is a strategically important rare earth element due to its use in fluid cracking catalysts (“FCC”), which are used in the production of transportation and aircraft fuel. La is also used in fuel cells and batteries.
LREEs - light rare earth elements, defined as the elements La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu and Gd.
mineral – a naturally occurring, inorganic crystalline material having a definite chemical composition.
mineralization – a natural accumulation or concentration of one or more potentially economic minerals in rocks or soil. Also, the process by which minerals are introduced or concentrated in rocks or soil.
monazite – a reddish-brown rare earth phosphate mineral. Monazite-group minerals are typically accompanied by elevated concentrations of uranium and thorium. This has historically limited the processing of monazite. However, this mineral is becoming more attractive because it typically has elevated concentrations of HREEs.