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Barclays Plc Ipath Eur/USD Exchange Rate Etn (delisted) (ERO)

Barclays Plc Ipath Eur/USD Exchange Rate Etn (delisted)
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16/05/201400h50Business WireBarclays Bank PLC to De-List Nine Canada-Listed ETNsAMEX:EROBarclays Plc Ipath Eur/USD Exchange Rate Etn (delisted)
11/11/201314h01ZacksEuro ETFs in Focus After Surprise ECB Rate Cut - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:EROBarclays Plc Ipath Eur/USD Exchange Rate Etn (delisted)
07/03/201309h00ZacksBet on the Euro with These 3 ETFs - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:EROBarclays Plc Ipath Eur/USD Exchange Rate Etn (delisted)
17/12/200715h07PR Newswire (US)Barclays iPath(R) Exchange Traded Notes Scheduled to Move to NYSE ArcaEU:ERO
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