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Genip (GNIP)

Genip Plc
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20/11/202419h16Alliance NewsAlliance NewsGenIP touts largest single order since launch of its GenAI servicesLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
20/11/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsGenIP PLC Corporate UpdateLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
15/11/202408h00RNS Non-RegulatoryGenIP PLC Healthcare Technology Event in SingaporeLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
22/10/202408h00RNS Non-RegulatoryGenIP PLC GenIP to Sponsor Technology Transfer ConferenceLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
10/10/202408h00RNS Non-RegulatoryGenIP PLC GenIP recognises Nobel Prize in PhysicsLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
02/10/202411h10Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTOP NEWS: Tekcapital investee GenIP starts trading on AIMLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
02/10/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsGenIP PLC Admission to Trading on AIM-First Day of DealingsLSE:GNIPGenip Plc
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:LSE:GNIP