RNS No 5187a
29th January 1998


In 1997, a permanent objective of EUROFIMA remained the ongoing strengthening
of the quality of its signature.  A sound financial profile was maintained.
The financial structure was again reinforced by increasing the share capital
from CHF 2.1 billion to CHF 2.6 billion.  Besides rolling stock, EUROFIMA
financed other railway equipment for the development of intermodal traffic for
the first time in 1997.  Capital raised approximated the previous year's volume.
All of EUROFIMA's senior issues were again rated Aaa/AAA by Moody's Investors
Service Inc. and Standard & Poor's Corporation.

With CHF 66.9 million, the cash flow remained nearly unchanged compared with
1996 (CHF 66.8 million).  Provisioning needs decreased from CHF 14.6 million to
CHF 9 million.  After depreciation and provisions of CHF 9.5 million (CHF 15
million), net profit increased by 11% to CHF 57.4 million.

Total assets increased by 2.9% to CHF 33.2 billion.  Approximately 97% of
EUROFIMA's lendings are guaranteed by governments which are rated Aaa/AAA or
Aa/AA by Moody's Investors Service Inc. or Standard & Poor's Corporation.

Borrowings in 17 currencies totalling the equivalent of CHF 4.5 billion (CHF
4.6 billion) were balanced by repayments of CHF 3.1 billion (CHF 3.4 billion).
Of this amount, CHF 437 million (CHF 951 million) accounted for the early
redemption of issues and loans which could be refinanced at better terms.

European railway companies face considerable investment needs in infrastructure
and railway equipment. To finance these investments, forms of cooperation are
more necessary than ever.  Thanks to its strong credit standing and experience
in the financial markets, EUROFIMA will continue to make an important
contribution in financing railway investments in Europe in coming years.


INCOME                               (1)           (2)         (2)-(1)
                                   RESULTS       RESULTS      DIFFERENCE
                                    1996          1997                      % 

I. Interest and similar income  1 811 021 445  1 765 515 588  -45 505 857  -2,5

II. Commissions income             19 942 659     19,807 714     -134 945  -0,7

III. Income from other financial 
     operations                    13 918 913     18 047 949    4 129 036  29,7

TOTAL INCOME                    1 844 883 017  1,803 371 251  -41 511 766  -2,3

EXPENSES                             (1)           (2)         (2)-(1)
                                   RESULTS       RESULTS      DIFFERENCE
                                    1996          1997                      % 

I. Interest and similar charges  1 771 238 803  1 727 853 502 -43 385 301  -2,4

II. Financial operations charges       297 760        338 631      40 871  13,7

III. Operating expenses              6 576 087      8 271 581   1 695 494  25,8 
     a) Personnel expenses           4 948 641      5 027 855      79 214   1,6
     b) Other operating expenses     1 627 446      3 243 726   1 616 280  99,3

IV. Depreciation on fixed assets       403 544        476 322      72 778  18,0

V.  Provisions and other value 
    adjustments                     14 615 090      9 000 000  -5 615 090 -38,4

TOTAL EXPENSES                   1 793 131 284  1 745 940 036 -47 191 248  -2,6

RESULTS                              (1)           (2)         (2)-(1)
                                   RESULTS       RESULTS      DIFFERENCE
                                    1996          1997                      % 

Total Income                     1 844 883 017  1 803 371 251 -41 511 766  -2,3

Total Expenses                   1 793 131 284  1 745 940 036 -47 191 248  -2,6

NET PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR   51 751,733     57 431 215   5 679 482  11,0

Depreciation and provisions         15 018 634      9 476 322  -5 542 312 -36,9

CASH FLOW                           66 770 367     66 907 537     137 170   0,2 

All amounts are indicated in Swiss francs


ASSETS                               (1)           (2)         (2)-(1)
                                   RESULTS       RESULTS      DIFFERENCE
                                    1996          1997                      % 

I. Cash, postal account, due
   from banks and money market 
   papers                       813 098 798      876 975 396   63 876 598    7,9

II. Fixed-income and other 
    securities                  742 373 199      800 360 233   57 987 034    7,8

III. Equipment financings    28 240 236 118   28 657 062 301  416 826 183    1,5

IV. Fixed assets (*)                      1                1            0    0,0

V. Unpaid subscribed share 
   capital                    1 680 000 000    2 080 000 000  400 000 000   23,8

VI. Other assets                 19 319 167       33 588,420   14 269 253   73,9

VII. Accrued income and prepaid 
     expenses                   818 820 461      797 850 928  -20 969 533  -2,6

TOTAL ASSETS                 32 313 847 744   33 245 837 279  931 989 535   2,9

LIABILITIES                          (1)           (2)         (2)-(1)
                                   RESULTS       RESULTS      DIFFERENCE
                                    1996          1997                      % 

I. Amounts due to credit 
   institutions               1 952 785 129    2 392 644 265  439 859 136  22,5

II. Debts evidenced by 
    certificates             26 952 786 706   27 017 444 630   64 657 924   0,2
     a) Senior borrowings    25 684 471 370   25 572 166 756 -112 304 614  -0,4
     b) Subordinaled 
        borrowing               100 000 000      100 000 000            0   0,0 

     c) Other debts evidenced 
        by certificates       1 168 315 336    1,345 277 874  176 962 538  15,1

III. Other liabilities           34 699 840       35 194 763      494 923   1,4

IV. Accrued expenses and 
    deferred income             792 051 991      770 758 328  -21 293 663   2,7

V. Provisions for liabilities 
   and charges                  157 015 090      164 655 090    7 640 000   4,9

VI. Subscribed share capital  2 100 000 000    2 600 000 000  500 000 000  23,8

VII. Reserves (**)              272 199 000      206 787 000  -65 412 000 -24,0
     a) Ordinary reserve         33 199 000       35 787,000    2 588 000   7,8
     b) Guarantee reserve       239 000 000      171 000 000  -68 000 000 -28,5

VIII. Surplus to be distributed  52 309 988       58 353 203    6 043 215  11,6
      a) Unappropriated surplus
         previous year              558 255          921 988      363 733  65,2
      b) Net profit for the 
         financial year          51 751 733       57 431 215    5 679 482  11,0

TOTAL LIABILITIES            32 313 847 744   33 245 137 279  931 989 539   2,9

All amounts are indicated in Swiss francs 
(*)   Insurance value of the company office: 7 500 000
(**)  At the time of the share capital increase of 1997, 100 000 000 were drawn
      from the guarantee reserve

Important data

                                   1993      1994      1995      1996      1997

Balance sheet
Total                              28575     30209     28793     32314    33246

Equipment financings               24619     26271     24790     28240    28657
Unpaid subscribed share capital     1680      1680      1680      1680     2080

Borrowings                         25228     26732     25389     28906    29410
- of which subordinated liabilities    -         -         -       100      100
Equity capital                      2329      2348      2373      2408     2844
- Subscribed share capital          2100 (1)  2100      2100      2100   2600(1)
- Reserves (2)                       229 (1)   248       273       308    244(1)

Profit, cash flow and appropriation 
to reserves
Net profit for the financial year     39        36        41        52      57
Cash flow                             86        72        66        67      67
Appropriation to reserves             26        19        25        35      37

Ratios in %
Operating expenses/Gross operating 
profit                               7.1       8.3        9.1      9.0     11.0
 Net profit/Equity capital (3)       6.5       5.5        6.1      7.3      7.7
 Cash flow/Equity capital (3)       14.5      11.0        9.7      9.4      9.0
 Equity capital/Borrowings           9.2       8.8        9.3      8.3      9.7
Equity capital + subordinated 
liabilities/Borrowings               9.2       8.8        9.3      8.7     10.0
Equity capital + subordinated 
liabilities +joint shareholders'
guarantee/Borrowings                17.6      16.6       17.6     15.9     18.9

Equipment financings
with governmental guarantee (4)    24961     27055      25452    28602    29464
Joint shareholders' guarantee       2100      2100       2100     2100     2600

Financings and repayments
Financings                          6306      5603       3833     4618     4500
Repayments                          2970      3343       3511     3436     3065
Repayment rate in %                 47.1      59.7       91.6     74.4     68.1

Railway equipment financed
Locomotives                          799       477        171      266      334 
Multiple-unit trains 
- Motor units                        555       599        286      303      174 
- Trailer cars                       350       726        522      571      292
Passenger cars                       728       787        617      272       17 
Freight cars                         989      1213        801     1136     6824 
Other equipment                        -         -          -        -        5

Financial data:in million Swiss francs      Railway equipment financed:in units

(1) At the time of the share capital increases of 1993 and 1997, 30 million and
    100 million Swiss francs respectively were drawn from the guarantee reserve
(2) After appropriation of net profit for the financial year, including
    unappropriated surplus previous year 
(3) Equity capital; average of two consecutive year-end figures, after
    appropriation of net profit and deduction of unpaid subscribed share capital
(4) Original values before adjustment for valuation difference of swap

European Company for the Financing of Railroad Rolling Stock

EUROFIMA is a supranational organization whose members and clients are European
railways.  EUROFIMA is active in the public interest.  It is headquartered in

Constitution and purpose

EUROFIMA was founded on November 20, 1956 for a period of 50 years as a joint-
stock company.  It is governed by an international Convention signed by its
member governments on October 20, 1955 and subsidiarily by the law of the
country where it is headquartered.  The decision of the extraordinary General
Assembly of February 1, 1984 to extend this period for an additional 50 years,
until 2056, was approved by all the member governments.

EUROFIMA's shareholders are the railways of the European countries whose
governments are parties to the Convention.

EUROFIMA's purpose is to support the railways which are its shareholders as 
well as other railway bodies in renewing and modernizing their equipment.


EUROFIMA finances railway equipment through borrowings or equity capital and
encourages joint purchases.  EUROFIMA secures title to or obtains security
interests deemed equivalent (in particular pledges) on the equipment financed.
The general principles of the company's activity we defined in an agreement 
between the railways and EUROFIMA.  That agreement remains valid for the entire
duration of EUROFIMA's existence and can only be altered with the agreement of
all the railways and the company.  EUROFIMA's equity capital (paid-up share
capital and reserves) is utilized partially for the financing of railway
equipment and also for investments in money market papers or bonds.

Shareholders' distribution
at December 31, 1997

Shareholders                                   Number          in % of
                                               of shares       share capital

Deutsche Balin AG                 DBAG         65000           25.00
French National Railways          SNCF         65000           25.00
Italian State Railways Ltd.         FS         35100           13.50
Belgian National Railways         SNCB         25480            9.80
Netherlands Railways Ltd.           NS         15600            6.00
Spanish National Railways        RENFE         13572            5.22
Swiss Federal Railways             CFF         13000            5.00
Community of Yugoslav Railways      JZ          5980 (1)        2.30 
Swedish State Railways              SJ          5200            2.00
Luxembourg National Railways       CFL          5200            2.00
Austrian Federal Railways          OBB          5200            2.00 
Portuguese Railways                 CP          2600            1.00
Hellenic Railways Organization      CH           520            0.20 
Hungarian State Railways Ltd.      MAV           520            0.20 
Croatian Railways                   HZ           520            0.20 
Slovellian Railways                 SZ           520            0.20 
Bosnia and Herzegovina Railways    ZBH           520            0.20 
Railways of the former Yugoslav 
Republic of Macedonia           CFARYM           260            0.10
Turkish State Railways            TCDD           104            0.04 
Danish State Railways               WB            52            0.02   
Norwegian State Railways           NSB            52            0.02
Total                                         260000          100.00

(1) 2830 shares of which EUROFIMA holds in trust



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