RNS Number:5145N
CML Microsystems PLC
14 June 2005

                              CML MICROSYSTEMS Plc
                               PRELIMINARY RESULTS
                Results in Line with Expectations; Confident Outlook

CML Microsystems Plc ("CML"), which designs, manufactures and markets a broad
range of semiconductor products, primarily for the global communications market,
announces its Preliminary Results for the year ending 31st March 2005.

CML's semiconductor solutions serve customers in the wire-line telecom, wireless
data, two-way radio, memory card controller and programmable platform markets.
Operations are in the UK, Germany, the US, Singapore, China and Taiwan.

Commenting on the results, George Gurry, Chairman said:

"Achieved the further improvement in performance that had been anticipated.
Turnover and operating profit both moved firmly ahead, despite pressures from
currency and marketplace issues mentioned at the interim stage and second half R
& D expenditure materially higher than originally planned."

Financial Highlights

*    Turnover up 43% to #23.46m (2004: #16.32m)
*    First full year contribution by Hyperstone, acquired July 2003
*    Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill up to #2.1m (#0.2m)
*    Pre-tax profit of #3k (2004: Loss #0.97m)
*    Earnings per share of 2.66p (2004: Loss 5.28p)
*    Net cash reserves increased to #4.07m (2004: #3.86m)
*    Annual dividend of 10.5p per share unchanged (2004: 10.5p per share),
     payable 5 August 2005
*    Research & development expenditure grew 27% to #3.57m (2004: #2.81m).

Business Review

*    Increased sales volume and market presence for controller devices for
     memory card application produced best revenues; major European memory card
     producer secured; competitive margins.
*    Expected sales gains of radio and wireless communications market
     products, second best performing revenue producer up 10%; improved gross
*    Sales into traditional wireline telecom markets, up 4%, after weak
     second half following strong first half.
*    Sales in Far East up around 48% on 2004 - gains in Taiwan and PRC
*    Sales in Europe doubled on previous year  - progress in Germany,
     Spain, Near-East territories.
*    Underlying device sales in the Americas up 18%.
*    New products / solutions for new sectors introduced second half, set
     for imminent release current fiscal year.

Regarding Prospects, George Gurry, Chairman, said:

"I am encouraged by the further progress during the year, and with the
positioning advantages in its marketplaces that the group is progressively
beginning to achieve.  I feel quite confident that the forward-looking
strategies employed will produce the expected success.

"Although the present trading year is at an early stage, my expectations are
that subject to unforeseen circumstances, your Company will continue to achieve
firm progress in its markets this year and to secure the consequent benefits.  I
remain confident in the successful future of your Company."


CML Microsystems Plc                          www.cmlmicroplc.com                    Binns & Co PR
Nigel Clark, Financial Director               020 7786 9600 (today)                  Peter Binns, 020 7153 1485
Chris Gurry, Business Development Director    01621 875500 (thereafter)              Paul McManus, 020 7153 1485
                                                                                     Or 07980 541 893



I am pleased to report on a year that saw your Company achieve the further
improvement in performance that had been anticipated.   Turnover and operating
profit both moved firmly ahead, despite pressures from the currency and
marketplace issues mentioned at the interim stage and R&D expenditure in the
second half that proved materially higher than originally planned.   I am
particularly pleased to report that Hyperstone's first full year contribution
formed a healthy component in the Group's overall results.

Group turnover for the year ending 31 March 2005 rose by 43% to #23.46M (2004:
#16.32M), with a large proportion of this gain marked by the progress achieved
with increasing the sales volume and market presence for the Group's controller
devices aimed towards Memory Card applications.  A major European memory card
producer is among customers contracted during the year.

Expected gains were also posted in sales of Group products into radio and
wireless communication markets, but sales for products into traditional wireline
telecom market areas were only slightly higher on a full year basis, resulting
from a weaker second half performance following the strong gains reported for
the opening half.

Gross margins returned by products targeted at communications markets may vary
quite widely according to the target market application, but are on average
higher than the gross margins typical in the case of the high volume memory card
products that contributed materially to the sales increase reported.

Although a simplistic direct connection would not be entirely appropriate to the
current Group results, the bias towards including higher volume but lower margin
product strategies has bearing on the overall gross margin achieved, which shows
a 5% reduction to 58% (2004: 63%).

Research and Development expenditure grew by 27% to #3.57M against #2.81M
reported the year earlier, and reflects the strong investment by the Group in
support of its product development strategies.   Products announced during the
second half or progressing towards imminent release include solutions for new
market areas, as well as a range of new and uniquely flexible programmable
platform devices.  These latter products offer exceptional advantages in
minimising both the cost and time to market of devices for both standard and
custom market applications.

In addition to increased R&D investment during the year, the Group effected the
transfer of the entire operations of Integrated Micro Systems from its location
at Rochester, Kent to the Group's main UK operating centre at Maldon, Essex.

A #420k charge has been taken against the exceptional restructuring costs that
are expected to arise during the current trading year as the result of that

Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill is increased to #2.1M (2004:
#0.2M), reducing to #0.54M after amortisation is taken to account (2004: #0.98M
loss).   The goodwill in question is the goodwill charge arising through the
acquisition of Hyperstone, which is being written off over a three-year period.

A nominally positive pre-tax outcome of #3k is reported (2004: #0.97M loss)
which, with the benefit of a positive tax charge, translates to earnings of
2.66p per ordinary share (2004: 5.28p loss per ordinary share).   Net cash
reserves at the year-end were slightly increased at #4.07M (2004: #3.86M).

Your Directors are recommending payment of an unchanged annual dividend of 10.5p
per ordinary share (2004: 10.5p per ordinary share) payable, if approved by the
shareholders, on 5th August 2005 to shareholders registered on 8th July 2005.

On a geographic basis, sales into the Far East were increased by approximately
48% over the year earlier, with Taiwan and PRC sales recording particularly
pleasing gains.   European sales, although lower in total, were more than
doubled when compared with the year earlier on the back of good progress in
Germany, Spain and near-east territories.

Underlying device sales into the Americas posted an 18% rise, although the
figures quoted under "geographical classification" in the full accounts do not
support that increase.   This results from the treatment of royalty income
within the full accounts figures due to an arrangement inherited with the
acquisition of Hyperstone.   I have referred to this in an earlier Report, and
its effect can be expected to diminish in future years.

In product terms, memory card controller sales led with highest growth rate and
highest total revenue, while radio and wireless category devices were a close
second in combined revenue, albeit posting a more modest 10% growth rate.
Turnover from products aimed at Wireline telecom applications achieved only a 4%
overall rise, with second half sales into Far East markets failing to match the
first half strength as foreseen.

I am encouraged by the further progress your company has demonstrated during the
year just ended, and with the positioning advantages in its marketplaces that
the group is progressively beginning to achieve.   I feel quite confident that
the forward-looking strategies with which it has been particularly engaged will
produce the expected success.

Although the present trading year is at an early stage, my expectations are that
subject to unforeseen circumstances, your Company will continue to achieve firm
progress in its markets this year and to secure the consequent benefits.   I
remain confident in the successful future of your Company.

I would like to close by joining with your Directors in thanking all of the
Group's employees for their efforts and commitment towards the Company
throughout the year, without which its continuing growth would not have been

G. W. Gurry

for the year ended 31st March 2005

                                                  Notes         Unaudited 2005             Audited 2004

                                                                #            #            #                  #

Turnover                                                                  23,458,744                16,321,691
Cost of sales                                                            (9,685,131)               (5,998,681)

Gross Profit                                                              13,773,613                10,323,010

Amortisation of goodwill                             3                   (1,561,024)               (1,170,768)
Other distribution costs and administrative                             (12,255,207)              (10,389,572)
Other operating income                                                       583,102                   253,583

Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill             2,101,508                   187,021
Amortisation of goodwill                                   (1,561,024)               (1,170,768)

Operating Profit/(Loss)                                                      540,484                 (983,747)

Exceptional restructuring costs                      4                     (420,000)                         -

                                                                             120,484                 (983,747)
Interest receivable                                                          118,210                   125,677
Interest payable                                                           (235,495)                 (121,196)

Profit/(Loss) on Ordinary Activities before

  Taxation                                                                     3,199                 (979,266)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                           415,974                   208,595

Profit/(Loss) on Ordinary Activities after

Parent Company                                                (75,958)                   143,779
Subsidiary undertakings                                        495,131                 (914,450)

                                                                             419,173                 (770,671)
Minority interests                                                          (24,046)                   (4,169)

Profit/(Loss) for the Financial Year                                         395,127                 (774,840)
Proposed dividend                                    2                   (1,564,310)               (1,554,143)

Retained Loss for the Year                                               (1,169,183)               (2,328,983)

Earnings/(Loss) per share
Basic                                                5                         2.66p                   (5.28)p

Diluted                                              5                         2.64p                   (5.28)p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and

Profit/(Loss) for the financial year                                         395,127                 (774,840)
Currency translation differences on foreign
net investments                                                             (62,765)               (1,017,390)

Total gains and losses recognised since last
and Accounts                                                                 332,362               (1,792,230)

at 31st March 2005

                                                         Unaudited 2005               Audited 2004
                                                        #              #             #             #
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                                                    1,951,281                   3,512,305
Tangible assets                                                     10,345,139                   9,671,475

                                                                    12,296,420                  13,183,780
Current Assets
Stocks                                                 1,723,106                   1,784,261
Debtors                                                4,093,607                   3,387,498
Investments                                            5,388,449                   6,933,510
Cash at bank and in hand                               3,060,263                   1,479,599

                                                      14,265,425                  13,584,868
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year      (10,298,782)                 (9,484,710)

Net Current Assets                                                   3,966,643                   4,100,158

Total Assets less Current Liabilities                               16,263,063                  17,283,938

Provisions for liabilities and charges                               (724,920)                   (584,574)

Net Assets                                                          15,538,143                  16,699,364

Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                                                744,048                     740,068
Convertible warrants                                                   120,230                     240,433
Share premium account                                                3,752,510                   3,589,606
Capital redemption reserve                                             254,730                     254,730
Revaluation reserve                                                    985,604                     985,604
Profit and loss account                                              9,649,761                  10,881,709

Shareholders' Funds                                                 15,506,883                  16,692,150

Minority interests                                                      31,260                       7,214

                                                                    15,538,143                  16,699,364

for the year ended 31st March 2005

                                                                     Unaudited            Audited

                                                                          2005               2004
                                                                         #'000              #'000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                      3,009              (596)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                          (117)                  4
Taxation                                                                   142                329
Capital expenditure and financial investment                           (1,252)              (166)
Acquisition of Hyperstone AG                                                 -            (3,228)
Equity dividends paid                                                  (1,556)            (1,535)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                                 226            (5,192)
Financing                                                                   46              4,735

Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                272              (457)

Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities

Operating profit/(loss)                                                    540              (984)
Depreciation                                                               666                575
Amortisation of goodwill                                                 1,561              1,171
(Profit)/loss on sale of fixed assets                                     (81)                  4
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                               61              (138)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                           (691)              1,266
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                           953            (2,490)
                                                                         3,009              (596)
Reconciliation of Movement of Funds
Funds at start of period                                                 3,868              9,599
Translation difference                                                    (69)              (896)
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                272              (457)
Cash inflow from increase in loans                                           -            (4,378)

Funds at close of period                                                 4,071              3,868

Analysis of Funds
Cash at bank and in hand                                                 3,060              1,480
Current asset investments                                                5,389              6,934
Bank overdrafts                                                              -              (168)

                                                                         8,449              8,246
Bank loans due within one year                                         (4,378)            (4,378)

Funds at close of period                                                 4,071              3,868


1.     Presentation of results

This Preliminary Statement was approved by the directors on 13th June 2005.

The results have been prepared using accounting policies and practices
consistent with those adopted in the 2004 Report and Accounts but have not been

The audited results for the year ended 31st March 2004 are an abridged version
of the Company's Report and Accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified audit option.

The financial information contained in this Preliminary Statement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act

2.    Dividends

A dividend of 10.5p per Ordinary Share (2004: 10.5p per Ordinary Share) is
recommended in respect of the year ended 31st March 2005 and will be paid on 5th
August 2005 to shareholders on the register as at 8th July 2005

3.    Exceptional goodwill written off

Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Hyperstone AG is being amortised over a
period of 36 months from 2nd July 2003.

4.    Exceptional restructuring costs

Exceptional restructuring costs represents anticipated costs of expenditure that
are expected to be incurred during the next financial year in closing down the
Group's operation in Rocester, Kent and relocating the business to the
purpose-built facility in Maldon, Essex.

5.    Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share is based on
the earnings/(loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders, divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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