RNS Number:4096E
Datacash Group PLC
25 September 2007

DataCash Group PLC
25 September 2007

              EMBARGOED UNTIL 7.00am ON TUESDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2007

                DATACASH GROUP PLC ('DataCash' or 'the Company')

                                INTERIM RESULTS
                               FOR THE SIX MONTHS
                               ENDED 30 JUNE 2007

News Item

The Board of DataCash Group plc, the payment service provider, is pleased to
announce its half yearly results for the six months to 30 June 2007 which are 
presented under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the first 


*  Adjusted pre-tax profits* up 135% to #5.30m (June 2006: #2.25m**)
*  Revenue increased to #10.00m (June 2006: #4.97m)
*  Adjusted* earnings per share increased to 4.07p (2006: 3.86p)
*  Cash balances rose to #19.4m (including #1.2m security deposits) (June 2006:  
   #11.4m) equivalent to 21.1p per share
*  Significant wins in Retail and Travel sectors
*  Interim Dividend of 0.3p (2006: nil)
*  Settlement payment received in relation to dispute relating to attempted 
   acquisition of Netgiro Systems AB

* before Non-recurring items, National Insurance provision on share option
gain and FRS20 charge on share options in issue

** 2006 comparatives include one month of contribution from the acquisition of 
Proc Cyber Services UK Limited ("Proc Cyber") (acquired 1 June 06)

*** throughout this statement 'UK GAAP' means the accounting standards and
framework in issue at 31 December 2006, which were applied to the financial
statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2006.

For further information, please contact:

DataCash Group plc
Ashley Head - Executive Director                 0870 72 74 76 1
Paul Burton - Chief Financial Officer            0870 72 74 76 1


Chairman's Statement

The Board of DataCash is pleased with the Group's performance in the first half
of 2007. Revenues grew by 101% to #10.00m (2006: #4.97m. which included one
months revenue from the Proc Cyber acquisition), while adjusted pre-tax profits,
grew by 135% to #5.3m (2006: #2.25m).

Cash balances as at 30 June 2007 were #19.4m (21p per share) up from #11.4m the
previous year. With our strong cash position and our confidence in the future
prospects for the business, the Board is pleased to announce an interim dividend
of 0.3p per share.

We continue to benefit from the growth of eCommerce both here and
internationally. We have had good new sales, especially into the travel and
retail industries. We are pleased with the progress of our strategy to provide a
comprehensive service across all channels, internet, call centres and High

Our gaming-related business has continued to show good growth, and we anticipate
some further opportunities in this area as UK-based companies look overseas. We
have signed a three year agreement with Sportingbet to process their online
transactions. Our risk management and reconciliation services add significant
extra value in these international markets.

We are in the process of deploying a series of technology initiatives that will
offer clients a simplified route to access our services through a single
interface. The technology also provides a flexible, scaleable infrastructure to
accommodate both future growth and facilitate the integration of future
acquisitions. Implementation is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

As announced on 7th September, we reached agreement with Netgiro Systems AB and
one of its shareholders to settle our legal claim.


The Board is pleased to announce the payment of its first interim dividend of
0.3p per share. The dividend will be paid on 28th November 2007 to those
shareholders on the register at 12th October 2007.


We continue to seek opportunities to broaden our service offering to our
customer base on an increasingly global basis. The Group remains confident in
the future growth of the business.

Ashley Head
25 September 2007

Adoption of IFRS

DataCash Group Plc will be adopting International Financial Reporting Standards
as its primary accounting basis for the year ending 31 December 2007. As part of
this transition, Datacash is presenting unaudited financial information prepared
in accordance with IFRS for the year ended 31 December 2006 and for the six
months ended 30 June 2006 and 2007.

The principal changes to the Group's reported financial information under UK
GAAP*** arising from the adoption of IFRS are as a result of:

   *the recognition of intangible assets from business combinations;
   *the related impairment of these intangible assets; and
   *the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities on a different

For the six months ended 30 June 2007 the expected impact of the adoption of
IFRS is to reduce profit attributable to equity shareholders by #2.640m,
comprising principally the amortisation of intangible assets of #2.627m; and a
deferred tax adjustment of #14k and to reduce net assets for the Group at 30
June 2007 from #94.4m to #76.18m.

Consolidated Income Statement
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007

                                           Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited
                                           6 months      6 months    Year ended
                                       ended 30 June ended 30 June   31 December
                                                2007          2006          2006     
                                                #000          #000          #000

Revenue: group and share of joint              9,998         4,974        16,750
Less: share of Joint venture revenue           (138)             -         (345)
Revenue                                        9,860         4,974        16,405

Administrative expenses                      (4,898)       (2,843)       (8,933)
Share option charge                              (2)          (21)          (34)
National Insurance on share option              (72)         (226)           (2)
Total administrative expenses                (4,972)       (3,090)       (8,969)

Operating profit before non-recurring          4,888         1,884         7,436

Non-recurring items                          (2,672)             -      (21,801)

Group Operating profit/(loss)                  2,216         1,884      (14,365)

Share of loss in joint venture                   (8)             -           (6)

Total Operating profit/(loss)                  2,208         1,884      (14,371)

Finance Income                                   343           118           351

Profit/(loss) before taxation                  2,551         2,002      (14,020)

Taxation                                     (1,581)         (126)       (2,070)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities             970         1,876      (16,090)
after taxation

Basic earnings/(loss) per share                1.07p         3.58p      (22.42)p
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share              1.06p         3.41p      (22.42)p

The figures at 30 June 2006 and 31 December 2006 have been restated in
accordance with IFRS

Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 June 2007

                                     Unaudited   Unaudited     Unaudited
                                         As at    As at 30      Restated
                                       30 June     30 June   31 December
                                          2007        2006          2006
                                         #'000       #'000         #'000

Non current assets
Intangible assets                       23,173      29,808        23,173
Goodwill                                32,695      49,886        35,388
Property, plant and equipment              873         908         1,000
Investments in joint ventures:            (14)           -           (6)
Investments                                163         192           163
Deferred tax asset                         140          31           128
                                        57,030      80,825        59,846

Current assets
Trade and other receivables              6,262       3,724         8,380
Cash and cash equivalents               18,187      11,393        11,280
                                        24,449      15,117        19,660

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables               (4,472)     (1,911)       (2,612)
Current tax liabilities                  (535)     (1,228)       (1,517)

Net current assets                      19,442      11,978        15,531

Non-current liabilities                  (291)       (427)         (179)

Net assets                              76,181      92,376        75,198

Capital and reserves
Share Capital                              917         907           908
Share premium                           10,479      10,148        10,192
Foreign currency translation              (63)       (287)         (121)
Share option reserve                     1,082       1,060         1,081
Other reserves                          94,774      94,553        95,116
Retained earnings                     (31,978)    (14,005)      (31,978)
Current year retained profit               970

Total equity                            76,181      92,376        75,195

Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 6 month ended 30 June 2007

                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited
                                                   6 months      6 months    Year ended
                                              ended 30 June ended 30 June   31 December
                                                       2007          2006          2006     
                                                       #000          #000          #000

Cashflow from operating activities
Operating profit/(loss) before taxation               2,216         1,884     (14,365)
Impairment of Goodwill and intangibles                2,738             -       21,801
Depreciation                                            221            87          282
Share option charge                                       2            21           34
Exchange movements                                    (283)             -            -
Changes in trade and other receivables                2,106       (2,267)        (934)
Changes in trade and other payables                     878         1,667           52
Increase in provisions                                  112           403           31
Net Cash inflow from operations                       7,990         1,795        6,901

Interest received                                       343           118          351

Net cash inflow from operations                       8,333         1,913        7,252

Taxation                                            (1,581)          (39)        (991)

Cashflows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries                               -       (1,710)      (1,710)
Cash acquired with subsidiaries                           -         6,422        2,404
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (141)          (95)        (432)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing              (141)         4,617          262

Cash flows from financing activities
Net proceeds from issue of share capital                296           345          199
Equity dividends paid                                     -         (338)        (337)
Net cash inflow from financing activities               296             7        (138)

Net cash inflow                                       6,907         6,498        6,385

Cash and cash equivalents at the start of            11,280         4,895        4,895
the period

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the          18,187        11,393       11,280

DataCash Group plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007

                               Share    Share     Foreign     Share     Other   Retained   Total
                              Capital  Premium   Currency    Option   Reserves  Earnings   Equity
                                                Translation  Reserve
                                #000     #000      #000       #000      #000      #000      #000

At 1 January 2006                  449    9,811      -             34    18,765  (15,551)   13,508

Exchange differences on          -        -           (287)     -         -         -        (287)
translation of overseas
Profit for the period            -        -          -          -         -         1,883    1,883
Total recognised income for      -        -           (287)     -         -         1,883    1,596
the period

Dividends paid                   -        -          -          -         -         (337)    (337)
Issue of Shares                    458      337      -          -         -         -          795
Share-based payments             -        -          -          1,026     -         -        1,026
Merger reserve on acquisition    -        -          -          -        75,788             75,788
of subsidiary

At 30 June 2006                    907   10,148       (287)     1,060    94,553  (14,005)   92,376

Exchange differences on          -        -             166     -         -         -          166
translation of overseas
Loss for the period              -        -          -          -         -      (17,973) (17,973)
Total recognised income for      -        -             166     -         -      (17,973) (17,807)
the period

Issue of shares                      1       44           -     -         -         -           45
Share-based payments             -        -          -             21     -         -           21
Merger reserve on acquisition    -        -          -          -           563     -          563
of subsidiary

At 31 December 2006                908   10,192       (121)     1,081    95,116  (31,978)   75,198

Exchange differences on          -        -              58     -         -         -           58
translation of overseas
Profit for the period            -        -          -          -         -           970      970
Total recognised income for      -        -              58     -         -           970    1,028
the period

Issue of shares                      9      287      -          -         -         -          296
Share-based payments             -        -          -              1     -         -            1
Merger reserve on acquisition    -        -          -          -         (342)     -        (342)
of subsidiary

At 30 June 2007                    917   10,479        (63)     1,082    94,774  (31,008)   76,181

Notes to the Interim Results


The financial information presented in this documentation has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and International Financial 
Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations that are expected to be applicable for the year ending 31 
December 2007. These are subject to ongoing review and endorsement by the European Commission, and possible amendment 
by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and are therefore subject to possible change. Further standards 
or interpretations may also be issued that could be applicable for the year ending 31 December 2007. These potential 
changes could result in the need to change the basis of accounting or presentation of certain financial information 
from that presented in this document.

The group may need to review some accounting treatments used for the purpose of this document as a result of emerging 
industry consensus on practical application of IFRS and further technical opinions. This could mean that the financial 
information in this document may require modification until the group prepares its first complete set of IFRS financial 
statements for the year ending 31 December 2007.

The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2006 are not statutory accounts as defined by S240 of the 
Companies Act 1985. Those accounts which were prepared under UK GAAP have been reported on by the group's auditors and 
delivered to the registrar of companies. The audit report was unqualified, did not include references to matters to 
which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement 
under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2005.

The disclosures required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRSs are given at the end of these notes 
to the interim results.


The rules for first-time adoption of IFRS are set out in IFRS 1, which requires that the group establishes its IFRS 
accounting policies at its date of transition, 1 January 2006, and applies these prospectively. The standard allows a 
number of optional exemptions on transition to help companies simplify the move to IFRS. The exemptions selected by the 
group are set out below:

(a) Business Combinations (IFRS 3)

The group has elected to apply IFRS 3 prospectively from the date of transition to IFRS rather than to restate previous 
business combinations.

(b) Share-based Payment

The group has adopted the provisions of FRS 20 'Share-based payment' in its financial statements for the six months 
ended 30 June 2006 and year ended 31 December 2006. The provisions of FRS 20 are in line with IFRS 2 and no changes to 
the comparative figures are required.

The group has chosen to apply IFRS 2 'Share-based payment' only to awards made after 7 November 2002 that had not 
vested by 1 January 2006.

(c) Presentation of financial information

The layout of the primary financial information has been amended in accordance with IAS 1 'Presentation of financial 
information' from that presented under UK GAAP. This format and presentation may require modification as practice and 
industry consensus develops.


The principal IFRS accounting policies adopted by the Group are set out below.

(a) Basis of consolidation

The consolidated interim financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the company and entities 
controlled by the company (its subsidiaries) for the six months ended 30 June 2007. Control is achieved where the 
company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits 
from its activities.

Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used 
into line with those used by the group. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on 

(b) Purchase method of accounting

The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, 
liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the group in exchange for control of the acquiree, 
plus any costs directly attributable to the business combination. The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and 
contingent liabilities that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 are recognised at their fair value at
the acquisition date.

(c) Merger method of accounting

Although IFRS 3 does not permit merger accounting, under IFRS 1, the group is not required to restate acquisitions or 
business combinations prior to the date of transition. Therefore, the group is permitted to retain its historical 
merger accounting position in the consolidated accounts.

(d) Goodwill

Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the group's interest in the 
fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of a subsidiary. Goodwill is initially recognised as an asset at 
cost and is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill which is recognised as an 
asset is reviewed for impairment at least annually. Any impairment is recognised immediately in the income statement 
and is not subsequently reversed.

For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the group's cash-generating units expected to 
benefit from the synergies of the combination. Cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are tested 
for impairment annually, or more frequently when there is an indication that the unit may be impaired. If the 
recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is 
allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then to the other assets of the 
unit pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. An impairment loss recognised for goodwill 
is not reversed in a subsequent period.

(e) Revenue recognition

Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and represents amounts receivable for 
services provided in the normal course of business, net of discounts, VAT and other sales related taxes. Income is 
recognised when services are delivered to customers.

(f) Operating profit

Operating profit is stated after charging non-recurring costs, but before finance income and finance costs.

(g) Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any provision for impairment. Cost 
comprises all costs that are directly attributable to bringing the asset into working condition for its intended use. 
Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost of fixed assets to their residual values on a straight-line basis 
over the following estimated useful economic lives:

         Leasehold improvements - Over the period of the lease
         Plant and machinery     - 33% per annum
         Fixtures and fittings   - 20% per annum

No depreciation is provided on land or assets yet to be brought into use.

(h) Impairment

Fixed assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount 
may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount exceeds 
its recoverable amount.  The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value (less disposal costs) and value 
in use.

Value in use is based on the present value of the future cash flows relating to the asset.  For the purpose of 
assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows 
(Cash Generating Units).

(i) Internally generated intangible assets - research and development expenditure

Expenditure on research activities is recognized as an expense in the period in which it was incurred.

An internally generated intangible fixed asset arising from the development of software is recognized only if all of 
the following conditions have been met:

* It is probable that the asset will create future economic benefits;
* The development costs can be measured reliably;
* Technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset can be demonstrated;
* There is intention to complete the asset and use or sell it; and
* Adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the asset are 

Internally generated intangible assets are amortised over their estimated useful lives which is between three to six 
years. Where no internally generated intangible asset can be recognized, development expenditure is charged to income 
statement in the period in which it is incurred.

(j) Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of preparation of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash at bank and in hand 
and short-term deposits with an original maturity period of three months or less.

(k) Trade receivables and trade payables

Trade receivables are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured less provision for impairment. A 
provision for impairment of trade receivables is established where there is objective evidence that the Group will not 
be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables. Significant financial 
difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganization and default 
or delinquency in payments are considered indicators that the trade receivable is impaired.

When a trade receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the provision for trade receivables. Subsequent 
recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against selling and administrative expenses in the income 

Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost.

(l) Taxation

Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax.

The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the period. Taxable profit differs from profit as reported in 
the income statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and 
it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The Group's liability for current tax is calculated 
using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax is recognized on differences between the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities in the financial 
statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit and is accounted for using the 
balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable 
profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized. Such assets and liabilities 
are not recognized if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than in a 
business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor 
accounting profit.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and 
associates and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary 
difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is 
no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or 
the asset realised based on the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
Deferred tax and current tax are charged or credited to profit and loss, except when it relates to items charged or 
credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

Tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current assets against 
current tax liabilities and when they relate to income tax levies by the same taxation authority and the Group intends 
to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.

In recognising income tax assets and liabilities, management makes estimates of the likely outcome of decisions by tax 
authorities on transactions and events whose treatment for tax purposes is uncertain. Where the financial outcome of 
such matters is different, or expected to be different, from previous assessments made by management, a change to the 
carrying value of income tax assets and liabilities will be recorded in a period in which such a determination is made. 
The carrying values of income taxes and liabilities are disclosed separately in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

(m) Foreign currency translation

The individual financial statements of each Group entity are presented in the currency of the primary economic 
environment in which the entity operates (its functional currency). For the purpose of the consolidated financial 
statements, the results and financial position of each entity are expressed in Pounds Sterling, which is the functional 
and presentational currency for the consolidated financial statements.

In preparing the financial statements of the individual entities, transactions in currencies other than the entity's 
functional currency ("foreign currencies") are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the 
transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the 
rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Non-monetary items carried at the fair value that are denominated in 
foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the date when the fair value was determined. 
Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated.

Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items and on the retranslation of monetary items, are 
included in profit and loss for the period. Exchange differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary items 
carried at fair value are included in the profit and loss for the period except for differences arising on the 
retranslation of non-monetary items in respect of which gains and losses are recognised directly in equity. For such 
non-monetary items, any exchange component of that gain or loss is also recognised directly in equity.

For the purpose of presenting consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the Group's foreign 
operations (including comparatives) are expressed in Pounds Sterling using exchange rates prevailing on the balance 
sheet date. Income and expense items (including comparatives) are translated at the average exchange rates for the 
period, in which case the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions are used. Exchange differences arising, if 
any, are classified as equity and transferred to the Group's translation reserve.

Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation are treated as assets and 
liabilities of the foreign operation and translated at the closing rate.

When a foreign operation is partially disposed of or sold, exchange differences that were recorded in equity are 
recognised in the income statement as part of the gain or loss on sale.

(n) Leasing

Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to income on a straight-line basis over the term of the original 
lease. Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to enter into an operating lease are also spread on a 
straight-line basis over the lease term.

(o) Share-based employee remuneration

For all grants of share options, the fair value as at the date of grant is calculated using the option price model and 
the corresponding expense is recognised over the vesting period. The share based payments expense is recognised as a 
staff cost and the associated credit entry is made to reserves.

(p) Retirement benefit costs

Contributions to the group's defined contribution pension schemes are charged to the income statement in the period in 
which they become payable.

(q) Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the group has a present obligation as a result of a past event, and it is probable that 
the group will be required to settle that obligation. Provisions are measured at the directors' best estimate of the 
expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date, and are discounted to present value where the 
effect is material.

(r) Adoption of new and revised International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")

At the date of approval of these financial statements, the following standards, interpretations and amendments there to 
were issued but not yet mandatory effective for the Group.

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")
* IFRS 8 "Operating Segments"

International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC")
* IFRIC 11 "IFRS 2: Group and Treasury Share Transactions"
* IFRIC 12 "Service Concession Arrangements"
* IFRIC 13 "Customer loyalty programmes"
* IFRIC 14 "IAS 19 - The limit on defined benefit assets"

Amendments to existing standards
Amendment to IAS 1 "Presentation of Financial Statements" - Capital disclosures
Amendments to IAS 19 "Employee Benefits" - Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures
Amendments to IAS 21 "The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates" - Net Investments in Foreign Operation.
Amendments to IAS 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement"- Cash flow hedge accounting of forecast 
intra-group transactions, The Fair Value Option.
Amendments to IAS 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" and IFRS 4 "Insurance Contracts"
Amendments to IFRS 1 "First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards"

The directors anticipate that the future adoption of those standards, interpretations and amendments listed above that 
have not been adopted early will not have a material impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

(s) Critical accounting estimates and judgements

In preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements, management has to make judgements on how to apply the Group's 
accounting policies and make estimates about the future. The critical judgements that have been made in arriving at the 
amounts recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements and the key sources of estimation uncertainty that have a 
significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying value of assets and liabilities in the next financial 
year, as discussed below:

When acquiring a business, we have to make judgements and best estimates about the fair value allocation of the 
purchase price. We seek appropriate competent and professional advise before making such allocations. We test the 
valuation of goodwill at each financial period and whenever such events or changes to circumstances indicate that the 
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. These tests require the use of estimates.

Impairment reviews
The Group tests at each financial period whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. In accordance with the 
accounting policy stated above. The recoverable amounts of cash-generating units have been determined based on 
value-in-use calculations. These calculations require the use of estimates.

Income taxes
The Group is subject to income taxes. Judgement is required in determining the worldwide provision for income taxes. 
There are many transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary 
course of business. The Group recognises liabilities for anticipated tax audit issues based on estimates of whether 
additional taxes are due. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were 
initially recorded, such differences will impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which the 
determination is made.


The groups primary segment is geographical. The group's sole activity is the provision of outsourced and multi-channel 
electronic payment and fraud solutions.


                                          6 months      6 months    Year ended  
                                             ended         ended   31 Dec 2006  
                                      30 June 2007  30 June 2006               

Weighted average number of 1p       
ordinary shares in issue during 
the period   

For basic earnings per share             90,670,958    52,423,711   71,768,371 
Share Options                               524,171     2,549,977      265,230 

For diluted earnings per share           91,195,129    54,973,688   72,033,601 

Profit for the financial period                #000          #000         #000 

Profit for headline earnings per              3,716         2,123        5,747 
Amortisation of intangibles                 (2,672)              -     (21,801) 
Share based payments expense                    (2)          (21)         (34) 
NI on share Option gains                       (72)         (226)          (2) 

Profit/(loss) for earnings/(loss) per           970         1,876     (16,090) 

Basic earnings/(loss) per share               1.07p         3.58p     (22.42)p 
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share             1.06p         3.41p     (22.42)p 

Headline basic earnings per share             4.10p         4.05p        8.01p 
Headline diluted earnings per share           4.07p         3.86p        7.98p 

Basic earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, determined in accordance with IAS33 Earnings per 

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue on the 
assumption of conversion of all the potentially dilutive ordinary shares for which all the conditions have been met.


An interim dividend of 0.3p (2006: nil) per ordinary share is recommended. In accordance with IAS 10 Events after the 
Balance Sheet Date, this dividend has not been recognised in the accounts at 30 June 2007, but will be recognised in 
the accounting period ending 31 December 2007.


                                      At 1 January    Cash Flow   At 30 June 
                                              2007                      2007 
                                             #'000        #'000        #'000 

Cash in hand and at bank                     4,851        1,877        6,728 
Short term bank deposits                     6,429        5,030       11,459 

                                            11,280        6,907       18,187 


This interim report was approved by the Board of directors on 25th September 2007. Copies of this statement are being 
sent to all shareholders. Copies are also available at the registered office of the company:

Explanatory Notes to the UK GAAP to IFRS Reconciliations


The group financial statements have been prepared using accounting polisies consistent with International Accounting 
and Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') and are presented in UK sterling. The reconciliations below have been 
prepared on the basis that all IFRSs, International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee ('IFRIC') 
interpretations, and current IASB exposure drafts will be issued as final standards and adopted by the European 
Commission. The main differences between the group financial statements prepared according to UK GAAP and those under 
International Accounting Standards are that goodwill is not amortised, but instead is subject to an annual impairment 
review and that provision is made for a vacation accrual at each period end. The consolidated financial statements have 
been prepared on a historical cost basis.

1. Transition date and first-time adoption of IFRS: the group's transition date to IFRS is 1 January 2006. All 
adjustments on first-time adoption were recorded in shareholders' equity on the date of transition.

IFRS 1 'First-Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' sets out the transition rules which must be 
applied when IFRS is adopted for the first time. As a result, certain of the requirements and options in IFRS 1 may 
result in a different application of accounting policies in the 2006 restated financial information from that which 
would apply if the 2006 financial statements were the first financial statements.

The standard sets out certain mandatory exemptions to retrospective application and certain optional exemptions.

The most significant optional exemptions available that have been taken by the group are as follows:

(a)  Business combinations effected before 1 January 2006, including those that were accounted for using the merger 
method of accounting under UK accounting standards, have not been restated. The carrying amount of capitalised goodwill 
at 31 December 2005 that arose on business combinations accounted for using the acquisition method under UK GAAP was 
frozen at this amount and tested for impairment at 1 January 2006.

2.  Goodwill amortisation and impairment: under UK GAAP goodwill was amortised through the Income Statement on a 
straight-line basis and impairment reviews were carried out periodically or when a specific event occurred. Under IAS 
38, goodwill is not amortised through the Income Statement but instead is subject to a test for impairment at the end 
of each financial period which may result in adjustments in the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet.

Explanation of principal differences between the cash flow statements presented under UK GAAP and the cash flow 
statements presented under IFRS.

The cash flow statement has been prepared in conformity with IAS 7 'Cash Flow Statements'. The principal differences 
between the 2006 cash flow statement presented in accordance with UK GAAP and the cash flow statement presented in 
accordance with IFRS for the same periods are as follows:

(i) Under UK GAAP, net cash flow from operating activities was determined before considering cash outflows from (a) 
returns on investments and servicing of finance, and (b) taxes paid. Under IFRS, these two sections of the cash flow 
statement do not exist and the related cash flows are categorised as operating, investing or financing as appropriate.

(ii) Under UK GAAP, acquisitions are separately classified, while under IFRS, they are included within investing 

DataCash Group plc

Reconciliation of Consolidated Income Statement
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2006

                                            Reported        IFRS3 Total Effect     Restated
                                            Under UK     Business           of   under IFRS
                                                GAAP Combinations   transition
                                                                       to IFRS         #000
                                                #000         #000         #000

Revenue: group and share of joint              4,974                                  4,974
Less: share of Joint venture revenue
Revenue                                        4,974                                  4,974

Administrative expenses                      (2,843)                                (2,843)
Share option charge                             (21)                                   (21)
National Insurance on share option             (226)                                  (226)
Total administrative expenses                (3,090)                                (3,090)

Operating profit before goodwill and           1,884                                  1,884
exceptional items

Intangible amortisation/impairment           (1,579)        1,579        1,579            -

Group Operating profit                           305        1,579        1,579        1,884

Share of loss in joint venture

Total Operating Profit                           305        1,579        1,579        1,884

Finance Income                                   118                                    118

Taxation                                       (126)                                  (126)

Profit for the Period                            297        1,579        1,579        1,876

Basic earnings/(loss) per share                0.57p        3.01p        3.01p        3.58p
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share              0.54p        2.87p        2.87p        3.41p

DataCash Group plc

Reconciliation of Consolidated Income Statement
For the 12 months ended 31st December  2006

                                            Reported        IFRS3 Total Effect     Restated
                                            Under UK     Business           of   under IFRS
                                                GAAP Combinations   transition
                                                                       to IFRS         #000
                                                #000         #000         #000

Revenue: group and share of joint             16,750                                 16,750
Less: share of Joint venture revenue           (345)                                  (345)
Revenue                                       16,405                                 16,405

Administrative expenses                      (8,933)                                (8,933)
Share option charge                             (34)                                   (34)
National Insurance on share option               (2)                                    (2)
Total administrative expenses                (8,969)                                (8,969)

Operating profit before non-recurring          7,436                                  7,436

Intangible amortisation/impairment           (6,178)     (15,623)     (15,623)     (21,801)

Group Operating Profit/(loss)                  1,258     (15,623)     (15,623)     (14,365)

Share of operating loss in joint                 (6)                                    (6)

Total Operating Profit/(loss)                  1,252     (15,623)     (15,623)     (14,371)

Interest receivable and similar income           351                                    351

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities           1,603     (15,623)     (15,623)     (14,020)
before taxation

Taxation                                     (2,070)                                (2,070)

Loss for the period                            (467)     (15,623)     (15,623)     (16,090)

Basic loss per share                         (0.65)p     (21.77)p     (21.77)p     (22.42)p
Diluted loss per share                       (0.65)p     (21.69)p     (21.69)p     (22.34)p

Reconciliation of Consolidated balance sheet
As at 1 January 2006

                             Reported     IAS 12      Total   Restated
                             Under UK     Income  Effect of under IFRS
                            GAAP #000 Taxes #000 transition       #000
                                                    to IFRS

Non current assets
Intangible assets               8,337                            8,337
Tangible assets                   161                              161
Investments in joint                -                                -
Deferred tax asset                522                              522
                                9,020                            9,020

Current assets
Debtors                           966                              966
Cash at bank and in hand        4,895                            4,895
                                5,861                            5,861

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables      (1,225)        346        346      (879)
Current tax liabilities                    (346)      (346)      (346)

Non-current liabilities         (148)                            (148)

Net assets                     13,508          -          -     13,508

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital           449                              449
Share premium account           9,811                            9,811
Share option reserve               34                               34
Other reserves                 18,765                           18,765
Retained earnings            (15,551)                         (15,551)

Total equity                   13,508                           13,508

Reconciliation of Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 June 2006

                            Reported         IFRS 3     IAS 12      Total    Restated
                            Under UK       Business     Income  Effect of  under IFRS
                           GAAP #000   Combinations Taxes #000 transition        #000
                                               #000               to IFRS

Non current assets
Intangible assets             78,115          1,579                 1,579      79,694
Property, plant and              908                                              908
Investments                      192                                              192
Deferred tax asset                31                                               31
                              79,246          1,579                 1,579      80,825

Current assets
Debtors                        3,724                                            3,724
Cash at bank and in hand      11,393                                           11,393
                              15,117                                           15,117

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables     (3,139)                     1,228      1,228     (1,911)
Current tax liabilities                                (1,228)    (1,228)     (1,228)

Net current assets            11,978                                           11,978

Total assets less             91,224          1,579                 1,579      92,803
current liabilities

Non-current liabilities        (427)                                            (427)

Net assets                    90,797          1,579                 1,579      92,376

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital          907                                              907
Share premium account         10,148                                           10,148
Foreign currency               (287)                                            (287)
translation reserve
Share option reserve           1,060                                            1,060
Other reserves                94,553                                           94,553
Profit and Loss account     (15,584)          1,579                 1,579    (14,005)

Total equity                  90,797          1,579                 1,579      92,376

Reconciliation of Consolidated balance sheet
As at 31 December 2006

                            Reported        IFRS 3     IAS 12      Total    Restated
                            Under UK      Business     Income  Effect of  under IFRS
                           GAAP #000  Combinations Taxes #000 transition        #000
                                              #000               to IFRS

Non current assets
Intangible assets             74,184      (15,623)              (15,623)      58,561
Tangible assets                1,000                                           1,000
Investments in joint             (6)                                             (6)
Investments                      163                                             163
Deferred tax asset               128                                             128
                              75,469      (15,623)              (15,623)      59,846

Current assets
Debtors                        8,380                                           8,380
Cash at bank and in hand      11,280                                          11,280
                              19,660                                          19,660

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables     (4,129)                    1,517      1,517     (2,612)
Current tax liabilities                               (1,517)    (1,517)     (1,517)

Net current liabilities       15,531                                          15,531

Total assets less             91,000      (15,623)              (15,623)      75,377
current liabilities

Non-current liabilities        (179)                                           (179)

Net assets                    90,821      (15,623)              (15,623)      75,198

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital          908                                             908
Share premium account         10,192                                          10,192
Foreign currency               (121)                                           (121)
translation reserve
Share option reserve           1,081                                           1,081
Other reserves                95,116                                          95,116
Profit and Loss account     (16,355)      (15,623)              (15,623)    (31,978)

Total equity                  90,821      (15,623)              (15,623)      75,198

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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