22 February 2008
                    Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited
                                    AIM: LCSS
                    Investment Managers Update February 2008
Lewis  Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited ("Lewis Charles", "the Fund" or  "the
Company")  today announces a summary of all the Company's projects  in  Bulgaria
and  an  overview of the current Bulgarian property market.  The Fund's property
portfolio  has a total build area of 567,590 square metres and currently  has  a
valuation of EUR83,852,536 (approximately GBP63.0 million).

Bulgarian Property Market

2007  was  yet  another good year for the Bulgarian property market (residential
and  commercial).   The  two  most  expensive cities  in  terms  of  residential
properties  are Sofia and Varna.  Average prices at the end of 2007 were  EUR927
per square metre for Sofia and EUR901 per square metre for Varna.  The market in
Sofia  has become more competitive with approximately 1.4 million square  metres
of  build area scheduled for completion between the end of 2008 and 2009.   Most
of  these  residential projects are being sold off plan. This  is  not  expected
however  to put downward pressure on prices. There has also been an increase  in
interest  in  new build houses around Sofia (Bistritsa, Marchaevo and  Klanitsa)
and  other  cities.   This  trend  is expected  to  continue  as  infrastructure
improves.  Prices of holiday homes in mountain resorts increased more than those
along the coast.

The Economy

Bulgaria's real GDP growth rate for Q3 2007 (4th Q not yet released)  slowed  to
4.5%  year-on-year  due  to the negative effects of the  summer  drought.   This
compares  to  growth  of  6.6%  in the previous  quarter.   Growth  was  led  by
consumption  (household  debt  was up by 33%) and an  acceleration  in  business
investment. Bulgaria's consumers are expected to be the driving force behind GDP
growth for 2008 through to 2010 (convergence report December 2007), reaching  5%
p.a.  At  the  same time, bank lending rose by 58.6% (October) and  unemployment
fell to 5.8% (Eurostat). The current account deficit for the first ten months of
2007  reached  15.9%  of GDP on the back of strong imports  of  energy  and  FDI
related  capital  goods and raw materials.  However, strong FDI inflows  covered
more  than 100% of the deficit.  Bulgaria's government has now approved the 2008
budget  plan envisaging a fiscal surplus of 3% (one of the few countries in  the
region  to  run a surplus). The government also unveiled its convergence  report
pledging to keep the fiscal surplus close to 3% of GDP through 2010.  The  ratio
of  government debt to GDP declined further to 20.4% at the end of October 2007.
On the negative side, inflation has been much higher than expected due mainly to
food prices which increased by about 25% on the previous year (drought), oil and
wage inflation.  Inflation for both November and December was high bringing  the
average for 2007 to 6.1%.


The  Company's strategy is to own a portfolio of real estate projects in varying
stages  of  maturity, from unregulated agricultural land through to projects  in
progress,  and  in  different parts of the country. The Fund's  strategy  is  to
appoint  a  development  manager for each of its  projects.   Depending  on  the
different  commercial  circumstances  of  the  project  the  Developer  may   be
incentivised  through  a  profit sharing clause in  the  Development  Management
Agreement in order to align the interests of both parties.

The  Fund  is  now effectively fully invested, in a mixture of land acquisitions
and residential property development projects and has achieved its aim of owning
a  substantial  land bank; the latter has an estimated buildable  area  of  over
560,000 square metres over a surface footprint of 417,000 square metres.

The properties held in the portfolio as of 31 December 2007 have been valued  by
King  Sturge  and  by Forton International at EUR83.9million  compared  with  an
acquisition cost of EUR43.1 million (30 June 2007 value EUR73.0 million compared
with an acquisition cost of EUR37.6). Note that these figures are unaudited.

The Directors are of the opinion that there continue to be interesting prospects
in Bulgarian property and the Fund is well placed to benefit from these.

                    Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited
                       Investments as at 31 December 2007

                       Area      Build      Cost    Valuatio   
                                 Area                   n
                        M2        M2        (EUR)     (EUR)    
1 Govedarci             35,934    34,604   3,449,65  7,782,87  
                                                  5         3
2 Razlog / Bansko       18,354    26,823   7,409,42  10,845,8  
                                                  0        65
3 Plovdiv               12,151    12,712   3,751,88  4,475,00   
                                                  4         0
4 Sofia (Buysell)       50,814   109,744   10,609,8  20,178,5  
                                                 92        27
5 Veliko Tarnovo        13,443    26,886   2,467,66  3,353,58   
                                                  8         4
6 Dolna Banya           48,548    57,621   1,661,75  1,962,44  
                                                  5         6
7 Sofia Kambanite      100,713   100,713   9,189,76  25,093,7  
  Bistritsa                                       1        41
8 Banya                121,420   182,130   3,579,45  8,702,59   
                                                  6         8
9 Other                 16,357    16,357    974,809  1,457,90  
  Total                417,734   567,590   43,094,3  83,852,5  
                                                 00        36

*Options  on  these  properties have been exercised and full ownership  will  be
transferred to the Fund on satisfactory completion of projects by the developer.

N.B.  Figures are subject to audit, and do not include provisions for taxes  and
performance  payments.  Some  build  areas are  estimated  subject  to  planning
approval.  Because of the provisions of IAS 2 some of these values  may  not  be
fully reflected in the balance sheet.

1. Govedarci (Crystal Vale)

Over  a  period  of several months in 2006/07 the Fund purchased  16,148  square
metres  of  land  (build area 14,818 sq m) in Govedarci  for  the  Crystal  Vale
project  for a consideration of approximately EUR1.47 million. The Crystal  Vale
development  will consist of a main building containing 22 apartments  and  nine
lodges  each  containing 13 apartments (a total of 139 apartments).   The  total
build  area will be approximately 13,600 square metres.  Crystal Vale will  also
contain  its own leisure facilities including a swimming pool, restaurant,  bar,
spa  and  tennis courts.  The developer for the Crystal Vale project  is  Anglo-
Bulgarian Real Estate Limited (A-BRE). www.a-bre.com

Sales  on  phase  1  will be starting in March and detailed information  on  the
project will be found on (www.crystal-vale.com) from that date.  The development
of  subsequent phases will commence as and when satisfactory progress is reached
on the first phase.

A feature of the development is the construction of the lodges.  These will be a
pre-fabricated  Canadian timber based construction.  This system incorporates  a
very high degree of thermal insulation together with a heat recovery ventilation
system to produce accommodation that is cheap to heat and eco-friendly.

Construction  began  in autumn 2007 and the entire project  is  expected  to  be
completed towards the end of 2009 or early 2010. The first phase is expected  to
be finished towards the end of 2008.

The  Fund  also purchased at the end of 2007 an additional plot of land  (19,786
square  metres,  currently  agricultural land), 2 km  from  Govedarci.  This  is
approximately 0.5 km from the new ski lifts that have been planned  as  part  of
the  Hyper Borovecs* project (Equest and Sultan of Oman hold a significant stake
in this project).

2. Razlog/Bansko

In  2007 the Fund finalised the purchase of 18,354 square metres of land  (build
area  26,823  sq  metres)  in  the ski areas around Razlog/Bansko  for  a  total
consideration of approximately EUR7.4 million.  The Fund has appointed  Westhill
Investments (www.westhilluk.com) to develop the sites. Construction of the first
project (four phases) started in October 2007.  Phase 1 comprises 43 luxuriously
appointed  apartments,  and four three-storey villa  style  homes  of  which  14
apartments  have already been sold. We are awaiting the construction permit  for
Phase  2 which will allow two more buildings comprising a total of a further  33
apartments.  Phases 3 and 4 of the development will not commence until sales  on
phases  1  and 2 have reached a satisfactory level. The project will  eventually
include  a  bespoke members' clubhouse facility which will include its  own  spa
facility. The project looks out over the 4th and 5th fairways of the newly built
Ian Woosnam golf course which is expected to open in mid 2008.  The project will
ultimately consist of 152 apartments and 6 houses.

The  second  project is close to Bansko. The original project has a construction
permit  and  envisages  the  development of a six-storey  residential  apartment
building  with fitness and spa areas.  The intention is eventually to  create  a
new  level of quality and service in the resort.  Currently we are leaving  this
project in our land bank as we do not wish to develop too many properties in the
same area at the same time.

3. Plovdiv

The  Fund finalised the purchases of a total of 12,151 square metres of land for
two  projects  in Plovdiv (total consideration EUR3.75 million) in  early  2007.
The  Fund currently holds planning permission to build a total of 12,712  square

The smaller project is located 2km from the city centre and is situated close to
the historic national rowing club.

The  larger project comprises a disused tobacco factory located in the heart  of
the  city  centre  with  views towards the old town.  The development  of  eight
floors  will  provide a mixture of luxury apartments and commercial  facilities.
Construction is expected to start in 2008.  The Fund holds design visas on  both
sites and is continuing to work with the architects and the developer, Westhill,
in order to progress planning permission on the two projects.

4. Sofia (Buysell - VitoshaVets, Simeonovo and Krustova Vada)

Progress  continues  on the six projects that the Fund is  currently  developing
with  BuySell.  The fund expects to incur some additional costs  which  are  not
reflected  in  the current valuation, but hopes these will be offset  by  rising
sales  prices.  The  projects are located in the Sofia suburbs  of  VitoshaVets,
Simeonovo and Krustova Vada.  The first project was completed in 2007 while  the
other  five  are expected to be completed during 2009. One of these projects  is
still  at  foundation level.  The build area for the six projects totals  95,382
square  metres.  The Fund also own a further 13,170 square  metres  of  land  in
Dragalevtsi. Total acquisition cost was EUR10.6 million for the exercise of  the

5.  Veliko Tarnovo

The Fund purchased 13,443 square metres of land (build area of 26,886 sq metres)
in Veliko Tarnovo in 2007 for EUR2.5 million.  This is a large centrally located
plot  on which all relevant construction permits for a residential complex  have
already been granted.  This prime site is currently being held in the land  bank
in  order  to  benefit from rising land prices in the area.  Veliko Tarnovo  has
become a more attractive location for investment following accession of Bulgaria
and  Romania  to the EU as it is located on the crossroads of two  pan  European
international  corridors and is the first major town south of  the  only  bridge
across  the Danube between Romania and Bulgaria.  Growth prospects for the  city
are expected to be good.

6.  Dolna Banya

The Fund finalised the purchase of 48,548 square metres of land at the beginning
of 2007 around the spa town of Dolna Banya.  These four sites were bought for  a
total  consideration of EUR1.67 million and will be kept in the land bank  until
further notice.

Dolna  Banya is famous for its geothermal springs and the Municipality of  Dolna
Banya has recently announced that it has signed an agreement with a German group
who  intend  to convert and expand the current spa facilities into  an  upmarket
"Wellness Island". This will be a first for Bulgaria and is expected to comprise
a  Health  and  Beauty Spa with restaurants and other sporting and  recreational
facilities.  With skiing close by  (16km from the Borovecs ski lifts), plans  to
build  their  own ski facilities and an 18 hole golf course under  construction,
the Manager expects that property prices in Dolna Banya should perform well.

7.  Sofia (Kambanite Bistritsa)

The  Fund  bought  100,713 square metres of land (build area of  100,713  square
metres)  in  Kambinite  Bistritsa for EUR9.2 million.  The  land  was  purchased
during  2006  and  was subsequently taken out of agricultural designation.   The
Manager  is  working  with architects to identify the  best  scheme  for  future

The prices of finished apartments and villas in the area are increasing due to a
couple of new upmarket projects that are nearing completion.  Nikmi Bulgaria,  a
local  developer,  is nearing completion of a development  of  52  large  luxury
houses and has also commenced development of a hotel and leisure complex with  a
retail  element.  The Fund intends to keep this in the land bank  for  the  time
being.  In the Manager's opinion, there are few plots of this size in Sofia that
are  as  well  located  and it expects the value of this  site  to  continue  to
increase substantially over time.

The Sofia subway extension to the Sofia Business Park is expected to be finished
in  2009  and  will  be within walking distance of the site.  In  addition,  the
widening of the ring road and construction of two bridges over the ring road  in
this area is nearly complete.  The two bridges offer easy access to the Business
Park and make it easier to drive to the centre of town.

8.  Banya (Razlog)

In  2006,  the  Fund purchased a total of 121,420 square metres of  agricultural
land  just  outside  the  village  of Banya (Razlog  Municipality)  for  EUR2.76
million.   The  Fund appointed Winslow Developments to regulate  and  eventually
develop the project.  The Banya project is expected to involve the building of a
first-class  holiday village consisting of chalets and upscale  apartments.  The
village  is  expected  to  provide all the necessary facilities  to  ensure  the
maximum  comfort  of  its residents such as tennis courts, swimming  pools,  spa
centre,  restaurant  and bars. The land has now been taken out  of  agricultural
designation  and  the Manager expects to receive all necessary  permits  by  mid

9. Other

The  Fund  has  also purchased 16,357 square metres of land in relatively  close
proximity to one of the Fund's existing projects.  The cost of the acquiring the
land  purchased to date is approximately EUR1 million. Once the purchase of  the
remaining  land  intended for the plot is complete, the Fund will  make  a  full
announcement as to the location.

*The Hyper Borovecs project is a government approved plan setting exact planning
guidelines  for  the  development  of the Borovecs  area.  Approximately  EUR500
million  is  expected  to  be invested in the construction  of  new  ski  lifts,
apartments  and  hotels.  In addition, a new structural plan for  the  Govedarci
area  has  been  drawn up by the Samakov Municipality Planning Department.   The
plan  provides  for  a  further 50 km of new ski runs and associated  ski  lifts
covering the area between Beli Iskar (Borovecs) Govedarci and Malyovista.

Lewis Charles Sofia Prop Fund (LSE:LCSS)
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Lewis Charles Sofia Prop Fund (LSE:LCSS)
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