RNS Number : 5103Q

Premier Management Holdings PLC

20 October 2011

Embargoed: 0700hrs 20 October 2011

Premier Management Holdings plc

("Premier" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 31 July 2011


   --      Loss before tax of GBP417,177 
   --      Fundraising of GBP2.12 million in March 
   --      Cash and cash equivalents at 31 July of GBP1,552,783 

-- Company views the option to acquire Central Asia Resources Limited as an attractive opportunity and continues work on this potential acquisition

-- As such approximately GBP520,000 advanced under a loan agreement with Central Asia Resources Limited in support of continued exploration activity on the Cholokkaindy gold and Uzunbulak lithium exploration licences in Kyrgyzstan

   --      Appointment of Chief Operating Officer with significant natural resources experience 

Gerry Desler, Chairman, commented,

"Significant progress is being made in developing a corporate structure to drive our strategy of gold exploration in Central Asia forward. The board continues to view the option to acquire Central Asia Resources Limited as a very attractive opportunity, as evidenced by the Company's loan agreement to fund exploration activity on two projects in Kyrgyzstan. We look forward to reporting progress on this at the appropriate time."


Premier Management Holdings Plc 
Gerry Desler, Chairman                        Tel: +44 (0) 1279 
Libertas Capital Corporate Finance Limited - 
 Nominated Adviser 
Thilo Hoffmann / Sandy Jamieson               Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                                               7569 9650 
Rivington Street Corporate Finance - 
Dru Edmonstone                                Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                                               7562 3384 
M: Communications 
Ben Simons / Maria Souvorov                   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                                               7920 2340 

Chairman's Statement


The Company has made good progress throughout the first half on its strategy to identify gold exploration and development projects, with a primary focus on Kyrgyzstan. The Company has an option to acquire the entire issued share capital of Central Asia Resources Limited ("CAR"), which in turn has an option to acquire a majority interest in two exploration licences on the Tien Shan belt in Kyrgyzstan. The Company is making significant progress on the CAR acquisition and looks forward to making an announcement in this regard at the appropriate time.

The Company is also actively considering other gold acquisition opportunities in Kyrgyzstan. To properly reflect the Company's new strategy, it is intended that the Company will, in due course, propose to change its name to Premier Gold Resources plc.

Exploration activities

Premier has to date advanced approximately GBP520,000 of loan capital to CAR to fund exploration activity predominantly on the Cholokkaindy gold exploration licence on the Tien Shan belt inKyrgyzstan and, more recently, the Uzunbulak lithium exploration project in the same region. The Uzunbulak project is being included initially in the transaction as it forms part of the acquisition package and its potential is being assessed. Gold exploration work is progressing well with field work underway since June, comprising mainly trenching as well as geological mapping and geophysical surveying.

The Tien Shan gold belt is one of the most prolific gold producing areas in the world. As gold accounts for more than 90% of the minerals mined in Kyrgyzstan by value, the country has a well-developed mining industry with infrastructure and skilled labour. It was also the first Central Asian country to implement a parliamentary democracy. The government is committed to attracting inward investment and has an attractive tax regime with various incentives to encourage foreign investment in the mining sector. The country has excellent exploration potential as much of it is under-explored.

Board changes

The Company is developing a board with the necessary expetise to implement its natural resources strategy. I was pleased to announce the appointment earlier this month of Richard Nolan as Chief Operating Officer. Richard has over fifteen years of experience in investment banking with a significant emphasis on natural resources. He has an extensive background researching, advising and raising capital for companies operating in the natural resources sector, advising on all aspects of corporate strategy, asset selection and asset development.

With Richard Nolan sitting alongside my board colleagues Dr Reza Tabrizi and Christian Schaffalitzky, I am confident that we have a high cablibre board with vast combined experience in corproate finance and mineral exploration, discovery and development, including specifically in the region in which we are investing.

Financial results

The results for the six months ended 31 July 2011 showed a loss before tax of GBP417,177 (2010 - GBP28,583). The Company currently has no turnover. The loss reflects the costs of pursing the Company's investment strategy, including the undertaking of significant due diligence, and general working capital. The Company advanced approximately GBP520,000of loan capital during the period to Central Asia Resources Limited to fund exploration activity predominantly on the Cholokkaindy gold exploration licence on the Tien Shan belt in Kyrgyzstan and, more recently, the Uzunbulak lithium exploration project in the same region. At 31 July 2011 the Company had cash and cash equivalents of GBP1,552,783.

The Company intends to change its financial year end from 31 January to 31 December. The next annual accounts will therefore be for the eleven months to 31 December 2011.


The Company is making good progress on advancing its acquisition strategy including in respect of its option to acquire Central Asia Resources Limited, which in turn has an option to acquire a majority interest in two highly prospective exploration opportunities on the Tien Shan belt in Kyrgyzstan (Cholokkaindy and Uzunbulak). The Company continues to financially support exploration activity on Cholokkaindy and Uzunbulak projects which are progressing well and we look foward to updating shareholders in due course.

Gerry Desler


20 October 2011

Statement of comprehensive income

                                               Six months            Six months 
                                                    ended                 ended          Year ended 
                             Notes                31 July               31 July          31 January 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
                                                     2011                  2010                2011 
                                              (unaudited)           (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                                      GBP                   GBP                 GBP 
 Continuing operations                                  -                     -                   - 
 Discontinued activities                                -                55,932              44,642 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
                                                        -                55,932              44,642 
 Cost of sales                                          -               (5,453)             (5,453) 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Gross profit                                           -                50,479              39,189 
 Administrative expenses                        (419,785)              (23,910)           (116,013) 
 Share based payments                               2,514                 1,978         (3,554,097) 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Operating (loss)/profit                        (417,271)                28,547         (3,630,921) 
 Continuing operations                          (417,271)              (17,183)         (3,661,473) 
 Discontinued activities                                -                45,730              30,552 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Debenture loan waiver                                  -                     -           1,428,196 
 Loss on sale of football 
  business                                              -                     -             (4,146) 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  interest                                      (417,271)                28,547         (2,206,871) 
 Net finance income                                    94                    36               1,172 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  income taxation                               (417,177)                28,583         (2,205,699) 
 Income tax expense                                     -                     -               (411) 
                                     --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the period 
  and total comprehensive 
  income                                        (417,177)                28,583         (2,206,110) 
                                     ====================  ====================  ================== 
 Earnings/(loss) per 
  - basic and diluted 
 Continuing operations                            (0.08)p               (0.02)p             (2.05)p 
 Discontinued activities                                -                 0.04p               0.81p 
                                     ====================  ====================  ================== 

Statement of financial position

As at 31 July 2011

                                           31 July             31 July        31 January 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
                                              2011                2010              2011 
                                       (unaudited)         (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                               GBP                 GBP               GBP 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables               469,641              88,848           233,229 
 Cash and cash equivalents               1,552,783               6,288             8,665 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
 Total assets                            2,022,424              95,136           241,894 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 (91,799)            (50,685)         (129,602) 
 Borrowings                                      -           (140,000)                 - 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
                                          (91,799)           (190,685)         (129,602) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                      -         (1,452,001)                 - 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
 Total liabilities                        (91,799)         (1,642,686)         (129,602) 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
 Net assets/(liabilities)                1,930,625         (1,547,550)           112,292 
                               ===================  ==================  ================ 
 Called up share capital                 1,470,290           1,047,180         1,385,640 
 Share premium account                   4,803,280           2,649,906         2,649,906 
 Capital redemption 
  reserve                                   43,333              43,333            43,333 
 Retained earnings                     (4,386,278)         (5,287,969)       (3,966,587) 
                               -------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
 Total equity                            1,930,625         (1,547,550)           112,292 
                               ===================  ==================  ================ 

Statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended 31 July 2011

                                         Share           Share         Retained         redemption 
                                       capital         premium         earnings            reserve             Total 
                                           GBP             GBP              GBP                GBP               GBP 
 Balance at 1 February 2011          1,385,640       2,649,906      (3,966,587)             43,333           112,292 
 Profit for the period                       -               -        (417,177)                  -         (417,177) 
 Issue of shares                        84,650       2,153,374                -                  -         2,238,024 
 Share based payment                         -               -          (2,514)                  -           (2,514) 
 Balance at 31 July 2011             1,470,290       4,803,280      (4,386,278)             43,333         1,930,625 
                              ================  ==============  ===============  =================  ================ 
 Balance at 1 February 2010          1,047,180       2,649,906      (5,314,574)             43,333       (1,574,155) 
 Retained for the period                     -               -           28,583                  -            28,583 
 Issue of shares                             -               -                -                  -                 - 
 Equity settled share based 
  payment                                    -               -          (1,978)                  -           (1,978) 
 Balance at 31 July 2010             1,047,180       2,649,906      (5,287,969)             43,333       (1,547,550) 
                              ================  ==============  ===============  =================  ================ 
 Balance at 1 February 2010          1,047,180       2,649,906      (5,314,574)             43,333       (1,574,155) 
 Retained for the period                     -               -      (2,206,110)                  -       (2,206,110) 
 Issue of shares                       116,282               -                -                  -           116,282 
 Conversion of loan stock 
  into ordinary shares                 151,744               -                -                  -           151,744 
 Conversion of debentures 
  into ordinary shares                  70,434               -                -                  -            70,434 
 Equity settled share based 
  payment                                    -               -        3,554,097                  -         3,554,097 
 Balance at 31 January 2011          1,385,640       2,649,906      (3,966,587)             43,333           112,292 
                              ================  ==============  ===============  =================  ================ 

Cash flow statement

For the six months ended 31 July 2011

                                        Six months            Six months 
                                             ended                 ended          Year ended 
                                           31 July               31 July          31 January 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
                                              2011                  2010                2011 
                                       (unaudited)           (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                               GBP                   GBP                 GBP 
 Operating activities 
 Operating (loss)/profit                 (417,271)                28,547         (3,630,921) 
  in trade and other 
  receivables                            (236,412)                37,368           (105,071) 
 Decrease in creditors 
  within one year                         (37,803)              (24,722)            (20,216) 
 Equity-settled share 
  based payment                            (2,514)               (1,978)           3,554,097 
 Loss on sale of football 
  business                                       -                     -             (4,146) 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash (outflows)/inflows 
  from operating activities              (694,001)                39,215           (206,257) 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Investing activities 
 Net finance expense                            94                    36               (770) 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash generated 
  from investing activities                     94                    36               (770) 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Financing activities 
 Issue of share capital                  2,238,025                     -             116,282 
 Repayment of other 
  borrowings                                     -              (35,000)            (54,371) 
 Issue of convertible 
  unsecured loan note                            -                     -             151,744 
 Net cash generated 
  from/(used in) financing 
  activities                             2,238,025              (35,000)             213,655 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Net increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                   1,544,118                 4,251               6,628 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at start of period                         8,665                 2,037               2,037 
                              --------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                       1,552,783                 6,288               8,665 
                              ====================  ====================  ================== 
  Notes to the interim financial statements 

1.General information

Premier Management Holdings Plc is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom, which is listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange Plc. The address of its registered office is Stonebridge House, Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath, Essex CM22 7BD

2.Financial information

The interim financial information for the six months ended 31 July 2011 has not been audited or reviewed and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative financial information for the year ended 31 January 2011 has been derived from the audited financial statements for that year. A copy of those statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2011 has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the independent auditors on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Sections 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted by the European Union, IFRIC interpretations and the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS and under the historical cost convention. The accounting policies applied in preparing the interim financial information are consistent with those set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 January 2011.


On the basis of these accounts there is no tax charge for the period.

4.Earnings per share

The earnings and number of shares used in the calculation of earnings per share are as follows:

                                   Six months    Six months 
                                        ended         ended    Year ended 
                                      31 July       31 July    31 January 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                         2011          2010          2011 
                                  (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Basic and diluted: 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the financial period 
  - continuing operations           (417,177)      (17,147)   (3,660,712) 
 Loss for the financial 
  period - discontinued 
  activities                                -        45,730     1,454,602 
 Weighted average number 
  of shares                       501,315,603   104,718,000   178,901,111 
 (Loss)/earnings per 
  share - continuing 
  operations                          (0.08)p       (0.02)p         0.81p 
 Loss per share - discontinued 
  activities                                -         0.04p       (2.05)p 
                                 ============  ============  ============ 

There was no dilutive effect in respect of the share options and warrants outstanding during the period.


The directors do not propose to declare a dividend for the period.

6.Share capital

                                                 31 July 2011                       31 July 2010 
                                      ----------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                                               Number                GBP           Number              GBP 
                                          (unaudited)        (unaudited)      (unaudited)      (unaudited) 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid 
 Ordinary shares of 1p each                         -                  -      104,718,000        1,047,180 
 Ordinary shares of 0.1p each             527,828,443            527,828                -                - 
 Deferred shares of 0.1p each             942,462,000            942,462                -                - 
                                      ===============  -----------------  ===============  --------------- 
                                                               1,470,290                         1,047,180 
                                                       =================                   =============== 
                                                31 January 2011 
                                               Number                GBP 
                                            (audited)          (audited) 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid 
 Ordinary shares of 0.1p each             443,178,445            443,178 
 Deferred shares of 0.1p each             942,462,000            942,462 

On 21 March 2011, the company placed 70,649,996 ordinary shares of 0.1p at 3p per share to raising GBP2.12 million, before expenses.

On 11 May 2011, the company placed 4,000,002 ordinary shares of 0.1p each at 3p per share, raising GBP120,000, before expenses.

On 20 May 2011, a warrant holder exercised a right to subscribe for 10,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p at 1p per share raising GBP100,000.

The deferred shares effectively have no rights or value.

7.Copies of interim results

Copies of the interim results can be obtained from the website www.premiermgt.info. From this site you may access our financial reports and presentations, recent press releases and details about the company and its operations.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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