PCSB Financial Corporation (the “Company”) (NASDAQ: PCSB), parent of PCSB Bank (the "Bank"), today announced net income of $4.3 million, or $0.30 per diluted share, for the three months ended December 31, 2021, compared to $3.6 million, or $0.25 per diluted share, for the three months ended September 30, 2021 and $2.7 million, or $0.18 per diluted share, for the three months ended December 31, 2020.

On January 26, 2022, the Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per share. The dividend is payable on or about February 25, 2022 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on February 11, 2022.

Second Quarter Highlights

  • Net income of $4.3 million or $0.30 per diluted share for the current quarter, increases of 18.6% and 59.2% compared to the linked quarter and same quarter last year, respectively. Excluding certain non-recurring items, current quarter adjusted net income (non-GAAP) was $3.1 million or $0.22 per diluted share, a decrease of 4.3% compared to the linked quarter and an increase of 29.2% compared to the same quarter last year, respectively. The decrease in adjusted net income from the linked quarter is largely due to higher provision for loan losses tied to loan portfolio growth. Reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures are included at the end of this release.
  • Net interest income of $13.3 million for the current quarter, increases of 5.8% and 14.8% from the linked quarter and the same quarter last year, respectively. Adjusted net interest income (non-GAAP) of $12.4 million for the current quarter, increases of 2.0% and 9.2% from the linked quarter and the same quarter last year, respectively.
  • Tax equivalent net interest margin of 2.97% for the current quarter, an increase from 2.82% in the linked quarter and 2.70% for the same quarter last year. Adjusted tax equivalent net interest margin (non-GAAP) of 2.75% for the current quarter, an increase from 2.71% in the linked quarter and 2.64% for the same quarter last year.
  • Average cost of interest-bearing deposits of 0.39% for the current quarter, a decrease from 0.41% in the linked quarter and 0.71% for the same quarter last year.
  • Efficiency ratio of 60.92% for the current quarter, improved from 65.59% for the linked quarter and 70.72% for the same quarter last year. Adjusted efficiency ratio (non-GAAP) of 67.64% for the current quarter, unchanged from the linked quarter and improved from 72.70% for the same quarter last year.
  • Average loans receivable, excluding SBA Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans, of $1.23 billion for the current quarter, increased from $1.20 billion in both the linked quarter and the same quarter last year.
  • Average deposits of $1.52 billion for the current quarter, increases of 0.8% and 10.0% compared to the linked quarter and same quarter last year, respectively.
  • Allowance for loan losses to total net loans receivable (excluding PPP loans) of 0.68% as of December 31, 2021, an increase from 0.66% as of June 30, 2021.
  • Non-performing loans of $7.9 million, or 0.64% of total net loans receivable (excluding PPP loans), as of December 31, 2021, increased from 0.48% as of June 30, 2021.
  • Loans on COVID-19-related payment deferral totaled $13.7 million, or 1.10% of gross loans, as of December 31, 2021, compared to $27.3 million, or 2.21% of gross loans, as of June 30, 2021. Loans on deferral totaling $10.1 million have resumed payments in January 2022, with the remaining $3.6 million (1 loan) scheduled to resume payments in June 2022.

President’s Comments

“We are extremely pleased with the Company’s solid quarter and six-month financial performance which resulted in solid earnings”, said Joseph D. Roberto, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of PCSB Financial Corporation. “Despite a difficult operating environment, our strong financial results year over year reflect continued net interest margin expansion along with continued control over operating expenses. We are encouraged by our ability to grow net loans over 10.0% annualized during the quarter despite some significant paydowns. With respect to credit quality, although we have seen recent increases in non-performing loans, our conservative underwriting has provided us strong LTVs and we believe these are isolated issues and not indicative of systemic risks in the loan portfolio. I am proud of our PCSB team who remain a source of strength to our customers and look forward to continuing to invest in the communities we serve which we believe will create sustainable value for our shareholders.”

Income Statement Summary

Net income for the current quarter was $4.3 million, which increased $674,000 from the linked quarter and $1.6 million from the prior year quarter. The change from the linked quarter is primarily due to a $723,000 increase in net interest income and a $582,000 increase in noninterest income, partially offset by increases of $251,000 in provision for loan losses, $199,000 in income tax expense, and $181,000 in noninterest expense. The change from the prior year quarter is primarily due to a $1.7 million increase in net interest income and a $452,000 increase in noninterest income, partially offset by increases of $298,000 in income tax expense, $157,000 in provision for loan losses and $114,000 in noninterest expense.

Net interest income was $13.3 million for the current quarter, increases of $723,000, or 5.8%, compared to the linked quarter and $1.7 million, or 14.8%, compared to the prior year quarter. The increase compared to the linked quarter is primarily the result of a 15 basis point increase in the tax equivalent net interest margin and a $7.9 million, or 0.4%, increase in average interest-earning assets. The increase in net interest income compared to the prior year period is primarily the result of a 27 basis point increase in the tax equivalent net interest margin and an $81.6 million, or 4.8%, increase in average interest-earning assets.

The Company recognized PPP loan interest and origination fee income (net of costs) of $332,000 in the current quarter, compared to $373,000 in the linked quarter and $159,000 in the prior year quarter. Unearned origination fees (net of costs) on PPP loans totaled $366,000 as of December 31, 2021 and will be recognized in income over the remaining lives of the loans. The timing of such recognition is largely dependent on the timing of forgiveness, which the Company expects to be substantially complete by June 30, 2022.

The tax equivalent net interest margin was 2.97% for the current quarter, reflecting increases of 15 basis points compared to 2.82% in the linked quarter and 27 basis points compared to 2.70% in the prior year quarter. During the current quarter, the Company recognized $555,000 of loan prepayment income. Adjusted net interest margin, which excludes the effects of loan prepayment income and PPP loan interest and fees, was 2.75% for the current quarter compared to 2.71% in the linked quarter and 2.64% in the prior year quarter. Reductions in the cost of funds were partially offset by a decrease in adjusted asset yield compared to the prior year quarter, driven by lower market interest rates. Reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures are included at the end of this release.

Tax equivalent yield on interest-earning assets for the current quarter was 3.33%, increases of 13 basis points from the linked quarter and 1 basis point from the prior year quarter. Excluding the effects of non-recurring PPP loan income and loan prepayment income, the tax equivalent yield on interest-earning assets for the current quarter was 3.11%, an increase of 2 basis points from the linked quarter and a decrease of 16 basis points from the same quarter last year. The decrease in yield compared to the prior year quarter is a result of the loan and investment portfolios continuing to re-price downward due to lower market interest rates, however the decline in asset yields (excluding the effects of PPP income) has slowed and reversed in recent quarters due to a more favorable yield curve and earning asset composition.

The cost of interest-bearing deposits was 0.39% for the current quarter, decreases of 2 basis points and 32 basis points from 0.41% and 0.71% in the linked quarter and prior year quarter, respectively. In response to lower market interest rates and increased liquidity levels, deposit rate reductions have been implemented throughout the last 2 years, the effects of which continue to be realized. As of quarter end, the weighted average cost of interest-bearing deposits was 0.32%. The cost of interest-bearing liabilities was 0.47% for the current quarter, decreases of 2 basis points from 0.49% in the linked quarter and 34 basis points from 0.81% in the prior year quarter. Over the next 12 months, the Company has $40.0 million of wholesale funding maturing, comprised of FHLB advances and brokered time deposits, with a weighted average cost of 2.07%.

The provision for loan losses was $264,000 for current quarter, compared to $13,000 for the linked quarter and $107,000 for the prior year quarter. Loans on COVID-19 related payment deferral totaled $13.7 million, or 1.10% of gross loans, as of December 31, 2021, compared to $27.3 million, or 2.21% of gross loans, as of June 30, 2021. Recoveries, net of charge-offs, were $6,000 for the current quarter compared to $265,000 for the linked quarter and charge-offs, net of recoveries, of $102,000 for the prior year quarter. Non-performing loans as a percent of total loans receivable (excluding PPP loans) was 0.64% as of December 31, 2021, an increase from 0.48% as of June 30, 2021. The increase in non-performing loans over the last 12 months primarily includes three commercial relationships totaling $6.3 million, including $2.7 million of loans secured by multi-family commercial real estate (including 1 relationship consisting of 2 construction loans totaling $1.5 million) with a weighted average loan-to-value ratio of 68.8% and one loan for $3.6 million secured by non-owner-occupied retail commercial real estate with a loan-to-value ratio of 53.9%.

Noninterest income of $1.2 million for the current quarter increased $582,000 compared to the linked quarter and $452,000 compared to the prior year quarter. The increase compared to the linked quarter was primarily due to increases of $548,000 in gains on the sale of premises and $35,000 in gains on the sale of loans. The increase compared to the prior year quarter was primarily due to increases of $548,000 in gains on the sale of premises, $62,000 in bank-owned life insurance income, $44,000 in fees and service charges and $41,000 in gains on the sale of loans, partially offset by a $238,000 decrease in swap income. During the current quarter, the Company sold a parcel of unused land, resulting in the gain discussed above.

Noninterest expense of $8.8 million for the current quarter increased $181,000 compared to the linked quarter and $114,000 compared to the prior year quarter. The increase compared to the linked quarter was primarily due to higher salaries and benefits, postage and printing, as well as professional costs. Noninterest expenses increased compared to the prior year quarter primarily due to increases in salaries and benefits, including ESOP costs, and New York State capital-based taxes, which were largely offset by lower pension costs.

The effective income tax rate was 20.4% for the current quarter, as compared to 19.9% for the linked quarter and 22.9% for the prior year quarter. The decrease in the effective tax rate for the current quarter compared to the prior year quarter is the result of increases in tax-exempt municipal bond income and bank-owned life insurance income.

Balance Sheet Summary

Total assets increased $13.2 million to $1.89 billion at December 31, 2021 as compared to June 30, 2021, as increases of $39.0 million in total investment securities and $14.2 million in net loans receivable were partially offset by a decrease of $39.0 million in cash and cash equivalents. The increase in investment securities was the result of the Company deploying excess liquidity and included increases of $29.8 million in state and municipal securities, $8.5 million in corporate securities and $5.8 million in mortgage-backed securities, partially offset by a $5.1 million decrease in U.S. government and agency bonds. Net loans receivable increased $14.2 million, primarily the result of increases in commercial mortgage loans and construction loans of $41.0 million and $1.7 million, respectively, partially offset by decreases in commercial loans and residential mortgage loans of $15.6 million and $11.5 million, respectively. The decrease in commercial loans includes a decrease in PPP loans of $24.3 million, driven by forgiveness and paydowns.

Total liabilities increased $12.9 million to $1.61 billion at December 31, 2021 compared to June 30, 2021 as an increase of $31.4 million in deposits was partially offset by decreases of $11.3 million in other liabilities and $7.6 million in FHLB advances. The $31.4 million increase in deposits includes increases in money market, NOW and savings accounts of $28.5 million, $21.4 million and $5.5 million, respectively, partially offset by decreases in time deposits and demand accounts of $20.7 million and $3.3 million, respectively.

Total shareholders’ equity increased $274,000 to $274.8 million at December 31, 2021 as compared to $274.6 million as of June 30, 2021. The increase for the six months ended December 31, 2021 was primarily due to net income of $7.9 million and $2.5 million of stock-based compensation and reduction in unearned ESOP shares for plan shares earned during the period, partially offset by the repurchase of $8.2 million (440,666 shares) of common stock and $1.7 of cash dividends declared and paid. As of December 31, 2021, there were 122,417 shares available to be repurchased under the current stock repurchase plan.

At December 31, 2021, the Company’s book value per share and tangible book value per share were $17.92 and $17.51, respectively, compared to $17.41 and $17.01, respectively, at June 30, 2021. Reconciliations of book value per share (GAAP measure) to tangible book value per share (non-GAAP measure) appear at the end of this release. At December 31, 2021, the Bank was considered “well capitalized” under applicable regulatory guidelines.

About PCSB Financial Corporation and PCSB Bank

PCSB Financial Corporation is the bank holding company for PCSB Bank. PCSB Bank is a New York-chartered commercial bank that has served the banking needs of its customers in the Lower Hudson Valley of New York State since 1871. It operates from its executive offices/headquarters and 14 branch offices located in Dutchess, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester Counties in New York.

This News Release contains a number of forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements may be identified by use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "outlook," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would" and similar terms and phrases, including references to assumptions.

Forward-looking statements are based upon various assumptions and analyses made by the Company in light of management's experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors (many of which are beyond the Company's control) that could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, without limitation, the following: the duration, extent and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on our business and operations and on our customers, the impact of lost fee revenue and increased operating expenses, as well as its effect on our customers and issuers of securities, including their ability to make timely payments on obligations, service providers and on economies and markets more generally, the timing and occurrence or non-occurrence of events may be subject to circumstances beyond the Company’s control; there may be increases in competitive pressure among financial institutions or from non-financial institutions; changes in the interest rate environment may reduce interest margins; changes in deposit flows, loan demand or real estate values may adversely affect the Company's business; changes in accounting principles, policies or guidelines may cause the Company’s financial condition to be perceived differently; changes in corporate and/or individual income tax laws may adversely affect the Company's financial condition or results of operations; general economic conditions, either nationally or locally in some or all areas in which the Company conducts business, or conditions in the securities markets or the banking industry may be less favorable than the Company currently anticipates; legislation or regulatory changes may adversely affect the Company’s business; technological changes may be more difficult or expensive than the Company anticipates; success or consummation of new business initiatives may be more difficult or expensive than the Company anticipates; or litigation or other matters before regulatory agencies, whether currently existing or commencing in the future, may delay the occurrence or non-occurrence of events longer than the Company anticipates. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law or regulation.

Contact: Joseph D. RobertoChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer(914) 248-7272

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesConsolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)(amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

    December 31,     June 30,  
    2021     2021  
Cash and due from banks   $ 113,499     $ 152,070  
Federal funds sold     6,840       7,235  
Cash and cash equivalents     120,339       159,305  
Held to maturity debt securities, at amortized cost   (fair value of $389,814 and $342,137, respectively)     390,312       337,584  
Available for sale debt securities, at fair value     43,687       57,387  
Total investment securities     433,999       394,971  
Loans receivable, net of allowance for loan losses of $8,429 and $7,881, respectively     1,243,646       1,229,451  
Loans held for sale     1,452       -  
Accrued interest receivable     6,509       6,398  
FHLB stock     4,167       4,507  
Premises and equipment, net     19,550       21,099  
Deferred tax asset, net     2,327       2,552  
Bank-owned life insurance     35,951       35,568  
Goodwill     6,106       6,106  
Other intangible assets     119       151  
Other assets     13,956       14,827  
Total assets   $ 1,888,121     $ 1,874,935  
Interest-bearing deposits   $ 1,307,359     $ 1,272,610  
Non interest-bearing deposits     215,708       219,072  
Total deposits     1,523,067       1,491,682  
Mortgage escrow funds     10,880       10,536  
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank     58,390       65,957  
Other liabilities     20,950       32,200  
Total liabilities     1,613,287       1,600,375  
Commitments and contingencies     -       -  
Shareholders' equity:                
Preferred stock ($0.01 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized, no shares issued or outstanding as of December 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021)     -       -  
Common stock ($0.01 par value, 200,000,000 shares authorized, 18,703,577 shares issued as of both December 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021, 15,337,979 and 15,770,645 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021, respectively)     187       187  
Additional paid in capital     191,826       189,926  
Retained earnings     157,146       150,987  
Unearned compensation - ESOP     (9,688 )     (10,176 )
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes     (3,353 )     (3,099 )
Treasury stock, at cost, 3,365,598 and 2,932,932 shares as of December 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021, respectively)     (61,284 )     (53,265 )
Total shareholders' equity     274,834       274,560  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity   $ 1,888,121     $ 1,874,935  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesConsolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited)(amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

    Three Months Ended     Six Months Ended  
    December 31,     December 31,  
    2021     2020     2021     2020  
Interest and dividend income                                
Loans receivable   $ 12,651     $ 12,182     $ 24,758     $ 24,729  
Investment securities     2,131       1,933       4,142       3,789  
Federal funds and other     88       110       197       235  
Total interest and dividend income     14,870       14,225       29,097       28,753  
Interest expense                                
Deposits and escrow interest     1,292       2,158       2,646       4,590  
FHLB advances     320       520       658       1,039  
Total interest expense     1,612       2,678       3,304       5,629  
Net interest income     13,258       11,547       25,793       23,124  
Provision for loan losses     264       107       277       216  
Net interest income after provision for loan losses     12,994       11,440       25,516       22,908  
Noninterest income                                
Fees and service charges     407       363       808       685  
Gains on sales of premises     548       -       548       -  
Swap income     -       238       -       367  
Bank-owned life insurance     191       129       383       261  
Net gains on sales of loans     41       -       47       -  
Other     8       13       22       24  
Total noninterest income     1,195       743       1,808       1,337  
Noninterest expense                                
Salaries and employee benefits     5,843       5,520       11,616       11,127  
Occupancy and equipment     1,348       1,374       2,701       2,692  
Communications and data processing     526       446       1,053       1,022  
Professional fees     420       503       813       903  
Postage, printing, stationery and supplies     182       167       325       306  
FDIC assessment     121       122       246       235  
Advertising     100       100       200       200  
Amortization of intangible assets     16       20       32       40  
Other operating expenses     249       439       443       790  
Total noninterest expense     8,805       8,691       17,429       17,315  
Net income before income tax expense     5,384       3,492       9,895       6,930  
Income tax expense     1,096       798       1,993       1,508  
Net income   $ 4,288     $ 2,694     $ 7,902     $ 5,422  
Earnings per common share:                                
Basic   $ 0.30     $ 0.18     $ 0.55     $ 0.36  
Diluted     0.30       0.18       0.55       0.36  
Weighted average common shares outstanding:                                
Basic     14,236,473       14,888,528       14,287,009       15,094,982  
Diluted     14,281,232       14,899,020       14,349,272       15,094,982  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesNet Interest Margin Analysis (unaudited)(dollar amounts in thousands)

  Three Months Ended  
  December 31, 2021     September 30, 2021     December 31, 2020  
  AverageBalance         Interest /Dividends     AverageRate     AverageBalance         Interest /Dividends     AverageRate     AverageBalance     Interest /Dividends     AverageRate  
Loans receivable (1) $ 1,242,109         $ 12,651       4.07 %   $ 1,223,532         $ 12,107       3.96 %   $ 1,232,555     $ 12,182       3.95 %
Investment securities (1)   427,918           2,131       2.08       404,565           2,011       2.07       313,812       1,933       2.51  
Other interest-earning assets   126,586           88       0.28       160,659           109       0.27       168,608       110       0.26  
Total interest-earning assets   1,796,613           14,870       3.33       1,788,756           14,227       3.20       1,714,975       14,225       3.32  
Non-interest-earning assets   77,506                           76,375                           70,417                  
Total assets $ 1,874,119                         $ 1,865,131                         $ 1,785,392                  
Liabilities and equity:                                                                              
NOW accounts $ 192,856           90       0.18     $ 182,531           70       0.15     $ 149,620       79       0.21  
Money market accounts   355,708           168       0.19       350,575           186       0.21       255,961       211       0.33  
Savings accounts and mortgage escrow funds   398,076           108       0.11       397,292           113       0.11       362,422       168       0.18  
Time deposits   357,242           926       1.03       367,641           985       1.06       434,446       1,700       1.55  
Total interest-bearing deposits   1,303,882           1,292       0.39       1,298,039           1,354       0.41       1,202,449       2,158       0.71  
FHLB advances   63,805           320       1.99       65,935           338       2.03       106,034       520       1.94  
Total interest-bearing liabilities   1,367,687           1,612       0.47       1,363,974           1,692       0.49       1,308,483       2,678       0.81  
Non-interest-bearing deposits   214,558                           207,806                           178,538                  
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities   16,250                           19,943                           26,482                  
Total liabilities   1,598,495                           1,591,723                           1,513,503                  
Total shareholders' equity   275,624                           273,408                           271,889                  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 1,874,119                         $ 1,865,131                         $ 1,785,392                  
Net interest income             $ 13,258                         $ 12,535                     $ 11,547          
Interest rate spread - tax equivalent (2)                       2.86                           2.71                       2.51  
Net interest margin - tax equivalent (3)                       2.97                           2.82                       2.70  
Average interest-earning assets to interest-bearing liabilities   131.36 %                         131.14 %                         131.07 %                
(1) Tax exempt yield is shown on a tax equivalent basis for proper comparison using a statutory federal income tax rate of 21% for all periods presented. See reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures at the end of this release.  
(2) Net interest rate spread represents the difference between the average yield on average interest-earning assets and the average cost of average interest-bearing liabilities.  
(3) Net interest margin represents tax equivalent net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets. See reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures at the end of this release.  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesNet Interest Margin Analysis (unaudited)(dollar amounts in thousands)

  Six Months Ended December 31,  
  2021     2020  
  AverageBalance     Interest /Dividends     AverageRate     AverageBalance     Interest /Dividends     AverageRate  
Loans receivable (1) $ 1,232,821     $ 24,758       4.01 %   $ 1,242,575     $ 24,729       3.98 %
Investment securities (1)   416,241       4,142       2.08       314,552       3,789       2.44  
Other interest-earning assets   143,622       197       0.27       163,323       235       0.29  
Total interest-earning assets   1,792,684       29,097       3.26       1,720,450       28,753       3.35  
Non-interest-earning assets   76,940                       71,172                  
Total assets $ 1,869,624                     $ 1,791,622                  
Liabilities and equity:                                              
NOW accounts $ 187,693       159       0.17     $ 149,543       168       0.22  
Money market accounts   353,141       355       0.20       253,129       449       0.35  
Savings accounts and mortgage escrow funds   397,684       221       0.11       361,256       370       0.20  
Time deposits   362,442       1,911       1.05       438,966       3,603       1.63  
Total interest-bearing deposits   1,300,960       2,646       0.40       1,202,894       4,590       0.76  
FHLB advances   64,870       658       2.01       106,051       1,039       1.94  
Total interest-bearing liabilities   1,365,830       3,304       0.48       1,308,945       5,629       0.86  
Non-interest-bearing deposits   211,182                       181,312                  
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities   18,096                       27,720                  
Total liabilities   1,595,108                       1,517,977                  
Total shareholders' equity   274,516                       273,645                  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 1,869,624                     $ 1,791,622                  
Net interest income         $ 25,793                     $ 23,124          
Interest rate spread - tax equivalent (2)                   2.78                       2.49  
Net interest margin - tax equivalent (3)                   2.90                       2.70  
Average interest-earning assets to interest-bearing liabilities   131.25 %                     131.44 %                
(1) Tax exempt yield is shown on a tax equivalent basis for proper comparison using a statutory federal income tax rate of 21% for all periods presented. See reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures at the end of this release.  
(2) Net interest rate spread represents the difference between the average yield on average interest-earning assets and the average cost of average interest-bearing liabilities.  
(3) Net interest margin represents tax equivalent net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets. See reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures at the end of this release.  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesCondensed Financial Information (unaudited)(amounts in thousands, except per share data)

  As of  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Condensed Balance Sheets                          
Cash and cash equivalents $ 120,339   $ 148,012   $ 159,305   $ 169,314   $ 162,541  
Total investment securities   433,999     423,525     394,971     347,302     310,231  
Loans receivable, net   1,243,646     1,210,674     1,229,451     1,261,155     1,237,550  
Other assets   90,137     90,968     91,208     76,903     79,517  
Total assets $ 1,888,121   $ 1,873,179   $ 1,874,935   $ 1,854,674   $ 1,789,839  
Total deposits and mortgage escrow funds $ 1,533,947   $ 1,511,465   $ 1,502,218   $ 1,463,542   $ 1,387,897  
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank   58,390     65,924     65,957     95,991     106,023  
Other liabilities   20,950     21,062     32,200     23,844     26,595  
Total liabilities   1,613,287     1,598,451     1,600,375     1,583,377     1,520,515  
Total shareholders' equity   274,834     274,728     274,560     271,297     269,324  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 1,888,121   $ 1,873,179   $ 1,874,935   $ 1,854,674   $ 1,789,839  
  Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020   December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Condensed Income Statements                                      
Interest income $ 14,870   $ 14,227   $ 14,586   $ 13,925   $ 14,225   $ 29,097   $ 28,753  
Interest expense   1,612     1,692     2,005     2,288     2,678     3,304     5,629  
Net interest income   13,258     12,535     12,581     11,637     11,547     25,793     23,124  
Provision (benefit) for loan losses   264     13     5     (894 )   107     277     216  
Noninterest income   1,195     613     568     592     743     1,808     1,337  
Noninterest expense   8,805     8,624     8,867     8,572     8,691     17,429     17,315  
Income before income tax expense   5,384     4,511     4,277     4,551     3,492     9,895     6,930  
Income tax expense   1,096     897     867     959     798     1,993     1,508  
Net income $ 4,288   $ 3,614   $ 3,410   $ 3,592   $ 2,694   $ 7,902   $ 5,422  
Earnings per share:                                          
Basic $ 0.30   $ 0.25   $ 0.23   $ 0.25   $ 0.18   $ 0.55   $ 0.36  
Diluted   0.30     0.25     0.23     0.25     0.18     0.55     0.36  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesSelected Financial Data (unaudited)

  Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020   December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Performance Ratios (1):                                      
Return on average assets   0.92 %   0.78 %   0.73 %   0.80 %   0.60 %   0.85 %   0.61 %
Return on average equity   6.22 %   5.29 %   4.95 %   5.32 %   3.96 %   5.76 %   3.96 %
Interest rate spread   2.86 %   2.71 %   2.67 %   2.53 %   2.51 %   2.78 %   2.49 %
Net interest margin   2.97 %   2.82 %   2.81 %   2.69 %   2.70 %   2.90 %   2.70 %
Efficiency ratio   60.92 %   65.59 %   67.43 %   70.10 %   70.72 %   63.15 %   70.79 %
Noninterest income to average assets   0.26 %   0.13 %   0.12 %   0.13 %   0.17 %   0.19 %   0.15 %
Noninterest expense to average assets   1.88 %   1.85 %   1.89 %   1.90 %   1.95 %   1.86 %   1.93 %
Average interest-earning assets to average interest-bearing liabilities   131.36 %   131.14 %   131.21 %   131.31 %   131.07 %   131.25 %   131.44 %
Average equity to average assets   14.71 %   14.66 %   14.67 %   14.99 %   15.23 %   14.68 %   15.27 %
Dividend payout ratio (2)   20.22 %   24.24 %   26.07 %   16.65 %   22.57 %   22.06 %   22.83 %

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesSelected Financial Data (unaudited) - Continued(dollar amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

  As of and for the quarter ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Loans to deposits   81.65 %   80.46 %   82.42 %   86.72 %   89.85 %
Share Data:                              
Shares outstanding   15,337,979     15,574,310     15,770,645     15,966,216     16,097,867  
Book value per common share $ 17.92   $ 17.64   $ 17.41   $ 16.99   $ 16.73  
Tangible book value per common share (3) $ 17.51   $ 17.24   $ 17.01   $ 16.60   $ 16.34  
Asset Quality Ratios:                              
Non-performing loans receivable $ 7,890   $ 5,732   $ 5,764   $ 2,054   $ 1,668  
Non-performing assets $ 7,890   $ 5,732   $ 5,764   $ 2,054   $ 1,668  
Allowance for loan losses as a percent of total loans receivable (4)   0.68 %   0.68 %   0.66 %   0.65 %   0.72 %
Allowance for loan losses as a percent of non-performing loans receivable   106.83 %   142.34 %   136.73 %   382.91 %   520.20 %
Non-performing loans as a percent of total loans receivable, net (4)   0.64 %   0.48 %   0.48 %   0.17 %   0.14 %
Non-performing assets as a percent of total assets   0.42 %   0.31 %   0.31 %   0.11 %   0.09 %
Net (recoveries) charge-offs $ (6 ) $ (265 ) $ (11 ) $ (82 ) $ 102  
Net (recoveries) charge-offs to average outstanding loans during the period (1)   0.00 %   (0.09 %)   0.00 %   (0.03 %)   0.03 %
Capital Ratios (5):                              
Tier 1 capital (to adjusted total assets)   12.91 %   12.72 %   12.48 %   12.76 %   12.66 %
Common equity Tier 1 capital (to risk-weighted assets)   17.67 %   17.84 %   17.93 %   17.72 %   17.74 %
Tier 1 capital (to risk-weighted assets)   17.67 %   17.84 %   17.93 %   17.72 %   17.74 %
Total capital (to risk-weighted assets)   18.28 %   18.46 %   18.53 %   18.33 %   18.42 %
(1) Performance ratios for quarter ended periods are annualized.  
(2) Dividends declared per share divided by net income per share.  
(3) Tangible book value per share is a non-GAAP measure and equals total shareholders’ equity, less goodwill and other intangible assets, divided by shares outstanding. We believe this disclosure may be meaningful to those investors who seek to evaluate our equity without giving effect to goodwill and other intangible assets. Reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP measures appear at the end of this release.  
(4) Total loans receivable excludes PPP loans.  
(5) Represents Bank ratios.  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesLoan and Deposit Portfolios (unaudited)(amounts in thousands)

  As of  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Mortgage loans:                              
Residential mortgages $ 212,817   $ 221,735   $ 224,305   $ 229,008   $ 237,987  
Commercial mortgages   867,581     838,021     826,624     831,162     801,348  
Construction   11,857     11,639     10,151     10,047     17,551  
Net deferred loan origination (fees) costs   (18 )   97     196     365     600  
Total mortgage loans   1,092,237     1,071,492     1,061,276     1,070,582     1,057,486  
Commercial and consumer loans:                              
Commercial loans (1)   135,055     122,031     150,658     171,314     160,678  
Home equity credit lines   24,142     24,936     25,439     27,211     27,653  
Consumer and overdrafts   356     394     345     269     328  
Net deferred loan origination costs (fees)   285     (20 )   (386 )   (356 )   82  
Total commercial and consumer loans   159,838     147,341     176,056     198,438     188,741  
Total loans receivable   1,252,075     1,218,833     1,237,332     1,269,020     1,246,227  
Allowance for loan losses   (8,429 )   (8,159 )   (7,881 )   (7,865 )   (8,677 )
Loans receivable, net $ 1,243,646   $ 1,210,674   $ 1,229,451   $ 1,261,155   $ 1,237,550  
(1) Includes PPP loans totaling: $ 12,769   $ 19,763   $ 37,050   $ 50,380   $ 35,687  
  As of  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Demand deposits $ 215,708   $ 216,470   $ 219,072   $ 203,344   $ 189,968  
NOW accounts   198,610     181,572     177,223     169,077     159,919  
Money market accounts   361,352     363,090     332,843     301,892     256,132  
Savings   393,041     381,836     387,529     372,151     354,882  
Time deposits   354,356     361,669     375,015     407,826     416,386  
Total deposits $ 1,523,067   $ 1,504,637   $ 1,491,682   $ 1,454,290   $ 1,377,287  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesReconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (unaudited)(dollar amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

  Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020   December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Computation of Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings Per Share              
Net income applicable to common stock (GAAP) $ 4,288   $ 3,614   $ 3,410   $ 3,592   $ 2,694   $ 7,902   $ 5,422  
Adjustments (1):                                          
Prepayment income on loans receivable and investment securities   (442 )   (26 )   (532 )   (43 )   (136 )   (468 )   (194 )
Gains on sales of premises   (436 )   -     -     -     -     (436 )   -  
PPP interest and fee income   (264 )   (299 )   (411 )   (220 )   (123 )   (563 )   (295 )
Gains on sale of investment securities   -     -     -     (89 )   -     -     -  
Adjusted net income (Non-GAAP) $ 3,146   $ 3,289   $ 2,467   $ 3,240   $ 2,435   $ 6,435   $ 4,933  
Average number of common shares outstanding:                          
Basic   14,236,473     14,337,543     14,553,783     14,631,122     14,888,528     14,287,009     15,094,982  
Diluted   14,281,232     14,405,816     14,586,928     14,632,342     14,899,020     14,349,272     15,094,982  
Earnings per share (GAAP):                                          
Basic $ 0.30   $ 0.25   $ 0.23   $ 0.25   $ 0.18   $ 0.55   $ 0.36  
Diluted   0.30     0.25     0.23     0.25     0.18     0.55     0.36  
Adjusted earnings per common share (Non-GAAP):                          
Basic $ 0.22   $ 0.23   $ 0.17   $ 0.22   $ 0.16   $ 0.45   $ 0.33  
Diluted   0.22     0.23     0.17     0.22     0.16     0.45     0.33  
(1) Amounts included in income before income tax expense are presented net of tax.              

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesReconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (unaudited)(dollar amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

  Quarter Ended     Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   December 31,2020     December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Computation of Tax Equivalent Net Interest Income                
Total interest income $ 14,870   $ 14,227   $ 14,225     $ 29,097   $ 28,753  
Total interest expense   1,612     1,692     2,678       3,304     5,629  
Net interest income (GAAP)   13,258     12,535     11,547       25,793     23,124  
Tax equivalent adjustment   99     89     45       188     78  
Net interest income - tax equivalent (Non-GAAP) $ 13,357   $ 12,624   $ 11,592     $ 25,981   $ 23,202  
  Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020   December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Computation of Efficiency Ratio                    
Noninterest expense (GAAP) $ 8,805   $ 8,624   $ 8,867   $ 8,572   $ 8,691   $ 17,429   $ 17,315  
Net interest income (GAAP) $ 13,258   $ 12,535   $ 12,581   $ 11,637   $ 11,547   $ 25,793   $ 23,124  
Noninterest income (GAAP)   1,195     613     568     592     743     1,808     1,337  
Total (GAAP)   14,453     13,148     13,149     12,229     12,290     27,601     24,461  
Prepayment income on loans receivable and investment securities   (555 )   (32 )   (667 )   (55 )   (176 )   (587 )   (249 )
Gains on sales of premises   (548 )   -     -     -     -     (548 )   -  
PPP interest and fee income   (332 )   (373 )   (516 )   (279 )   (159 )   (705 )   (376 )
Gains on sales of investment securities   -     -     -     (113 )   -     -     -  
Adjusted total (Non-GAAP) $ 13,018   $ 12,743   $ 11,966   $ 11,782   $ 11,955   $ 25,761   $ 23,836  
Efficiency ratio (GAAP)   60.92 %   65.59 %   67.43 %   70.10 %   70.72 %   63.15 %   70.79 %
Adjusted efficiency ratio (Non-GAAP)   67.64 %   67.68 %   74.10 %   72.76 %   72.70 %   67.66 %   72.64 %

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesReconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (unaudited) - Continued(dollar amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

  As of  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   June 30,2021   March 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Computation of Tangible Book Value per Common Share        
Total shareholders' equity (GAAP) $ 274,834   $ 274,728   $ 274,560   $ 271,297   $ 269,324  
Goodwill   (6,106 )   (6,106 )   (6,106 )   (6,106 )   (6,106 )
Other intangible assets   (119 )   (135 )   (151 )   (168 )   (189 )
Tangible common shareholders' equity (Non-GAAP) $ 268,609   $ 268,487   $ 268,303   $ 265,023   $ 263,029  
Common shares outstanding   15,337,979     15,574,310     15,770,645     15,966,216     16,097,867  
Book value per share (GAAP) $ 17.92   $ 17.64   $ 17.41   $ 16.99   $ 16.73  
Effects of intangible assets   (0.41 )   (0.40 )   (0.40 )   (0.39 )   (0.39 )
Tangible book value per common share (Non-GAAP) $ 17.51   $ 17.24   $ 17.01   $ 16.60   $ 16.34  

PCSB Financial Corporation and SubsidiariesReconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (unaudited) - Continued(dollar amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

  Quarter Ended     Six Months Ended  
  December 31,2021   September 30,2021   December 31,2020     December 31,2021   December 31,2020  
Computation of Adjusted Yield on Assets and Adjusted Net Interest Margin                
Average interest-earning assets $ 1,796,613   $ 1,788,756   $ 1,714,975     $ 1,792,684   $ 1,720,450  
Interest and dividend income (GAAP) $ 14,870   $ 14,227   $ 14,225     $ 29,097   $ 28,753  
Less: PPP interest and fee income   (332 )   (373 )   (159 )     (705 )   (376 )
Less: Prepayment income on loans receivable   (555 )   (32 )   (59 )     (587 )   (132 )
Adjusted interest and dividend income (Non-GAAP) $ 13,983   $ 13,822   $ 14,007     $ 27,805   $ 28,245  
Yield on interest-earning assets (GAAP)   3.33 %   3.20 %   3.32 %     3.26 %   3.35 %
Adjusted yield on interest-earning assets (Non-GAAP)   3.11 %   3.09 %   3.27 %     3.10 %   3.28 %
Net interest income (GAAP) $ 13,258   $ 12,535   $ 11,547     $ 25,793   $ 23,124  
Less: PPP interest and fee income   (332 )   (373 )   (159 )     (705 )   (376 )
Less: Prepayment income on loans receivable   (555 )   (32 )   (59 )     (587 )   (132 )
Adjusted net interest income (Non-GAAP) $ 12,371   $ 12,130   $ 11,329     $ 24,501   $ 22,616  
Net interest margin (GAAP)   2.97 %   2.82 %   2.70 %     2.90 %   2.70 %
Adjusted net interest margin (Non-GAAP)   2.75 %   2.71 %   2.64 %     2.73 %   2.63 %
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Août 2024 à Sept 2024 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse PCSB Financial
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Sept 2023 à Sept 2024 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse PCSB Financial