RNS Number : 2433X

Anglo-Eastern Plantations PLC

25 August 2022

Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc

("AEP", "Group" or "Company")

Announcement of interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022

The group, comprising Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc and its subsidiaries (the "Group"), is a major producer of palm oil and rubber with plantations across Indonesia and Malaysia, has today released its results for the six months ended 30 June 2022.

Financial Highlights

                                            2022                 6 months                    2021 
                                        6 months                    to 30               12 months 
                                                          June (restated) 
                                      to 30 June                       $m          to 31 December 
                                              $m              (unaudited)                      $m 
  Continuing operations              (unaudited)                                        (audited) 
 Revenue                                   249.2                    197.7                   433.4 
 Profit before tax 
  - before biological assets 
   ("BA") movement                          94.8                     56.4                   132.7 
  - after BA movement                       89.5                     60.2                   137.1 
   Basic Earnings per ordinary 
   share ("EPS") 
  - before BA movement                 153.51cts                 93.76cts               235.25cts 
  - after BA movement                  144.73cts                100.11cts               242.34cts 


 Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc 
 Dato' John Lim Ewe Chuan          +44 (0)20 7216 4621 
 Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited 
 Dominic Morley                    +44 (0)20 7886 2954 

Chairman's Interim Statement

The interim results for the Group for the six months to 30 June 2022 are as follows:

Revenue from continuing operations for the six months to 30 June 2022 was $249.2 million, 26% higher than $197.7 million reported for the same period of 2021. The Group's gross profit from continuing operations was $90.3 million compared to $61.8 million for the first six months of 2021. Overall profit before tax, after biological assets ("BA") movement, from continuing operations for the first half of 2022 was 49% higher at $89.5 million against $60.2 million for the corresponding period in 2021. The overall profit from continuing operations includes a net reversal of impairment losses of $0.2 million for the first half of 2022 compared to a reversal of impairment loss of $0.1 million for the first half of 2021. The BA movement adjustment from continuing operations for the first half of 2022 was a debit of $5.3 million compared to a credit of $3.9 million in the last period. The higher profit was attributed to the higher Crude Palm Oil ("CPO") prices.

Fresh Fruit Bunches ("FFB") production from continuing operations for the first half of 2022 was 3% lower at 550,800mt compared to 569,100mt for the same period in the prior year due to lower production in Bengkulu and Kalimantan regions. The harvest in Bengkulu was lower by 13% primarily due to a reduction of almost 1,000ha of matured area of which 428ha was replanted in the second half of 2021 while another 551ha was cleared for replanting in the first half of 2022. During 1Q 2022 the public roads in Kurun township were closed for a month because of extremely bad weather which affected the transportation of crops and in turn caused a 9% decline in the harvest in Central Kalimantan. Younger palms in North Sumatera continue to out-performed the rest of the regions by registering a growth of 6% against last year. Bought-in crops for the first half of 2022 also decreased by 4% to 557,600mt from 583,400mt. The increased purchase of outside crops in North Sumatera (6%) and Kalimantan (9%) could not off-set a 19% decrease in crop purchase in the Bengkulu region. The significant decrease in the Bengkulu region is caused by the reopening of a mill of one of the suppliers following a shutdown for maintenance in 2021. In addition, some of AEP's mills had to reduce external crop purchases due to the CPO storage tanks reaching their maximum storage capacities as inventory built-up during the export ban.

Operational and financial performance

For the six months ended 30 June 2022, gross profit margin from continuing operations increased to 36.2% from 31.3% as the Group experienced higher CPO and palm kernel prices.

CPO price ex-Rotterdam averaged $1,640/mt for the first six months to 30 June 2022, 46% higher than $1,122/mt over the same period in 2021. As a result, the Group's average ex-mill price was higher by 47% at $1,035/mt for the same period (H1 2021: $706/mt). The ex-mill prices are normally at a discount to ex-Rotterdam prices as buyers are required to pay logistic charges and Indonesian CPO tax and levy. The Group also benefited from higher palm kernel prices which was 66% higher at the average price of $808/mt against $486/mt last year.

Profit after tax from continuing operations for the six months ended 30 June 2022 was 45% higher at $68.8 million, compared to a profit after tax from continuing operations of $47.3 million for the first six months of 2021.

The resulting basic earnings per share from continuing operations for the period was 144.73cts (H1 2021: 100.11cts).

The Group's balance sheet remains strong with no outstanding bank loans. Net assets as at 30 June 2022 were $585.3 million compared to $496.6 million as at 30 June 2021 and $542.1 million as at 31 December 2021. The increase in net assets from the last interim report was attributed to higher profit and higher inventories. Inventories, comprising mainly of CPO, built up to $41 million against $15 million as at 30 June 2021 due to the CPO export ban in Indonesia which is explained in more detail under commodity prices below. The Indonesian Rupiah has depreciated by 4% against the US dollar in the first half of 2022.

As at 30 June 2022, the Group had cash and cash equivalents including all fixed deposits with banks of $246.8 million (H1 2021: $160.7 million, 31 December 2021: $219.7 million).

Operating costs

Operating costs for the Indonesian operations were higher in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 mainly due to higher prices paid for third party crops, higher costs of maintaining plantations and mills and higher harvesting costs arising from the increased matured area. Fertiliser costs rose sharply by 80% in the first half of 2022 to $15.8 million from $8.8 million for the corresponding period last year. Transport costs have also increased significantly by 56% to $2.8 million from $1.8 million for the corresponding period last year as diesel prices have increased.

Production and Sales

                                         2022         2021             2021 
                                     6 months     6 months             Year 
                                   to 30 June   to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                           mt           mt               mt 
 Oil palm production 
 - all estates from continuing 
  operations                          550,800      569,100        1,152,400 
 - estates from discontinued 
  operations                           21,500       17,400           37,200 
 - bought-in from third parties       557,600      583,400        1,142,200 
 Saleable CPO                         227,800      238,700          473,200 
 Saleable palm kernels                 54,400       57,100           97,100 
 Oil palm sales 
 CPO                                  200,000      237,900          477,600 
 Palm kernels                          48,900       55,400          113,400 
 FFB sold outside                      17,800       13,400           29,400 
 Rubber production                        168          206              425 

The Group's six mills processed a total of 1,112,100mt in FFB for the first half of 2022, a 4% decrease compared to 1,156,500mt for the same period last year.

Overall CPO produced for the first half of 2022 was 5% lower at 227,800mt from 238,700mt. The oil extraction rate for the first half of 2022 was 20.5% compared to 20.6% in the same period last year.

Commodity prices

The CPO price ex-Rotterdam for the first half of 2022 averaged $1,640/mt, 46% higher than last year (H1 2021: $1,122/mt). The CPO price started the year at $1,350/mt, gradually trending upwards to peak in March 2022 at $2,000/mt before dropping to $1,420/mt towards the middle of June, before recovering to close at $1,500/mt at 30 June 2022. The rally in the first three months of 2022 was built upon; speculation of unfavourable weather conditions in prime soybean-producing countries which have adversely affected the supply of soybean oil (of which CPO is the closest substitute), the gradual re-opening of the world economy after the ravage of Covid-19 and the disruption to supplies because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Indonesian government's move to ban the export of CPO and refined palm oil from 28 April 2022 to 22 May 2022 added further volatility to global edible oil prices. CPO prices have since retracted to lower levels due to high inventory of CPO built up during the export ban. The Indonesian government is constantly refining its policies to accelerate exports of CPO as well as to contain the price of domestic cooking oil which could trigger more volatility in prices.

Rubber price averaged $1,670/mt, 4% lower than H1 2021 at $1,734/mt.


The Group's planted areas at 30 June 2022 comprised:

                             Total   Mature   Immature 
 Continuing operations          Ha       ha         Ha 
 North Sumatera             19,107   18,851        256 
 Bengkulu                   16,557   14,912      1,645 
 Riau                        4,836    4,836          - 
 Kalimantan                 17,409   14,889      2,520 
 Bangka                      2,564    1,065      1,499 
 Plasma                      3,586    2,268      1,318 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
 Indonesia                  64,059   56,821      7,238 
 Malaysia                    3,453    3,453          - 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
                            67,512   60,274      7,238 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 South Sumatera              6,662    6,064        598 
 Plasma                      1,065    1,020         45 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
                             7,727    7,084        643 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
 Total: 30 June 2022        75,239   67,358      7,881 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
 Total: 31 December 2021    75,204   65,921      9,283 
                           -------  -------  --------- 
 Total: 30 June 2021        74,131   66,204      7,927 
                           -------  -------  --------- 

The Group's new planting and replanting for the first six months of 2022 totalled 439ha compared to 1,025ha for the same period last year . In addition, Plasma planting for the period was 152ha (H1 2021: 187ha).

The Group remains optimistic that it will meet substantially its reduced total planting target of 1,900ha (including replanting) in 2022. The Group's total landholding from its continuing operations comprises some 90,690ha, of which the planted area stands at around 67,512ha (H1 2021: 66,623ha) with the balance of estimated plantable land at 10,850ha (H1 2021: 11,590ha).

The construction of the seventh mill in North Sumatera, which has been delayed by the frequent lockdowns caused by the pandemic in the country, is nearing completion. It is making good progress as most machineries have been prefabricated and are being assembled on site. Some items like the steam turbine and decanter have arrived at the local port and are awaiting delivery to the construction site. The mill is expected to be completed before the year end. The costs of construction have reached about $22 million against an earlier estimate of $19 million.

In the meantime, an external consultant has been appointed to undertake an environmental study to advise compliance criteria to apply for the necessary permits to build the eighth mill in Kalimantan.


As in previous years, no interim dividend has been declared. A final dividend of 5.0 cents per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2021 was paid on 15 July 2022.


CPO prices are expected to weaken in the second half of 2022 as the industry enters into the high production season. In addition, the Indonesian government's decision to waive the export levy until the end of August 2022 in its effort to flush out and reduce its stockpile of palm oil could push prices even lower. An agreement between Ukraine and Russia to reopen the ports in the Black Sea to allow the export of commodities, including sunflower oil, from the region would also negatively impact on palm oil prices. Economists fear that inflationary pressure arising from higher commodity prices could trigger a worldwide recession in the coming months which could dampen demand for CPO. It is increasingly apparent that 2022 will be a year of two halves, with record CPO prices in the first half of 2022 and much lower prices in the second half. On a positive note, the Indonesian government's determination to develop and increase the biodiesel blending to B35 and B40 from B30 in the near future would help enhance the domestic consumption and absorb a higher production of CPO.


The Board has previously announced its profound sadness of the passing of our ex-Chairman, Madam Lim Siew Kim on 14 July 2022. Madam Lim joined the Board in 1993 and was the Non-Executive Chairman from 2011 until her recent retirement. During her tenure, the Group grew in profitability and the business expanded to what it is today. The Board of Directors had conveyed their condolences to the family members at the time and would like to formally record their appreciation and thanks for Madam Lim's invaluable guidance and advice during her tenure on the Board.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties, including the risks due to the Coronavirus pandemic, have broadly remained the same since the publication of the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2021.

A more detailed explanation of the risks relevant to the Group is on pages 42 to 47 and from pages 130 to 135 of the 2021 annual report which is available at https:// www.angloeastern.co.uk / .

Mr Jonathan Law Ngee Song


25 August 2022

Responsibility Statements

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) The unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards ("IAS") 34: Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union;

b) The Chairman's interim statement includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule ("DTR") 4.2.7R (an indication of important events during the first six months and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) The interim financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R ( material related party transactions in the six months ended 30 June 2022 and any material changes in the related party transactions described in the last Annual Report) of the DTR of the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.

By order of the Board

Dato' John Lim Ewe Chuan

Executive Director, Corporate Finance and Corporate Affairs

25 August 2022

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

                                            2022                                 2021                                 2021 
                                     6 months to 30 June             6 months to 30 June (restated)            Year to 31 December 
                                         (unaudited)                          (unaudited)                           (audited) 
                            ----------------------------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                     Notes                                            Result 
                                Result                                before                               Result 
                             before BA         BA                         BA          BA                before BA         BA 
                             movement*   movement        Total     movement*    movement        Total   movement*   movement          Total 
                                  $000       $000         $000          $000        $000         $000        $000       $000           $000 
-----------------  -------  ----------  ---------               ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Revenue                 4     249,229          -      249,229       197,678           -      197,678     433,421          -        433,421 
 Cost of sales               (153,633)    (5,314)    (158,947)     (139,743)       3,865    (135,878)   (300,354)      4,349      (296,005) 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Gross profit                   95,596    (5,314)       90,282        57,935       3,865       61,800     133,067      4,349        137,416 
  expenses                     (3,015)          -      (3,015)       (3,317)           -      (3,317)     (8,764)          -        (8,764) 
 Reversal of 
  impairment                       622          -          622           133           -          133       5,437          -          5,437 
 Impairment losses               (366)          -        (366)             -           -            -       (585)          -          (585) 
 (Provision) / 
  for expected 
  loss                             (6)          -          (6)           (1)           -          (1)         177          -            177 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Operating profit               92,831    (5,314)       87,517        54,750       3,865       58,615     129,332      4,349        133,681 
 Exchange gains                    311          -          311           298           -          298         212          -            212 
 Finance income          5       1,714          -        1,714         1,331           -        1,331       3,214          -          3,214 
 Finance expense         5         (8)          -          (8)          (12)           -         (12)        (24)          -           (24) 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Profit before tax       6      94,848    (5,314)       89,534        56,367       3,865       60,232     132,734      4,349        137,083 
 Tax expense             7    (21,865)      1,169     (20,696)      (12,128)       (854)     (12,982)    (24,784)      (958)       (25,742) 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Profit for the 
  from continuing 
  operations                    72,983    (4,145)       68,838        44,239       3,011       47,250     107,950      3,391        111,341 
 ( Loss) / gain on 
  net of tax                     (297)       (75)        (372)       (1,512)          67      (1,445)    (28,471)         50       (28,421) 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
                                72,686    (4,220)       68,466        42,727       3,078       45,805      79,479      3,441         82,920 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Profit for the 
 attributable to: 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - Owners of the 
  parent                        60,582    (3,551)       57,031        35,746       2,581       38,327      65,485      2,856         68,341 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - Non-controlling 
  interests                     12,104      (669)       11,435         6,981         497        7,478      13,994        585         14,579 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
                                72,686    (4,220)       68,466        42,727       3,078       45,805      79,479      3,441         82,920 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Profit for the 
 from continuing 
 attributable to: 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - Owners of the 
  parent                        60,845    (3,480)       57,365        37,163       2,517       39,680      93,245      2,809         96,054 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - Non-controlling 
  interests                     12,138      (665)       11,473         7,076         494        7,570      14,705        582         15,287 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
                                72,983    (4,145)       68,838        44,239       3,011       47,250     107,950      3,391        111,341 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Earnings per 
  attributable to 
  owners of the 
  during the 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - basic and             9                           143.89cts                               96.70cts                             172.42cts 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Profit from 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 - basic and             9                           144.73cts                              100.11cts                             242.34cts 
------------------  ------  ----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 

* The total column represents the IFRS figures and the result before BA movement is an Alternative Performance Measure ("APM") which reflects the Group's results before the movement in fair value of biological assets has been applied. We have opted to additionally disclose this APM as the BA movement is considered to be a fair value calculation which does not appropriately represent the Group's result for the year.

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                                      2022          2021             2021 
                                                                  6 months      6 months             Year 
                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                                               (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                                      $000          $000             $000 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Profit for the period                                              68,466        45,805           82,920 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Other comprehensive expenses: 
 Items may be reclassified to profit or loss: 
         Loss on exchange translation of foreign operations       (22,933)      (13,110)          (5,429) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net other comprehensive expenses may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss                                               (22,933)      (13,110)          (5,429) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Items not to be reclassified to profit or loss: 
         Remeasurement of retirement benefits plan, net 
          of tax                                                         -             -            1,086 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net other comprehensive income not being reclassified 
  to profit or loss                                                      -             -            1,086 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Total other comprehensive expenses for the period, 
  net of tax                                                      (22,933)      (13,110)          (4,343) 
 Total comprehensive income for the period                          45,533        32,695           78,577 
 Attributable to: 
 - Owners of the parent                                             38,570        27,815           64,993 
 - Non-controlling interests                                         6,963         4,880           13,584 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
                                                                    45,533        32,695           78,577 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                                       2022            2021                2021 
                                              as at 30 June   as at 30 June   as at 31 December 
                                                (unaudited)     (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                                       $000            $000                $000 
 ------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                      259,545         275,177             260,532 
 Investment                                              49               -                  49 
 Receivables                                         22,591          24,153              22,000 
 Deferred tax assets                                  1,674          14,730               4,324 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                    283,859         314,060             286,905 
 ------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                         41,012          15,038              14,316 
 Income tax receivables                               4,766          10,034               5,072 
 Other tax receivables                               52,054          34,717              45,423 
 Biological assets                                    7,133          12,443              12,803 
 Trade and other receivables                          4,457           5,492               5,182 
 Short-term investments                              59,495           1,539               1,439 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          187,339         159,140             218,249 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                    356,256         238,403             302,484 
 Assets in disposal groups classified 
  as held for sale                                   13,000               -              13,210 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                    369,256         238,403             315,694 
 ------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                          (40,175)        (27,223)            (32,533) 
 Income tax liabilities                            (11,474)        (11,863)            (13,139) 
 Other tax liabilities                                (566)         (1,171)             (1,615) 
 Dividend payables                                  (2,007)           (420)                (25) 
 Lease liabilities                                    (152)           (244)               (240) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                   (54,374)        (40,921)            (47,552) 
 ------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Net current assets                                 314,882         197,482             268,142 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liabilities                           (1,259)           (625)             (1,330) 
 Retirement benefits - net liabilities             (12,089)        (14,220)            (11,499) 
 Lease liabilities                                     (68)            (90)               (110) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                   (13,416)        (14,935)            (12,939) 
 ------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Net assets                                         585,325         496,607             542,108 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Issued capital and reserves attributable 
  to owners of the parent 
 Share capital                                       15,504          15,504              15,504 
 Treasury shares                                    (1,171)         (1,171)             (1,171) 
 Share premium                                       23,935          23,935              23,935 
 Capital redemption reserve                           1,087           1,087               1,087 
 Exchange reserves                                (260,368)       (248,111)           (241,907) 
 Retained earnings                                  697,631         611,608             642,582 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
                                                    476,618         402,852             440,030 
 Non-controlling interests                          108,707          93,755             102,078 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total equity                                       585,325         496,607             542,108 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                                                                            Attributable to owners of the parent 
                                                                                                  Capital                                       Non-controlling 
                                                                Share    Treasury      Share   redemption     Exchange    Retained                    interests     Total 
                                                              capital      shares    premium      reserve     Reserves    earnings      Total                      equity 
                                                                 $000        $000       $000         $000         $000        $000       $000              $000      $000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2020                                   15,504     (1,171)     23,935        1,087    (237,599)     573,677    375,433            88,875    464,308 
 Items of other comprehensive 
   *    Remeasurement of retirement benefits plan, net of 
  tax                                                               -           -          -            -            -         960        960               126      1,086 
   *    Loss on exchange translation of foreign operations          -           -          -            -      (4,308)           -    (4,308)           (1,121)    (5,429) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  (expenses) / income                                               -           -          -            -      (4,308)         960    (3,348)             (995)    (4,343) 
 Profit for the year                                                -           -          -            -            -      68,341     68,341            14,579     82,920 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive (expenses) 
  / income for the year                                             -           -          -            -      (4,308)      69,301     64,993            13,584     78,577 
 Dividends paid                                                     -           -          -            -            -       (396)      (396)             (381)      (777) 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                                                         15,504     (1,171)     23,935        1,087    (241,907)     642,582    440,030           102,078    542,108 
                                                            ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Items of other comprehensive 
 -Remeasurement of retirement 
  benefits plan, net of tax                                         -           -          -            -            -           -          -                 -          - 
 -Loss on exchange translation 
  of foreign operations                                             -           -          -            -     (18,461)           -   (18,461)           (4,472)   (22,933) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  (expenses) / income                                               -           -          -            -     (18,461)           -   (18,461)           (4,472)   (22,933) 
 Profit for the period                                              -           -          -            -            -      57,031     57,031            11,435     68,466 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive (expenses) 
  / income for the period                                           -           -                       -     (18,461)      57,031     38,570             6,963     45,533 
 Dividends payable                                                  -           -          -            -            -     (1,982)    (1,982)             (334)    (2,316) 
 Balance at 30 June 2022                                       15,504     (1,171)     23,935        1,087    (260,368)     697,631    476,618           108,707    585,325 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
                                                                                             Attributable to owners of the parent 
                                                                                                  Capital                                          Non-controlling 
                                                                Share    Treasury      Share   redemption        Exchange    Retained                    interests      Total 
                                                              capital      shares    premium      reserve        reserves    earnings      Total                       Equity 
                                                                 $000        $000       $000         $000            $000        $000       $000              $000       $000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----------      ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2020                                                         15,504      (1,171)    23,935        1,087       (237,599)     573,677    375,433            88,875    464,308 
 Items of other comprehensive 
   *    Loss on exchange translation of foreign operations          -            -         -            -        (10,512)           -   (10,512)           (2,598)   (13,110) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  -----------      ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  expenses                                                          -            -         -            -        (10,512)           -   (10,512)           (2,598)   (13,110) 
 Profit for the period                                              -            -         -            -               -      38,327     38,327             7,478     45,805 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  -----------      ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive (expenses) 
  / income for the period                                           -            -         -            -        (10,512)      38,327     27,815             4,880     32,695 
 Dividends payable                                                  -            -         -            -               -       (396)      (396)                 -      (396) 
 Balance at 30 June 2021 
  (after restatement)                                          15,504      (1,171)    23,935        1,087       (248,111)     611,608    402,852            93,755    496,607 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  -----------      ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                                2022          2021             2021 
                                            6 months      6 months             Year 
                                          to 30 June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                $000          $000             $000 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Profit before tax                            89,534        60,232          137,083 
 Adjustments for: 
    Biological assets movement                 5,314       (3,865)          (4,349) 
    (Gain) / Loss on disposal 
     of property, plant and equipment           (49)           (1)               24 
    Depreciation                               8,370         8,460           16,994 
    Retirement benefit provisions              1,100         1,222              103 
    Net finance income                       (1,706)       (1,319)          (3,190) 
    Unrealised gain in foreign 
     exchange                                  (311)         (298)            (212) 
    Property, plant and equipment 
     written off                                  80           169               72 
    Reversal of impairment                     (256)         (133)          (4,852) 
    Provision / (Reversal) for 
     expected credit loss                          6             1            (177) 
 Operating cash flows before 
  changes in working capital                 102,082        64,468          141,496 
    (Increase) in inventories               (27,157)       (2,579)          (2,649) 
    Decrease / (Increase) in 
     non-current, trade and other 
     receivables                                 584       (3,322)            (517) 
    Increase in trade and other 
     payables                                  8,849         1,039            6,683 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Cash inflows from operations                 84,358        59,606          145,013 
    Retirement benefits paid                   (137)         (132)            (487) 
    Overseas tax paid                       (28,935)       (1,286)         (12,359) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Operating cash flows from 
  continuing operations                       55,286        58,188          132,167 
 Operating cash flows (used 
  in) / from discontinued 
  operations                                   (850)         2,884            (821) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                  54,436        61,072          131,346 
 Investing activities 
 Property, plant and equipment 
   *    purchases                           (17,763)      (10,592)         (26,374) 
   *    sales                                     51             1              413 
 Interest received                             1,714         1,331            3,214 
 Increase in receivables 
  from cooperatives under 
  plasma scheme                              (1,395)       (2,032)          (1,985) 
 Investment in share equity                        -             -             (49) 
 Placement of fixed deposits 
  with original maturity of 
  more than three months                    (59,495)             -          (1,439) 
 Withdrawal of fixed deposits 
  with original maturity of 
  more than three months                       1,439           418            1,957 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Cash used in investing activities 
  from continuing operations                (75,449)      (10,874)         (24,263) 
 Cash used in investing activities 
  from discontinued operations                 (887)       (2,988)          (1,594) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                (76,336)      (13,862)         (25,857) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid to the holders 
  of the parent                                    -             -            (395) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling 
  interests                                    (334)             -            (381) 
 Repayment of lease liabilities 
  - principal                                  (112)         (106)            (228) 
 Repayment of lease liabilities 
  - interest                                     (8)          (12)             (24) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Cash used in financing activities 
  from continuing operations                   (454)         (118)          (1,028) 
 Cash used in financing activities 
  from discontinued operations                     -             -                - 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                                   (454)         (118)          (1,028) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Net (decrease) / increase 
  in cash and cash equivalents              (22,354)        47,092          104,461 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 At beginning of period                      218,249       115,211          115,211 
 Exchange losses                             (8,556)       (3,163)          (1,423) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 At end of period                            187,339       159,140          218,249 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Cash at end of period                       187,339       159,140          218,249 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------- 

Notes to the interim statements

   1.        Basis of preparation of interim financial statements 

These interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". They do not include all disclosures that would otherwise be required in a complete set of financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the 2021 Annual Report. The financial information for the half years ended 30 June 2022 and 30 June 2021 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006 and has been neither audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board.

Basis of preparation

The annual financial statements of Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc are prepared in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standards. The comparative financial information for the year ended 31 December 2021 included within this report does not constitute the full statutory accounts for that period. The statutory Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2021 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2021 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under Sections 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The Directors have a reasonable expectation, having made the appropriate enquiries, that the Group has control of the monthly cashflows and that the Group has sufficient cash resources to cover the fixed cashflows for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of this interim report. For these reasons, the Directors adopted a going concern basis in the preparation of the interim report. The Directors have made this assessment after consideration of the Group's budgeted cash flows and related assumptions including appropriate stress testing of identified uncertainties, specifically on the potential shut down of the entire operations if all the plantations are infected with Coronavirus as well as the impact on the demand for palm oil due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Stress testing of other identified uncertainties was undertaken on primarily commodity prices and currency exchange rates.

Changes in accounting standards

The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are followed in these condensed consolidated financial statements as were applied in the Group's latest annual audited financial statements.

   2.        Foreign exchange 
                                              2022          2021             2021 
                                          6 months      6 months             Year 
                                        to 30 June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
           Closing exchange rates 
            Rp : $                          14,848        14,496           14,269 
           $ : GBP                            1.21          1.38             1.35 
           RM : $                             4.41          4.15             4.17 
            Average exchange rates 
            Rp : $                          14,445        14,298           14,312 
           $ : GBP                            1.30          1.39             1.38 
           RM : $                             4.27          4.10             4.15 
   3.        Prior year restatement 

With effect from 31 December 2021 and applied retrospectively, the Group have opted for a change in accounting policy in respect of the treatment of land in the Group's financial statements which is accounted for in accordance with IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. The Group has historically recognised land under the revaluation model however, following an analysis of the Group's peers in the UK, it was apparent that the majority reported their land at historical cost and therefore the decision was made to change the accounting policy to make the financial information more comparable and provide a more relevant result. Land has always been recognised in the local Indonesian financial statements at historical cost. The Group now recognises land at cost initially and is not depreciated except for the land in Malaysia as the possibility to renew the leasehold land in Malaysia is minimal.

The effects of the restatements are summarised as follows:

                                                             6 months to 30 
                                                                  June 2021 
       Impact on consolidated income statement 
       Profit for the year before restatement                        45,869 
        Effect of change in restatement: 
   Cost of sales                                                           (64) 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
   Profit for the year after restatement                                 45,805 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------- 

The effect of the prior year adjustments had a negative impact on the earnings per share before BA of 0.08cts and a negative impact on the earnings per share after BA of 0 .09 cts for the period to 30 June 2021.

                                                                    6 months to 30 June 
       Impact on consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
   Other comprehensive expenses for the year 
    before restatement                                                    (15,893) 
 --------------------------------------------------       ------------------------ 
        Effect of change in restatement: 
   Unrealised gain on revaluation of leasehold 
    land, net of tax                                                         1,014 
   Gain on exchange translation of foreign 
    operations                                                               1,769 
 --------------------------------------------------       ------------------------ 
   Other comprehensive expenses for the year 
    after restatement                                                     (13,110) 
 --------------------------------------------------       ------------------------ 

The following table summarises the impact of this prior year restatement on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position:

                                               Balance as                      Restated 
                                                 reported                       balance 
                                             30 June 2021                       30 June 
                                                     $000        Effect of         $000 
       Impact on consolidated statement 
        of financial position 
       Property, plant and equipment              356,170         (80,993)      275,177 
       Deferred tax assets                          9,317            5,413       14,730 
       Deferred tax liabilities                  (14,659)           14,034        (625) 
       Revaluation reserves                        48,465         (48,465)            - 
       Exchange reserves                        (245,502)          (2,609)    (248,111) 
       Retained earnings                          611,459              149      611,608 
       Non-controlling interests                  104,376         (10,621)       93,755 

The restatement of land from fair value to historical cost has decreased the value of the property, plant and equipment and eliminated the revaluation reserves. Deferred tax liabilities previously recognised on the revaluation of land have been reversed resulting in a decrease in deferred tax liabilities, but also an increase in deferred tax assets where individual entities have moved from a net deferred tax liability position to a net deferred tax asset position. Depreciation of the land in Malaysia recognised retrospectively and the reversal of the deferred tax liabilities previously recognised has resulted in a small increase in retained earnings. All entities for which these adjustments relate have non-controlling interests and therefore the impact on those non-controlling interests has also been recognised.

   4.        Revenue 

Disaggregation of Revenue

The Group has disaggregated revenue into various categories in the following table which is intended to:

-- Depict how the nature, amount and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows are affected by timing of revenue recognition; and

-- Enable users to understand the relationship with revenue segment information provided in note 6.

There is no right of return and warranty provided to the customers on the sale of products and services rendered.

                                CPO, palm 
       6 months to 30 June         kernel     Rubber     Shell     Biomass      Biogas     Others 
       2022                       and FFB                  nut    products    products                  Total 
                                     $000       $000      $000        $000        $000       $000        $000 
     Contract counterparties 
     Government                         -          -         -           -         540          -         540 
        - Wholesalers             245,456        280     2,605          24           -        324     248,689 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  245,456        280     2,605          24         540        324     249,229 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
     Timing of transfer 
      of goods 
     Delivery to customer 
      premises                      3,569        280         -           -           -          -       3,849 
     Delivery to port of 
      departure                         -          -         -          24           -          -          24 
     Customer collect from 
      our mills / estates         241,887          -     2,605           -           -          -     244,492 
     Upon generation / 
      others                            -          -         -           -         540        324         864 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  245,456        280     2,605          24         540        324     249,229 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                CPO, palm 
      6 months to 30 June          kernel     Rubber     Shell     Biomass      Biogas     Others 
      2021                        and FFB                  nut    products    products                  Total 
                                     $000       $000      $000        $000        $000       $000        $000 
    Contract counterparties 
    Government                          -          -         -           -         423          -         423 
   - Wholesalers                  194,213        356     2,187         218           -        281     197,255 
                                  194,213        356     2,187         218         423        281     197,678 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
    Timing of transfer 
     of goods 
     Delivery to customer 
      premises                      2,304        356         -           -           -          -       2,660 
     Delivery to port of 
      departure                         -          -         -         218           -          -         218 
     Customer collect from 
      our mills / estates         191,909          -     2,187           -           -          -     194,096 
    Upon generation / others            -          -         -           -         423        281         704 
                                  194,213        356     2,187         218         423        281     197,678 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                CPO, palm 
      Year to 31 December          kernel     Rubber     Shell     Biomass      Biogas     Others 
      2021                        and FFB                  nut    products    products                  Total 
                                     $000       $000      $000        $000        $000       $000        $000 
    Contract counterparties 
    Government                          -          -         -           -         999          -         999 
        - Wholesalers             426,436        695     4,036         336           -        919     432,422 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  426,436        695     4,036         336         999        919     433,421 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
    Timing of transfer 
     of goods 
     Delivery to customer 
      premises                      4,995        695         -           -           -          -       5,690 
    Delivery to port of 
     departure                          -          -         -         336           -          -         336 
     Customer collect from 
      our mills / estates         421,441          -     4,036           -           -          -     425,477 
    Upon generation / others            -          -         -           -         999        919       1,918 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  426,436        695     4,036         336         999        919     433,421 
                               ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
   5.        Finance income and expense 
                                                            2022          2021             2021 
                                                        6 months      6 months             Year 
                                                           to 30 
                                                            June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                            $000          $000             $000 
          Finance income 
          Interest receivable on: 
          Credit bank balances and time 
           deposits                                        1,714         1,331            3,214 
          Finance expense 
           Interest payable on: 
           Interest expense on lease liabilities             (8)          (12)             (24) 
                                                    ------------  ------------  --------------- 
                                                             (8)          (12)             (24) 
                                                    ------------  ------------  --------------- 
           Net finance income recognized 
            in income statement                            1,706         1,319            3,190 
                                                    ------------  ------------  --------------- 
   6.         Segment information 
                              North                                                  Total                                   South* 
                           Sumatera   Bengkulu      Riau   Bangka   Kalimantan   Indonesia   Malaysia      UK      Total   Sumatera 
                               $000       $000      $000     $000         $000        $000       $000    $000       $000       $000 
 6 months to 30 June 2022 
    Total sales revenue 
   *    CPO, palm kernel 
   and FFB                   82,911     70,778    42,666    1,662       45,875     243,892      1,564       -    245,456      5,290 
   *    Rubber                  280          -         -        -            -         280          -       -        280          - 
   *    Shell nut             1,017        614       909        -           65       2,605          -       -      2,605          - 
   *    Biomass products         24          -         -        -            -          24          -       -         24          - 
   *    Biogas products         149        241         -        -          150         540          -       -        540          - 
   *    Others                  110         49        36       20          106         321          3       -        324         63 
     Total revenue           84,491     71,682    43,611    1,682       46,196     247,662      1,567       -    249,229      5,353 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  --------- 
     Profit / (loss) 
      tax                    35,009     23,688    14,233      484       22,156      95,570       (87)   (635)     94,848        401 
     BA movement            (1,523)    (1,176)     (872)    (114)      (1,645)     (5,330)         16       -    (5,314)       (96) 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  --------- 
     Profit / (loss) for 
      period before tax 
      per consolidated 
      income statement       33,486     22,512    13,361      370       20,511      90,240       (71)   (635)     89,534        305 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  --------- 
     Interest income          1,180        429        85        -           17       1,711          3       -      1,714          2 
     Interest expense           (4)          -         -        -            -         (4)        (4)       -        (8)          - 
     Depreciation           (2,669)    (1,969)     (411)    (196)      (2,963)     (8,208)      (162)       -    (8,370)          - 
     Reversal of 
      impairment                  -          -         -        -          622         622          -       -        622          - 
     Impairment losses            -          -         -        -            -           -      (366)       -      (366)          - 
     (Provision) / 
      of expected credit 
      loss                     (10)        (1)         -        1            2         (8)          -       2        (6)        (9) 
      transactions            2,503      (988)     (283)    (149)      (1,004)          79        299      10        388      (388) 
      revenue                25,434        580         -        -        5,527      31,541          -       -     31,541      4,608 
     Tax expense            (8,617)    (4,864)   (2,873)     (52)      (3,998)    (20,404)      (119)   (173)   (20,696)        339 
     Total assets           273,345    135,559    42,725   17,045      151,209     619,883     12,735   6,613    639,231     13,884 
     Property, plant and 
      equipment              81,387     41,272     8,206   14,938      105,917     251,720      7,825       -    259,545      4,726 
     Non-current assets 
      - additions            10,146      2,897       201      773        3,707      17,724         39       -     17,763        367 

* South Sumatera represents the operations which have been discontinued and have therefore been separated from the continuing operations.

                              North                                                  Total                                     South* 
                           Sumatera   Bengkulu      Riau   Bangka   Kalimantan   Indonesia   Malaysia      UK      Total     Sumatera 
                               $000       $000      $000     $000         $000        $000       $000    $000       $000         $000 
 6 months to 30 June 2021 
    Total sales revenue 
   *    CPO, palm kernel 
   and FFB                   57,451     66,910    31,239      925       36,442     192,967      1,246       -    194,213        3,339 
   *    Rubber                  356          -         -        -            -         356          -       -        356            - 
   *    Shell nut               663        648       746        -          130       2,187          -       -      2,187            - 
   *    Biomass products        218          -         -        -            -         218          -       -        218            - 
   *    Biogas products           -        220         -        -          203         423          -       -        423            - 
   *    Others                   45         48        21       11          143         268         13       -        281           88 
     Total revenue           58,733     67,826    32,006      936       36,918     196,419      1,259       -    197,678        3,427 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  ----------- 
     Profit / (loss) 
      tax                    16,480     16,640     8,441      131       15,503      57,195      (232)   (596)     56,367      (2,198) 
     BA movement              1,550        770       206       54        1,132       3,712        153       -      3,865           86 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  ----------- 
     Profit / (loss) for 
      period before tax 
      per consolidated 
      income statement       18,030     17,410     8,647      185       16,635      60,907       (79)   (596)     60,232      (2,112) 
                          ---------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ------  ---------  ----------- 
     Interest income            969        297        52        -           10       1,328          3       -      1,331            2 
     Interest expense           (9)          -         -        -            -         (9)        (3)       -       (12)            - 
     Depreciation           (2,601)    (2,075)     (452)    (172)      (2,829)     (8,129)      (331)       -    (8,460)        (982) 
     Reversal of 
      impairment                  -          -         -        -          133         133          -       -        133            - 
     Impairment losses            -          -         -        -            -           -          -       -          -         (79) 
     (Provision) / 
      of expected credit 
      loss                        -        (1)         -        -          (1)         (2)          -       1        (1)            1 
      transactions            2,549    (1,002)     (288)    (141)        (968)         150        218      10        378        (378) 
      revenue                18,561        637         -        -        4,075      23,273          -       -     23,273        3,140 
     Tax expense            (4,484)    (3,402)   (1,800)     (17)      (3,153)    (12,856)      (127)     (1)   (12,984)          670 
     Total assets           213,172     97,145    28,481   16,227      138,868     493,893     13,746   6,846    514,485       37,978 
     Property, plant and 
      equipment              73,013     41,130     8,875   14,245      102,175     239,438      9,137       -    248,575       26,602 
     Non-current assets 
      - additions             2,683      2,285       391      930        3,949      10,238        370       -     10,608        1,308 

* South Sumatera represents the operations which have been discontinued and have therefore been separated from the continuing operations.

                              North                                                   Total                                        South* 
                           Sumatera   Bengkulu       Riau   Bangka   Kalimantan   Indonesia   Malaysia          UK      Total    Sumatera 
                               $000       $000       $000     $000         $000        $000       $000        $000       $000        $000 
    Year to 31 December 2021 (audited) 
    Total sales revenue 
   *    CPO, palm kernel 
   and FFB                  127,216    141,070     73,827    2,178       79,470     423,761      2,675           -    426,436         7,999 
   *    Rubber                  695          -          -        -            -         695          -           -        695             - 
   *    Shell nut             1,173      1,191      1,440        -          232       4,036          -           -      4,036             - 
   *    Biomass products        336          -          -        -            -         336          -           -        336             - 
   *    Biogas products         114        485          -        -          400         999          -           -        999             - 
   *    Others                   93         20         89       16          583         801         27          91        919           270 
                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
     Total revenue          129,627    142,766     75,356    2,194       80,685     430,628      2,702          91    433,421         8,269 
                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
     Profit / (loss) 
      tax                    40,160     35,769     20,555      553       37,539     134,576      (517)     (1,325)    132,734       (4,786) 
     BA movement              1,660        700        574      111        1,273       4,318         31           -      4,349            64 
                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
     Profit / (loss) for 
      year before tax 
      per consolidated 
      income statement       41,820     36,469     21,129      664       38,812     138,894      (486)     (1,325)    137,083       (4,722) 
                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
     Interest income          2,323        720        133        1           22       3,199         15           -      3,214             5 
     Interest expense          (15)          -          -        -            -        (15)        (9)           -       (24)             - 
     Depreciation           (5,270)    (4,132)      (905)    (356)      (5,660)    (16,323)      (671)           -   (16,994)       (1,978) 
     Reversal of 
      impairment                  -          -          -        -        5,437       5,437          -           -      5,437             - 
     Impairment losses            -          -          -        -        (452)       (452)      (133)           -      (585)         (716) 
     (Provision) / 
      for expected 
      credit loss               (4)          -          -        -          180         176          -           1        177       (1,231) 
      transactions              902    (2,001)   (11,754)    (282)      (1,934)    (15,069)        476          74   (14,519)        14,519 
      revenue                42,566      2,641          -        -        9,431      54,638          -           -     54,638         7,438 
     Tax expense            (8,939)    (7,831)    (2,153)    (109)      (6,379)    (25,411)      (112)       (219)   (25,742)       (1,927) 
     Total assets           252,633    117,748     34,580   17,095      145,578     567,634     13,758       7,152    588,544        14,055 
     Property, plant and 
      equipment              77,170     42,027      8,751   14,960      108,844     251,752      8,780           -    260,532         5,653 
     Non-current assets 
      additions               8,490      4,727        608    1,600        7,072      22,497        517           -     23,014         3,424 

* South Sumatera represents the operations which have been discontinued and have therefore been separated from the continuing operations.

In the 6 months to 30 June 2022, revenue from 4 customers of the Indonesian segment represent approximately $156.8m (H1 2021: $112.6m) of the Group's total revenue. In the year 2021, revenue from 4 customers of the Indonesian segment represent approximately $266.3m of the Group's total revenue. An analysis of this revenue is provided below. Although Customers 1 to 2 each contribute over 10% of the Group's total revenue, there was no over reliance on these Customers as tenders were performed on a weekly basis. Three of the top four customers were the same as in the year to 31 December 2021.

                                    2022                  2021                2021 
                                6 months              6 months                Year 
                              to 30 June            to 30 June      to 31 December 
                             (unaudited)           (unaudited)           (audited) 
                           $m          %          $m         %        $m         % 
  Major Customers 
  Customer 1             89.7       36.0        53.7      27.2     120.9      27.8 
  Customer 2             31.0       12.4        23.5      11.9      50.8      11.8 
  Customer 3             18.5        7.4        18.4       9.3      48.3      11.2 
  Customer 4             17.6        7.0        17.0       8.6      46.3      10.7 
------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------  --------  -------- 
  Total                 156.8       62.8       112.6      57.0     266.3      61.5 
------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------  --------  -------- 
   7.        Tax expense 
                                       2022          2021             2021 
                                   6 months      6 months             Year 
                                      to 30 
                                       June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                       $000          $000             $000 
 Foreign corporation tax 
  - current year                     18,224        13,194           20,404 
 Foreign corporation tax 
  - prior year                         (57)             -              258 
 Deferred tax adjustment 
  - origination and reversal 
  of temporary differences            2,529         (212)            5,080 
 Recognition of previously 
  unrecognised deferred tax                                              - 
  assets                                  -             - 
                                     20,696        12,982           25,742 
                               ------------  ------------  --------------- 

Corporation tax rate in Indonesia is at 22% (H1 2021: 22%, 2021: 22%) whereas Malaysia is at 24% (H1 2021: 24%, 2021: 24%). The standard rate of corporation tax in the UK for the current year is 19% (H1 2021: 19%, 2021: 19%).

   8.        Dividend 

The final and only dividend in respect of 2021, amounting to 5.0 cents per share, or $1,981,819 was paid on 15 July 2022 (2020: 1.0 cents per share, or $396,364, paid on 16 July 2021). As in previous years, no interim dividend has been declared.

   9.        Earnings per ordinary share ("EPS") 
                                                      2022          2021             2021 
                                                  6 months      6 months             Year 
                                                     to 30 
                                                      June    to 30 June   to 31 December 
                                               (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                      $000          $000             $000 
        Total operations 
        Profit for the period attributable 
         to owners of the Company before 
         BA movement                                60,582        35,746           65,485 
          BA movement                              (3,551)         2,581            2,856 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Earnings used in basic and 
         diluted EPS                                57,031        38,327           68,341 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Continuing operations 
        Profit for the period attributable 
         to owners of the Company before 
         BA movement                                60,845        37,163           93,245 
        BA movement                                (3,480)         2,517            2,809 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Earnings used in basic and 
         diluted EPS                                57,365        39,680           96,054 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Discontinued operations 
        Profit for the period attributable 
         to owners of the Company before 
         BA movement                                 (263)       (1,417)         (27,760) 
        BA movement                                   (71)            64               47 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Earnings used in basic and 
         diluted EPS                                 (334)       (1,353)         (27,713) 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
                                                    Number        Number           Number 
                                                      '000          '000             '000 
        Weighted average number of 
         shares in issue in the period 
           - used in basic EPS                      39,636        39,636           39,636 
           - dilutive effect of outstanding 
            share options                                -             -                - 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
           - used in diluted EPS                    39,636        39,636           39,636 
                                              ------------  ------------  --------------- 
        Total operations 
          - Basic and diluted EPS before 
           BA movement                           152.85cts      90.19cts        165.22cts 
           - Basic and diluted EPS after 
            BA movement                          143.89cts      96.70cts        172.42cts 
        Continuing operations 
          - Basic and diluted EPS before 
           BA movement                           153.51cts      93.76cts        235.25cts 
           - Basic and diluted EPS after 
            BA movement                          144.73cts     100.11cts        242.34cts 
        Discontinued operations 
          - Basic and diluted EPS before 
           BA movement                           (0.66)cts     (3.58)cts       (70.04)cts 
           - Basic and diluted EPS after 
            BA movement                          (0.84)cts     (3.41)cts       (69.92)cts 
   10.       Fair value measurement of financial instruments 

The carrying amounts and fair values of the financial instruments which are not recognised at fair value in the Statement of Financial Position are exhibited below:

                                          2022                2021                    2021 
                                      6 months            6 months                    Year 
                                    to 30 June          to 30 June          to 31 December 
                                   (unaudited)         (unaudited)               (audited) 
                             Carrying     Fair   Carrying     Fair    Carrying        Fair 
                               amount    value     amount    value      amount       value 
                                 $000     $000       $000     $000        $000        $000 
 Due from non-controlling 
  interests                     5,345    3,016      5,413    3,032       5,459       3,042 
 Due from cooperatives 
  under Plasma 
  scheme                       17,246   12,373     18,740   17,061      19,879      13,122 
                            ---------  -------  ---------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
                               22,591   15,389     24,153   20,093      25,338      16,164 
 Transfer to assets 
  held for sale                     -        -          -        -     (3,338)     (2,079) 
                            ---------  -------  ---------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
                               22,591   15,389     24,153   20,093      22,000      14,085 
                            ---------  -------  ---------  -------  ----------  ---------- 

Financial instruments not measured at fair value include cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, trade and other payables, and borrowings due within one year.

Due to their short-term nature, the carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, trade and other payables and borrowings due within one year approximates their fair value.

All non-current assets, non-current receivables and long-term loan are classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

The valuation techniques and significant unobservable inputs used in determining the fair value measurement of non-current receivables and borrowings due after one year, as well as the inter-relationship between key unobservable inputs and fair value, are set out in the table below:

 Item                 Valuation approach       Inputs      Inter-relationship 
                                                used        between key unobservable 
                                                            inputs and fair 
-----------------  -------------------------  ---------  --------------------------- 
     Non-current receivables 
 Due from             Based on cash flows      Discount    The higher the 
  non-controlling      discounted using         rate        discount rate, 
  interests            current lending rate                 the lower the 
                       of 6% (H1 2021 and                   fair value. 
                       2021: 6%). 
 Due from             Based on cash flows      Discount    The higher the 
  cooperatives         discounted using         rate        discount rate, 
  under Plasma         an estimated current                 the lower the 
  scheme               lending rate of 7.00%                fair value. 
                       (H1 2021: 6.75%, 
                       2021: 7.00%). 
   11.      Report and financial information 

Copies of the interim report for the Group for the period ended 30 June 2022 are available on the AEP website at https://www.angloeastern.co.uk/.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 25, 2022 06:06 ET (10:06 GMT)

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