RNS Number:5635A
Tuntex (Thailand) PCL
15 March 2001


Letter to Company Announcements Office

Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited - US$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due
1998 (extended to 2001)

Please find attached copies of the resolutions approving the  extension
of the maturity of the Notes to 31 March 2001.  

I also attach a copy of a notice to the Noteholders (and a summary of the
notice) sent Friday, 9 March 2001 requesting an approval of extension of
maturity of the Notes to 31 May 2001, for your reference. The result of
any approval to extend the maturity will be sent to you in due course.

Letter from Bobby Ladwa (Clifford Chance) 


                    to the Holders of the Outstanding

      U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2000)
                               Issued by
                 Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the holders of the above Notes that, at the
Meeting of such holders held at Function Rooms (IV) & (V), Miramar Hotel
Hong Kong, 130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong on 28 September
2000 at 2.00 p.m. (Hong Kong time), in accordance with the terms  of the Agency
Agreement for such Notes the following Extraordinary Resolution was passed:

                        EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION

"That  this meeting of the holders of the outstanding U.S$70,000,000         
Floating Rate  Notes  due  1998 (extended to be due 2000) (the  "Notes")        
of  Tuntex (Thailand)  Public Company Limited (the "Issuer") which are  the     
subject of  an  Agency  Agreement dated 26 September 1995 (the  "Original       
Agency Agreement") between the Issuer, Bankers Trust Company, Hong Kong         
Branch as fiscal agent and principal paying agent (the "Fiscal Agent",          
which expression  shall  include its successor, Deutsche Bank  AG,  Hong        
Kong Branch) and Bankers Trust Company, London Branch as paying agent           
(which expression  shall include its successor, Deutsche Bank  AG  London       
and, together  with the Fiscal Agent, the "Paying Agents") as  amended  by      
a supplemental  fiscal  agency  agreement  dated  21  December  1998  (the
"Supplemental  Agency Agreement" and together with  the  Original  Agency
Agreement,  the  "Agency Agreement") and made between  the  Issuer,  the
Paying Agents and Yuhow Chen as guarantor, HEREBY RESOLVES THAT:

Condition 5(a) shall be deleted and replaced forthwith by the

"(a) Final redemption

Unless previously redeemed, or purchased and cancelled, the Notes will be
redeemed at their principal amount on the Interest Payment Date falling in
December 2000.

Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

29 September 2000


     U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2000)
                                  issued by
                  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

Tuntex  (Thailand) Public Company Limited (the "Issuer") hereby  gives          
notice to  the  holders (the "Noteholders", which expression shall include      
persons holding  interests in Notes (as defined below) through the Clearing     
Systems (as  defined  below)) of its U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate  Notes       
due  1998 (extended  to  be due 2000) (the "Notes") that the meeting of         
Noteholders' originally  scheduled to be held on 7 December 2000  is            
cancelled  due  to requests from certain Noteholders that they need more        
time to consider  the terms of the proposed Extraordinary Resolution.

The  Issuer  wishes to propose certain terms for the restructuring  of  the
Notes  and  is  in  the  course  of  preparing  legal  documents  for  such
restructuring (the "Restructuring Documentation"). The Issuer hereby  gives
notice  to the Noteholders that, pursuant to Condition 11(a) of the  terms
and  conditions of the Notes and the provisions of Schedule 4 of the Agency
Agreement  dated  26  September  1995 (the  "Original  Agency  Agreement,")
relating  to the Notes and made between the Issuer, Bankers Trust  Company,
Hong  Kong  Branch as fiscal agent and principal paying agent (the  "Fiscal
Agent",  which  expression shall include its successor, Deutsche  Bank  AG,
Hong  Kong Branch) and Bankers Trust Company, London Branch as paying agent
(which  expression  shall include its successor, Deutsche  Bank  AG  London     
and,  together with the Fiscal Agent, the "Paying Agents") as amended by  a
supplemental   fiscal  agency  agreement  dated  21  December   1998   (the
"Supplemental  Agency  Agreement" and together  with  the  Original  Agency
Agreement, the "Agency Agreement") relating to the Notes and made  between
the  Issuer,  the Paying Agents and Yuhow Chen as guarantor, a meeting  of
the Noteholders (the "Meeting") will be held at Function Room 1, Basement       
2, Miramar  Hotel  Hong Kong, 130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,  Kowloon,         
Hong Kong  on  21  December 2000 at 2:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time)  for             
considering and,  if  thought fit, passing the following resolution (the        
"Resolution") which  will be proposed as an Extraordinary Resolution (as        
defined  in  the Agency   Agreement)  in  accordance  with  the  provisions     
of  the  Agency  Agreement:

                          EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION

"That  this  meeting of the holders of the outstanding  U.S.$70,000,000 Floating
 Rate  Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2000) (the  "Notes")  of  Tuntex 
(Thailand) Public Company Limited (the "Issuer") which  are   the  subject of an
Agency Agreement dated 26 September 1995 (the  "Original Agency  Agreement") 
between the Issuer, Bankers  Trust Company,  Hong Kong  Branch  as  fiscal 
agent and principal  paying  agent  (the  "Fiscal Agent",  which  expression
shall include its  successor,  Deutsche  Bank AG, Hong Kong Branch) and Bankers
Trust Company, London Branch as paying agent (which expression shall include its
successor, Deutsche Bank AG London and, together with the Fiscal Agent, the
"Paying Agents")  as amended by a supplemental fiscal agency agreement dated 21
December 1998  (the "Supplemental Agency Agreement" and together with the
Original Agency Agreement,  the  "Agency  Agreement") and made between the 
Issuer,  the  Paying Agents and Yuhow Chen as guarantor, HEREBY RESOLVES THAT:

1.  Interest Payments and Extension of Maturity Date

Condition 4(b) shall be amended by deleting the word "Interest" at the beginning
of the Condition and replacing it by:

"Subject to Condition 4(b)(b), interest":

The  following  Condition 4(b)(b) shall be inserted immediately after  Condition

"(b)(b) Deferral of Interest

For  the period from the Interest Payment Date falling in September 2000 to  the
due  date  for redemption of the Notes, only the Rate of Interest excluding  the
Margin  (as  defined below) will be payable on each Interest  Payment  Date  and
payment of the accrued but unpaid Margin will be deferred until the due date for
redemption of the Notes"(1);

Condition 4(c)(iv) shall be deleted and replaced by the following:

"(iv) the margin (the "Margin") is (i) 1.45 per cent. per annum in respect of 
any Interest  Period  ending  on  or before the Interest  Payment  Date  falling
in  September 1998 (ii) 4 per cent. per annum in respect of any subsequent
Interest Period  ending on or before the Interest Payment Date falling in
September  1999 (iii) 4.5 per cent. per annum in respect of subsequent Interest
Period ending on or before the Interest Payment Date falling in September 2000
and (iv) 1.5  per cent. per annum thereafter."; and

1 **The footnotes do not form part of the Extraordinary Resolutions

The deferral of interest until the due date for redemption of the Notes is put
in as a temporary measure only pending insertion of the final deferral terms
upon implementation of the Restructuring Documentation. For details of such
deferral of interest pursuant to the Restructuring Documentation. please refer
to paragraph 5 of Section II of this Notice.

Condition 5(a) shall be deleted and replaced forthwith by the

"(a)  Final redemption

Unless previously redeemed, or purchased and cancelled, the Notes will be
redeemed at their principal amount on the Interest Payment Date falling in March
2001." (2)

II.   Restructuring

The Issuer's proposed terms for restructuring of the Notes (the "Proposed
Terms") summarised below be and they are hereby approved:

1.    Repayment

The maturity date of the Notes shall be extended. The Notes shall be redeemed in
stages on or before 30 September 2007 on the following dates at the
corresponding percentages of their current outstanding principal amount:

          Principal Repayment Schedule

  Repayment Date             Principal Repayment Percentage (%)

      31 March 2003                3
      30 September 2003            3
      31 March 2004                4
      30 September 2004            4
      31 March 2005                5.5
      30 September 2005            5.5
      31 March 2006                6.5
      30 September 2006            6.5
      31 March 2007                7
      30 September 2007            55

            Total                  100

2. Priority of Repayment to Creditors upon Default of Restructuring

If the Issuer's operating cash flow is not sufficient to pay all its debt
(principal and interest) which is due and payable at any time, the Issuer shall
apply the operating cash flow in the following order:

(i)   interest payment in respect of the New Working Capital Facilities
      on a pro rata basis;

(ii)  principal repayment in respect of the New Working Capital
      Facilities on a pro rata basis;

2 The maturity date of the Notes will be postponed to 30 September 2007 if the
  Restructuring Documentation is signed.

(iii) interest payment in respect of the Existing Working Capital Facilities
      on a pro rata basis;

(iv)  principal repayment in respect of the Existing Working Capital Facilities
      on a pro rata basis;

(v)   interest payment in respect of the Baht Tranche, the Dollar Tranche and
      the Supplier's Overdue Debt to the Creditors and the Supplier on a pro
      rata basis;

(vi)  principal repayment in respect of the Baht Tranche and the Dollar Tranche
      to the Existing Secured Creditor; and

(vii) principal repayment in respect of the Baht Tranche, the Dollar Tranche
      and  the Supplier's Overdue Debt to the Existing Unsecured Creditors and  
      the Supplier on a pro rata basis,

and  subject  to  paragraph  3 below, the Majority Lenders,  on  behalf  of  the
Creditors,  shall  have the right to call an event of  default  and  accelerate
(inter  alia)  the Notes. The events of default set out in Condition  8  of  the
original terms and conditions of the Notes will no longer be applicable.

3.  Request for Deferral of Principal Repayment

(i)  If the Issuer encounters potential difficulties in complying with the
     obligation to make repayment in accordance with the principal repayment
     schedule in paragraph 2 above, it may request deferral of the principal
     repayment (the "Deferred Principal") which shall be due and payable on
     the next following principal repayment date by submitting a request in
     writing to the Facility Agent not less than one month prior to the
     scheduled repayment date on which the principal repayment will be
     deferred. The amount of principal repayment to be deferred shall not
     exceed the shortfall amount of the operating cash flow of the Issuer. If
     the Majority Lenders consider that there is a cash shortfall as informed
     by the Issuer, the Majority Lenders shall approve the deferral of principal
     repayment as requested by the Issuer, provided however that the amount
     of the Deferred Principal shall be subject to the approval by the Majority

(ii) Deferral of principal repayment shall not exceed two occasions.

(iii)The  Issuer is obliged to pay interest at the rate of 1%  per  annum
     above the then prevailing interest rate applicable to the  Notes  on  the
     outstanding principal and the Deferred Principal starting from the  date   
     of the  deferral  until whichever is the earlier of (i) the day  on  which 
     the amount  of  the Deferred Principal and interest thereon up to that  day
     are received  by or on behalf of the relevant Noteholder and (ii) the day  
     which is  seven days after the Fiscal Agent has notified the Noteholders   
     that  it has received such Deferred Principal and interest thereon up to   
     such seventh day (except to the extent that there is any subsequent default
     in payment). Such 1% increase in interest shall be deferred and become     
     payable by the Issuer in the same manner as the relevant Deferred Interest.

(iv) The Deferred Principal shall be due and payable by the Issuer upon the     
     Issuer's obtaining of new funds as a result of capital injection or assets 
     disposal under paragraph 6 or upon there being an Excess Cash Flow pursuant
     to paragraph 7, whichever is earlier, but in no event shall payment thereof
     be later than 30 September 2007.

4.   Voluntary Prepayment through Refinancing

(i)  The Issuer may at any time prepay the whole amount or any portion of
     the Notes using funds obtained from a refinancing; provided however
     that the terms and conditions of the refinancing and the prepayment must
     be acceptable to the Majority Lenders.

(ii) The prepayment amount shall be applied in the following order:

(a)  prepayment to the Foreign Creditors on a pro rata basis and in order of
     maturity; and

(b)  prepayment to the Local Lenders on a pro rata basis and in order of

5.   Interest

(i) Subject to paragraphs 3(iii) and 7, the Notes shall bear interest at the
    rate which is the aggregate of (i) 1.5% per annum and (ii) LIBOR.

(ii)From the Interest Payment Date in December 2000 to 31 December 2002,        
    interest paid  during that period shall be limited to LIBOR only. The       
    additional  accrued but  unpaid  interest  of  1.5%  per annum (the         
    "Deferred  Interest") shall  be deferred and become payable by the Issuer in
    the manner set out in paragraphs 6 and 9. From the Interest Payment Date in 
    March 2002 to the maturity date of the Notes,  LIBOR and 1.5% per annum     
    shall be paid by the Issuer. Interest shall  be due  and  payable  quarterly
    on the last banking day of each  quarter.  For  the avoidance of doubt, no  
    interest shall be charged on the Deferred Interest.

6.  Capital Injection or Asset Disposal

(i) Prior to the end of each year commencing from 2001, the Issuer shall,
    by its best efforts, raise new funds, either by means of injection of
    capital or disposal of assets, in the amount as set out below (each, a

                  (a) before 31 December  2001  :  an  amount of not  less  than
                                                   Baht 1,500,000,000;

                  (b) before 31 December  2002  :  an additional amount of not  
                                                   less than Baht 1,500,000,000;

                  (c) before 31 December 2003   :  an additional amount of not
                                                   less than Baht 1,500,000,000;

                  (d) before 31 December 2004   :  an additional amount of not
                                                   less than Baht 1,500,000.000;

                  (e) before 31 December  2005  :  an  additional amount  of    
                                                   not less  than  the          
                                                   outstanding total  amount
                                                   of Deferred Interest and     
                                                   Default Interest.

                  Despite  any failure by the Issuer in raising new  funds  from
                  time  to  time in accordance with the relevant Milestone,  the
                  Issuer  shall  be obliged to raise new funds until  the  total
                  amount  of  all  Milestones as at their respective  due  dates
                  have been achieved.

(ii) Each amount of the proceeds received by the Issuer pursuant to this
     paragraph  be used in the following manner:

     (a) subject to consent by the Majority Lenders, up to  25%  of
         the  proceeds received can be used to pay the  outstanding
         amount  of  the  New  Working Capital Facilities  and  the
         Existing Working Capital Facilities, respectively;

     (b) the remaining amount of the proceeds shall be used in the
         following order of priority:

         (i) payment  of  Deferred Interest for the  Baht  Tranche,
             Deferred  Interest for the Dollar Tranche and  Default
             Interest to the Creditors on a pro rata basis; and

         (ii)first, repayment of Deferred Principal (if any) to
             the Existing Secured Creditor and Existing Unsecured Creditors on
             a pro rata basis and, second, prepayment of the outstanding
             principal under the Baht Tranche and the Dollar
             Tranche to the Creditors on a pro rata basis within each relevant
             repayment period and in inverse order of maturity.

7.  Increase of Interest Rate after Failure to Achieve Milestone

(i) If  the  Issuer  in  any  year fails to achieve  the  relevant
    Milestone  (paragraph 6) and so long as the  Majority  Lenders
    do  not declare an Event of Default, with effect from the first
    interest  period following the year in which the Issuer  fails
    to achieve the Milestone, the then prevailing interest rate 
    applicable to the Notes shall be additionally increased by 0.25%
    per annum.

(ii)The Issuer  shall be liable to pay interest at  the  relevant
    increased  rate  as specified above to the Creditors up  until  the
    Issuer  shall  have  fully obtained new funds  in  the  amount equal
    to  the  cumulative amount of all  relevant  Milestones calculated  until   
    and including the year in which the failure to achieve any Milestone giving 
    rise to the increase in interest rates pursuant to sub-paragraph (i) above  
    occurred.  When the aforementioned condition is fully complied 
    with by the Issuer, the Facility Agent shall notify  the  Creditors  and
    with effect from the quarter following the aforesaid compliance by the      
    Issuer, the interest rate applicable to  the Notes shall be reduced by the  
    rate equal to the interest  rate increase  in accordance with sub-paragraph 
   (i) above  and  the Issuer shall no longer be liable to  pay  interest  at   
    the increased rate as specified under sub-paragraph (i) above.

8.  Default Interest

(i) If the Issuer fails to pay any principal amount which is then
    due to the Noteholders (except for Deferred Principal and Deferred
    Interest) or upon a declaration of an Event of Default (in case of
    non-payment), it shall pay additional default interest at the rate 
    of 1% per annum above the then prevailing rate applicable to the Notes      
    ("Default Interest") calculated on the outstanding amount of the 
    Notes until such failure has been remedied. The Default Interest shall      
    become payable by the Issuer in the manner set out in paragraph 6.

(ii)Any interest which is overdue for more than one year shall be
    compounded and such interest shall be added as principal.

9. Cash Sweep

(i) To  the  extent that there is an Excess Cash Flow on 31  March
    and  30 September of each year, the Issuer  shall  apply  the
    amount  of such Excess Cash Flow to make payment (a "Mandatory
    Payment") in the following order:

    first,  repayment of Deferred Interest for the Baht  Tranche,
    Deferred  Interest for the Dollar Tranche and Default Interest
    to  the  Creditors on a pro rata basis:  second,  repayment  of
    the Deferred Principal (if any) to the Existing Secured Creditor and        
    Existing  Unsecured Creditors on a pro rata basis; and third, repayment of  
    the  outstanding  principal under the Baht Tranche and the Dollar Tranche   
    to the Creditors on a pro rata basis within each relevant prepayment
    period and in inverse order of maturity.

(ii)The  Excess Cash Flow shall be calculated on a semi-annual basis and applied
    to make  the Mandatory Payment on 31 March and 30 September of each year    
    after  the Restructuring  Date.  If such calculation when compared with  the
    audited financial statements is not accurate, the Issuer shall pay the      
    deficiency to the Creditors at the end of the immediate succeeding quarter.

10. Accounts and Cash Monitoring

(i) For the purpose of cash monitoring, the Issuer shall cause all revenues to  
    be deposited in the account(s) to be further determined and such account(s) 
    shall be opened and maintained for the benefit of the Creditors.

(ii)The  Majority  Lenders may allow the Issuer to open and maintain  any  other
    bank  accounts (the "Bank Accounts") under the name of the Issuer;  provided
    however that, the  Bank Accounts shall be the subject of security  interests
    for the benefit of all the Creditors.

11  Cash Flow Monitoring

    All  cash  flow  shall be monitored by the Security Agent and reported  to  
    the Noteholders  quarterly  and  be  applied  in  accordance  with  the     
    provisions concerning cash flow application under the Restructuring         

12. Sponsor Support

    The  Sponsor  and the Issuer shall enter into a Support Agreement,  wherein 
    the Sponsor  shall  agree that if at any time during the principal repayment
    period the  Issuer  does  not  have sufficient funds to pay  any  of  its   
    indebtedness (including  Deferred  Principal and Deferred Interest)  owed   
    to  the  Creditors pursuant  to  the Term Sheet, the Sponsor shall provide  
    cash deficiency  support (the  "CDS")  of not less than Baht 1,600,000,000  
    which shall be in the  form  and subject  to  the  terms  and conditions    
    approved by the Majority  Lenders.  Upon notification  by the Majority      
    Lenders, the Issuer shall immediately  demand  the Sponsor  to  provide the 
    CDS to it and the Issuer, the Local Lenders, the Security Agent and  the    
    Sponsor shall enter into an agreement to set out the  terms  upon
    which  the obligations of the Issuer towards the Sponsor in relation to the 
    CDS shall  be  subordinated to the indebtedness owed by the Issuer to the   
    Creditors. In  the  case  that the Issuer does not demand the CDS from the  
    Sponsor  as so notified  by the Majority Lenders, the Majority Lenders shall
    have the right  to demand the CDS directly from the Sponsor.

13. Covenants

(i) Positive Covenants

    The Restructuring  Documentation  shall  contain   the   following
    positive covenants on the part of the Issuer:

   (a) Financial  ratios: to maintain financial ratios, including  debt
       service  coverage ratio, debt to equity ratio and  tangible  net
       worth ratio at levels satisfactory to the Creditors;

   (b) New  security: to procure that new security, including a  pledge
       of  Bank  Accounts and conditional assignment of Bank  Accounts,
       be  created  and maintained in favor of the Security  Agent  for
       the   benefit  of  the  Creditors  and  in  form  and  substance
       satisfactory  to  the  Creditors  to  the  extent  possible  and
       practicable under Thai law;

   (c) Nomination of director: to cause the shareholders of the  Issuer
       to  appoint  at  least one director nominated  by  the  Majority
       Lenders to act as an authorised director of the Issuer;

   (d) Sponsor Support: to procure that the Sponsor provide CDS in
       accordance with paragraph 12; and

   (e) Others: to comply with other standard covenants and
       undertakings applicable to similar types of restructuring.

(ii)Negative Covenants

    The Restructuring Documentation shall contain the following negative        
    covenants on the part of the Issuer:

    (a) Incur  indebtedness: not to incur, create, assume or  permit  to
        exist  any indebtedness except indebtedness incurred in relation
        to  the Restructuring  Documentation  and  the  restructuring
        agreement(s)  with  the Foreign Creditors,  indebtedness  in  the
        ordinary  course  of business of the Issuer's business  and  the
        borrowing of money as approved by the Majority Lenders;

    (b) Payment of dividend: not to declare or pay dividends unless  the
        Issuer  meets the dividend payment criteria as specified in  the
        Restructuring Documentation;

    (c) Principal Repayment: until the Restructuring Date, not to make
        any  repayment of principal under the Baht Tranche,  the  Dollar
        Tranche,  the Supplier's Overdue Debt or any of its indebtedness
        (other  than  those  necessary  under  its  ordinary  course  of
        business) to any of its Creditors; and

    (d) Supplier's Overdue Debt: not to pay nor agree to pay:

        (i) any  (or  all)  principal under the Supplier's  Overdue
            Debt   in  a  proportion  higher  than  the  repayment
            percentage  due and payable to the Creditors  on  each
            repayment  date  pursuant to the  principal  repayment

       (ii) any (or  all)  interest  accrued  on  the  Supplier's
            Overdue  Debt  to the Supplier at a rate  higher  than
            the  interest  rates  charged  by  the  Local  Lenders
            pursuant  to  the  Term  Sheet  and  the  Thai   Bank
            Restructuring Agreement; and

       iii) the  Supplier's Overdue Debt in full prior to  30
            September  2007 or before all indebtedness  under  the
            Baht  Tranche and the Dollar Tranche shall  have  been
            fully paid to the Creditors.

14.  Expenses

     The  Issuer be responsible  for and  indemnify  the  Creditors
     against  all  fees  and  expenses  incurred  by  the  Creditors  in
     connection with the Restructuring Documentation.

15.  Material Adverse Change

     It  is  a  condition of the debt restructuring of the  Issuer  that
     between the date of this Resolution and the execution date  of  the
     Restructuring Documentation no event shall occur, which  would,  in
     the  opinion  of  the  Majority Lenders,  result  in  any  material
     adverse  change  in the financial conditions or  prospects  of  the
     Issuer,  either  in  Thai  or  international  monetary,  financial,
     political  or  economic  conditions, such as  would  be  likely  to
     materially prejudice financial conditions of the Issuer.

16.  Rescheduling Fee

     The  Issuer shall pay to each Noteholder a rescheduling fee at  the
     rate  of 0.5% of the aggregate principal amount of Notes held  by
     such   Noteholder  as  at  the  date  of  the  execution   of   the
     Restructuring Documentation, payable as at the following dates:

     Percentage of Restructuring Fee         Payment Date

                           0.125%            Restructuring Date
                           0.125%                 31 March 2001
                           0.125%                 31 March 2002
                           0.125%                 31 March 2003


(i)  Any amendment or waiver which is made in writing by the Agent
     at the direction of the Majority Lenders shall be binding on all
     Creditors, provided that the written approval from each Class of the
     Creditors as provided in sub-paragraph (iii)(a) to (c) shall be required
     where that amendment or waiver relates to:

     (a) Payment: the amount or currency of, the due date for,  any
         payment of principal of the Restructured Debt or interest
         on the Restructured Debt or any put thereof;

     (b) Calculation: any change in any rate of interest or the
         manner of calculation of any rate of interest or any other amounts
         payable to the Creditors under the Restructuring Documentation;

     (c) Prepayment: any voluntary or mandatory prepayment;

     (d) Decision-making: any amendment of the definition of
         "Majority Lenders" or of the provisions described in this
         paragraph 17;

     (e) Security: the waiver of any requirement that any security
         document or security (other than the Existing Security)
         be provided, or the release of any person providing security
         pursuant to the security documents from any security document or
         the release of any security (other than the Existing Security)
         created thereby, or the amendment of any provision of any
         security documents;

     (f) Order of Priority: any change in the ranking priority  of any
         amount under the Facilities or any amendment  of  the order  of        
         payment application of any amount  or  proceeds  under the             
         Restructuring Documentation; and

     (h) Subordination of Debt: any change or waiver  of  terms  of
         subordination  of debt owed by the Issuer to  the  Sponsor
         pursuant to or in connection with the  Sponsor  Support

Any amendment affecting the rights of the Agent shall also require the consent
of the Agent,

(iii)  For the purpose of the amendment and waiver pursuant to this paragraph
       17, the Creditors shall be classified as follows:

       (a) Class A, consisting of the Existing Secured Creditor;

       (b) Class B, consisting of the Existing Unsecured Creditors
           (other than the Noteholders); and

       (c) Class C, consisting of the Noteholders.

       In  determining the approval of the amendments  or  waivers  of
       the  matters set out in sub-paragraph (ii) by each Class of the
       Creditors, the affirmative votes from:

       (i) the Creditors whose outstanding debts under the Restructured Debt
           exceed 50% of the outstanding debts owed to the Creditors
           comprising Class A and Class B, and

      (ii) the  Noteholders  holding not less than three-quarters  of
           the  outstanding principal amount of the Notes as required
           for  the  relevant  matter pursuant to the  Fiscal  Agency

       are required to constitute an approval from such Class of

18.    Definitions

       In this Resolution,

       "Agent" means the entity to be appointed as Agent under the Term

       "Baht Tranche"  means the indebtedness of Baht 2,593,473,828  of
        the Issuer existing as at 29 September 2000 set out in Appendix 1;

       "BAY" means Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited;

       "BBL" means Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited;

       "Creditors" means Local Lenders and Foreign Creditors;

       "Dollar Tranche"  means the indebtedness of  US$213,541,449.88  of
        the Issuer existing as at 29 September 2000 set out in Appendix 1,

       "Event of Default" means the following:

       (i)  an event of default under the Financing Documents and the
            Offering Circular relating to the Notes;

      (ii)  an event of default under the Restructuring Documentation;

     (iii)  any  failure by the Issuer or the Sponsor to comply  with
            any  terms  or conditions under the Term Sheet or any  of  the
            Restructuring Documentation; and

      (iv)  any sale or transfer of shares in the Issuer by any of the
            Major Shareholders except as permitted under The Term Sheet,

      For  the  avoidance of doubt, the occurrence of an Event of Default
      shall  not  cause  the payment of the outstanding amount  under  the
      Baht Tranche and the Dollar Tranche to be accelerated unless  and
      until the Majority Lenders shall have declared an Event of Default and    
      accelerated the payment of the outstanding  amount  under the Baht        
      Tranche and the Dollar Tranche pursuant to the Restructuring              

      "Excess  Cash  Flow"  means  the amount of  cash  available  in  the
       account  of  the  Issuer  opened and maintained  as  the  operating
       account on the last day of each semi-annual period in excess of the
       aggregate of:

      (i) the amount of expenditure (including working capital and
          capital expenditure which has been approved by the Majority
          Lenders ), and

     (ii) Baht 50,000,000;

      "Existing Secured Creditor" means BBL in such capacity;

      "Existing Security" means the list of security set out in Appendix 2;

      "Existing Unsecured Creditors" means SCB, KTB, BAY  and  the  Foreign

      "Existing Working Capital Facilities" means the commitment  amount
       up to Baht 1,465,000,000, the details of which are set out in
       Appendix 3;

      "Facilities" means the Restructured Debt and New Working Capital

      "Facility Agent" means the entity to be appointed as Facility  Agent
       under the Term Sheet;

      "Financing Documents" means the terms and conditions under the
       existing  agreements between the Issuer and the  Local  Lenders  in
       respect of the Restructured Debt;

      "Foreign Creditors" means (i) Central Finance (BVI) Company Limited,  
      (ii)  Grand Commercial Bank, (iii) Cosmos  Bank,  Taiwan,
      (iv)  Advance  Engineering  (BVI)  Company  Limited,  and  (v)  the

      "KTB" means Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited;

      "Local Lenders" means BBL, SCB, KTB and BAY;

      "Majority  Lenders" means one or more Creditors holding  more  than
       50% of the outstanding amount under the Facilities;

      "Major  Shareholders"  means  Mycene Holdings  (B.V.I.)  Ltd.,  the
       Sponsor, Tuntex Distinct Corporation and T.D.C. (Thailand)  Company
       Limited or otherwise as mutually agreed by the Issuer and BBL;

      "New  Working Capital Facilities" means the commitment amount up to Baht
       450,000,000 from the Local Lenders;

      "Restructured Debt" means the Baht Tranche, the Dollar Tranche  and
       the Existing Working Capital Facilities;

      "Restructuring  Date"  means the date on which  the  Restructuring
       Documentation have been executed;

      "Restructuring  Documentation" means the Thai Banks  Restructuring
       Agreement,  the  Inter-creditors Agreement,  the  Sponsor  Support
       Agreement  and  the  Shareholders'  and/or  Sponsor's  Undertaking
       Agreement as set out in the Term Sheet;

      "SCB" means Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited;

      "Sponsor" means Mr. Yu-how Chen;

      "Supplier" means Tuntex Petrochemicals (Thailand) Public Company

      "Supplier's Overdue Debt"  means the  principal  amount  of  Baht
       800,000,000 owed by the Issuer to the Supplier as at 29  September
       2000; and

      "Term  Sheet"  means the term sheet dated 9 November 2000  between
       the Issuer and BBL.

III. Appointment of Committee

     A  committee (the "Committee") consisting of two institutions  (the
     "Voting  Members") to be selected by the Noteholders as  described
     in  this  paragraph  and  one  more institution  (the  "Non-Voting
     Member")  to be appointed by the Issuer by written notice  to  the
     Noteholders  be  and it is hereby (subject to appointment  of  the
     Non-Voting  Member by the Issuer and to appointment of the  Voting
     Members by the Noteholders as described in this paragraph)
     constituted  in  order  to review and approve  on  behalf  of  the
     Noteholders all such agreements, deeds or other  documents  (the
     "Documents")  as  may  be  deemed necessary  or  desirable  by  the
     Committee  in order to implement the Proposed Terms. In  order  to
     constitute  the Committee, the Issuer will  nominate  two institutions
     to  be  Voting Members. Such  nominations  shall  be notified   to  the    
     Noteholders  through  the  clearing   systems. Noteholders  shall  have 7  
     calendar days from  the  date  of  such notification  to  indicate  whether
     or not they  approve the nomination  of  such  institutions  as  the       
     Voting  Members.  Any Noteholder wishing to make such an indication must   
     send  a  notice to  that effect through the clearing systems to the Fiscal 
     Agent.  The nominated institutions shall become the  Voting  Members  if
     they are approved by the holders of more than 50 per cent. of  the
     outstanding principal amount of the Notes during that  period.  As
     soon  as  practicable after the end of such period of  7  calendar
     days  or on such earlier date as the holders of more than  50  per
     cent. in outstanding principal amount of Notes have approved  such
     nomination,  the Fiscal Agent shall notify the Noteholders  whether
     such  nomination  has been approved. If it is  not  approved,  the
     Issuer will make a further nomination and Noteholders shall  again
     be asked to  approve  such nomination as set forth above. Upon 
     approval  by the  Noteholders  as  described above, the nominated          
     institutions shall  become  the  Voting Members and upon  appointment  by  
     the Issuer  as  described above the relevant institution shall  become
     the  Non-Voting Member, whereupon the Committee shall  henceforth
     be  fully  constituted.  The Restructuring  Documentation  shall  be
     required to be  approved  by  the  Voting  Members  unanimously
     whereupon  it shall be binding on the Noteholders whether  or  not
     they are Voting Members and whether or not duly  voted  for  or
     against  the  appointment of the Voting Members and  each  of  the
     Noteholders   shall  be  bound  to  give  effect   to   the   same
     accordingly.  For  the  avoidance of doubt, the  Non-Voting  Member
     shall   not   have   any  power  to  approve   any   Restructuring
     Documentation.  The  Committee  shall  not  be  subject   to   any
     liability whatsoever as a result of a decision to approve  or  not
     approve any Restructuring Documentation."

The  Issuer has accordingly convened the Meeting by this Notice to request
the  agreement  by  the  Noteholders by  Extraordinary  Resolution  to  the
matters contained in the Resolution.

Attention  of  the  Noteholders is drawn to  the  matters  set  out  below.
Capitalised  terms  used below and not otherwise defined  herein  have  the
meanings given to them in the Agency Agreement.

Attendance and Voting

1 .If a Noteholder wishes to vote in person the Noteholder should instruct      
   Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Brussels office, as operator of
   the Euroclear system and Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme, Luxembourg    
   (together the "Clearing Systems"), as appropriate, to inform any Paying Agent
   no later than 48 hours before the scheduled time for the Meeting of its      
   desire to vote in person and to request such Paying Agent to issue a Voting  
   Certificate in favour of such Noteholder.

2. If  a  Noteholder wishes to appoint a proxy (as defined  in  the  Agency
   Agreement) it should instruct the relevant Clearing System  to  inform
   any  Paying Agent no later than 48 hours before the scheduled time  for
   the Meeting of its desire to appoint a proxy and  to  request  such
   Paying  Agent  to  issue a Block Voting Instruction. Such  instructions
   should  include instructions as to the number of votes to be  cast  for
   and  against  the Extraordinary Resolution and (unless  the  Noteholder
   wishes  the Paying Agent to select a proxy on its behalf, as  to  which
   see the following paragraph) details of the relevant proxy.

3. If  a  Noteholder wishes a Paying Agent to appoint a proxy  to  vote  on
   its  behalf at the Meeting, the Noteholder should instruct the relevant
   Clearing  System to request the Paying Agent to issue the Block  Voting
   Instruction  to a proxy of its choice, instructing such proxy  to  cast
   such vote(s) in the manner specified by such Noteholder.

4. Since the Notes are represented by a Permanent Global Note, no
   representative of a Noteholder (in its capacity as such) will be
   permitted to attend the Meeting unless it holds a Voting Certificate or is
   a proxy appointed by a Block Voting Instruction, in either case issued
   by a Paying Agent.


1. The  quorum  shall  be one or more persons present in person  holding  Voting
   Certificates  or being proxies and holding or representing in  the  aggregate
   not  less than 75 per cent. of the principal amount of the Notes for the time
   being outstanding.

2. If  within  15  minutes from the time fixed for the Meeting a quorum  is  not
   present  the Meeting shall stand adjourned for such period, not being less   
   than 14 days  nor  more  than 42 days, and to such time  and  place,  as  may
   be appointed  by  the Chairman of the Meeting and approved by the Fiscal     
   Agent. In  view  of the very short period of time available for achieving a  
   quorum, and the need to check Voting Certificates and Block Voting           
   Instructions  and  to complete  certain  other  administrative tasks before  
   the  Meeting  can  commence, Noteholders  bearing  Voting Certificates, and  
   proxies, are requested  to  ensure that they arrive at least fifteen minutes 
   prior to the scheduled time for the Meeting.

3. In  the  event  that a quorum is not achieved within fifteen minutes  of  the
   scheduled  time and the Meeting is adjourned, at the adjourned  Meeting  the
   quorum  shall  be  one  or  more persons present  in  person  holding  Voting
   Certificates  or being proxies and holding or representing in  the  aggregate
   not  less  than 25% of the principal amount of the Notes for the time  being
   outstanding.  At least 10 days' notice (exclusive of the day  on  which  the
   notice  is  given  and the day on which the Meeting is to be  held)  must  be
   given  of  any adjourned Meeting in the same manner as notice of the original
   Meeting  save that the quorum requirements for the adjourned Meeting must  be
   specified in such notice.

4. Every  question submitted to the Meeting will be decided on a show  of  hands
   unless a poll is duly demanded by the Chairman of the Meeting, the Issuer  or
   by  one  or  more  persons holding Voting Certificates or being  proxies  and
   holding or representing in the aggregate not less than two per cent.  of  the
   principal  amount  of the Notes then outstanding. On a show  of  hands  every
   person  who is present in person and produces a Voting Certificate  or  is  a
   proxy  shall have one vote. On a poll every person who is so present has  one
   vote  in  respect  of  each U.S.$10,000 in aggregate  face  amount  of  Notes
   represented by the Voting Certificate so produced or in respect of  which  he
   is  a  proxy.  On  both a show of hands and on a poll,  the  Chairman  has  a
   casting  vote  in  addition to any votes to which he may  be  entitled  as  a
   holder of a Voting Certificate or as a proxy or representative.

5. To  be  passed,  the  Extraordinary Resolution requires  a  majority  in     
   favour consisting of not less than three-quarters of the persons voting (on a
   show of hands),  or  a majority in favour consisting of not less than three- 
   quarters of the  votes  cast  (on a poll). If passed, the Extraordinary      
   Resolution  will  be binding  on  all  the Noteholders, whether or not       
   present at  such  Meeting  and whether or not voting, and upon all the       
   holders of the coupons relating  to the Notes.

6. Notice of the result of the Meeting will be given in accordance with
   the Terms and Conditions of the Notes within 14 days of the passing of
   the Resolution.

Additional Information

Copies of the Original Agency Agreement and the Supplemental Agency Agreement
and the terms and conditions of the Notes as amended by an Extraordinary
Resolution of Noteholders passed at a meeting of Noteholders on 4 December 1998
are available for inspection at the offices of the Paying Agents as specified
below and, in addition, at the offices of Asia Financial Products (HK) Limited
as specified below. In addition, further information may be obtained from Stuart
Somer or Grace Tan of Asia Financial Products (HK) Limited on telephone (+852)
2536 4567 or facsimile (+852) 2147 2813.

                               The Fiscal Agent

                       Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong Branch
                         55th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
                             2 Queen's Road Central
                                  Hong Kong

                               The Paying Agent

                            Deutsche Bank AG London
                               Winchester House
                              London EC2N 2DB
                                United Kingdom

                               Financial Advisor

                       Asia Financial Products (HK) Limited
                           907 Asia Pacific Finance Tower
                                  Citibank Plaza
                                  3 Garden Road
                                    Hong Kong

Dated: 29 November 2000

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