Hidefield Gold plc 
   Unaudited Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2009 
London, 30th September, 2009: Hidefield Gold plc ("Hidefield" or  the 
"Company"), the  gold company  with advanced  projects in  Argentina, 
Brazil and Alaska, including  the Don Nicolas  gold project in  Santa 
Cruz Province, Argentina announces its unaudited interim results  for 
the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
  * Updated resource estimate at Don Nicholas gold project 
  * Potential disposal of Golden Zone gold property in Alaska 
  * Sale of Estelle gold project in Alaska 
  * Settlement of loan facility via the issuance of common shares 
Hidefield is  a gold  company with  a focus  on the  exploration  and 
development of gold projects in  Argentina including the Don  Nicolas 
gold project in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. 
In Argentina Hidefield is actively  exploring the advanced stage  Don 
Nicolas gold  project  where  it  has  reported  a  mineral  resource 
estimate, prepared in  compliance with JORC  reporting standards,  of 
1,078,000 tonnes at 5.8  grammes per tonne  ("gpt") gold for  200,700 
ounces of gold in the Indicated Category and 1,075,000 tonnes at  4.6 
gpt for  158,400  ounces of  gold,  in the  Inferred  Category.  Both 
resource calculations were performed  using a 90  gpt high grade  cut 
In addition, the Company is exploring an extensive portfolio of  gold 
exploration licences in  the Patagonian provinces  of Santa Cruz  and 
Chubut, Argentina. 
The Company's other gold projects including the Cata Preta project in 
Brazil and  the Golden  Zone project  in Alaska  are the  subject  of 
negotiations  to  conclude  the  sales  of  these  projects.    These 
negotiations are  part of  Hidefield's  strategy to  consolidate  the 
Company's exploration activities in the southern Patagonian provinces 
of Argentina 
For more information on Hidefield go to www.hidefieldgold.com 
For further information on this release, please contact: 
Hidefield Gold Plc 
Ken Judge, Chairman                         + 44 773 300 1002 
Investor Relations 
Jon Bey: North America                      + 1 800 689 2599 
Hanson Westhouse Limited (Nomad and Broker) 
Tim Feather / Matthew Johnson               + 44 113 246 2610 
Executive Chairman's statement 
I am pleased to report the progress your Company made during 2009  to 
date and provide  the unaudited  interim results for  the six  months 
ended 30  June 2009,  which have  neither been  audited nor  reviewed 
pursuant to guidelines issued by the Auditing Practices Board. 
During the  half  year under  review,  the Company  was  particularly 
active in its efforts to conclude  negotiations for the sale or  farm 
out of its  projects in Alaska  and Brazil.  I  am pleased to  report 
that during this  period an  agreement was  reached for  the sale  of 
Hidefield's interest in the South  Estelle gold project in Alaska  to 
Millrock Resources  Inc.  In  addition the  Company announced  on  19 
August 2009 that it  had entered into  a memorandum of  understanding 
with Fire River Gold Corp  for the potential disposal of  Hidefield's 
interest in  the  Golden Zone  gold  project also  in  Alaska.   Both 
disposals would provide  important funding to  assist the Company  to 
continue exploration on our  Argentina projects. Efforts to  conclude 
similar transactions for the  Cata Preta gold  project in Brazil  are 
continuing and we remain optimistic  that the Company should be  able 
to conclude a transaction on this  project during the second half  of 
the year. 
Despite encouraging recent strength in the gold price, the  difficult 
general economic environment and the limited capital market  interest 
in supporting junior  exploration companies  continues to  negatively 
affect the Company's ability  to fund its  ongoing activities at  the 
Don Nicolas gold project in Argentina. 
Encouragingly, other participants  in the gold  sector seem to  share 
our optimism  about  the  possibility  of  the  Don  Nicolas  project 
eventually becoming  a mine  so  we are  continuing to  evaluate  the 
possibility of third party involvement  with this project as a  means 
to ensure the project is able to progress forward. 
This process  has  inevitably  raised the  possibility  of  Hidefield 
potentially being acquired  and as shareholders  will have noted,  we 
recently announced that discussions were underway with a third  party 
which may lead  to an offer  being made for  Hidefield.  There is  of 
course no certainty that such an offer will be made and if made, will 
be successfully concluded  but shareholders  will be  advised as  and 
when there is further news to report. 
In the meantime, we will continue with our efforts to ensure that the 
value of  our portfolio  of gold  projects and  other investments  in 
listed securities is properly reflected in the market  capitalisation 
of the Company. 
I also wish to record our  gratitude to the lenders and  shareholders 
who provided Hidefield with the financial resources that enabled  the 
Company to continue with relatively uninterrupted activity during the 
latter part of 2008 and through the first half of 2009.  Moreover and 
equally important,  these  lenders which  included  Hamilton  Capital 
Partners Limited, a  company with  which I am  associated, agreed  to 
convert their  loans to  equity and  that agreement  was approved  by 
shareholders in late July 2009, substantially reducing the  Company's 
debt as reported in these interim financial statements. 
Finally, I  wish to  record  the important  contribution made  by  my 
fellow directors and our senior management in Argentina and Canada in 
our efforts  to continue  our  exploration and  business  development 
activities in Argentina,  Brazil and  the USA during  this period  of 
economic uncertainty.   Without this  support the  Company's  affairs 
would certainly have suffered greatly  and we may not have  attracted 
the potential takeover interest to which I have referred in this note 
and in our recent news release. 
Interim results and going concern 
The unaudited results  of our activities  and transactions  completed 
during the  period under  review and  ended 30  June 2009  reflect  a 
decrease in  the  level of  our  exploration activities  on  our  Don 
Nicolas gold project in southern Argentina.  The loss for the  period 
was GBP694,992 (2008: GBP423,214) which included a property impairment of 
GBP303,104 that was not applicable in the comparable period of 2008. 
In addition to  its ongoing working  capital requirements, the  Group 
must  secure  sufficient   funding  for   ongoing  mineral   property 
exploration and development.   However, management remains  confident 
that the existing  cash and investment  securities are sufficient  to 
meet current operating requirements, and that any significant project 
development costs can be  met from the raising  of new finance or  by 
attracting an industry partner.  However, at the balance sheet  date, 
these development plans were uncommitted. 
Kenneth P Judge 
30 September 2009 
Consolidated Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                   Six months  Six months       ended 
                                     ended 30    ended 30 31 December 
                                    June 2009   June 2008        2008 
                                            GBP           GBP           GBP 
                                  (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
Administrative expenses               378,493     354,727     919,253 
Provision for diminution in 
value of mineral rights               303,104           -   1,122,888 
Total administrative expenses       (681,597)   (354,727) (2,042,141) 
Other income                           81,560     125,590     171,069 
Loss from operations                (600,037)   (229,137) (1,871,072) 
Finance income                              3      31,924      42,290 
Finance expense                      (80,422)           -   (107,217) 
Gain on disposal and deemed 
disposal of associates                      -      60,053      66,613 
Impairment of associate 
investments                                 -   (164,162)   (706,690) 
Share of operating loss in 
associates                                  -    (79,191)   (274,476) 
Loss before taxation                (680,456)   (380,513) (2,850,552) 
Tax (expense) credit            4    (14,536)    (42,701)     135,541 
Loss for the period / year     13   (694,992)   (423,214) (2,715,011) 
Other comprehensive income: 
Exchange differences on 
translating foreign            13 
operations                        (1,114,594)    (33,054)   1,052,376 
Available-for-sale financial 
Valuation losses recognised    13 
directly in equity                   (37,526)           -    (12,405) 
Total comprehensive income for 
the period/year 
attributable to the equity 
holders of the parent             (1,847,112)   (456,268) (1,675,040) 
Loss per ordinary share 
- Basic & Diluted               3     (0.25p)     (0.15p)     (0.98p) 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the unaudited interim 
consolidated financial statements. 
Consolidated Condensed Statement of Financial Position 
As at 30 June 2009 
                                          At          At           At 
                                     30 June     30 June  31 December 
                                        2009        2008         2008 
                                           GBP           GBP            GBP 
                                 (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited) 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets -           8 
Mineral rights                     6,177,836   6,981,506    7,147,337 
Property, plant and 
equipment                            267,752     299,086      338,486 
Investments in associates     6            -   1,613,676      767,680 
Available-for-sale            6 
investments                          774,067      11,210        1,601 
                                   7,219,655   8,905,478    8,255,104 
Current assets 
Other receivables                    752,648     838,506      871,755 
Assets classified as held 
for sale                                   -           -       18,936 
Cash and cash equivalents             97,478     256,602      162,145 
                                     850,126   1,095,108    1,052,836 
Total assets                       8,069,781  10,000,586    9,307,940 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables      9      346,642     437,895      176,079 
Loans                        10    1,008,295     126,000      588,050 
Convertible loans            11      266,233           -      229,529 
Corporate tax payable                 13,658     144,435       69,525 
Total liabilities                  1,634,828     708,330    1,063,183 
Total net assets                   6,434,953   9,292,256    8,244,757 
Shareholders' equity 
Share capital              5,13    2,780,996   2,753,227    2,780,996 
Share premium              5,13   12,417,546  12,354,776   12,417,546 
Other reserves               13    3,794,694   3,613,340    3,757,386 
Foreign currency             13 
translation reserve              (1,049,385)   (954,113)       65,209 
Available-for-sale reserve   13     (41,375)       5,759      (3,849) 
Retained deficit             13 (11,467,523) (8,480,733) (10,772,531) 
Total shareholders' equity   13    6,434,953   9,292,256    8,244,757 
The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements were approved 
by the Board of  Directors and authorised for  issue on 30  September 
Ken Judge 
Consolidated Condensed Cash Flow Statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                   Six months  Six months  Year ended 
                                     ended 30    ended 30  31December 
                                    June 2009   June 2008        2008 
                                            GBP           GBP           GBP 
                                  (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
Cash flow from operating 
Loss for the period                 (694,992)   (423,214) (2,715,011) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation                            1,260       1,383       6,179 
Taxation                                    -           -   (135,541) 
Interest expense                            -           -     107,217 
Interest receivable                       (3)    (31,924)    (42,290) 
Share of operating loss in 
associates                                  -      79,191     274,476 
Gain on deemed disposal of 
associate                                   -    (32,263)    (38,823) 
Gain on disposal of associate               -    (27,790)    (27,790) 
Gain on disposal of mineral 
property interest                    (81,560)   (125,590)   (171,069) 
Provision for impairment              303,104     164,162   1,829,578 
Share based payment costs              37,308      36,848      76,056 
Directors' remuneration paid by 
issue of shares                             -       3,766      19,305 
Foreign exchange differences              418    (79,248)    (17,476) 
Net cash outflow from operating 
activities before 
changes in working capital          (434,465)   (434,679)   (835,189) 
Increase (decrease) in payables       218,068     125,709   (327,215) 
(Increase) decrease in 
receivables                          (49,621)      80,178     347,091 
Income taxes paid                    (47,958)   (143,555)   (126,361) 
Net cash flow used in operating 
activities                          (313,976)   (372,347)   (941,674) 
Investing activities 
Payments for property, plant 
and equipment                               -     (4,573)     (6,017) 
Proceeds from the disposal of 
mineral rights                              -     125,590     171,069 
Proceeds from disposal of 
assets held for sale                   60,795           -           - 
Interest receivable                         3      31,923      42,290 
Proceeds from the disposal of 
associate investments                       -      60,421      60,421 
Exploration costs capitalised       (226,841)   (890,018) (1,376,761) 
Net cash flow used in investing 
activities                          (166,043)   (676,657) (1,108,998) 
Financing activities 
Interest paid                               -           -      65,007 
Loans                                 420,245     126,000     896,855 
Net cash flow from financing 
activities                            420,245     126,000     961,862 
Net decrease in cash and cash 
equivalents                          (59,774)   (923,004) (1,088,810) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
beginning of period                   162,145   1,170,822   1,170,822 
Exchange (losses) gains on cash 
and cash equivalents                  (4,893)       8,784      80,133 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
end of period / year                   97,478     256,602     162,145 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited 
interim consolidated financial statements. 
1.     Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
The consolidated  condensed interim  financial statements  have  been 
prepared using policies  based on  International Financial  Reporting 
Standards  (IFRS   and   IFRIC   interpretations)   issued   by   the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted for use in 
the  EU.   The  condensed  interim  financial  information  has  been 
prepared  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of   International 
Accounting Standard 34 ('Interim Financial Reporting') and with those 
accounting policies that are envisaged  to be effective for the  year 
ended 31 December 2009.  The  only changes to accounting policies  as 
set out in the Report and Accounts of Hidefield Gold Plc for the year 
ended 31 December 2008 relate to the adoption of the revision to  IAS 
1; this revision prohibits  the presentation of  items of income  and 
expenses (that is, "non-owner changes in equity") in the statement of 
changes in  equity, requiring  "non-owner changes  in equity"  to  be 
presented separately  from owner  changes in  equity.  All  non-owner 
changes in  equity will  be required  to be  shown in  a  performance 
statement.  The condensed interim  financial statements also  include 
the disclosure  requirements  of  IFRS  8,  which  is  effective  for 
accounting periods beginning 1 January 2009.  These revisions and new 
effective standards  have  been applied  throughout  these  condensed 
interim financial statements. 
Presentational currency 
The group's presentational currency is Great British Pounds ('GBP'). 
2.     Financial reporting period 
The consolidated  condensed  interim financial  information  for  the 
period 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2009 is neither audited nor reviewed 
by the  auditors  of Hidefield  Gold  plc.   In the  opinion  of  the 
Directors the condensed interim financial information for the  period 
presents  fairly  the  financial  position,  and  the  results   from 
operations and  cash flows  for  the period  are in  conformity  with 
generally accepted accounting  principles consistently applied.   The 
financial statements incorporate comparative figures for the  interim 
period 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008 and the audited financial  year 
to 31 December 2008. 
The financial information contained in  this interim report does  not 
constitute statutory  accounts  as  defined by  section  435  of  the 
Companies Act 2006. 
The comparatives for the full year ended 31 December 2008 are not the 
Group's full  statutory  accounts  for  that year.   A  copy  of  the 
statutory accounts for that year has been delivered to the  Registrar 
of  Companies.    The  auditors'   report  on   those  accounts   was 
unqualified; however it  did include references  to matters to  which 
the auditors drew  attention by  way of  emphasis without  qualifying 
their report.  The auditors' report did not contain a statement under 
section 237(2)-(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
3.     Loss per share 
The calculation of basic and diluted loss per share has been based on 
the loss  for  the period  of  GBP694,992  (2008 -  GBP423,214)  and  the 
weighted average number of  shares being 278,099,611 ordinary  shares 
issued for  the  period  ended  30 June  2009  (31  December  2008  - 
276,526,567 and  30  June  2008 -275,333,255).   Due  to  the  losses 
incurred during  the year  a  diluted loss  per  share has  not  been 
calculated as this would serve to reduce the basic loss per share. 
4.     Taxation 
Due to  an  operating loss  for  the  period, no  taxation  has  been 
provided for in respect of the  current period.  There have not  been 
any  significant  taxation  movements  during  the  period  and   the 
remaining tax movements relate to  the group settling its prior  year 
tax assets and obligations. 
5.     Share capital 
Ordinary shares of 1p each: 
            30 June    31 Dec   30 June   30 June    31 Dec   30 June 
               2009      2008      2008      2009      2008      2008 
                  GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP GBP 
Opening   2,780,996 2,752,527 2,752,527 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 
Issued            -    27,769       700         -         - - 
the year 
Closing   2,780,996 2,780,996 2,753,227 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 
Share issues during the period are detailed below: 
                          issue     Share      Share    Merger Warrant 
                          price   Capital    Premium   Reserve Reserve 
                  No.   (pence)         GBP          GBP         GBP       GBP 
At     31 275,252,651           2,752,527 12,351,711 3,155,366 219,845 
Directors      70,000      5.38       700      3,065         -       - 
fees paid 
in shares 
At     30 275,322,651           2,773,227 12,354,776 3,155,366 219,845 
June 2008 
Mineral     2,000,000      3.75    20,000     55,000         -       - 
Directors     776,960      2.00     7,769      7,770         -       - 
fees paid 
in shares 
At     31 
December  278,099,611           2,780,996 12,417,546 3,155,366 219,845 
And    30 
June 2009 
6.     Available-For-Sale Investments 
                                30 June 30 June 31 December 
                                   2009    2008        2008 
                                      GBP       GBP           GBP 
Kentor Gold Ltd.                  3,262  11,210       1,601 
Alto Ventures Ltd. (1)          174,063       -           - 
Columbus Gold Corp. (1)         497,380       -           - 
Millrock Resources Inc. (2)      99,362       -           - 
Total                           774,067  11,210       1,601 
(1)  The Company has reclassified  all of its associated  investments 
in  Alto  Ventures  Ltd.  and  Columbus  Gold  Corp.  from  associate 
investments to available-for-sale as the Company no longer  exercises 
significant influence over the investment company. 
(2)  On  January 30,  2009, the  South Estelle  mineral property  was 
disposed of  for proceeds  of US$100,000  cash and  1,000,000  common 
shares of Millrock Resources Inc.  The 1,000,000 shares are reflected 
in the available-for-sale investments above. 
7.     Segmental analysis 
The Group is engaged in mining exploration and production  activities 
only.  As  the  operating   businesses  are  organised  and   managed 
separately on  a  country-by-country basis,  segment  information  is 
reported geographically only. 
Geographic segments 
Period ended 30 June                  South      North 
2009                        UK       America    America      Group 
Depreciation                     -           -    (1,260)     (1,260) 
Impairment charges               -           -  (303,104)   (303,104) 
Finance income                   3           -          -           3 
Finance expense           (80,422)           -          -    (80,422) 
Loss after taxation      (310,769)    (49,848)  (334,375)   (694,992) 
Other segment 
Segment assets: 
Total assets               104,240   6,555,104  1,410,437   8,069,781 
  Capital expenditure: 
Intangible assets                -     226,841          -     226,841 
Total capital 
expenditure                      -     226,841          -     226,841 
Total liabilities              1,508,841     112,443 13,544 1,634,828 
7.      Segmental analysis (continued) 
Period ended 30 June               South        North 
2008                      UK      America      America       Group 
Depreciation             (1,383)          -             -     (1,383) 
Share of loss of 
associates                     -          -      (79,191)    (79,191) 
Impairment of 
associate investments          -          -     (164,162)   (164,162) 
Finance income            31,924          -             -      31,924 
Finance expense                -          -             -           - 
Loss after taxation    (350,948)     29,528     (101,794)   (423,214) 
Other segment 
Segment assets: 
Total assets             351,402  6,595,422     3,053,762  10,000,586 
Capital expenditure: 
Intangible assets              -    875,545        14,473     890,018 
Property, plant and 
equipment                      -      4,573             -       4,573 
Total capital 
expenditure                    -    880,118        14,473     894,591 
Total liabilities             266,892       297,582 143,856   708,330 
Year ended 31 December             South        North 
2008                      UK      America      America       Group 
Depreciation                   -    (2,633)       (3,547)     (6,180) 
Impairment charges             -  (403,573)     (719,315) (1,122,888) 
Share of loss of 
associates                     -          -     (274,476)   (274,476) 
Impairment of 
associate investments          -          -     (706,690)   (706,690) 
Finance income            42,290          -             -      42,290 
Finance expense         (42,210)          -      (65,007)   (107,217) 
Loss after taxation    (625,332)  (662,275)   (1,427,404) (2,715,011) 
Other segment 
Segment assets: 
Total assets             162,108  7,307,289     1,838,543   9,307,940 
  Capital expenditure: 
Intangible assets              -  1,257,494       225,265   1,482,759 
Property, plant and 
equipment                      -      6,016             -       6,016 
Total capital 
expenditure                    -  1,263,510       225,265   1,488,775 
Total liabilities             930,845        65,088  67,250 1,063,183 
8.     Intangibles assets - mineral rights 
The value of mineral rights decreased during the period primarily due 
to foreign  exchange  revaluation  reducing  the  value  by  GBP893,238 
associated with the Company's Alaskan and Argentinean properties  and 
a property  impairment of  GBP303,104 on  the Golden  Zone property  in 
Alaska.  The  balance  of the  movement  in mineral  rights  reflects 
property expenditures of  GBP226,841 incurred in  Argentina during  the 
The  option  and  sale   arrangements  discussed  in  the   Executive 
Chairman's statement relate principally to option agreements  wherein 
the optionee can earn a stake of the Golden Zone mineral property and 
a stake of the Cata Preta mineral property.  Both of the options  are 
based  on   the  third   party  meeting   certain  minimum   spending 
commitments.  As at the interim  date there have been no  significant 
developments in this respect. 
9.     Trade and other payables 
                                   30 June 30 June 31 December 
                                      2009    2008        2008 
                                         GBP       GBP           GBP 
Trade payables                     210,796 379,218     101,095 
Other taxation and social security  25,790  21,766      19,145 
Accruals                           110,056  36,911      55,839 
                                   346,642 437,895     176,079 
Trade and other  payables are  measured at amortised  cost and  their 
book value approximates to fair value at both balance sheet dates. 
10.   Loans 
                 30 June 30 June 31 December 
                    2009    2008        2008 
                       GBP       GBP           GBP 
Loans          1,008,295 126,000     588,050 
Loans held on the balance sheet are advances payable on demand by the 
lender and bear  simple interest at  LIBOR +3% until  30 April  2009, 
thereafter at 14%.  Due to their short term nature, the fair value of 
the loans equate to their carrying  value.  Subsequent to the end  of 
the period, after the agreement of  both parties, a portion of  these 
loans and their  accrued interest  were settled via  the issuance  of 
ordinary common shares  of the Company  at a price  of 1p per  share. 
(Note 14) 
11.   Convertible loans 
In 2008, the Company issued a convertible loan at LIBOR + 3% at a par 
value of GBP308,805. The  loan was either repayable  at this par  value 
plus accrued interest or was convertible on demand by the lender at a 
subscription price of 3p  per share. The  convertible loans were  not 
secured against any assets  of any Group company.   The value of  the 
liability  component  and   the  equity   conversion  component   was 
determined at the date the instrument was issued. 
The fair  value  of  the liability  component,  included  in  current 
borrowings, at inception was calculated using a market interest  rate 
of an equivalent instrument without a conversion option. The discount 
rate applied was 35%. The residual amount is as follows: 
                                          30 June 30 June 31 December 
                                             2009    2008        2008 
                                                GBP       GBP           GBP 
Fair value of convertible bond            308,805       -     308,805 
Less: Equity component                  (104,838)       -   (104,838) 
Liability    component    on    initial   203,967       -     203,967 
Interest expense                           62,266       -      25,562 
Liability Component  at period  /  year   266,233       -     229,529 
The fair value of the liability component of the convertible bond  at 
30 June 2009 and 31 December 2008 approximates to its carrying value. 
Subsequent to the  end of  the period,  after the  agreement of  both 
parties, a  portion  of these  convertible  loans and  their  accrued 
interest was settled via  the issuance of  ordinary common shares  of 
the Company at a price of 1p per share.   (Note 14) 
12.   Related party transactions 
IAS 24, 'Related Party Transactions', requires the disclosure of  the 
details of  material transactions  between the  reporting entity  and 
related parties.  Details of related party transactions are: 
a) Hamilton Capital Partners Limited ("HCP") 
K P Judge  has a material  interest in HCP.   During the period,  the 
Company accrued consulting fees of GBP40,000 (2008 - GBP40,950) and  paid 
GBP12,000 (2008 - GBP12,000) to  HCP in respect of contributions  towards 
office rental, other office costs and reimbursed expenses. 
Furthermore, during the period HCP advanced GBP71,545 (2008 - GBP126,000) 
to the  Company for  working  capital under  loans due  31  December, 
2009.  The loans  bear interest at  LIBOR + 3%  until 30 April  2009, 
thereafter at 14%, which resulted  in accrued interest of GBP21,124  at 
30 June, 2009 (2008 - GBP593). 
b) SCM Consulting Corp. ("SCM") 
S C McGrath has a material  interest in SCM.  During the period,  the 
Company paid consulting fees of GBP7,336 (2008 - GBP6,952) to SCM. 
13.   Movement on reserves 
                                   Share   Share                  debt     Foreign Available- 
                                  option warrant    Merger      option    currency       for- 
                Share      Share reserve reserve   reserve     reserve translation       sale     Retained 
              capital    premium      *        *         *           *     reserve    reserve      Deficit       Total 
Group               GBP          GBP       GBP       GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP          GBP            GBP           GBP 
(audited)   2,752,527 12,351,711 201,281 219,845 3,155,366           -   (987,167)      8,556  (8,057,520)   9,644,599 
period              -          -       -       -         -           -           -          -    (423,213)   (423,213) 
investments         -          -       -       -         -           -           -    (2,797)            -     (2,797) 
exchange            -          -       -       -         -           -      33,054          -            -      33,054 
payment             -          -  36,848       -         -           -           -          -            -      36,848 
shares            700      3,065       -       -         -           -           -          -            -       3,765 
At 30 
audited)    2,753,227 12,354,776 238,129 219,845 3,155,366           -   (954,113)      5,759  (8,480,733)   9,292,256 
period              -          -       -       -         -           -           -          -  (2,291,798) (2,291,798) 
exchange            -          -       -       -         -           -   1,019,322          -            -   1,019,322 
ments               -          -       -       -         -           -           -    (9,608)            -     (9,608) 
payment             -          -  39,208       -         -           -           -          -            -      39,208 
debt                -          -       -       -         -     104,838           -          -            -     104,838 
shares         27,769     62,770       -       -         -           -           -          -            -      90,539 
(audited)   2,780,996 12,417,546 277,337 219,845 3,155,366     104,838      65,209    (3,849) (10,772,531)   8,244,757 
period              -          -       -       -         -           -           -          -    (694,992)   (694,992) 
investments         -          -       -       -         -           -           -   (37,526)            -    (37,526) 
exchange            -          -       -       -         -           - (1,114,594)          -            - (1,114,594) 
payment             -          -  37,308       -         -           -           -          -            -      37,308 
audited)    2,780,996 12,417,546 314,645 219,845 3,155,366     104,838 (1,049,385)   (41,375) (11,467,523)   6,434,953 
* Other reserves consist of Merger reserve, Share option reserve  and 
Share warrant reserve and Convertible debt option reserve 
14.   Post balance sheet events 
Subsequent to the  end of the  period, the Company  completed a  debt 
settlement totalling  GBP1,321,359  with its  three  largest  creditors 
through the issuance of 132,135,900 ordinary common shares at 1p  per 
share resulting in an  expansion of the  Company's issued capital  to 
410,235,511  shares  as  of  the  date  of  these  interim  financial 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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