8 December 2009 
                             Microcap Equities Plc 
                         ("Microcap" or the "Company") 
     Proposed Subscription, Capital Reorganisation and directorate change 
The Company announces that it intends to raise GBP200,000 before expenses by 
means of a subscription for 307,693,000 New Ordinary Shares at 0.065p per New 
Ordinary Share, following the implementation of the Capital Reorganisation, the 
terms of which are set out below. Defined terms in this announcement are set 
out below. 
A Circular setting out full details of the Proposals will be posted to all 
Shareholders today. The Proposals are conditional, inter alia, on the Rule 9 
Waiver and the passing of certain resolutions to be proposed at a general 
meeting to be held on 30 December 2009 and on Admission. It is expected that 
Admission will become effective and dealings in the Enlarged Issued Share 
Capital will commence on AIM on 31 December 2009. 
Kevin Burke and David Marshall, together the Investors, have conditionally 
agreed to subscribe for the Subscription Shares. The Investors have significant 
experience in the oil and gas sector and intend to use the Company to create an 
investment vehicle to operate in that sector. More information on the Investors 
is set out below 
The Company has all but exhausted its cash resources and therefore failure to 
pass the Resolutions will result in the Company needing to seek alternative 
financing agreements, which the Directors believe would be difficult to find in 
the current economic environment. Failure to secure alternative financing would 
result in the Company being unable to meet its obligations as they fall due and 
lead to inevitable liquidation. Therefore, the Directors believe that the 
Proposals afford the Company its last realistic opportunity to survive and to 
restart its investing business. 
Background to the Proposals and intended investing policy 
The Company was incorporated in November 1999 and its share capital was 
admitted to trading on AIM in December of that year. The directors' original 
strategy was to create a business that would assist early stage companies with 
their capital requirements and, in particular, to support the development of 
small and medium sized technology related businesses. 
The level of failure in early stage technology companies caused the Company to 
cease its investment strategy and the original board to resign or to retire in 
2003. Rakesh Patel and Nicolas Greenstone joined the Board in October 2003. 
Apart from six investments made since 2003, the Company has had no investment 
activity and the Directors' attempts to identify and conclude terms for a 
suitable investment opportunity have been thwarted by the Company's lack of 
New investing policy 
The core strategy of the New Board will be to take advantage of the prevailing 
opportunities in the oil and gas sector resulting from the resurgent price for 
oil and gas, underlying energy commodity fundamentals and the opportunities 
which currently exist for investment in the North Sea oil and gas industry. The 
Company intends to invest in oil and gas development projects, assets and 
companies to exploit these opportunities. 
In particular, the Company will seek to invest in oil and gas assets with 
technical and/or other challenges (often referred to as `stranded assets'), 
which make potential development projects less attractive to the major energy 
companies and where the Company may deploy its expertise to exploit the 
opportunity but which nevertheless have the potential to generate high returns 
for shareholders. The focus will be on assets with known hydrocarbon 
accumulations and whose development in the form of sub sea tie-backs can 
deliver near term production and shareholder returns within two years. Suitable 
assets will be acquired either in their entirety or by utilising other 
partnership, joint venture or farm-in arrangements, in which event the Company 
will actively operate them. When the Company identifies companies suitable for 
acquisition, the aim will be to acquire the business in entirety and integrate 
that with its other businesses and thereafter proactively manage a portfolio of 
oil and gas development projects and producing assets consistent with its core 
agenda. of focusing on development and production. As part of its risk 
management strategy, the Company does not intend to invest in exploration 
projects. Moreover, the Company intends to focus its investing strategy in the 
North Sea. 
The New Board has already identified and intends, as soon as possible, to 
appoint a highly experienced team of oil and gas industry executives with 
proven expertise of oil and gas project delivery in the North Sea to develop 
the Company's new investing policy and to implement, in the longer term, the 
Company's objectives of substantial shareholder returns from oil and gas 
development and production. 
Investments in oil and gas projects are capital intensive and, therefore, the 
immediate strategy of the New Board will be to begin the process of 
raising significant additional capital for the Company. The funds raised 
through the Subscription will not be sufficient to allow the Company to carry 
out its investment policy but will be used for working capital purposes until 
sufficient additional capital is raised to allow the Company to implement that 
policy fully. The New Board will arrange to raise substantial additional 
capital in the form of equity or a convertible instrument as soon as 
practicable, in which Shareholders will be given the opportunity to 
participate, but has no intention to use traditional external debt in the short 
term. There will be no limit on the life of the Company, but, if the Company 
has not substantially implemented its investing policy within 18 months of 
Admission, it will seek the consent of its shareholders for its investing 
policy on an annual basis. 
The Directors stress that the Company has all but exhausted its cash resources 
and cannot dispose of its remaining investments. It therefore cannot survive 
without the Subscription which will provide it with sufficient working capital 
for at least 12 months. It is for this reason that the Directors urge 
Shareholders strongly to vote in favour of the Proposals. 
The Capital Reorganisation 
The Company presently has 114,941,002 Existing Ordinary Shares in issue which 
are held by more than 1,100 shareholders. This substantial body of shareholders 
adds a significant cost to the overheads of the Company because of the need to 
produce a large number of annual accounts and also increases registrars' costs. 
Over 64.9 per cent. of Shareholders have holdings with a value, at the current 
share price, of GBP5 or less. Accordingly, it is proposed to consolidate the 
Company's share capital on the terms set out below, prior to carrying out the 
Subscription. The Subscription Price (which is the equivalent of 0.013p per 
share prior to the Capital Reorganisation) is, however, below the present 
nominal value of the Existing Ordinary Shares and the Company is prohibited by 
law from issuing fully paid shares at a discount to the nominal, or par, value 
of its shares. Therefore, in order to carry out the Subscription, it is 
necessary to reduce the nominal value of the Company's authorised and issued 
Existing Ordinary Shares to an appropriate level which is less than the 
Subscription Price. Accordingly, the Directors have decided that a share 
reorganisation should be effected on the following basis: 
a) every 500 Existing Ordinary Shares will be consolidated into one new 
ordinary share of 500p; 
b) each of the resulting issued ordinary shares of 500p will then be subdivided 
by a factor of 100 into ordinary shares of 5p each; 
c) each of the issued ordinary shares of 5p resulting from the consolidation 
will then be subdivided into and redesignated as one New Ordinary Share and one 
New Deferred Share. The New Ordinary Shares will then have a nominal value of 
0.01p each; and 
d) each of the unissued ordinary shares of 1p will be subdivided into 100 New 
Ordinary Shares. 
Any fractions of issued New Ordinary Shares arising from the Capital 
Reorganisation will be aggregated, issued and sold for the benefit of the 
The rights attaching to the New Ordinary Shares will, apart for the change in 
nominal value, be identical in all respects to those of the Existing Ordinary 
The New Deferred Shares will rank equally with the Deferred Shares and as such 
will have no voting rights and will not carry any entitlement to attend general 
meetings of the Company. They will carry only the right to participate in any 
return of capital to the extent of 4.99p per New Deferred Share but only after 
each New Ordinary Share has received in aggregate capital repayments totalling 
GBP10,000 per New Ordinary Share. 
Accordingly, the New Deferred Shares will, for all practical purposes, be 
valueless and it is the Board's intention, at an appropriate time, to make an 
application to the court for the New Deferred Shares and Deferred Shares to be 
Existing share certificates will cease to be valid following the Capital 
Reorganisation and new share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares 
will be issued by 7 January 2010; no certificates will be issued in respect of 
New Deferred Shares. 
The Subscription 
Under the terms of the Subscription Agreement, the Investors have conditionally 
agreed to subscribe for 307,693,000 New Ordinary Shares at the Subscription 
Price, raising approximately GBP200,000 before expenses for the benefit of the 
Company. The Investors have already provided a loan of GBP36,000, as announced on 
23 November 2009, which they propose to capitalise by subscribing for Ordinary 
Shares. For the avoidance of doubt, the total subscription will be for GBP200,000 
which includes the GBP36,000 already provided as a loan. 
The Subscription is conditional, inter alia, upon Admission of the Subscription 
Shares to trading on AIM. 
The Subscription Shares, when issued and fully paid, will rank equally in all 
respects with the issued New Ordinary Shares, including the right to receive 
all dividends and other distributions declared, made or paid after the relevant 
It is expected that Admission will become effective and dealings in the 
Subscription Shares and the issued New Ordinary Shares will commence on 31 
December 2009. 
The Subscription is also conditional upon the passing of all the Resolutions, 
including the passing of an ordinary resolution to approve a Rule 9 Waiver. 
Accordingly, the Company has convened the General Meeting, notice of which is 
set out in the Circular. 
Following the Capital Reorganisation and the Subscription, the Company will 
have 330,681,200 New Ordinary Shares in issue and admitted to trading on AIM. 
The New Board 
Conditional on Admission, Kevin Burke will be appointed as executive chairman 
of the Company in my place and David Marshall will be appointed as chief 
executive officer. Rakesh Patel and Nicolas Greenstone will remain on the Board 
as non-executive directors. Further information on Kevin Burke and David 
Marshall is set out below. 
Kevin Burke, FCA (proposed executive chairman), aged 64, has 30 years' 
experience in the structuring and financing of transactions and the broader 
strategic development of companies in the natural resources and oil and gas 
sectors. He was a co-founder and executive chairman of two publicly listed 
companies, Dana Petroleum (Russia) Limited and Vanguard Petroleum. The latter 
was one of the first Western companies engaged in oil production in the West 
Siberian oil province of the former Soviet Union and was subsequently sold to 
Sibir Energy. Mr Burke was until September 2009 a non-executive director of 
Oilexco Incorporated which was listed on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and 
the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. Prior to that, he worked in 
corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and venture capital. He is a 
qualified chartered accountant and holds a Sloan Fellowship from the London 
Business School. 
David Marshall (proposed chief executive officer), aged 51, has 30 years' 
experience in the oil and gas sector.  He was until August 2009, Senior Vice 
President Operations and General Manager of Oilexco N.S. Exploration Limited 
and has previously held various managerial positions in both onshore and 
offshore oil and gas drilling and production operations in the UK , the Caspian 
region,  Africa, the Middle East and Western Europe. David has worked for Hess 
Corporation, Monument, Lasmo and Eni.   He holds a Masters Degree in Petroleum 
Engineering from Heriot Watt University and a Bachelor of Science Honours 
Degree in Civil Engineering from Glasgow University 
Change of name 
Conditional on Admission, the Company will change its name to Deo Petroleum 
Circular and General Meeting 
The Circular to Shareholders and notice of General Meeting will be posted to 
Shareholders and will be available from the Company's website, 
www.microcapequities.plc.uk, later today. The General Meeting of the Company 
has been convened for 11.05 a.m. (or such later time as the AGM convened for 
11.00 a.m. has concluded or been adjourned) on 30 December 2009 at the offices 
of Merchant John East Securities Limited, 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AD. 
For enquiries: 
Microcap Equities Plc                                             020 7247 9691 
Nicolas Greenstone                                                020 8371 3071 
Rakesh Patel 
Merchant John East Securities Limited                             020 7628 2200 
Bidhi Bhoma 
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement unless the context 
requires otherwise: 
"Admission"              the admission of the New Ordinary Shares in issue 
                         immediately following the Capital Reorganisation and 
                         the Subscription Shares to trading on AIM becoming 
                         effective in accordance with the AIM Rules 
"AGM" or "Annual General the annual general meeting of the Company convened for 
Meeting"                 11.00 a.m. on 30 December 2009, notice of which is set 
                         out in the Circular 
"AIM"                    the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange 
"AIM Rules"              the rules published by the London Stock Exchange 
                         relating to AIM, as amended from time to time 
"Capital Reorganisation" the proposed consolidation and sub-division of every 
                         50 Existing Ordinary Shares into one New Ordinary 
                         Share and one New Deferred Share 
"Circular"               the circular to Shareholders date 8 December 2009 
"Code"                   The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
"Concert Party" or       Kevin Burke and David Marshall 
"Deferred Shares"        the 2,667,229 deferred shares of 24p each in the 
                         capital of the Company in issue at the date of this 
"Directors" or "Board"   the directors of the Company as set out in the 
"Enlarged Issued         330,681,200 New Ordinary Shares in issue at Admission 
Ordinary Share Capital" 
"Existing Ordinary       the 114,941,002 ordinary shares of 1p each in the 
Shares"                  capital of the Company in issue at the date of this 
"GM" or "General         the general meeting of the Company convened for 11.05 
Meeting"                 a.m. (or such later time as the Annual General Meeting 
                         convened for 11.00 a.m. has concluded or been 
                         adjourned) on 30 December 2009, notice of which is set 
                         out in the Circular 
"London Stock Exchange"  London Stock Exchange plc 
"MJES"                   Merchant John East Securities Limited 
"New Articles"           the new articles of association of the Company 
                         proposed to be adopted at the GM, a draft of which is 
                         available for inspection as referred to in the 
"New Board"              the Directors and the Investors 
"New Deferred Shares"    the new deferred shares of 4.99p each arising from the 
                         Capital Reorganisation 
"New Ordinary Shares"    the new ordinary shares of 0.01p each in the capital 
                         of the Company arising from the Capital Reorganisation 
"Panel"                  the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers 
"Proposals"              the Capital Reorganisation, the proposed Subscription, 
                         the Rule 9 Waiver, the adoption of the New Articles, 
                         the change of name, change of investing policy and 
"Resolutions"            the resolutions set out in the notice of the General 
"Rule 9 Waiver"          the agreement by the Panel to waive the obligation on 
                         the Investors to make a general offer to all 
                         Shareholders pursuant to Rule 9 of the Code subject to 
                         approval, by way of a poll vote, of the Shareholders 
"Shareholders"           holders of Existing Ordinary Shares 
"Subscription"           the subscription for the Subscription Shares pursuant 
                         to the Subscription Agreement 
"Subscription Agreement" the conditional agreement dated 8 December 2009 
                         between (1) the Company and (2) the Investors relating 
                         to the Subscription, further details of which are set 
                         out in the Circular 
"Subscription Price"     0.065p per New Ordinary Share 
"Subscription Shares"    the 307,693,000 New Ordinary Shares to be issued 
                         pursuant to the Subscription 

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