New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Chairman's Statement


The Net Asset Value (NAV) of your fund declined by 16.8% to 39.6p, compared to the FSTE AIM Allshare index which declined by 9.4% over the same period.


We made two further investments in the period, investing in Cordel Group plc and Light Science Technologies plc. These new investments have either a healthcare or technology bias where we have seen an increased amount of interest from investors.


We made four sales where we either exited or top-sliced a holding.


It has a been a particularly tricky period for the fund as investors continued to be nervous of inflationary pressures, interest rate rises, as well as the cost of living crisis, in addition to constrained supply chains and the war in Ukraine that all caused a general lack of appetite and liquidity in many small companies. There have also been many redemptions across small and micro-cap institutional funds which has had a negative effect on share prices. Whilst we acknowledge the performance of the fund has been disappointing, the second half of the year has started positively with the NAV increasing by 3.2% when adjusting for the 2.5p dividend being paid. Indeed, over the past 3 years, from 20 July 2020 to 20 July 2023, it is the best performing AIM VCT fund measured by NAV as well as share price. (source: Citywire).


We continue to have a wide spread of established companies across a variety of sectors within the fund and whilst we hope your fund will perform over the rest of the year, we are mindful that we could see further volatility in the months ahead.


Geoffrey Gamble




6 September 2023


New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Unaudited Balance Sheet

                 Interim Accounts   Final Accounts     Interim Accounts 
                 as at 30 June      as at 31 December  as at 30 June 
                  2023               2022*              2022 
                 GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed Assets 
 Investments              1,838              2,190              2,679 
Current Assets 
  cash           405      405       354      354       356      356 
 amounts due 
 within one 
  year                    (34)               (131)              (7) 
                          2,209              2,413              3,028 
Capital and 
 Share capital            557                507                507 
 Share premium            547                382                382 
  reserve                 171                171                171 
  reserve                 2,915              2,915              3,118 
  reserve - 
  realised                (281)              (62)               (24) 
  reserve - 
  unrealised              (1,487)            (1,345)            (1,007) 
  reserve                 (213)              (155)              (119) 
                          2,209              2,413              3,028 
Net Asset Value           39.6p              47.6p              59.7p 
 per share 

New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Unaudited Statement of Comprehensive Income


(incorporating the revenue account)

                   6 month period ended 30                               6 month period ended 30 
                   June 2023                  Year to 31 December 2022*  June 2022 
                   Revenue  Capital  Total    Revenue  Capital  Total    Revenue  Capital  Total 
                   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
on investments 
Realised           -        27       27       -        (2)      (2)      -        37       37 
Unrealised         -        (381)    (381)    -        (1,481)  (1,481)  -        (1,154)  (1,154) 
Income             11       -        11       27       -        27       15       -        15 
 management fees   (3)      (8)      (11)     (7)      (22)     (29)     (4)      (12)     (16) 
Other expenses     (66)     -        (66)     (110)    -        (110)    (65)     -        (65) 
Return on 
 activities        (58)     (362)    (420)    (90)     (1,505)  (1,595)  (54)     (1,129)  (1,183) 
Tax on ordinary 
activities         -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Return on 
after taxation     (58)     (362)    (420)    (90)     (1,505)  (1,595)  (54)     (1,129)  (1,183) 
Return per 
 ordinary share 
 in pence          (1.14)   (7.06)   (8.20)   (1.80)   (30.21)  (32.01)  (1.09)   (23.07)  (24.16) 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement are from continuing 
operations in the current six month period. No operations were acquired or 
discontinued in the current period. Other than that shown above, the Company had 
no recognised gains or losses. Accordingly, the above represents the total 
comprehensive income for the period. 
The weighted average number of shares in issue during 
 the period was 5,118,039. 

New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

             Called-up  Share     Capital     Special 
             share      Premium   Redemption  distributable   Capital    Capital      Revenue 
             capital    account   reserve     reserve         realised   unrealised   reserve   Total 
             GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
As at 1 
 2023        507        382       171         2,915           (62)       (1,345)      (155)     2,413 
 gains on 
 in period   -          -         -           -               27         -            -         27 
 losses      -          -         -           -               -          (381)        -         (381) 
Transfer of 
 gain to 
 investment   -         -          -          -               (238)      238          -          - 
Net revenue 
 tax         -          -         -           -               -          -            (58)      (58) 
New shares 
 issued      51         165       -           -               -          -            -         216 
 element of 
 fee         -          -         -           -               (8)        -            -         (8) 
             ________   ________  _________   _________       _______    ________     ________  ________ 
At 30 June 
 2023        557        547       171         2,915           (281)      (1,487)      (213)     2,209 
As at 1 
 2022        461        57        171         3,118           (236)      334          (65)      3,840 
 loss on 
 disposals   -          -         -           -               (2)        -            -         (2) 
 losses      -          -         -           -               -          (1,481)      -         (1,481) 
Transfer of 
 gain to 
 investment   -         -         -           -               199        (199)        -          - 
Net revenue 
 tax         -          -         -           -               -          -            (90)      (90) 
New shares 
 issued      46         325       -           -               -          -            -         371 
 element of 
 fee         -          -         -           -               (22)       -            -         (22) 
 paid        -          -         -           (203)           -          -            -         (203) 
             ________   ________  _________   _________       ________   ________     ________  ________ 
At 31 
 2022        507        382       171         2,915           (62)       (1,345)      (155)     2,413 

New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (continued)

             Called-up  Share     Capital     Special 
             share      Premium   Redemption  distributable   Capital    Capital      Revenue 
             capital    account   reserve     reserve         realised   unrealised   reserve    Total 
             GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 1 
 2022        461        57        171         3,118           (236)      334          (65)      3,840 
 gains on 
 disposals   -          -         -           -               37         -            -         37 
 gains       -          -         -           -               -          (1,154)      -         (1,154) 
Transfer of 
 loss to 
 investment   -         -         -           -               187        (187)        -          - 
Net revenue 
 tax         -          -         -           -               -          -            (54)      (54) 
New shares 
 issued      46         325       -           -               -          -            -         371 
 element of 
 fee         -          -         -           -               (12)       -            -         (12) 
             ________   ________  _________   _________       ________   ________     ________  ________ 
At 30 June 
 2022        507        382       171         3,118           (24)       (1,007)      (119)     3,028 

New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30 June 2023


Investment Portfolio

 Security                         Cost       Valuation     %       % 
                                             30 June 2023  Cost    Valuation 
 Qualifying Investments           3,253,173  1,819,493     87.20   81.12 
 Non-qualifying Investments       72,787     18,959        1.95    0.84 
 Uninvested funds                 404,562    404,562       10.85   18.04 
                                  3,730,522  2,243,014     100.00  100.00 
 Qualifying Investments 
 AIM Quoted 
 Abingdon Health plc              35,218     4,198         0.94    0.19 
 Access Intelligence plc          10,053     17,750        0.27    0.79 
 Actual Experience plc            63,174     356           1.69    0.02 
 AFC Energy plc                   50,254     39,438        1.35    1.76 
 Arecor Therapeutic plc           12,818     12,412        0.34    0.55 
 Audioboom Group plc              41,758     34,983        1.12    1.56 
 Belluscura plc                   52,263     38,018        1.40    1.69 
 Blackbird plc                    18,845     22,500        0.51    1.00 
 Brighton Pier Group plc          35,379     12,540        0.95    0.56 
 C4X Discovery Holdings plc       35,179     45,325        0.94    2.02 
 Clean Power Hydrogen plc         50,253     27,944        1.35    1.25 
 Cloudbuy plc                     41,896     0             1.12    0.00 
 Coral Products plc               25,104     27,750        0.67    1.24 
 Cordel Group plc                 30,656     31,517        0.82    1.41 
 Creo Medical Group plc           20,504     9,368         0.55    0.42 
 CyanConnode Holdngs plc          204,219    11,248        5.47    0.50 
 Deepverge plc                    93,203     235           2.50    0.01 
 Destiny Pharma plc               175,882    86,962        4.71    3.88 
 Diaceutics plc                   10,314     11,340        0.28    0.51 
 DP Poland plc                    25,631     12,920        0.69    0.58 
 ECSC Group plc                   20,104     18,546        0.54    0.83 
 Falanx Group Ltd                 85,234     9,740         2.28    0.43 
 Feedback plc                     100,511    59,933        2.69    2.67 
 Fusion Antibodies plc            7,540      746           0.20    0.03 
 Gfinity plc                      33,229     971           0.89    0.04 
 I-Nexus Global plc               30,153     1,473         0.81    0.07 
 Inspired plc                     33,641     107,100       0.90    4.77 
 Intelligent Ultrasound Group 
  plc                             134,808    108,957       3.61    4.86 
 Kinovo plc                       52,465     36,270        1.41    1.62 
 Let's Explore plc                33,420     12,218        0.90    0.54 
 Libertine Holdings plc           125,628    43,750        3.37    1.95 
 Light Science Technologies plc   50,254     47,500        1.35    2.12 
 Location Sciences Group plc      72,643     4,044         1.95    0.18 
 Loopup Group plc                 15,078     269           0.40    0.01 
 Security                          Cost       Valuation     %      % 
                                              30 June 2023  Cost   Valuation 
 Lunglife AI Inc                   20,104     2,875         0.54   0.13 
 M.Winkworth plc                   56,280     98,700        1.51   4.40 
 Marechale Capital plc             75,752     11,925        2.03   0.53 
 Microsaic Systems plc             142,261    158           3.81   0.01 
 Mirriad Advertising plc           30,154     1,849         0.81   0.08 
 MyHealthChecked plc               103,202    63,963        2.77   2.85 
 N4 Pharma plc                     40,204     6,000         1.08   0.27 
 Nexteq plc                        8,091      28,000        0.22   1.25 
 Pelatro plc                       25,128     3,200         0.67   0.14 
 PHSC plc                          50,256     24,000        1.35   1.07 
 Polarean Imaging plc              7,539      12,075        0.20   0.54 
 Property Franchise Group plc      45,482     115,721       1.22   5.16 
 Rosslyn Data Technologies plc     23,219     455           0.62   0.02 
 Scancell Holdings plc             45,233     42,900        1.21   1.91 
 SEEEN plc                         100,511    26,444        2.69   1.18 
 Solid State plc                   35,248     170,994       0.94   7.62 
 SRT Marine Systems plc            4,523      13,000        0.12   0.58 
 Strip Tinning plc                 15,890     5,127         0.43   0.23 
 Sysgroup plc                      45,232     21,975        1.21   0.98 
 Trellus Health plc                25,128     3,438         0.67   0.15 
 Tristel plc                       1,651      14,160        0.04   0.63 
 Verici Dx plc                     101,505    42,354        2.72   1.89 
 XP Factory plc                    31,006     4,216         0.83   0.19 
 Yourgene Health plc               40,204     388           1.08   0.02 
 Yu Group plc                      20,504     67,589        0.55   3.01 
                                   2,921,616  1,679,824     78.32  74.89 
 Qualifying Investments 
 AQSE Quoted 
 Sulnox Grp plc                    135,786    108,522       3.64   4.84 
 Truspine Technology plc           100,283    13,500        2.69   0.60 
                                   236,069    122,022       6.33   5.44 
 Qualifying Investments 
 Unlisted Investments 
 Anglo African Oil & Gas plc       65,329     0             1.75   0.00 
 LightwaveRF plc                   30,158     17,647        0.81   0.79 
                                   95,487     17,647        2.56   0.79 
 Total qualifying investments      3,253,173  1,819,493     87.20  81.12 
 Security                          Cost       Valuation     %    % 
                                              30 June 2023  Cost   Valuation 
 Non Qualifying Investments 
 AIM Quoted 
 Audioboom Group plc               1,163      207           0.03   0.01 
 Rotala plc                        9,907      11,098        0.27   0.49 
 Tristel plc                       60         354           0.00   0.02 
                                   11,130     11,659        0.30   0.52 
 Non Qualifying Investments 
 UK Listed 
 Twentyfour Income Fund Ltd        9,852      7,300         0.26   0.32 
                                   9,852      7,300         0.26   0.32 
 Non Qualifying Investments 
 Unlisted Investments 
 China Food Co plc                 31,547     0             0.85   0.00 
 Sorbic International plc          10,205     0             0.27   0.00 
 Mar City plc                      10,053     0             0.27   0.00 
                                   51,805     0             1.39   0.00 
 Total non-qualifying investments  72,787     18,959        1.95   0.84 

New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


Notes to the Accounts


For the six months to 30 June 2023


This interim financial information and the unaudited interim accounts for the six months to 30 June 2023 from which it has been extracted, are the responsibility of the directors and were approved by them on 31 August 2023, do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


The Company is an investment company as defined in Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. The unaudited interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Council's (FRC) Financial Reporting Standard 104 Interim Financial Reporting (January 2022) and with the Statement of Recommended Practice for Investment Companies re-issued by the Association of Investment Companies in November 2014 and updated in July 2022.


The unaudited interim accounts have been prepared using accounting policies that the Company applied in the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022, incorporating FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The Company considers these accounting policies will be used in the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2023.


Listed, AIM or AQUIS Markets - traded investments are stated at market value, which is based upon market bid prices in an active market at the balance sheet date. These would all meet tier 1 of the fair value hierarchy.


5,067,643 Ordinary Shares of 10 pence each were in issue from 1 January 2023 until 12 June 2023. On the 13 June 2023 the Company issued 506,760 new shares at a price of 42.55p per share. At the 30 June 2023 there were 5,574,403 shares in issue. The average weighted number of shares in issue in the period was 5,118,039.


Net Asset Value per share at 30 June 2023 was 39.6p (at 31 December 2022: 47.6p; 30 June 2022: 59.7p).


No dividend was paid in the period, but a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2022, of 2.5p per share (totaling GBP139,360) was paid on 21 July 2023.


There have not been any other significant events since the balance sheet date.


New Century AIM VCT 2 plc is managed by Oberon Investments Limited ('OIL'). Under the terms of the management agreement, OIL is entitled to a fee (exclusive of VAT) equal to 1% per annum of the net assets of the Company. During the period the management fee was GBP10.7k (the year ended 31 December 2022, GBP28.8k; the period ended 30 June 2022, GBP16.3k).


Bearing in mind that the assets of the Company consist mainly of marketable securities, the directors are of the opinion that at the time of approving this interim financial information, the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing this interim financial information.


Copies of the Interim Report to Shareholders have been sent to shareholders and are available at the Company's Registered Office: Tricor Secretaries Ltd, 4th Floor, 50 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7QR.


New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


Directors, Investment Managers and Advisors

Directors                      Geoffrey Charles Gamble (Chairman) 
                               Michael David Barnard 
                               Ian Cameron-Mowat 
                                Simon Like 
Secretary                      Tricor Secretaries Ltd 
and registered office          4th Floor, 50 Mark Lane 
                               London EC3R 7QR 
 Registrar                      Neville Registrars Limited 
                                Neville House 
                                Steelpark Road 
                                West Midlands B62 8HD 
 Solicitors                     Dundas & Wilson 
                                5(th) Floor, Northwest Wing 
                                Bush House 
                                London WC2B 4EZ 
Investment Manager and Broker  Oberon Investments Limited 
                               1(st) Floor 
                                12 Hornsby Square 
                                Southfields Business Park 
                                Essex SS15 6SD 
Auditor                        Moore Kingston Smith LLP 
                                9 Appold Street 
                                EC2A 2AP 

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230906924338/en/


New Cent. Aim Vct 2

    SOURCE: New Cent. Aim Vct 2 
Copyright Business Wire 2023 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 07, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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