2024 /CNW/ - Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV:
NKG) (OTCQX: NKGFF) ("Nevada
King" or the "Company") is pleased to announce
results for 15 reverse circulation ("RC") reconnaissance
holes drilled in and around the East Ridge Target ("ERT") at
its 5,166 hectare (51.7km2), 100%-owned Atlanta Gold
Mine Project, located in the prolific Battle Mountain Trend 264km
northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Drilling at the ERT commenced in June with five holes located to
test coincident geophysical and geochemical anomalies. A fence of
10 holes were also drilled between the ERT and the Atlanta Resource
Zone. The ERT covers a low resistivity zone that measures
100m-wide, strikes 1,000m north-south and is located 300m east of the historical Atlanta Pit and
resource zone.
- First pass drilling at the ERT has led to the discovery of
an at-surface oxide gold zone called the East Ridge Zone
("ERZ") that is located within the overall ERT area
and includes the highlight interval of 1.32 g/t Au over
22.9m in AT24ET-11 (Figure
1). Gold mineralization was intercepted in five of today's widely
spaced holes over a 100m x
200m area, with mineralization hosted
in silica breccia and mineralized intrusive rock down to a depth of
57m where it remains open (Figure 2).
The ERZ represents the first satellite gold discovery made at
Atlanta and demonstrates the
project's district-scale potential.
Hole No.
From (m)
To (m)
Interval (m)
Au (g/t)
Ag (g/t)
Table 1. Highlight holes released today. True
mineralized thickness estimated to be 97% of reported intercept
length for vertical holes and 68% for angle holes.
^Denotes -45o dip angle
- Referring to Figures 3-4, the mineralized intercepts in today's
holes correlate well with the low resistivity zone from the
Company's CSAMT geophysical survey that outlines near-vertical
bodies of low resistivity, interpreted as mineralized high-angle
intrusions (shown in red) cutting up through a highly resistive,
unmineralized dolomite sequence (shown in blue). Ten vertical
reconnaissance holes (AT23ET-1-AT23ET-10) arranged along a
north-south line between the ERT and the Atlanta resource zone were designed to check
for a possible low-angle connection between both mineralized zones.
All ten holes were sited within the high resistance zone separating
the ERT and resource zone, and the lack of significant gold values
in these holes further supports the Company's CSAMT interpretation
- Each of today's five highlight holes intercepted high-angle,
intrusive-related gold mineralization bounded laterally by massive,
impermeable dolomite. This geological setting differs substantially
from that seen in the Atlanta
resource zone, where gold occurs along and immediately above a
low-angle unconformity separating dolomitic and quartzitic basement
rocks from overlying volcanic rocks. The new geological
setting seen at the ERT lends itself to numerous additional targets
identified by the CSAMT data throughout the Atlanta district, including the much larger
Jumbo Target located a further 300m
east of the ERT, which measures 400m
wide by 3,000m north-south (Figure
- Current drilling is testing the northern and southern
extensions of the ERZ along the geophysical anomaly as well as
for depth and width of mineralization. A full technical discussion
detailing today's holes and their significance can be found in the
Technical Discussion section below.
Cal Herron, Exploration Manager
of Nevada King, commented, "Today's
discovery of the ERZ marks a major milestone for our exploration
efforts at Atlanta. Aside from
representing the first satellite gold zone discovered in the
district, it was primarily identified based on a geophysical
anomaly. We have long hypothesized that Atlanta has district-scale potential to host
multiple gold zones. However, these potential zones are hard to
find when relying on geology alone, as they are obscured by
extensive alluvium and basement rock cover throughout the district.
Today's discovery gives us the confidence that we can utilize
geophysics as an important tool to hone in on additional
mineralized zones. This opens up numerous areas within the
Atlanta District where very
similar anomalies are seen in the CSAMT data but on a much larger
scale. A good example is the large low resistivity zone (red color)
shown in Figure 3 immediately east of the ERZ that projects upward
into the carbonate sequence from a much larger low resistivity body
beneath it. The dikes and mineralization within the ERT appear to
originate from this large, deeper resistivity low. The horn-shaped
low resistivity zone (red color) at the far right of Figure 4 is
potentially the upper portion of a large igneous mass intruding
upward into the carbonate sequence and could represent a
mineralized zone similar to the ERZ, albeit on a larger scale.
"By comparing the past and present drill hole locations to the
inferred intrusive pattern found in our CSAMT data (Figure 5), it
is clear that very little of this prospective ground has been
drill-tested. As our 2024 reconnaissance exploration program
progresses, we now have numerous targets to chase in all directions
from the current resource zone, and considering the strong
intrusive tie to Au/Ag mineralization, the Company is well
positioned to make more new discoveries."

Hole No.
From (m)
To (m)
Interval (m)
Au (g/t)
Ag (g/t)
Table 2. All holes released today. True mineralized
thickness estimated to be 95-100% of reported intercept length for
vertical holes and 65-70% for angle holes. ^Denotes
-45o angle hole.
Technical Discussion
- As seen in Figure 2, higher grade Au mineralization is
hosted in silica breccia adjacent to intrusive dikes and within
strongly silicified rhyolitic tuff dike breccia zones hosting small
quartz veinlets, while lower grade mineralization occurs within
argillized tuff dikes and variably silicified dolomite.
- Vertical hole AT24ET-11 (1.32 g/t Au over
22.9m) and angle hole
AT24ET-12 (0.33 g/t over 22.9m) were
collared along the eastern margin of the CSAMT anomaly. Both holes
encountered mineralization at the surface that extend to
23m depth, where Au values dropped
quickly when the massive dolomite bounding the eastern side of the
intrusive zone was penetrated.
- Angle hole AT24ET-13 collared in a weakly
mineralized dacite tuff dike (average 0.176 g/t Au over
15.2m) and encountered higher-grade
mineralization (0.53 g/t over 21.3m)
within a silicified rhyolite tuff dike breccia and adjacent
silicified/decalcified dolomite from 15.2m to 33.5m
(10.7m and 23.7m vertical depths). Gold values drop rapidly
with depth in the adjacent massive dolomite.
- Vertical hole AT24ET-14 (6.1m @
0.33 g/t Au) tested an argillized dacitic intrusion exposed in
the drill road 52m south of AT24ET-11
along the eastern margin of the CSAMT anomaly. Gold enrichment
occurs within a rhyolitic tuff dike breccia at 6m depth directly beneath the dacite and
decreased rapidly as the hole entered the adjacent massive dolomite
bounding the eastern side of the intrusive zone.
- Angle hole AT24ET-15 (36.6m @
0.164 g/t Au) was sited to test the western margin of the
CSAMT anomaly. The hole collared in unmineralized, massive dolomite
and hit the mineralized intrusive zone at 41m depth (29m
vertical depth). This hole stayed in weakly mineralized rhyolitic
tuff dike breccia to the TD depth of 81m (57.2m vertical
depth) and bottomed in 0.087 g/t Au. This long gold intercept
reveals the presence of mineralized intrusive down to a minimum
57.2m depth, which correlates well
with the low resistivity zone forming the ERZ CSAMT anomaly.
- Figure 3 plots the traces of angle holes AT24ET-12 and
AT24ET-13 onto a sectional view of the East Ridge CSAMT
anomaly along Line 10. AT24ET-13 clearly correlates the altered,
mineralized igneous intrusions and associated
silicified/decalcified dolomite with the near-vertical low
resistivity zone (orange color) forming the CSAMT anomaly. The dark
blue highly resistive regions are clearly unaltered and
unmineralized massive dolomite that served as a lateral constraint
on the mineralization, hence concentrating the gold within a
confined space. The paragenesis for gold mineralization in this
geologic setting is evident: dacitic intrusions and associated
acidic, magmatic fluids originating from a much larger magmatic
body at depth stoped upward into the massive dolomite country rock
toward the surface along pre-existing faults, decalcifying the
adjacent and overlying dolomite in the process and creating a shell
of collapse breccia around the intrusive zone. This initial igneous
and alteration event was followed by intrusion of more felsic,
rhyolitic intrusions and associated gold-rich fluids along the same
structural pathways, which resulted in a larger area of collapse
brecciation, silicification, and gold mineralization within the
intrusive rocks and adjacent collapse breccia.
Evidence for a Porphyry-Related Gold Deposit at Atlanta
- The term "porphyry-related deposit" refers to a metallic
deposit that is genetically associated with a generally deeper,
metalliferous, volatile (water and gas) rich magma that rapidly
pushes its way up toward the earth's surface and in the process
concentrates metals and fluids (mainly water) at and near the top
of the magma column. As the magma chills into solid rock, late
stage porphyritic dikes together with water containing
dissolved metals are injected upward and outward from the cooling
igneous stock into surrounding, cooler wallrock and potentially all
the way upward to the surface. Upon cooling in a generally lower
pressure environment and likely mixing with meteoric water closer
to the surface, the metals contained in the hydrothermal fluid
precipitate and are deposited in the intrusive dikes and adjacent
permeable and possibly reactive wallrock, thus forming a
porphyry-related deposit that frequently looks nothing like the
parent porphyry deposit. This connection between porphyry-related
deposits and a deeper porphyry deposit is important because the
parent magma for both deposit types possesses the ability to
generate large quantities of heat, water/gas, and metals over a
long period of time – all of which are necessary to form large base
and precious metals deposits. Such porphyry-related deposits often
form in caldera settings (like Atlanta) where recurrent intrusive activity
within and/or around the caldera margin can produce multiple
deposits, ranging from deep porphyry Cu/Mo to surficial
hotspring-type gold systems in different parts of the caldera at
the same time. With increasing distance from the porphyry
source, the related but more distal deposits tend to take on
different geological characteristics peculiar to the immediate
geologic environment in which they form, but usually some evidence
of the porphyry "mother" source is seen in the distal deposits,
such as high copper or molybdenum gold deposits that are related to
the deeper porphyry copper/molybdenum deposits. Porphyry and
porphyry-related metal deposits form a large proportion of global
base and precious metals production and are important components in
many major mining company's portfolios. The Atlanta District is a good example of a
porphyry-type environment in a caldera setting where intrusive and
associated volcanic resurgence occurred over a span over several
million years. Drilling within the Atlanta resource zone and along the ERZ has
revealed a strong connection between gold/silver mineralization and
shallow (subvolcanic) intrusive rocks that most likely originated
from porphyry-type sources at depth, as outlined below.
- Within the Atlanta resource
zone, volcanic rocks deposited on top of dolomite and quartzite
basement rocks formed a gently west-dipping unconformity that
served as the primary host for gold mineralization. High-angle
faults channeled vesiculated igneous dikes (tuff dikes) and
mineralizing fluids up into the unconformity where they spread
laterally, and in places like the West Atlanta Graben Zone, moved
upward into the volcanic sequence. At the ERZ we find the same high
angle, vesicular intrusive bodies and associated gold
mineralization, but its structural setting is very different in
that dolomite basement rocks laterally bound high-angle, dike-like
vesicular intrusions that stoped upward into the carbonate sequence
from a magmatic and hydrothermal source at depth. Intrusion of late
stage, rhyolitic tuff dikes along this high-angle structural
corridor appears to have occurred at the same time as the
alteration and gold mineralization, which strongly suggests a
genetic relationship between mineralization and the dikes. Even
though the structural settings are very different, the very close
relationship in time and space between gold mineralization and
intrusion of porphyritic, vesicular dacitic and rhyolitic dikes,
sills, and small plugs in both the resource zone and ERZ argues
strongly for the presence of an intrusive-dominated,
porphyry-related gold system. Further evidence is seen in the
strong molybdenum mineralization (>1000 ppm Mo) that occurs in
and below the gold zone within the West Atlanta Graben Zone
together with reported gold tellurides found in silica breccia
along the Atlanta Mine Fault Zone. This porphyry tie is further
supported by the spatial coincidence of gold-mineralized, shallow
intrusions with the deeper, much larger intrusive bodies inferred
from the CSAMT data (Figure 5). This structural tie to a deep
intrusive body has been drill-verified at the southwestern corner
of the resource zone where several deep historical and Nevada King holes have drilled into a large,
dacite porphyry dike or elongate dome that is also exposed at the
surface bounding the Quartzite Ridge Target's western margin. This
part of the resource zone is also where the highest molybdenum
values occur. The lack of obvious porphyry Cu-Mo indicators, like
presence of potassic alteration (K-spar/ biotite) and calc-silicate
alteration in the carbonates, tells us Atlanta is still far from any potential
porphyry source. Additionally, the Company possesses no isotope or
fluid inclusion work to directly verify a porphyry tie at depth.
However, the lithologic and mineralogical data, the geophysical
data (gravity, drone magnetics, CSAMT), and the deep drill holes at
the SW corner of the resource zone all indicate a strong structural
tie to a porphyry-type source at depth. We see this same
relationship between gold mineralization and shallow rhyolitic
intrusions elsewhere in the Atlanta District, most commonly in the
Quartzite Ridge Target and Western Knolls Target (4km west of the
resource zone), which provides additional evidence for the presence
of one or more porphyry intrusions at depth that powered a
district-scale hydrothermal system. This shallow porphyry tie to
gold mineralization at Atlanta
opens up the entire district for finding additional Au deposits.
Utilizing our gravity, magnetic, and CSAMT datasets, identification
of deep-seated intrusive plumbing underlying the Atlanta District has provided Nevada King with a fairly accurate roadmap for
pursuing additional porphyry-related targets well outside the
current resource zone.
QA/QC Protocols
All RC samples from the Atlanta Project are split at the drill
site and placed in cloth and plastic bags utilizing a nominal 2kg
sample weight. CRF standards, blanks, and duplicates are inserted
into the sample stream on-site on a one-in-twenty sample basis,
meaning all three inserts are included in each 20-sample group.
Samples are shipped by a local contractor in large sample shipping
crates directly to American Assay Lab in Reno, Nevada, with full custody being
maintained at all times. At American Assay Lab, samples were
weighted then crushed to 75% passing 2mm and pulverized to 85%
passing 75 microns in order to produce a 300g pulverized split.
Prepared samples are initially run using a four acid + boric acid
digestion process and conventional multi-element ICP-OES analysis.
Gold assays are initially run using 30-gram samples by lead fire
assay with an OES finish to a 0.003 ppm detection limit, with
samples greater than 10 ppm finished gravimetrically. Every sample
is also run through a cyanide leach for gold with an ICP-OES
finish. The QA/QC procedure involves regular submission of
Certified Analytical Standards and property-specific
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information in this news release
has been reviewed and approved by Calvin R.
Herron, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by
National Instrument ("NI 43-101").
About Nevada King Gold Corp.
Nevada King is the third largest
mineral claim holder in the State of
Nevada, behind Nevada Gold
Mines (Barrick/Newmont) and Kinross
Gold. Starting in 2016, the Company has staked large project
areas hosting significant historical exploration work along the
Battle Mountain trend located
close to current or former producing gold mines. These project
areas were initially targeted based on their potential for hosting
multi-million-ounce gold deposits and were subsequently staked
following a detailed geological evaluation. District-scale projects
in Nevada King's portfolio include
(1) the 100% owned Atlanta Mine, located 100km southeast of
Ely, (2) the Lewis and Horse
Mountain-Mill Creek projects, both located between Nevada Gold Mines' large Phoenix and Pipeline mines, and (3) the Iron
Point project, located 35km east of Winnemucca, Nevada.
The Atlanta Mine is a historical gold-silver producer with a NI
43-101 compliant pit-constrained resource of 460,000 oz Au in the
measured and indicated category (11.0M tonnes at 1.3 g/t) plus an inferred
resource of 142,000 oz Au (5.3M
tonnes at 0.83 g/t). See the NI 43-101 Technical Report on
Resources titled "Atlanta Property, Lincoln County, NV" with an effective date of
October 6, 2020, and a report date of
December 22, 2020, as prepared by
Gustavson Associates and filed under the Company's profile on
Contained Au
Contained Ag
Measured +
Table 3. NI 43-101 Mineral Resources at the Atlanta
Please see the Company's website at
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Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking
This news release contains certain "forward-looking
information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively
"forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable
securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of
historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements
relating the future operations and activities of Nevada King, are forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always,
identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes",
"intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar
expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results
"will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved.
Forward-looking statements in this news release relate to, among
other things, the Company's exploration plans and the Company's
ability to potentially expand mineral resources and the impact
thereon. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove
to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and
projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon
a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered
reasonable by Nevada King, are
inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive,
political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors,
both known and unknown, could cause actual results, performance or
achievements to be materially different from the results,
performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statements and the parties have made
assumptions and estimates based on or related to many of these
factors. Such factors include, without limitation, the ability to
complete proposed exploration work, the results of exploration,
continued availability of capital, and changes in general economic,
market and business conditions. Readers should not place undue
reliance on the forward-looking statements and information
contained in this news release concerning these items. Nevada King does not assume any obligation to
update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions,
projections, or other factors, should they change, except as
required by applicable securities laws.

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SOURCE Nevada King Gold Corp.